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Warframe日本語 Wiki

Engaged in a constant, unwearying collection of data, these simple entities never return to their task once removed from it.

—In-Game Description

シンチラントはレア素材でXakuIcon272 XakuシステムやVoidringカプセル、Quassus Quassusの作成に使用する。



ファイル:Scintillant Isolation Vault (Full).jpg

Floating Scintillant in LvL 2 (Tier 4) Isolation Vault Bounty

シンチラントは以下の方法で入手できる( Hotfix 29.0.5 (08-29-2020)現在) : 

  • Motherの依頼 (Tiers 1 と2)
  • 隔離庫依頼のネクロメカからのドロップ
  • 隔離庫依頼の保管庫にて浮動体としてまれにスポーンする


Click to view the Blueprints requiring シンチラント.
Blueprints Type Quantity
Quassus Quassus 近接 5
Voidrig Capsule Component 2
XakuIcon272 Xaku システム Component 5
Total 12

Patch History[]

Hotfix 29.0.7 (09-03-2020)
  • Scintillant in the ‘Common’ tier of a Deimos Bounty now has correct rarity weights within that tier. Previously it was applying it’s ‘Rare’ tier drop chance within the ‘Common’ tier - it is now a ~18% drop chance.

Hotfix 29.0.4 (08-29-2020)
General note re: Scintillant! We discussed it yesterday, and realized the Scintillant description was too vague in terms of other methods to acquire it and updated its description in the last Hotfix. Overnight, we ran stats and the amount collected was too low, which is widely accepted from the community to be the case. While we all start with baseline ‘0’ for new Updates, this Resource is an outlier in how slowly it’s being accrued, which is to say current pacing not our intention. They should feel like a revised Cetus Wisp, but when we compared the two overnight, and considering more people are playing Heart of Deimos and how many Scintillant are needed, they were lower to a degree that doesn’t make sense with their hookup. Here is how we are fixing that today:

  • Isolation Bounty Necramech’s now have a chance to drop Scintillant.
  • Fixed issues with being able to pick up Scintillant within the Vault environments.
  • Increased the spawn chance and spawn radius size of Scintillant within Vault environments.
  • Removed Scintillant as one of the Weapons Entrati members ‘Parts Requisition’ Tasks.
  • Added a slight glow effect to the Scintillant to increase visibility.
  • Increased the audio loop sound effect when a Scintillant is nearby.

Hotfix 29.0.3 (08-29-2020)

  • Moved 2 Scintillant spawn points within the Isolation Vaults to be in more trafficked areas.
  • Added descriptive text to the Scintillant to expose its secondary acquisition path.

Update 29 (08-26-2020)

  • Introduced.