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- Yazu 17:00 01/10/2022


Wiki Warframe

Excalibur regardant ce qui semble être les Sentients dans la bande-annonce "Tombeau des Sentients

Ils avaient gagné. Ils avaient retourné nos armes et notre technologie contre nous. Plus nous avancions, plus importantes étaient nos pertes. (Codex d'Excalibur)

Les Sentients sont (ou étaient) une race, une force ou d'un groupe qui étaient les ennemies des Orokin durant la Vieille Guerre. Tristement célèbrement on en sait très peu sur cette race, étant la partie la plus obscure de la connaissance de WARFRAME, mais de leur nom il est présumable qu'ils pourraient sentir et perçoit des choses; il est soupçonné qu'ils étaient une race vraiment étrangère tandis que l'Orokin, Grineer, le Corpus et Tenno tous semble être des variations humaines ou post-humaines).

In war, the Sentients used heat-based beam weapons and "worm-ships" ringed in glowing discs; these may have used a similar method of propulsion as Orokin ships, since they are referred at one point as "coming out of punch" (an expression denoting the use of a Solar Rail). It is also known that they had heads and that they participated in battle in large numbers. It is also implied that Sentients have a form of Group Consciousness, as "When one dies, the others learn". It is unknown where the Sentients came from, how they came into contact with the Orokin or what began the war. At least one battle took place around a "dark and blinding" blue alien star. What is known, however, is that they had the ability to subvert any technology or advanced weapon that was used against them. Since the Orokin were an eminently technological faction, this forced them to use primitive weapons to fight them, "zero-tech" equipment like percussion rifles, "Splinter ships" and bladed melee weapons, which ultimately proved ineffective. This could be the reason why so many of the Prime (i.e. Orokin-era) weapons in Warframe are projectile-based or bladed, using relatively simple principles instead of more advanced technologies like the security systems and neural sensors used in the Néant.
