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- Yazu 17:00 01/10/2022


Wiki Warframe

Les Relais sont des plateformes où les joueurs de tout rangs peuvent interagir ensemble, faire des affaires avec les Syndicats et d'autres PNJs. Ils furent introduits lors de l'Update 15.5.3 pour un stress test et ils sont devenus disponibles pour tous les joueurs, sur différentes planètes, lors de l'Update 15.6.

Accéder aux Relais

Les Relais sont accessibles en sélectionnant une planète avec un relais disponible dans la console de Navigation du Liset, et en entrant dans le secteur du Relais, comme pour une mission. Voici la liste des Relais actuellement disponibles.

Le Hangar et l'Entrée Principale

Le Hangar est la zone où les joueurs arrivent. Il y a plusieurs docks d'arrivée pour des Liset et un trafic constant de Liset, en arrière plan. L'Entrée Principale fait le lien entre le Hangar et le reste de la plateforme, avec un poste de sécurité et deux portes à champs de force. Retourner à votre vaisseau amarré ne vous permet pas de quitter le relais, il faut presser Echap, si vous êtes sur PC, pour ouvrir le menu et ensuite, sélectionner Quitter le Relais pour retourner dans le Liset. Cependant, il est toujours possible de sélectionner une mission dans le Relai, à partir de la salle de Contrôle des Missions.

Le Hall

Le Hall est la zone principale de la plateforme, liant le Hangar aux ailes Est, Nord et Ouest. Il possède une sculpture géant d'un Rhino, semblable à celle du Temple de l'Honneur du Dojo, ainsi que plusieurs civils et membres de Syndicats qui interagissent ensemble.

Marchand du Néant

  • Le Marchand du Néant est un homme connu sous le nom de Baro Ki'Teer, qui vend des objets uniques et variés en échange de Modèle:Ducats Ducats Orokin, la seule monnaie qu'il accepte.

, who sells various unique items in exchange for Orokin Ducats, the only currency he accepts. Players can earn Ducats by selling Prime parts on two Void Trader kiosks in the Concourse. The Void Trader himself only makes periodic appearances on the Concourse, and will only be available to sell his services for two days at a time. Countdown timers on the kiosks are available to inform players of when the Void Trader will next appear in the Concourse.

Aile Ouest

The West Wing includes entrances to the New Loka and Perrin Sequence enclaves, as well as a small observation area at the south end. The south end of the wing contains a glass window view of space and kneeling pads similar to those in the clan dojos. Glitches have been known of people being able to be outside of the windows, and can run around freely. This is the same for the other east end.

Enclave du Nouveau Loka

  • The New Loka Enclave is full of flourishing plants that have seemingly broken through the floor and the walls of the room, and a small lake where various members of New Loka are kneeling while their Leader is floating on the opposite end of the lake. There is also a giant model of Earth hanging from the ceiling. Interestingly, the design features some Orokin devices, such as lamp posts and the projector on the ceiling. In the background noise in the New Loka Enclave, you can hear water rushing and harmonious humming from the New Loka members.

Enclave de La Séquence Perrin

  • The Perrin Sequence Enclave follows the strict and cubic Corpus aesthetic, which is occasionally interrupted by the presence of coffee mugs and Tenno-styled banners.

Aile Nord

The North Wing can be entered via the West or East wings or directly from the Concourse. It has entrances to the Red Veil and Steel Meridian enclaves, Darvo's Market, and the Mission Control Room.

Enclave du Voile Rouge

  • The Red Veil Enclave is extremely ominous, featuring a burning tree in the center of the room that the player needs to walk underneath to get the Red Veil's Leader at the far end of the room. It also features a live Grineer soldier strapped to a dissection table in front of a container full of Infested. The Grineer soldier occasionally struggles at his bonds, while a Red Veil operative stands over him ominously wielding a Heat Dagger.

Enclave du Méridien d'Acier

  • The Steel Meridian Enclave is a scrappy-looking Grineer-styled room with a huge rotary cannon hanging from the ceiling. Various resource caches can be seen throughout the room.

Contrôle des Missions

  • Mission Control is a large room with a view of space, where players can access functional Navigation Consoles identical to those found in the Liset in order to access missions. Players can also change equipment loadouts using the various consoles in the room.

Le Marché de Darvo

  • Found on the second level of the North Wing accessible by elevator, this is where Darvo conducts business with players on the Relay, selling various items and equipment. Currently this feature is non-functional and Darvo cannot be interacted with for the time being.

Aile Est

The East Wing includes another small observation area at south end and entrances to the Cephalon Suda and Arbiters of Hexis enclaves.

Enclave du Céphalon Suda

  • The Cephalon Suda Enclave at first looks like a bare room with a faint hologram of Suda at the center. As the player comes closer, the room will suddenly disintegrate partially into the Void, with a manifestation of Suda (or possibly Suda herself) floating the middle. There is also a smaller Cephalon to the right of the player.

Enclave des Arbitres d'Hexis

  • The Arbiters of Hexis Enclave looks like a courtroom, with five Arbiters presiding at the center of the room. Present on the walls are balconies full of people.