ネタバレ警告! この記事には来たるエピソードについての物語の筋の詳細が含まれています。 |
- 敵についてはについては、ネクロメカ(敵) をご覧ください。

ネクロメカはFassの時間帯に発見できる残骸となった未稼働状態のものか、自身のメカにオペレーター(クエスト内なる紛争の完了が必要)を転移(5)することで操作できる。転送可能な残骸のネクロメカは青いオーラを放っている。残骸のネクロメカは最大ランクで全てのアビリティを使用できるがModは装備されていない。また、初期装備武器の Mausolon もModは施されていない。
プレーヤーはネクラロイドシンジケートで販売している設計図を購入して自分のネクロメカを作成することができる。作成されたネクロメカはネクロメカスロットを1つ使用する。初期状態ではプレーヤーは4つのネクロメカスロットを所有しているが、それ以上はマーケットから1つ20 で購入できる。また、マーケットからは
375でオロキン リアクターとスロットの付属した完成品のネクロメカを購入することができる。
ネクロメカは歩行、ジャンプ(初期 Space)、およびスライドダッシュ(初期 tap Shift + 任意の方向キー)が可能である。ネクロメカにはエンジンゲージが搭載されており、より高度な操作を行うにはこのゲージを消費する。ゲージは静止時か通常の操作時に自動で回復する(高所からの落下時には回復しない)。ダッシュ(初期 Shiftホールド)もこのエンジンゲージを消費する。
- スライド:カメラ方向に向かって高速で移動する(初期 tapping and holdShift)
- スライド中に方向キー(初期 左折A 右折D)で制御可能だが、回転の半径が大きくなっている。
- スライディングは、軌跡内の敵にラグドールとダメージを与え、また、コンテナのような破壊可能な環境オブジェクトを破壊する。
- スライドはエンジンがある限り持続する。ゲージが枯渇するか、ダッシュキーを使用するか、ジャンプなどの別の操作を行うとスライディングは停止する。スライドの終了時には約2秒間のアニメーションが発生する。見た目の強力さに反してこのアニメーションはダメージを与えない。
- スライド中のアニメーションはネクロメカの高さを大幅に下げるが、実際のサイズは通常と変わらないため、通過できない出入り口がある。
- ホバー:ジャンプや高所からの落下中で空中にいる間、落下速度を低下させるホバー(初期 空中でMouse 2長押し)を使用することができる。
- ホバー中は方向キーで任意の方向に移動できる。While hovering, the Necramech can move in any direction using the directional keys allowing it to fly across short distances. Necramechs also retain any forward momentum from ground movement when hovering, thus additional speed can be attained by sprinting then jumping into a hover. The flight thrusters only slows the Necramech's rate of descent, so it gradually loses altitude even if the thrusters are still active.
- ホバリング中にしゃがんだり、ダッシュしたりすることで、方向転換のスピードを上げたり、遅くしたりすることができる。
- ホバリングは、ネクロメカがエンジンゲージを持っている限り行うことができ、ゲージが枯渇するか、ジャンプキーを離すか、またはメカの足が通過可能な表面と接触すると終了する。
燃料ゲージの残量が最後の5%まで減ると燃料が 回復するまで警告音が鳴る。
ネクロメカはしゃがむことができる(初期 Ctrl長押し)。 Necramechs can crouch , but only while stationary and cannot crawl; combining crouch with movement will result in a slower walk with the Necramech maintaining its standing height. 同様に、しゃがんだ状態での射撃や照準はキャンセルされ、立ち上がることを余儀なくされる。
Despite their tall height, Necramechs are capable of walking through small passageways and doors that would seemingly not support their size, causing their helmets to scrape against the ceiling.
ネクロメカは Vacuumのような6メートルの アイテム吸収範囲を持つ。
ネクロメカはコンテキストアクションキー(初期 X)を使用できないため、コンソールのハッキングやアイテムを運んだりAyatanスターを拾ったりダウンした味方を復活させることはできない。
ネクロメカはノックダウン、スタッガー、ステータス効果の影響を受けず、ダイモス・テンドリル・ドローンのラッチング攻撃などの敵の特殊な無力化アビリティの影響を受けない。しかし、VomeやFassが残したエネルギー残渣やリーチエクシマスのエネルギードレインの影響を受け、Arctic EximusやNoxのスラッジの影響を受けてスローダウンする。
Warframeのアビリティはネクロメカに直接影響を与えることはないが、 ファイル:ElectricShield130xDark.png Electric Shield越しに撃つことで追加ダメージを与えたり Snow Globeのようなカバーアビリティを利用して敵の攻撃を避けることはできる。また、味方ユニットからの効果の影響を受ける。例としてシールドオスプレイからのボーナスシールド、エンシェントヒーラーからのダメージ耐性などである。
ネクロメカのエネルギーは敵、環境、またはWarframeのアビリティ(例えば Emberの
Exothermic 増強,
Spectrosiphon 増強,
Aegis Storm,
Pool of Life 増強)によるエネルギーオーブで補給できる。しかし直接回復させる Warframe のアビリティ (例えば
Energy Vampire) やエネルギーリストアでは回復できない。ネクロメカには自己修復能力がなく (
Necramech Repair と Bonewidowの Meathookを除いて)、ヘルスオーブを拾ったりヘルスリストアを使用してダメージを回復することはできない。
Combat Discipline
- Vizier Predasite's
Iatric Mycelium
- Vome blue energy (during Fass cycle)
- Ancient Healer Specter (~30 health pulses)
- Unairuの Void Shadow および Void Chrysalis
- Vazarinの Protective Dash,
Mend & Maim,
アルケイン パルス,
Venari's heal stance or
Hunter Recovery (however Venari and other companions will stay by the Necramech's side to fight)
Speed や
Harrowのファイル:Covenant130xDark.png Covenant
Energy Siphon,
Brief Respiteや
Enemy Radar
Fetch や
Animal Instinct
アルケイン エナージャイズ(近くにいる味方が発動しても)
ネクロメカは他の乗り物(e.g. アークウイングや K-ドライブ)とは異なり、12のModスロットを備えている。Mod容量を補うため、極性を付与するごとにランクが2増加し、5つフォーマを使用すると最大でランク40に達し、オロキン リアクターをインストールするとMod容量が80になる。また、追加されたランクごとにマスタリーポイントが加算され、合計8,000ポイントが付与される。
- 放棄されたネクロメカは色がくすんでいて鮮やかさに欠け、太ももに装飾的な模様がなく、装甲には粗い凹みがあることで、プレイヤー用のノーマルバージョンと見分けがつく。
- ネクロメカに搭乗中、自分のWarframeに直接照準を合わせると、オペレーターモードではなく、即座にWarframeにコントロールが移る。これは、新しいプレイヤーにオペレーターの存在を教えたくないプレイヤーにとって有用である。
- いかなる理由でもメカから離れるとアビリティは無効化されることに注意。
- While not affected by Warframe abilities they are affected by non-Tenno Specter support functions or some enemies under Mind Control. This includes all types of Shield Ospreys (giving bonus shields and shield recharge boosts), Ancient Healers (for heavy damage redirection towards the Healer itself), and Guardian type Eximus units (faster recharge speed for shields).
- Similarly, they are Adversely affected by some enemy abilities, such as energy leech eximus draining the mechs energy reserves, slowed movement and fire rate from Arctic Eximus, and moved around by some special abilities that normally knock a Warframe down.
- Jumping and Meleeing can be "queued", causing you to jump or melee even if that wasn't your intention after doing another action. (For example you were doing a slide attack and pressed space, but moments later you decide against jumping, but when ending the sprint you will still jump regardless).
- For clients, Mechs may spawn with missing pieces which may prevent the player from attacking or leaving their mech in any way, making death the only way to free yourself from mech control. If this bug happens the mech will be permanently broken for the rest of the mission.
- The "Necra" in Necramech may refer to "Necro", a Greek prefix meaning "death". This would line up with the Orokin's ability to cheat death by transferring themselves into new bodies, much like the player who transfers into their Necramech does not die when their vessel is destroyed, as well as the depiction of a human skull on the chassis.
- During TennoCon 2020, a Voidrig statue was depicted wielding a
Veritux. However, Necramechs are currently not capable of wielding Arch-melees (with the exception of Bonewidow's
Ironbride channeled from
Exalted Ironbride).
Patch History[]
- Fixed players being prevented from summoning Necramechs if they are too far away (applies to the Operation and Landscapes).
Hotfix 29.6.2 (12-23-2020)
- Changed the height threshold for Necramechs to do the ‘hard landing’ behaviour to be much higher. This change was made because often you’d just hop on a flat floor and be stuck in the ‘hard landing’ behaviour animations which would disrupt flow.
- Fixed a case where you’d be unable to use Abilities in your Necramech if you resummoned it and its last position was inside an Nullifier.
- Fixed some erroneous ‘Up/Down’ actions visible for players in a Necramech.
Hotfix 29.6.1 (12-23-2020)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when switching between Operator and Necramech after firing any type of Glaive.
- Fixed an issue where a given Necramech’s Exalted Weapon would not properly update when in the Arsenal.
- Fixed two players being able to occupy the same Necramech in Operation: Orphix Venom.
Hotfix 29.6 (12-18-2020)
- Mix-and-match Necramech Helmets on both Bonewidow and Voidrig in the Arsenal!
- Both Voidrig/Bonewidow Necramechs, Morgha, and Cortege weapons can be purchased in the Market for Platinum. Necramech’s also have their own category in the Market!
- Fully crafted components for the Necramech/weapons are now tradeable.
- Removed the Gravimag requirement on Archwing weapons for Necramechs.
- Vazarin Dash, Trinity’s Blessing, Equinox's Mend, Rejuvenate Aura, and Arcane Pulse no longer heal Necramechs. Out of 21 sources of healing, these five slipped through.
- Necramechs now transition to aiming pose faster when in the air.
- Fixed an issue where you would get a second jump sound when aiming with a Necramech in the air.
- Fixed an issue where Revive XP penalty didn't always apply to the Necramech gun if it was the same gun as your Heavy slot or Archwing loadout.
- Fixed your first inworld waypoint not appearing if done in your Necramech.
- Fixed neither Host nor Client not receiving Thermia if they’are in their Necramech when the reward is given.
- Fixed a potential issue with Saya's Vigil if you were in a Necramech when it tried to give you a Scanner charge.
- Fixed UI remaining scrambled after entering your Necramech in a Vome residue puddle.
Hotfix 29.5.9 (12-15-2020)
- Bonewidow Necramech’s can now be found patrolling or in its deactivated state in The Cambion Drift, similar to Voidrig Necramechs.
Hotfix 29.5.7 (12-11-2020)
- Firing your gun while Hovering as a Necramech is now considered to be in an “Aiming” state, meaning Mods like Critical Focus and Marked Target will apply again.
- Fixed (again) Client Necramechs losing gained Affinity if the Host migrated.
- We had this originally fixed but then it regressed with Hotfix 29.5.6 - our apologies.
- Adjusted Necramechs desired spacing between players to avoid sometimes standing right on top of you.
- Fixed Operator appearing invisible and floating after exiting your Necramech as Operator for the second time as a Client.
- Fixed cases where both Voidrig and Bonewidow wouldn’t attack with its currently equipped weapon.
- Fixed Warframe stats displaying incorrect values in the Arsenal when equipping a Necramech.
- Fixed Necramech weapon getting stuck continuously firing after dashing while shooting.
- Little blue Necramech and little blue Warframe Helmet icons now mark your Necramech/Warframe respectively on the minimap when not being “controlled” to aid in loss prevention.
Hotfix 29.5.6 (12-02-2020)
- Fixed an issue when using the same Arc-gun in Heavy Weapon slot and Necramech gun slot, where Affinity earned before first summoning your Necramech wouldn't apply to the Necramech's version of the Arc-gun.
Hotfix 29.5.5 (11-30-2020)
- Fixed Clients losing all Necramech Affinity gained in mission after a Host Migration.
- Fixed the secondary Energy color option not appearing after polarizing Necramechs (Voidrig and Bonewidow).
Hotfix 29.5.4 (11-27-2020)
- Necramech summoning is now more forgiving on the Cambion Drift. You should experience less ‘Invalid Launch Point’ on slopes, inclines, etc.
- Fixed inability to summon a Necramech on shallow Cambion Drift Exocrine.
- This also allows you to summon a Necramech along the shorelines of lakes in Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis!
- Fixed ability to move around other players Vacuumed items by the Necramech. Your Vacuum should only affect pickups for yourself.
- Fixed Necramech’s not displaying when searched in the Inventory screen.
- Fixed numerous script errors when casting Necramech abilities.
Hotfix 29.5.3 (11-25-2020)
- Changed the default Necramech ramming and hovering controller bindings to crouch for ramming, and aim for hovering.
- Player feedback provided insight that pressing and holding hover with the controller removed the ability to aim with the right stick. This issue made air combat difficult on controllers and restricted Necramech gameplay to be on the ground. Please let us know how this change feels!
Hotfix 29.5.2 (11-20-2020)
- Fixed Necramechs losing Affinity when destroyed and the Warframe you are using dies.
- Fixed Helios attempting, but not completing, scans while you are in Necramech form.
- Fixed an issue with a fallen Necramech not spawning at the bottom of the Pit Monster.
Hotfix 29.5 (11-20-2020)
This fearsome Necramech, fashioned in honor of the Entrati matriarch, is a robust front-line fighter. Favoring armor and health over shield strength, Bonewidow can grab and hurl enemies, deploy a heavy shield for personal defense, and cleave through opposing ranks with a massive warblade.
- Abilities:
Skewer and hold a target. Use again to hurl the victim damaging them and anyone near the impact site.
Raise Bonewidow’s shield to block incoming forward damage.
Sweep surrounding enemies into the line of fire with a force beam.
Summon a devastating exalted blade.
*Acquire the Bonewidow Blueprint and the required parts from Loid for Necraloid Standing!
Blast through enemies with a double-barreled shot of energized slugs. This siphons their life essence which is then used to generate the secondary fire’s massive air-burst mortar. The ancient Entrati weapon was built for Necramechs but also functions as an Archgun.
*Acquire the Morgha Blueprint and the required parts from Loid for Necraloid Standing!
BONEWIDOW FEEDBACK THREAD: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1236086-deimos-arcana-bonewidow-necramech-megathread/
- New Necramech Mods (max rank)
Necramech Flow
+150% Energy Max
Necramech Efficiency
+60% Engine Efficiency
Necramech Drift
+150% Hover Efficiency
Necramech Friction
+60% Slide Efficiency
Find these Necramech Mods as rewards from the new Isolation Vault Bounties or from Loid for Necraloid Standing!
- Necramechs will now increase max level by 2 for each Forma applied, up to Rank 40!
- With twelve Mod slots to fill, borrowing the Polarity mechanics introduced with the Paracesis made perfect sense. This change also prompted a discussion to address the mission restrictions with Necramech leveling (Free Roam only). As a result, we’ve increased the Shared Affinity Range in Free Roam missions. We still have plans to allow deployable Necramech’s in normal mission modes at a later date - stay tuned!
- If you have already reached Rank 30 on your Necramech prior to this update, you will retain the full Mastery Points for it. You are still free to level it to Rank 40 to unlock further Mod slots!
- Enabled Shield-Gating for summoned Necramechs! You’ll now experience the brief invulnerability period when your Necramech Shield breaks.
- Necramechs (Bonewidow and Voidrig) now have a built-in vacuum!
- Added slightly tweaked Transference FX for both Warframe and Necramech.
- Fixed the Necramech ability UI menu not appearing in the HUD when using a controller.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when casting the Necramech’s Necraweb ability.
- Fixed inability to launch Archwing after exiting out of a Necramech.
- Fixed Warframe not being vulnerable with 90% Damage Reduction after directly Transferring into your Necramech.
- Fixed friendly roaming Voidrig Necramech disabling Limbo’s Rift.
- Fixed Necramech regenerating ammo rounds at the same exact rate regardless of the Arch Gun used.
- Fixed roaming Necramech’s struggling to get up certain hills in the Cambion Drift.
Fixed being able to use Emotes in Necramech as a Client. Mr.Roboto no more.
- Fixed roaming Necramechs in the Cambion Drift occasionally having issues navigating small hills and getting stuck. Me too, Necramech... Me too...
- Fixed getting stuck in Void Dash animation after transferring into Necramech while crouching.
- Fixed map and in world marker for personal Necramech disappearing after entering and exiting it.
- Fixed an issue where your Necramech’s minimap marker would be visible while you’re piloting it.
- Fixed companion UI not updating properly while in Necramech, as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1222078-pet-went-down-on-cabria-drift-while-in-mech-but-hud-still-showed-pet-with-100-health/
- Fixed the Necramech Necraweb “Throw” HUD tooltip lingering after throwing the canister.
- Fixed a hitch that would occur when opening the Arsenal immediately after crafting a Necramech.
- Fixed Necramechs aiming sideways when moving to threats without having a valid target yet.
- Fixed the Necramech Codex entry not showing what it drops (after Scanning).
- Fixed issues with Chat linking Necramech Mods.
- Fixed inability to Chat link Necramechs.
- Fixed issues with the Necramech icon and diorama when viewed in the Codex.
- Fixed Necramech Shocking Iron ability sound loop playing non-positionally when you Transfer out of the Necramech while ability is still active.
- Fixed Helios struggling to Scan anything while you’re piloting a Necramech.
Hotfix 29.3 (10-28-2020)
- Fixed Mirage’s Total Eclipse Augment Mod buff being shared with Necramechs.
- Fixed Umbra’s sentience not functioning after Transferring into a Necramech.
Hotfix 29.1.1 (09-18-2020)
- Fixed inability to swap the 9th Necramech Mod Slot Polarity due to the UI thinking it’s an Aura.
- Fixed inability to purchase additional Config Slots for Necramech and Arquebex.
Hotfix 29.1.0 (09-18-2020)
This distinctive serpentine Sigil adds venomous menace to any Necramech. As a bonus, a Warframe compatible Snake Sigil is included when purchasing the snake Necramech Sigil!
Rusty but trusty. This skin revives the glory of the legendary Old War Necramech, Snake.
*Find both the Snake Necramech Sigil and the Snake Voidrig Skin with the Necraloid Syndicate for Platinum in the Necralisk!
- Necramech Changes & Fixes
- Currently there is a 3 minute cooldown on every use of the Necramech Summon Gear item. We’ve changed the cooldown behavior of the Necramech Summon to reflect the following:
- If the player's Necramech is still active, then the Necramech Summon only has a 10 second cooldown. Summoning it this way will move the Necramech to the player's desired position but NOT restore its Health/Shields/Energy.
- If the player's Necramech has been destroyed, then the Necramech Summon has a 3 minute cooldown, and will have its Health/Shields/Energy refilled on summon.
- Reduced the Necramech’s Shocking Iron ability sound loop.
- Fixed summoned Necramech’s not having their Modded values when summoned again after dying.
- This was an issue before the cooldown changes.
- Fixed summoned Client Necramech’s having 0 Energy when summoned again after dying.
- This was an issue before the cooldown changes.
- Fixed rare case of a player's Warframe ceasing to exist after Transferring into a Necramech, resulting in an inability to Transference back into your Warframe.
- Fixed personal Necramech losing all functionality after Transferring into a fallen Necramech and then summoning your own Necramech.
- Fixed ability to interrupt the Necramech ground slam attack with another ground slam attack or normal melee attack.
- Fixed Client Necramech’s appearing to run in place after Transferring out of the Necramech with forward momentum.
- Fixed the Necramech appearing crushed around an Excalibur when viewed via Look Link or Mod Link.
- Fixed the Necramech model clipping/overlapping with the Upgrade screen when accessed in a Hub/Town.
- Fixed Necramech UI and regular weapon crosshair overlapping when attempting to access the Gear wheel via controller while in the Necramech.
- Fixed Necramech weapon appearing blurry after Transferring into a summoned Necramech before the weapon opening animation finishes.
Hotfix (09-12-2020)
- Fixed fallen Necramech’s Guard Mode ability not functioning, and instead just draining Energy.
Hotfix 29.0.8 (09-11-2020)
- Necramech’s can no longer interact with Ramparts or hack Alarm Towers in the Plains of Eidolon.
- This fixes a functionality loss when interacting with a Rampart while in a Necramech and hacking issues specifically with the Plains Alarm Tower.
- We have adjusted the Necramech Drop tables to have a mix of Mods in the Necraloid Syndicate as well as on Necramechs outright.
- Removed Necramech Vitality, Refuel, Necramech Intensify, and Necramech Pressure Point from Necramech Drops and moved to Loid’s Necraloid Offerings for Standing. warframe.com/droptables has been updated!
- Fixed becoming stuck mid-Transference when attempting to exit your Necramech while going through Deck 12 in Orb Vallis.
- Fixed ability to bypass the Plains of Eidolon and Cambion Drift perimeters with a Necramech. This also fixes the ability to summon a Necramech when out of bounds.
- Fixed ability to ignore teleport volumes and walk along lake-beds with the Necramech by keeping constant forward momentum in the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed the Host Necramech UI getting overlapped if a Client squadmate exits their Necramech.
- Fixes towards blank ‘Mission Progress’ screen when viewed while in a Necramech.
- Still some issues with going from Warframe > Operator > then to Necramech.
Hotfix 29.0.7 (09-03-2020)
- Changed 'Necramech Deflection' Mod name to 'Necramech Redirection' since we use Redirection for Max Shield Mods.
- Fixed a crash when casting the Necramech’s Storm Shroud ability.
- Fixed a crash when casting the Necramech’s Necraweb ability.
- Fixed Client Necramech’s not retaining their gained XP if you left the Necramech before you entered the gate/area to return to Town.
- Fixed friendly Necramech nullification disabling Warframe Invisibility and Banish abilities.
- Fixed fallen Necramech’s on Cambion Drift being Rank 0 for Clients.
- Fixed applying Forma to the Necramech Arquebex not showing the Polarity right away until you relog.
- Fixed ability to install an Umbra Forma on a Necramech. No need for this as no Umbra Necramech Mods exist!
- Fixed Necramech Ammo regeneration speed not changing per weapon equipped.
Hotfix 29.0.6 (09-01-2020)
- Improvements towards the Necramech Guard Mode Equip and Unequip flow to be cleaner and use Abilities functions better.
- Fixed Necramech’s not retaining their gained XP if you left the Necramech before you entered the gate/area to return to Town.
- Fixed Client Necramech’s not retaining their gained XP after mission aborting. We are working on additional edge cases with Client Affinity retention on Necramechs. More to come!
- Fixed second Necramech summon having no weapon and inability to shoot for Clients.
- Fixed being able to walk through the blue force-field wall around the Plains of Eidolon as a Necramech.
- Fixed ability to collide with allied Necramechs.
- Fixed Mods on the lower left side of the Necramech Upgrade screen can't be read.
- Fixed UI callout for the Necramech dodge/charge tutorial being incorrect.
- Fixed the Necramech moving in a circular motion while boosting when tilting the controller joystick slightly to the left or right.
- Fixed entering the Mod Bench while in the Necramech Upgrade screen resulting in getting the regular Mod Bench selection with all Mods showing.
- Fixed "Melee Combos" for Necramechs showing broken Stance Mods and wrong combos.
- Fixed a script error when a Necramech deactivated their Guard Mode ability.
Hotfix 29.0.5 (08-29-2020)
- Damaged Necramech parts and Weapon Parts are now tradable!
- Fixed Summoning Necramechs losing affinity gained in previous Necramechs.
- Fixed Ally Necramechs not always spawning during Vome Cycle.
- Fixed Ally Necramechs interfering with Operator Void Dashing and Transference.
Hotfix 29.0.4 (08-29-2020)
- Player-usable Necramechs that you can Transference into on the Cambion Drift no longer drop rewards.
- Transferring into a Necramech and then standing around waiting for it to die to drop rewards is far from the intentions of the Necramech system. We understand this is a frustrating oversight. Additionally, this was often bugged that only 1 person got the drop at all. Enemy Necramechs in the Isolation Vaults will still drop rewards, and now they’ll drop more of them (Scintillant).
- Fixed an issue with the truly ‘dead’ Mechs not looking deader-than-dead, meaning no Transference allowed.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when in a Necramech when someone disconnects.
- Fixed enemies not targeting the Operator after dying in a Necramech.
- Fixed inability to shot for the entire hover duration when in a Necramech.
Hotfix 29.0.3 (08-29-2020)
- Added invulnerability period when Transferring into Necramechs found out in Cambion Drift.
- Fixed a script error when using the Necramechs’ Guard Mode ability.
- Fixed a script error that occurred when a Necramech died.
Hotfix 29.0.2 (08-27-2020)
- Reduced the Necramech Storm Shroud ability damage immunity from 1 to .8. This ability now functions similar to Iron Skin.
- Increased the Necramech Reach Mod base Melee Range from +0.17 to +0.25.
- Fixed a crash when Transferring into a Necramech out on the Cambion Drift.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if you were in a Necramech after a Host migration.
- Fixed Necramech’s not picking up things like Energy and Mods.
- More fixes towards dying in a Necramech resulting in your Operator being invisible and invincible.
- Fixed all squadmates getting the UI tips for the Necramech’s Necraweb ability when one player is using it.
Hotfix 29.0.1 (08-27-2020)
- Reduced overall sounds of the Necramech, including very loud death sounds.
- Fixed dying in a Necramech resulting in your Operator being invisible and invincible.
- Fixed missing temporary invulnerability when Transferring into a Necramech.
- Fixed Necramech Fury and Necramech Pressure Point Mods not functioning for either Host or Client.
Update 29 (08-26-2020)
- Introduced.
ゲームの仕組み | ||
通貨 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
一般 | アーセナル • バフ & デバフ • Challenges • コーデックス • デイリートリビュート • ファウンドリ • マーケット • マスタリーランク • Nightwave • オービター • シンジケート | |
Mod | Fusion • (Flawed, Riven) Mods • 極性 • Transmutation | |
伝承 | Alignment • レベリアン • クエスト | |
交流 | チャット • クラン • トレード | |
システム | アフィニティ • Alert (Arbitrations, Tactical) • アークウイング • Death • エンペリアン • Inactivity Penalty • K-Drive • Landscape • 基本操作 • Matchmaking • ミッション • One-Handed Action • Pickups • 分隊 • タイルセット • VOIDレリック • 目標地点 | |
敵 | Death Mark • Enemy Behavior • クバ・リッチ • Threat Level | |
Activities | 生物保護 • 釣り • K-Drive Race • 採掘 | |
Stealth | ハッキング • 警戒レベル • ステルス | |
PvP | コンクレーブ • Lunaro | |
装備 | アルケイン • Passives | |
Warframe | Attributes (装甲 • エネルギー • ヘルス • シールド • Sprint Speed) • アビリティ • Threat Level | |
武器 | 精度 • オルタネイトファイア • 弾薬 • 攻撃速度 • クリティカル • ダメージ • ダメージフォールオフ • Exalted Weapon • 発射速度 • 近接 • マルチショット • 弾速 • 貫通距離 • リコイル • リロード • Signature Weapon • 状態異常 • Trigger Type • ズーム | |
オペレーター | Amp • フォーカス (Madurai • Vazarin • Naramon • Unairu • Zenurik) | |
レールジャック | 兵装 • アビオニック • 構成部品 • 性能値 | |
技術的要素 | Chat • Host Migration • HUD • Inactivity Penalty • Key Bindings • 設定 • Stress Test • Text Icons | |
数学的要素 | Drop Tables • Enemy Level Scaling • Maximization (効果時間 • 効率 • アビリティ範囲 • アビリティ威力) • User Research |