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Wiki Warframe

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:Weapons/compare/doc

---	Contains comparison string builders to be used on weapon articles under 
--	Characteristics sections. Invoked on [[Template:WeaponComparison]].
--	@module		weapons/compare
--	@alias		p
--	@attribution		[[User:Cephalon Scientia]]
--	@attribution		[[User:Falterfire]]
--	@attribution		[[User:Flaicher]]
--	@attribution		[[User:Gigamicro]]
--	@require			[[Module:Weapons]]
--	@require			[[Module:DamageTypes]]
--	@require			[[Module:Tooltips]]
--	@require			[[Module:Table]]
--	@release			stable
--	<nowiki>

local p = {}

local Weapon = require('Module:Weapons')	-- Using p._getWeapon(), p._statRead() and p._statFormat()
local DamageType = require('Module:DamageTypes')	-- Using p.iterationOrderArray
local Tooltip = require('Module:Tooltips')	-- Using p.getFullTooltip()
local Table = require('Module:Table')	-- Using p.size()

---	Builds comparison string between two values.
--	@function		compareStr
--	@param			{table} weap1 A table used to find the comparing values
--	@param			{table} atk1 A table used to find the comparing values
--	@param			{table} weap2 A table used to find the comparing values
--	@param			{table} atk2 A table used to find the comparing values
--	@param			{string} valName Name of statistic that values represent (e.g. "Critical Damage")
--	@param			{string} var Name of statistic that values are (e.g. "CritDamage")
--	@param[opt]		{table}  compareAdjs Two element table that contains the greater than and less than comparative adjectives (e.g. {"Higher", "Lower", "Different"}) 
--	@param[opt]		{string} prefix What to start the comparison string with if you want to increase the bullet level (e.g. "***")
--	@returns		{string} Resultant wikitext of comparison string (e.g. '**Higher Critical Damage (1.2x vs. 1.1x)')
local function compareStr(weap1, atk1, weap2, atk2, valName, var, compareAdjs, prefix)
	local val1, val2 = Weapon._statRead(weap1, atk1, var), Weapon._statRead(weap2, atk2, var)
	if (val1 == val2) or (val1 ~= val1) or (val2 ~= val2) or not (val1 and val2) then
		return ''

	if type(val1) == 'table' then
		local a, b = val1, val2
		val1, val2 = Table.size(val1), Table.size(val2)
		if val1 == val2 and not (function()
			for k, v in pairs(a) do
				if b[k] ~= v then
					return true
		end)() then
			return ''

	local adj = compareAdjs
	if type(compareAdjs) == 'table' or not compareAdjs then
		adj = (compareAdjs or { "+", "-", "Différence de" })[
			val1 == val2 and 3 or
			val1 > val2 and 1 or
			val1 < val2 and 2 or 0
		] or error('compareStr: vals are without compare: '{ val1=val1, val2=val2, compareAdjs=compareAdjs, adj=adj })
		-- local bigWord, smallWord = table.unpack(compareAdjs or {"Higher","Lower"})
		-- adj = bigWord~=smallWord and adj>0 and (bigWord or "Higher") or (smallWord or "Lower")

	return ('%s %s %s (%s vs. %s)'):format(prefix or '**', adj, valName, Weapon._statFormat(weap1, atk1, var), Weapon._statFormat(weap2, atk2, var))

---	Builds damage comparison string between two attacks.
--	@function		damageComparisonStr
--	@param			{table} Attack1 Attack used for comparison
--	@param			{table} Attack2 Attack used to compare the first attack against
--	@returns		{string} Resultant wikitext of comparison string
local function damageComparisonStr(weap1, atk1, weap2, atk2)
	local result = {}
	for _, dt in ipairs(DamageType.iterationOrderArray) do
		result[#result+1] = compareStr(weap1, atk1, weap2, atk2, "de Dégâts : "..Tooltip.full(dt, 'DamageTypes'), dt, nil, "***")
		-- local damage1 = ('%.2f'):format(Attack1.Damage[element] or 0)
		-- local damage2 = ('%.2f'):format(Attack2.Damage[element] or 0)
		-- result = result..bulidCompareString(damage1, damage2, Tooltip.full(element, 'DamageTypes').." damage", nil, nil, {"Higher", "Lower"}, "\n***")
	return table.concat(result,'\n')

---	Builds comparison list between two weapons in PvE.
--	@function		p.buildComparison
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object
--	@returns		{string} Resultant wikitext of comparison list
function p.buildComparison(frame, getConclave)
	local weapon1Name = frame.args[1] or ''
	local weapon2Name = frame.args[2] or ''

	assert(weapon1Name ~= '' and weapon2Name ~= '', 'p.buildComparison(frame): Must compare two weapons')

	local weap1 = Weapon._getWeapon(weapon1Name, getConclave)
	local weap2 = Weapon._getWeapon(weapon2Name, getConclave)

	local atk1 = Weapon._getAttack(weap1)
	local atk2 = Weapon._getAttack(weap2)

	local result = {
		-- support method chaining w/ colon syntax
		insert = function(self, elem)
			table.insert(self, elem)
			return self
		insertcompare = function(self, ...)
			return self:insert(compareStr(weap1, atk1, weap2, atk2, ...))

	result:insert(("* [[%s]] (%s), comparée à l'arme [[%s]] (%s):"):format(
		weapon1Name, Weapon._statRead(weap1, atk1, 'AttackName'),
		weapon2Name, Weapon._statRead(weap2, atk2, 'AttackName'),

	local progenitorBonusNote = (
		Weapon._statRead(weap1, atk1, 'IsLichWeapon') or
		Weapon._statRead(weap2, atk1, 'IsLichWeapon') )
	and " (utilise le bonus max de +60% des [[Liche_Kuva#Warframes_Responsables|Warframes Responsables]] si applicable)" or ""

		:insert(compareStr(weap1, atk1, weap2, atk2, "dégâts de base par projectile", "BaseDamage"):gsub('^$','**Dégâts de base identiques, mais de composition différente :'))
		:insert(damageComparisonStr(weap1, atk1, weap2, atk2))
		:insertcompare("Dégâts totaux", "TotalDamage", {"Meilleurs", "Plus faibles"})
		:insertcompare("[[Chances de Critique]]", "CritChance", {"Meilleures", "Plus faibles"})
		:insertcompare("[[Multiplicateur de Critique]]", "CritMultiplier", {"Plus grand", "Plus petit"})
		:insertcompare("[[Chances de Statut]]", "StatusChance", {"Meilleures", "Plus faibles"})
		:insertcompare("[[Dégâts|Dégâts approx. par coup]]"..progenitorBonusNote, "AvgTapDmg", {"Moins de", "Plus de"})
		:insertcompare("[[Dégâts|Dégâts par /s (Rafale)]]"..progenitorBonusNote, "BurstDps", {"Moins de", "Plus de"})
		:insertcompare("[[Dégâts|Dégâts par /s (en continu)]]"..progenitorBonusNote, "SustainedDps", {"Moins de", "Plus de"})
	if Weapon._statRead(weap1, atk1, "IsMelee") then
		result -- melee
			:insertcompare("Portée", "MeleeRange", {"Plus grande","Plus petite"})
			:insertcompare("[[Vitesse d'Attaque]]", "FireRate", {"Meilleure", "Plus faible"})
			:insertcompare("[[Mêlée|Durée de Combo]]", "ComboDur", {"Plus grande", "Plus faible"})
			:insertcompare("Angle de Parade", "BlockAngle", {"Plus grand", "Plus petit"})
			:insertcompare("Polarité de [[Posture]]", "StancePolarity", "Différente")
		result -- gun
			:insertcompare("Début de la distance de [[Diminution|Diminution des dégâts]]", "FalloffStart", {"Éloignée", "Proche"})
			:insertcompare("Distance max. de [[Diminution|Diminution des dégâts]]", "FalloffEnd", {"Éloignée", "Proche"})
			:insertcompare("Réduc. max à la fin de de la distance de Diminution", "FalloffReduction", {"Plus importante", "Plus faible"})
			:insertcompare("[[Cadence de Tir]]", "FireRate", {"Meilleure", "Plus faible"})
			:insertcompare("[[Tir Multiple]]", "Multishot")
			:insertcompare("Chargeur", "Magazine", {"Plus grand", "Plus petit"})
			:insertcompare("Capacité max. de munitions", "MaxAmmo", {"Plus grande", "Plus petite"})
			:insertcompare("[[Rechargement|Temps de Rechargement]]", "Reload", {"Plus long", "Plus court"})
			:insertcompare("Cadence progressive", "Spool", {"Plus rapide", "Plus faible"})
			:insertcompare("[[Précision|Précision]]", "Accuracy", {"Meilleure", "Plus faible"})
		:insertcompare("[[Polarité|Polarités]]", "Polarities", {"Plus de", "Moins de", "Différence de"})
		:insertcompare("[[Palier de Maîtrise]] requis", "Mastery", {"Moins de", "Plus de"})
		:insertcompare("[[Mod_Riven#Disposition|Disposition]]", "Disposition", {"Meilleure", "Plus faible"})

	local se1, se2 = weap1.SyndicateEffect, weap2.SyndicateEffect
	if se1 and not se2 then
		result:insert("\n** Effet [["..se1.."]] inné")
	elseif se2 and not se1 then
		result:insert("\n** Aucun effet [["..se2.."]] inné")
	elseif se1 and se2 and se1 ~= se2 then
		result:insert("\n** Différents [[Effet Radial de Syndicat|Effets de Syndicat]] innés ([["..se1.."]] vs. [["..se2.."]])")

	-- mw.log(mw.dumpObject{['M:Weapon cache']=cache})
	return table.concat(result, '\n'):gsub('\n\n+', '\n')..'[[Catégorie:Comparaison Automatique]]'

---	Builds comparison list between two weapons in PvP ([[Conclave]]).
--	@function		p.buildComparison
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object
--	@returns		{string} Resultant wikitext of comparison list
function p.buildConclaveComparison(frame)
	return p.buildComparison(frame, true)

return p