Wiki Warframe

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- Yazu 17:00 01/10/2022


Wiki Warframe

Sacrifice allows a Sentinelle to revive its owner at the cost of its own life.


These stats are only speculation.

Rang Effet Coût Conclave
0 +25% 6 C8
1 +50% 7 C14
2 +75% 8 C14
3 +100% 9 C20


  • For a short time after Update 10.6 this mod could have been acquired via Transmutation. This was due to a bug where all mods, including unreleased ones such as this one, became obtainable through transmutation. This has since been fixed, but players who obtained the mod this way were allowed to keep them. There is currently no way to obtain this mod.


  • As of Update 11.0.6 all unreleased mods were made untradeable.
  • Upgrading this mod increases the amount of health a player is revived with (needs confirmation)
  • This does not work with Regen.

