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Wiki Warframe
Wiki Warframe

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:Stances/data/doc

--  // Module:Stances/data //

-- Notez que la table "Legend" n'est présente que pour afficher des infos sur les tables des postures,
-- elle n'a rien à voir avec les Postures en jeu

--  // Liste des WeaponTypes (types d'armes) existant: //
-- -- BASIC: "Arme d'hast", "Bâton", "Dague", "Doubles Dagues", "Doubles Épées", "Doubles Nikanas", "Épée", "Épée et Bouclier", "Éventail de guerre",
-- "Faux", "Faux Lourde", "Fouet", "Glaive", "Griffes", "Lame et Fouet", "Lame Lourde", "Machette", "Mains Et Pieds", "Marteau", "Nikana",
-- "Nikana à Deux Mains", "Nunchaku", "Pistolame", "Poing", "Rapière", "Scie d'Assaut", "Tonfa"
-- -- SPECIAUX/UNIQUES: "Bâton de Fer", "Griffes de l'Ombre", "Serres Valkyr", "Vents du Désert"

local SHARED_COMBOS = { "Lourde", "Glissade", "Aérien", "Mural", "Coup de Grâce", "Frappe au Sol" }

---	Adds shared combos to each stance table entry.
--	@function		addSharedCombos
--	@param			{table} StanceData
--	@return			{table} Updated StanceData
local function addSharedCombos(StanceData)
	for name, stance in pairs(StanceData) do
		-- local name = stance["StanceName"]
		-- Ravenous Wraith does not have Finisher or Wall combos
		if (name ~= 'Spectre Vorace (Posture)' and name ~= '__Legend') then
			for _, comboname in ipairs(SHARED_COMBOS) do
				if not stance[comboname] then
					local weaponstance = StanceData[stance['WeaponType']]
					if not weaponstance then
						error('addSharedCombos(StanceData): Missing shared combo table for weapon type "'..stance['WeaponType']..'"')
					weaponstance[comboname].FromWeapon = true
					stance[comboname] = weaponstance[comboname]
	return StanceData

local StanceData = {
	--  // Extra //
	__Legend = {
		["Damage"] = { Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } }, Name = "Damage" },
		["Hits"] = { Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } }, Name = "Hits" },
		StanceName = "__Legend",
		StanceNameEN = "__Legend",

	--  // Stances per WeaponTypes //
	["Arme d'hast"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Veuve noire" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tunnel en pointe" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "La voie" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.78,
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Cyclone tranchant" 
		StanceName = "Arme d'hast",
		StanceNameEN = "Polearm",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 166 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Arme d'hast - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Planche guidée" 
		WeaponType = "Arme d'hast" 
	["Bâton"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Veuve noire" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Large déploiement" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "La voie" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.68,
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Atteinte dévastatrice" 
		StanceName = "Bâton",
		StanceNameEN = "Staff",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 166 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Planche guidée" 
		WeaponType = "Bâton"
	["Dague"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } 
			Image = "Dague - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Chute du scorpion" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Dague - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Point implacable" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } 
			Image = "Dague - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } 
			Image = "Dague - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 250, 250 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  }, "Coup de Grâce" },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 250, 250 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  }, "Renversement" },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Dague - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Entaille papillon" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } 
			Image = "Dague - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Dague - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.53,
			Image = "Dague - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Effleurement fendant" 
		StanceName = "Dague",
		StanceNameEN = "Dagger",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Dague - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Éventail de dards" 
		WeaponType = "Dague"
	["Doubles Dagues"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Rugissement du lion" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 800 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Frappe finale" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 250 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 250 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Tigre féroce" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.67,
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Cougar rôdant" 
		StanceName = "Doubles Dagues",
		StanceNameEN = "Dual Daggers",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Doubles Dagues - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Doubles Dagues" 
	["Doubles Épées"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Souillure sanglante" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 800 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Embrochement miroir" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 250 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 250 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Duration = 3.3,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Anneau du nord" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Duration = 2.2,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 1.2,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Fleurs rognantes" 
		StanceName = "Doubles Épées",
		StanceNameEN = "Dual Swords",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Duration = 2.2,
			Image = "Doubles Épées - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Doubles Épées"
	["Doubles Nikanas"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Souillure sanglante" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 800 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Embrochement miroir" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 225 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200, 200, 600 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" ,"Renversement", "Renversement", "" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement", "Saignement" , "" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Duration = 4.4,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Rétribution Dax" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.37,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Duration = 2.2,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 1.2,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Fleurs rognantes" 
		StanceName = "Doubles Nikanas",
		StanceNameEN = "Dual Swords",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Duration = 2.2,
			Image = "Doubles Nikanas - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Doubles Nikanas"
	["Épée"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Épée - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Épée - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Épée - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Marque de la mort" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Épée - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Épée - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Épée - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Coupe parfaite" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Épée - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Épée - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.69,
			Image = "Épée - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Coupe spirale" 
		StanceName = "Épée",
		StanceNameEN = "Sword",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Épée - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Épée"
	["Épée et Bouclier"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Épée et Bouclier - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Poing de fer" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Bête dévorante" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 800 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Épée et Bouclier - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Dernier combat" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Bête dévorante" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Bête dévorante" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "360" } 
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Épée et Bouclier - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Nom sacré" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Bête dévorante" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Épée et Bouclier - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Épée et Bouclier - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Symphonie destructrice" 
		StanceName = "Épée et Bouclier",
		StanceNameEN = "Sword and Shield",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Épée et Bouclier - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Ange mourant" 
		WeaponType = "Épée et Bouclier"
	["Éventail de guerre"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 6 } } 
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Ciel de mort" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 1000 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement"  },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 2 } 
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Marque de la mort" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 250 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Coupe parfaite" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Coupe spirale" 
		StanceName = "Éventail de guerre",
		StanceNameEN = "Warfan",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Éventail de Guerre - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Éventail de guerre" 
	["Faux"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Faux - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Burin de la montagne" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Types = { "360" } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Réclamation" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Faux - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tunnel en pointe" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Types = { "360" } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Réclamation" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Types = { "360" } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Réclamation" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 600 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 600 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Faux - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Espoir évanoui" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Types = { "360" } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Réclamation" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Faux - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Faux - Combo GLissade.gif",
			Name = "Vague de l'Enfer" 
		StanceName = "Faux",
		StanceNameEN = "Scythe",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Faux - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Foyer écorchant" 
		WeaponType = "Faux"
	["Faux Lourde"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } } 
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Mistral mordant" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.905,
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "Combo 1 (non-officiel)" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tunnel en pointe" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Duration = 1.437,
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Avant.gif",
			Name = "Combo 2 (non-officiel)" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.905,
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "Combo 1 (non-officiel)" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "Saignement" , "Renversement" },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 600, 600 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Projection", "Projection" },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Abattage des titans" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.905,
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "Combo 1 (non-officiel)" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {  }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Vague de l'Enfer" 
		StanceName = "Faux Lourde",
		StanceNameEN = "Heavy Scythe",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Faux Lourde - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Foyer écorchant" 
		WeaponType = "Faux Lourde"
	["Fouet"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } } } 
			Image = "Fouet - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Burin de la montagne" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Torture étincelante" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Fouet - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Peur retentissante" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Piqûre bourdonnante" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Torture étincelante" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 450 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 450 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Fouet - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Roulement du tonnerre" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Torture étincelante" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Fouet - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.64,
			Image = "Fouet - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Coupe spirale" 
		StanceName = "Fouet",
		StanceNameEN = "Whip",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Fouet - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Fouet"
	["Glaive"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "Glaive - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Vrille" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Ruine" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Glaive - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Némésis" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Ruine" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Ruine" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Shape = "Lourde", Types = { "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Shape = "Lourde", Types = { "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Shape = "Lourde", Types = { "À distance" } } 
			Image = "Glaive - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Étoile Filante" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Ruine" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Glaive - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.74,
			Image = "Glaive - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Pirouette" 
		StanceName = "Glaive",
		StanceNameEN = "Glaive",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Glaive - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Frappe transperçante" 
		WeaponType = "Glaive" 
	["Griffes"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Un point" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 250, 1 }, Hits = { 5, 1 } } },
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tambours rugissants" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Trois leçons" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 } } 
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.67,
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Conflit de sang" 
		StanceName = "Griffes",
		StanceNameEN = "Claws",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Griffes - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Frappe transperçante" 
		WeaponType = "Griffes" 
	["Lame et Fouet"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Lame et Fouet - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Projection" }, "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 4.25,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Griffes du dragon" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Lame et Fouet - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Marque de la mort" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Projection" }, "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 4.25,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Griffes du dragon" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Projection" }, "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 4.25,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Griffes du dragon" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { "Projection" },
					Shape = "Lourde"
					Dmg = { 400, 400, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement", "Projection", "" },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Lame et Fouet - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Roulement du tonnerre" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Projection" }, "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 4.25,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Griffes du dragon" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Lame et Fouet - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Lame et Fouet - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Coupe spirale" 
		StanceName = "Lame et Fouet",
		StanceNameEN = "Blade and Whip",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Lame et Fouet - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Lame et Fouet" 
	["Lame Lourde"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Lame Lourde - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Burin de la montagne" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Duration = 2.25,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Chute de foule" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Lame Lourde - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tunnel en pointe" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Duration = 2.25,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Chute de foule" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Duration = 2.25,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Chute de foule" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Lame Lourde - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Chute de foule" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Duration = 2.25,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Chute de foule" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Lame Lourde - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.98,
			Image = "Lame Lourde - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Vague de l'Enfer" 
		StanceName = "Lame Lourde",
		StanceNameEN = "Heavy Blade",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Lame Lourde - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Foyer écorchant" 
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"
	["Machette"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Machette - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Machette - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Vague formidable" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 150, 150, 150, 150 },
					Hits = { 2, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement" , "", {"Renversement", "Coup de Grâce" } },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "360", "360", "360", "360" } 
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Machette - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Vague roulante" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Machette - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.66,
			Image = "Machette - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Rivière en cascade" 
		StanceName = "Machette",
		StanceNameEN = "Machete",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Machette - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Machette"
	["Mains Et Pieds"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Un point" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo .gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 250, 100 }, Hits = { 5, 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1, 1.25 } } },
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tambours rugissants" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo .gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo .gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Renaître des cendres" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo .gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } },
			Duration = 0.84,
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Rafale roulante" 
		StanceName = "Mains Et Pieds",
		StanceNameEN = "Sparring",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Frappe transperçante" 
		WeaponType = "Mains Et Pieds" 
	["Marteau"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Burin de la montagne" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Dernier mot" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Chute de foule" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.97,
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Vague de l'Enfer" 
		StanceName = "Marteau",
		StanceNameEN = "Hammer",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Marteau - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Foyer écorchant" 
		WeaponType = "Marteau"
	["Nikana"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Soleil couchant" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Endroit de repos" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Coupes sans vent" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.67,
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Genou séparateur" 
		StanceName = "Nikana",
		StanceNameEN = "Nikana",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 215 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Fil guidant" 
		WeaponType = "Nikana" 
	["Nikana à Deux Mains"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Nikana à Deux Mains - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Singe malin" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.55,
			Image = "Rasoir Lucide - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Moissonneuse-batteuse" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Nikana à Deux Mains - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Riposte de la tortue" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.55,
			Image = "Rasoir Lucide - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Moissonneuse-batteuse" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.55,
			Image = "Rasoir Lucide - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Moissonneuse-batteuse" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 600 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Soulèvement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  }, { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
			Image = "Nikana à Deux Mains - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Adieu du cœur" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.55,
			Image = "Rasoir Lucide - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Moissonneuse-batteuse" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } },
			Image = "Nikana à Deux Mains - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Nikana à Deux Mains - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Serpent sournois" 
		StanceName = "Nikana à Deux Mains",
		StanceNameEN = "Two-Handed Nikana",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Nikana à Deux Mains - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Gazelle éclatante" 
		WeaponType = "Nikana à Deux Mains" 
	["Nunchaku"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "Nunchaku - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Tempête de feu" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 3.25,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Tourbillon ardent" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Nunchaku - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tsunami de flammes" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 3.25,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Tourbillon ardent" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 3.25,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Tourbillon ardent" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Nunchaku - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Marée de flammes" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 3.25,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Tourbillon ardent" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Nunchaku - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 3 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 1.05,
			Image = "Nunchaku - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Marée incendiaire" 
		StanceName = "Nunchaku",
		StanceNameEN = "Nunchaku",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Nunchaku - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Pyromanie" 
		WeaponType = "Nunchaku" 
	["Pistolame"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Pistolame - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Cavale" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "À distance" } } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Blitz vagabond" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Flashbang" } } },
			Image = "Pistolame - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Dernières volontés" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "À distance" } } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Blitz vagabond" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "À distance" } } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Blitz vagabond" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Image = "Pistolame - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Alésage complet" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "À distance" } } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Blitz vagabond" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Pistolame - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.6,
			Image = "Pistolame - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Dégaine" 
		StanceName = "Pistolame",
		StanceNameEN = "Gunblade",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Pistolame - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Vendetta" 
		WeaponType = "Pistolame"
	["Poing"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Poing - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Un point" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Poing - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 250, 100 }, Hits = { 5, 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1, 1.25 } } },
			Image = "Poing - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tambours rugissants" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Poing - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Poing - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Poing - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Trois leçons" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Poing - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Poing - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Poing - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Attaque surgissante" 
		StanceName = "Poing",
		StanceNameEN = "Fist",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Poing - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Frappe transperçante" 
		WeaponType = "Poing"
	["Rapière"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Ciel de mort" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Marque de la mort" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 450 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 450 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Riposte voilée" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.64,
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Coupe spirale" 
		StanceName = "Rapière",
		StanceNameEN = "Rapier",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Rapière - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Rapière"
	["Scie d'Assaut"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Briseur de colonne" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } } 
			Duration = 2.83,
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "Ruée de la Goule" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 900 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } } },
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Coupures profondes" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } } 
			Duration = 2.83,
			Image = "Fête de la Viande - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Ruée de la Goule" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } } 
			Duration = 2.83,
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "Ruée de la Goule" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 3, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement" , { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Sulpteur de carcasse" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 1.03,
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Pulvérisateur de cheville" 
		StanceName = "Scie d'Assaut",
		StanceNameEN = "Assault Saw",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement" } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 4.5,
			Image = "Scie d'Assaut - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "Rage de Rictus" 
		WeaponType = "Scie d'Assaut" 
	["Tonfa"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 3 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 5 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Fléau prépondérant" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Froide vendetta" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 250 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 250 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Cousure en discorde" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.74,
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Conflit de sang" 
		StanceName = "Tonfa",
		StanceNameEN = "Tonfa",
		StancelessStance = true,
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Tonfa - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Force opposante" 
		WeaponType = "Tonfa" 

	--  // Exalted Weapons stances //
	["Ailes Rasoirs (Posture)"] = {
        ["Neutre"] = {
            Attacks = {
                { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
                { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
                { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
                { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
                { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
                { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Étourdissement" } } 
            Duration = 3.2,
            Image = "Ailes Rasoirs - Combo0.gif",
            Name = "Valse des Fées"
		StanceName = "Ailes Rasoirs",
		StanceNameEN = "Razorwing",
        WeaponType = "Épée" 
	["Fureur Primale (Posture)"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Fureur Primale - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Deadly Circle" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 300, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 3, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement","Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "360", "Direct", "Frappe au Sol", "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100},
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "", "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3.95,
			Image = "Fureur Primale - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Rolling Boulder Rush" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "StaffCombo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Large déploiement" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Projection" }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } }, 
			Duration = 2.8,
			Image = "Fureur Primale - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Spinning Crash Technique" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { {"Renversement", "Faiblesse" } } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Fureur Primale - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Cyclone Lightning Strike" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "La voie" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1, 1, 2 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "", "Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "","360", "360", "360" }
			Duration = 3.2,
			Image = "Fureur Primale - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Falling Oak Buster" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { 
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 },
				Hits = { 1, 1 },
				Procs = { {"Renversement", "Projection"} },
				Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Atteinte dévastatrice" 
		StanceName = "Fureur Primale",
		StanceNameEN = "Primal Fury",
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 166 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Bâton - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Planche guidée" 
		WeaponType = "Bâton de Fer" 
	["Hystérie (Posture)"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.45,
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Un point" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Coup de Grâce" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", {"Renversement", "Renversement" }, "Renversement" } 
			Duration = 2.4,
			Image = "Hystérie - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Delirium" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000, 400 }, Hits = { 5, 1 } } },
			Duration = 1.3,
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tambours rugissants" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.7,
			Image = "Hystérie - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Rage" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement", "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.6,
			Image = "Hystérie - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Madness" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 4, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Rise From Ashes" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Coup de Grâce" } } 
			Duration = 2.85,
			Image = "Hystérie - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Fervor" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Duration = 0.65,
			Image = "Hystérie - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 6 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.8,
			Image = "Hystérie - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Attaque surgissante" 
		StanceName = "Hystérie",
		StanceNameEN = "Hysteria",
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Duration = 1.7,
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Frappe transperçante" 
		WeaponType = "Serres Valkyr" 
	["Lame Exaltée (Posture)"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Image = "Épée - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
					Dmg = { 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 300, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 2.8,
			Image = "Lame Exaltée - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Equal Laceration" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 1000 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" } } },
			Image = "Épée - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Marque de la mort" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } } 
			Duration = 1.4,
			Image = "Lame Exaltée - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Lancing Justice" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 2.4,
			Image = "Lame Exaltée - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Virtuous Slash" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "À distance" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 3.2,
			Image = "Lame Exaltée - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Cutting Poise" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Épée - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.95,
			Image = "Lame Exaltée - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Judged Severance" 
		StanceName = "Lame Exaltée",
		StanceNameEN = "Exalted Blade",
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } },
			Image = "Épée - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Acier léger" 
		WeaponType = "Épée"
	["Spectre Vorace (Posture)"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } } 
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Mortal Squall" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 4, 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 }, Hits = { 2, 2, 1 } } 
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Reaping Cyclone" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Soul Thresher" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 6 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "" } } 
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Void Torrent" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					Procs = { "Saignement"  },
					Shape = "Lourde"
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Death Knocking" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "Saignement" , "Renversement" } 
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Cleaving Claws" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Image = "Spectre Vorace - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Nightfall" 
		StanceName = "Spectre Vorace",
		StanceNameEN = "Ravenous Wraith",
		WeaponType = "Griffes de l'Ombre" 
	["Tempête Reposante (Posture)"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Un point" 
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 3, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Projection", "Désarmement" },"Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Projection", "Désarmement" }, "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 4, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Projection", "Désarmement" }, "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Projection", "Désarmement" }, { "Projection","Renversement" } },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 4.1,
			Image = "Tempête Reposante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Patience Shattered" 
		["Coup de Grâce"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 6 } } },
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Finisher.gif",
			Name = "Tambours rugissants" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" },"Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" }, "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" }, "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Tempête Reposante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Father's Lesson" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" }, "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" }, "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" }, "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 3.15,
			Image = "Tempête Reposante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Final Sunrise" 
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Note = "*",
					Procs = { "Renversement", "Désarmement" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 4, 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Rise From Ashes" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" },"Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" },"Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" }, "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Désarmement", "Projection" }, "Projection" },
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 3.5,
			Image = "Tempête Reposante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Trespass Denied" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } } },
			Image = "Tempête Reposante - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Frappe au sol" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 5, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Projection", "Désarmement" }, { "Soulèvement", "Désarmement" }, { "Soulèvement", "Désarmement" } },
					Types = { "360", "", "À distance" } 
			Image = "Tempête Reposante - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Rafale roulante" 
		StanceName = "Tempête Reposante",
		StanceNameEN = "Serene Storm",
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Mains Et Pieds - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Frappe transperçante" 
		WeaponType = "Vents du Désert" 

	--  // Weapons stances //
	["Arum Spinosa"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 250, 250 },
					Hits = { 2, 18 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 500, 500 },
					Hits = { 1, 9 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Image = "Arum Spinosa - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Arum Spinosa Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Arum Spinosa",
		StanceNameEN = "Arum Spinosa",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Éventail de guerre" 
	["Azothane"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } }
			Duration = 3.1,
			Image = "Azothane - Combo Blocage.gif",
			Name = "Azothane Block (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Azothane",
		StanceNameEN = "Azothane",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Nikana à Deux Mains" 
	["Caustacyste"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 600, 100 },
					Hits = { 1 , 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" }, {"Renversement", "Coup de Grâce" } },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 600, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" }, {"Renversement", "Coup de Grâce" } },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Image = "Caustacyste - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Caustacyst Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Caustacyste",
		StanceNameEN = "Caustacyst",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Faux"
	["Cobra & Crane"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Coup de Grâce" }, },
					Types = { "À distance" }
			Image = "Cobra & Crane - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Cobra & Crane Air (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Cobra & Crane",
		StanceNameEN = "Cobra & Crane",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Épée et Bouclier"
	["Edun"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 220, 180 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement","Renversement" }, Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" }, Shape = "Lourde" } 
			Duration = 3.3,
			Image = "Edun - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Edun Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Edun",
		StanceNameEN = "Edun",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Arme d'hast" 
	["Jat Kusar"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 400, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Projection", "Renversement" },
					Shape = "Lourde"
					Dmg = { 400, 400, 400, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement", "Projection", "", "Renversement"},
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Jat Kusar - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Jat Kusar Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Jat Kusar",
		StanceNameEN = "Jat Kusar",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Lame et Fouet" 
	["Keratinos"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 3, 3, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement" , { "Saignement" , "Soulèvement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
			Image = "Keratinos - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Keratinos Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Keratinos",
		StanceNameEN = "Keratinos",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Griffes" 
	["Korumm"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 300, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Tesla Chain", "Renversement" }, { "Saignement" , "Projection" },"Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 4.15,
			Image = "Korumm - Combo Blocage.gif",
			Name = "Korumm Block (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Korumm",
		StanceNameEN = "Korumm",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Arme d'hast" 
	["Nepheri"] = {
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 50 },
					Hits = { 2, 4 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  }, {"Renversement", "" } },
					Types = { "Balayage", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 2.87,
			Image = "Nepheri - Combo Neutre.gif",
			Name = "Nepheri Neutral (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Nepheri",
		StanceNameEN = "Nepheri",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Doubles Dagues" 
	["Quassus"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 250, 250 },
					Hits = { 2, 12 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 500, 500 },
					Hits = { 1, 6 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Image = "Quassus - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Quassus Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Quassus",
		StanceNameEN = "Quassus",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Éventail de guerre" 
	["Sampotes"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 600 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Shape = "Lourde" }	
			Duration = 4.2,
			Image = "Sampotes - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Sampotes Heavy (unofficial)" 
		["Frappe Lourde au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500, 500 }, Hits = { 1, 12 }, Procs = { "Projection", "Projection" }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } }
			Duration = 3.3,
			Image = "Sampotes - Combo Slam Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Sampotes Heavy Slam (unofficial)" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 8 }, Procs = { "Projection", "Projection" }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } }
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Sampotes - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Sampotes Slam (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Sampotes",
		StanceNameEN = "Sampotes",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Marteau"
	["Sigma & Octantis"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Coup de Grâce" }, },
					Types = { "À distance" }
			Image = "Sigma & Octantis - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Sigma & Octantis Air (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Sigma & Octantis",
		StanceNameEN = "Sigma & Octantis",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Épée et Bouclier"
	["Syam"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 185 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = {"À distance" }, Shape = "Lourde" },
				{ Dmg = { 555 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "À distance" }, Shape = "Lourde" }
			Duration = 3.6,
			Image = "Syam - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Syam Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Syam",
		StanceNameEN = "Syam",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Nikana" 
	["Tatsu"] = {
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200, 40 }, Hits = { 1, 5 }, Types = { "360", "À distance" } } },
			Image = "Tatsu - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Tatsu Slide (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Tatsu",
		StanceNameEN = "Tatsu",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Nikana à Deux Mains" 
	["Boltace Telos"] = {
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.48,
			Image = "Boltace Telos - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Stormpath" 
		StanceName = "Boltace Telos",
		StanceNameEN = "Telos Boltace",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Tonfa" 
	["Agendus - Principe"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "360" } 
			Image = "Agendus - Principe - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Tenet Agendus Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Agendus - Principe",
		StanceNameEN = "Tenet Agendus",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Épée et Bouclier"
	["Exec - Principe"] = {
		["Frappe Lourde au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 500, 500 }, Hits = { 1, 9 }, Procs = { "Projection", "Projection" }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } }
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Exec - Principe - Combo Slam Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Tenet Exec Heavy Slam (unofficial)" 
		["Frappe au Sol"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 3 }, Procs = { "Projection", "Projection" }, Types = { "Direct", "Frappe au Sol" } }
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Exec - Principe - Combo Slam.gif",
			Name = "Tenet Exec Slam (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Exec - Principe",
		StanceNameEN = "Tenet Exec",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"
	["Grigori - Principe"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 600 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Shape = "Lourde" 
					Dmg = { 600, 600 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" },
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Image = "Grigori - Principe - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Tenet Grigori (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Grigori - Principe",
		StanceNameEN = "Tenet Grigori",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Faux"
	["Verdilac"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 400, 400 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "À distance" } 
					Dmg = { 500, 500 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Projection", "" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "À distance" } 
			Duration = 4,
			Image = "Verdilac - Combo Blocage.gif",
			Name = "Verdilac Block (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Verdilac",
		StanceNameEN = "Verdilac",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Fouet"
	["Vitrica"] = {
		["Aérien"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 0 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" }, Types = { "", "À distance" } }
			Image = "Vitrica - Combo Air.gif",
			Name = "Vitrica Air (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Vitrica",
		StanceNameEN = "Vitrica",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"
	["Zenistar"] = {
		["Lourde"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 600, 100 }, 
					Hits = { 1, 1 }, 
					Procs = { "Soulèvement","Renversement" }, 
					Shape = "Lourde",
					Types = { "", "À distance" } 
			Image = "Zenistar - Combo Lourd.gif",
			Name = "Zenistar Heavy (unofficial)" 
		StanceName = "Zenistar",
		StanceNameEN = "Zenistar",
		UniqueToWeapon = true,
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"

	--  // Stances mods //
	["Fléau d'Argent"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "ArgentScourgeComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Roaring Whirlwind" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "ArgentScourgeComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Cutting Tempest" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "ArgentScourgeComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Shrieking Wind" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "ArgentScourgeComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Roaring Whirlwind" 
		StanceName = "Fléau d'Argent",
		StanceNameEN = "Argent Scourge",
		WeaponType = "Arme d'hast" 
	["Crépuscule Astral"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement", "Saignement"  } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = { "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 3.5,
			Image = "Crépuscule Astral - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Rising Moon" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 3.4,
			Image = "Crépuscule Astral - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Midnight Cloud" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 4 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 3.2,
			Image = "Crépuscule Astral - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Étoile Filante" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 3 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "360" } 
			Duration = 4.25,
			Image = "Crépuscule Astral - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Morning Sun" 
		StanceName = "Crépuscule Astral",
		StanceNameEN = "Astral Twilight",
		WeaponType = "Glaive" 
	["Vulcain d'Atlantis"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 7 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 }, Types = { "360" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 3, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Types = { "360", "360" } 
			Duration = 3.35,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Infernal Maelstrom" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 3.25,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Tourbillon ardent" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } },
					Dmg = { 50, 100, 100, 150, 150 },
					Hits = { 4, 1, 4, 1, 3 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement", "","Renversement", "" } 
			Duration = 4.1,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Blazing Vortex" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 6 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 3.45,
			Image = "Vulcain d'Atlantis - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Molten Whirlpool" 
		StanceName = "Vulcain d'Atlantis",
		StanceNameEN = "Atlantis Vulcan",
		WeaponType = "Nunchaku" 
	["Piranha Mordant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "BitingPiranhaComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Rushing Cuts" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "BitingPiranhaComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Flasing Razor" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "BitingPiranhaComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Leaping Slash" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "BitingPiranhaComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Rushing Cuts" 
		StanceName = "Piranha Mordant",
		StanceNameEN = "Biting Piranha",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Dagues" 
	["Saule Saignant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } } },
			Duration = 0.95,
			Image = "Saule Saignant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Lethal Gust" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } } },
			Duration = 0.95,
			Image = "Saule Saignant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Lethal Gust" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 2 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "Renversement" },
					Types = { "360", "Propulsion" } 
			Duration = 3.5,
			Image = "Saule Saignant - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Drifting Steel" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } } },
			Duration = 0.95,
			Image = "Saule Saignant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Lethal Gust" 
		StanceName = "Saule Saignant",
		StanceNameEN = "Bleeding Willow",
		WeaponType = "Arme d'hast" 
	["Justice Aveugle"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 1.7,
			Image = "Justice Aveugle - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Destined Path" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "360" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "360", "360", "Balayage" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 3.05,
			Image = "Justice Aveugle - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Zatōs Creed" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 400, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Duration = 2.45,
			Image = "Justice Aveugle - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Heeding Call" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.6,
			Image = "Justice Aveugle - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Guiding Light" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement", "" },
					Types = { "360", "360", "360" } 
			Duration = 0.91,
			Image = "Justice Aveugle - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Genou séparateur" 
		StanceName = "Justice Aveugle",
		StanceNameEN = "Blind Justice",
		["Mural"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 215 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "Justice Aveugle - Combo Mur.gif",
			Name = "Fil guidant" 
		WeaponType = "Nikana" 
	["Marée Brutale"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.15,
			Image = "Marée Brutale - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Inferno" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" }  },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.15,
			Image = "Marée Brutale - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Inferno" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 2, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "", "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.85,
			Image = "Marée Brutale - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Rushing Fire" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" }  },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.15,
			Image = "Marée Brutale - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Inferno" 
		StanceName = "Marée Brutale",
		StanceNameEN = "Brutal Tide",
		WeaponType = "Mains Et Pieds" 
	["Valse de Balles"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Valse de Balles - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Samba Slash" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Valse de Balles - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Magnum Mambo" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 2.8,
			Image = "Valse de Balles - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Lead Tango" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 125, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 125, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 150, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 3 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 } 
			Duration = 4.5,
			Image = "Valse de Balles - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Automatic Rhumba" 
		StanceName = "Valse de Balles",
		StanceNameEN = "Bullet Dance",
		WeaponType = "Pistolame"
	["Guêpe Brûlante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Torture étincelante" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "360" } } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Piqûre bourdonnante" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Guided Claw" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Guêpe Brûlante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Torture étincelante" 
		StanceName = "Guêpe Brûlante",
		StanceNameEN = "Burning Wasp",
		WeaponType = "Fouet"
	["Fête de la Viande"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1, 2 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 200, 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "Saignement" , "Saignement" , "Projection","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 5.75,
			Image = "Fête de la Viande - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Reciprocator" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } } 
			Duration = 2.83,
			Image = "Fête de la Viande - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Ruée de la Goule" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "Renversement", "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Propulsion", "Propulsion", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3.8,
			Image = "Fête de la Viande - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Rip 'N Ride" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement" } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement"  } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 4.93,
			Image = "Fête de la Viande - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rictus' Wrath" 
		StanceName = "Fête de la Viande",
		StanceNameEN = "Butcher's Revelry",
		WeaponType = "Scie d'Assaut" 
	["Taillade de Mante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } } 
			Duration = 2.45,
			Image = "Taillade de Mante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Biting Mandibles" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } } 
			Duration = 2.35,
			Image = "Taillade de Mante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Ambush Predator" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.2,
			Image = "Taillade de Mante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Dire Courtship" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement"  },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 3.9,
			Image = "Taillade de Mante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rapid Incisions" 
		StanceName = "Carving Mantis",
		StanceNameEN = "Carving Mantis",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Épées"
	["Crépuscule Céleste"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "CelestialNightfallComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Expanding Spiral" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "CelestialNightfallComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Whirling Touch" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "CelestialNightfallComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Radial Wounding" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "CelestialNightfallComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Expanding Spiral" 
		StanceName = "Crépuscule Céleste",
		StanceNameEN = "Celestial Nightfall",
		WeaponType = "Glaive" 
	["Affrontement de la Forêt"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 50 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement", "", "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.95,
			Image = "Affrontement de la Forêt - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Resolute Flurry" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.05,
			Image = "Affrontement de la Forêt - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Skyward Limb" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 2.1,
			Image = "Affrontement de la Forêt - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Battering Roots" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 50 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement", "", "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.95,
			Image = "Affrontement de la Forêt - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Resolute Flurry" 
		StanceName = "Affrontement de la Forêt",
		StanceNameEN = "Clashing Forest",
		WeaponType = "Bâton"
	["Entaille Tornade"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Drifting Stampede" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
					Dmg = { 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "360", "360" } 
				{ Dmg = { 0 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 5.7,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Broken Bull" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 300, 100, 100, 200, 100, 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", "", "", "", "Soulèvement","Renversement" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1.25, 1, 1.25, 1, 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "", "", "Frappe au Sol", "", "Frappe au Sol", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.7,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Sundered Tusk" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.25,
			Image = "Entaille Tornade - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Chute de foule" 
		StanceName = "Entaille Tornade",
		StanceNameEN = "Cleaving Whirlwind",
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"
	["Étreinte de la Vipère"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" } } 
			Duration = 2.7,
			Image = "Étreinte de la Vipère - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Whistling Wind" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" } } 
			Duration = 2.7,
			Image = "Étreinte de la Vipère - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Whistling Wind" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Étreinte de la Vipère - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Tumbling King" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" } } 
			Duration = 2.7,
			Image = "Étreinte de la Vipère - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Whistling Wind" 
		StanceName = "Étreinte de la Vipère",
		StanceNameEN = "Coiling Viper",
		WeaponType = "Fouet"
	["Ravage Tonitruant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "CrashingHavocComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Fist And Hammer" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "CrashingHavocComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Rising Thunder" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "CrashingHavocComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Falling Rock" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "CrashingHavocComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Fist And Hammer" 
		StanceName = "Ravage Tonitruant",
		StanceNameEN = "Crashing Havoc",
		WeaponType = "Marteau"
	["Rondin Écrasant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "CrashingTimberComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Falling Leaves" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "CrashingTimberComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Sweeping Limb" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Frappe au Sol", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Image = "CrashingTimberComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Bending Branch" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "CrashingTimberComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Falling Leaves" 
		StanceName = "Rondin Écrasant",
		StanceNameEN = "Crashing Timber",
		WeaponType = "Bâton"
	["Derviche Cramoisi"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement", "Renversement" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 2 },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage", "Balayage" } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Derviche Cramoisi - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Twisting Flurry" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Derviche Cramoisi - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Crimson Orbit" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", {"Renversement", "Saignement"  }, "Renversement" },
					Types = { "360", "360", "Propulsion" } 
			Duration = 1.5,
			Image = "Derviche Cramoisi - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Coiling Impale" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement", "Renversement" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 2 },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage", "Balayage" } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Derviche Cramoisi - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Twisting Flurry" 
		StanceName = "Derviche Cramoisi",
		StanceNameEN = "Crimson Dervish",
		WeaponType = "Épée"
	["Serpents Croisés"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.4,
			Image = "Serpents Croisés - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Twin Fang" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Serpents Croisés - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Lacerating Leap" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.2,
			Image = "Serpents Croisés - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Anneau du nord" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.35,
			Image = "Serpents Croisés - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "East to West" 
		StanceName = "Serpents Croisés",
		StanceNameEN = "Crossing Snakes",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Épées"
	["Ruine Dévastatrice"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 200, 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.25,
			Image = "Ruine Dévastatrice - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Winding Temper" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.6,
			Image = "Ruine Dévastatrice - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Tidal Force" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 50 }, Hits = { 1, 2 }, Types = { "Balayage", "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 50 }, Hits = { 1, 2 }, Types = { "Balayage", "360" } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					Types = { "360" } 
					Dmg = { 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 4.25,
			Image = "Ruine Dévastatrice - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Shattered Village" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" } 
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "360" } },
					Dmg = { 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Ruine Dévastatrice - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Raging Whirlwind" 
		StanceName = "Ruine Dévastatrice",
		StanceNameEN = "Crushing Ruin",
		WeaponType = "Marteau"
	["Aspect Rusé"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "CunningAspectComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Shrouded Point" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "CunningAspectComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Deceptive Lunge" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "CunningAspectComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Covert Coil" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "CunningAspectComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Shrouded Point" 
		StanceName = "Aspect Rusé",
		StanceNameEN = "Cunning Aspect",
		WeaponType = "Rapière"
	["Kraken Cyclonique"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement", "" } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Types = { "360" } 
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Procs = { "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Kraken Cyclonique - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Thunder Hydra" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.95,
			Image = "Kraken Cyclonique - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Leviathan Rain" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement" , "Renversement" } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Kraken Cyclonique - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Lightning Siren" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } 
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage", "Balayage" } 
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Types = { "360" } 
			Duration = 4.1,
			Image = "Kraken Cyclonique - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Gale Triton" 
		StanceName = "Kraken Cyclonique",
		StanceNameEN = "Cyclone Kraken",
		WeaponType = "Machette"
	["Jugement Décisif"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 1.55,
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Silent Acumen" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 0.9,
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Coupes sans vent" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 1.65,
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Consent Decree" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.65,
			Image = "Jugement Décisif - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Swift Retribution" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.67,
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Genou séparateur" 
		StanceName = "Jugement Décisif",
		StanceNameEN = "Decisive Judgement",
		WeaponType = "Nikana" 
	["Ire Souillée du Dragon"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } },
			Duration = 1.35,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Crocs du Lindwurm" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 4.1,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Âme du Léviathan" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 3, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage", "Balayage" } 
			Duration = 4.35,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Cœur du Naga" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Projection" }, "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 4.25,
			Image = "Ire Souillée du Dragon - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Griffes du dragon" 
		StanceName = "Ire Souillée du Dragon",
		StanceNameEN = "Defiled Snapdragon",
		WeaponType = "Lame et Fouet" 
	["Lames Scindantes"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "DividingBladesComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Converging Edge" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "DividingBladesComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Cross Cuts" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "DividingBladesComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Combined Strike" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "DividingBladesComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Converging Edge" 
		StanceName = "Lames Scindantes",
		StanceNameEN = "Dividing Blades",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Épées"
	["Onzième Tempête"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" }, Types = { "" } } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Diamond Deus" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Bête dévorante" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 2 } },
					Dmg = { 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Bide and Bleed" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.5,
			Image = "Onzième Tempête - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Striking Thunder" 
		StanceName = "Onzième Tempête",
		StanceNameEN = "Eleventh Storm",
		WeaponType = "Épée et Bouclier"
	["Vérité Fatidique"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 2 },
					Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "FatefulTruthComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Leading Blade" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "FatefulTruthComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Keen Cuts" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "Frappe au Sol", "Balayage" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "FatefulTruthComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Sudden Spring" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 2 },
					Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "FatefulTruthComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Leading Blade" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Name = "Genou séparateur" 
		StanceName = "Vérité Fatidique",
		StanceNameEN = "Fateful Truth",
		WeaponType = "Nikana" 
	["Dernier Présage"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "360" } 
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Dernier Présage - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Systemic Shred" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 2 },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "360" } 
			Duration = 2.65,
			Image = "Dernier Présage - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Impending Battery" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 3, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 4 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 4.05,
			Image = "Dernier Présage - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Dark Light" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } } 
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement", "", "Saignement"  } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 400 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" }  } 
			Duration = 3.05,
			Image = "Dernier Présage - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Null Warning" 
		StanceName = "Dernier Présage",
		StanceNameEN = "Final Harbinger",
		WeaponType = "Épée et Bouclier"
	["Branche Battante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.35,
			Image = "Branche Battante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rising Falls" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 200, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Branche Battante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Battered Thread" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.05,
			Image = "Branche Battante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Autumn Leaf" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.35,
			Image = "Branche Battante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rising Falls" 
		StanceName = "Branche Battante",
		StanceNameEN = "Flailing Branch",
		WeaponType = "Bâton"
	["Quatre Cavaliers"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 2.1,
			Image = "Quatre Cavaliers - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Eternal Fall" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.7,
			Image = "Quatre Cavaliers - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Hungering Encroachment" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 2 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 100, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Quatre Cavaliers - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Raging Conflict" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Quatre Cavaliers - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Aggravated Swarm" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.69,
			Image = "Quatre Cavaliers - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Conflit de sang" 
		StanceName = "Quatre Cavaliers",
		StanceNameEN = "Four Riders",
		WeaponType = "Griffes" 
	["Vent Fracturant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 500, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "","Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 1.45,
			Image = "Vent Fracturant - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Rising Wind" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Vent Fracturant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Gaining Humility" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 3, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Vent Fracturant - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Trailing Doom" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } } 
			Duration = 1.55,
			Image = "Vent Fracturant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rolling Gale" 
		StanceName = "Vent Fracturant",
		StanceNameEN = "Fracturing Wind",
		WeaponType = "Poing"
	["Tragédie de Gaïa"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 3, 1 }, Procs = { "", "", "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 2 },
					Procs = { "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3.8,
			Image = "Tragédie de Gaïa - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Forest's Remorse" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 1.65,
			Image = "Tragédie de Gaïa - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Ocean's Contempt" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 2 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 250, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 2 },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" }
					Dmg = { 400 }, 
					Hits = { 1 }, 
					SlashMultiplier = { 2 }, 
					Procs = {"Renversement" }
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Tragédie de Gaïa - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Mountain's Rage" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.65,
			Image = "Tragédie de Gaïa - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "River's Grief" 
		StanceName = "Tragédie de Gaïa",
		StanceNameEN = "Gaia's Tragedy",
		WeaponType = "Poing"
	["Bourrasque de l'Aube"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { {"Renversement" } } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { { "Saignement"  } } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { { "Renversement" } } } 
			Duration = 3.06,
			Image = "Bourrasque de l'Aube - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Stormreaper" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.66,
			Image = "Bourrasque de l'Aube - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Bleak Winnowing" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement","Renversement", "Saignement"  },
					Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } 
			Duration = 4.86,
			Image = "Bourrasque de l'Aube - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Thundering Peaks" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { {"Renversement" } } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { { "Saignement"  } } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { { "Renversement" } } } 
			Duration = 3.06,
			Image = "Bourrasque de l'Aube - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Stormreaper" 
		StanceName = "Bourrasque de l'Aube",
		StanceNameEN = "Galeforce Dawn",
		WeaponType = "Faux Lourde"
	["Croisement des Gémeaux"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 2 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 2, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement" , "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.85,
			Image = "Croisement des Gémeaux - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Blind Tormentor" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.2,
			Image = "Croisement des Gémeaux - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Froide vendetta" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 100, 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", "","Renversement" } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Croisement des Gémeaux - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Baleful Sin" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 50 }, Hits = { 2, 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 50, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 2, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "", "Saignement" , "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 50 }, Hits = { 2, 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 300, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 4.6,
			Image = "Croisement des Gémeaux - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Vagrant Blight" 
		StanceName = "Croisement des Gémeaux",
		StanceNameEN = "Gemini Cross",
		WeaponType = "Tonfa" 
	["Serre Étincelante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Ruine" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 100 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Ruine" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.6,
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Silver Reach" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
			Duration = 4.3,
			Image = "Serre Étincelante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Mercury Vortex" 
		StanceName = "Serre Étincelante",
		StanceNameEN = "Gleaming Talon",
		WeaponType = "Glaive" 
	["Grincement du Payara"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" }, "Renversement" } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Grincement du Payara - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Pincer Strike" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Grincement du Payara - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Cheetah's Guile" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Balayage", "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.55,
			Image = "Grincement du Payara - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Flash Flurry" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Renversement" }, "Renversement" } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Grincement du Payara - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Pincer Strike" 
		StanceName = "Grincement du Payara",
		StanceNameEN = "Gnashing Payara",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Dagues" 
	["Fureur Sombre"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Fureur Sombre - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Fanning Flame" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" } 
			Duration = 1.75,
			Image = "Fureur Sombre - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Bright Blaze" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 3 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					Types = { "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 1.4,
			Image = "Fureur Sombre - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Burning Desire" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Fureur Sombre - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Fanning Flame" 
		StanceName = "Fureur Sombre",
		StanceNameEN = "Grim Fury",
		WeaponType = "Mains Et Pieds" 
	["Moment de Vérité"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = { "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 1.75,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Tomahawk Double-Tap" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 2 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Blitz vagabond" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Projection" },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" }, "" },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Desperado Zeal" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 2 },
					Procs = { "", { "Saignement" ,"Renversement" } },
					Types = { "À distance", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 2 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 3.25,
			Image = "Moment de Vérité - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Final Showdown" 
		StanceName = "Moment de Vérité",
		StanceNameEN = "High Noon",
		WeaponType = "Pistolame"
	["Crocs Autoguidés"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Renversement", "Saignement"  } } 
			Duration = 2.8,
			Image = "Crocs Autoguidés - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Cutting Arches" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.4,
			Image = "Crocs Autoguidés - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Life Eater" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 3, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
			Duration = 1.7,
			Image = "Crocs Autoguidés - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Lashing Forward" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Renversement", "Saignement"  } } 
			Duration = 2.8,
			Image = "Crocs Autoguidés - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Cutting Arches" 
		StanceName = "Crocs Autoguidés",
		StanceNameEN = "Homing Fang",
		WeaponType = "Dague"
	["Phénix de Fer"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 0.1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 0.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.35,
			Image = "Phénix de Fer - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Wings and Beak" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Duration = 0.65,
			Image = "Phénix de Fer - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Double Slash" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Note = "*",
					Procs = { "Soulèvement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Phénix de Fer - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Taking Flight" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 0.1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					SlashMultiplier = { 0.1 } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.35,
			Image = "Phénix de Fer - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Wings and Beak" 
		StanceName = "Phénix de Fer",
		StanceNameEN = "Iron Phoenix",
		WeaponType = "Épée"
	["Volute Fustigeante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "LashingCoilComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Whispering Bite" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "LashingCoilComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Screaming Gust" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "LashingCoilComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Burning Hum" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "LashingCoilComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Whispering Bite" 
		StanceName = "Volute Fustigeante",
		StanceNameEN = "Lashing Coil",
		WeaponType = "Fouet"
	["Dernier Héraut"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "LastHeraldComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Driving Steel" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "LastHeraldComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Bulwark" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "LastHeraldComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Spiral Ward" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "LastHeraldComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Driving Steel" 
		StanceName = "Dernier Héraut",
		StanceNameEN = "Last Herald",
		WeaponType = "Épée et Bouclier"
	["Pluie Mafique"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 13 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "MaficRainComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Searing Sleet" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "MaficRainComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Blazing Deluge" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Types = { "360", "360" } } 
			Image = "MaficRainComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Torrid Torrent" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 13 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Image = "MaficRainComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Searing Sleet" 
		StanceName = "Pluie Mafique",
		StanceNameEN = "Mafic Rain",
		WeaponType = "Nunchaku" 
	["Rapace Malicieux"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", {"Renversement", "Saignement" } } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 2.95,
			Image = "Rapace Malicieux - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Venging Thrash" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 2, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "", "" } } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Rapace Malicieux - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Wicked Slash" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } } 
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 2 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement", "" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3.7,
			Image = "Rapace Malicieux - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Lethal Clash" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "", {"Renversement", "Saignement" } } },
					Dmg = { 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 4, 1 },
					Procs = { "", {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } } 
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Soulèvement", "", "Renversement" } 
			Duration = 3.35,
			Image = "Rapace Malicieux - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Jagged Gash" 
		StanceName = "Rapace Malicieux",
		StanceNameEN = "Malicious Raptor",
		WeaponType = "Griffes" 
	["Falaise rocheuse"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.8,
			Image = "Falaise rocheuse - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rise and Fall" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 } },
				{ Dmg = { 150 }, Hits = { 2 } }
			Duration = 2.7,
			Image = "Falaise rocheuse - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Loyal Blades" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 3.9,
			Image = "Falaise rocheuse - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Steel Eclipse" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.8,
			Image = "Falaise rocheuse - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rise and Fall" 
		StanceName = "Falaise rocheuse",
		StanceNameEN = "Mountain's Edge",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Nikanas"
	["Cadence Noble"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "NobleCadenceComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Rushing Bull" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "NobleCadenceComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Skull Smasher" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "NobleCadenceComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Plunging Edge" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } } 
			Image = "NobleCadenceComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Rushing Bull" 
		StanceName = "Cadence Noble",
		StanceNameEN = "Noble Cadence",
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"
	["Furie Perforante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } } },
			Image = "PiercingFuryComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Arcing Slice" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "PiercingFuryComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Swift Incision" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "PiercingFuryComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Leading Point" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } } },
			Image = "PiercingFuryComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Arcing Slice" 
		StanceName = "Furie Perforante",
		StanceNameEN = "Piercing Fury",
		WeaponType = "Dague"
	["Vent Tranchant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "" },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.55,
			Image = "Vent Tranchant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Parting Edge" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } } 
			Duration = 1.25,
			Image = "Vent Tranchant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Viper's Bite" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } } 
			Duration = 1.25,
			Image = "Vent Tranchant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Viper's Bite" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "" },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.55,
			Image = "Vent Tranchant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Parting Edge" 
		StanceName = "Vent Tranchant",
		StanceNameEN = "Pointed Wind",
		WeaponType = "Dague"
	["Main Traumatique"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "QuakingHandComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Spinning Palms" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "QuakingHandComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "One Two Three" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "QuakingHandComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Descending Impact" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "QuakingHandComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Spinning Palms" 
		StanceName = "Main Traumatique",
		StanceNameEN = "Quaking Hand",
		WeaponType = "Poing"
	["Fauchage Tournoyant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement", "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 2.9,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Eternal Nocturne" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					Types = { "360" } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Réclamation" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } } 
			Duration = 2.1,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Abyssal Automaton" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement", "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 2.9,
			Image = "Fauchage Tournoyant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Eternal Nocturne" 
		StanceName = "Fauchage Tournoyant",
		StanceNameEN = "Reaping Spiral",
		WeaponType = "Faux"
	["Grue Déchirante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } },
			Duration = 1.05,
			Image = "Grue Déchirante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Landing Dragon" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 2.35,
			Image = "Grue Déchirante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Lashing Tempest" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement", "" } },
					Dmg = { 200, 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Grue Déchirante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Rampaging Boar" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } },
					Dmg = { 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Grue Déchirante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Skull Splitter" 
		StanceName = "Grue Déchirante",
		StanceNameEN = "Rending Crane",
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"
	["Vent Violent"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "RendingWindComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Brisk Current" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "RendingWindComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Ascending Surf" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Types = { "Balayage", "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Image = "RendingWindComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Impending Tide" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "RendingWindComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Brisk Current" 
		StanceName = "Vent Violent",
		StanceNameEN = "Rending Wind",
		WeaponType = "Machette"
	["Acier Montant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "RisingSteelComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Forward Edge" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "RisingSteelComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Hack And Slash" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Image = "RisingSteelComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Blade Whip" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "RisingSteelComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Forward Edge" 
		StanceName = "Acier Montant",
		StanceNameEN = "Rising Steel",
		WeaponType = "Épée"
	["Tornade Écarlate"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "ScarletHurricaneComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Bloody Fall" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "ScarletHurricaneComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Ruby Current" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } },
			Image = "ScarletHurricaneComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Whirling Rush" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "ScarletHurricaneComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Bloody Fall" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Name = "Attaque surgissante" 
		StanceName = "Tornade Écarlate",
		StanceNameEN = "Scarlet Hurricane",
		WeaponType = "Griffes" 
	["Paume Sismique"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement", "" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.05,
			Image = "Paume Sismique - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Echoing Hands" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.35,
			Image = "Paume Sismique - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Erupting Vulcan" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } } 
			Duration = 1.7,
			Image = "Paume Sismique - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Sudden Rockfall" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 1.55,
			Image = "Paume Sismique - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Quaking Touch" 
		StanceName = "Paume Sismique",
		StanceNameEN = "Seismic Palm",
		WeaponType = "Poing"
	["Faucheuse d'Ombre"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "ShadowHarvestComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Reaping Leap" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "ShadowHarvestComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Reclaimation" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 3, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "360" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "ShadowHarvestComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Soul Dance" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "ShadowHarvestComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Reaping Leap" 
		StanceName = "Faucheuse d'Ombre",
		StanceNameEN = "Shadow Harvest",
		WeaponType = "Faux"
	["Tempête Fracassante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" } },
					Dmg = { 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3.3,
			Image = "Tempête Fracassante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Rising Thunder" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } } 
			Duration = 2.6,
			Image = "Tempête Fracassante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Pounding Smite" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Balayage", "360" } },
					Dmg = { 200, 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5, 1.5, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3.55,
			Image = "Tempête Fracassante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Smashing Fury" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5, 1 },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
					Dmg = { 200, 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 4.9,
			Image = "Tempête Fracassante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Falling Rock" 
		StanceName = "Tempête Fracassante",
		StanceNameEN = "Shattering Storm",
		WeaponType = "Marteau"
	["Fléau Chatoyant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } } },
			Duration = 0.95,
			Image = "Fléau Chatoyant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Slashing Wind" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } } },
			Duration = 0.95,
			Image = "Fléau Chatoyant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Slashing Wind" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 4, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" }, Types = { "Propulsion", "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.55,
			Image = "Fléau Chatoyant - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Howling Gale" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } } },
			Duration = 0.95,
			Image = "Fléau Chatoyant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Slashing Wind" 
		StanceName = "Fléau Chatoyant",
		StanceNameEN = "Shimmering Blight",
		WeaponType = "Arme d'hast" 
	["Serres Acérées"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Serres Acérées - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Lashing Panther" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Serres Acérées - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Lashing Panther" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 300, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1, 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", { "Saignement" , "Soulèvement" }, "","Renversement" } 
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, },
			Duration = 3.05,
			Image = "Serres Acérées - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Rising Lion" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.15,
			Image = "Serres Acérées - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Lashing Panther" 
		StanceName = "Serres Acérées",
		StanceNameEN = "Sinking Talon",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Dagues" 
	["Plumes Tranchantes"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 2.15,
			Image = "Plumes Tranchantes - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Cutting Fringe" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 3 } } 
			Duration = 1.65,
			Image = "Plumes Tranchantes - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Razor Fin" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 3, 2 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement", "Soulèvement" } } 
			Duration = 3.55,
			Image = "Plumes Tranchantes - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Serrated Crest" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Note = "*", Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.6,
			Image = "Plumes Tranchantes - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Scathing Plume" 
		StanceName = "Plumes Tranchantes",
		StanceNameEN = "Slicing Feathers",
		WeaponType = "Éventail de guerre" 
	["Souverain Proscrit"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 1.25,
			Image = "Souverain Proscrit - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Scout Command" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 6 }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 1.75,
			Image = "Souverain Proscrit - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Vagrant Behest" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 6 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Souverain Proscrit - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Villain Rule" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 50 }, Hits = { 1, 5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 50, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 4 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.85,
			Image = "Souverain Proscrit - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rogue Edict" 
		StanceName = "Souverain Proscrit",
		StanceNameEN = "Sovereign Outcast",
		WeaponType = "Tonfa" 
	["Aiguille Tourbillonnante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100, 200, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "", "Projection" } } },
			Duration = 1.1,
			Image = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Fey Intervention" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } } 
			Duration = 2.15,
			Image = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Accursed Whispers" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Fey Intervention" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.85,
			Image = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "True Kiss" 
		StanceName = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante",
		StanceNameEN = "Spinning Needle",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Dagues" 
	["Éventail Harcelant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 4.9,
			Image = "Éventail Harcelant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Shadow Wing" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
			Duration = 1.25,
			Image = "Éventail Harcelant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Many Tears" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.1 } 
					Dmg = { 200, 100 },
					Hits = { 3, 1 },
					Procs = { "", {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					Types = { "360", "360" } 
			Duration = 2.4,
			Image = "Éventail Harcelant - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Dying Light" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement", "" },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.25 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
			Duration = 4.9,
			Image = "Éventail Harcelant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Shadow Wing" 
		StanceName = "Éventail Harcelant",
		StanceNameEN = "Stalking Fan",
		WeaponType = "Faux"
	["Dichotomie Stellaire"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 2, 2 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "Renversement", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Image = "StarDivideComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Wandering Scourge" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "StarDivideComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Bitter Grudge" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 5 } } },
			Image = "StarDivideComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Dire Fall" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution", "Diminution" } 
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 2, 2, 2 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "Renversement", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Image = "StarDivideComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Wandering Scourge" 
		StanceName = "Dichotomie Stellaire",
		StanceNameEN = "Star Divide",
		WeaponType = "Tonfa" 
	["Épine Cinglante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 2.35,
			Image = "Épine Cinglante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Impaling Quill" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Épine Cinglante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Piercing Horn" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.7,
			Image = "Épine Cinglante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Lacerating Spine" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "","Renversement" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 200 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Saignement" , "Saignement" , "" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.95,
			Image = "Épine Cinglante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Carving Spike" 
		StanceName = "Épine Cinglante",
		StanceNameEN = "Stinging Thorn",
		WeaponType = "Dague"
	["Tresse Scindante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 500 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					Procs = { "Projection" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } 
			Duration = 1.2,
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Coming Tide" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Cresting Surf" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 2, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement"  },
					Types = { "Balayage", "360" } 
					Dmg = { 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement","Renversement" },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5, 1 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5, 1 },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.4,
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Flash Flood" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } 
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 1.7,
			Image = "Tresse Scindante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Rapid Current" 
		StanceName = "Tresse Scindante",
		StanceNameEN = "Sundering Weave",
		WeaponType = "Machette"
	["Tigre Tourbillonnant"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 5, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.05,
			Image = "Tigre Tourbillonnant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Winding Claws" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200 },
					Hits = { 3, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.6,
			Image = "Tigre Tourbillonnant - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Raking Flesh" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "","Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 2 } } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Tigre Tourbillonnant - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Dancing Hunter" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 5, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.05,
			Image = "Tigre Tourbillonnant - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Winding Claws" 
		StanceName = "Tigre Tourbillonnant",
		StanceNameEN = "Swirling Tiger",
		WeaponType = "Doubles Épées"
	["Attaque de faucon"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 500 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 2.75,
			Image = "Attaque de faucon - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Keen Broadwing" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.95,
			Image = "Attaque de faucon - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Swift Pursuit" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.05,
			Image = "Attaque de faucon - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Slicing Talon" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement" , "" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Attaque de faucon - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Diving Kestrel" 
		StanceName = "Attaque de faucon",
		StanceNameEN = "Swooping Falcon",
		WeaponType = "Épée"
	["Hydre Entachée"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "Renversement", "Renversement" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "TaintedHydraComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Heart of the Naga" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "TaintedHydraComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Talons of the Wyrm" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "TaintedHydraComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Heart of the Imoogi" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement", "Renversement", "Renversement" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } } 
			Image = "TaintedHydraComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Heart of the Naga" 
		StanceName = "Hydre Entachée",
		StanceNameEN = "Tainted Hydra",
		WeaponType = "Lame et Fouet" 
	["Tempo Royal"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 600, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement","Renversement" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25, 1 },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 1.8,
			Image = "Tempo Royal - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Bold Reprise" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 3.4,
			Image = "Tempo Royal - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Majestic Abandon" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } 
					Dmg = { 200, 500, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.1,
			Image = "Tempo Royal - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Resplendent Calma" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.25 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement", "Renversement" } 
			Duration = 4.65,
			Image = "Tempo Royal - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "August Mesto" 
		StanceName = "Tempo Royal",
		StanceNameEN = "Tempo Royale",
		WeaponType = "Lame Lourde"
	["Fente Tranquille"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } },
			Duration = 1.2,
			Image = "Fente Tranquille - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Hook and Eye" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, SlashMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Fente Tranquille - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Windless Cut" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.6,
			Image = "Fente Tranquille - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Beyond Reproach" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 2 },
					Procs = { "", "", "Saignement"  } 
					Dmg = { 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 2 },
					Procs = { "", "" } 
					Dmg = { 400 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					ImpactMultiplier = { 2 },
					Procs = { "Renversement" },
					SlashMultiplier = { 2 } 
			Duration = 3.8,
			Image = "Fente Tranquille - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Breathless Lunge" 
		["Glissade"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "360" } } },
			Duration = 0.67,
			Image = "Nikana - Combo Glissade.gif",
			Name = "Genou séparateur" 
		StanceName = "Fente Tranquille",
		StanceNameEN = "Tranquil Cleave",
		WeaponType = "Nikana" 
	["Flèche Virevoltante"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 100, 400, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 4, 1, 2 },
					Procs = { "", "", "Renversement", "" } 
			Duration = 2,
			Image = "Flèche Virevoltante - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Summit Plunge" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 2 }, Types = { "360", "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 4, 1 }, Types = { "360", "360" } } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Flèche Virevoltante - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Spiraling Pinnacle" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = {"Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.75,
			Image = "Flèche Virevoltante - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Vaulting Apex" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 300, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.3,
			Image = "Flèche Virevoltante - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Cresting Peak" 
		StanceName = "Flèche Virevoltante",
		StanceNameEN = "Twirling Spire",
		WeaponType = "Arme d'hast" 
	["Esprit Vengeur"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 400, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "Balayage", "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { { "Saignement" , "Soulèvement" } } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "Renversement","Renversement" },
					Types = { "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Esprit Vengeur - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Rising Hate" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.55,
			Image = "Esprit Vengeur - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Lone Vengeance" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 100, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "360", "Balayage" } 
				{ Dmg = { 50, 300 }, Hits = { 2, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.3,
			Image = "Esprit Vengeur - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Drowning Despair" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.15,
			Image = "Esprit Vengeur - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Impending Dread" 
		StanceName = "Esprit Vengeur",
		StanceNameEN = "Vengeful Revenant",
		WeaponType = "Épée"
	["Tempête Vermillon"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
					Dmg = { 100, 200, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Renversement", "", "Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Tempête Vermillon - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Ruby Wind" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 3 }, Types = { "Balayage", "360" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } } 
			Duration = 1.9,
			Image = "Tempête Vermillon - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Crimson Hurricane" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 50, 100 }, Hits = { 3, 3 }, Types = { "360", "360" } },
					Dmg = { 50, 200 },
					Hits = { 8, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement" },
					Types = { "360", "360" } 
			Duration = 3.4,
			Image = "Tempête Vermillon - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Cardinal Breeze" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 2 }, Procs = { "", "Saignement"  } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 400 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 3.95,
			Image = "Tempête Vermillon - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Flurry Rose" 
		StanceName = "Tempête Vermillon",
		StanceNameEN = "Vermillion Storm",
		WeaponType = "Griffes" 
	["Approche Vicieuse"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "ViciousApproachComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Savagery At Hand" 
		ConclaveOnly = true,
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Image = "ViciousApproachComboTwo.gif",
			Name = "Cruel Advance" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = { { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } }, { Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } } },
			Image = "ViciousApproachComboThree.gif",
			Name = "Impending Danger" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100, 100 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Procs = { "Diminution", "Diminution" } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } } 
			Image = "ViciousApproachComboOne.gif",
			Name = "Savagery At Hand" 
		StanceName = "Approche Vicieuse",
		StanceNameEN = "Vicious Approach",
		WeaponType = "Mains Et Pieds" 
	["Massacre Votif"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 2 }, Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" } } 
			Duration = 2.67,
			Image = "Massacre Votif - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Penitent Offering" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 3 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 4 } } 
			Duration = 1.84,
			Image = "Massacre Votif - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Clarion Rush" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 2, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200, 100, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 }, Procs = { "Soulèvement" } } 
			Duration = 2.78,
			Image = "Massacre Votif - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Rending Lamentation" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "360" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 300, 300 },
					Hits = { 2, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "", { "Saignement" , "Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.57,
			Image = "Massacre Votif - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Purging Drive" 
		StanceName = "Massacre Votif",
		StanceNameEN = "Votive Onslaught",
		WeaponType = "Éventail de guerre" 
	["Masque Vulpin"] = {
		["Parade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 300 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Soulèvement" },
					Types = { "Propulsion", "Propulsion" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Projection" } } 
			Duration = 1.45,
			Image = "Masque Vulpin - Combo3.gif",
			Name = "Deceptive Lunge" 
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 50 }, Hits = { 2 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200 }, Hits = { 1, 1 }, Types = { "360", "Balayage" } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Masque Vulpin - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Duel Secrets" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" }, Types = { "" } },
					Dmg = { 100, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement"  },
					Types = { "Propulsion" } 
				{ Dmg = { 100, 200, 300 }, Hits = { 1, 1, 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } } 
			Duration = 2.5,
			Image = "Masque Vulpin - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Hidden Flourish" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 100 }, Hits = { 2 }, Types = { "Propulsion" } },
					Dmg = { 300 },
					Hits = { 1 },
					Procs = { {"Renversement", "Saignement"  } },
					Types = { "Propulsion" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Types = { "Propulsion" } },
					Dmg = { 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement"  },
					Types = { "Propulsion" } 
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "Propulsion" } } 
			Duration = 3,
			Image = "Masque Vulpin - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Assailant Guise" 
		StanceName = "Masque Vulpin",
		StanceNameEN = "Vulpine Mask",
		WeaponType = "Rapière"
	["Rasoir Lucide"] = {
		["En avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 200 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 } } 
			Duration = 2.55,
			Image = "Rasoir Lucide - Combo1.gif",
			Name = "Moissonneuse-batteuse" 
		["Parade en avant"] = {
			Attacks = {
					Dmg = { 200, 200, 300, 100 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "","Renversement", { "Saignement" , "Soulèvement" },"Renversement" },
					Types = { "Balayage", "Balayage", "", "Frappe au Sol" } 
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 } },
				{ Dmg = { 400 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = { "Renversement" }, Types = { "360" } } 
			Duration = 3.5,
			Image = "Rasoir Lucide - Combo2.gif",
			Name = "Calling Thunder" 
		["Neutre"] = {
			Attacks = {
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, Procs = {"Renversement" } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
				{ Dmg = { 300 }, Hits = { 1 }, PunctureMultiplier = { 1.5 } },
					Dmg = { 200, 200, 400 },
					Hits = { 1, 1, 1 },
					Procs = { "", "Saignement" , "Renversement" } 
			Duration = 4.4,
			Image = "Rasoir Lucide - Combo0.gif",
			Name = "Threshing Grain" 
		StanceName = "Rasoir Lucide",
		StanceNameEN = "Wise Razor",
		WeaponType = "Nikana à Deux Mains" 

return addSharedCombos(StanceData)