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Wiki Warframe
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m (A protégé « Module:Weapons/data » ([Modifier = Autoriser uniquement les administrateurs] (infini) [Renommer = Autoriser uniquement les administrateurs] (infini)))
(861 versions intermédiaires par 12 utilisateurs non affichées)
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--- Base de donnés des armes de WARFRAME.
--Hey! You! Here to update something that's out of date? Follow these easy steps:
-- 1. Use Ctrl+F to find the data for the weapon
-- @module weapons/data
-- 2. Find the number that's wrong
-- @alias data
-- 3. Change the number and save the page
-- @attribution [[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
--That's it! After you've done that, the data will proliferate out to all the relevant pages
-- @attribution [[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
--If you're adding new data instead of just changing existing data, try to use an example of how things are entered if you're not quite sure what to do.
-- @attribution Toute personne qui contribue à l'ajout de nouvelles données ou à la mise à jour de valeurs existantes dans la base de données.
--(Oh, order doesn't matter, but spelling and capitalization do)
--- @require [[Module:LuaSerializer]]
-- so for example it doesn't matter if Disposition is first or last)
-- @release unstable
--Thanks, you're awesome!
-- <nowiki>
-- TODO: Since horizontal partitions are accessed programmatically, this means
local WeaponData =
-- that this module can be tailored to serve specific user localizations.
-- All we need to do is to add a locale flag in here set to mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('{{int:Custom-lang}}'),
--Special list of things to be ignored when counting
-- a separate translation table (likely JSON) for mapping canonical internal names to localized names,
--Currently just for Dark Split-Sword & Rampart, but may be needed again later
-- and replace the Name key/Trigger key/index key with the localized counterpart.
--Pretty much used to avoid screwing up the Mastery Rank list
-- In theory, any database access by requiring this module should contain the
["IgnoreInCount"] = {"Rempart", "Épées Versatiles Sombres", "Cadus", "Penta Carmine", "Machette Prisma", "Dargyn", "Arc d'Artémis", "Balefire Charger", "Dex Pixia", "Pacificateurs (Arme)", "Pacificateurs Prime", "Diwata", "Lame Exaltée (Arme)", "Umbra Lame Exaltée (Arme)", "Bâton en Fer", "Serres de Valkyr", "Serres de Garuda", "Vent du Désert", "Corvas (Atmosphère)", "Cyngas (Atmosphère)", "Double Decurion (Atmosphère)", "Fluctus (Atmosphère)", "Grattler (Atmosphère)", "Imperator (Atmosphère)", "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphère)", "Larkspur (Atmosphère)", "Phaedra (Atmosphère)", "Velocitus (Atmosphère)", "Désarmé (Arme)", "Amplificateur Faible"},
-- proper localization based on user's interface language setting.
["Weapons"] = {
["Ack & Brunt"] = {
Name = "Ack & Brunt",
Cost = {
Credits = 65000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7500,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3300,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Objet",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Épée et Bouclier",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.9,
Image = "AcketBrunt.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
JumpAttack = 50,
Mastery = 3,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5,
["Perforation"] = 5,
["Tranchant"] = 40,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 107,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Tyl Regor]]", "[[Executioners/Gorth|Gorth]]"},
WallAttack = 200,
["Amphis"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},},
Disposition = 1.5,
Image = "Amphis.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.5|Update 6.5]]",
JumpAttack = 40,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
JumpRadius = 5,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Amphis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 38.5,
["Perforation"] = 8.3,
["Tranchant"] = 8.2,},
CritChance = 0.075,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.25,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 75,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Executioners/Dok Thul|Dok Thul]]", "[[Guardsman]]"},
WallAttack = 92,
["Amplificateur Faible"] = {
Name = "Amplificateur Faible",
Image = "Arme_amplificateurFaible.png",
Type = "Amplificateur",
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Range = "(20 - 30) m",
Accuracy = 100,
Reload = 30,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Néant"] = 3000,
CritChance = 0.20,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.0,
FireRate = 1.0,
AmmoCost = 6,
Magazine = 100,
Introduced = "[[Update 22]]",
["Anku"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Faux",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.46,
Image = "Anku.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.7|Update 16.7]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Anku",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.5,
["Perforation"] = 56,
["Tranchant"] = 3.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 140,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Valkyr Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 140,
["Ankyros"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Poings",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 450,},},
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = "Ankyros",
Image = "Ankyros.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.8|Update 7.8]]",
JumpAttack = 60,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Ankyros",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 21,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 4.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.17,
SlideAttack = 90,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 90,
["Ankyros Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Gauntlet",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Poings",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = "Ankyros",
Image = "250px-DEPrimeAnkyros.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
JumpAttack = 76,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Ankyros Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 26.6,
["Perforation"] = 5.7,
["Tranchant"] = 5.7,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.25,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 114,
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 114,
["Arca Titron"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2150,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Arca",
Image = "Arca_Titron.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
JumpAttack = 360,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Arca Titron",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 117,
["Tranchant"] = 63,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.38,
FireRate = 0.733,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 360,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 360,
["Atterax"] = {
BlockResist = 0.5,
Class = "Fouet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Image = "Atterax.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.7|Update 14.7]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Atterax",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.25,
["Perforation"] = 2.25,
["Tranchant"] = 40.5,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 96,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 180,
["Bo"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 65,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 150,},},
Disposition = 1.29,
Family = "Bo",
Image = "BoStaff.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Bo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 45,
["Perforation"] = 5,},
CritChance = 0.125,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 107,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 83,
["Bo Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ornement",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.29,
Family = "Bo",
Image = "250px-PrimeBo.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.7|Update 13.7]]",
JumpAttack = 150,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Bo Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 67.5,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,},
CritChance = 0.125,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"D", "V"},
SlideAttack = 161,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 125,
["Boltace"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Tonfa",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Boltor",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Kronen",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Boltace",
Image = "Boltace.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
JumpAttack = 170,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Boltace",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.5,
["Perforation"] = 68,
["Tranchant"] = 8.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 510,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Loki Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 340,
["Sceptre Brisé"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.19,
Image = "Sceptre_Brisé.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
JumpAttack = 120,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Sceptre Brisé",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 42,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 12,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1.25,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 129,
StancePolarity = "R",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 100,
["War Brisée"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Hilt",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.79,
Image = "StalkerTwoSword.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
JumpAttack = 180,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Broken War",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9,
["Perforation"] = 9,
["Tranchant"] = 72,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 193,
StancePolarity = "V",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 360,
["Cadus"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 65,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1600,},
{ Name = "Bo",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.29,
Image = "Cadus.png",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Cadus",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 107,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "R",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 83,
["Cassowar"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5700,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 150,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Cassowar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.4|Update 22.4]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Cassowar",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15.4,
["Perforation"] = 23.8,
["Tranchant"] = 30.8,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 1.4,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"V", "D"},
SlideAttack = 156,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 117,
["Caustacyst"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 230,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Faux",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Image = "Caustacyst.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: L'Index Preview|Update: L'Index Preview]]",
JumpAttack = 150,
JumpElement = "Corrosif",
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Caustacyst",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Corrosif"] = 75,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 150,
SlideElement = "Corrosif",
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 150,
WallElement = "Corrosif",
["Dague en Céramique"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Dague",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},},
Disposition = 1.43,
Image = " Dague en Céramique.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Dague en Céramique",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.5,
["Perforation"] = 31.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 75,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 105,
["Cerata"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
ChargedThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 42,
["Perforation"] = 336,
["Tranchant"] = 42,
["Poison"] = 220,},
StatusChance = 0.33,
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
PunchThrough = 1,
Class = "Glaive",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.36,
Image = "Cerata.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.9|Update 17.9]]",
JumpAttack = 88,
JumpElement = "Poison",
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Cerata",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 44,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Thrown",
ShotSpeed = 35,
Polarities = {"V", "D"},
SlideAttack = 220,
SlideElement = "Poison",
StancePolarity = "Bar",
ThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 20,
["Perforation"] = 160,
["Tranchant"] = 20,
["Poison"] = 150,},
StatusChance = 0.3,
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 132,
WallElement = "Poison",
["Cobra & Crane"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
ChannelCost = 5,
ChannelMult = 1.5,
Class = "Épée et Bouclier",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,--confirmation needed
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 875,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 18750,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Cobra & Crane.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Cobra & Crane",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 90.0,
["Perforation"] = 10.0,},
CritChance = 0.10,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.36,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 214,
StancePolarity = "V",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 400,
["Cronus"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 75,},},
Disposition = 1.48,
Image = "Cronus.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Cronus",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.5,
["Perforation"] = 5.3,
["Tranchant"] = 19.2,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 75,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno", "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
["Dakra Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
FinisherDamage = 120,
Image = "SwordPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
JumpAttack = 120,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Dakra Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 48,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 129,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 240,
["Dague Sombre"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Dague",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},},
Disposition = 0.52,
Family = "Dague Sombre",
Image = "DagueSombre.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
JumpElement = "Radiation",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Dark Dague",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 75,
SlideElement = "Radiation",
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 105,
WallElement = "Radiation",
["Épées Versatiles Sombres"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Double Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Type = "Mêlée",
["Épées Versatiles Sombres (Double Épées)"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Dual Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.21,
Image = "DarkSplitSwordDualIcon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.14|Update 18.14]]",
JumpAttack = 130,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Épées Versatiles Sombres",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 65,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 390,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 260,
["Épées Versatiles Sombres (Lame Lourde)"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.21,
Image = "VersatilesSombres.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.14|Update 18.14]]",
JumpAttack = 180,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Épées Versatiles Sombres",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 90,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 180,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 180,
["Épée Sombre"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 75,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.48,
Image = "Épée Sombre.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 74,
JumpElement = "Radiation",
JumpRadius = 3,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Dark Sword",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 37,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 79,
SlideElement = "Radiation",
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 148,
WallElement = "Radiation",
["Destreza"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1700,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Rapière",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.14,
Family = "Destreza",
Image = "TnoRapier.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.3|Update 18.3]]",
JumpAttack = 150,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Destreza",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.9,
["Perforation"] = 63.8,
["Tranchant"] = 9.4,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 161,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Violence]]"},
WallAttack = 300,
["Destreza Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Rapière",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.14,
Family = "Destreza",
Image = "DestrezaPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Hotfix 23.0.3|Hotfix 23.0.3]]",
JumpAttack = 152,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Destreza Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9.1,
["Perforation"] = 53.2,
["Tranchant"] = 13.7,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.18,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 163,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 304,
["Dex Dakra"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
Image = "DexDakra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Hotfix 16.1.2|Hotfix 16.1.2]]",
JumpAttack = 130,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Dex Dakra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.5,
["Perforation"] = 6.5,
["Tranchant"] = 52,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 0.883,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 390,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 260,
["Dragon Nikana"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Nikana",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 5000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 275,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 75,},
{ Name = "Nikana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Image = "DragonKatana.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
JumpAttack = 170,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Dragon Nikana",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.25,
["Perforation"] = 8.5,
["Tranchant"] = 72.25,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V", "D"},
SlideAttack = 182,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 182,
["Doubles Hachoirs"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 40,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Doubles Hachoirs",
FinisherDamage = 55,
Image = "DoubleHachoirs.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Doubles Hachoirs",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.25,
["Perforation"] = 5.25,
["Tranchant"] = 24.5,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 210,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Butcher]] (single blade)", "[[Corrupted Butcher]] (single blade)"},
WallAttack = 140,
["Doubles Ether"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 850,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},},
Disposition = 1.45,
Image = "DoubleEther.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.7.3|Update 7.7.3]]",
JumpAttack = 80,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Doubles Ether",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 28,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 240,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 160,
["Doubles Épées de Chaleur"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},},
Disposition = 1.44,
Image = "DualHeat.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.2|Update 6.2]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
JumpElement = "Feu",
JumpRadius = 5,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Doubles Épées de Chaleur",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.75,
["Perforation"] = 6.75,
["Tranchant"] = 31.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 270,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 180,
["Doubles Ichor"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.16,
FinisherDamage = 55,
Image = "DualInfestedAxes.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
JumpElement = "Poison",
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Doubles Ichor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 210,
SlideElement = "Poison",
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
WallElement = "Poison",
["Doubles Kamas"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Kama",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Kama",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.81,
Family = "Doubles Kamas",
Image = "DEDualKamas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.1|Update 11.1]]",
JumpAttack = 84,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Doubles Kamas",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.1,
["Perforation"] = 4.2,
["Tranchant"] = 35.7,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.075,
FireRate = 1.17,
SlideAttack = 252,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 168,
["Doubles Kamas Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.81,
Family = "Doubles Kamas",
Image = "DualKamasPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.6|Update 17.6]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Doubles Kamas Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.5,
["Perforation"] = 14,
["Tranchant"] = 52.5,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 420,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
["Doubles Keres"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 130,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 230,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 13250,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
--BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
--Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.48,
Family = "Doubles Keres",
Image = "DualKeres.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.18|Update 22.18]]",
--JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Doubles Keres",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.3,
["Perforation"] = 13.2,
["Tranchant"] = 25.5,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2.6,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 1.25,
SlideAttack = 264,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 176,
["Doubles Raza"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Dual Kamas",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.4,
Image = "SomaDualKamas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.3|Update 16.3]]",
JumpAttack = 96,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Doubles Raza",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.8,
["Perforation"] = 14.4,
["Tranchant"] = 28.8,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 288,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Rhino Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 192,
["Doubles Skana"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 130,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 850,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},},
Disposition = 1.48,
Image = "DualSkana.png",
JumpAttack = 64,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Doubles Skana",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.8,
["Perforation"] = 4.8,
["Tranchant"] = 22.4,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 192,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Excalibur Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 128,
["Doubles Zoren"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},},
Disposition = 1.44,
Image = "DualZoren.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.0|Update 6.0]]",
JumpAttack = 60,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Doubles Zoren",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.5,
["Perforation"] = 1.5,
["Tranchant"] = 27,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 180,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 120,
["Endura"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Rapière",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 12000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Endura.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.6|Update 20.6]]",
JumpAttack = 190,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Endura",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.75,
["Perforation"] = 66.5,
["Tranchant"] = 23.75,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 204,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 380,
["Dagues Ether"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Double Dagues",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.49,
Image = "Dagues Ether.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.7.3|Update 7.7.3]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Dagues Ether",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.8,
["Perforation"] = 6.8,
["Tranchant"] = 31.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 225,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Nova Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 180,
["Reaper Ether"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Faux",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 230,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},},
Disposition = 1.45,
Image = "Reaper Ether.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
JumpAttack = 130,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Reaper Ether",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9.8,
["Perforation"] = 9.8,
["Tranchant"] = 45.5,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 130,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Misery]]"},
WallAttack = 130,
["Épée Ether"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},},
Disposition = 1.44,
Image = "EpeeEther.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
JumpAttack = 74,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Épée Ether",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.55,
["Perforation"] = 5.55,
["Tranchant"] = 25.9,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 79,
StancePolarity = "R",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 148,
["Falcor"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
MarketCost = 200,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8500,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1650,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
ChargedThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 110,
["Perforation"] = 180,
["Tranchant"] = 180,
["Électrique"] = 895,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
PunchThrough = 1,
StatusChance = 0.3,
Class = "Glaive",
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Falcor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update_23#Update_23.10|Update 23.10]]",
JumpAttack = 78,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Falcor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 12,
["Perforation"] = 4,
["Tranchant"] = 34,
["Électrique"] = 28,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 390,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
ThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 50,
["Perforation"] = 80,
["Tranchant"] = 100,
["Électrique"] = 435,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.28,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 234,
["Fang"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Double Dagues",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 135,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.36,
Family = "Fang",
Image = "Fang.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
JumpAttack = 60,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Fang",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.5,
["Perforation"] = 21,
["Tranchant"] = 4.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.08,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 150,
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 120,
["Fang Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Double Dagues",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.36,
Family = "Fang",
FinisherDamage = 90,
Image = "PrimeFang.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
JumpAttack = 72,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Fang Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.6,
["Perforation"] = 32.4,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 180,
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 144,
["Fragor"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 80,},},
Disposition = 0.96,
Family = "Fragor",
FinisherDamage = 200,
Image = "DEFragor.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.4|Update 5.4]]",
JumpAttack = 230,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Fragor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 80.5,
["Perforation"] = 17.3,
["Tranchant"] = 17.2,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 230,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Lieutenant Lech Kril]] ([[Brokk]] Skin)"},
WallAttack = 230,
["Fragor Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
ChannelCost = 5,
ChannelMult = 1.75,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Head",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 0.96,
Family = "Fragor",
Image = "PrimeFragor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.12|Update 18.12]]",
JumpAttack = 260,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Fragor Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 91,
["Perforation"] = 19.5,
["Tranchant"] = 19.5,},
CritChance = 0.35,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.8,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 260,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 260,
["Furax"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Poings",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},},
Disposition = 1.38,
Family = "Furax",
FinisherDamage = 30,
Image = "Furax.png",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Furax",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24.5,
["Perforation"] = 5.3,
["Tranchant"] = 5.2,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 105,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[PowerPoings]] (single [[Furax]])"},
WallAttack = 105,
["Furax Wraith"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
ChannelCost = 5,
ChannelMult = 1.75,
Class = "Poings",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Left Gauntlet",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Right Gauntlet",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.38,
Family = "Furax",
Image = "WraithFurax.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.10|Update 18.10]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Furax Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24.5,
["Perforation"] = 5.3,
["Tranchant"] = 5.2,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.08,
SlideAttack = 105,
StancePolarity = "D",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 105,
["Galatine"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Galatine",
FinisherDamage = 200,
Image = "Galatine_o.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.2|Update 10.2]]",
JumpAttack = 250,
JumpRadius = 5,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Galatine",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.1,
["Perforation"] = 3.1,
["Tranchant"] = 118.8,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 250,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 250,
["Galatine Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Galatine",
Image = "PrimeGalatine342.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3|Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3]]",
JumpAttack = 330,
Mastery = 13,
Name = "Galatine Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.1,
["Perforation"] = 4.1,
["Tranchant"] = 156.8,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 330,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 330,
["Galvacord"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
ChannelCost = 5,
ChannelMult = 1.5,
Class = "Fouet",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Systèmes Atmo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3600,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Galvacord.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
JumpAttack = 320,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Galvacord",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.0,
["Tranchant"] = 22.0,
["Perforation"] = 14.0,
["Électrique"] = 38.0,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.30,
FireRate = 0.750,
SlideAttack = 171,
StancePolarity = "D",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 320,
["Machette Gazal"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2600,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1900,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1400,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Image = "DjinnMachete.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Vacuum Within|Update: The Vacuum Within]]",
JumpAttack = 104,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Machette Gazal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.2,
["Perforation"] = 7.8,
["Tranchant"] = 39,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 156,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 208,
["Glaive"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
ChargedThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 60,
["Perforation"] = 60,
["Tranchant"] = 280,
["Explosif"] = 300,},
StatusChance = 0.11,
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 2.1,
PunchThrough = 1,
Class = "Glaive",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4500,},},
Disposition = 1.22,
Family = "Glaive",
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "DEGlaive.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.9|Update 7.9]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Glaive",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.25,
["Perforation"] = 5.25,
["Tranchant"] = 24.5,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Thrown",
ShotSpeed = 20,
Range = 30,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 225,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
ThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 30,
["Perforation"] = 30,
["Tranchant"] = 140,
["Explosif"] = 50,},
StatusChance = 0.1,
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 135,
["Glaive Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
ChargedThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 75,
["Perforation"] = 75,
["Tranchant"] = 350,
["Explosif"] = 460,},
StatusChance = 0.33,
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
PunchThrough = 1,
Class = "Glaive",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Disc",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.22,
Family = "Glaive",
Image = "PrimeGlaive.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Glaive Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.5,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,
["Tranchant"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1.25,
ShotType = "Thrown",
ShotSpeed = 40,
Range = 30,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 250,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
ThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 37.5,
["Perforation"] = 37.5,
["Tranchant"] = 175,
["Explosif"] = 175,},
StatusChance = 0.3,
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 150,
["Gram"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 80,},},
Disposition = 1.44,
Family = "Gram",
FinisherDamage = 200,
Image = "DEGram.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.2|Update 6.2]]",
JumpAttack = 200,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Gram",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15,
["Perforation"] = 15,
["Tranchant"] = 70,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.95,
SlideAttack = 200,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 200,
["Gram Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.8,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.44,
Family = "Gram",
Image = "GramPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.9|Update 23.9]]",
JumpAttack = 180,
Mastery = 14,
Name = "Gram Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 36,
["Perforation"] = 9,
["Tranchant"] = 135,},
CritChance = 0.32,
CritMultiplier = 2.6,
StatusChance = 0.32,
FireRate = 0.8,
SlideAttack = 360,
StancePolarity = "D",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 360,
["Guandao"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 65,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Guandao.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.1.0|Update 21.1.0]]",
JumpAttack = 180,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Guandao",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 22.5,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 63,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.04,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"D", "V"},
SlideAttack = 200,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 150,
["Gunsen"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1150,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 19750,},},
BlockResist = 0.8,
Class = "Warfan",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Gunsen.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8.0|Update 22]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Gunsen",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 40,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 107,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 200,
["Halikar"] = {
ChargedThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 46,
["Perforation"] = 368,
["Tranchant"] = 46,
["Explosif"] = 440,},
StatusChance = 0.25,
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
PunchThrough = 1,
Class = "Glaive",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4800,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},},
Disposition = 1.44,
Image = "GrnBoomerang.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
JumpElement = "Magnétique",
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Halikar",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.5,
["Perforation"] = 36,
["Tranchant"] = 4.5,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1.17,
ShotType = "Thrown",
ShotSpeed = 30,
Range = 23,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 225,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
ThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 20,
["Perforation"] = 160,
["Tranchant"] = 20,
["Explosif"] = 150,},
StatusChance = 0.2,
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 135,
["Hate"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Faux",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4500,},},
Disposition = 1.36,
Image = "DEStalkerScythe.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Hate",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.5,
["Perforation"] = 10.5,
["Tranchant"] = 49,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 140,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Stalker]]"},
WallAttack = 140,
["Dague de Chaleur"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
MarketCost = 75,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 150,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 75,},
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Dague",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.44,
Image = "HeatDagger.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
JumpElement = "Feu",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Dague de Chaleur",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.3,
["Perforation"] = 36,
["Tranchant"] = 6.7,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 0.75,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 96,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Malice]]"},
WallAttack = 135,
["Épée de Chaleur"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.48,
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "Heat.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 88,
JumpElement = "Feu",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Épée de Chaleur",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.4,
["Perforation"] = 4.4,
["Tranchant"] = 35.2,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 94,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Volt Specter]]", "[[Junction|Ember Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 176,
["Heliocor"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPStanding = 75000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gammacor",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
},BlockResist = 0.85,
ChannelCost = 5,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.94,
Family = "Heliocor",
Image = "CephHammer.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail 1.0|Update: Specters of the Rail 1.0]]",
JumpAttack = 280,
Mastery = 9,
Name = "Heliocor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 119,
["Perforation"] = 14,
["Tranchant"] = 7,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.025,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 280,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Cephalon Simaris"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
["Hirudo"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Kogake",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4600,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Mains et Pieds",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Image = "InfestedKogake.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.5|Update 19.5]]",
JumpAttack = 110,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Hirudo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.3,
["Perforation"] = 44,
["Tranchant"] = 2.7,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 220,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 165,
["Jat Kittag"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.75,
Image = "Jatkitag.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
JumpAttack = 260,
JumpElement = "Explosif",
JumpRadius = 10,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Jat Kittag",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 104,
["Perforation"] = 19.5,
["Tranchant"] = 6.5,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 260,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Bailiff]]", "[[Executioners/Vay_Molta|Vay Molta]]"},
WallAttack = 260,
["Jat Kusar"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7500,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Blade and Fouet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.81,
Image = "JatKusar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.2|Update 21.2]]",
JumpAttack = 160,
JumpElement = "Feu",
JumpRadius = 10,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Jat Kusar",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 80,},
CritChance = 0.35,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 171,
SlideElement = "Feu",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 320,
WallElement = "Feu",
["Épée Jaw"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 75,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.47,
Image = "Jaw.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 88,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Épée Jaw",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.2,
["Perforation"] = 8.8,
["Tranchant"] = 33,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 94,
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 176,
["Kama"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 160,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.47,
Image = "Kama.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Kama",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.75,
["Perforation"] = 6.75,
["Tranchant"] = 31.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.02,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 135,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 180,
["Karyst"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Dague",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 95,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.29,
Image = "KarystDagger.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.2|Update 14.2]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
JumpElement = "Poison",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Karyst",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.75,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 107,
SlideElement = "Poison",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Saryn Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 150,
WallElement = "Poison",
["Kesheg"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1400,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8000,},},
Disposition = 1.24,
Image = "GrnHalberd.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
JumpAttack = 210,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Kesheg",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 42,
["Perforation"] = 10.5,
["Tranchant"] = 52.5,},
CritChance = 0.075,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 233,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Gardienne Kuva]]"},
WallAttack = 175,
["Kestrel"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
ChargedThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 176,
["Perforation"] = 22,
["Tranchant"] = 22,
["Explosif"] = 150,},
StatusChance = 0.12,
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
PunchThrough = 1,
Class = "Glaive",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4800,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},},
Disposition = 1.45,
Image = "Kestrel.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.1|Update 8.1]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Kestrel",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24.5,
["Perforation"] = 5.3,
["Tranchant"] = 5.2,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.08,
ShotType = "Thrown",
ShotSpeed = 30,
Range = 23,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 175,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
ThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 120,
["Perforation"] = 15,
["Tranchant"] = 15,
["Explosif"] = 100,},
StatusChance = 0.1,
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 105,
["Kogake"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Mains et Pieds",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},},
Disposition = 1.46,
Family = "Kogake",
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "Kogake0.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.2|Update 8.2]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Kogake",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24.5,
["Perforation"] = 5.3,
["Tranchant"] = 5.2,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 140,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 105,
["Unarmed (Arme)"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Mains et Pieds",
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "Blank.png",
JumpAttack = 70,
Name = "Unarmed",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24.5,
["Perforation"] = 5.3,
["Tranchant"] = 5.2,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 140,
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 105,
["Kogake Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Mains et Pieds",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gauntlet",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Boot",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.46,
Family = "Kogake",
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "MirageKogakePrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.7|Update 22.7]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Kogake Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 49,
["Perforation"] = 10.5,
["Tranchant"] = 10.5,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.34,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 280,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 210,
["Korrudo"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Mains et Pieds",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Auroxium Alloy",Type = "Ressource",Count = 25,},
{ Name = "Esher Devar",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},
{ Name = "Breath of the Eidolon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Mawfish Bones",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Korrudo",
Image = "Korrudo.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.6|Update 24.6]]",
JumpAttack = 61,
Mastery = 9,
Name = "Korrudo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 34.8,
["Perforation"] = 1.8,
["Tranchant"] = 24.4,},
CritChance = 0.31,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.09,
FireRate = 0.833,
--Polarities = {""},
SlideAttack = 244,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 183,
["Kreska"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Mytocardia Spore",Type = "Ressource",Count = 40,},
{ Name = "Star Amarast",Type = "Ressource",Count = 25,},
{ Name = "Lathe Coagulant",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Kreska",
Image = "Arme_kreska.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Kreska",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.0,
["Perforation"] = 5.0,
["Tranchant"] = 15.0,
["Feu"] = 40.0,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 210,
StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
Traits = {"Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
Users = {"[[Terra Trencher]]"},
["Krohkur"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 45,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 125,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4375,},},
Disposition = 1.22,
Family = "Krohkur",
Image = "GrnEgyptSword.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22|Update 22]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Krohkur",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.4,
["Perforation"] = 12.6,
["Tranchant"] = 49,},
CritChance = 0.29,
CritMultiplier = 1.7,
StatusChance = 0.19,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 150,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
["Kronen"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Tonfa",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 65000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.43,
Family = "Kronen",
Image = "TennoTonfa.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
JumpAttack = 130,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Kronen",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.5,
["Perforation"] = 6.5,
["Tranchant"] = 52,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1.08,
SlideAttack = 390,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 260,
["Kronen Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Tonfa",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.43,
Family = "Kronen",
Image = "KronenPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.16.4|Hotfix 22.16.4]]",
JumpAttack = 132,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Kronen Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.6,
["Perforation"] = 6.6,
["Tranchant"] = 52.8,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.24,
FireRate = 1.17,
SlideAttack = 396,
StancePolarity = "V",
Polarities = {"V","Bar"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 264,
["Lacera"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4200,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Blade and Fouet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.31,
Image = "StalkerMios.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
JumpAttack = 160,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Lacera",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 80,},
CritChance = 0.025,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.45,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 171,
SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Mania]]"},
WallAttack = 320,
WallElement = "Électrique",
["Lecta"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Fouet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Lecta",
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "Lecta.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Lecta",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 45,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 96,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Scrambus]]", "[[Comba]]", "[[Pelna Cade]]", "[[Jad Teran]]"},
WallAttack = 180,
["Lesion"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Tipedo",Type = "Arme",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1400,},
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2300,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Image = "InfTipedo.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
JumpAttack = 200,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Lesion",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 20,
["Perforation"] = 5,
["Tranchant"] = 75,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 222,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 167,
["Machette"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 40,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = "Machette",
Image = "Machette.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
JumpAttack = 50,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Machette",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.75,
["Perforation"] = 3.75,
["Tranchant"] = 17.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 75,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Scorpion]]"},
WallAttack = 100,
["Machette Wraith"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = "Machette",
Image = "DEWraithMachete.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.5|Update 10.5]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Machette Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.75,
["Perforation"] = 6.75,
["Tranchant"] = 31.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 135,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = {"Wraith", "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 180,
["Magistar"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 80,},},
Disposition = 1.09,
Family = "Magistar",
FinisherDamage = 200,
Image = "PaladinMace.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
JumpAttack = 160,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Magistar",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 64,
["Perforation"] = 12,
["Tranchant"] = 4,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 160,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 160,
["Mios"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Blade and Fouet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.95,
Image = "DEMios.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.11|Update 17.11]]",
JumpAttack = 160,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Mios",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24,
["Perforation"] = 20,
["Tranchant"] = 36,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 171,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 320,
["Mire"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2000,},},
Disposition = 1.43,
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "MireInfestedSword.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.7.2|Update 7.7.2]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
JumpElement = "Poison",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Mire",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.25,
["Perforation"] = 5.25,
["Tranchant"] = 24.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.08,
SlideAttack = 75,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
["MK1-Bo"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.29,
Family = "Bo",
Image = "BoStaff.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "MK1-Bo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 40.5,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,},
CritChance = 0.125,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 96,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 75,
["MK1-Furax"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Poings",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.38,
Family = "Furax",
FinisherDamage = 30,
Image = "Furax.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
JumpAttack = 60,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "MK1-Furax",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 21,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 4.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 90,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 90,
["Nami Skyla"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.175,
Family = "Nami Skyla",
Image = "TnoCutlassAndPoignard.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Nami Skyla",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.5,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,
["Tranchant"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 300,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 200,
["Nami Skyla Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.175,
Family = "Nami Skyla",
Image = "PrimeNamiSkyla.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.6|Update 21.6]]",
JumpAttack = 120,
Mastery = 11,
Name = "Nami Skyla Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 12,
["Tranchant"] = 42,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1.33,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "D"},
SlideAttack = 360,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 240,
["Nami Solo"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.43,
Image = "DENamiSolo.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.5|Update 13.5]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Nami Solo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.25,
["Perforation"] = 5.25,
["Tranchant"] = 24.5,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 105,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
["Nikana"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 5000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 275,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 75,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Nikana",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Nikana",
Image = "Katana.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Nikana",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.25,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 38.25,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V", "D"},
SlideAttack = 96,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 96,
["Nikana Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Nikana",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Hilt",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Nikana",
Image = "PrimeNikana.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Hotfix 18.4.12|Hotfix 18.4.12]]",
JumpAttack = 190,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Nikana Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.75,
["Perforation"] = 4.75,
["Tranchant"] = 85.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V", "D"},
SlideAttack = 204,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 204,
["Ninkondi"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Nunchaku",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.41,
Image = "Nunchaku.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.4|Update 17.4]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Ninkondi",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 45,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 96,
SlideElement = "Électrique",
SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 180,
["Ninkondi Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Nunchaku",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Chaîne",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.41,
Image = "Ninkondi Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.3.0|Update 25.3.0]]",
JumpAttack = 54,
--JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Ninkondi Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 24,
["Tranchant"] = 11,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Impact"] = 13
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.36,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V","V"},
SlideAttack = 116,
--SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 216,
["Obex"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Mains et Pieds",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 650,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Obex",
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "CorpusKickNPunch.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.7|Update 10.7]]",
JumpAttack = 50,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Obex",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 17.5,
["Perforation"] = 3.8,
["Tranchant"] = 3.7,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 100,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Jen Dro]]"},
WallAttack = 75,
["Ohma"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 55000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1400,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Tonfa",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "CorpusTonfa.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.7|Update 19.7]]",
JumpAttack = 200,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Ohma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 100,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 600,
SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Tia Mayn]]"},
WallAttack = 400,
WallElement = "Électrique",
["Okina"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4200,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3400,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1800,},},
ChannelCost = 5,
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Double Dagues",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.31,
Image = "TennoSais.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail|Update: Specters of the Rail]]",
JumpAttack = 80,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Okina",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2,
["Perforation"] = 18,
["Tranchant"] = 20,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 200,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 160,
["Orthos"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 850,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Orthos",
FinisherDamage = 200,
Image = "DEOrthos.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.1|Update 8.1]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
JumpElement = "Explosif",
JumpRadius = 10,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Orthos",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.5,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,
["Tranchant"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 111,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 83,
["Orthos Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Orthos",
FinisherDamage = 200,
Image = "PrimeArme d'Hast.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
JumpAttack = 130,
JumpElement = "Explosif",
JumpRadius = 10,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Orthos Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9.75,
["Perforation"] = 9.75,
["Tranchant"] = 45.5,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.17,
SlideAttack = 144,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 108,
["Orvius"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
ChargedThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 88,
["Perforation"] = 22,
["Tranchant"] = 330,
["Glace"] = 360,},
StatusChance = 0.17,
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
Class = "Glaive",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPStanding = 100000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Disc",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},},
Disposition = 1.15,
Image = "TeshinGlaive.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Orvius",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14,
["Perforation"] = 3.5,
["Tranchant"] = 52.5,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.75,
ShotType = "Thrown",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
SlideAttack = 350,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
ThrowAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 40,
["Perforation"] = 10,
["Tranchant"] = 150,
["Glace"] = 150,},
StatusChance = 0.15,
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Teshin]]"},
WallAttack = 210,
["Paracesis"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ducats",Type = "Item",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Galatine",Type = "Arme",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Eidolon Shard",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Arme paracesis.png",
Introduced = "[[Update_23#Update_23.10|Update 23.10]]",
JumpAttack = 144,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Paracesis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 31.7,
["Perforation"] = 11.5,
["Tranchant"] = 100.8,},
CritChance = 0.31,
CritMultiplier = 2.6,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 288,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = {"Orokin"},--is both orokin and sentient, what do?
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Ballas]]"},
WallAttack = 288,
["Épée Pangolin"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 80,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.47,
Image = "Pangolin.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 74,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Épée Pangolin",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.85,
["Perforation"] = 5.55,
["Tranchant"] = 29.6,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 79,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 148,
["Plasma Sword"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 450,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 50,},},
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.48,
Image = "Plasma.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Plasma Sword",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.667,
SlideAttack = 75,
SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
WallElement = "Électrique",
["Doubles Hachoirs Prisma"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Doubles Hachoirs",
Image = "PrismaDualCleavers.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.11.3|Update 16.11.3]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Doubles Hachoirs Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.5,
["Perforation"] = 3.5,
["Tranchant"] = 28,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 210,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
["Machette Prisma"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = "Machette",
Image = "Machette_Prisma.png",
JumpAttack = 50,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Machette Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.75,
["Perforation"] = 3.75,
["Tranchant"] = 17.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 75,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 100,
["Obex Prisma"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Mains et Pieds",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Obex",
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "PrismaObex.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Hotfix 20.4.2|Hotfix 20.4.2]]",
JumpAttack = 50,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Obex Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 17.5,
["Perforation"] = 3.8,
["Tranchant"] = 3.7,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
Radius = 6,
FireRate = 1.33,
SlideAttack = 100,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 75,
["Skana Prisma"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.22,
Family = "Skana",
Image = "PrismaSkana.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Hotfix 16.6.2|Hotfix 16.6.2]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Skana Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.25,
["Perforation"] = 5.25,
["Tranchant"] = 24.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 75,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
["Prova"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.29,
Family = "Prova",
Image = "Prova8point2.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Prova",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 105,
SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Prod Crewman]]", "[[Nako Xol]]", "[[Ved Xol]]", "[[John Prodman]]"},
WallAttack = 140,
WallElement = "Électrique",
["Prova Vandal"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Machette",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.29,
Family = "Prova",
Image = "VandalElectroProd.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.5|Update 10.5]]",
JumpAttack = 96,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Prova Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 48,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 144,
SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 192,
WallElement = "Électrique",
["Pupacyst"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8750,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2250,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "InfStaff.png",
Introduced = "[[Update_23#Update_23.10|Update 23.10]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Pupacyst",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 47,
["Viral"] = 43,},
CritChance = 0.13,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.27,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 193,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 150,
["Rakta Dark Dagger"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Dague",
Disposition = 0.52,
Family = "Dark Dagger",
Image = "RVDarkDagger.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Rakta Dark Dagger",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 107,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Voile Rouge"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 150,
["Reaper Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Faux",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.29,
Image = "ReaperPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
JumpAttack = 150,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Reaper Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 11.3,
["Perforation"] = 11.3,
["Tranchant"] = 52.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 1.08,
SlideAttack = 150,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 150,
["Redeemer"] = {
BlockResist = 0.60,
ChargeAttack = {
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 300,},
PelletCount = 10,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Class = "Pistolame",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Vasto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Dual Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.17,
Family = "Redeemer",
Image = "TnoGunblade.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
JumpAttack = 120,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Redeemer",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 12,
["Tranchant"] = 42,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 180,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Mesa Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 240,
["Redeemer Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.60,
ChargeAttack = {--needs confirmation
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 300,},
PelletCount = 10,
Class = "Pistolame",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},
Disposition = 1.17,
Family = "Redeemer",
Image = "RedeemerPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.2.2|Hotfix 24.2.2]]",
JumpAttack = 80,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Redeemer Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8,
["Perforation"] = 16,
["Tranchant"] = 56,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
SlideAttack = 240,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 320,
["Ripkas"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Claws",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 40000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ankyros",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Dual Cleavers",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.38,
Image = "GrnClaws.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.0|Update 16.0]]",
JumpAttack = 110,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Ripkas",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.8,
["Perforation"] = 5.5,
["Tranchant"] = 46.8,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.883,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 165,
Stagger = "Yes",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Executioners/Zura|Zura]]", "[[Kuva Powerclaw]]", "[[Nightwatch Powerclaw]]"},
WallAttack = 165,
["Magistar Sancti"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.09,
Family = "Magistar",
Image = "NLMagistar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
JumpAttack = 240,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Magistar Sancti",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 96,
["Perforation"] = 18,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 240,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Nouveau Loka", "Syndicat"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 240,
["Sarpa"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
ChargeAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 17.5,
["Perforation"] = 35,
["Tranchant"] = 122.5,},
PelletCount = 5,
CritChance = 0,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Class = "Pistolame",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Akstiletto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3300,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.24,
Image = "TnoGunbladeAuto.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove|Update: The Silver Grove]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Sarpa",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7,
["Perforation"] = 14,
["Tranchant"] = 49,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 210,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
["Scindo"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Scindo",
FinisherDamage = 200,
Image = "DEScindo.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.4|Update 5.4]]",
JumpAttack = 200,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Scindo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 10,
["Tranchant"] = 80,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 200,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 200,
["Scindo Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Scindo",
Image = "PrimeScindo.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.8|Update 14.8]]",
JumpAttack = 260,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Scindo Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13,
["Perforation"] = 13,
["Tranchant"] = 104,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 0.967,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 260,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 260,
["Scoliac"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Fouet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.3,
FinisherDamage = 75,
Image = "DEScoliac2.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
JumpAttack = 110,
JumpElement = "Poison",
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Scoliac",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.25,
["Perforation"] = 8.25,
["Tranchant"] = 38.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.25,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 118,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 220,
["Secura Lecta"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Fouet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Lecta",
Image = "PSLecta.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
JumpAttack = 150,
JumpElement = "Électrique",
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Secura Lecta",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 75,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.25,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 161,
SlideElement = "Électrique",
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Perrin Sequence"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 300,
WallElement = "Électrique",
["Serro"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.38,
Image = "Serro.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.4|Update 13.4]]",
JumpAttack = 150,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Serro",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 75,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 167,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 125,
["Shaku"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ninkondi",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Nunchaku",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Image = "Ninkondi.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.1|Update 18.1]]",
JumpAttack = 110,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Shaku",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 55,
["Perforation"] = 0,
["Tranchant"] = 0,},
CritChance = 0.075,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.17,
SlideAttack = 118,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Equinox Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 220,
["Sheev"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Heatsink",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Hilt",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Dague",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.25,
Image = "Sheev.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.7|Update 14.7]]",
JumpAttack = 90,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Sheev",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.25,
["Perforation"] = 2.25,
["Tranchant"] = 40.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.667,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 96,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Executioners/Harkonar|Harkonar]]", "[[Executioners/Nok|Nok]]", "[[Executioners/Reth|Reth]]", "Ranged [[Grineer]] soldiers"},
WallAttack = 135,
["Sibear"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 165,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Magistar",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 30000,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 50000,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Image = "IceHammer.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.8|Update 18.8]]",
JumpAttack = 260,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Sibear",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Glace"] = 130,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 260,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Frost Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 260,
["Sigma & Octantis"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Épée et Bouclier",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "SundialSwordAndBoard.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.1.1|Hotfix 22.1.2]]",
JumpAttack = 120,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Sigma & Octantis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13.2,
["Perforation"] = 9.6,
["Tranchant"] = 37.2,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 1.08,
SlideAttack = 129,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 240,
["Silva & Aegis"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Épée et Bouclier",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Silva & Aegis",
Image = "TennoSwordShield.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
JumpAttack = 70,
JumpElement = "Feu",
JumpRadius = 4,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Silva & Aegis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 75,
SlideElement = "Feu",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
WallElement = "Feu",
["Silva & Aegis Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.9,
Class = "Épée et Bouclier",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Guard",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Hilt",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Silva & Aegis",
Image = "SilvaAegisPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Hotfix 20.6.2|Hotfix 20.6.2]]",
JumpAttack = 240,
JumpElement = "Feu",
JumpRadius = 4,
Mastery = 12,
Name = "Silva & Aegis Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 120,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.75,
Polarities = {"V", "D", "D"},
SlideAttack = 257,
SlideElement = "Feu",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 480,
WallElement = "Feu",
["Skana"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Disposition = 1.22,
Family = "Skana",
Image = "DESkana.png",
JumpAttack = 70,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Skana",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.25,
["Perforation"] = 5.25,
["Tranchant"] = 24.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
SlideAttack = 75,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 140,
["Skana Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Épée",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.22,
Family = "Skana",
Image = "SkanaPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
JumpAttack = 84,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Skana Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.3,
["Perforation"] = 6.3,
["Tranchant"] = 29.4,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 90,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted", "Fondateur"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 168,
["Skiajati"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Nikana",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Skiajati",
Image = "Skiajati.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
JumpAttack = 77,
Mastery = 11,
Name = "Skiajati",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 11.6,
["Perforation"] = 5.4,
["Tranchant"] = 60.1,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.27,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"U", "U"},
SlideAttack = 165,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 165,
["Sydon"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},
{ Name = "Amphis",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.84,
Family = "Sydon",
Image = "GrnTridentWeapon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.2|Update 18.2]]",
JumpAttack = 150,
JumpElement = "Explosif",
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Sydon",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.8,
["Perforation"] = 71.3,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 167,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Shock Draga]]"},
WallAttack = 125,
["Heliocor Synoid"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
ChannelCost = 5,
ChannelMult = 1.75,
Class = "Marteau",
Disposition = 0.94,
Family = "Heliocor",
Image = "Heliocor Synoid.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
JumpAttack = 240,
Mastery = 9,
Name = "Heliocor Synoid",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 102,
["Perforation"] = 12,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1.08,
SlideAttack = 240,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Cephalon Suda"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 240,
["Tatsu"] = {
BlockResist = 0.60,
Class = "Two-Handed Nikana",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 5000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 275,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Auroxium Alloy",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},
{ Name = "Hespazym Alloy",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Tatsu",
Image = "Tatsu.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
JumpAttack = 96,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Tatsu",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15.0,
["Perforation"] = 23.0,
["Tranchant"] = 27.0,
["Radiation"] = 31.0,},
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.23,
FireRate = 1.00,
Polarities = {},
SlideAttack = 192,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 192,
["Tekko"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Poings",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3300,},
{ Name = "Ankyros",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.4,
Image = "Tekko.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
JumpAttack = 45,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Tekko",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 31.5,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 135,
StancePolarity = "D",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 135,
["Telos Boltace"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Tonfa",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Boltace",
Image = "AHBoltace.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
JumpAttack = 170,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Telos Boltace",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.5,
["Perforation"] = 72.3,
["Tranchant"] = 4.2,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.08,
SlideAttack = 510,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Arbitres d'Hexis"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 340,
["Tipedo"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1600,},
{ Name = "Kunai",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Bo",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.31,
Family = "Tipedo",
Image = "Tipedo.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.9|Update 15.9]]",
JumpAttack = 100,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Tipedo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5,
["Perforation"] = 5,
["Tranchant"] = 40,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1.33,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 107,
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Junction|Mag Specter]]"},
WallAttack = 83,
["Tipedo Prime"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Bâton",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Ornement",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.31,
Family = "Tipedo",
Image = "Tipedo_Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.5.8|Hotfix 24.5.8]]",
JumpAttack = 76.0,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Tipedo Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.6,
["Perforation"] = 7.6,
["Tranchant"] = 60.8,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.24,
FireRate = 1.17,
Polarities = {"D", "V"},
SlideAttack = 163,
StancePolarity = "R",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 127,
["Tonbo"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 180,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2000,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.38,
Image = "FlowerPowerArme d'Hast.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.15|Update 15.15]]",
JumpAttack = 160,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Tonbo",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8,
["Perforation"] = 12,
["Tranchant"] = 60,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 178,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 133,
["Twin Basolk"] = {
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 185,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Dual Zoren",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Atomos",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.18,
Image = "GrnDualFireAxe.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.8|Update 17.8]]",
JumpAttack = 130,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Twin Basolk",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 65,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.4,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 390,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Flameblade]]", "[[Executioners/Garesh|Garesh]]"},
WallAttack = 260,
["Krohkur Jumeaux"] = {
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Double Épées",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = "",
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Krohkur",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Krohkur",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.48,
Family = "Krohkur Jumeaux",
Image = "DualGrnEgyptSwords.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22|Update 22]]",
JumpAttack = 140,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Krohkur Jumeaux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.4,
["Perforation"] = 12.6,
["Tranchant"] = 49,},
CritChance = 0.19,
CritMultiplier = 1.7,
StatusChance = 0.33,
FireRate = 0.917,
SlideAttack = 420,
StancePolarity = "Bar",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Tusk Predator]]"},
WallAttack = 280,
["Vaykor Sydon"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Arme d'Hast",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.84,
Family = "Sydon",
Image = "SMSydon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
JumpAttack = 170,
JumpElement = "Explosif",
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Vaykor Sydon",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.3,
["Perforation"] = 80.8,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 189,
StancePolarity = "Ability",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Méridien d'Acier"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 142,
["Venka"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Claws",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Venka",
Image = "TennoClaws.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.9|Update 13.9]]",
JumpAttack = 74,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Venka",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.85,
["Perforation"] = 9.25,
["Tranchant"] = 25.9,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1,
SlideAttack = 111,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Violence]]"},
WallAttack = 111,
["Venka Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Blades",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Gauntlet",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
BlockResist = 0.35,
Class = "Claws",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Venka",
Image = "Venka Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.0.7|Hotfix 19.0.7]]",
JumpAttack = 110,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Venka Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.75,
["Perforation"] = 11,
["Tranchant"] = 41.25,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1.05,
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
SlideAttack = 165,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 165,
["Volnus"] = {
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 225,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 11000,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 875,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Family = "Volnus",
Image = "GlassMarteau.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update: Plains of Eidolon|Update: Plains of Eidolon]]",
JumpAttack = 200,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Volnus",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 22.0,
["Perforation"] = 32.0,
["Tranchant"] = 46.0,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1.2,
SlideAttack = 200,
Polarities = {"V"},
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 200,
["War"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2300,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1400,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Broken War",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Image = "StalkerTwoGreatSword.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
JumpAttack = 280,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "War",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 112,
["Perforation"] = 3.5,
["Tranchant"] = 24.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 280,
StancePolarity = "D",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
["Marteau du Loup"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Objet",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tête",Type = "Objet",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Moteur",Type = "Objet",Count = 1,},},
BlockResist = 0.85,
Class = "Marteau",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.96,
Image = "Marteau_du_Loup.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.3|Update 24.3]]",
JumpAttack = 115,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Marteau du Loup",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 66.3,
["Perforation"] = 3.8,
["Tranchant"] = 59.9,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.33,
FireRate = 1.0,
--Polarities = {"Bar"},
SlideAttack = 230,
StancePolarity = "V",
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 230,
["Zenistar"] = {
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Disc Explosion",
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 350,},
Radius = 4,
BlockResist = 0.85,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Disc Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 75,},
Range = 9,
Class = "Lame Lourde",
Disposition = 0.5,
Image = "SundialAxe.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Specters of the Rail 1.0|Update: Specters of the Rail 1.0]]",
JumpAttack = 260,
JumpElement = "Feu",
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Zenistar",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 130,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"V"},
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Disc Aura",
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 50,},
StatusChance = 0.5,
Duration = 45,
Radius = 4,
FireRate = 1.2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Attacks while disc deployed",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13,
["Perforation"] = 13,
["Tranchant"] = 104,},
FireRate = 0.967,
SlideAttack = 260,
SlideElement = "Feu",
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
WallAttack = 260,
WallElement = "Feu",
["Acrid"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Disposition = 1.33,
Image = "Acrid.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Acrid",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 6.67,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 65,
Reload = 1.2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Afuris"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Furis",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Furis",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.39,
Family = "Afuris",
Image = "Afuris.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.3|Update 5.3]]",
Magazine = 70,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Afuris",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3,
["Perforation"] = 14,
["Tranchant"] = 3,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 12.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Junction|Valkyr Specter]]"},
["Akarius"] = {
Accuracy = 26.7,
Class = "Doubles Pistolets",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 150,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1600,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7500,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Akarius.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.7|Update 25.7]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 20,
Name = "Akarius",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 68.0,
["Explosif"] = 419.0,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 4.25,
BurstCount = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
Reload = 3.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {},
["Akbolto"] = {
Accuracy = 26.7,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Bolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Bolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Akbolto",
Image = "Akbolto.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.0|Update 6.0]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akbolto",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4,
["Perforation"] = 36,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.022,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 75,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2.6,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akbolto Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 26.7,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Link",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Akbolto",
Image = "PrimeAkbolto.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.7|Update 22.7]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 13,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akbolto Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.2,
["Perforation"] = 27.5,
["Tranchant"] = 1.3,},
CritChance = 0.36,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 7,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 75,
Polarities = {"Bar", "V", "V", "V"},
Reload = 1.3,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akbronco"] = {
Accuracy = 3.7,
Class = "Double Fusils à Pompe",
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Bronco",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Bronco",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Akbronco",
Image = "DoubleBroncos.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akbronco",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 224,
["Perforation"] = 28,
["Tranchant"] = 28,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
PelletCount = 7,
FireRate = 8.33,
Falloff = {StartRange = 7,EndRange = 14,Reduction = 0.75,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.25,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akbronco Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 3.7,
Class = "Double Fusils à Pompe",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Bronco Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Bronco Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Link",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Akbronco",
Image = "DEPrimeDualBroncos.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akbronco Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 280,
["Perforation"] = 35,
["Tranchant"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PelletCount = 7,
FireRate = 4.33,
Falloff = {StartRange = 9,EndRange = 18,Reduction = 0.74,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 2.25,
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akjagara"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 235,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Akbolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Dual Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Akjagara",
Image = "AkJagara.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.13|Update 15.13]]",
Magazine = 36,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akjagara",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.5,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 21,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.28,
BurstCount = 2,
FireRate = 16.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2.25,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akjagara Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Link",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Akjagara",
Image = "AkjagaraPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.2.2|Hotfix 24.2.2]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 320,
Name = "Akjagara Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.6,
["Perforation"] = 3.6,
["Tranchant"] = 28.8,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.32,
PunchThrough = 0.2,
BurstCount = 2,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = {"Prime"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Aklato"] = {
Accuracy = 11.1,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Disposition = 1.52,
Image = "Aklato.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Aklato",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.5,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.06,
FireRate = 7.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.4,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Aklex"] = {
Accuracy = 9.8,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lex",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Lex",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Aklex",
Image = "DEAklex.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.1|Update 11.1]]",
Magazine = 12,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Aklex",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13,
["Perforation"] = 104,
["Tranchant"] = 13,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.58,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 3,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Maroo]]"},
["Aklex Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 9.8,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lex Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Lex Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Link",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Aklex",
Image = "Aklex Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.8.1|Hotfix 19.8.1]]",
Magazine = 16,
Mastery = 15,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Aklex Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15,
["Perforation"] = 120,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 2.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 3,
Traits = {"Prime", "Baro"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akmagnus"] = {
Accuracy = 11.1,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 220,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Magnus",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Magnus",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.28,
Image = "DEAkmagnus.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.9|Update 11.9]]",
Magazine = 16,
Mastery = 12,
Name = "Akmagnus",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 34.2,
["Perforation"] = 20.9,
["Tranchant"] = 20.9,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 6.17,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Aksomati"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Akstiletto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Image = "Aksomati.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.3|Update 16.3]]",
Magazine = 70,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 420,
Name = "Aksomati",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.8,
["Perforation"] = 7.2,
["Tranchant"] = 9,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.08,
FireRate = 12.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akstiletto"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 23.5,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Akstiletto",
Image = "Akstiletto.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
Magazine = 28,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akstiletto",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 16.8,
["Perforation"] = 2.8,
["Tranchant"] = 8.4,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.18,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 1.1,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akstiletto Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Link",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 23.5,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Akstiletto",
Image = "AkstilettoPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.12|Update 18.12]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 400,
Name = "Akstiletto Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 21.6,
["Perforation"] = 3.6,
["Tranchant"] = 10.8,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 7.08,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
Reload = 1.1,
Traits = {"Prime"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akvasto"] = {
Accuracy = 11.1,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 220,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Vasto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Vasto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Family = "Akvasto",
Image = "Akvasto.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.7|Update 9.7]]",
Magazine = 12,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akvasto",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14.5,
["Perforation"] = 14.5,
["Tranchant"] = 29,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 8.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Torment]]"},
["Akvasto Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 16.0,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Vasto Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Vasto Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Link",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Family = "Akvasto",
Image = "AkvastoPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.0.6|Hotfix 24.0.6]]",
Magazine = 12,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akvasto Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9.9,
["Perforation"] = 9.9,
["Tranchant"] = 46.2,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 6.33,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akzani"] = {
Accuracy = 16.7,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.52,
Image = "AkZani.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 400,
Name = "Akzani",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.8,
["Perforation"] = 8.4,
["Tranchant"] = 1.8,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 20,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Angstrum"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 26.7,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Single Rocket Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 250,},
Radius = 3,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Single Rocket Impact",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 200,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 150,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Angstrum",
FireRate = 2,
Image = "Angstrum.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.3|Update 13.3]]",
Magazine = 3,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 18,
Name = "Angstrum",
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2.5,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Impact",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 600,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.525,
PelletName = "Rocket",
PelletCount = 3,
ChargeTime = 1.5,
AmmoCost = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 150,
SecondaryAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 750,},
PelletName = "Rocket",
PelletCount = 3,
Radius = 3,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Comba]]", "[[Scrambus]]", "[[Pelna Cade]]", "[[Jad Teran]]"},
["Arca Scisco"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 250,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 12500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 32,
Class = "Pistolet",
AmmoType = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Arca Scisco.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
Magazine = 36,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 288,
Name = "Arca Scisco",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 36,
["Tranchant"] = 24,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 4.667,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 2.2,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Zoom = {"2.0x", "4.0x"},
["Atomos"] = {
Accuracy = 12.5,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 60000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 45,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1300,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 0.8,
Image = "Atomos.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
Magazine = 70,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 350,
Name = "Atomos",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 29,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.7,
StatusChance = 0.21,
FireRate = 8,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 15,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Azima"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.25,
Image = "Azima.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
Magazine = 75,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 525,
Name = "Azima",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2,
["Perforation"] = 5,
["Tranchant"] = 13,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
Reload = 1.4,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Launch Turret",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 75,},
CritChance = 0.16,
StatusChance = 0.16,
AmmoCost = 75,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Ballistica"] = {
Accuracy = 4,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 80,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 3.33,
ChargeTime = 1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Class = "Arbalète",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.05,
Family = "Ballistica",
Image = "DEBallistica.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.4|Update 10.4]]",
Magazine = 16,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Ballistica",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Burst Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.5,
["Perforation"] = 20,
["Tranchant"] = 2.5,},
CritChance = 0.0375,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.025,
FireRate = 11.43,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
BurstCount = 4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Ballistica Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Upper Limb",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Lower Limb",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "String",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 4,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15.2,
["Perforation"] = 167.2,
["Tranchant"] = 121.6,},
ChargeTime = 0.8,
PunchThrough = 1,
PelletCount = 4,
PelletName = "Bolt",
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Class = "Arbalète",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.05,
Family = "Ballistica",
Image = "BallisticaPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.6|Update 21.6]]",
Magazine = 32,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Ballistica Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Normal Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.6,
["Perforation"] = 83.6,
["Tranchant"] = 60.8,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PelletCount = 4,
PelletName = "Bolt",
FireRate = 3.33,
AmmoCost = 4,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Polarities = {"Bar", "V", "V"},
Reload = 1.2,
Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
BurstCount = 4,
Type = "Secondaire",
["Ballistica Rakta"] = {
Accuracy = 4,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15,
["Perforation"] = 270,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 3.33,
ChargeTime = 1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Class = "Arbalète",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.05,
Family = "Ballistica",
Image = "RVBallistica.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Ballistica Rakta",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
Polarities = {"D", "V"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Burst Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.75,
["Perforation"] = 67.5,
["Tranchant"] = 3.75,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.025,
FireRate = 11.43,
BurstCount = 4,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
SyndicatEffect = "Blight",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Voile Rouge"},
Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Voile Rouge]] [[Operative]]s"},
["Bolto"] = {
Accuracy = 26.7,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lato",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.51,
Family = "Bolto",
Image = "Bolto.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.3|Update 5.3]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Bolto",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4,
["Perforation"] = 36,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.022,
FireRate = 6.83,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 75,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 1.3,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Brakk"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Accuracy = 7.7,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Image = "Brakk.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.6|Update 10.6]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Brakk",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 90,
["Perforation"] = 50,
["Tranchant"] = 60,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.17,
PelletCount = 10,
FireRate = 5,
Falloff = {StartRange = 11,EndRange = 22,Reduction = 0.6,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
Reload = 1.05,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Bronco"] = {
Accuracy = 3.7,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Bronco",
Image = "Bronco.png",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Bronco",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 224,
["Perforation"] = 28,
["Tranchant"] = 28,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
PelletCount = 7,
FireRate = 5,
Falloff = {StartRange = 7,EndRange = 14,Reduction = 0.75,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 1.05,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Bronco Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 3.7,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Bronco",
Image = "BroncoPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Bronco Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 280,
["Perforation"] = 35,
["Tranchant"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PelletCount = 7,
FireRate = 4.17,
Falloff = {StartRange = 9,EndRange = 18,Reduction = 0.74,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Castanas"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Castanas",
Image = "250px-TaserStar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.2|Update 12.2]]",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 18,
Name = "Castanas",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 160,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 30,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Castanas Sancti"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Castanas",
Image = "NLCastanas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 18,
Name = "Castanas Sancti",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 300,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.34,
FireRate = 3.33,
Radius = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 30,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "D"},
Reload = 1,
SyndicatEffect = "Purity",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Nouveau Loka"},
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Nouveau Loka]] [[Operative]]s"},
["Cestra"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.52,
Image = "CorpusMinigun.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 420,
Name = "Cestra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.2,
["Perforation"] = 20.8,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.20,
FireRate = 8.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Cyanex"] = {
Accuracy = 1.8,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8750,},
{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 250,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Cyanex.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
Magazine = 11,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 110,
Name = "Cyanex",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Mode Automatique",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 50,
["Gaz"] = 41},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.4,
StatusChance = 0.32,
FireRate = 4.67,
ShotType = "Projectile",
Polarities = {},
Reload = 2.2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Burst Mode",
Accuracy = 80,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.9,
["Tranchant"] = 38.9,
["Perforation"] = 30.2,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.4,
StatusChance = 0.32,
FireRate = 10.05,
Trigger = "Rafale",
ShotType = "Projectile",
PunchThrough = 0.5,
Trigger = "Auto / Burst",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Cycron"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 9000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Image = "Cycron.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.3|Update 20.3]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 40,
Name = "Cycron",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 8,
["Tranchant"] = 5,
["Radiation"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PunchThrough = 1,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 24,
Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
Reload = 1.0,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Despair"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4500,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Image = "Despair.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Despair",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.9,
["Perforation"] = 46.4,
["Tranchant"] = 8.7,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.75,
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Stalker]]"},
["Detron"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Accuracy = 7.1,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Detron",
Image = "250px-DECorpusHandCannon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5.5|Update 11.5.5]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Detron",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 280,},
CritChance = 0.04,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PelletCount = 7,
FireRate = 3.33,
Falloff = {StartRange = 13,EndRange = 22,Reduction = 0.6231,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 150,
Reload = 1.05,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Detron Crewman]]", "[[Scrambus]]", "[[Comba]]", "[[Pelna Cade]]", "[[Jad Teran]]"},
["Detron Mara"] = {
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Detron",
Image = "Mara Detron.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Hotfix 15.6.3|Hotfix 15.6.3]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 9,
Name = "Detron Mara",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 280,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.32,
PelletCount = 7,
FireRate = 3.33,
Falloff = {StartRange = 16,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.625,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
Reload = 1.05,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Dex Furis"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.39,
Family = "Afuris",
Image = "DexFuris.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.6|Update 12.6]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 400,
Name = "Dex Furis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.4,
["Perforation"] = 11.2,
["Tranchant"] = 2.4,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 20,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Double Cestra"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cestra",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cestra",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 20,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Double Cestra",
Image = "250px-DualCorpusMinigun.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
Magazine = 120,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 480,
Name = "Dual Cestra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.2,
["Perforation"] = 20.8,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 12.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 3.5,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Darvo]]", "[[Jen Dro]]"},
["Double Cestra Secura"] = {
Accuracy = 20,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Dual Cestra",
Image = "PSDualCestra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 120,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 480,
Name = "Double Cestra Secura",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.6,
["Perforation"] = 22.4,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 12.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 3.5,
SyndicatEffect = "Sequence",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Perrin Sequence"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[La Séquence Perrin|Perrin Sequence]] [[Operative]]s"},
["Doubles Toxocyst"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6500,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.3,
Image = "DoublesToxocyst.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
Magazine = 12,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Doubles Toxocyst",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.5,
["Perforation"] = 60,
["Tranchant"] = 7.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.37,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 2.35,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Embolist"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.45,
Image = "Embolist.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
Magazine = 33,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Embolist",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.03,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.41,
FireRate = 8,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 9,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 1.3,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Euphona Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.7,
Image = "EuphoraPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.11.5|Hotfix 19.11.5]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 40,
Name = "Euphona Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 292.5,
["Perforation"] = 16.25,
["Tranchant"] = 16.25,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.02,
FireRate = 1.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 180,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 44,
["Perforation"] = 176,
["Tranchant"] = 660,},
CritChance = 0.02,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PelletCount = 10,
Falloff = {StartRange = 6,EndRange = 12,Reduction = 0.9886,},
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Furis"] = {
Accuracy = 22.2,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 120,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Furis",
Image = "Furis.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 35,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Furis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3,
["Perforation"] = 14,
["Tranchant"] = 3,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Fusilai"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2950,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10000,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1350,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Image = "GlassKunai.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update: Plains of Eidolon|Update: Plains of Eidolon]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Fusilai",
Reload = 0.8,
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Mode Automatique",
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 30.8,
["Tranchant"] = 46.2,},
CritChance = 0.23,
CritMultiplier = 1.7,
StatusChance = 0.29,
FireRate = 2.83,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 92.4,
["Tranchant"] = 138.6,},
CritChance = 0.03,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.37,
FireRate = 1.5,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
PelletCount = 3,
PelletName = "Shuriken",
AmmoCost = 3,
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Gammacor"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 650,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Gammacor",
Image = "Gammacor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 240,
Name = "Gammacor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 16,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 25,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Cephalon"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Hikou"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},},
Disposition = 0.95,
Family = "Hikou",
Image = "Hikou.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Hikou",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.6,
["Perforation"] = 15.6,
["Tranchant"] = 7.8,},
CritChance = 0.04,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 6.67,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.75,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Junction|Mag Specter]]"},
["Hikou Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Pouch",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Stars",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.95,
Family = "Hikou",
Image = "PrimeHikou.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.8|Update 14.8]]",
Magazine = 26,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Hikou Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.6,
["Perforation"] = 30.6,
["Tranchant"] = 1.8,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 5.83,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.5,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Hystrix"] = {
Accuracy = 14.3,
Class = "Pistolet",
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Bolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Viper",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 9750,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
--Conclave = true,
Image = "Hystrix.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22|Update 22.18]]",
Magazine = 16,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 320,
Name = "Hystrix",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Poison / Ice Quill",
Accuracy = 14.3,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.2,
["Perforation"] = 31,
["Tranchant"] = 2.9,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 7,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 1.7,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Fire / Electric Quill",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.4,
["Perforation"] = 34.4,
["Tranchant"] = 3.2,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
Polarities = {"V"},
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Knell"] = {
Class = "Pistolet",
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5200,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3800,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20000,},},
Disposition = 1.15,
Image = "Knell.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.0|Update 21.0]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 10,
Name = "Knell",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 63,
["Perforation"] = 69,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 4,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Accuracy = 32,
Reload = 2,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Kohmak"] = {
Accuracy = 8,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
PelletCount = 5,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 30,
["Perforation"] = 30,
["Tranchant"] = 90,},
AmmoCost = 1.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Image = "Kohmak.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.0|Update 16.0]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Kohmak",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.23,
PunchThrough = 1.5,
AttackName = "Single Pellet",
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
FireRate = 5,
Falloff = {StartRange = 12,EndRange = 24,Reduction = 0.6667,},
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Users = {"[[Heavy Gunner#Variants|Tusk Heavy Gunner]]"},
Type = "Secondaire",
["Kohmak Jumeaux"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Kohmak",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Kohmak",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 5.7,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
PelletCount = 5,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 30,
["Perforation"] = 30,
["Tranchant"] = 90,},
AmmoCost = 1.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Class = "Double Fusils à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.25,
Image = "KohmakJumeaux.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.0|Update 16.0]]",
Magazine = 80,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 240,
Name = "Kohmak Jumeaux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.23,
PunchThrough = 1.5,
AttackName = "Single Pellet",
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
FireRate = 6.67,
Falloff = {StartRange = 12,EndRange = 24,Reduction = 0.6667,},
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2.2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Kraken"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
BurstCount = 2,
BurstFireRate = 2.83,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 120,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 120,},},
Disposition = 1.53,
Image = "Kraken.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.3|Update 6.3]]",
Magazine = 14,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Kraken",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 36.8,
["Perforation"] = 6.1,
["Tranchant"] = 6.1,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
BurstCount = 2,
StatusChance = 0.13,
FireRate = 4.42,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.45,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Seeker]]"},
["Kulstar"] = {
Accuracy = 26.7,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 300,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Class = "Pistolet",
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 190,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Kraken",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4800,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3600,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Image = "Kulstar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
Magazine = 3,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 15,
Name = "Kulstar",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 200,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.19,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
FireRate = 2,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Cluster Bombs",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 225,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.19,
PelletCount = 3,
PelletName = "Bomb",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Darek Draga]]"},
["Kunai"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 40,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3000,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},},
Disposition = 1.51,
Image = "Kunai.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Kunai",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.6,
["Perforation"] = 34.5,
["Tranchant"] = 6.9,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.08,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.8,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Junction|Nova Specter]]"},
["Lato"] = {
Accuracy = 18.2,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 10000,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Lato",
Image = "Lato.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Lato",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.5,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.06,
FireRate = 6.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 1,
Traits = {"Tutorial", "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Lancer]] (During Tutorial and [[Vor's Prize]])"},
["Lato Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 18.2,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Lato",
Image = "LatoPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Lato Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.8,
["Perforation"] = 9.6,
["Tranchant"] = 33.6,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 6.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted", "Fondateur"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Lato Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 23,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Lato",
Image = "Lato Vandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Lato Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.9,
["Perforation"] = 11.5,
["Tranchant"] = 27.6,},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Lex"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 50000,
Disposition = 0.7,
Family = "Lex",
Image = "Lex.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Lex",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13,
["Perforation"] = 104,
["Tranchant"] = 13,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.08,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.35,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Maroo]] (when down)"},
["Lex Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 0.7,
Family = "Lex",
Image = "PrimeLex.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Lex Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15,
["Perforation"] = 120,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 2.08,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.35,
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Magnus"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},},
Disposition = 1.53,
Image = "TennoMagnum.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.2|Update 11.2]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Magnus",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 34.2,
["Perforation"] = 20.9,
["Tranchant"] = 20.9,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 5.83,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Junction|Volt Specter]]", "[[Junction|Ember Specter]]"},
["Marelok"] = {
Accuracy = 10,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Marelok",
Image = "250px-GrineerLeverActionPistol.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.3|Update 12.3]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Marelok",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 80,
["Perforation"] = 16,
["Tranchant"] = 64,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 2,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.67,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Shik Tal]] (Modified)", "Kuva [[Shield Lancer]]"},
["Marelok Vaykor"] = {
Accuracy = 10,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Syndicat = "Méridien d'Acier",
Reputation = 125000,
Rank = 5,
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Marelok",
Image = "SMMarelok.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Marelok Vaykor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 96,
["Perforation"] = 16,
["Tranchant"] = 48,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 2,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "D"},
Reload = 1.67,
SyndicatEffect = "Justice",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Méridien d'Acier"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Méridien d'Acier]] [[Operative]]s"},
["MK1-Furis"] = {
Accuracy = 22.2,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Furis",
Image = "Furis.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
Magazine = 35,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "MK1-Furis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.95,
["Perforation"] = 9.1,
["Tranchant"] = 1.95,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.01,
FireRate = 8.33,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["MK1-Kunai"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.51,
Image = "Kunai.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "MK1-Kunai",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4,
["Perforation"] = 30,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.025,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.75,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Nukor"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.45,
Image = "Nukor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
Magazine = 50,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Nukor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 22,},
CritChance = 0.03,
CritMultiplier = 4,
StatusChance = 0.29,
FireRate = 10,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 25,
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Grineer Nightwatch Corps#Nightwatch Seeker|Nightwatch Seeker]]"},
["Ocucor"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Boue Thermique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 40,},
{ Name = "Alliage Venerdo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 55,},
{ Name = "Module Sagan",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
Image = "Ocucor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 300,
Name = "Ocucor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 2.0,
["Radiation"] = 20.0,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.24,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 20,
Reload = 1.6,
Traits = {"Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Pandero"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4500,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5500,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 25000,},},
Disposition = 0.95,
Image = "Pandero.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update: Octavia's Anthem|Update: Octavia's Anthem]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Pandero",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 18,
["Perforation"] = 18,
["Tranchant"] = 36,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 1,
SecondaryAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 18,
["Perforation"] = 18,
["Tranchant"] = 36,},
Accuracy = 8.2,
FireRate = 7.69,
AmmoCost = 8,
Trigger = "Rafale",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Plinx"] = {
Accuracy = 50.0,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4375,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 575,},
{ Name = "Systèmes Gyromag",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
Image = "Plinx.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 10,
Name = "Plinx",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 26,
["Feu"] = 20,},
CritChance = 0.32,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.04,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Range = 100,
Reload = 0.8,
Range = 100,
Traits = {"Corpus"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Pox"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6500,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Poison Cloud",
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 100,},
Duration = 5,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.05,
Image = "Pox.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove|Update: The Silver Grove]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 20,
Name = "Pox",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Spore Impact",
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.01,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 2.08,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Angstrum Prisma"] = {
Accuracy = 26.7,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Single Rocket Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 250,},
Radius = 3,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Single Rocket Impact",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 200,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.26,
ChargeTime = 0.2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 150,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Angstrum",
FireRate = 2,
Image = "Angstrum Prisma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
Magazine = 3,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 18,
Name = "Angstrum Prisma",
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 1.8,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Impact",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 600,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.595,
PelletName = "Rocket",
PelletCount = 3,
ChargeTime = 0.6,
AmmoCost = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 150,
SecondaryAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 750,},
PelletName = "Rocket",
PelletCount = 3,
Radius = 3,
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Secondaire",
Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
["Gremlins Jumeaux"] = {
Accuracy = 16.7,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 45,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Gremlins Jumeaux",
Image = "GremlinsJumeaux.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.5|Update 9.5]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Twin Gremlins",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 12.33,
["Perforation"] = 12.33,
["Tranchant"] = 12.33,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 65,
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.1,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Gremlins Jumeaux Prisma"] = {
Accuracy = 36.4,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Twin Gremlins",
Image = "PrismaTwinGremlins.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Hotfix 23.4.2|Hotfix 23.4.2]]",
Magazine = 70,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 600,
Name = "Gremlins Jumeaux Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.0,
["Perforation"] = 12.7,
["Tranchant"] = 11.3,},
CritChance = 0.23,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.23,
FireRate = 8.83,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 65,
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 0.9,
Traits = {"Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Pyrana"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 5,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Pyrana",
Image = "250px-SawnOffShotgun.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.6|Update 13.6]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Pyrana",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 26.4,
["Perforation"] = 26.4,
["Tranchant"] = 211.2,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
PelletCount = 12,
FireRate = 4.17,
Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.7273,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Pyrana Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Accuracy = 6.1,
Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Pyrana",
Image = "PyranaPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Hotfix 23.0.3|Hotfix 23.0.3]]",
Magazine = 12,
Mastery = 13,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Pyrana Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 19.2,
["Perforation"] = 19.2,
["Tranchant"] = 201.6,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.12,
PelletCount = 12,
FireRate = 4,
Falloff = {StartRange = 18,EndRange = 36,Reduction = 0.7273,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1.6,
Traits = { "Prime"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Quatz"] = {
Accuracy = 40.0,
Class = "Pistolet",
--Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 40000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4200,},
{ Name = "Récupérations",Type = "Ressource",Count = 12750,},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Quatz.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.4.0|Update 25.4.0]]",
Magazine = 72,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Quatz",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Auto",
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 11,
["Impact"] = 7.0,
["Perforation"] = 2.0,
["Tranchant"] = 9.0,},
CritChance = 0.13,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.27,
FireRate = 15.0,
--ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.7,
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 90.9,
AttackName = "Rafale",
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 11.0,
["Tranchant"] = 7.0,
["Perforation"] = 2.0,
["Impact"] = 9.0,
CritChance = 0.27,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.19,
FireRate = 10.0,
BurstCount = 4,
--ShotType = "Projectile",
--ShotSpeed = 100,
--Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Seer"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.5,
Image = "Prophète.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Seer",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 33.67,
["Perforation"] = 33.67,
["Tranchant"] = 33.67,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.13,
FireRate = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 200,
Reload = 2.8,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Capitaine Vor]]"},
["Sicarus"] = {
Accuracy = 20,
BurstFireRate = 3.5,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Sicarus",
Image = "Sicarus.png",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Sicarus",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 21,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 4.5,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.06,
FireRate = 7.39,
BurstCount = 3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Sicarus Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Accuracy = 25,
BurstFireRate = 5,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Sicarus",
Image = "PrimeSicarus.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
Magazine = 24,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Sicarus Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 20,
["Perforation"] = 15,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 9.38,
BurstCount = 3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Sonicor"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Explosion",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
Radius = 5,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6500,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2600,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 0.8,
Image = "Sonicor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 150,
Name = "Sonicor",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 150,},
CritChance = 0,
StatusChance = 0,
FireRate = 1.25,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 80,
Range = 15,
Falloff = {StartRange = 0,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.8333,},
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 3,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Derim Zahn]]"},
["Spectra"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.49,
Image = "Spectra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 360,
Name = "Spectra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 7.6,
["Tranchant"] = 10.4,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
PunchThrough = 0.5,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 18,
Reload = 1.8,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Spectra Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.49,
Family = "Spectra",
Image = "SpectraVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
Magazine = 80,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 720,
Name = "Spectra Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Tranchant"] = 12.8,
["Perforation"] = 9.2},
CritChance = 0.20,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 12,
PunchThrough = 0.5,
Polarities = {},
Reload = 1.2,
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Spira"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Spira",
Image = "Spira.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.4.5|Update 17.4.5]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Spira",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.2,
["Perforation"] = 49.2,
["Tranchant"] = 24.6,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.08,
FireRate = 2.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Spira Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Pouch",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Spira",
Image = "SpiraPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Hotfix 18.4.12|Hotfix 18.4.12]]",
Magazine = 12,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Spira Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 48,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 3.0,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.75,
Traits = {"Prime"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Staticor"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 9000,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Accuracy = 16.7,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Fully Charged Projectile",
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 176,},
ChargeTime = 1,
AmmoCost = 5,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Explosion",
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 88,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Radius = 2,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.53,
Image = "Staticor-arme.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.4.7|Update 18.4.7]]",
Magazine = 48,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 288,
Name = "Staticor",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Projectile",
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 44,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 3.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 50,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 1.5,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Fully Charged Explosion",
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 352,},
Radius = 8,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Stug"] = {
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir chargé",
Damage = {
["Corrosif"] = 936,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
AmmoCost = 6,
ChargeTime = 3,
Class = "Pistoletet",
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 120,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3000,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.48,
Image = "Stug.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Stug",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Normal",
Damage = {
["Corrosif"] = 156,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0,
FireRate = 4,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 35,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Artificer]]"},
["Stubba"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistoletet",
Cost = {
MarketCost = 190,
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Grokdrul",Type = "Ressource",Count = 45,},
{ Name = "Alliage Coprite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 25,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4485,},
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.3,
Image = "Stubba.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8.0|Update 22]]",
Magazine = 57,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 399,
Name = "Stubba",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14.2,
["Perforation"] = 3.3,
["Tranchant"] = 15.5,},
CritChance = 0.23,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.13,
FireRate = 6.33,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 1.3,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Gammacor Synoid"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Gammacor",
Image = "SynoidGammacor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 80,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 400,
Name = "Gammacor Synoid",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 20,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 40,
Polarities = {"D", "Bar"},
Reload = 1.8,
SyndicatEffect = "Entropy",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Cephalon Suda"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Cephalon Suda]] [[Operative]]s"},
["Talons"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Thrown",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.44,
Image = "U18throwingknives.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 12,
Name = "Talons",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 120,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 50,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Akbolto Telos"] = {
Accuracy = 26.7,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Akbolto",
Image = "AHAkbolto.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Akbolto Telos",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.7,
["Perforation"] = 42.3,},
CritChance = 0.13,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.29,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 75,
Polarities = {"D", "Bar"},
Reload = 2.6,
SyndicatEffect = "Truth",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Arbitres d'Hexis"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Arbitres d'Hexis]] [[Operative]]s"},
["Roggas Jumeaux"] = {
Accuracy = 4.3,
Class = "Double Fusils à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 40,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1600,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Image = "TwinRogga.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Roggas Jumeaux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 282,
["Perforation"] = 352.5,
["Tranchant"] = 70.5,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.33,
PelletCount = 15,
FireRate = 2.5,
Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.7872,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
Reload = 1.5,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Gardienne Kuva]]"},
["Vipers Jumeaux"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Viper",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Viper",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.41,
Family = "Twin Vipers",
Image = "VipersJumeaux.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Hotfix 7.7.3|Hotfix 7.7.3]]",
Magazine = 28,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 420,
Name = "Vipers Jumeaux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.2,
["Perforation"] = 1.7,
["Tranchant"] = 5.1,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.11,
FireRate = 25,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Vipers Jumeaux Wraith"] = {
Accuracy = 11.1,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Link",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.41,
Family = "Twin Vipers",
Image = "VipersJumeauxWraith.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 440,
Name = "Vipers Jumeaux Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14.4,
["Perforation"] = 1.8,
["Tranchant"] = 1.8,},
CritChance = 0.19,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.09,
FireRate = 25,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Tysis"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 120,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.51,
Image = "250px-DETysis.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.7|Update 11.7]]",
Magazine = 11,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Tysis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9.0,
["Perforation"] = 23.0,
["Tranchant"] = 17.0,
["Corrosif"] = 81.0,},
CritChance = 0.03,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.5,
FireRate = 2.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 75,
Reload = 1.2,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Vasto"] = {
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Vasto",
Image = "Vasto.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.3|Update 9.3]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Vasto",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14.5,
["Perforation"] = 14.5,
["Tranchant"] = 29,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.08,
FireRate = 5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Vasto Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Accuracy = 16,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Vasto",
Image = "PrimeVasto.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.7|Update 15.7]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 10,
Name = "Vasto Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9.9,
["Perforation"] = 9.9,
["Tranchant"] = 46.2,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 5.42,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Viper"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 75,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = "Viper",
Image = "Viper.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
Magazine = 14,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 420,
Name = "Viper",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.2,
["Perforation"] = 1.7,
["Tranchant"] = 5.1,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.11,
FireRate = 14.38,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 0.7,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Shield Lancer]]", "[[Seeker]] Variants"},
["Viper Wraith"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = "Viper",
Image = "Viper Wraith.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.8.4|Hotfix 22.8.4]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 420,
Name = "Viper Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14.4,
["Perforation"] = 1.8,
["Tranchant"] = 1.8,},
CritChance = 0.19,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.09,
FireRate = 14.38,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 0.8,
Traits = { "Grineer", "Wraith", "Baro"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Zakti"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 350,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6500,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},},
Accuracy = 26.7,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Nuage de Gaz",
Damage = {
["Gaz"] = 80,},
Radius = 5,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.2,
Image = "Zakti.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.1|Update 21.1]]",
Magazine = 3,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 210,
Name = "Zakti",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Impact Fléchette",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 12,
["Perforation"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.02,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 66,
Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
Reload = 0.8,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Zylok"] = {
Accuracy = 23.5,
Class = "Pistolet",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
Image = "Zylok.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.6|Update 23.6]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 6,
Name = "Zylok",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 44.8,
["Perforation"] = 16.8,
["Tranchant"] = 78.4,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 1.8,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 1.2,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Duplex",
Type = "Secondaire",
["Acceltra"] = {
Accuracy = 23.5,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 925,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8000,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Acceltra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.7|Update 25.7]]",
Magazine = 48,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 96,
Name = "Acceltra",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 26.0,
["Perforation"] = 35.2,
["Tranchant"] = 8.8,
CritChance = 0.32,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.06,
FireRate = 12,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2.0,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principal",
Users = {},
["Amprex"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 9000,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Accuracy = 12.5,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.7,
Image = "Amprex.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.1|Update 13.1]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 700,
Name = "Amprex",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 22,},
CritChance = 0.32,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 18,
Reload = 2.6,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
["Argonak"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 9950,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Image = "Argonak.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update: Plains of Eidolon|Update: Plains of Eidolon]]",
Magazine = 43,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 473,
Name = "Argonak",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Mode Automatique",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24.5,
["Perforation"] = 6.3,
["Tranchant"] = 26.2,},
CritChance = 0.09,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.27,
FireRate = 6,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 2.4,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
Accuracy = 28.6,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 24.5,
["Perforation"] = 6.3,
["Tranchant"] = 26.2,},
CritChance = 0.27,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.19,
FireRate = 4.33,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
Type = "Principale",
["Attica"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 40,
Class = "Arbalète",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.415,
Image = "250px-TnoPrmryXbow.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Attica",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4,
["Perforation"] = 60,
["Tranchant"] = 16,
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 3.67,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 90,
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.8,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Battacor"] = {
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Tepa Nodule",Type = "Ressource",Count = 40,},
{ Name = "Heart Noctrul",Type = "Ressource",Count = 25,},
{ Name = "Entroplasma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Battacor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 720,
Name = "Battacor",
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 25,
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 24.0,
["Magnétique"] = 42.0,},
CritChance = 0.32,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.18,
FireRate = 3.57,
BurstCount = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 115,
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 100,
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 208.0,},
CritChance = 0.34,
CritMultiplier = 3.0,
StatusChance = 0.08,
FireRate = 1,
ChargeTime = 0.4,
PunchThrough = 2.0,
Trigger = "Charge",
AmmoCost = 1,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Traits = {"Corpus"},
Reload = 2.0,
Trigger = "Auto Burst",
Type = "Principale",
["Baza"] = {
Accuracy = 80,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3500,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4300,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 575,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Baza.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.4|Update 22.4]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 800,
Name = "Baza",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.8,
["Perforation"] = 6.7,
["Tranchant"] = 3.5,
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 16.67,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Falloff = {StartRange = 22,EndRange = 34,Reduction = 0.5,},
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Boltor"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},},
Disposition = 0.95,
Family = "Boltor",
Image = "Boltor.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.0|Update 6.0]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Boltor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.5,
["Perforation"] = 20,
["Tranchant"] = 2.5,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 8.75,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2.6,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Junction|Equinox Specter]]"},
["Boltor Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 50,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 0.95,
Family = "Boltor",
Image = "DEPrimeBoltor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 13,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Boltor Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.6,
["Perforation"] = 41.4,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.34,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Polarities = {"D", "V"},
Reload = 2.4,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Braton"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Braton",
Image = "Braton.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 45,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Braton",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.9,
["Perforation"] = 7.9,
["Tranchant"] = 8.2,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.06,
FireRate = 8.75,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Braton Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Braton",
Image = "PrimeBraton.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9]]",
Magazine = 75,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 600,
Name = "Braton Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.75,
["Perforation"] = 12.25,
["Tranchant"] = 21,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 9.58,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.15,
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Braton Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.01,
Family = "Braton",
Image = "BratonVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Hotfix 6.3.1|Hotfix 6.3.1]]",
Magazine = 50,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 550,
Name = "Braton Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 12.25,
["Perforation"] = 1.75,
["Tranchant"] = 21,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 7.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.75,
Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Junction|Excalibur Specter]]"},
["Burston"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
BurstFireRate = 5,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 120,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 150,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},},
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Burston",
Image = "Burston.png",
Magazine = 45,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Burston",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 10,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.06,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.18,
FireRate = 7.83,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
BurstCount = 3,
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Junction|Loki Specter]]"},
["Burston Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
BurstFireRate = 10,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Burston",
Image = "PrimeBurston.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
Magazine = 45,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Burston Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.8,
["Perforation"] = 10.8,
["Tranchant"] = 14.4,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.30,
FireRate = 13.64,
BurstCount = 3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
["Buzlok"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 250,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.45,
Image = "Buzlok.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.7|Update 14.7]]",
Magazine = 50,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Buzlok",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 30,
["Perforation"] = 24,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.23,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.21,
FireRate = 6.25,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 40,
Reload = 3,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Beacon",
Accuracy = 16.7,
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 3},
CritChance = 0,
CritMultiplier = 1,
StatusChance = 0,
FireRate = 1.67,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
local data = {}
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Executioners/Harkonar|Harkonar]]"},
["Cernos"] = {
Accuracy = "16.7 (100 when aimed)",
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 198,
["Perforation"] = 11,
["Tranchant"] = 11,},
CritChance = 0.36,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.18,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
PunchThrough = 1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1750,},},
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Cernos",
Image = "Cernos.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.1|Update 11.1]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Cernos",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 99,
["Perforation"] = 5.5,
["Tranchant"] = 5.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.18,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 0.6,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
ComparisonDisplay = {
{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
["Cernos Mutaliste"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 250,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cernos",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1400,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2300,},},
Accuracy = "16.7 (100 aimed)",
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Poison Cloud",
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 50,},
Duration = 10,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 202.5,
["Perforation"] = 11.25,
["Tranchant"] = 11.25,},
ChargeTime = 0.5,
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.49,
PunchThrough = 1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Cernos",
Image = "CernosMutaliste.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Cernos Mutaliste",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 108,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.49,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 0.6,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
["Cernos Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 16.7,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 324,
["Perforation"] = 18,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.35,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
PunchThrough = 1,
PelletCount = 3,
PelletName = "Arrow",
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Upper Limb",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Lower Limb",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Grip",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "String",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Cernos",
Image = "Cernos Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.0.7|Hotfix 19.0.7]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Cernos Prime",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 162,
["Perforation"] = 9,
["Tranchant"] = 9,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PelletCount = 3,
PelletName = "Arrow",
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.65,
Traits = {"Prime"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
ComparisonDisplay = {
{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
["Cernos Rakta"] = {
Accuracy = 16.7,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 225,
["Perforation"] = 12.5,
["Tranchant"] = 12.5,},
ChargeTime = 0.25,
CritChance = 0.35,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
PunchThrough = 1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.92,
Family = "Cernos",
Image = "CernosRakta.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Cernos Rakta",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 135,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,
["Tranchant"] = 7.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
Reload = 0.6,
SyndicatEffect = "Blight",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Voile Rouge"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
ComparisonDisplay = {
{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
["Daikyu"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Accuracy = 16.7,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 138,
["Perforation"] = 184,
["Tranchant"] = 138,},
ChargeTime = 1,
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
PunchThrough = 3,
StatusChance = 0.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
Image = "AsymmetricBow.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Daikyu",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 0.6,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
["Dera"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Dera",
Image = "Dera.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 45,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Dera",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 22.5,
["Tranchant"] = 1.5,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 11.25,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Reload = 1.8,
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Crewman]]", "[[Corrupted Lancer]]", "[[Ranger]]"},
["Dera Vandal"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.245,
Family = "Dera",
Image = "DeraVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Dera Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.4,
["Perforation"] = 24,
["Tranchant"] = 1.6,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.30,
FireRate = 11.25,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Reload = 1.8,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Dex Sybaris"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
BurstFireRate = 3.33,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Sybaris",
Image = "DexSybaris.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Hotfix 18.6.2|Hotfix 18.6.2]]",
Magazine = 14,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Dex Sybaris",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 22.5,
["Perforation"] = 18.75,
["Tranchant"] = 33.75,},
CritChance = 0.35,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 4.17,
BurstCount = 2,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 1.5,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
["Dread"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},},
Accuracy = 16.7,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 10,
["Tranchant"] = 180,},
CritChance = 0.5,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PunchThrough = 2.5,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Image = "Dread.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Dread",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.5,
["Perforation"] = 6.5,
["Tranchant"] = 117,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 0.7,
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Stalker]]"},
ComparisonDisplay = {
{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
["Ferrox"] = {
Accuracy = 16.7,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 35,
["Perforation"] = 245,
["Tranchant"] = 70,},
CritChance = 0.32,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.33,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
PunchThrough = 1.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Class = "Speargun",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 30000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 35000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.15,
Image = "Ferrox.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.13|Update 19.13]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Ferrox",
Polarities = {"V", "D"},
Reload = 1.8,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Throw Spear",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 455,
["Perforation"] = 72.5,
["Tranchant"] = 122.5,},
CritChance = 0.04,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.33,
FireRate = 1,
Reload = 2,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
Trigger = "Charge",
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Derim Zahn]]"},
["Fusil à Flux"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.55,
Image = "Fusil à Flux.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 50,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 50,
Name = "Fusil à Flux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 4.8,
["Tranchant"] = 17.2,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.24,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
PunchThrough = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 30,
Reload = 2.25,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Elite Crewman]]"},
["Fulmin"] = {
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 265,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2100,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7500,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 350,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Fulmin.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 500,
Name = "Fulmin",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Mode Semi-Automatique",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 100,
["Électrique"] = 400},
CritChance = 0.30,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 2.17,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {},
Reload = 1.0,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Mode Automatique",
Accuracy = 111.1,
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 8,
["Électrique"] = 25,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.10,
FireRate = 9.33,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Trigger = "Auto / Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Glaxion"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 550,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Image = "Glaxion.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
Magazine = 80,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 720,
Name = "Glaxion",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Glace"] = 26,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.34,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 24,
Reload = 2.2,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Capture|Corpus Target]]", "[[Armis Ulta]]", "[[Dru Pesfor]]", "[[Rana Del]]", "[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
["Glaxion Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Glaxion",
Image = "Glaxion Vandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 1000,
Name = "Glaxion Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Glace"] = 29,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.38,
FireRate = 12,
Range = 24,
Polarities = {},
Reload = 1.8,
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
["Gorgon"] = {
Accuracy = 12.5,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},},
Disposition = 1.4,
Family = "Gorgon",
Image = "Gorgon.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 90,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Gorgon",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 18.75,
["Perforation"] = 3.75,
["Tranchant"] = 2.5,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.09,
FireRate = 12.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 4.2,
Spool = 15,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Lieutenant Lech Kril]]", "[[Heavy Gunner]] + Variants", "[[Corrupted Heavy Gunner]]", "[[Manic Bombard]] + Variants"},
["Gorgon Wraith"] = {
Accuracy = 16.7,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.4,
Family = "Gorgon",
Image = "WraithGorgon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
Magazine = 90,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 900,
Name = "Gorgon Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 23,
["Perforation"] = 2.7,
["Tranchant"] = 1.3,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.21,
FireRate = 13.3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 3,
Spool = 10,
Traits = {"Wraith", "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
["Grakata"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Family = "Grakata",
Image = "Grakata.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.8|Update 7.8]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 750,
Name = "Grakata",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.4,
["Perforation"] = 3.7,
["Tranchant"] = 2.9,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 20,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.4,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Lancer]]", "[[Hellion]]", "[[Commander]]", "[[Méridien d'Acier]] [[Operative]]s", "[[Executioners/Vay Molta|Vay Molta]]"},
["Grakatas Jumeaux"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Double Pistolets",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Grakata",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Grakata",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "GrakatasJumelles.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
Magazine = 120,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 1200,
Name = "Grakatas Jumeaux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8,
["Perforation"] = 6.7,
["Tranchant"] = 5.3,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.7,
StatusChance = 0.11,
PelletCount = 2,
PelletName = "Bullet",
FireRate = 20,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
AmmoCost = 2,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 3,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Clem]]"},
["Grinlok"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 44.4,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.245,
Family = "Grinlok",
Image = "250px-DEGrinlok.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.1|Update 12.1]]",
Magazine = 9,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Grinlok",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 93.5,
["Perforation"] = 18.7,
["Tranchant"] = 74.8,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 1.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.7,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Nightwatch Lancer]]", "[[Kuva Elite Lancer]]", "[[Elite Lancer#Variants|Tusk Elite Lancer]]"},
["Harpak"] = {
BurstFireRate = 5,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3600,},},
Disposition = 1.55,
Image = "Harpak.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
Magazine = 45,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Harpak",
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 18.2,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5,
["Perforation"] = 37.5,
["Tranchant"] = 7.5,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.17,
FireRate = 6,
BurstCount = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Harpoon",
Accuracy = 100,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 40,
["Perforation"] = 50,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.13,
FireRate = 1.5,
Range = 40,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Drekar Elite Lancer]]", "[[Draga]]"},
["Hema"] = {
Accuracy = 20,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 50000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Image = "Hema.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.5|Update 19.5]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 60,
Name = "Hema",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Viral"] = 47,},
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 6,
BurstCount = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
["Hind"] = {
BurstFireRate = 5,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.42,
Image = "Hind.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.6|Update 9.6]]",
Magazine = 65,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Hind",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Burst Mode",
Accuracy = 33.3,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.5,
["Perforation"] = 7.5,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.07,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 6.25,
BurstCount = 5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
Accuracy = 28.6,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 12,
["Perforation"] = 12,
["Tranchant"] = 36,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 2.5,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Elite Lancer]]", "[[Executioners/Dok Thul|Dok Thul]]"},
["Ignis"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
},Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.6,
Family = "Ignis",
Image = "Ignis.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 150,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 750,
Name = "Ignis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 33,},
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.27,
FireRate = 8,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 20,
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Scorch]]", "[[Hyekka Master]]", "[[Executioners/Zura|Zura]]"},
["Ignis Wraith"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.6,
Family = "Ignis",
Image = "IgnisWraith.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.12|Update 19.12]]",
Magazine = 200,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 800,
Name = "Ignis Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.29,
FireRate = 8,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 27,
Reload = 1.7,
Traits = {"Wraith", "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
["Javlok"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10000,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Condensateur Javlok",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6,},},
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Explosion",
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
Radius = 1.6,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
Accuracy = 100,
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 230,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
ChargeTime = 0.3,
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Class = "Speargun",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.2,
Image = "Javlok.png",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 300,
Name = "Javlok",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 1.9,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Spear Explosion",
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 300,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
Radius = 7,
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 16.7,
AttackName = "Throw Spear",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 45,
["Perforation"] = 75,
["Tranchant"] = 30,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
FireRate = 1,
Reload = 0.6,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
["Karak"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},},
Disposition = 1.28,
Family = "Karak",
Image = "250px-Karak.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 1,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Karak",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13,
["Perforation"] = 8.7,
["Tranchant"] = 7.3,},
CritChance = 0.09,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 11.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Elite Lancer|Frontier Elite Lancer]]"},
["Karak Wraith"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.28,
Family = "Karak",
Image = "KarakWraith.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Karak Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14.1,
["Perforation"] = 9.3,
["Tranchant"] = 7.8,},
CritChance = 0.13,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 11.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Grineer Nightwatch Corps#Nightwatch Lancer|Nightwatch Lancer]]"},
["Komorex"] = {
Accuracy = 20,
Class = "Sniper",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 6200,},
{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Komorex.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 40,
Name = "Komorex",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Normal",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.7,
["Tranchant"] = 41.8,
["Perforation"] = 36.5},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2.1,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 6.0,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Trigger = "Semi-Auto"
--3.5 zoom + viral explosion stats not shown in arsenal UI
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Zoom 3.5x",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 17.4,
["Tranchant"] = 83.6,
["Perforation"] = 73},
FireRate = 1.5,
AreaAttack = {
Damage = {
["Viral"] = 66,},
Radius = 3.5,
FireRate = 1.5,
Polarities = {},
Reload = 3.0,
SniperComboMin = 5,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Heqet Amalgame]]"},
Zoom = {"Zoom 2x (-50% Recul, +2m Pénétration)", "Zoom 3.5x (+100% Dégâts, +3.5m Rayon d'Explosion, -75% Cadence de Tir)"},
["Lanka"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 525,},
ChargeTime = 1,
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
PunchThrough = 5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 200,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.85,
Image = "Lanka.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Lanka",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 200,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
ChargeTime = 0.33,
FireRate = 1,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 200,
Reload = 2,
SniperComboMin = 2,
SniperComboReset = 6,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Sniper Crewman]]", "[[The Sergeant]]", "[[Nullifier Crewman]]", "[[Corrupted Nullifier]]", "[[La Séquence Perrin|Perrin Sequence]] [[Operative]]s"},
Zoom = {"3x (+20% Critical Chance)", "5x (+30% Critical Chance)", "8x (+50% Critical Chance)"},
["Latron"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Latron",
Image = "Latron.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Latron",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.25,
["Perforation"] = 38.5,
["Tranchant"] = 8.25,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 4.17,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Clem]]"},
["Latron Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Latron",
Image = "LatronPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Latron Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9,
["Perforation"] = 72,
["Tranchant"] = 9,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 4.17,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 2.4,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Latron Wraith"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Latron",
Image = "LatronWraith.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Latron Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15,
["Perforation"] = 42,
["Tranchant"] = 3,},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 5.42,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.4,
Traits = {"Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Lenz"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 235,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8200,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2400,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Accuracy = 16.7,
AreaAttack = {
Damage = {
["Glace"] = 10,},
Radius = 8,
AttackName = "Initial Burst",
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
CritChance = 0.5,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 50,},
ChargeTime = 1.2,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.9,
Image = "Lenz.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.3|Update 21.3]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 6,
Name = "Lenz",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
Reload = 0.6,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 660,},
Radius = 6,
AttackName = "Bubble Collapse",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
ComparisonDisplay = {
{ Name = "Lenz", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack", "AreaAttack", "SecondaryAreaAttack"} }},
["Miter"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
AmmoType = "Sniper",
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 12.5,
["Perforation"] = 12.5,
["Tranchant"] = 225,},
ChargeTime = 0.75,
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.5,
PunchThrough = 2.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 60,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Weapon Chassis",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.55,
Image = "miter.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.5|Update 9.5]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Miter",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5,
["Perforation"] = 5,
["Tranchant"] = 90,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 2.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 60,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Eviscerator]]"},
["MK1-Braton"] = {
Accuracy = 40,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.01,
Family = "Braton",
Image = "Braton.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "MK1-Braton",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.5,
["Perforation"] = 4.5,
["Tranchant"] = 9,},
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 7.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["MK1-Paris"] = {
Accuracy = "16.7 (100 Aimed)",
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 96,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
ChargeTime = 0.5,
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
PunchThrough = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.05,
Family = "Paris",
Image = "Paris.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "MK1-Paris",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5,
["Perforation"] = 80,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 0.55,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
local MODULE_LOCALIZATION =[828].name
["Quanta Mutaliste"] = {
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Infested Orb",
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 20,},
StatusChance = 1,
AmmoCost = 5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.55,
Image = "QuantaMutaliste.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.8|Update 13.8]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Quanta Mutaliste",
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 100,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.5,
["Perforation"] = 15,
["Tranchant"] = 7.5,},
CritChance = 0.025,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 3.0,
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 25,
Reload = 3.0,
AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 100,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.0,
FireRate = 10,
Radius = 8,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Nagantaka"] = {
Class = "Arbalète",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 1.05,
Family = "Nagantaka",
Image = "Nagantaka.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
Magazine = 9,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Nagantaka",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
Polarities = {"V"},
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 40,
AttackName = "Semi-Auto",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.6,
["Perforation"] = 14.3,
["Tranchant"] = 143.1,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.39,
FireRate = 2.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 0,
Reload = 2.3,
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 40,
AttackName = "Burst Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.6,
["Perforation"] = 14.3,
["Tranchant"] = 143.1,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.39,
FireRate = 5.81,
Reload = 2.0,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
BurstCount = 9,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi / Burst",
Type = "Principale",
["Ogris"] = {
Class = "Launcher",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5000,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Image = "OgrisNew.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Accuracy = 100,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 100,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.35,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 40,
ChargeTime = 0.3,
FireRate = 1.5,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 600,},
Radius = 6,
Disposition = 1.3,
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 20,
Name = "Ogris",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
Reload = 2.5,
Traits = {"Grineer"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Bombard]]", "[[Corrupted Bombard]]", "[[Executioner Gorth]]", "[[Nightwatch Bombard]]"},
["Opticor"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 20,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 400,},
Radius = 5,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 100,
["Perforation"] = 850,
["Tranchant"] = 50,},
ChargeTime = 2,
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PunchThrough = 1,
Range = 300,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
FireRate = 1,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Opticor",
Image = "250px-opticor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 200,
Name = "Opticor",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Malice]]", "[[Ved Xol]]", "[[002-ER]]"},
["Opticor Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 200,},
Radius = 5,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 40,
["Perforation"] = 280,
["Tranchant"] = 80,},
ChargeTime = 0.6,
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2.6,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PunchThrough = 1,
Range = 300,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
FireRate = 2,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Opticor",
Image = "Opticor Vandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 200,
Name = "Opticor Vandal",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
["Panthera"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Hikou",Type = "Arme",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Miter",Type = "Arme",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.4,
Image = "Panthera.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.10|Update 15.10]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Panthera",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 20,
["Perforation"] = 10,
["Tranchant"] = 70,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.24,
FireRate = 3,
AmmoCost = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 40,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 10,
["Tranchant"] = 80,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 2,
AmmoCost = 1,
ShotType = "Continus",
Range = 6,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Paracyst"] = {
BurstFireRate = 8.33,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.315,
Image = "250px-Paracyst.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 7,
Name = "Paracyst",
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 50,
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 33,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 11.11,
BurstCount = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Infested Harpoon",
Accuracy = 50,
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 33,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 11.11,
Range = 50,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Mutalist Alad V]]"},
["Paris"] = {
Accuracy = "16.7 (100 aimed)",
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9,
["Perforation"] = 144,
["Tranchant"] = 27,},
ChargeTime = 0.5,
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
PunchThrough = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 700,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2000,},},
Disposition = 1.2,
Family = "Paris",
Image = "Paris.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Paris",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 96,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 0.65,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Junction|Trinity Specter]]"},
ComparisonDisplay = {
{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
["Paris Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Upper Limb",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Lower Limb",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Grip",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "String",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = "16.7 (100 aimed)",
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.5,
["Perforation"] = 208,
["Tranchant"] = 45.5,},
ChargeTime = 0.5,
CritChance = 0.45,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PunchThrough = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 85,
Class = "Arc",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.2,
Family = "Paris",
Image = "ParisPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Paris Prime",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3.25,
["Perforation"] = 104,
["Tranchant"] = 22.75,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 70,
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
Reload = 0.7,
Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
ComparisonDisplay = {
{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
["Penta"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Launcher",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},},
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Penta",
Image = "250px-DEPenta.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.3|Update 11.3]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 20,
Name = "Penta",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 75,
["Explosif"] = 350,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 20,
Reload = 2.5,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 350,},
Radius = 5,
Trigger = "Detonate",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Penta Ranger]]", "[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
["Penta Carmine"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Lanceur",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Penta",
Image = "Penta Carmine.png",
local COOP_SLOTS = {'principale', 'secondaire', 'melee', 'archwing', 'compagnon', 'railjack', 'modulaire', 'autres'}
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 20,
Name = "Carmine Penta",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 75,
["Explosif"] = 350,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 2.7,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 20,
Reload = 2.5,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 350,},
Radius = 5,
Trigger = "Detonate",
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Principale",
["Penta Secura"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Lanceur",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Syndicat = "La Séquence Perrin",
Reputation = 125000,
Rank = 5,
Disposition = 1.3,
Family = "Penta",
Image = "PentaSecura.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
Magazine = 7,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 28,
Name = "Secura Penta",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 75,
["Explosif"] = 300,},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 25,
Polarities = {"Bar", "D", "V"},
Reload = 2.5,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 300,},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.26,
Radius = 5,
Trigger = "Detonate",
SyndicatEffect = "Sequence",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "La Séquence Perrin"},
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Principale",
["Phantasma"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 195,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Coeur de Sentient Intact",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 650,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 12500,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Phantasma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.5|Update 23.5]]",
Magazine = 11,
Mastery = 9,
MaxAmmo = 275,
Name = "Phantasma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 25,
["Radiation"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.03,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.37,
PelletCount = 5,
PelletName = "Rayon",
FireRate = 12,
Range = 20,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Bombe de Plasma",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15,
["Radiation"] = 73,},
FireRate = 2.00,
AmmoCost = 11,
Radius = 5,
ChargeTime = 1.0,
Reload = 0.5,
Traits = {"Sentient"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
["Gorgon Prisma"] = {
Accuracy = 20.0,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.4,
Family = "Gorgon",
Image = "PrismaGorgon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.11.1|Update 15.11.1]]",
Magazine = 120,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 840,
Name = "Gorgon Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 17.3,
["Perforation"] = 3.5,
["Tranchant"] = 2.3,},
CritChance = 0.30,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 14.17,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 3,
Spool = 12,
Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
["Grakata Prisma"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.2,
Family = "Grakata",
Image = "PrismaGrakata.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Hotfix 16.8.3|Hotfix 16.8.3]]",
Magazine = 120,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 1000,
Name = "Grakata Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 5,
["Tranchant"] = 4,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.21,
FireRate = 21.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Grinlok Prisma"] = {
Accuracy = 32.0,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.245,
Family = "Grinlok",
Image = "Grinlok Prisma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
Magazine = 21,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Grinlok Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 74.8,
["Perforation"] = 18.7,
["Tranchant"] = 93.5,},
CritChance = 0.21,
CritMultiplier = 2.9,
StatusChance = 0.37,
FireRate = 1.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.7,
Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Tetra Prisma"] = {
Accuracy = 18.2,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.5,
Family = "Tetra",
Image = "TetraPrisma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Hotfix 17.0.5|Hotfix 17.0.5]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Tetra Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.6,
["Perforation"] = 30.4,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.24,
FireRate = 7.08,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Quanta"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Cube (Hits enemy)",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 250,},
AmmoCost = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Range = 15,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Quanta",
Image = "Quanta.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.1|Update 14.1]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Quanta",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 20,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 50,
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Cube (Shot by player)",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 600,},
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
["Quanta Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Cube (Hits enemy)",
Accuracy = 25,
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 250,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 4,
AmmoCost = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Range = 15,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Quanta",
Image = "QuantaVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.4|Update 16.4]]",
Magazine = 80,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 560,
Name = "Quanta Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 26,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 50,
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1.8,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Cube (Tir par le joueur)",
Accuracy = 25,
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 600,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.26,
FireRate = 4,
Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
["Quartakk"] = {
Accuracy = 90.9,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
MarketCost = 210,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Grokdrul",Type = "Ressource",Count = 75,},
{ Name = "Alliage de Fersteel",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 12450,},
{ Name = "Capteurs Neuronaux",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Image = "Quartakk.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8.0|Update 22]]",
Magazine = 84,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 840,
Name = "Quartakk",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 18.1,
["Perforation"] = 14.2,
["Tranchant"] = 16.7,},
CritChance = 0.19,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.27,
BurstCount = 4,
FireRate = 6.33,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
PunchThrough = 0.5,
Reload = 1.9,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
["Rubico"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3800,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1300,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Rubico",
Image = "Rubico.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Rubico",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 144,
["Perforation"] = 27,
["Tranchant"] = 9,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.12,
PunchThrough = 1.0,
FireRate = 2.67,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.4,
SniperComboMin = 1,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Zoom = {"3.5x (+35% Critical multiplier)", "6x (+50% Critical multiplier)"},
["Rubico Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.8,
Family = "Rubico",
Image = "RubicoPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.9|Update 23.9]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Rubico Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 149.6,
["Perforation"] = 28.1,
["Tranchant"] = 9.3,},
CritChance = 0.38,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.16,
PunchThrough = 1.0,
FireRate = 3.67,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.0,
SniperComboMin = 1,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Traits = { "Prime"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Zoom = {"2.5x (+35% Critical multiplier)", "5.0x (+50% Critical multiplier)"},
["Scourge"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 350,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},},
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Explosion",
Damage = {
["Corrosif"] = 30,},
CritChance = 0.02,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.3,
Class = "Speargun",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
Image = "Scourge.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.0|Update 21.0]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 100,
Name = "Scourge",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
Accuracy = 100,
Damage = {
["Corrosif"] = 70,},
CritChance = 0.02,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 2.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
Reload = 2.5,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Throw Spear",
Accuracy = 16.7,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 455,
["Perforation"] = 72.5,
["Tranchant"] = 122.5,
["Corrosif"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0.04,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
Reload = 0.6,
FireRate = 1,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
Trigger = "Charge",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Simulor"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Orb Merge",
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 75,},
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPStanding = 75000,
MarketCost = 210,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 850,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Simulor",
Image = "Simulor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.10|Update 16.10]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Simulor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 50,},
AttackName = "Orb Damage",
FireRate = 3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Range = 12,
Polarities = {"D", "Bar"},
Reload = 3,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 75,},
StatusChance = 0.3,
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Radius = 8,
Traits = { "Cephalon"},
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Principale",
["Snipetron"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},},
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Snipetron",
Image = "Snipetron.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Snipetron",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 18,
["Perforation"] = 144,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.12,
PunchThrough = 2.5,
FireRate = 2,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 3.5,
SniperComboMin = 3,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Zoom = {"2.5x (+30% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+50% Headshot Damage)"},
["Snipetron Vandal"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Snipetron",
Image = "SnipetronVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Hotfix 8.3.2|Hotfix 8.3.2]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Snipetron Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 180,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
PunchThrough = 3,
FireRate = 2,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
SniperComboMin = 3,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Zoom = {"2.5x (+30% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+50% Headshot Damage)"},
["Soma"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
BPCost = 50000,
MarketCost = 265,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 850,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8000,},},
Disposition = 0.75,
Family = "Soma",
Image = "Soma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 6,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Soma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.2,
["Perforation"] = 4.8,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.07,
FireRate = 15,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 3,
Spool = 8,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Junction|Rhino Specter]]"},
["Soma Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 0.75,
Family = "Soma",
Image = "PrimeSoma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.7|Update 15.7]]",
Magazine = 200,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 800,
Name = "Soma Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.2,
["Perforation"] = 4.8,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 15,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 3,
Spool = 5,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
["Stradavar"] = {
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 230,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8000,},
{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Stradavar",
Image = "Stradavar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.11|Update 18.11]]",
Magazine = 65,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Stradavar",
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 14.3,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 9.8,
["Perforation"] = 9.8,
["Tranchant"] = 8.4,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.12,
AttackName = "Mode Automatique",
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.5,
["Perforation"] = 30,
["Tranchant"] = 12.5,},
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 5,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
Type = "Principale",
["Stradavar Prime"] = {
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.15,
Family = "Stradavar",
Image = "Stradavar_Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.5.8|Hotfix 24.5.8]]",
Magazine = 90,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Stradavar Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 25,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.5,
["Perforation"] = 10.5,
["Tranchant"] = 9.0,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2.6,
StatusChance = 0.12,
AttackName = "Mode Automatique",
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 66.7,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 8.0,
["Perforation"] = 24.0,
["Tranchant"] = 48.0,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 3.33,
PunchThrough = 1,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Traits = {"Prime"},
Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
Type = "Principale",
["Supra"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1000,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 14.3,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Supra",
Image = "Supra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 180,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 1080,
Name = "Supra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4,
["Perforation"] = 30,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.12,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.30,
FireRate = 12.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 80,
Reload = 3,
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Corpus Tech]]", "[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
["Supra Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 28.6,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.80,
Family = "Supra",
Image = "SupraVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.4|Update 20.4]]",
Magazine = 300,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 1600,
Name = "Supra Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4,
["Perforation"] = 30,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.30,
FireRate = 12.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 80,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 3,
Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
["Sybaris"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 28.6,
BurstFireRate = 3.33,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Sybaris",
Image = "Sybaris.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.3|Update 13.3]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Sybaris",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 26.4,
["Perforation"] = 26.4,
["Tranchant"] = 27.2,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 3.98,
BurstCount = 2,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
["Sybaris Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
BurstFireRate = 3.33,
Class = "Fusil",
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Sybaris",
Image = "Sybaris_Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Hotfix 20.6.2|Hotfix 20.6.2]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Sybaris Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 29,
["Perforation"] = 29,
["Tranchant"] = 29.9,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 4.72,
BurstCount = 2,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar", "V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
["Synapse"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 50000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 30000,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.31,
Image = "Synapse.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
Magazine = 70,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Synapse",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Corrosif"] = 20,},
CritChance = 0.39,
CritMultiplier = 2.7,
StatusChance = 0.13,
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 27,
Reload = 1.5,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
["Simulor Synoid"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Orb Merge",
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 50,},
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Simulor",
Image = "SimulorSynoid.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
Magazine = 16,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 96,
Name = "Simulor Synoid",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 20,},
AttackName = "Orb Damage",
FireRate = 3.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V", "D", "Bar"},
Reload = 2,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 75,},
StatusChance = 0.35,
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Radius = 8,
SyndicatEffect = "Entropy",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Cephalon Suda", "Cephalon"},
Trigger = "Active",
Type = "Principale",
["Boltor Telos"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.79,
Family = "Boltor",
Image = "BoltorTelos.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
Magazine = 90,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Boltor Telos",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 3,
["Perforation"] = 27,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 9.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 65,
Polarities = {"D", "V"},
Reload = 2.4,
SyndicatEffect = "Truth",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Arbitres d'Hexis"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Tenora"] = {
Accuracy = 12.5,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 265,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 15000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.05,
Image = "TnBardRifle.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update: Octavia's Anthem|Update: Octavia's Anthem]]",
Magazine = 150,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 900,
Name = "Tenora",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 7.2,
["Perforation"] = 9.6,
["Tranchant"] = 7.2,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 11.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
SecondaryAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 48,
["Perforation"] = 144,
["Tranchant"] = 48,},
CritChance = 0.34,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.11,
FireRate = 10,
ChargeTime = 0.8,
PunchThrough = 1,
Trigger = "Charge",
AmmoCost = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Reload = 2.5,
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
["Tetra"] = {
Accuracy = 18.2,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 40,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 100,},},
Disposition = 1.5,
Family = "Tetra",
Image = "DETetra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.8|Update 11.8]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Tetra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6.4,
["Perforation"] = 25.6,},
CritChance = 0.04,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 6.67,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Reload = 2,
Trigger = "Auto",
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Nako Xol]]", "[[Terra Provisor]]", "[[Terra Elite Crewman]]"},
["Tiberon"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
BurstFireRate = 6.67,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Latron",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 650,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Tiberon",
Image = "Tiberon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.9|Update 14.9]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Tiberon",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 11,
["Perforation"] = 22,
["Tranchant"] = 11,},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 9.09,
BurstCount = 3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.3,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Principale",
["Tiberon Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Auto",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13.8,
["Perforation"] = 18.4,
["Tranchant"] = 13.8},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.32,
FireRate = 8.33,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Semi",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13.8,
["Perforation"] = 18.4,
["Tranchant"] = 13.8},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 3.4,
FireRate = 6,
StatusChance = 0.18,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
Family = "Tiberon",
Image = "TiberonPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.16.4|Hotfix 22.16.4]]",
Magazine = 42,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Tiberon Prime",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Rafale",
BurstCount = 3,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 13.8,
["Perforation"] = 18.4,
["Tranchant"] = 13.8,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 3.0,
FireRate = 7.38,
StatusChance = 0.2,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V","Bar","Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Trigger = "Burst/Semi/Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Tonkor"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 650,},
Radius = 5,
Class = "Launcher",
Cost = {
Credits = 60000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 45,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 200,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 0.95,
Image = "Tonkor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.4|Update 16.4]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 30,
Name = "Tonkor",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 75,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 3.17,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 30,
Reload = 1.7,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Kuva Napalm]]", "[[Nightwatch Reaver]]"},
["Torid"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4500,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 100,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Poison Cloud",
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 400,},
Duration = 10,
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
Class = "Launcher",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.3,
Image = "Torid.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 60,
Name = "Torid",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 100,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.23,
FireRate = 1.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 25,
Reload = 1.7,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Vectis"] = {
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 250,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3000,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},},
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Vectis",
Image = "DEVectis.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.6|Update 10.6]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Vectis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 90,
["Perforation"] = 78.75,
["Tranchant"] = 56.25,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PunchThrough = 1,
FireRate = 1.5,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 1,
SniperComboMin = 1,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Junction|Saryn Specter]]"},
Zoom = {"3x Zoom (+30% Headshot Damage)", "4.5x Zoom (+50% Headshot Damage)"},
["Vectis Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Vectis",
Image = "VectisPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.11|Update 16.11]]",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Vectis Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 140,
["Perforation"] = 157.5,
["Tranchant"] = 52.5,},
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PunchThrough = 1,
FireRate = 2.67,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 0.85,
SniperComboMin = 5,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Zoom = {"3.5x (+40% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+60% Headshot Damage)"},
["Veldt"] = {
Accuracy = 32,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 600,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7250,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Objet",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Veldt",
Image = "Veldt.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.18|Update 22.18]]",
Magazine = 26,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 528,
Name = "Veldt",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 23.4,
["Perforation"] = 23.4,
["Tranchant"] = 43.2,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.22,
FireRate = 3.67,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 1.8,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Vulkar"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 800,},},
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.4,
Family = "Vulkar",
Image = "Vulkar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Vulkar",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 180,
["Perforation"] = 33.8,
["Tranchant"] = 11.2,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
PunchThrough = 1,
FireRate = 1.5,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 3,
SniperComboMin = 2,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Ballista]]", "[[Warden|Grineer Warden]]", "[[Executioners/Harkonar|Executioner Harkonar]]"},
Zoom = {"2.5x zoom (+35% Headshot Damage)", "4x zoom (+55% Headshot Damage)", "8x zoom (+70% Headshot Damage)"},
["Vulkar Wraith"] = {
Accuracy = 13.3,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.4,
Family = "Vulkar",
Image = "VulkarWraith.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.4.1|Update 18.4.1]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 72,
Name = "Vulkar Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 245.7,
["Perforation"] = 27.3,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
PunchThrough = 1,
FireRate = 2,
Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 3,
SniperComboMin = 2,
SniperComboReset = 2,
Traits = {"Wraith", "Baro", "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Zoom = {"2.5x zoom (+35% Headshot Damage)", "4x zoom (+55% Headshot Damage)", "8x zoom (+70% Headshot Damage)"},
["Zarr"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 40,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1800,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2400,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5500,},
{ Name = "Drakgoon",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Cannon Mode Explosion",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 175,},
CritChance = 0.17,
StatusChance = 0.29,
Radius = 5,
Class = "Launcher",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.15,
Image = "Zarr.png",
Magazine = 3,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 84,
Name = "Zarr",
NormalAttack = {
Accuracy = 100,
AttackName = "Cannon Mode Projectile",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 25,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.29,
FireRate = 1.67,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.3,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Cannon Mode Cluster Bombs",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 300,},
CritChance = 0.17,
StatusChance = 0.29,
PelletCount = 6,
PelletName = "Bomb",
SecondaryAttack = {
Accuracy = 1.4,
AttackName = "Barrage Mode",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 240,
["Perforation"] = 400,
["Tranchant"] = 160,},
CritChance = 0.17,
StatusChance = 0.29,
FireRate = 3,
PunchThrough = 1.6,
PelletCount = 10,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Zenith"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
Class = "Fusil",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.1,
Image = "SundialRifle.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.2|Update 20.2]]",
Magazine = 90,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Zenith",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Mode Automatique",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 4.5,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 19.5,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.34,
FireRate = 10.83,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
Reload = 1.6,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 15,
["Perforation"] = 120,
["Tranchant"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.35,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.08,
FireRate = 3,
Reload = 1.4,
PunchThrough = 99999,
AmmoCost = 5,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
Type = "Principale",
["Zhuge"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2800,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 40,
Class = "Arbalète",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.25,
Image = "RepeatingCrossbow.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.6|Update 18.6]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Zhuge",
NoiseLevel = "Silencieux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5,
["Perforation"] = 75,
["Tranchant"] = 20,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 4.17,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2.5,
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Zhuge Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 30,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2800,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 40,
Class = "Arbalète",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.25,
Image = "Zhuge Prime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.3.0|Update 25.3.0]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 14,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Name = "Zhuge Prime",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Tranchant"] = 42.3,
["Perforation"] = 26.5,
["Impact"] = 21.2},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.30,
FireRate = 5.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
Reload = 3.0,
Traits = {"Prime"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Arca Plasmor"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 25,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 925,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.6,
Image = "Arca Plasmor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 48,
Name = "Arca Plasmor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Radiation"] = 600,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.28,
FireRate = 1.1,
Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.6667,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 60,
Range = 30,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 2.8,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Terra Plasmor Crewman]]"}
["Astilla"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Glass Explosion",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 44.4,
["Perforation"] = 26.4,
["Tranchant"] = 49.2,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.33,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 45,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 875,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 175,},
{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 7500,},},
Disposition = 1.1,
Image = "Astilla.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update: Plains of Eidolon|Update: Plains of Eidolon]]",
Magazine = 16,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 112,
Name = "Astilla",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Slug Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 25.9,
["Perforation"] = 15.4,
["Tranchant"] = 28.7,},
CritChance = 0.17,
CritMultiplier = 1.9,
StatusChance = 0.33,
FireRate = 4.33,
Falloff = {StartRange = 30,EndRange = 60,Reduction = 0.5,},
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "75",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Boar"] = {
Accuracy = 5,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 750,},
{ Name = "Plastides",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},},
Disposition = 1.34,
Family = "Boar",
Image = "Boar.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Boar",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 96.8,
["Perforation"] = 26.4,
["Tranchant"] = 52.8,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.5,},
PelletCount = 8,
FireRate = 4.17,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.7,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Nouveau Loka]] [[Operative]]s"},
["Boar Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 5,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Disposition = 1.34,
Family = "Boar",
Image = "FixedPrimeBoar.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Boar Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 208,
["Perforation"] = 48,
["Tranchant"] = 64,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PelletCount = 8,
FireRate = 4.67,
Falloff = {StartRange = 18,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.7,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.75,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Convectrix"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Accuracy = 50,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 1.46,
Image = "Convectrix.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
Magazine = 70,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 700,
Name = "Convectrix",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 2.4,
["Perforation"] = 2.4,
["Tranchant"] = 19.2,},
CritChance = 0.16,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.30,
PelletCount = 2,
PelletName = "Rayon",
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 30,
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Terra Jailer]]", "[[Terra Overtaker]]"}
["Corinth"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 240,
Rush = 40,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Extrait de Nitain",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 13000,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 725,},},
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.95,
Image = "Corinth.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8.0|Update 22.8]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 132,
Name = "Corinth",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Chevrotine",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 151.2,
["Perforation"] = 226.8,
["Tranchant"] = 162,},
CritChance = 0.30,
CritMultiplier = 2.8,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 1.17,
PelletCount = 6,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Falloff = {StartRange = 18,EndRange = 36,Reduction = 0.6667,},
Reload = 2.3,
SecondaryAreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Explosion Grenade Aérienne",
Damage = {
["Explosif"] = 404,},
CritChance = 0.04,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.28,
Radius = 8,
SecondaryAttack = {
AttackName = "Impact Grenade Aérienne",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 100,},
CritChance = 0.04,
CritMultiplier = 1.6,
StatusChance = 0.28,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Drakgoon"] = {
Accuracy = 1.4,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 70,
["Perforation"] = 70,
["Tranchant"] = 560,},
ChargeTime = 0.5,
PelletCount = 10,
PunchThrough = 2,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
StatusChance = 0.23,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 30000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 40,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Plaque d'Alliage",Type = "Ressource",Count = 950,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5500,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},},
Disposition = 1.48,
Image = "Drakgoon.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.6|Update 11.6]]",
Magazine = 7,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Drakgoon",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 40,
["Perforation"] = 40,
["Tranchant"] = 320,},
CritChance = 0.075,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
PelletCount = 10,
FireRate = 3.33,
PunchThrough = 1.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Reload = 2.3,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Executioners/Reth|Reth]]", "[[Kuva Heavy Gunner]]"},
["Exergis"] = {
Accuracy = 15.4,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 35,--confirmation needed
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Repeller Systems",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 175,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 8500,},},
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Exergis.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 8,
MaxAmmo = 47,
Name = "Exergis",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 60.0,
["Tranchant"] = 780.0,
["Perforation"] = 360.0,
["Radiation"] = 420.0,
CritChance = 0.08,
CritMultiplier = 1.4,
StatusChance = 0.36,
PelletCount = 3,
PunchThrough = 0.5,
FireRate = 3.33,
-- ShotSpeed = 100,
ShotType = "Projectile",
Falloff = {StartRange = 30,EndRange = 60,Reduction = 0.508,},
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
Reload = 1.6,
Trigger = "Semi",
Type = "Principale",
["Hek"] = {
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1100,},},
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Hek",
Image = "Hek.png",
Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.2|Update 5.2]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Hek",
NoiseLevel = "Bruyant",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 78.75,
["Perforation"] = 341.25,
["Tranchant"] = 105,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
PelletCount = 7,
Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.8,},
FireRate = 2.17,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[The Grustrag Three/Vem Tabook|Vem Tabook]] (Modified)", "[[Executioners/Dhurnam|Dhurnam]](Twin)", "[[Kuva Trooper]]"},
["Hek Vaykor"] = {
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Syndicat = "Méridien d'Acier",
Reputation = 125000,
Rank = 5,
Disposition = 0.85,
Family = "Hek",
Image = "HekVaykor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
Magazine = 8,
Mastery = 12,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Hek Vaykor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 78.75,
["Perforation"] = 341.25,
["Tranchant"] = 105,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
PelletCount = 7,
FireRate = 3,
Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.7333,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"D", "V"},
Reload = 2.25,
SyndicatEffect = "Justice",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Méridien d'Acier"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Kohm"] = {
Accuracy = 3.6,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
PelletCount = 12,
AmmoCost = 4,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 72,
["Perforation"] = 72,
["Tranchant"] = 216,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
FireRate = 3.67,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 20000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2500,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Cryotique",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Disposition = 1.4,
Image = "Kohm.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.6|Update 15.6]]",
Magazine = 245,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 960,
Name = "Kohm",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 6,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 18,},
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 2.3,
StatusChance = 0.25,
PunchThrough = 1.5,
AttackName = "Single Pellet",
FireRate = 3.67,
Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.4667,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"D"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Lancer#Variants|Kuva Lancer]]"},
["MK1-Strun"] = {
Accuracy = 4,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Strun",
Image = "Strun.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "MK1-Strun",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 99,
["Perforation"] = 27,
["Tranchant"] = 54,},
CritChance = 0.075,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PelletCount = 10,
FireRate = 2.08,
Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.5,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 3.75,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Phage"] = {
Accuracy = 50,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = false,
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 175,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Masse Mutagène",Type = "Ressource",Count = 4,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1500,},
{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.46,
Image = "Phage.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
Magazine = 90,
Mastery = 11,
MaxAmmo = 720,
Name = "Phage",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Viral"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.19,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.31,
PelletCount = 7,
PelletName = "Rayon",
FireRate = 12,
AmmoCost = 0.5,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Range = 25,
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Infesté"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Principale",
["Sobek"] = {
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 25000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 500,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Pack Polymère",Type = "Ressource",Count = 400,},},
Disposition = 1.33,
Image = "Sobek.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 240,
Name = "Sobek",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 262.5,
["Perforation"] = 43.75,
["Tranchant"] = 43.75,},
CritChance = 0.11,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.27,
Falloff = {StartRange = 20,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.5,},
PelletCount = 5,
FireRate = 2.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2.7,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Trooper]]", "[[Executioners/Nok|Nok]]"},
["Strun"] = {
Accuracy = 4,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Strun",
Image = "Strun.png",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 1,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Strun",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 165,
["Perforation"] = 45,
["Tranchant"] = 90,},
CritChance = 0.075,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PelletCount = 12,
FireRate = 2.5,
Falloff = {StartRange = 12,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.4,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 3.75,
ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Corrupted Crewman]]"},
["Strun Wraith"] = {
Accuracy = 6.7,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Disposition = 1.35,
Family = "Strun",
Image = "StrunSpectre.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.7.2|Update 9.7.2]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 10,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Strun Wraith",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 260,
["Perforation"] = 60,
["Tranchant"] = 80,},
CritChance = 0.18,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.4,
PelletCount = 10,
Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.5,},
FireRate = 2.5,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 5,
ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
Traits = { "Tenno", "Invasion Reward", "Wraith"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Principale",
["Tigris"] = {
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 40000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 25,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 900,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},
{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1200,},},
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Tigris",
Image = "Tigris.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 7,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Tigris",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 105,
["Perforation"] = 105,
["Tranchant"] = 840,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.28,
PelletCount = 5,
FireRate = 2,
Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.5238,}, ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 1.8,
Trigger = "Duplex",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Junction|Frost Specter]]"},
["Tigris Prime"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 15000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Partie Prime",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cellule Orokin",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Accuracy = 9.1,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Tigris",
Image = "PrimeTigris342.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3|Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3]]",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 13,
MaxAmmo = 120,
Name = "Tigris Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 156,
["Perforation"] = 156,
["Tranchant"] = 1248,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
PelletCount = 8,
FireRate = 2,
Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.4872,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
Reload = 1.8,
Traits = {"Prime"},
Trigger = "Duplex",
Type = "Principale",
["Tigris Sancti"] = {
Accuracy = 6.5,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Conclave = true,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Tigris",
Image = "TigrisSancti.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
Magazine = 2,
Mastery = 12,
Name = "Tigris Sancti",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 126,
["Perforation"] = 126,
["Tranchant"] = 1008,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.28,
PelletCount = 6,
FireRate = 2,
Falloff = {StartRange = 8,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.5714,},
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"D", "Bar", "V"},
Reload = 1.5,
SyndicatEffect = "Purity",
Traits = {"Syndicat", "Nouveau Loka"},
Trigger = "Duplex",
Type = "Principale",
["Artax"] = {
Accuracy = 12.5,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Artax.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.10|Update 19.10]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Artax",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Glace"] = 5,},
CritChance = 0.02,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.03,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Reload = 1.5,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Robotique",
["Laser à Rafales"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Pistoleter",
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = " Laser à Rafales",
Image = "Pistolet laser à rafale.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 0,
Name = " Laser à Rafales",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 0.7,
["Perforation"] = 6,
["Tranchant"] = 0.3,},
CritChance = 0.025,
CritMultiplier = 1.3,
StatusChance = 0.02,
FireRate = 1.5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 0,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Robotique",
["Cryotra"] = {
Accuracy = 12.5,
Class = "Fusil",
--Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Cryotra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
Magazine = 80,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Cryotra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Glace"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.35,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Reload = 4,
Traits = {"Corpus"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Robotique",
["Fusil Machine de Mort"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.455,
Image = "Fusil Machine de Mort.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Fusil Machine de Mort",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 0.5,
["Perforation"] = 0.3,
["Tranchant"] = 4.3,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.01,
FireRate = 8.3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Déconstructeur"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Glaive",
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Déconstructeur",
Image = "ArmeSentinelleGlaive.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.5|Update 12.5]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Déconstructeur",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 50,},
CritChance = 0,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 3,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Déconstructeur Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Glaive",
Disposition = 1.25,
Family = "Déconstructeur",
Image = "DéconstructeurPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.11.5|Hotfix 19.11.5]]",
Magazine = 6,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Déconstructeur Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 75,},
CritChance = 0,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 1.33,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 3,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Fusil Laser"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.21,
Family = "Fusil Laser",
Image = "Fusil Laser.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Fusil Laser",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 0.8,
["Perforation"] = 6.4,
["Tranchant"] = 0.8,},
CritChance = 0.025,
CritMultiplier = 1.3,
StatusChance = 0.02,
FireRate = 6.7,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 1.2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Multron"] = {
Accuracy = 18.2,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Arme_multron.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Multron",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.3,
["Perforation"] = 3.8,},
CritChance = 0.125,
CritMultiplier = 1.8,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 3.33,
PunchThrough = 0.1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 3,
Traits = { "Corpus"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Fusil Laser Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.21,
Family = "Fusil Laser",
Image = "FusilLaserPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.7|Update 13.7]]",
Magazine = 5,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Fusil Laser Prime ",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1.2,
["Perforation"] = 8.4,
["Tranchant"] = 2.4,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 10,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 1.2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Laser à Rafales Prisma"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
BurstFireRate = 1,
Class = "Pistolet",
Disposition = 1.45,
Family = " Laser à Rafales",
Image = "LaseràRafalesPrisma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.2.2|Update 17.2.2]]",
Magazine = 15,
Mastery = 0,
Name = " Laser à Rafales Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 1,
["Perforation"] = 8.5,
["Tranchant"] = 0.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
FireRate = 1.61,
Reload = 0,
Traits = {"Tenno", "Prisma"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Robotique",
["Stinger"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.315,
Image = "Stinger.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Stinger",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Poison"] = 15,},
CritChance = 0.025,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 3.3,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 1.2,
Traits = {"Infesté"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Sweeper"] = {
Accuracy = 3.3,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Sweeper",
Image = "Balayeuse.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Sweeper",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 35.7,
["Perforation"] = 2.1,
["Tranchant"] = 4.2,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.14,
PelletCount = 6,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Reload = 2.3,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Sweeper Prime"] = {
Accuracy = 3.3,
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Disposition = 1.0,
Family = "Sweeper",
Image = "SweeperPrime.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.11|Update 16.11]]",
Magazine = 20,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Sweeper Prime",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 51,
["Perforation"] = 3,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
PelletCount = 6,
FireRate = 1,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Tazicor"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
Class = "Fusil",
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Taxicor.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
Magazine = 4,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Tazicor",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.02,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 8.33,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Reload = 2.5,
Traits = {"Corpus"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Vulcax"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil",
ChargeAttack = {
Damage = {
["Feu"] = 35,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
ChargeTime = 1,
FireRate = 1,
PunchThrough = 1,
ShotType = "Discharge",
Disposition = 1.0,
Image = "Vulcax.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 14,
Name = "Vulcax",
Reload = 6,
Traits = {"Corpus"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Robotique",
["Vulklok"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Class = "Fusil Sniper",
Disposition = 1.245,
Image = "Vulklok.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Vulklok",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 85,},
CritChance = 0.35,
CritMultiplier = 2.5,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 0.15,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Robotique",
["Corvas"] = {
Accuracy = 9.1,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 672,
["Perforation"] = 84,
["Tranchant"] = 84,},
ChargeTime = 0.5,
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 2,
PelletCount = 12,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 210,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "Corvas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
Magazine = 25,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Corvas",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 336,
["Perforation"] = 42,
["Tranchant"] = 42,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 2,
PelletCount = 12,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 5,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Corvas (Atmosphère)"] = {
Accuracy = 9.1,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 768,
["Perforation"] = 96,
["Tranchant"] = 96,},
ChargeTime = 0.5,
CritChance = 0.4,
CritMultiplier = 2.6,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 2,
PelletCount = 12,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Class = "Fusil à Pompe",
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 210,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "Corvas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 25,
Mastery = 1,
MaxAmmo = 100,
Name = "Corvas (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 384,
["Perforation"] = 48,
["Tranchant"] = 48,},
CritChance = 0.4,
CritMultiplier = 2.6,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 2,
PelletCount = 12,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Cyngas"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
BurstFireRate = 6.67,
Cost = {
Credits = 45000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "Cyngas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail|Update: Specters of the Rail]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Cyngas",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 66,
["Perforation"] = 66,
["Tranchant"] = 68,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 9.09,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
BurstCount = 3,
Reload = 50,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Cyngas (Atmosphère)"] = {
Accuracy = 33.3,
BurstFireRate = 6.67,
Cost = {
Credits = 45000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "Cyngas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 480,
Name = "Cyngas (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 39.6,
["Perforation"] = 39.6,
["Tranchant"] = 40.8,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 9.09,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
BurstCount = 3,
Reload = 1.2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Rafale",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Doubles Decurion"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Cost = {
Credits = 45000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "DoublesDecurion.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
Magazine = 32,
Mastery = 1,
Name = "Doubles Decurion",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 27,
["Perforation"] = 16.5,
["Tranchant"] = 16.5,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 8.3,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Reload = 50,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Doubles Decurion (Atmosphère)"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Cost = {
Credits = 45000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 225,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "DoublesDecurion.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 32,
Mastery = 1,
MaxAmmo = 512,
Name = "Dual Decurion (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 49.6,
["Perforation"] = 30.25,
["Tranchant"] = 30.25,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.14,
FireRate = 8.3,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Reload = 1.4,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Fluctus"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 210,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Image = "250px-ArchRocketCrossbow.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.7.2|Update 15.7.2]]",
Magazine = 25,
Mastery = 2,
Name = "Fluctus",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 40,
["Perforation"] = 20,
["Tranchant"] = 140,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 5,
Range = 450,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 10,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Fluctus (Atmosphère)"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 210,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Cristal d'Argon",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 100,
Image = "250px-ArchRocketCrossbow.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 40,
Mastery = 2,
MaxAmmo = 160,
Name = "Fluctus (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 50,
["Perforation"] = 25,
["Tranchant"] = 175,},
CritChance = 0.22,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.16,
FireRate = 5,
Range = 450,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"Bar"},
Reload = 3,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Grattler"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Explosion",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 80,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
Cost = {
Credits = 65000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 250,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Image = "Grattler.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
Magazine = 60,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Grattler",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 17.5,
["Perforation"] = 140,
["Tranchant"] = 17.5,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 6.25,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 10,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Grattler (Atmosphère)"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
AreaAttack = {
AttackName = "Explosion",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Perforation"] = 80,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
Cost = {
Credits = 65000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 250,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Récupération",Type = "Ressource",Count = 6000,},
{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3500,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Image = "Grattler.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 30,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 180,
Name = "Grattler (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 19.7,
["Perforation"] = 157.8,
["Tranchant"] = 19.7,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 6.25,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Imperator"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
Family = "Imperator",
Image = "Imperator.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
Magazine = 250,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Imperator",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 16,
["Perforation"] = 14,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 16.7,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 50,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Imperator (Atmosphère)"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
Image = "Imperator.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 200,
Mastery = 0,
MaxAmmo = 800,
Name = "Imperator (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 20,
["Perforation"] = 17.5,
["Tranchant"] = 12.5,},
CritChance = 0.24,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 16.7,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Imperator Vandal"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Family = "Imperator",
Image = "ImperatorVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.8|Update 15.8]]",
Magazine = 300,
Mastery = 5,
Name = "Imperator Vandal",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 16,
["Perforation"] = 14,
["Tranchant"] = 10,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.10,
FireRate = 16.67,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 75,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Imperator Vandal (Atmosphère)"] = {
Accuracy = 25,
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},},
Image = "ImperatorVandal.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 300,
Mastery = 5,
MaxAmmo = 1200,
Name = "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 20,
["Perforation"] = 17.5,
["Tranchant"] = 12.5,},
CritChance = 0.28,
CritMultiplier = 2.4,
StatusChance = 0.12,
FireRate = 25,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Larkspur"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 35,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Crisma Toroid",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Alliage Venerdo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 80,},
{ Name = "Radiant Zodian",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ecosynth Analyzer",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},},
Accuracy = 8.3,
Image = "Larkspur.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
Magazine = 600,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Larkspur",
Disposition = 0.8,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Radiation"] = 80,},
CritChance = 0.10,
CritMultiplier = 1.4,
StatusChance = 0.50,
FireRate = 12,
ChargeAttack = {
Accuracy = 100,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 200,
["Explosif"] = 250,
["Radiation"] = 1300,},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.34,
FireRate = 1,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
Reload = 50,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Larkspur (Atmosphère)"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 20000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 125,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Crisma Toroid",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Alliage Venerdo",Type = "Ressource",Count = 80,},
{ Name = "Radiant Zodian",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Ecosynth Analyzer",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},},
Accuracy = 8.3,
Image = "Larkspur.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
Magazine = 100,
MaxAmmo = 400,
Mastery = 8,
Name = "Larkspur",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10,
["Radiation"] = 80,},
CritChance = 0.10,
CritMultiplier = 1.4,
StatusChance = 0.50,
FireRate = 12,
ChargeAttack = {
Accuracy = 100,
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 200,
["Explosif"] = 250,
["Radiation"] = 1300,},
CritChance = 0.26,
CritMultiplier = 2.2,
StatusChance = 0.34,
FireRate = 1,
ChargeTime = 0.5,
Reload = 2.5,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Maintenu",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Phaedra"] = {
Accuracy = 11.8,
Cost = {
Credits = 45000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 220,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "Phaedra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
Magazine = 250,
Mastery = 3,
Name = "Phaedra",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 11.25,
["Perforation"] = 29.25,
["Tranchant"] = 4.5,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 18.75,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 50,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
["Phaedra (Atmosphère)"] = {
Accuracy = 11.8,
Cost = {
Credits = 45000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 220,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Image = "Phaedra.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 250,
Mastery = 3,
MaxAmmo = 960,
Name = "Phaedra (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 14,
["Perforation"] = 36.4,
["Tranchant"] = 6,},
CritChance = 0.14,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 18.75,
ShotType = "Hit-scan",
Polarities = {"V"},
Reload = 2,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto à Cadence Croissante",
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
["Velocitus"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 28.6,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 1800,},
ChargeTime = 1,
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Image = "Velocitus.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.2|Update 15.2]]",
Magazine = 100,
Mastery = 4,
Name = "Velocitus",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 200,},
FireRate = 5,
Reload = 25,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Fusil",
Trigger = "Charge",
["Velocitus (Atmosphère)"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 200,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 2,},},
Accuracy = 28.6,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 1200,},
ChargeTime = 1,
CritChance = 0.3,
CritMultiplier = 3,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 5,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = "???",
Image = "ArchRailgun.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
Magazine = 10,
Mastery = 4,
MaxAmmo = 60,
Name = "Velocitus (Atmosphère)",
NormalAttack = {
AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
Damage = {
["Magnétique"] = 133,},
FireRate = 5,
Reload = 2,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)",
Trigger = "Charge",
["Agkuza"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Image = "Agkuza.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail|Update: Specters of the Rail]]",
JumpAttack = 350,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Agkuza",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 52.5,
["Perforation"] = 245,
["Tranchant"] = 52.5,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 750,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
WallAttack = 350,
["Centaur"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Aegis",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
Image = "Centaur.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.7.2|Update 15.7.2]]",
JumpAttack = 280,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Centaur",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 28,
["Perforation"] = 56,
["Tranchant"] = 196,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 600,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
["Kaszas"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 150,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Tellure",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Image = "Kaszas.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
JumpAttack = 325,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Kaszas",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 16.3,
["Perforation"] = 260,
["Tranchant"] = 48.7,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.15,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 696,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
["Knux"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 30000,
BPCost = 15000,
MarketCost = 170,
Rush = 35,
Time = 24,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Injecteur de Détonite",Type = "Ressource",Count = 5,},
{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Ressource",Count = 10,},
{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Furax",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
Image = "Knux.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.2|Update 17.2]]",
JumpAttack = 325,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Knux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 292.5,
["Perforation"] = 16.25,
["Tranchant"] = 16.25,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 696,
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Tyl Regor]]"},
WallAttack = 325,
["Onorix"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 190,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Ressource",Count = 3,},},
Image = "Onorix.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
JumpAttack = 290,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Onorix",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 87,
["Perforation"] = 58,
["Tranchant"] = 145,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 1.3,
StatusChance = 0.05,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 621,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
WallAttack = 290,
["Rathbone"] = {
Cost = {
Credits = 25000,
BPCost = 35000,
MarketCost = 160,
Rush = 50,
Time = 12,
Parts = {
{ Name = "Lame",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
{ Name = "Poignée",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Ressource",Count = 300,},
{ Name = "Module de Contrôle",Type = "Ressource",Count = 1,},},
Image = "Rathbone.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
JumpAttack = 280,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Rathbone",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 224,
["Perforation"] = 42,
["Tranchant"] = 14,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.075,
FireRate = 0.917,
Polarities = {"V"},
SlideAttack = 600,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
WallAttack = 280,
["Veritux Prisma"] = {
Family = "Veritux",
Image = "VerituxPrisma.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Hotfix 15.13.3|Hotfix 15.13.3]]",
JumpAttack = 300,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Veritux Prisma",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 45,
["Perforation"] = 45,
["Tranchant"] = 210,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.2,
FireRate = 1,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 643,
Traits = { "Tenno", "Prisma"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
WallAttack = 300,
["Veritux"] = {
Family = "Veritux",
Image = "Veritux.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
JumpAttack = 300,
Mastery = 0,
Name = "Veritux",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 45,
["Perforation"] = 45,
["Tranchant"] = 210,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
Polarities = {"D"},
SlideAttack = 643,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Arch-Mêlée",
WallAttack = 300,
["Rempart"] = {
Class = "Dual Machine Gun",
IgnoreCategories = true,
Image = "Rempart.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
Magazine = 200,
Name = "Rempart",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 66.7,
["Perforation"] = 66.7,
["Tranchant"] = 66.6,},
FireRate = 13.3,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Reload = 50,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Trigger = "Auto",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Emplacement",
Users = {"[[Lancer]]", "[[Elite Lancer]]", "[[Trooper]]", "[[Seeker]]" },
["Dargyn"] = {
Class = "Turret",
IgnoreCategories = true,
Image = "GrnSkiffMissile.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.12|Update 22.12]]",
Magazine = 75,
Name = "Dargyn",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 150,
["Perforation"] = 150,
["Tranchant"] = 150,},
FireRate = 9.03,
ShotSpeed = 300,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
Reload = 41.7,
Trigger = "Auto",
Traits = { "Grineer"},
Type = "Vehicle",
Users = {"[[Dargyn Pilot]]"
["Lanzo"] = {
Name = "Lanzo",
Family = "Harpon",
Type = "Consommable",
Class = "À lancer",
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Image = "Harpon_Lanzo.png",
Range = 20,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.0,},
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.0,
Introduced = "[[Update 22]]",
Traits = { "Cetus"},
["Tulok"] = {
Name = "Tulok",
Family = "Harpon",
Type = "Consommable",
Class = "À lancer",
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Image = "Harpon_Tulok.png",
Range = 20,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Perforation"] = 10.0,},
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.0,
Introduced = "[[Update 22]]",
Traits = { "Cetus"},
["Peram"] = {
Name = "Peram",
Family = "Harpon",
Type = "Consommable",
Class = "À lancer",
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Image = "Harpon_Peram.png",
Range = 20,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Tranchant"] = 10.0,},
--CritChance = ,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.0,
--FireRate = ,
Introduced = "[[Update 22]]",
Traits = { "Cetus"},
["Shockprod"] = {
Name = "Shockprod",
Family = "Harpon",
Type = "Consommable",
Class = "À lancer",
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Image = "Shockprod.png",
--[[Range = 20,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.0,},
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.0,
Introduced = "[[Update 24]]",
Traits = { "Vallée Orbis"},
["Stunna"] = {
Name = "Stunna",
Family = "Harpon",
Type = "Consommable",
Class = "À lancer",
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Image = "Stunna.png",
--[[Range = 20,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 10.0,},
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.0,
Introduced = "[[Update 24]]",
Traits = { "Vallée Orbis"},
["Arc d'Artémis"] = {
Name = "Arc d'Artémis",
Accuracy = 100,
ChargeAttack = {
AttackName = "Tir Chargé",
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 235.2,
["Perforation"] = 1344,
["Tranchant"] = 100.8,},
ChargeTime = 1,
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PelletCount = 7,
PelletName = "Flèche",
PunchThrough = 1,
ShotSpeed = 85,
ShotType = "Projectile",
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "EWArtemisArc.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23|Update 23]]",
Link = "Arc d'Artémis (Arme)",
Magazine = 1,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 235.2,
["Perforation"] = 1344,
["Tranchant"] = 100.8,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.2,
PelletCount = 7,
PelletName = "Flèche",
PunchThrough = 1,
ShotSpeed = 70,
ShotType = "Projectile",
Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
Reload = 0.9,
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Principale",
Users = {"[[Ivara]]"},
["Balefire Charger"] = {
Name = "Balefire Charger",
Accuracy = 100,
AmmoType = "Shields",
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = false,
--Image = "BalefireCharger.jpg",
Introduced = "[[Update 24|Update 24.4]]",
MaxAmmo = 0,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Électrique"] = 500,},
CritChance = 0.05,
CritMultiplier = 1.5,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
ShotType = "Projectile",
ShotSpeed = 20,
Polarities = {"V", "V"},
Traits = {"Tenno"},
Trigger = "Charge",
Type = "Secondaire",
Spool = 2,
Users = {"[[Hildryn]]"},
["Dex Pixia"] = {
Name = "Dex Pixia",
Accuracy = 23,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "DexPixia.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23|Update 23.0]]",
Magazine = 60,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 16,
["Perforation"] = 16,
["Tranchant"] = 128,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2.0,
StatusChance = 0.25,
FireRate = 5.83,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
Reload = 0.3,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Titania]]"},
["Pacificateurs (Arme)"] = {
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "EWRegulators.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23|Update 23.0]]",
Magazine = 100,
Name = "Pacificateurs",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 25,
["Perforation"] = 12.5,
["Tranchant"] = 12.5,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3.0,
FireRate = 14.8,
Range = 50,
StatusChance = 0.1,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
Reload = 1.8,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Mesa]]", "[[Mesa Prime]]"},
["Pacificateurs Prime"] = {
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = false,
-- Image = "EWRegulators.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24.2.2]]",
-- Magazine = 100,
Name = "Pacificateurs Prime",
NormalAttack = {--needs to be updated
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 25,
["Perforation"] = 12.5,
["Tranchant"] = 12.5,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 3.0,
FireRate = 14.8,
Range = 50,
StatusChance = 0.1,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
Reload = 1.8,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Trigger = "Auto",
Type = "Secondaire",
Users = {"[[Mesa Prime]]"},
["Desert Wind"] = {
Name = "Desert Wind",
BlockResist = 0.8,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
--Conclave = true,
--Image = "",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 250,
CritChance = 0.5,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.00,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
--SlideAttack = 429,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Baruuk]]"},
WallAttack = 750,
["Diwata"] = {
Name = "Diwata",
BlockResist = 0.8,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "EWDiwata.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 30,
["Perforation"] = 150,
["Tranchant"] = 20,},
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.08,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 429,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Titania]]"},
WallAttack = 200,
["Lame Exaltée (Arme)"] = {
Name = "Lame Exaltée",
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "EWExaltedBlade.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
Link = "Lame Exaltée (Arme)",
JumpAttack = 500,
JumpRadius = 5,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 37.5,
["Perforation"] = 37.5,
["Tranchant"] = 175,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
ShotSpeed = 15,
Range = 40,
Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 536,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Excalibur]]", "[[Excalibur Prime]]", "[[Excalibur Umbra]]"},
WallAttack = 1000,
["Umbra Lame Exaltée (Arme)"] = {
Name = "Lame Exaltée (Umbra)",
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "EWExaltedBlade.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
Link = "Lame Exaltée (Arme)",
JumpAttack = 500,
JumpRadius = 5,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 37.5,
["Perforation"] = 37.5,
["Tranchant"] = 175,},
CritChance = 0.15,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 0.833,
ShotSpeed = 15,
Range = 40,
Polarities = {"Q", "Q"},
SlideAttack = 536,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Exalibur Umbra]]"},
WallAttack = 1000,
["Bâton en Fer"] = {
Name = "Bâton en Fer",
BlockResist = 0.6,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "EWIronStaff.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
JumpAttack = 500,
JumpRadius = 3,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 212.5,
["Perforation"] = 37.5,},
CritChance = 0.25,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.0,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 536,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Wukong]]"},
WallAttack = 417,
["Valkyr Talons"] = {
Name = "Valkyr Talons",
BlockResist = 0.8,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "EWValkyrTalons.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
JumpAttack = 300,
JumpRadius = 5,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 83.3,
["Perforation"] = 83.3,
["Tranchant"] = 83.3,},
CritChance = 0.5,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.5,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
SlideAttack = 750,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Valkyr]]", "[[Valkyr Prime]]"},
WallAttack = 750,
["Garuda's Talons"] = {
Name = "Garuda's Talons",
BlockResist = 0.8,
Class = "Arme Exaltée",
Conclave = true,
Image = "GarudaMêléeClaws.png",
Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
JumpAttack = 300,
JumpRadius = 5,
NormalAttack = {
Damage = {
["Impact"] = 5.8,
["Perforation"] = 15.8,
["Tranchant"] = 50.4,},
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.3,
FireRate = 1.0,
Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
StancePolarity = "V",
SlideAttack = 216,
Traits = { "Tenno"},
Type = "Mêlée",
Users = {"[[Garuda]]"},
WallAttack = 216,
["Postures"] = {
local SLOTS_MAP = {
["principale"] = 'principale',
{Name = "Phénix de Fer", Class = "Épée", Polarity = "R", Image = "PhoenixdeFerU14.png",},
["secondaire"] = 'secondaire',
{Name = "Derviche Cramoisi", Class = "Épée", Polarity = "V", Image = "Derviche Cramoisi.png",},
["mêlée"] = 'melee',
{Name = "Esprit Vengeur", Class = "Épée", Polarity = "V", Image = "Esprit Vengeur.png",},
{Name = "Swooping Falcon", Class = "Épée", Polarity = "V", Image = "SwoopingFalcon.png"},
["archwing"] = 'archwing',
{Name = "Serpents Croisés", Class = "Double Épées", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "SerpentsCroisés.jpg",},
['arch-fusil'] = 'archwing',
{Name = "Tigre Tourbillonnant", Class = "Double Épées", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "Tigre Tourbillonnant.png",},
['arch-mêlée'] = 'archwing',
{Name = "Carving Mantis", Class = "Double Épées", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "CarvingMantisMod.png"},
['arch-fusil (atmosphère)'] = 'archwing',
{Name = "Fente Tranquille", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "Fente Tranquille.png",},
{Name = "Jugement Décisif", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "Jugement Décisif .png",},
["compagnon"] = 'compagnon',
{Name = "Justice Aveugle", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "Justice Aveugle.png",},
['robotique'] = 'compagnon',
{Name = "Vent Tranchant", Class = "Dague", Polarity = "V", Image = "VentTranchantU14.png",},
['molosse'] = 'compagnon',
{Name = "Crocs Autoguidés", Class = "Dague", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "Crocs Autoguidés.png",},
{Name = "Stinging Thorn", Class = "Dague", Polarity = "V", Image = "StingingThornMod.png",},
["railjack"] = 'railjack',
{Name = "Grincement du Payara", Class = "Double Dagues", Polarity = "R", Image = "Grincement du Payara.png",},
['tourelle'] = 'railjack',
{Name = "Serres Acérées", Class = "Double Dagues", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "Serres Acérées.jpg",},
['tourelle railjack'] = 'railjack',
{Name = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante", Class = "Double Dagues", Polarity = "D", Image = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante.png",},
['pièce principale'] = 'railjack',
{Name = "Tresse Scindante", Class = "Machette", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "Mod-Tresse Scindante.png",},
['pièce principale railjack'] = 'railjack',
{Name = "Cyclone Kraken", Class = "Machette", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "CycloneKrakenMod.png",},
{Name = "Paume Sismique", Class = "Poings", Polarity = "D", Image = "PaumeSismique.png",},
["modulaire"] = 'modulaire',
{Name = "Vent Fracturant", Class = "Poings", Polarity = "R", Image = "VentFracturantU14.png",},
['amplificateur'] = 'modulaire',
{Name = "Gaia's Tragedy", Class = "Poings", Polarity = "D", Image = "Gaia%27sTragedyMod.png",},
['kitgun'] = 'modulaire',
{Name = "Fureur Sombre", Class = "Mains et Pieds", Polarity = "R", Image = "Fureur Sombre.png",},
['zaw'] = 'modulaire',
{Name = "Marée Brutale", Class = "Mains et Pieds", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "Marée Brutale.png",},
{Name = "Serre Étincelante", Class = "Glaive", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "Serre étincelante.png",},
["autres"] = 'autres',
{Name = "Crépuscule Astral", Class = "Glaive", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "Crépuscule Astral.png",},
['emplacement'] = 'autres',
{Name = "Affrontement de la Forêt", Class = "Bâton", Polarity = "V", Image = "Affrontement de la Forêt.png",},
['Équipement'] = 'autres',
{Name = "Branche Battante", Class = "Bâton", Polarity = "R", Image = "Branche Battante.png",},
['nech-mêlée'] = 'autres',
{Name = "Fléau Chatoyant", Class = "Arme d'Hast", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "Fléau Chatoyant.png",},
['unique'] = 'autres',
{Name = "Saule Saignant", Class = "Arme d'Hast", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "SauleSaignantU14.png",},
['véhicule'] = 'autres',
{Name = "Twirling Spire", Class = "Arme d'Hast", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "TwirlingSpireMod.png"},
{Name = "Guêpe Brûlante", Class = "Fouet", Polarity = "D", Image = "Guêpe Brûlante.png",},
{Name = "Coiling Viper", Class = "Fouet", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "CoilingViperModU145.png",},
{Name = "Fauchage Tournoyant", Class = "Faux", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant.png",},
{Name = "Eventail Harcelant", Class = "Faux", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "Eventail Harcelant.png",},
{Name = "Entaille Tornade", Class = "Lame Lourde", Polarity = "D", Image = "Entaille Tornade.png",},
{Name = "Grue Déchirante", Class = "Lame Lourde", Polarity = "V", Image = "Grue Déchirante.png",},
{Name = "Tempo Royal", Class = "Lame Lourde", Polarity = "D", Image = "Tempo Royal.png",},
{Name = "Tempête Fracassante", Class = "Marteau", Polarity = "D", Image = "Tempête Fracassante.png",},
{Name = "Ruine Dévastatrice", Class = "Marteau", Polarity = "V", Image = "Ruine Dévastatrice.png",},
{Name = "Quatre Cavaliers", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", Image = "Quatre Cavaliers.png",},
{Name = "Rapace Malicieux ", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", Image = "Rapace Malicieux .png",},
{Name = "Vermillion Storm", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", Image = "VermillionStorm.png",},
{Name = "Onzième Tempête", Class = "Épée et Bouclier", Polarity = "V", Image = "Onzième Tempête.png",},
{Name = "Dernier Présage", Class = "Épée et Bouclier", Polarity = "V", Image = "Dernier Présage.png",},
{Name = "Croisement des Gémeaux", Class = "Tonfa", Polarity = "V", Image = "Croisement des Gémeaux.png",},
{Name = "Sovereign Outcast", Class = "Tonfa", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "SovereignOutcastMod.png",},
{Name = "Haut Zénith", Class = "Pistolame", Polarity = "V", Image = "Haut Zénith.png",},
{Name = "Bullet Dance", Class = "Pistolame", Polarity = "V", Image = "BulletDanceMod.png",},
{Name = "Atlantis Vulcan", Class = "Nunchaku", Polarity = "D", Image = "AtlantisVulcan.png",},
{Name = "Defiled Snapdragon", Class = "Blade and Fouet", Polarity = "V", Image = "DefiledSnapdragonNew.png",},
{Name = "Vulpine Mask", Class = "Rapière", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "VulpineMask.png",},
{Name = "Slicing Feathers", Class = "Warfan", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "SlicingFeathersMod.png",},
{Name = "Wise Razor", Class = "Two-Handed Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "WiseRazorMod.png",},
{Name = "Fateful Truth", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "FatefulTruthMod.png",},
{Name = "Rising Steel", Class = "Épée", Polarity = "R", PvP = true, Image = "RisingSteelMod.png",},
{Name = "Dividing Blades", Class = "Double Épées", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "DividingBladesMod.png",},
{Name = "Last Herald", Class = "Épée et Bouclier", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "LastHeraldMod.png",},
{Name = "Crashing Timber", Class = "Bâton", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "CrashingTimberMod.png",},
{Name = "Argent Scourge", Class = "Arme d'Hast", Polarity = "Ability", PvP = true, Image = "ArgentScourgeMod.png",},
{Name = "Piercing Fury", Class = "Dague", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "PiercingFuryMod.png",},
{Name = "Biting Piranha", Class = "Double Dagues", Polarity = "R", PvP = true, Image = "BitingPiranhaMod.png",},
{Name = "Rending Wind", Class = "Machette", Polarity = "Ability", PvP = true, Image = "RendingWindMod.png",},
{Name = "Mafic Rain", Class = "Nunchaku", Polarity = "D", PvP = true, Image = "MaficRainMod.png",},
{Name = "Cunning Aspect", Class = "Rapière", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "CunningAspectMod.png",},
{Name = "Noble Cadence", Class = "Lame Lourde", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "NobleCadenceMod.png",},
{Name = "Crashing Havoc", Class = "Marteau", Polarity = "D", PvP = true, Image = "CrashingHavocMod.png",},
{Name = "Shadow Harvest", Class = "Faux", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "ShadowHarvestMod.png",},
{Name = "Quaking Hand", Class = "Poings", Polarity = "R", PvP = true, Image = "QuakingHandMod.png",},
{Name = "Vicious Approach", Class = "Mains et Pieds", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "ViciousApproachMod.png",},
{Name = "Celestial Nightfall", Class = "Glaive", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "CelestialNightfallMod.png",},
{Name = "Lashing Coil", Class = "Fouet", Polarity = "Ability", PvP = true, Image = "LashingCoilMod.png",},
{Name = "Scarlet Hurricane", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "ScarletHurricaneMod.png",},
{Name = "Star Divide", Class = "Tonfa", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "StarDivideMod.png",},
{Name = "Tainted Hydra", Class = "Blade and Fouet", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "TaintedHydraMod.png",},
{Name = "Lame Exaltée", Class = "Arme Exaltée", Weapon = "Lame Exaltée", Link = "Lame Exaltée (Posture)", Image = "ExaltedBladeStance.png",},
{Name = "Hysteria", Class = "Arme Exaltée", Weapon = "Valkyr Talons", Link = "Hysteria (Posture)", Image = "HysteriaStance.png",},
{Name = "Primal Fury", Class = "Arme Exaltée", Weapon = "Bâton en Fer", Link = "Primal Fury (Posture)", Image = "PrimalFuryStance.png",},
["Augments"] = {
{Name = "Justice Blades", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Dual Cleavers", "Prisma Dual Cleavers"}},
{Name = "Shattering Justice", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Sobek"}},
{Name = "Scattered Justice", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Hek"}},
{Name = "Neutralizing Justice", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Miter"}},
{Name = "Blade of Truth", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Jaw Sword"}},
{Name = "Gilded Truth", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Burston Prime"}},
{Name = "Stinging Truth", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Viper"}},
{Name = "Avenging Truth", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Silva & Aegis", "Silva & Aegis Prime"}},
{Name = "Rafale Entropique", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Supra", "Supra Vandal"}},
{Name = "Entropy Flight", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Kestrel"}},
{Name = "Entropy Spike", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Bolto"}},
{Name = "Entropy Detonation", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Obex", "Obex Prisma"}},
{Name = "Séquence Meurtrière", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Grinlok", "Grinlok Prisma"}},
{Name = "Sequence Burn", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Spectra"}},
{Name = "Toxic Sequence", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Acrid"}},
{Name = "Voltage Sequence", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Lanka"}},
{Name = "Eroding Blight", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Embolist"}},
{Name = "Gleaming Blight", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Dark Dague", "Rakta Dark Dague"}},
{Name = "Toxic Blight", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Mire"}},
{Name = "Stockpiled Blight", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Kunai", "MK1-Kunai"}},
{Name = "Bright Purity", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Skana", "Skana Prisma", "Skana Prime"}},
{Name = "Lasting Purity", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Vulkar", "Vulkar Wraith"}},
{Name = "Winds of Purity", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Furis"}},
{Name = "Disarming Purity", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Panthera"}},
{Name = "Tether Grenades", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Penta", "Secura Penta"}},
{Name = "Flux Overdrive", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Flux Rifle"}},
{Name = "Thermagnetic Shells", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Detron", "Mara Detron"}},
{Name = "Static Discharge", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Prova", "Prova Vandal"}},
{Name = "Kinetic Ricochet", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Tetra", "Tetra Prisma"}},
{Name = "Electromagnetic Shielding", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ack & Brunt"}},
{Name = "Vulcan Blitz", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Jat Kittag"}},
{Name = "Acid Shells", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Sobek"}},
{Name = "Rift Strike", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Twin Basolk"}},
{Name = "Nightwatch Napalm", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ogris"}},
{Name = "Fomorian Accelerant", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Drakgoon"}},
{Name = "Hunter's Bonesaw", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ripkas"}},
{Name = "Wild Frenzy", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Ondes Nocturnes", Weapons = {"Grakata", "Grakata Prisma"}},
{Name = "Napalm Grenades", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Ondes Nocturnes", Weapons = {"Penta"}},
{Name = "Bursting Mass", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Ondes Nocturnes", Weapons = {"Mutalist Quanta"}},
-- Defining default metatable values
return WeaponData
local dbMetatable = {
-- Page title of database
_pageName = 'Weapons/data',
dbMetatable._pageTitle = MODULE_LOCALIZATION..':'..dbMetatable._pageName
--- Defining custom looping behavior with pairs() to iterate over multiple
-- partitions while acting as one database table.
-- @function data.__pairs
-- @param {table} self Table self-reference
-- @return {function} Iterator function
-- @return {table} Contains key-pair values of slot names to corresponding horizontal partition
dbMetatable.__pairs = function(self)
local temp = {}
local slots = COOP_SLOTS
for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do
temp[i] = mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..slot)
function next(t, key)
return pairs(t)(t, key)
function __next(t, key)
if not key then
return next(t[1])
for i = 1, #t - 1 do
if t[i][key] then
if next(t[i], key) then
return next(t[i], key)
return next(t[i + 1])
return next(t[#t], key)
return __next, temp, nil
--- Supporting indexing by slot name (returns array of weapon entries) or weapon name
-- (returns a weapon entry).
-- @function data.__index
-- @param {table} self Table self-reference
-- @param {string} key Index key
-- @return {table}
dbMetatable.__index = function(self, key)
if (type(key) == 'number') then return nil end
-- Indexing by slot
if key and SLOTS_MAP[key:lower()] then
return mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..SLOTS_MAP[key:lower()])
local slots = COOP_SLOTS
-- Indexing by weapon name
local weapon
for _, slot in ipairs(slots) do
weapon = mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..slot)[key]
if weapon then
return weapon
return nil
--- For changing which type of database to pull data from.
-- If you want to switch to a different database in the same script, must require()
-- a new instance of M:Weapons/data.
-- @function __call
-- @usage require('Module:Weapons/data')(true)
-- @param {table} self Table self-reference
-- @param {table} args Argument table
-- @return {table} Database table
dbMetatable.__call = function(self, args)
-- Define logic for additional named arguments before the return statement
-- TODO: We can take advantage of calling a database table by adding additional arguments
-- for filtering out content.
return self
--- Serializes database tables into a single string with no functions and metatables.
-- @function __tostring
-- @param {table} self Table self-reference
-- @return {string} Serialized database
dbMetatable.__tostring = function(self)
return require('Module:LuaSerializer')._serialize(getmetatable(self)._pageName)
setmetatable(data, dbMetatable)
return data

Dernière version du 6 mars 2024 à 09:51

Module:Weapons/dataModule "/data" permettant de traiter les données des Armes WARFRAME (hors Conclave) Dernière MAJ : mercredi 06 mars 2024 à 09:51:42 (UTC) par Yazuh

Cet espace "/data" ne contient aucune informations relatives aux armes Warframe, il permet simplement de traiter les données des sous-Modules "/data", à ne pas confondre avec Module:Weapons/Conclave/data !



Data Validation

  Weapons Data Validation

Validate data types of key-value pairs

p.validateDataTypes(frame): There are a total of 0 key-value errors

Checking missing keys

p.checkForMissingData(frame): There are a total of 13 key-value errors

  1. "Dargyn" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  2. "Dargyn" Attacks[1].StatusChance is nil
  3. "Dargyn" Attacks[1].CritMultiplier is nil
  4. "Ebisu" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  5. "Lanzo" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  6. "Peram" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  7. "Rempart" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  8. "Rempart" Attacks[1].StatusChance is nil
  9. "Rempart" Attacks[1].CritMultiplier is nil
  10. "Shockprod" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  11. "Spari" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  12. "Stunna" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil
  13. "Tulok" Attacks[1].CritChance is nil

Validate Attack tables

p.validateAttacks(frame): There are a total of 0 key-value errors

Validate required weapon table keys

p.validateRequiredKeys(frame): There are a total of 1274 key-value errors

  1. "Acceltra" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  2. "Acceltra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  3. "Acceltra Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  4. "Ack & Brunt" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  5. "Acrid" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  6. "Acrid" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  7. "Aegrit" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  8. "Aegrit" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  9. "Aeolak" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  10. "Aeolak" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  11. "Afentis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  12. "Afentis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  13. "Afuris" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  14. "Afuris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  15. "Afuris Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  16. "Afuris Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  17. "Agendus - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  18. "Akarius" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  19. "Akarius" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  20. "Akarius Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  21. "Akbolto" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  22. "Akbolto" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  23. "Akbolto Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  24. "Akbolto Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  25. "Akbolto Telos" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  26. "Akbolto Telos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  27. "Akbronco" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  28. "Akbronco" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  29. "Akbronco Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  30. "Akbronco Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  31. "Akjagara" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  32. "Akjagara" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  33. "Akjagara Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  34. "Akjagara Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  35. "Aklato" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  36. "Aklato" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  37. "Aklex" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  38. "Aklex" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  39. "Aklex Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  40. "Aklex Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  41. "Akmagnus" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  42. "Akmagnus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  43. "Aksomati" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  44. "Aksomati" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  45. "Aksomati Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  46. "Aksomati Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  47. "Akstiletto" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  48. "Akstiletto" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  49. "Akstiletto Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  50. "Akstiletto Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  51. "Akvasto" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  52. "Akvasto" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  53. "Akvasto Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  54. "Akvasto Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  55. "Akzani" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  56. "Akzani" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  57. "Alternox" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  58. "Alternox" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  59. "Ambassadeur" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  60. "Ambassadeur" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  61. "Amphis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  62. "Amplificateur Faible" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  63. "Amplificateur Faible" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  64. "Amplificateur Faible (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  65. "Amplificateur Faible (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  66. "Amplificateur Faible (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  67. "Amprex" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  68. "Amprex" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  69. "Angstrum" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  70. "Angstrum" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  71. "Angstrum Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  72. "Angstrum Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  73. "Anku" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  74. "Ankyros" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  75. "Ankyros Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  76. "Apoc" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  77. "Apoc" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  78. "Apoc Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  79. "Apoc Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  80. "Apoc Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  81. "Apoc Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  82. "Apoc Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  83. "Apoc Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  84. "Apoc MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  85. "Apoc MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  86. "Apoc MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  87. "Apoc MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  88. "Apoc MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  89. "Apoc MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  90. "Apoc Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  91. "Apoc Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  92. "Apoc Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  93. "Apoc Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  94. "Apoc Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  95. "Apoc Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  96. "Apoc Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  97. "Apoc Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  98. "Apoc Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  99. "Apoc Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  100. "Apoc Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  101. "Apoc Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  102. "Arca Plasmor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  103. "Arca Plasmor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  104. "Arca Plasmor - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  105. "Arca Plasmor - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  106. "Arca Scisco" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  107. "Arca Scisco" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  108. "Arca Titron" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  109. "Argonak" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  110. "Argonak" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  111. "Artax" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  112. "Artax" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  113. "Arum Spinosa" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  114. "Astilla" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  115. "Astilla" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  116. "Astilla Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  117. "Astilla Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  118. "Athodai" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  119. "Athodai" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  120. "Atomos" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  121. "Atomos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  122. "Atterax" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  123. "Attica" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  124. "Attica" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  125. "Ayanga Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  126. "Ayanga Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  127. "Ayanga Kuva (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  128. "Ayanga Kuva (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  129. "Azima" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  130. "Azima" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  131. "Ballistica" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  132. "Ballistica" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  133. "Ballistica Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  134. "Ballistica Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  135. "Ballistica Rakta" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  136. "Ballistica Rakta" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  137. "Basmu" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  138. "Basmu" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  139. "Basolk Jumeaux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  140. "Battacor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  141. "Battacor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  142. "Baza" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  143. "Baza" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  144. "Baza Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  145. "Baza Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  146. "Bo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  147. "Bo Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  148. "Boar" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  149. "Boar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  150. "Boar Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  151. "Boar Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  152. "Boltace" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  153. "Boltace Telos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  154. "Bolto" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  155. "Bolto" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  156. "Boltor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  157. "Boltor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  158. "Boltor Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  159. "Boltor Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  160. "Boltor Telos" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  161. "Boltor Telos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  162. "Brakk" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  163. "Brakk" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  164. "Brakk Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  165. "Brakk Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  166. "Bramma Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  167. "Bramma Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  168. "Braton" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  169. "Braton" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  170. "Braton Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  171. "Braton Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  172. "Braton Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  173. "Braton Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  174. "Bronco" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  175. "Bronco" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  176. "Bronco Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  177. "Bronco Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  178. "Bubonico" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  179. "Bubonico" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  180. "Bursite" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  181. "Burston" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  182. "Burston" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  183. "Burston Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  184. "Burston Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  185. "Buzlok" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  186. "Buzlok" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  187. "Cadus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  188. "Canon Tunguska" Missing InternalName
  189. "Canon Tunguska" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  190. "Canon Tunguska" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  191. "Carcinnox" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  192. "Carcinnox" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  193. "Carcinnox Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  194. "Carcinnox Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  195. "Carcinnox Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  196. "Carcinnox Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  197. "Carcinnox Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  198. "Carcinnox Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  199. "Carcinnox MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  200. "Carcinnox MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  201. "Carcinnox MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  202. "Carcinnox MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  203. "Carcinnox MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  204. "Carcinnox MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  205. "Carcinnox Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  206. "Carcinnox Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  207. "Carcinnox Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  208. "Carcinnox Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  209. "Carcinnox Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  210. "Carcinnox Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  211. "Carcinnox Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  212. "Carcinnox Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  213. "Carcinnox Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  214. "Carcinnox Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  215. "Carcinnox Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  216. "Carcinnox Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  217. "Cassowar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  218. "Castanas" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  219. "Castanas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  220. "Castanas Sancti" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  221. "Castanas Sancti" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  222. "Catabolyste" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  223. "Catabolyste" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  224. "Caustacyste" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  225. "Cedo" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  226. "Cedo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  227. "Cerata" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  228. "Cerata" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  229. "Cernos" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  230. "Cernos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  231. "Cernos Mutaliste" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  232. "Cernos Mutaliste" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  233. "Cernos Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  234. "Cernos Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  235. "Cernos Proboscis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  236. "Cernos Proboscis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  237. "Cernos Rakta" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  238. "Cernos Rakta" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  239. "Cestra" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  240. "Cestra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  241. "Chakkhurr Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  242. "Chakkhurr Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  243. "Cinta" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  244. "Cobra & Crane" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  245. "Cobra & Crane Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  246. "Convectrix" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  247. "Convectrix" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  248. "Corinth" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  249. "Corinth" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  250. "Corinth Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  251. "Corinth Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  252. "Cortège" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  253. "Cortège" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  254. "Cortège (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  255. "Cortège (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  256. "Corvas" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  257. "Corvas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  258. "Corvas (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  259. "Corvas (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  260. "Corvas Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  261. "Corvas Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  262. "Corvas Prime (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  263. "Corvas Prime (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  264. "Cronus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  265. "Cryophon" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  266. "Cryophon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  267. "Cryophon Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  268. "Cryophon Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  269. "Cryophon Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  270. "Cryophon Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  271. "Cryophon Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  272. "Cryophon Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  273. "Cryophon MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  274. "Cryophon MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  275. "Cryophon MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  276. "Cryophon MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  277. "Cryophon MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  278. "Cryophon MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  279. "Cryophon Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  280. "Cryophon Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  281. "Cryophon Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  282. "Cryophon Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  283. "Cryophon Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  284. "Cryophon Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  285. "Cryophon Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  286. "Cryophon Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  287. "Cryophon Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  288. "Cryophon Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  289. "Cryophon Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  290. "Cryophon Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  291. "Cryotra" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  292. "Cryotra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  293. "Cyanex" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  294. "Cyanex" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  295. "Cycron" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  296. "Cycron" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  297. "Cycron - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  298. "Cycron - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  299. "Cyngas" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  300. "Cyngas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  301. "Cyngas (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  302. "Cyngas (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  303. "Dague Sombre" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  304. "Dague Sombre Rakta" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  305. "Dague de Chaleur" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  306. "Dague en Céramique" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  307. "Dagues Ether" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  308. "Daikyu" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  309. "Daikyu" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  310. "Dakra Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  311. "Dargyn" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
  312. "Dargyn" Missing InternalName
  313. "Dargyn" Missing mastery rank unlock and mastery has to between 0 and 16 inclusive
  314. "Dargyn" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  315. "Dargyn" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  316. "Dera" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  317. "Dera" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  318. "Dera Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  319. "Dera Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  320. "Despair" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  321. "Despair" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  322. "Destreza" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  323. "Destreza Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  324. "Detron" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  325. "Detron" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  326. "Detron - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  327. "Detron - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  328. "Detron Mara" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  329. "Detron Mara" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  330. "Dex Dakra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  331. "Dex Furis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  332. "Dex Furis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  333. "Dex Sybaris" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  334. "Dex Sybaris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  335. "Diplos - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  336. "Diplos - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  337. "Doubles Cestras" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  338. "Doubles Cestras" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  339. "Doubles Cestras Secura" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  340. "Doubles Cestras Secura" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  341. "Doubles Décurions" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  342. "Doubles Décurions" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  343. "Doubles Décurions (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  344. "Doubles Décurions (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  345. "Doubles Décurions Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  346. "Doubles Décurions Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  347. "Doubles Décurions Prisma (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  348. "Doubles Décurions Prisma (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  349. "Doubles Ethers" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  350. "Doubles Hachoirs" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  351. "Doubles Hachoirs Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  352. "Doubles Ichors" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  353. "Doubles Kamas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  354. "Doubles Kamas Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  355. "Doubles Keres" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  356. "Doubles Keres Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  357. "Doubles Razas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  358. "Doubles Skanas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  359. "Doubles Toxocystes" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  360. "Doubles Toxocystes" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  361. "Doubles Zorens" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  362. "Doubles Épées de Chaleur" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  363. "Drakgoon" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  364. "Drakgoon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  365. "Drakgoon Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  366. "Drakgoon Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  367. "Dread" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  368. "Dread" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  369. "Déconstructeur" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  370. "Déconstructeur" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  371. "Déconstructeur Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  372. "Déconstructeur Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  373. "Désarmé" Missing InternalName
  374. "Désarmé" Magazine must be a value above 0
  375. "Désarmé" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  376. "Désarmé" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  377. "Désarmé" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
  378. "Désarmé" Missing trigger type of weapon
  379. "Emboliste" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  380. "Emboliste" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  381. "Endura" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  382. "Envoi - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  383. "Envoi - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  384. "Euphona Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  385. "Euphona Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  386. "Exec - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  387. "Exergis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  388. "Exergis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  389. "Falcor" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  390. "Falcor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  391. "Fang" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  392. "Fang Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  393. "Felarx" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  394. "Felarx" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  395. "Ferrox" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  396. "Ferrox" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  397. "Ferrox - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  398. "Fluctus" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  399. "Fluctus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  400. "Fluctus (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  401. "Fluctus (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  402. "Fragor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  403. "Fragor Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  404. "Fulmin" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  405. "Fulmin" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  406. "Fulmin Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  407. "Fulmin Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  408. "Furax" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  409. "Furax Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  410. "Furis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  411. "Furis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  412. "Fusil Laser" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  413. "Fusil Laser" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  414. "Fusil Laser Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  415. "Fusil Laser Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  416. "Fusil Machine de Mort" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  417. "Fusil Machine de Mort" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  418. "Fusil Machine de Mort Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  419. "Fusil Machine de Mort Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  420. "Fusil à Flux" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  421. "Fusil à Flux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  422. "Fusil à Flux - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  423. "Fusil à Flux - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  424. "Fusilai" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  425. "Fusilai" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  426. "Galatine" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  427. "Galatine Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  428. "Galvacord" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  429. "Galvarc" Missing InternalName
  430. "Galvarc" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  431. "Galvarc" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  432. "Galvarc MK I" Missing InternalName
  433. "Galvarc MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  434. "Galvarc MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  435. "Galvarc MK II" Missing InternalName
  436. "Galvarc MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  437. "Galvarc MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  438. "Galvarc MK III" Missing InternalName
  439. "Galvarc MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  440. "Galvarc MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  441. "Gammacor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  442. "Gammacor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  443. "Gammacor Synoid" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  444. "Gammacor Synoid" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  445. "Glaive" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  446. "Glaive" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  447. "Glaive Prime" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  448. "Glaive Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  449. "Glaxion" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  450. "Glaxion" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  451. "Glaxion Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  452. "Glaxion Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  453. "Glazio Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  454. "Glazio Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  455. "Glazio Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  456. "Glazio Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  457. "Glazio Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  458. "Glazio Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  459. "Glazio MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  460. "Glazio MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  461. "Glazio MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  462. "Glazio MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  463. "Glazio MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  464. "Glazio MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  465. "Glazio Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  466. "Glazio Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  467. "Glazio Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  468. "Glazio Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  469. "Glazio Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  470. "Glazio Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  471. "Glazio Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  472. "Glazio Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  473. "Glazio Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  474. "Glazio Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  475. "Glazio Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  476. "Glazio Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  477. "Gorgon" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  478. "Gorgon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  479. "Gorgon Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  480. "Gorgon Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  481. "Gorgon Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  482. "Gorgon Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  483. "Gotva Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  484. "Grakata" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  485. "Grakata" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  486. "Grakata Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  487. "Grakata Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  488. "Grakatas Jumeaux" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  489. "Grakatas Jumeaux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  490. "Gram" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  491. "Gram Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  492. "Grattler" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  493. "Grattler" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  494. "Grattler (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  495. "Grattler (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  496. "Grattler Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  497. "Grattler Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  498. "Grattler Kuva (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  499. "Grattler Kuva (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  500. "Gremlins Jumeaux" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  501. "Gremlins Jumeaux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  502. "Gremlins Jumeaux Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  503. "Gremlins Jumeaux Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  504. "Grigori - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  505. "Grimoire" Magazine must be a value above 0
  506. "Grimoire" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  507. "Grimoire" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
  508. "Grinlok" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  509. "Grinlok" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  510. "Grinlok Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  511. "Grinlok Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  512. "Guandao" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  513. "Guandao Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  514. "Gunsen" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  515. "Gunsen Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  516. "Halikar" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  517. "Halikar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  518. "Halikar Wraith" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  519. "Halikar Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  520. "Harpak" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  521. "Harpak" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  522. "Hate" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  523. "Hek" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  524. "Hek" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  525. "Hek Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  526. "Hek Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  527. "Hek Vaykor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  528. "Hek Vaykor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  529. "Heliocor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  530. "Heliocor Synoid" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  531. "Helstrum" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  532. "Helstrum" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  533. "Hema" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  534. "Hema" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  535. "Hespar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  536. "Hikou" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  537. "Hikou" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  538. "Hikou Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  539. "Hikou Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  540. "Hind" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  541. "Hind" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  542. "Hind Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  543. "Hind Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  544. "Hirudo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  545. "Hystrix" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  546. "Hystrix" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  547. "Hystrix Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  548. "Hystrix Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  549. "Ignis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  550. "Ignis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  551. "Ignis Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  552. "Ignis Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  553. "Imperator" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  554. "Imperator" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  555. "Imperator (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  556. "Imperator (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  557. "Imperator Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  558. "Imperator Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  559. "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  560. "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  561. "Innodem" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  562. "Jat Kittag" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  563. "Jat Kusar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  564. "Javlok" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  565. "Javlok" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  566. "Kama" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  567. "Karak" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  568. "Karak" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  569. "Karak Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  570. "Karak Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  571. "Karak Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  572. "Karak Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  573. "Karyst" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  574. "Karyst Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  575. "Keratinos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  576. "Kesheg" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  577. "Kestrel" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  578. "Kestrel" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  579. "Knell" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  580. "Knell" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  581. "Knell Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  582. "Knell Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  583. "Kogake" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  584. "Kogake Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  585. "Kohm" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  586. "Kohm" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  587. "Kohm Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  588. "Kohm Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  589. "Kohmak" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  590. "Kohmak" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  591. "Kohmaks Jumeaux" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  592. "Kohmaks Jumeaux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  593. "Komorex" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  594. "Komorex" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  595. "Kompressa" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  596. "Kompressa" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  597. "Korrudo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  598. "Korumm" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  599. "Kraken" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  600. "Kraken" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  601. "Kraken Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  602. "Kraken Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  603. "Kreska" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  604. "Krohkur" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  605. "Krohkur Jumeaux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  606. "Kronen" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  607. "Kronen Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  608. "Kulstar" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  609. "Kulstar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  610. "Kunai" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  611. "Kunai" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  612. "Lacera" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  613. "Lacera Ceti" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  614. "Laetum" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  615. "Laetum" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  616. "Laith Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  617. "Laith Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  618. "Laith Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  619. "Laith Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  620. "Laith Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  621. "Laith Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  622. "Laith MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  623. "Laith MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  624. "Laith MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  625. "Laith MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  626. "Laith MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  627. "Laith MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  628. "Laith Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  629. "Laith Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  630. "Laith Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  631. "Laith Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  632. "Laith Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  633. "Laith Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  634. "Laith Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  635. "Laith Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  636. "Laith Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  637. "Laith Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  638. "Laith Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  639. "Laith Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  640. "Lanka" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  641. "Lanka" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  642. "Larkspur" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  643. "Larkspur" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  644. "Larkspur (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  645. "Larkspur (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  646. "Larkspur Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  647. "Larkspur Prime (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  648. "Laser à Rafales" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  649. "Laser à Rafales" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  650. "Laser à Rafales Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  651. "Laser à Rafales Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  652. "Laser à Rafales Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  653. "Lato" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  654. "Lato" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  655. "Lato Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  656. "Lato Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  657. "Lato Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  658. "Lato Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  659. "Latron" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  660. "Latron" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  661. "Latron Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  662. "Latron Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  663. "Latron Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  664. "Latron Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  665. "Lecta" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  666. "Lecta Secura" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  667. "Lenz" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  668. "Lenz" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  669. "Lenz Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  670. "Lesion" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  671. "Lex" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  672. "Lex" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  673. "Lex Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  674. "Lex Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  675. "Livia - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  676. "MK1-Bo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  677. "MK1-Braton" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  678. "MK1-Braton" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  679. "MK1-Furax" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  680. "MK1-Furis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  681. "MK1-Furis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  682. "MK1-Kunai" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  683. "MK1-Kunai" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  684. "MK1-Paris" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  685. "MK1-Paris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  686. "MK1-Strun" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  687. "MK1-Strun" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  688. "Machette" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  689. "Machette Gazal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  690. "Machette Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  691. "Machette Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  692. "Magistar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  693. "Magistar Sancti" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  694. "Magnus" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  695. "Magnus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  696. "Magnus Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  697. "Magnus Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  698. "Mandonel" Missing InternalName
  699. "Mandonel" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  700. "Mandonel (Atmosphère)" Missing InternalName
  701. "Mandonel (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  702. "Marelok" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  703. "Marelok" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  704. "Marelok Vaykor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  705. "Marelok Vaykor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  706. "Marteau du Loup" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  707. "Masseter" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  708. "Mausolon" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  709. "Mausolon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  710. "Mausolon (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  711. "Mausolon (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  712. "Milati" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  713. "Milati" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  714. "Milati MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  715. "Milati MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  716. "Milati MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  717. "Milati MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  718. "Milati MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  719. "Milati MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  720. "Mios" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  721. "Mire" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  722. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  723. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  724. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  725. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  726. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  727. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  728. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  729. "Missile à Tête Chercheuse Tycho MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  730. "Miter" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  731. "Miter" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  732. "Morgha" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  733. "Morgha" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  734. "Morgha (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  735. "Morgha (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  736. "Multron" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  737. "Multron" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  738. "Nagantaka" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  739. "Nagantaka" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  740. "Nagantaka Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  741. "Nagantaka Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  742. "Nami Skyla" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  743. "Nami Skyla Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  744. "Nami Solo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  745. "Nataruk" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  746. "Nataruk" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  747. "Nepheri" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  748. "Nikana" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  749. "Nikana Dragon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  750. "Nikana Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  751. "Ninkondi" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  752. "Ninkondi Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  753. "Nukor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  754. "Nukor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  755. "Nukor Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  756. "Nukor Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  757. "Obex" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  758. "Obex Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  759. "Ocucor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  760. "Ocucor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  761. "Ogris" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  762. "Ogris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  763. "Ogris Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  764. "Ogris Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  765. "Ohma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  766. "Okina" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  767. "Onos" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  768. "Opticor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  769. "Opticor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  770. "Opticor Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  771. "Opticor Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  772. "Orthos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  773. "Orthos Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  774. "Orvius" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  775. "Orvius" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  776. "Pandero" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  777. "Pandero" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  778. "Pandero Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  779. "Pandero Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  780. "Pangolin Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  781. "Panthera" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  782. "Panthera" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  783. "Panthera Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  784. "Panthera Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  785. "Paracesis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  786. "Paracyst" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  787. "Paracyst" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  788. "Parazon" Magazine must be a value above 0
  789. "Parazon" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  790. "Parazon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  791. "Parazon" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
  792. "Parazon" Missing trigger type of weapon
  793. "Paris" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  794. "Paris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  795. "Paris Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  796. "Paris Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  797. "Pathocyst" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  798. "Pathocyst" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  799. "Pennant" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  800. "Penta" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  801. "Penta" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  802. "Penta Carmine" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  803. "Penta Carmine" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  804. "Penta Secura" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  805. "Penta Secura" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  806. "Perigale" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  807. "Perigale" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  808. "Phaedra" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  809. "Phaedra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  810. "Phaedra (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  811. "Phaedra (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  812. "Phage" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  813. "Phage" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  814. "Phantasma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  815. "Phantasma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  816. "Phantasma Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  817. "Phantasma Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  818. "Phenmor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  819. "Phenmor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  820. "Photor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  821. "Photor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  822. "Photor Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  823. "Photor Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  824. "Photor Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  825. "Photor Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  826. "Photor Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  827. "Photor Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  828. "Photor MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  829. "Photor MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  830. "Photor MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  831. "Photor MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  832. "Photor MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  833. "Photor MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  834. "Photor Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  835. "Photor Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  836. "Photor Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  837. "Photor Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  838. "Photor Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  839. "Photor Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  840. "Photor Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  841. "Photor Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  842. "Photor Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  843. "Photor Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  844. "Photor Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  845. "Photor Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  846. "Plinx" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  847. "Plinx" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  848. "Plinx - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  849. "Pox" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  850. "Pox" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  851. "Praedos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  852. "Prisme Cantic" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  853. "Prisme Cantic" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  854. "Prisme Cantic (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  855. "Prisme Cantic (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  856. "Prisme Cantic (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  857. "Prisme Granmu" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  858. "Prisme Granmu" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  859. "Prisme Granmu (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  860. "Prisme Granmu (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  861. "Prisme Granmu (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  862. "Prisme Klamora" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  863. "Prisme Klamora" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  864. "Prisme Klamora (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  865. "Prisme Klamora (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  866. "Prisme Klamora (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  867. "Prisme Lega" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  868. "Prisme Lega" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  869. "Prisme Lega (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  870. "Prisme Lega (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  871. "Prisme Lega (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  872. "Prisme Rahn" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  873. "Prisme Rahn" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  874. "Prisme Rahn (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  875. "Prisme Rahn (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  876. "Prisme Rahn (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  877. "Prisme Raplak" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  878. "Prisme Raplak" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  879. "Prisme Raplak (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  880. "Prisme Raplak (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  881. "Prisme Raplak (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  882. "Prisme Shwaak" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  883. "Prisme Shwaak" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  884. "Prisme Shwaak (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  885. "Prisme Shwaak (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  886. "Prisme Shwaak (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  887. "Prova" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  888. "Prova Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  889. "Pugil" Missing InternalName
  890. "Pugil" Magazine must be a value above 0
  891. "Pugil" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  892. "Pugil" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  893. "Pugil" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
  894. "Pugil" Missing trigger type of weapon
  895. "Pulsar" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  896. "Pulsar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  897. "Pulsar Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  898. "Pulsar Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  899. "Pulsar Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  900. "Pulsar Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  901. "Pulsar Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  902. "Pulsar Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  903. "Pulsar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  904. "Pulsar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  905. "Pulsar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  906. "Pulsar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  907. "Pulsar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  908. "Pulsar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  909. "Pulsar Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  910. "Pulsar Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  911. "Pulsar Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  912. "Pulsar Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  913. "Pulsar Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  914. "Pulsar Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  915. "Pulsar Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  916. "Pulsar Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  917. "Pulsar Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  918. "Pulsar Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  919. "Pulsar Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  920. "Pulsar Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  921. "Pupacyste" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  922. "Pyrana" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  923. "Pyrana" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  924. "Pyrana Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  925. "Pyrana Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  926. "Quanta" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  927. "Quanta" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  928. "Quanta Mutaliste" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  929. "Quanta Mutaliste" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  930. "Quanta Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  931. "Quanta Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  932. "Quartakk" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  933. "Quartakk" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  934. "Quartakk Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  935. "Quartakk Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  936. "Quassus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  937. "Quatz" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  938. "Quatz" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  939. "Quellor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  940. "Quellor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  941. "Rauta" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  942. "Razorflies" Magazine must be a value above 0
  943. "Razorflies" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  944. "Razorflies" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  945. "Razorflies" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
  946. "Razorflies" Missing trigger type of weapon
  947. "Reaper Ether" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  948. "Reaper Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  949. "Redeemer" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  950. "Redeemer Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  951. "Rempart" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
  952. "Rempart" Missing InternalName
  953. "Rempart" Missing mastery rank unlock and mastery has to between 0 and 16 inclusive
  954. "Rempart" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  955. "Rempart" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  956. "Ripkas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  957. "Roggas Jumeaux" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  958. "Roggas Jumeaux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  959. "Rubico" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  960. "Rubico" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  961. "Rubico Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  962. "Rubico Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  963. "Rumblejack" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  964. "Sarofang" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  965. "Sarpa" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  966. "Sceptre Brisé" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  967. "Scie de Goule" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  968. "Scindo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  969. "Scindo Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  970. "Scoliac" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  971. "Scourge" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  972. "Scourge" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  973. "Scourge Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  974. "Scourge Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  975. "Seer" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  976. "Seer" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  977. "Seer Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  978. "Seer Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  979. "Sepulcrum" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  980. "Sepulcrum" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  981. "Serro" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  982. "Shaku" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  983. "Shedu" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  984. "Shedu" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  985. "Sheev" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  986. "Shildeg Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  987. "Sibear" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  988. "Sicarus" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  989. "Sicarus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  990. "Sicarus Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  991. "Sicarus Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  992. "Sigma & Octantis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  993. "Silva & Aegis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  994. "Silva & Aegis Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  995. "Simulor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  996. "Simulor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  997. "Simulor Synoid" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  998. "Simulor Synoid" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  999. "Sirocco" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1000. "Sirocco" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1001. "Skana" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1002. "Skana Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1003. "Skana Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1004. "Skiajati" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1005. "Slaytra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1006. "Snipetron" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1007. "Snipetron" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1008. "Snipetron Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1009. "Snipetron Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1010. "Soaktron" Missing InternalName
  1011. "Soaktron" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1012. "Soaktron" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1013. "Soaktron" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
  1014. "Sobek" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1015. "Sobek" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1016. "Soma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1017. "Soma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1018. "Soma Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1019. "Soma Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1020. "Sonicor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1021. "Sonicor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1022. "Spectra" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1023. "Spectra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1024. "Spectra Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1025. "Spectra Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1026. "Spira" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1027. "Spira" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1028. "Spira Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1029. "Spira Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1030. "Spirex - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1031. "Spirex - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1032. "Sporothrix" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1033. "Sporothrix" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1034. "Stahlta" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1035. "Stahlta" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1036. "Staticor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1037. "Staticor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1038. "Steflos" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1039. "Stinger" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1040. "Stinger" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1041. "Stradavar" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1042. "Stradavar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1043. "Stradavar Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1044. "Stradavar Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1045. "Stropha" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1046. "Strun" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1047. "Strun" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1048. "Strun Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1049. "Strun Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1050. "Strun Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1051. "Strun Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1052. "Stubba" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1053. "Stubba" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1054. "Stubbas Jumeaux Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1055. "Stubbas Jumeaux Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1056. "Stug" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1057. "Stug" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1058. "Support Dissic" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1059. "Support Dissic" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1060. "Support Dissic (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  1061. "Support Dissic (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1062. "Support Dissic (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1063. "Support Exard" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1064. "Support Exard" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1065. "Support Exard (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  1066. "Support Exard (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1067. "Support Exard (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1068. "Support Klebrik" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1069. "Support Klebrik" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1070. "Support Klebrik (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  1071. "Support Klebrik (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1072. "Support Klebrik (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1073. "Support Pencha" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1074. "Support Pencha" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1075. "Support Pencha (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  1076. "Support Pencha (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1077. "Support Pencha (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1078. "Support Phahd" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1079. "Support Phahd" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1080. "Support Phahd (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  1081. "Support Phahd (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1082. "Support Phahd (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1083. "Support Propa" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1084. "Support Propa" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1085. "Support Propa (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  1086. "Support Propa (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1087. "Support Propa (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1088. "Support Shraksun" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1089. "Support Shraksun" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1090. "Support Shraksun (Poli)" Missing InternalName
  1091. "Support Shraksun (Poli)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1092. "Support Shraksun (Poli)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1093. "Supra" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1094. "Supra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1095. "Supra Vandal" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1096. "Supra Vandal" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1097. "Sweeper" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1098. "Sweeper" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1099. "Sweeper Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1100. "Sweeper Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1101. "Sybaris" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1102. "Sybaris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1103. "Sybaris Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1104. "Sybaris Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1105. "Sydon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1106. "Sydon Vaykor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1107. "Synapse" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1108. "Synapse" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1109. "Talons" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1110. "Talons" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1111. "Talyn Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1112. "Talyn Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1113. "Talyn Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1114. "Talyn Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1115. "Talyn Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1116. "Talyn Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1117. "Talyn MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1118. "Talyn MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1119. "Talyn MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1120. "Talyn MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1121. "Talyn MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1122. "Talyn MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1123. "Talyn Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1124. "Talyn Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1125. "Talyn Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1126. "Talyn Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1127. "Talyn Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1128. "Talyn Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1129. "Talyn Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1130. "Talyn Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1131. "Talyn Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1132. "Talyn Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1133. "Talyn Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1134. "Talyn Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1135. "Tatsu" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1136. "Tatsu Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1137. "Tazicor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1138. "Tazicor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1139. "Tekko" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1140. "Tekko Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1141. "Tenora" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1142. "Tenora" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1143. "Tenora Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1144. "Tenora Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1145. "Tetra" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1146. "Tetra" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1147. "Tetra - Principe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1148. "Tetra - Principe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1149. "Tetra Prisma" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1150. "Tetra Prisma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1151. "Tiberon" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1152. "Tiberon" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1153. "Tiberon Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1154. "Tiberon Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1155. "Tigris" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1156. "Tigris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1157. "Tigris Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1158. "Tigris Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1159. "Tigris Sancti" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1160. "Tigris Sancti" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1161. "Tipedo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1162. "Tipedo Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1163. "Tonbo" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1164. "Tonkor" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1165. "Tonkor" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1166. "Tonkor Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1167. "Tonkor Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1168. "Torid" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1169. "Torid" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1170. "Trumna" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1171. "Trumna" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1172. "Tysis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1173. "Tysis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1174. "Vastilok" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1175. "Vasto" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1176. "Vasto" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1177. "Vasto Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1178. "Vasto Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1179. "Vectis" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1180. "Vectis" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1181. "Vectis Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1182. "Vectis Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1183. "Veldt" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1184. "Veldt" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1185. "Velocitus" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1186. "Velocitus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1187. "Velocitus (Atmosphère)" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1188. "Velocitus (Atmosphère)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1189. "Velox" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1190. "Velox" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1191. "Venato" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1192. "Venka" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1193. "Venka Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1194. "Verdilac" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1195. "Verglas" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1196. "Verglas" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1197. "Vericres" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1198. "Viper" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1199. "Viper" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1200. "Viper Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1201. "Viper Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1202. "Vipers Jumeaux" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1203. "Vipers Jumeaux" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1204. "Vipers Jumeaux Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1205. "Vipers Jumeaux Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1206. "Vitrica" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1207. "Volnus" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1208. "Volnus Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1209. "Vort Lavan MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1210. "Vort Lavan MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1211. "Vort Lavan MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1212. "Vort Lavan MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1213. "Vort Lavan MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1214. "Vort Lavan MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1215. "Vort MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1216. "Vort MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1217. "Vort MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1218. "Vort MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1219. "Vort MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1220. "Vort MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1221. "Vort Vidar MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1222. "Vort Vidar MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1223. "Vort Vidar MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1224. "Vort Vidar MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1225. "Vort Vidar MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1226. "Vort Vidar MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1227. "Vort Zetki MK I" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1228. "Vort Zetki MK I" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1229. "Vort Zetki MK II" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1230. "Vort Zetki MK II" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1231. "Vort Zetki MK III" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1232. "Vort Zetki MK III" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1233. "Vulcax" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1234. "Vulcax" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1235. "Vulkar" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1236. "Vulkar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1237. "Vulkar Wraith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1238. "Vulkar Wraith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1239. "Vulklok" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1240. "Vulklok" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1241. "War" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1242. "War Brisée" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1243. "Xoris" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
  1244. "Xoris" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1245. "Zakti" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1246. "Zakti" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1247. "Zakti Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1248. "Zakti Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1249. "Zarr" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1250. "Zarr" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1251. "Zarr Kuva" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1252. "Zarr Kuva" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1253. "Zenistar" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1254. "Zenith" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1255. "Zenith" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1256. "Zhuge" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1257. "Zhuge" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1258. "Zhuge Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1259. "Zhuge Prime" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1260. "Zylok" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1261. "Zylok" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1262. "Zylok Prime" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1263. "Zymos" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1264. "Zymos" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1265. "Épitaphe" MaxAmmo must be a value above 0 or math.huge (positive infinity)
  1266. "Épitaphe" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1267. "Épée Ether" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1268. "Épée Jaw" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1269. "Épée Pangolin" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1270. "Épée Sombre" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1271. "Épée de Chaleur" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1272. "Épée à Plasma" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1273. "Épées Versatiles Sombres (Doubles Épées)" Missing weapon MaxRank number
  1274. "Épées Versatiles Sombres (Lame Lourde)" Missing weapon MaxRank number

---	Base de donnés des armes de WARFRAME.
--	@module			weapons/data
--	@alias			data
--	@attribution	[[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
--	@attribution	Toute personne qui contribue à l'ajout de nouvelles données ou à la mise à jour de valeurs existantes dans la base de données.
---	@require		[[Module:LuaSerializer]]
--	@release		unstable
--	<nowiki>

-- TODO: Since horizontal partitions are accessed programmatically, this means
-- that this module can be tailored to serve specific user localizations.
-- All we need to do is to add a locale flag in here set to mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('{{int:Custom-lang}}'), 
-- a separate translation table (likely JSON) for mapping canonical internal names to localized names, 
-- and replace the Name key/Trigger key/index key with the localized counterpart.
-- In theory, any database access by requiring this module should contain the 
-- proper localization based on user's interface language setting.

local data = {}

local MODULE_LOCALIZATION =[828].name

local COOP_SLOTS = {'principale', 'secondaire', 'melee', 'archwing', 'compagnon', 'railjack', 'modulaire', 'autres'}

local SLOTS_MAP = {
	["principale"] = 'principale',
	["secondaire"] = 'secondaire',
	["mêlée"] = 'melee',

	["archwing"] = 'archwing',
	['arch-fusil'] = 'archwing',
	['arch-mêlée'] = 'archwing',
	['arch-fusil (atmosphère)'] = 'archwing',

	["compagnon"] = 'compagnon',
	['robotique'] = 'compagnon',
	['molosse'] = 'compagnon',

	["railjack"] = 'railjack',
	['tourelle'] = 'railjack',
	['tourelle railjack'] = 'railjack',
	['pièce principale'] = 'railjack',
	['pièce principale railjack'] = 'railjack',

	["modulaire"] = 'modulaire',
	['amplificateur'] = 'modulaire',
	['kitgun'] = 'modulaire',
	['zaw'] = 'modulaire',

	["autres"] = 'autres',
	['emplacement'] = 'autres',
	['Équipement'] = 'autres',
	['nech-mêlée'] = 'autres',
	['unique'] = 'autres',
	['véhicule'] = 'autres',

-- Defining default metatable values
local dbMetatable = {
	-- Page title of database
	_pageName = 'Weapons/data',
dbMetatable._pageTitle = MODULE_LOCALIZATION..':'..dbMetatable._pageName

---	Defining custom looping behavior with pairs() to iterate over multiple 
--	partitions while acting as one database table.
--	@function		data.__pairs
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@return			{function} Iterator function
--	@return			{table} Contains key-pair values of slot names to corresponding horizontal partition
dbMetatable.__pairs = function(self)
		local temp = {}
		local slots = COOP_SLOTS
		for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do
			temp[i] = mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..slot)
		function next(t, key)
			return pairs(t)(t, key)

		function __next(t, key)
			if not key then
				return next(t[1])
				for i = 1, #t - 1 do
					if t[i][key] then
						if next(t[i], key) then
							return next(t[i], key)
							return next(t[i + 1])
				return next(t[#t], key)

		return __next, temp, nil

---	Supporting indexing by slot name (returns array of weapon entries) or weapon name
--	(returns a weapon entry).
--	@function		data.__index
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@param			{string} key Index key
--	@return			{table}
dbMetatable.__index = function(self, key)
	if (type(key) == 'number') then return nil end
	-- Indexing by slot
	if key and SLOTS_MAP[key:lower()] then
		return mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..SLOTS_MAP[key:lower()])
	local slots = COOP_SLOTS
	-- Indexing by weapon name
	local weapon
	for _, slot in ipairs(slots) do
		weapon = mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..slot)[key]
		if weapon then
			return weapon
	return nil

---	For changing which type of database to pull data from.
--	If you want to switch to a different database in the same script, must require()
--	a new instance of M:Weapons/data.
--	@function		__call
--	@usage			require('Module:Weapons/data')(true)
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@param			{table} args Argument table
--	@return			{table} Database table
dbMetatable.__call = function(self, args)
	-- Define logic for additional named arguments before the return statement
	-- TODO: We can take advantage of calling a database table by adding additional arguments
	-- for filtering out content.
	return self

---	Serializes database tables into a single string with no functions and metatables.
--	@function		__tostring
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@return			{string} Serialized database
dbMetatable.__tostring = function(self)
	return require('Module:LuaSerializer')._serialize(getmetatable(self)._pageName)

setmetatable(data, dbMetatable)

return data