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- Yazu 17:00 01/10/2022


Wiki Warframe
Ligne 5 828 : Ligne 5 828 :
Transmutable = false,
Transmutable = false,
["Serration"] = {
["Dentelure"] = {
Image = "SerrationModU145.png",
Image = "Dentelure.png",
Name = "",
Name = "Dentelure",
NameEN = "Serration",
NameEN = "Serration",
Polarity = "Madurai",
Polarity = "Madurai",

Version du 16 février 2020 à 23:40

Modèle Exemple:

["Abri"] = {
      BaseDrain = 6,
      Description = "Crée un Bouclier de 1800 points de Santé autour du joueur tandis qu'il réanime ses alliés tombés au combat.",
      Image = "Abri.png",
      Introduced = "16.4",
      Link = "Abri",
      MaxRank = 10,
      Name = "Abri",
      NameEN = "Shelter",
      Polarity = "Vazarin",
      Rarity = "Inhabituel",
      Tradable = true,
      Transmutable = false,
      Type = "Bête" 

Modèle par Défaut:

["nomDuMod"] = {
      Archived = false,
      AugmentType = nil, --"Warframe", "Arme"
      BaseDrain = 0,
      Classe = nil, --"Archonte", "Amalgame", "Atypique"
      Conclave = false,
      Description = "descriptionDeLEffetDuMod",
      Exilus = false,
      Image = "nomCompletDeLImageDuMod",
      Incompatible = {"nomDuPremierModIncompatible", "nomDuSecondModIncompatible"}
      Introduced = "numeroDeMAJ",
      MaxRank = 9,
      Name = "nomDuMod",
      NameEN = "nomDuModEnAnglais",
      Polarity = "nomDeLaPolarite", --"Aucune", "Madurai", "Naramon", "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Zenurik"
      Rarity = "rareteDuMod", --"Commun", "Inhabituel", "Rare", "Légendaire"
      Set = nil,
      Stance = false,
      Tradable = true,
      Transmutable = true,
      Type = "typeDeMod" --"Principale", "Arc", "Sniper", "Fusil à Pompe", "Secondaire", "Mêlée", "Archwing", "Arch-Fusil", "Arch-Fusil (Atmosphère)", "Arch-Mêlée", "Compagnon", "Bête", "Robotique", "Molosse", "Moa", "Plexus", "Unique", "Necramech", "K-Drive", "nomDUneArme"

Les éléments après les '--' sont des exemples de ce que vous pouvez mettre

--Database for Module:Mods --

local ModData = {
["Mods"] = {
	["Lien Dégradant"] = {
    	Image = "Lien Dégradant.png",
    	Name = "Lien Dégradant",
        NameEN = "Abating Link",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Explosion Accélérée"] = {
    	Image = "AcceleratedBlastModU145.png",
    	Name = "Explosion Accélérée",
        NameEN = "Accelerated Blast",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Déviation Accélérée"] = {
    	Image = "AcceleratedDeflectionMod.png",
    	Name = "Déviation Accélérée",
        NameEN = "Accelerated Deflection",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fouet Acéré Accumulé"] = {
    	Image = "AccumulatingWhipclaw.png",
    	Name = "Fouet Acéré Accumulé",
        NameEN = "Accumulating Whipclaw",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Cartouches Acides"] = {
    	Image = "Cartouches_Acides.png",
    	Introduced = "18.10.0",
    	Name = "Cartouches Acides",
        NameEN = "Acid Shells",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Adaptation"] = {
    	Image = "Adaptation.png",
    	Name = "Adaptation",
        NameEN = "Adaptation",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ruée d'Adepte"] = {
    	Image = "AdeptSurge.png",
    	Name = "Ruée d'Adepte",
        NameEN = "Adept Surge",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Grenade Adhésive"] = {
    	Image = "Grenade_Adhésive.png",
    	Name = "Grenade Adhésive",
        NameEN = "Adhesive Blast",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Montée d'Adrénaline "] = {
    	Image = "AdrenalineBoostMod.png",
    	Name = "Montée d'Adrénaline",
        NameEN = "Adrenaline Boost",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Agilité Aéro"] = {
    	Image = "AeroAgilityMod.png",
    	Name = "Agilité Aéro",
        NameEN = "Aero Agility",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Périphérie Aéro"] = {
    	Image = "AeroPeripheryMod.png",
    	Name = "Périphérie Aéro",
        NameEN = "Aero Periphery",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Avantage Aéro"] = {
    	Image = "AeroVantageMod.png",
    	Name = "Avantage Aéro",
       NameEN = "Aero Vantage",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Amplificateur d'Affinité "] = {
    	Image = "AffinityAmpMod.png",
    	Name = "Amplificateur d'Affinité",
        NameEN = "Affinity Amp",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ire Spectrale"] = {
    	Image = "Afterburn2.png",
    	Name = "Ire Spectrale",
        NameEN = "Afterburn",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Postcombustion"] = {
    	Image = "Afterburner.png",
    	Name = "Postcombustion",
        NameEN = "Afterburner",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Visée Agile"] = {
    	Image = "AgileAim.png",
    	Name = "Visée Agile",
        NameEN = "Agile Aim",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Art de l'Agilité"] = {
    	Image = "Agility_Drift.png",
    	Name = "Art de l'Agilité",
        NameEN = "Agility Drift",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Reconnaissance Aérienne"] = {
    	Image = "AirRecon.png",
    	Name = "Reconnaissance Aérienne",
        NameEN = "Air Recon",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Propulseurs Aériens"] = {
    	Image = "AirThrusters.png",
    	Name = "Propulseurs Aériens",
        NameEN = "Air Thrusters",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Temps de Vol"] = {
    	Image = "AirTime.png",
    	Name = "Temps de Vol",
        NameEN = "Air Time",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pointe Métallique Argonak Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "Pointe_Métallique_Argonak_Amalgame.png",
    	Introduced = "25.0.0",
    	Name = "Pointe Métallique Argonak Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Canon à Diffusion Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "AmalgamBarrelDiffusionMod.png",
    	Name = "Canon à Diffusion Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Cible Acquise Daikyu Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "Cible_Acquise_Daikyu_Amalgame.png",
    	Introduced = "25.0.0",
    	Name = "Cible Acquise Daikyu Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Décompte des Morts Furax Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "Décompte_des_Morts_Furax_Amalgame.png",
    	Introduced = "25.0.0",
    	Name = "Décompte des Morts Furax Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Furax Body Count",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Mutation de Chargeur Javlok Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "Mutation_de_Chargeur_Javlok_Amalgame.png",
    	Introduced = "25.0.0",
    	Name = "Mutation de Chargeur Javlok Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Fracas d'Organes Amalgame"] = {
	    Family = "Fracas d'Organes",
    	Image = "Fracas_d'Organes_Amalgame.png",
    	Name = "Fracas d'Organes Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Organ Shatter",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_MELEE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Acier Véritable Ripkas Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "Acier_Véritable_Ripkas_Amalgame.jpg",
    	Introduced = "25.0.0",
    	Name = "Acier Véritable Ripkas Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_AUGMENT_ARME"},
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Excité du Canon Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "AmalgamShotgunSpazzMod.png",
    	Name = "Excité du Canon Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Dentelure Amalgame"] = {
    	Image = "AmalgamSerrationMod.png",
    	Name = "Dentelure Amalgame",
        NameEN = "Amalgam Serration",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Amalgame",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Embuscade"] = {
    	Image = "Ambush.png",
    	Name = "Embuscade",
        NameEN = "Ambush",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Viseur d'Embuscade"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Viseur d'Embuscade",
        NameEN = "Ambush Optics",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Caisse à Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "Ammo Case 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Caisse à Munitions",
        NameEN = "Ammo Case",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Chaîne de Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "AmmoChain.png",
    	Name = "Chaîne de Munitions",
        NameEN = "Ammo Chain",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Tambour de Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "Tambour_de_Munitions.jpg",
    	Name = "Tambour de Munitions",
        NameEN = "Ammo Drum",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Stock de Balles"] = {
    	Image = "AmmoStockModU145.png",
    	Name = "Stock de Balles",
        NameEN = "Ammo Stock",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Ancient Fusion Core"] = {
    	Image = "InhabituelAncientFusionCore.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ancient Fusion Core",
    	Polarity = "Core",
    	Rarity = "Common<br>Inhabituel<br>Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Agilité Anémique"] = {
    	Image = "AnemicAgilityMod.png",
    	Name = "Agilité Anémique",
        NameEN = "Anemic Agility",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Instinct Animal"] = {
    	Image = "AnimalInstinctMod.png",
    	Name = "Instinct Animal",
        NameEN = "Animal Instinct",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Anticipation"] = {
    	Image = "Anti.PNG",
    	Name = "Anticipation",
        NameEN = "Anticipation",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Blindage Anti-Aérien"] = {
    	Image = "Anti-FlakPlatingMod.png",
    	Name = "Blindage Anti-Aérien",
        NameEN = "Anti-Flak Plating",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Réseau Anti-Grav"] = {
    	Image = "Anti-GravArrayMod.png",
    	Name = "Réseau Anti-Grav",
        NameEN = "Anti-Grav Array",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Grenade Anti-grav"] = {
    	Image = "Anti-GravGrenade.png",
    	Name = "Grenade Anti-grav",
        NameEN = "Anti-Grav Grenade",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Absorption d'Antimatière"] = {
    	Image = "AntimatterAbsorb2.png",
    	Name = "Absorption d'Antimatière",
        NameEN = "Antimatter Absorb",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mine à Antimatière"] = {
    	Image = "AntimatterMine.png",
    	Name = "Mine à Antimatière",
        NameEN = "Antimatter Mine",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Antitoxine"] = {
    	Image = "Antitoxine.png",
    	Link = "Antitoxine",
    	Name = "Antitoxine",
        NameEN = "Antitoxin",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Grand Prédateur"] = {
    	Image = "ApexPredatorMod.png",
    	Name = "Grand Prédateur",
        NameEN = "Apex Predator",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Bobine Foudroyante"] = {
    	Image = "Arc Coil 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Bobine Foudroyante",
        NameEN = "Arc Coil",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["As du Arch-Fusil"] = {
    	Image = "Arch-GunAceMod.png",
    	Name = "As du Arch-Fusil",
        NameEN = "Archgun Ace",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Fléau d'Argent"] = {
    	Image = "Fléau_d'Argent.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Fléau d'Argent",
        NameEN = "Argent Scourge",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Placage d'Argon"] = {
    	Image = "ArgonPlating.png",
    	Name = "Placage d'Argon",
        NameEN = "Argon Plating",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Viseur à Argon"] = {
    	Image = "ViseurAArgon.jpg",
    	Name = "Viseur à Argon",
        NameEN = "Argon Scope",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_FUSIL"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Acrobaties Blindées"] = {
    	Image = "ArmoredAcrobatics.png",
    	Name = "Acrobaties Blindées",
        NameEN = "Armored Acrobatics",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Agilitée Blindée"] = {
    	Image = "ArmoredAgilityNew.png",
    	Name = "Agilitée Blindée",
        NameEN = "Armored Agility",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Evasion Blindée"] = {
    	Image = "ArmoredEvade.png",
    	Name = "Evasion Blindée",
        NameEN = "Armored Evade",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Récupération Blindée"] = {
    	Image = "ArmoredRecovery.png",
    	Name = "Récupération Blindée",
        NameEN = "Armored Recovery",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mutation de Flèche"] = {
    	Image = "ArrowMutationModU145.png",
    	Name = "Mutation de Flèche",
        NameEN = "Arrow Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Mode Assault"] = {
    	Image = "AssaultMode.png",
    	Name = "Mode Assault",
        NameEN = "Assault Mode",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Assimilation"] = {
    	Image = "Assimilation.png",
    	Name = "Assimilation",
        NameEN = "Assimilate",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Autopsie Astrale"] = {
    	Image = "AstralAutopsyMod.png",
    	Name = "Autopsie Astrale",
        NameEN = "Astral Autopsy",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tranchant Astral"] = {
    	Image = "AstralSlashMod.png",
    	Name = "Tranchant Astral",
        NameEN = "Astral Slash",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Crépuscule Astral"] = {
    	Image = "Crépuscule_Astral.png",
    	Introduced = "15.11.0",
    	Name = "Crépuscule Astral",
        NameEN = "Astral Twilight",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Vulcain d'Atlantis"] = {
    	Image = "VulcainAtlantis.png",
    	Introduced = "17.4.0",
    	Name = "Vulcain d'Atlantis",
        NameEN = "Atlantis Vulcan",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Frappe Vrillée"] = {
    	Image = "AugerStrikeModU145.png",
    	Name = "Frappe Vrillée",
        NameEN = "Auger Strike",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Accord de l'Augure"] = {
    	Image = "AugurAccordMod.png",
    	Name = "Accord de l'Augure",
       NameEN = "Augur Accord",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Message de l'Augure"] = {
    	Image = "AugurMessageMod.png",
    	Name = "Message de l'Augure",
        NameEN = "Augur Message",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pacte de l'Augure"] = {
    	Image = "AugurPactMod.png",
    	Name = "Pacte de l'Augure",
        NameEN = "Augur Pact",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Influence de l'Augure"] = {
    	Image = "AugurReachMod.png",
    	Name = "Influence de l'Augure",
        NameEN = "Augur Reach",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Secrets de L'Augure"] = {
    	Image = "AugurSecretsMod.png",
    	Name = "Secrets de L'Augure",
        NameEN = "Augur Secrets",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sourcier de l'Augure"] = {
    	Image = "AugurSeekerMod.png",
    	Name = "Sourcier de l'Augure",
        NameEN = "Augur Seeker",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Détente Automatique"] = {
    	Image = "AutomaticTriggerMod.png",
    	Name = "Détente Automatique",
        NameEN = "Automatic Trigger",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Alimentation Auxilliaire"] = {
    	Image = "AuxiliaryPowerMod.png",
    	Name = "Alimentation Auxilliaire",
        NameEN = "Auxiliary Power",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Vérité Vengeresse"] = {
    	Image = "Verite_Vengeresse.png",
    	Introduced = "20.4.0",
    	Name = "Vérité Vengeresse",
        NameEN = "Avenging Truth",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Aviateur"] = {
    	Image = "Aviateur.png",
    	Name = "Aviateur",
        NameEN = "Aviator",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Cible Ballistique"] = {
    	Image = "BallisticBullseye3.png",
    	Name = "Cible Ballistique",
        NameEN = "Ballistic Bullseye",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau des Corpus"] = {
    	Image = "BaneOfCorpusModU145.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Corpus",
        NameEN = "Bane of Corpus",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fléau des Corrompus"] = {
    	Image = "BaneOfCorruptedMod.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Corrompus",
        NameEN = "Bane of Corrupted",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fléau des Grineer"] = {
    	Image = "BaneOfGrineerModU145.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Grineer",
        NameEN = "Bane of Grineer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fléau des Infestés"] = {
    	Image = "BaneOfInfestedModU145.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Infestés",
        NameEN = "Bane of Infested",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Canon à Diffusion"] = {
    	Image = "Canon à Diffusion.png",
    	Name = "Canon à Diffusion",
        NameEN = "Barrel Diffusion",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Manœuvre Fracassante"] = {
    	Image = "BatteringManeuver.png",
    	Name = "Manœuvre Fracassante",
        NameEN = "Battering Maneuver",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Lanterne Séduisante"] = {
    	Image = "BeguilingLanternMod.png",
    	Name = "Lanterne Séduisante",
        NameEN = "Beguiling Lantern",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Berserk"] = {
    	Image = "BerserkerModU145.png",
    	Name = "Berserk",
        NameEN = "Berserker",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Morsure"] = {
    	Image = "Morsure.png",
    	Name = "Morsure",
        NameEN = "Bite",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Piranha Mordant"] = {
    	Image = "Piranha_Mordant.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Piranha Mordant",
        NameEN = "Biting Piranha",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lames de la Vérité"] = {
    	Image = "Lames_de_la_Vérité.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Lames de la Vérité",
        NameEN = "Blade of Truth",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Salves de Lames"] = {
    	Image = "Salves_de_Lames.png",
    	Name = "Salves de Lames",
        NameEN = "Bladed Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_FUSIL"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Flamboiement"] = {
    	Image = "BlazeModU145.png",
    	Name = "Flamboiement",
        NameEN = "Blaze",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Acier Flamboyant"] = {
    	Image = "BlazingSteel.png",
    	Name = "Acier Flamboyant",
        NameEN = "Blazing Steel",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Rebord Saignant"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Rebord Saignant",
        NameEN = "Bleeding Edge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_ARCHMELEE"},
	["Saule Saignant"] = {
    	Image = "SauleSaignantU14.png",
    	Name = "Saule Saignant",
        NameEN = "Bleeding Willow",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Justice Aveugle"] = {
    	Image = "Justice_Aveugle.png",
    	Name = "Justice Aveugle",
        NameEN = "Blind Justice",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Colère Aveugle"] = {
    	Image = "Colère Aveugle.png",
    	Name = "Colère Aveugle",
        NameEN = "Blind Rage",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tir Aveugle"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Tir Aveugle",
        NameEN = "Blind Shot",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pillage Aveuglant"] = {
    	Image = "BlindingReaveMod.png",
    	Name = "Pillage Aveuglant",
        NameEN = "Blinding Reave",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Coup de Sang"] = {
    	Image = "Coup_de_Sang.png",
    	Name = "Coup de Sang",
        NameEN = "Blood Rush",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_MELEE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tromblon"] = {
    	Image = "Tromblon.jpg",
    	Name = "Tromblon",
        NameEN = "Blunderbuss",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_POMPE"},
	["Décompte des Morts"] = {
    	Image = "BodyCountMod.png",
    	Name = "Décompte des Morts",
        NameEN = "Body Count",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Perceur"] = {
    	Image = "BoreModU145.png",
    	Name = "Perceur",
        NameEN = "Bore",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Chasseur de Prime"] = {
    	Image = "BountyHunter.png",
    	Name = "Chasseur de Prime",
        NameEN = "Bounty Hunter",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tempête Cérébrale"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Tempête Cérébrale",
        NameEN = "Brain Storm",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Faiseur de Brèche"] = {
    	Image = "BreachLoaderModU145.png",
    	Name = "Faiseur de Brèche",
        NameEN = "Breach Loader",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Court Répit"] = {
    	Image = "BriefRespiteMod.png",
    	Name = "Court Répit",
        NameEN = "Brief Respite",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pureté Lumineuse"] = {
    	Image = "Pureté_Lumineuse.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Pureté Lumineuse",
        NameEN = "Bright Purity",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Grand Œuil"] = {
    	Image = "BroadEye.png",
    	Name = "Grand Œuil",
        NameEN = "Broad Eye",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Marée Brutale"] = {
    	Image = "Marée_Brutale.png",
    	Name = "Marée Brutale",
        NameEN = "Brutal Tide",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Valse de Balles"] = {
    	Image = "Valse_de_Balles.jpg",
    	Name = "Valse de Balles",
        NameEN = "Bullet Dance",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Chargeur Chargé"] = {
    	Image = "BurdenedMagazineModU145.png",
    	Name = "Chargeur Chargé",
        NameEN = "Burdened Magazine",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Guêpe Brûlante"] = {
    	Image = "Guêpe_Brûlante.png",
    	Name = "Guêpe Brûlante",
        NameEN = "Burning Wasp",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Masse Éclatante"] = {
    	Image = "Masse_éclatante.jpg",
    	Introduced = "24.3.0",
    	Name = "Masse Éclatante",
        NameEN = "Bursting Mass",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Rabat-Joie"] = {
    	Image = "BuzzKillModU145.png",
    	Name = "Rabat-Joie",
        NameEN = "Buzz Kill",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Redirection Calculée"] = {
    	Image = "CalculatedRedirectionMod.png",
    	Name = "Redirection Calculée",
        NameEN = "Calculated Redirection",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Tir Calculé"] = {
    	Image = "Calculated Shot 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Tir Calculé",
        NameEN = "Calculated Shot",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Bond Calculé"] = {
    	Image = "CalculatedSpring.png",
    	Name = "Bond Calculé",
        NameEN = "Calculated Spring",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Victoire Calculée"] = {
    	Image = "CalculatedVictoryMod.png",
    	Name = "Victoire Calculée",
        NameEN = "Calculated Victory",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Calme & Frénésie"] = {
    	Image = "Calm&Frenzy2.png",
    	Name = "Calme & Frénésie",
        NameEN = "Calm & Frenzy",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Canonnade"] = {
    	Image = "Cannonade.png",
    	Name = "Canonnade",
        NameEN = "Cannonade",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Surtension"] = {
    	Image = "Capacitance2.png",
    	Name = "Surtension",
        NameEN = "Capacitance",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Taillade de Mante"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Taillade de Mante",
        NameEN = "Carving Mantis",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Continuum Cataclysmique"] = {
    	Image = "CataclysmicContinuum2.png",
    	Name = "Continuum Cataclysmique",
        NameEN = "Cataclysmic Continuum",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lien Catalyseur"] = {
    	Image = "CatalyzerLinkMod.png",
    	Name = "Lien Catalyseur",
        NameEN = "Catalyzer Link",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Oeil de Chat"] = {
    	Image = "Oeil_de_Chat.jpg",
    	Name = "Oeil de Chat",
        NameEN = "Cat's Eye",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_COMPAGNON"},
	["Tir Prudent"] = {
    	Image = "Tir_Prudent.jpg",
    	Name = "Tir Prudent",
        NameEN = "Cautious Shot",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Crépuscule Céleste"] = {
    	Image = "Crépuscule_Céleste.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Crépuscule Céleste",
        NameEN = "Celestial Nightfall",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Impact Céleste"] = {
    	Image = "CelestialStompMod.png",
    	Name = "Impact Céleste",
        NameEN = "Celestial Stomp",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sphère de Chaos"] = {
    	Image = "ChaosSphere2.png",
    	Name = "Sphère de Chaos",
        NameEN = "Chaos Sphere",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Balles Chargées"] = {
    	Image = "ChargedBulletsMod.png",
    	Name = "Balles Chargées",
        NameEN = "Charged Bullets",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Charged Chamber"] = {
    	Image = "ChargedChamberModU145.png",
    	Name = "Chambre Chargée",
        NameEN = "Charged Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Cartouches Chargées"] = {
    	Image = "ChargedShellModU145.png",
    	Name = "Cartouches Chargées",
        NameEN = "Charged Shell",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Charme"] = {
    	Image = "Charm 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Charme",
        NameEN = "Charm",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Boule de Glas"] = {
    	Image = "ChillingGlobe2.png",
    	Name = "Boule de Glas",
        NameEN = "Chilling Globe",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Étreinte Glaciale"] = {
    	Image = "ChillingGraspModU161.png",
    	Name = "Étreinte Glaciale",
        NameEN = "Chilling Grasp",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Rechargement Frissonnant"] = {
    	Image = "ChillingReloadMod.png",
    	Name = "Rechargement Frissonnant",
        NameEN = "Chilling Reload",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Lame Chromatique"] = {
    	Image = "ChromaticBladeMod.png",
    	Name = "Lame Chromatique",
        NameEN = "Chromatic Blade",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Affrontement de la Forêt"] = {
    	Image = "Affrontement_de_la_Forêt.png",
    	Name = "Affrontement de la Forêt",
        NameEN = "Clashing Forest",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Purifie-Corpus"] = {
    	Image = "CleanseCorpusModU145.png",
    	Name = "Purifie-Corpus",
        NameEN = "Cleanse Corpus",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Purifie-Corrompu"] = {
    	Image = "CleanseCorruptedMod.png",
    	Name = "Purifie-Corrompu",
        NameEN = "Cleanse Corrupted",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Purifie-Grineer"] = {
    	Image = "CleanseGrineerModU145.png",
    	Name = "Purifie-Grineer",
        NameEN = "Cleanse Grineer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Purifie-Infesté"] = {
    	Image = "CleanseInfestedModU145.png",
    	Name = "Purifie-Infesté",
        NameEN = "Cleanse Infested",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Entaille Tornade"] = {
    	Image = "Entaille_Tornade.png",
    	Introduced = "13.0.0",
    	Name = "Entaille Tornade",
        NameEN = "Cleaving Whirlwind",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Art de la Coaction"] = {
    	Image = "Coaction drift.png",
    	Name = "Art de la Coaction",
        NameEN = "Coaction Drift",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Étreinte de la Vipère"] = {
    	Image = "Etreinte_de_la_Vipère.png",
    	Name = "Étreinte de la Vipère",
        NameEN = "Coiling Viper",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Atterrissage Frigide"] = {
    	Image = "ColdArrivalMod.png",
    	Name = "Atterrissage Frigide",
        NameEN = "Cold Arrival",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Coup de Froid"] = {
    	Image = "Cold Snap.png",
    	Name = "Coup de Froid",
        NameEN = "Cold Snap",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Force de Choc"] = {
    	Image = "CollisionForce.png",
    	Name = "Force de Choc",
        NameEN = "Collision Force",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rayon à Combustion"] = {
    	Image = "CombustionBeamMod.png",
    	Name = "Rayon à Combustion",
        NameEN = "Combustion Beam",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Cartouches à Combustion"] = {
    	Image = "CombustionRounds.png",
    	Name = "Cartouches à Combustion",
        NameEN = "Cartouches à Combustion",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Comète Explosive"] = {
    	Image = "CometBlastMod.png",
    	Name = "Comète Explosive",
        NameEN = "Comet Blast",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Cartouches Comètes"] = {
    	Image = "CometRounds.png",
    	Name = "Cartouches Comètes",
        NameEN = "Comet Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Explosifs Dissimulés"] = {
    	Image = "Conceled explosives.png",
    	Name = "Explosifs Dissimulés",
        NameEN = "Concealed Explosives",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Flèche Concentrée"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Flèche Concentrée",
        NameEN = "Concentrated Arrow",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Balles de Commotion"] = {
    	Image = "ConcussionRoundsModU145.png",
    	Name = "Balles de Commotion",
        NameEN = "Concussion Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Surcharge d'État"] = {
    	Image = "Surcharge_d'Ètat.jpg",
    	Name = "Surcharge d'État",
        NameEN = "Condition Overload",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Chef d'orchestre"] = {
    	Image = "Conductor.png",
    	Name = "Chef d'orchestre",
        NameEN = "Conductor",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Constitution"] = {
    	Image = "ConstitutionModU145.png",
    	Name = "Constitution",
        NameEN = "Constitution",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Brume de Contagion"] = {
    	Image = "ContagionCloudMod.png",
    	Name = "Brume de Contagion",
        NameEN = "Contagion Cloud",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Propagation Contagieuse"] = {
    	Image = "ContagiousSpreadModU145.png",
    	Name = "Propagation Contagieuse",
        NameEN = "Contagious Spread",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Charge Contaminée"] = {
    	Image = "ContaminationCasingMod.png",
    	Name = "Charge Contaminée",
        NameEN = "Contamination Casing",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Continuité"] = {
    	Image = "ContinuityModU145.png",
    	Name = "Continuité",
        NameEN = "Continuity",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Souffrances Continues"] = {
    	Image = "ContinuousMisery.png",
    	Name = "Souffrances Continues",
        NameEN = "Continuous Misery",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Convulsion"] = {
    	Image = "ConvulsionModU145.png",
    	Name = "Convulsion",
        NameEN = "Convulsion",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fuite de Réfrigérant"] = {
    	Image = "Coolant Leak 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Fuite de Réfrigérant",
        NameEN = "Coolant Leak",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Barrage Corrosif"] = {
    	Image = "CorrodingBarrageMod.png",
    	Name = "Barrage Corrosif",
        NameEN = "Corroding Barrage",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Projection Corrosive"] = {
    	Image = "CorrosiveProjectionModU145.png",
    	Name = "Projection Corrosive",
        NameEN = "Corrosive Projection",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Charge Corrompue"] = {
    	Image = "CorruptChargeModU145.png",
    	Name = "Charge Corrompue",
        NameEN = "Corrupt Charge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Polarisation Inversée"] = {
    	Image = "CounterPulseMod.png",
    	Name = "Polarisation Inversée",
        NameEN = "Counter Pulse",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Contrepoids"] = {
    	Image = "Counterweight.png",
    	Name = "Contrepoids",
        NameEN = "Counterweight",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Létalité Furtive"] = {
    	Image = "CovertLethalityNew.png",
    	Name = "Létalité Furtive",
        NameEN = "Covert Lethality",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Collision Imminente"] = {
    	Image = "CrashCourse.png",
    	Name = "Collision Imminente",
        NameEN = "Crash Course",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tir Crash"] = {
    	Image = "Cshot.png",
    	Name = "Tir Crash",
        NameEN = "Crash Shot",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ravage Tonitruant"] = {
    	Image = "Ravage_Tonitruant.jpg",
    	Name = "Ravage Tonitruant",
        NameEN = "Crashing Havoc",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rondin Écrasant"] = {
    	Image = "Rondin_Écrasant.png",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Rondin Écrasant",
        NameEN = "Crashing Timber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mire Rampante"] = {
    	Image = "Mire_Rampante.png",
    	Name = "Mire Rampante",
        NameEN = "Creeping Bullseye",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_SEC"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Terreur Insidieuse"] = {
    	Image = "CreepingTerrify2.png",
    	Name = "Terreur Insidieuse",
        NameEN = "Creeping Terrify",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Derviche Cramoisi"] = {
    	Image = "Derviche_Cramoisi.png",
    	Introduced = "13.0.0",
    	Name = "Derviche Cramoisi",
        NameEN = "Crimson Dervish",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Décélération Critique"] = {
    	Image = "Décélération_Critique.png",
    	Name = "Décélération Critique",
        NameEN = "Critical Deceleration",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_POMPE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Délai Critique"] = {
    	Image = "Délai_Critique.png",
    	Name = "Délai Critique",
        NameEN = "Critical Delay",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_FUSIL"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Focus Critique"] = {
    	Image = "Focus_Critique.jpg",
    	Name = "Focus Critique",
        NameEN = "Critical Focus",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Serpents Croisés"] = {
    	Image = "SerpentsCroisés.jpg",
    	Name = "Serpents Croisés",
        NameEN = "Crossing Snakes",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Dispersion des Foules"] = {
    	Image = "Crowd Dispersion 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Dispersion des Foules",
        NameEN = "Crowd Dispersion",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Ruine Dévastatrice"] = {
    	Image = "RuineDévastatriceU14.png",
    	Name = "Ruine Dévastatrice",
        NameEN = "Crushing Ruin",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Recouvrement Cryo"] = {
    	Image = "CryoCoating.png",
    	Name = "Recouvrement Cryo",
        NameEN = "Cryo Coating",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Balles Cryogéniques"] = {
    	Image = "CryoRoundsModU161.png",
    	Name = "Balles Cryogéniques",
        NameEN = "Cryo Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Aspect Rusé"] = {
    	Image = "Aspect_Rusé.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Aspect Rusé",
        NameEN = "Cunning Aspect",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Art de la Ruse"] = {
    	Image = "Cunning_drift.png",
    	Name = "Art de la Ruse",
        NameEN = "Cunning Drift",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Courant Curatif"] = {
    	Image = "CurativeUndertow3.png",
    	Name = "Courant Curatif",
        NameEN = "Curative Undertow",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rebord Tranchant"] = {
    	Image = "CuttingEdge.png",
    	Name = "Rebord Tranchant",
        NameEN = "Cutting Edge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Kraken Cyclonique"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Kraken Cyclonique",
        NameEN = "Cyclone Kraken",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Tireur d'élite"] = {
    	Image = "DeadEyeMod.png",
    	Name = "Tireur d'élite",
        NameEN = "Dead Eye",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Efficacité Mortelle"] = {
    	Image = "DeadlyEfficiencyMod.png",
    	Name = "Efficacité Mortelle",
        NameEN = "Deadly Efficiency",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Séquence Meurtrière"] = {
    	Image = "Séquence_Meurtrière.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Séquence Meurtrière",
        NameEN = "Deadly Sequence",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_AUGMENT_ARME"},
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Lien Trompeur"] = {
    	Image = "DeceptiveBond.png",
    	Name = "Lien Trompeur",
        NameEN = "Deceptive Bond",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Jugement Décisif"] = {
    	Image = "Jugement_Décisif.png",
    	Introduced = "13.1.2",
    	Name = "Jugement Décisif",
        NameEN = "Decisive Judgement",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Froid Pénétrant"] = {
    	Image = "DeepFreezeModU161.png",
    	Name = "Froid Pénétrant",
        NameEN = "Deep Freeze",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Jugement Profané"] = {
    	Image = "DefiledReckoning.png",
    	Name = "Jugement Profané",
        NameEN = "Defiled Reckoning",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ire Souillée de Dragon"] = {
    	Image = "Ire_Souillée_de_Dragon.png",
    	Name = "Ire Souillée de Dragon",
        NameEN = "Defiled Snapdragon",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Cadence Habile"] = {
    	Image = "DeftTempoMod.png",
    	Name = "Cadence Habile",
        NameEN = "Deft Tempo",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Recharge Réduite"] = {
    	Image = "DepletedReloadNew.png",
    	Name = "Recharge Réduite",
        NameEN = "Depleted Reload",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Malédiction de la Dessication"] = {
    	Image = "DesiccationsCurseMod.png",
    	Name = "Malédiction de la Dessication",
        NameEN = "Desiccation's Curse",
    	Polarity = "Ability",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Exhumation"] = {
    	Image = "DespoilMod.png",
    	Name = "Exhumation",
        NameEN = "Despoil",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Détection de Vulnérabilité"] = {
    	Image = "DetectVulnerability.png",
    	Name = "Détection de Vulnérabilité",
        NameEN = "Detect Vulnerability",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Peau de Diamant"] = {
    	Image = "DiamondSkinModU145.png",
    	Name = "Peau de Diamant",
        NameEN = "Diamond Skin",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Déterrement"] = {
    	Image = "DigModU145.png",
    	Name = "Déterrement",
        NameEN = "Dig",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Convergence Maîtrisée"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Convergence Maîtrisée",
        NameEN = "Directed Convergence",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Pureté Désarmante"] = {
    	Image = "Pureté_Désarmante.jpg",
    	Introduced = "20.4.0",
    	Name = "Pureté Désarmante",
        NameEN = "Disarming Purity",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Frappe Spoilante"] = {
    	Image = "DischargeStrike.png",
    	Name = "Frappe Spoilante",
        NameEN = "Discharge Strike",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Surcharge Expéditive"] = {
    	Image = "DispatchOverdriveMod.png",
    	Name = "Surcharge Expéditive",
        NameEN = "Dispatch Overdrive",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Perturbateur"] = {
    	Image = "DisruptorModU145.png",
    	Name = "Perturbateur",
        NameEN = "Disruptor",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Fixation Ciblée"] = {
    	Image = "DivebombVortex2.png",
    	Name = "Fixation Ciblée",
        NameEN = "Divebomb Vortex",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lames Scindantes"] = {
    	Image = "Lames_Scindantes.jpg",
    	Name = "Lames Scindantes",
        NameEN = "Dividing Blades",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Double Coup"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Double Coup",
        NameEN = "Double Tap",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Canon Double Amorti"] = {
    	Image = "DoubleBarrelDrift.png",
    	Name = "Canon Double Amorti",
        NameEN = "Double-Barrel Drift",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Morosité Épuisante"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Morosité Épuisante",
        NameEN = "Draining Gloom",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Protection de l'angoisse"] = {
    	Image = "DreadWardMod.png",
    	Name = "Protection de l'angoisse",
        NameEN = "Dread Ward",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Contact Errant"] = {
    	Image = "Contact_Errant.png",
    	Name = "Contact Errant",
        NameEN = "Drifting Contact",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Coups Doubles"] = {
    	Image = "DualRoundsMod.png",
    	Name = "Coups Doubles",
        NameEN = "Dual Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Dualité"] = {
    	Image = "Duality2.png",
    	Name = "Dualité",
        NameEN = "Duality",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Oeil d'Aigle"] = {
    	Image = "EagleEyeModU145.png",
    	Name = "Oeil d'Aigle",
        NameEN = "Eagle Eye",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Rayons Efficaces"] = {
    	Image = "Rayons_Efficaces.png",
    	Introduced = "25.3.0",
    	Name = "Rayons Efficaces",
        NameEN = "Efficient Beams",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Transfert Efficace"] = {
    	Image = "EfficientTransferral.png",
    	Name = "Transfert Efficace",
        NameEN = "Efficient Transferral",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Chargeur Éjectable"] = {
    	Image = "EjectMagazine.png",
    	Name = "Chargeur Éjectable",
        NameEN = "Eject Magazine",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Electrical Resistance"] = {
    	Image = "Electrical Resistance.jpg",
    	Name = "???",
        NameEN = "Electrical Resistance",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Canon Électrifié"] = {
    	Image = "ElectrifiedBarrel.png",
    	Name = "Canon Électrifié",
        NameEN = "Electrified Barrel",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Pulsation Électrique"] = {
    	Image = "Electro Pulse 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Pulsation Électrique",
        NameEN = "Electro Pulse",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Bouclier Électromagnétique"] = {
    	Image = "Bouclier_Electromagnétique.png",
    	Introduced = "18.10.0",
    	Name = "Bouclier Électromagnétique",
        NameEN = "Electromagnetic Shielding",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Tempête de Sable Elementaire"] = {
    	Image = "ElementalSandstormMod.png",
    	Name = "Tempête de Sable Elementaire",
        NameEN = "Elemental Sandstorm",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Onzième Tempête"] = {
    	Image = "OnzièmeTempêteU14.png",
    	Introduced = "14.0.0",
    	Name = "Onzième Tempête",
        NameEN = "Eleventh Storm",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Catalyseur Incorporé"] = {
    	Image = "EmbeddedCatalyzerMod.png",
    	Name = "Catalyseur Incorporé",
        NameEN = "Embedded Catalyzer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Conséquence Inattendue"] = {
    	Image = "EmergentAftermathMod.png",
    	Name = "Conséquence Inattendue",
        NameEN = "Emergent Aftermath",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Aura IEM"] = {
    	Image = "EMPAuraMod.png",
    	Name = "Aura IEM",
        NameEN = "EMP Aura",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lames Surchargées"] = {
    	Image = "EmpoweredBladesMod.png",
    	Name = "Lames Surchargées",
        NameEN = "Empowered Blades",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Carquois Surchargé"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Carquois Surchargé",
        NameEN = "Empowered Quiver",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Art de L'Endurance"] = {
    	Image = "EnduranceDriftMod.png",
    	Name = "Art de L'Endurance",
        NameEN = "Endurance Drift",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Combinaison Incessante"] = {
    	Image = "EnduringAfflictionMod.png",
    	Name = "Combinaison Incessante",
        NameEN = "Enduring Affliction",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Frappe Durable"] = {
    	Image = "EnduringStrikeModU145.png",
    	Name = "Frappe Durable",
        NameEN = "Enduring Strike",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Radar Ennemi"] = {
    	Image = "EnemyRadarModU145.png",
    	Name = "Radar Ennemi",
        NameEN = "Enemy Radar",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Perception des Ennemis"] = {
    	Image = "EnemySenseModU145.png",
    	Name = "Perception des Ennemis",
        NameEN = "Enemy Sense",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Amplificateur d'Énergie"] = {
    	Image = "EnergyAmplifierMod.png",
    	Name = "Amplificateur d'Énergie",
        NameEN = "Energy Amplifier",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Canalisation d'énergie"] = {
    	Image = "EnergyChannelModU145.png",
    	Name = "Canalisation d'énergie",
        NameEN = "Energy Channel",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Conversion d'énergie"] = {
    	Image = "EnergyConversion.png",
    	Name = "Conversion d'énergie",
        NameEN = "Energy Conversion",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Energy Field"] = {
    	Image = "Energy Field.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Energy Field",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Energy Generator"] = {
    	Image = "EnergyGenerator.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Energy Generator",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Energy Inversion"] = {
    	Image = "EnergyInversion2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Energy Inversion",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Siphon d'énergie"] = {
    	Image = "EnergySiphonModU145.png",
    	Name = "Siphon d'énergie",
        NameEN = "Energy Siphon",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Energy Transfer"] = {
    	Image = "EnergyTransfer.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Energy Transfer",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Durabilité Améliorée"] = {
    	Image = "EnhancedDurability.png",
    	Name = "Durabilité Améliorée",
        NameEN = "Enhanced Durability",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Vitalité Améliorée"] = {
    	Image = "EnhancedVitalityMod.png",
    	Name = "Vitalité Améliorée",
        NameEN = "Enhanced Vitality",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Rafale Entropique"] = {
    	Image = "Rafale_Entropique.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Rafale Entropique",
        NameEN = "Entropy Burst",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Détonation Entropique"] = {
    	Image = "Détonation_Entropique.jpg",
    	Introduced = "20.4.0",
    	Name = "Détonation Entropique",
        NameEN = "Entropy Detonation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Vol Entropique"] = {
    	Image = "Vol_Entropique.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Vol Entropique",
        NameEN = "Entropy Flight",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Pointe Entropique"] = {
    	Image = "PointeEntropique.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Pointe Entropique",
        NameEN = "Entropy Spike",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Enveloping Cloud"] = {
    	Image = "EnvelopingCloud.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Enveloping Cloud",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Équilibre"] = {
    	Image = "EquilibriumModU145.png",
    	Name = "Équilibre",
        NameEN = "Equilibrium",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fléau Érodant"] = {
    	Image = "Fléau_Érodant.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Fléau Érodant",
        NameEN = "Eroding Blight",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Escape Velocity"] = {
    	Image = "EscapeVelocity2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Escape Velocity",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Guerre Éternelle"] = {
    	Image = "EternalWar2.png",
    	Name = "Guerre Éternelle",
        NameEN = "Eternal War",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Everlasting Ward"] = {
    	Image = "EverlastingWard2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Everlasting Ward",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lame Exaltée"] = {
    	Image = "Lame_Exaltee_stance.png",
    	Link = "Lame Exaltée (Posture)",
    	Name = "Lame Exaltée",
        NameEN = "Exalted Blade (Stance)",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "N/A",
    	Stance = true,
	["Châtie-Corpus"] = {
    	Image = "ExpelCorpusModU145.png",
    	Name = "Châtie-Corpus",
        NameEN = "Expel Corpus",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Châtie-Corrompu"] = {
    	Image = "ExpelCorruptedMod.png",
    	Name = "Châtie-Corrompu",
        NameEN = "Expel Corrupted",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Châtie-Grinner"] = {
    	Image = "ExpelGrineerModU145.png",
    	Name = "Châtie-Grineer",
        NameEN = "Expel Grineer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Châtie-Infesté"] = {
    	Image = "ExpelInfestedModU145.png",
    	Name = "Châtie-Infesté",
        NameEN = "Expel Infested",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Explosive Demise"] = {
    	Image = "ExplosiveDemise.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Explosive Demise",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Explosive Legerdemain"] = {
    	Image = "ExplosiveLegerdemainMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Explosive Legerdemain",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Harpon Inquisiteur"] = {
    	Image = "Harpon Inquisiteur.png",
    	Name = "Harpon Inquisiteur",
        NameEN = "Exposing Harpoon",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_AUGMENT_ARME"},
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Prolongement"] = {
    	Image = "Prolongement.jpg",
    	Name = "Prolongement",
        NameEN = "Extend",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Extreme Velocity"] = {
    	Image = "ExtremeVelocity.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Extreme Velocity",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fanged Fusillade"] = {
    	Image = "FangedFusilladeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fanged Fusillade",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Déviation Rapide"] = {
    	Image = "FastDeflectionModU145.png",
    	Name = "Déviation Rapide",
        NameEN = "Fast Deflection",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Mains Rapides"] = {
    	Image = "FastHandsModU145.png",
    	Name = "Mains Rapides",
        NameEN = "Fast Hands",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Accélération Fatale"] = {
    	Image = "Accélération Fatale.png",
    	Name = "Accélération Fatale",
        NameEN = "Fatal Acceleration",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fatal Attraction"] = {
    	Image = "Fatal Attraction 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fatal Attraction",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Téléportation Fatale"] = {
    	Image = "FatalTeleport2.png",
    	Name = "Téléportation Fatale",
        NameEN = "Fatal Teleport",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vérité Fatidique"] = {
    	Image = "Vérité_Fatidique.jpg",
    	Intro = "SotR",
    	Name = "Vérité Fatidique",
        NameEN = "Fateful Truth",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Flèches Empennées"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Flèches Empennées",
        NameEN = "Feathered Arrows",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ferocity"] = {
    	Image = "FerocityModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ferocity",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Va chercher"] = {
    	Image = "Va_chercher.jpg",
    	Name = "Va chercher",
        NameEN = "Fetch",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Frappe de Fièvre"] = {
    	Image = "Frappe_de_Fièvre.png",
    	Name = "Frappe de Fièvre",
        NameEN = "Fever Strike",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Final Act"] = {
    	Image = "FinalActMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Final Act",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Dernier Présage"] = {
    	Image = "Dernier_Présage.png",
    	Introduced = "17.0.0",
    	Name = "Dernier Présage",
        NameEN = "Final Harbinger",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Coup Final"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Coup Final",
        NameEN = "Final Tap",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Finishing Touch"] = {
    	Image = "FinishingTouchModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Finishing Touch",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fire Fright"] = {
    	Image = "FireFright3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fire Fright",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fire Resistance"] = {
    	Image = "FireResistance_Rank0_cropped.jpg",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fire Resistance",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fireball Frenzy"] = {
    	Image = "FireballFrenzyMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fireball Frenzy",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fired Up"] = {
    	Image = "FiredUpMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fired Up",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Firequake"] = {
    	Image = "Firequake2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Firequake",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Firestorm"] = {
    	Image = "FirestormNewA.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Firestorm",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Firewalker"] = {
    	Image = "Firewalker.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Firewalker",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Branche Battante"] = {
    	Image = "Branche_Battante.png",
    	Name = "Branche Battante",
        NameEN = "Flailing Branch",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Flak Shot"] = {
    	Image = "Fshot.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Flak Shot",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Flame Gland"] = {
    	Image = "FlameGlandMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Flame Gland",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Flame Repellent"] = {
    	Image = "FlameRepellentNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Flame Repellent",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Flash Accelerant"] = {
    	Image = "FlashAccelerantMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Flash Accelerant",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléchette"] = {
    	Image = "FlechetteModU145.png",
    	Name = "Fléchette",
        NameEN = "Flechette",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Expertise Ephémère"] = {
    	Image = "FleetingExpertiseModU145.png",
    	Name = "Expertise Ephémère",
        NameEN = "Fleeting Expertise",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Flux"] = {
    	Image = "FlowModU145.png",
    	Name = "Flux",
        NameEN = "Flow",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Surcharge de Flux"] = {
    	Image = "Surcharge_de_Flux.jpg",
    	Introduced = "19.5.0",
    	Name = "Surcharge de Flux",
        NameEN = "Flux Overdrive",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Focus Energy"] = {
    	Image = "FocusEnergyModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Focus Energy",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Accélération Convergente"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Accélération Convergente",
        NameEN = "Focused Acceleration",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Focused Defense"] = {
    	Image = "FocusedDefenseMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Focused Defense",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Follow Through"] = {
    	Image = "FollowThroughMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Follow Through",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Poudre Fomorienne"] = {
    	Image = "Poudre_Fomorienne.jpg",
    	Introduced = "18.10.0",
    	Name = "Poudre Fomorienne",
        NameEN = "Fomorian Accelerant",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Fortitude"] = {
    	Image = "FortitudeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fortitude",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Quatre Cavaliers"] = {
    	Image = "Quatre_Cavaliers.jpg",
    	Name = "Quatre Cavaliers",
        NameEN = "Four Riders",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Fracturing Crush"] = {
    	Image = "FracturingCrush2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fracturing Crush",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vent Fracturant"] = {
    	Image = "VentFracturantU14.png",
    	Name = "Vent Fracturant",
        NameEN = "Fracturing Wind",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Frail Momentum"] = {
    	Image = "FrailMomentum.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Frail Momentum",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Freeze Force"] = {
    	Image = "FreezeForceMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Freeze Force",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Frigid Blast"] = {
    	Image = "FrigidBlastModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Frigid Blast",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Frost Insulation"] = {
    	Image = "Frost_Insulation.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Frost Insulation",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Frostbite"] = {
    	Image = "FrostbiteModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Frostbite",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mâchoire Gelée"] = {
    	Image = "FrostJawMod.png",
    	Name = "Mâchoire Gelée",
        NameEN = "Frost Jaw",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Full Capacity"] = {
    	Image = "FullCapacityMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Full Capacity",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Full Contact"] = {
    	Image = "FullContact.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Full Contact",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fulmination"] = {
    	Image = "FulminationMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fulmination",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Funnel Clouds"] = {
    	Image = "FunnelClouds2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Funnel Clouds",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Furious Javelin"] = {
    	Image = "FuriousJavelinMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Furious Javelin",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Furor"] = {
    	Image = "Furor.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Furor",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Furie"] = {
    	Image = "FuryModU145.png",
    	Name = "Furie",
        NameEN = "Fury",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Fusion Core"] = {
    	Image = "FusionCoreNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Fusion Core",
    	Polarity = "Core",
    	Rarity = "Common<br>Inhabituel<br>Rare",
	["Tragédie de Gaïa"] = {
    	Image = "TragédiedeGaïa.png",
    	Introduced = "17.5.0",
    	Name = "Tragédie de Gaïa",
        NameEN = "Gaia's Tragedy",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Gale Kick"] = {
    	Image = "GaleKickMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Gale Kick",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lame Galvanisée"] = {
    	Image = "GalvanizedBlade.png",
    	Name = "Lame Galvanisée",
        NameEN = "Galvanized Blade",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Croisement des Gémeaux"] = {
    	Image = "Croisement_des_Gémeaux.png",
    	Name = "Croisement des Gémeaux",
        NameEN = "Gemini Cross",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Fantôme"] = {
    	Image = "Ghost 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Fantôme",
        NameEN = "Ghost",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Vérité Dorée"] = {
    	Image = "Vérité_dorée.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Vérité Dorée",
        NameEN = "Gilded Truth",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Glacial Edge"] = {
    	Image = "GlacialEdge.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Glacial Edge",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Égide du Gladiateur"] = {
    	Image = "Égide_du_Gladiateur.jpg",
    	Name = "Égide du Gladiateur",
        NameEN = "Gladiator Aegis",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Set = "Gladiateur",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Finesse du Gladiateur"] = {
    	Image = "Finesse_du_Gladiateur.jpg",
    	Name = "Finesse du Gladiateur",
        NameEN = "Gladiator Finesse",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Set = "Gladiateur",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Puissance du Gladiateur"] = {
    	Image = "Puissance_du_Gladiateur.jpg",
    	Name = "Puissance du Gladiateur",
        NameEN = "Gladiator Might",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Set = "Gladiateur",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_MELEE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Résolution du Gladiateur"] = {
    	Image = "Résolution_du_Gladiateur.jpg",
    	Name = "Résolution du Gladiateur",
        NameEN = "Gladiator Resolve",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Set = "Gladiateur",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ruée du Gladiateur"] = {
    	Image = "Ruée_du_Gladiateur.jpg",
    	Name = "Ruée du Gladiateur",
        NameEN = "Gladiator Rush",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Set = "Gladiateur",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vice du Gladiateur"] = {
    	Image = "Vice_du_Gladiateur-0.jpg",
    	Name = "Vice du Gladiateur",
        NameEN = "Gladiator Vice",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Set = "Gladiateur",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau Brillant"] = {
    	Image = "Fléau_Brillant.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Fléau Brillant",
        NameEN = "Gleaming Blight",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Serre Étincelante"] = {
    	Image = "Serre_étincelante.png",
    	Name = "Serre Étincelante",
        NameEN = "Gleaming Talon",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Grincement du Payara"] = {
    	Image = "Grincement_de_Payara.png",
    	Name = "Grincement du Payara",
        NameEN = "Gnashing Payara",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Frénésie de Gorgone"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Frénésie de Gorgone",
        NameEN = "Gorgon Frenzy",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Greedy Pull"] = {
    	Image = "GreedyPull3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Greedy Pull",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fureur Sombre"] = {
    	Image = "Fureur_Sombre.png",
    	Name = "Fureur Sombre",
        NameEN = "Grim Fury",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Grinloké"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Grinloké",
        NameEN = "Grinloked",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Growing Power"] = {
    	Image = "GrowingPowerMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Growing Power",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Gardien"] = {
    	Image = "Gardien.png",
    	Link = "Gardien (mod)",
    	Name = "Gardien",
        NameEN = "Guardian",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Guardian Derision"] = {
    	Image = "GuardianDerisionMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Guardian Derision",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Guided Effigy"] = {
    	Image = "GuidedEffigyMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Guided Effigy",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Guided Ordnance"] = {
    	Image = "GuidedOrdnanceMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Guided Ordnance",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Gun Glide"] = {
    	Image = "GunGlide.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Gun Glide",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Gunslinger"] = {
    	Image = "GunslingerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Gunslinger",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Hall of Malevolence"] = {
    	Image = "HallOfMalevolence3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hall of Malevolence",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hallowed Eruption"] = {
    	Image = "HallowedEruptionMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hallowed Eruption",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hallowed Reckoning"] = {
    	Image = "HallowedReckoning2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hallowed Reckoning",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Marteau Pilon"] = {
    	Image = "Marteau-pilon.png",
    	Name = "Marteau Pilon",
        NameEN = "Hammer Shot",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_FUSIL"}
	["Handspring"] = {
    	Image = "HandspringMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Handspring",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Harkonar Scope"] = {
    	Image = "HarkonarScopeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Harkonar Scope",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hastened Deflection"] = {
    	Image = "HastenedDeflectionMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hastened Deflection",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Hastened Steps"] = {
    	Image = "Hsteps.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hastened Steps",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Oeil de Faucon"] = {
    	Image = "HawkEyeModU145.png",
    	Name = "Oeil de Faucon",
        NameEN = "Hawk Eye",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Healing Return"] = {
    	Image = "HealingReturnMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Healing Return",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Conversion de Santé"] = {
    	Image = "HealthConversion.png",
    	Name = "Conversion de Santé",
        NameEN = "Health Conversion",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Heartseeker"] = {
    	Image = "Heartseeker.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Heartseeker",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Heated Charge"] = {
    	Image = "HeatedChargeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Heated Charge",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Heavy Caliber"] = {
    	Image = "HeavyCaliberModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Heavy Caliber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Heavy Impact"] = {
    	Image = "HeavyImpactModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Heavy Impact",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Heavy Trauma"] = {
    	Image = "HeavyTraumaModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Heavy Trauma",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Ogive Lourde"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Ogive Lourde",
        NameEN = "Heavy Warhead",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Heightened Reflexes"] = {
    	Image = "Hreflexes.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Heightened Reflexes",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hellfire"] = {
    	Image = "HellfireModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hellfire",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Antre de l'Enfer"] = {
    	Image = "Antre_de_l'Enfer.png",
    	Name = "Antre de l'Enfer",
        NameEN = "Hell's Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Haut Zénith"] = {
    	Image = "Haut_Zénith.png",
    	Name = "Haut Zénith",
        NameEN = "High Noon",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Haute Tension"] = {
    	Image = "Haute_Tension.png",
    	Name = "Haute Tension",
        NameEN = "High Voltage",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pointe Creuse"] = {
    	Image = "Pointe_Creuse.png",
    	Name = "Pointe Creuse",
        NameEN = "Hollow Point",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_SEC"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Balles Creuses"] = {
    	Image = "Balles_Creuses.png",
    	Name = "Balles Creuses",
        NameEN = "Hollowed Bullets",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_ARCHFUSIL"},
	["Crocs Autoguidés"] = {
    	Image = "Crocs_Autoguidés.png",
    	Name = "Crocs Autoguidés",
        NameEN = "Homing Fang",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Hornet Strike"] = {
    	Image = "HornetStrikeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hornet Strike",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Howl"] = {
    	Image = "Howl 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Howl",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Hunt"] = {
    	Image = "Hunt 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hunt",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Adrénaline du Chasseur"] = {
    	Image = "HunterAdrenalineMod.png",
    	Name = "Adrénaline du Chasseur",
        NameEN = "Hunter Adrenaline",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hunter Command"] = {
    	Image = "HunterCommandMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hunter Command",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hunter Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "HunterMunitionsMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hunter Munitions",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hunter Recovery"] = {
    	Image = "HunterRecoveryMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hunter Recovery",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Synergie du Chasseur"] = {
    	Image = "Synergie_du_Chasseur.jpg",
    	Name = "Synergie du Chasseur",
        NameEN = "Hunter Synergy",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_COMPAGNON"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hunter Track"] = {
    	Image = "HunterTrackMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hunter Track",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Scie à Os"] = {
    	Image = "Scie_à_Os.jpg",
    	Introduced = "18.10.0",
    	Name = "Scie à Os",
        NameEN = "Hunter's Bonesaw",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Hush"] = {
    	Image = "HushModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hush",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Hushed Invisibility"] = {
    	Image = "HushedInvisibility2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hushed Invisibility",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hydraulic Barrel"] = {
    	Image = "Hbarrel.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hydraulic Barrel",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hydraulic Chamber"] = {
    	Image = "Hchamber.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hydraulic Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Réticule Hydraulique"] = {
    	Image = "RéticuleHydraulique.jpg",
    	Name = "Réticule Hydraulique",
        NameEN = "Hydraulic Crosshairs",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_SEC"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hydraulic Gauge"] = {
    	Image = "Hgauge.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hydraulic Gauge",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hyperion Thrusters"] = {
    	Image = "HyperionThrusters.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hyperion Thrusters",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Hypothermic Shell"] = {
    	Image = "HypothermicShellMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hypothermic Shell",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Hystérie"] = {
    	Image = "Hystérie.jpg",
    	Name = "Hystérie",
    	Link = "Hystérie (Posture)",
        NameEN = "Hysteria (Stance)",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "N/A",
    	Stance = true,
	["Hysterical Assault"] = {
    	Image = "HystericalAssaultMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hysterical Assault",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hysterical Fixation"] = {
    	Image = "HystericalFixation.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Hysterical Fixation",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ice Spring"] = {
    	Image = "Ice spring.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ice Spring",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = true,
	["Tempête de Glace"] = {
    	Image = "Tempête_De_Glace.png",
    	Name = "Tempête de Glace",
        NameEN = "Ice Storm",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Ice Wave Impedance"] = {
    	Image = "IceWaveImpedance3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ice Wave Impedance",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Icy Avalanche"] = {
    	Image = "IcyAvalancheMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Icy Avalanche",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Impaler Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "ImpalerMunitions.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Impaler Munitions",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Impenetrable Offense"] = {
    	Image = "ImpenetrableOffenseMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Impenetrable Offense",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Incendiary Coat"] = {
    	Image = "IncendiaryCoatModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Incendiary Coat",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Inertia Dampeners"] = {
    	Image = "InertiaDampeners.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Inertia Dampeners",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Infected Clip"] = {
    	Image = "InfectedClipModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Infected Clip",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Infectious Injection"] = {
    	Image = "InfectiousInjection.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Infectious Injection",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Infested Impedance"] = {
    	Image = "InfestedImpedanceModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Infested Impedance",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Infiltrate"] = {
    	Image = "Infiltrate2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Infiltrate",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Insatiable"] = {
    	Image = "InsatiableMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Insatiable",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Insulation"] = {
    	Image = "InsulationModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Insulation",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Intensité"] = {
    	Image = "IntensifyModU145.png",
    	Name = "Intensité",
        NameEN = "Intensify",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Intruder"] = {
    	Image = "IntruderModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Intruder",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Investigateur"] = {
    	Image = "Investigator 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Investigateur",
        NameEN = "Investigator",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Ion Infusion"] = {
    	Image = "IonInfusion.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ion Infusion",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Phénix de Fer"] = {
    	Image = "PhoenixdeFerU14.png",
    	Introduced = "13.0.0",
    	Name = "Phénix de Fer",
        NameEN = "Iron Phoenix",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Iron Shrapnel"] = {
    	Image = "IronShrapnel3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Iron Shrapnel",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Iron Vault"] = {
    	Image = "IronVault2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Iron Vault",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ironclad Charge"] = {
    	Image = "IroncladChargeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ironclad Charge",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Irradiating Disarm"] = {
    	Image = "IrradiatingDisarm3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Irradiating Disarm",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Jagged Edge"] = {
    	Image = "JaggedEdgeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Jagged Edge",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Courant-Jet"] = {
    	Image = "Courant_de_Jet.png",
    	Name = "Courant-Jet",
        NameEN = "Jet Stream",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Jolt"] = {
    	Image = "JoltNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Jolt",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lames Justicières"] = {
    	Image = "Lames_Justicières.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Lames Justicières",
        NameEN = "Justice Blades",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Kavat's Grace"] = {
    	Image = "Kavat'sGraceMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Kavat's Grace",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Kill Switch"] = {
    	Image = "KillSwitchMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Kill Switch",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Killing Blow"] = {
    	Image = "KillingBlowModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Killing Blow",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Kinetic Collision"] = {
    	Image = "KineticCollision.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Kinetic Collision",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Kinetic Diversion"] = {
    	Image = "KineticDiversionMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Kinetic Diversion",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Kinetic Friction"] = {
    	Image = "KineticFriction.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Kinetic Friction",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ricochet Kinétique"] = {
	    Introduced = "SotR",
    	Image = "Ricochet_Kinétique.jpg",
    	Name = "Ricochet Kinétique",
        NameEN = "Kinetic Ricochet",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Larva Burst"] = {
    	Image = "LarvaBurst.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Larva Burst",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Laser Deflection"] = {
    	Image = "Laser Deflection.jpg",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Laser Deflection",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vision Laser"] = {
    	Image = "VisionLaser.jpg",
    	Name = "Vision Laser",
        NameEN = "Laser Sight",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_POMPE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Volute Fustigeante"] = {
    	Image = "Volute_Fustigeante.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Volute Fustigeante",
        NameEN = "Lashing Coil",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lasting Covenant"] = {
    	Image = "LastingCovenant.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lasting Covenant",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Dernier Héraut"] = {
    	Image = "Dernier_Héraut.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Dernier Héraut",
        NameEN = "Last Herald",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pureté Éternelle"] = {
    	Image = "Pureté_Éternelle.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Pureté Éternelle",
        NameEN = "Lasting Purity",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Lasting Sting"] = {
    	Image = "LastingSting.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lasting Sting",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Inertie Létale"] = {
    	Image = "Inertie_Létale.png",
    	Name = "Inertie Létale",
        NameEN = "Lethal Momentum",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Lethal Torrent"] = {
    	Image = "LethalTorrentModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lethal Torrent",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Lie In Wait"] = {
    	Image = "Lieinwait.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lie In Wait",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Life Strike"] = {
    	Image = "LifeStrikeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Life Strike",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Lightning Dash"] = {
    	Image = "LightningDashMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lightning Dash",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Lightning Rod"] = {
    	Image = "LightningRodModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lightning Rod",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Lingering Torment"] = {
    	Image = "LingeringTorment.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lingering Torment",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Lien d'Armure"] = {
    	Image = "LinkArmorMod.png",
    	Name = "Lien d'Armure",
        NameEN = "Link Armor",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Lien de Vie"] = {
    	Image = "LinkHealthMod.png",
    	Name = "Lien de Vie",
        NameEN = "Link Health",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Lien de Boucliers"] = {
    	Image = "LinkShieldsMod.png",
    	Name = "Lien de Boucliers",
        NameEN = "Link Shields",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Loaded Capacity"] = {
    	Image = "LoadedCapacityMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Loaded Capacity",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lock and Load"] = {
    	Image = "LockandLoad.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Lock and Load",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Loose Chamber"] = {
    	Image = "LooseChamberMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Loose Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Loose Hatch"] = {
    	Image = "LooseHatchMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Loose Hatch",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Loose Magazine"] = {
    	Image = "LooseMagazineMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Loose Magazine",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Détecteur de Butin"] = {
    	Image = "LootDetectorModU145.png",
    	Name = "Détecteur de Butin",
        NameEN = "Loot Detector",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Looter"] = {
    	Image = "Looter.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Looter",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Compagnon Loyal"] = {
    	Image = "LoyalCompanionMod.png",
    	Name = "Compagnon Loyal",
        NameEN = "Loyal Companion",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Tir Chanceux"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Tir Chanceux",
        NameEN = "Lucky Shot",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mad Stack"] = {
    	Image = "MadStackMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mad Stack",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Coeur de Transmutation Madurai"] = {
    	Image = "CoeurdeTransmutationMadurai.png",
    	Name = "Coeur de Transmutation Madurai",
        NameEN = "Madurai Transmute Core",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pluie Mafique"] = {
    	Image = "Pluie_Mafique.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Pluie Mafique",
        NameEN = "Mafic Rain",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mag Locks"] = {
    	Image = "MagLocks.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mag Locks",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Magazine Extension"] = {
    	Image = "MagazineExtension.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Magazine Extension",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Magazine Warp"] = {
    	Image = "MagazineWarpModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Magazine Warp",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Maglev"] = {
    	Image = "MaglevModU145.png",
    	Name = "Maglev",
        NameEN = "Maglev",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Magma Chamber"] = {
    	Image = "MagmaChamber.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Magma Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Magnetized Discharge"] = {
    	Image = "MagnetizedDischargeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Magnetized Discharge",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Force Magnum"] = {
    	Image = "MagnumForceMod.png",
    	Name = "Force Magnum",
        NameEN = "Magnum Force",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Maim"] = {
    	Image = "MaimModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Maim",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Coup Mutilant"] = {
    	Image = "Coup_Mutilant.png",
    	Name = "Coup Mutilant",
        NameEN = "Maiming Strike",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_MELEE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rapace Malicieux"] = {
    	Image = "RapaceMalicieux.png",
    	Name = "Rapace Malicieux",
        NameEN = "Malicious Raptor",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Force Maligne"] = {
    	Image = "MalignantForceModU145.png",
    	Name = "Force Maligne",
        NameEN = "Malignant Force",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Marked Target"] = {
    	Image = "MarkedTargetMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Marked Target",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Martial Fury"] = {
    	Image = "MartialFury.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Martial Fury",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Master Thief"] = {
    	Image = "MasterThiefModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Master Thief",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Maul"] = {
    	Image = "MaulMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Maul",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Maximum Capacity"] = {
    	Image = "MaximumCapacityMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Maximum Capacity",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rafale Contrôlée"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Rafale Contrôlée",
        NameEN = "Measured Burst",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Mecha Empowered"] = {
    	Image = "MechaEmpowered.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mecha Empowered",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mecha Pulse"] = {
    	Image = "MechaPulse.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mecha Pulse",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mecha Overdrive"] = {
    	Image = "MechaOverdrive.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mecha Overdrive",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mecha Recharge"] = {
    	Image = "MechaRecharge.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mecha Recharge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Kit Médi-Animal"] = {
    	Image = "Medi-Pet_KitMod.png",
    	Name = "Kit Médi-Animal",
        NameEN = "Medi-Pet Kit",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rayon-Régen"] = {
    	Image = "Rayon-Régen.png",
    	Name = "Rayon-Régen",
        NameEN = "Medi-Ray",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Prouesse de Mêlée"] = {
    	Image = "MeleeProwessModU145.png",
    	Name = "Prouesse de Mêlée",
        NameEN = "Melee Prowess",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Mending Splinters"] = {
    	Image = "MendingSplinters.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mending Splinters",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Valse de Mesa"] = {
    	Image = "Mesa'sWaltz.png",
    	Name = "Valse de Mesa",
        NameEN = "Mesa's Waltz",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Metal Auger"] = {
    	Image = "MetalAugerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Metal Auger",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Fibre Métallique"] = {
    	Image = "MetalFiberMod.png",
    	Name = "Fibre Métallique",
        NameEN = "Metal Fiber",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Meteor Crash"] = {
    	Image = "MeteorCrashMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Meteor Crash",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Meteor Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "MeteorMunitions.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Meteor Munitions",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Visée Méticuleuse"] = {
    	Image = "Visée Méticuleuse.png",
    	Name = "Visée Méticuleuse",
        NameEN = "Meticulous Aim",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Mind Freak"] = {
    	Image = "MindFreak3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mind Freak",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mischief"] = {
    	Image = "Mischief 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mischief",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Mobilize"] = {
    	Image = "Mobilize.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mobilize",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Modified Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "ModifiedMunitions.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Modified Munitions",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Molecular Conversion"] = {
    	Image = "Molecular Conversion 19.10.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Molecular Conversion",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Molecular Fission"] = {
    	Image = "MolecularFissionMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Molecular Fission",
    	Polarity = "Ability",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Molten Impact"] = {
    	Image = "MoltenImpactModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Molten Impact",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Momentary Pause"] = {
    	Image = "MomentaryPauseMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Momentary Pause",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Transformateur de Morphic"] = {
    	Image = "MorphicTransformer.png",
    	Name = "Transformateur de Morphic",
        NameEN = "Morphic Transformer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Mortal Conduct"] = {
    	Image = "MortalConduct.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Mortal Conduct",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Impact Motus"] = {
    	Image = "MotusImpactMod.png",
    	Name = "Impact Motus",
        NameEN = "Motus Impact",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Configuration Motus"] = {
    	Image = "Configuration_Motus.png",
    	Name = "Configuration Motus",
        NameEN = "Motus Setup",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_POMPE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Signal Motus"] = {
    	Image = "MotusSignalMod.png",
    	Name = "Signal Motus",
        NameEN = "Motus Signal",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Muzzle Flash"] = {
    	Image = "MuzzleFlashMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Muzzle Flash",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Nano-Applicateur"] = {
    	Image = "Nano-ApplicatorMod.png",
    	Name = "nano-Applicateur",
        NameEN = "Nano-Applicator",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Grenades au Napalm"] = {
    	Image = "Grenades_au_Napalm.jpg",
    	Introduced = "24.3.0",
    	Name = "Grenades au Napalm",
        NameEN = "Napalm Grenades",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Coeur de Transmutation Naramon"] = {
    	Image = "CoeurdeTransmutationNaramon.png",
    	Name = "Coeur de Transmutation Naramon",
        NameEN = "Naramon Transmute Core",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Narrow Barrel"] = {
    	Image = "NarrowBarrelMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Narrow Barrel",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Etroit d'Esprit"] = {
    	Image = "NarrowMindedModU145.png",
    	Name = "Etroit d'Esprit",
        NameEN = "Narrow Minded",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Talent Naturel"] = {
    	Image = "NaturalTalentModU145.png",
    	Name = "Talent Naturel",
        NameEN = "Natural Talent",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Nebula Bore"] = {
    	Image = "NebulaBoreMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Nebula Bore",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Négation"] = {
    	Image = "Negate.png",
    	Name = "Négation",
        NameEN = "Negate",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Nuée Réfléchissante"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Nuée Réfléchissante",
        NameEN = "Negation Swarm",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Neutralize"] = {
    	Image = "Neutralize 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Neutralize",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Justice Neutralisante"] = {
    	Image = "Justice_Neutralisante.jpg",
    	Introduced = "20.4.0",
    	Name = "Justice Neutralisante",
        NameEN = "Neutralizing Justice",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Neutron Star"] = {
    	Image = "NeutronStar3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Neutron Star",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Night Stalker"] = {
    	Image = "NightStalker.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Night Stalker",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Napalm du Nightwatch"] = {
    	Image = "Napalm_de_Nightwatch.png",
    	Introduced = "18.10.0",
    	Name = "Napalm du Nightwatch",
        NameEN = "Nightwatch Napalm",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Nitro Boost"] = {
    	Image = "NitroBoost.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Nitro Boost",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["No Current Leap"] = {
    	Image = "NoCurrentLeapMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "No Current Leap",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["No Return"] = {
    	Image = "NoReturnModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "No Return",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Cadence Noble"] = {
    	Image = "Cadence_Noble.jpg",
        Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Cadence Noble",
        NameEN = "Cadence Noble",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vent du Nord"] = {
    	Image = "NorthWindModU161.png",
    	Name = "Vent du Nord",
        NameEN = "North Wind",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Odomédic"] = {
    	Image = "OdomedicMod.png",
    	Name = "Odomédic",
        NameEN = "Odomedic",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ore Gaze"] = {
    	Image = "OreGaze.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ore Gaze",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fracas d'Organes"] = {
	    Family = "Fracas d'Organes",
    	Image = "Fracas_d'Organes.png",
    	Name = "Fracas d'Organes",
        NameEN = "Organ Shatter",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_MELEE"},
	["Overcharge Detectors"] = {
    	Image = "OverchargeDetectorsNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Overcharge Detectors",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Overcharged"] = {
    	Image = "OverchargedMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Overcharged",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Super Etendue"] = {
    	Image = "OverextendedModU145.png",
    	Name = "Super Etendue",
        NameEN = "Overextended",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Overview"] = {
    	Image = "Overview.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Overview",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pacifying Bolts"] = {
    	Image = "PacifyingBolts3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pacifying Bolts",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Chef de Meute"] = {
    	Image = "PackLeaderMod.png",
    	Name = "Chef de Meute",
        NameEN = "Pack Leader",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Pain Threshold"] = {
    	Image = "PainThresholdMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pain Threshold",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lunette Parallaxe"] = {
    	Image = "Lunette_Parallaxe.png",
    	Name = "Lunette Parallaxe",
        NameEN = "Parallax Scope",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_ARCHFUSIL"},
	["Parry"] = {
    	Image = "ParryModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Parry",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Partitioned Mallet"] = {
    	Image = "PartitionedMalletMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Partitioned Mallet",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Patagium"] = {
    	Image = "PatagiumMod.png",
    	Name = "Patagium",
        NameEN = "Patagium",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Allée de Statues"] = {
    	Image = "PathofStatuesMod.png",
    	Name = "Allée de Statues",
        NameEN = "Path of Statues",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pathogen Rounds"] = {
    	Image = "PathogenRoundsModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pathogen Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Peaceful Provocation"] = {
    	Image = "PeacefulProvocation2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Peaceful Provocation",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Peculiar Bloom"] = {
    	Image = "PeculiarBloomMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Peculiar Bloom",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Atypique",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Peculiar Growth"] = {
    	Image = "PeculiarGrowthMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Peculiar Growth",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Atypique",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Perfect Balance"] = {
    	Image = "PerfectBalanceMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Perfect Balance",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Agonie Perpétuelle"] = {
    	Image = "Agonie_Perpétuelle.png",
    	Name = "Agonie Perpétuelle",
        NameEN = "Perpetual Agony",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Perpetual Vortex"] = {
    	Image = "PerpetualVortex2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Perpetual Vortex",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Renouveau du Phénix"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Renouveau du Phénix",
        NameEN = "Phoenix Renewal",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Physique"] = {
    	Image = "PhysiqueMod.png",
    	Name = "Physique",
        NameEN = "Physique",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Piercing Caliber"] = {
    	Image = "PiercingCaliberModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Piercing Caliber",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Furie Perforante"] = {
    	Image = "Furie_Perforante.jpg",
    	Name = "Furie Perforante",
        NameEN = "Piercing Fury",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Piercing Hit"] = {
    	Image = "PiercingHitModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Piercing Hit",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Navigatrice Perçante"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Navigatrice Perçante",
        NameEN = "Piercing Navigator",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Piercing Roar"] = {
    	Image = "PiercingRoarMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Piercing Roar",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Piercing Step"] = {
    	Image = "PiercingStep.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Piercing Step",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Pilfering Strangledome"] = {
    	Image = "PilferingStrangledomeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pilfering Strangledome",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pilfering Swarm"] = {
    	Image = "PilferingSwarm.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pilfering Swarm",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mutation de Pistolet"] = {
    	Image = "PistolAmmoMutationModU145.png",
    	Name = "Mutation de Pistolet",
        NameEN = "Pistol Ammo Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Pistol Amp"] = {
    	Image = "PistolAmpMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pistol Amp",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Manoeuvre de Pistolet"] = {
    	Image = "Manoeuvre_de_Pistolet.png",
    	Name = "Manoeuvre de Pistolet",
        NameEN = "Pistol Gambit",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_SEC"},
	["Pistol Pestilence"] = {
    	Image = "PistolPestilenceModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pistol Pestilence",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pistol Scavenger"] = {
    	Image = "PistolScavengerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pistol Scavenger",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Plan B"] = {
    	Image = "PlanBMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Plan B",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["À Portée"] = {
    	Image = "A Portée.png",
    	Name = "À Portée",
        NameEN = "Point Blank",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Frappe Tendue"] = {
    	Image = "Frappe_Tendue.png",
    	Name = "Frappe Tendue",
        NameEN = "Point Strike",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_FUSIL"},
	["Vent Tranchant"] = {
    	Image = "VentTranchantU14.png",
    	Name = "Vent Tranchant",
        NameEN = "Pointed Wind",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Poisonous Sting"] = {
    	Image = "PoisonousSting.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Poisonous Sting",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Magasin Polaire"] = {
    	Image = "PolarMagazine.png",
    	Name = "Magasin Polaire",
        NameEN = "Polar Magazine",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Bassin de Vie"] = {
    	Image = "PoolOfLife3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pool of Life",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pop Top"] = {
    	Image = "PopTopMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pop Top",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Poppin' Vert"] = {
    	Image = "PoppinVertMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Poppin' Vert",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pounce"] = {
    	Image = "PounceMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pounce",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Don de Puissance"] = {
    	Image = "Don_de_Puissance.jpg",
    	Name = "Don de Puissance",
        NameEN = "Power Donation",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Power Drift"] = {
    	Image = "PowerDriftMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Power Drift",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Power of Three"] = {
    	Image = "PowerofThree.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Power of Three",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Power Throw"] = {
    	Image = "PowerThrowModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Power Throw",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Munitions de Précision"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Munitions de Précision",
        NameEN = "Precision Munition",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Point de Pression"] = {
    	Image = "PressurePointModU145.png",
    	Name = "Point de Pression",
        NameEN = "Pressure Point",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Pressurized Magazine"] = {
    	Image = "PressurisedMagazineMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pressurized Magazine",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fureur Primale"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Fureur Primale",
    	Link = "Fureur Primale (Posture)",
        NameEN = "Primal Fury (Stance)",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "N/A",
    	Stance = true,
	["Rage Primale"] = {
    	Image = "Rage_Primale.jpg",
    	Name = "Rage Primale",
        NameEN = "Primal Rage",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Ammo Stock"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedAmmoStockPlaceholder.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Ammo Stock",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Instinct Animal Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedAnimalInstinctMod.png",
    	Name = "Instinct Animal Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Animal Instinct",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau des Corpus Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedBaneOfCorpus.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Corpus Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Bane of Corpus",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau des Corrompus Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedBaneOfCorrupted.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Corrompus Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Bane of Corrupted",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau des Grineer Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedBaneOfGrineer.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Grineer Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Bane of Grineer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau des Infestés Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedBaneOfInfested.png",
    	Name = "Fléau des Infestés Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Bane of Infested",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Chambre Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedChamber.png",
    	Name = "Chambre Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,

	["Primed Charged Shell"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedChargedShell.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Charged Shell",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Continuité Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedContinuity.png",
    	Name = "Continuité Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Continuity",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Cryo Rounds"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedCryoRoundsMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Cryo Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Expulse-Corpus Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedExpelCorpus.png",
    	Name = "Expulse-Corpus Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Expel Corpus",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Expulse-Corrompu Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedExpelCorrupted.png",
    	Name = "Expulse-Corrompu Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Expel Corrupted",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Expulse-Grineer Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedExpelGrineer.png",
    	Name = "Expulse-Grineer Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Expel Grineer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Expulse-Infesté Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedExpelInfested.png",
    	Name = "Expulse-Infesté Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Expel Infested",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mains Rapides Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedFastHands.png",
    	Name = "Mains Rapides Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Fast Hands",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Frappe de Fièvre Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "Frappe_de_Fièvre_Accrue.png",
    	Name = "Frappe de Fièvre Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Fever Strike",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Flux Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedFlow.png",
    	Name = "Flux Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Flow",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Furie Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedFury.png",
    	Name = "Furie Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Fury",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Heated Charge"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedHeatedCharge.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Heated Charge",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Heavy Trauma"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedHeavyTrauma.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Heavy Trauma",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Transformateur de Morphic Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedMorphicTransformer.png",
    	Name = "Transformateur de Morphic Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Morphic Transformer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Chef de Meute Accru"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedPackLeaderMod.png",
    	Name = "Chef de Meute Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Pack Leader",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Manoeuvre de Pistolet Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "Manoeuvre_de_Pistolet_Accrue.png",
    	Name = "Manoeuvre de Pistolet Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Pistol Gambit",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_SEC"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Mutation de Pistolet Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedPistolAmmoMutation.png",
    	Name = "Mutation de Pistolet Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["A Portée Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedPointBlank.png",
    	Name = "A Portée Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Point Blank",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Point de Pression Accru"] = {
    	Image = "Primedpressurepoint.png",
    	Name = "Point de Pression Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Pressure Point",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Quickdraw"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedQuickdraw.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Quickdraw",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Ravage"] = {
	    Family = "Ravage",
    	Image = "Ravage_Accru.png",
    	Name = "Ravage Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Ravage",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_POMPE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Atteinte Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "Atteinte_Accrue.png",
    	Name = "Atteinte Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Reach",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Régénération Accrue"] = {
    	Image = "Régénération_Accrue.jpg",
    	Name = "Régénération Accrue",
        NameEN = "Primed Regen",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedRifleAmmoMutation.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedShotgunAmmoMutation.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Shred"] = {
    	Image = "Primed Shred.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Shred",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Slip Magazine"] = {
    	Image = "PrimedSlipMagazine.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Slip Magazine",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Sure Footed"] = {
    	Image = "Primed Sure Footed.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Sure Footed",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Craque-Cibles Accru"] = {
	    Family = "Craque-Cibles",
    	Image = "PrimedTargetCracker.png",
    	Name = "Craque-Cibles Accru",
        NameEN = "Primed Target Cracker",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_SEC"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Primed Vigor"] = {
    	Image = "Primed Vigor.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Primed Vigor",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Prism Guard"] = {
    	Image = "PrismGuard.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Prism Guard",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Prize Kill"] = {
    	Image = "PrizeKillMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Prize Kill",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Proboscis"] = {
    	Image = "ProboscisMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Proboscis",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Prolonged Paralysis"] = {
    	Image = "ProlongedParalysis3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Prolonged Paralysis",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Protect"] = {
    	Image = "Protect 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Protect",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Jet Proton"] = {
    	Image = "Jet_Proton.jpg",
    	Name = "Jet Proton",
        NameEN = "Proton Jet",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_FUSIL"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Proton Pulse"] = {
    	Image = "ProtonPulseMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Proton Pulse",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Proton Snap"] = {
    	Image = "ProtonSnapMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Proton Snap",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Provocation"] = {
    	Image = "Provocation.png",
    	Name = "Provocation",
        NameEN = "Provoked",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Pummel"] = {
    	Image = "Pummel.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pummel",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Purging Slash"] = {
    	Image = "PurgingSlash.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Purging Slash",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Purifying Flames"] = {
    	Image = "PurifyingFlames.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Purifying Flames",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Push & Pull"] = {
    	Image = "PushandPull.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Push & Pull",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pyroclastic Flow"] = {
    	Image = "PyroclasticFlowMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Pyroclastic Flow",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Main Traumatique"] = {
    	Image = "Main_Traumatique.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Main Traumatique",
        NameEN = "Quaking Hand",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Quasar Drill"] = {
    	Image = "QuasarDrillMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quasar Drill",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Quick Charge"] = {
    	Image = "QuickCharge.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quick Charge",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Quick Escape"] = {
    	Image = "QuickEscapeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quick Escape",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Quick Reload"] = {
    	Image = "QuickReload.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quick Reload",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Quick Return"] = {
    	Image = "QuickReturnModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quick Return",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Quick Thinking"] = {
    	Image = "QuickThinkingNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quick Thinking",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Quickdraw"] = {
    	Image = "QuickdrawModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quickdraw",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Quickening"] = {
    	Image = "QuickeningModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Quickening",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Radiant Finish"] = {
    	Image = "RadiantFinish4.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Radiant Finish",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rage"] = {
    	Image = "Rage.png",
    	Name = "Rage",
        NameEN = "Rage",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Rail Guards"] = {
    	Image = "RailGuards.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rail Guards",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Résilience Rapide"] = {
    	Image = "Résilience_Rapide.jpg",
    	Name = "Résilience Rapide",
        NameEN = "Rapid Resilience",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Ravage"] = {
	    Family = "Ravage",
    	Image = "Ravage.png",
    	Name = "Ravage",
        NameEN = "Ravage",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_POMPE"},
	["Razorwing Blitz"] = {
    	Image = "RazorwingBlitz.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Razorwing Blitz",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Razor Munitions"] = {
    	Image = "RazorMunitions.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Razor Munitions",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Razor Shot"] = {
    	Image = "RazorShotModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Razor Shot",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Atteinte"] = {
    	Image = "Atteinte.png",
    	Name = "Atteinte",
        NameEN = "Reach",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Reaping Chakram"] = {
    	Image = "ReapingChakram.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Reaping Chakram",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Fauchage Tournoyant"] = {
    	Image = "Fauchage_Tournoyant.png",
    	Name = "Fauchage Tournoyant",
        NameEN = "Reaping Spiral",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Renaissance"] = {
    	Image = "Renaissance.jpg",
    	Name = "Renaissance",
        NameEN = "Reawaken",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rebound"] = {
    	Image = "ReboundModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rebound",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Recharge Barrier"] = {
    	Image = "RechargeBarrier.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Recharge Barrier",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Recover"] = {
    	Image = "RecoverMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Recover",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Recuperate"] = {
    	Image = "RecuperateMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Recuperate",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Redirection"] = {
    	Image = "RedirectionModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Redirection",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Reflect"] = {
    	Image = "Reflect 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Reflect",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Reflection"] = {
    	Image = "ReflectionModU17.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Reflection",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Reflex Coil"] = {
    	Image = "ReflexCoilModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Reflex Coil",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Reflex Draw"] = {
    	Image = "ReflexDraw.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Reflex Draw",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Reflex Guard"] = {
    	Image = "ReflexGuardModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Reflex Guard",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Régénération"] = {
    	Image = "Regeneration.png",
    	Name = "Régénération",
        NameEN = "Regen",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Regenerative Molt"] = {
    	Image = "RegenerativeMolt3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Regenerative Molt",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Reinforcing Stomp"] = {
    	Image = "ReinforcingStompMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Reinforcing Stomp",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rejuvenation"] = {
    	Image = "RejuvenationModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rejuvenation",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Relentless Assault"] = {
    	Image = "RelentlessAssaultMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Relentless Assault",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Relentless Combination"] = {
    	Image = "RelentlessCombinationMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Relentless Combination",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Grue Déchirante"] = {
    	Image = "Grue_Déchirante.png",
    	Name = "Grue Déchirante",
        NameEN = "Rending Crane",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Rending Strike"] = {
    	Image = "RendingStrikeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rending Strike",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Rending Turn"] = {
    	Image = "RendingTurnMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rending Turn",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Vent Violent"] = {
    	Image = "Vent_Violent.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Vent Violent",
        NameEN = "Rending Wind",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Repair Kit"] = {
    	Image = "RepairKitMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Repair Kit",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Repeater Clip"] = {
    	Image = "RepeaterClipMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Repeater Clip",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Repelling Bastille"] = {
    	Image = "RepellingBastille4.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Repelling Bastille",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Resilient Focus"] = {
    	Image = "Resilient_Focus.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Resilient Focus",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Resolute Focus"] = {
    	Image = "ResoluteFocusMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Resolute Focus",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Resonance"] = {
    	Image = "Resonance3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Resonance",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Resonating Quake"] = {
    	Image = "ResonatingQuakeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Resonating Quake",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Retarget"] = {
    	Image = "Retarget 19.10.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Retarget",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Retribution"] = {
    	Image = "RetributionModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Retribution",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Retrieve"] = {
    	Image = "RetrieveMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Retrieve",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Vengeance"] = {
    	Image = "Revenge 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Vengeance",
        NameEN = "Revenge",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Rifle Ammo Mutation"] = {
    	Image = "RifleAmmoMutationModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rifle Ammo Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Rifle Amp"] = {
    	Image = "RifleAmpModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rifle Amp",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Aptitude au Fusil"] = {
    	Image = "Aptitude_au_Fusil.png",
    	Name = "Aptitude au Fusil",
        NameEN = "Rifle Aptitude",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Rifle Scavenger"] = {
    	Image = "RifleScavengerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rifle Scavenger",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Rift Haven"] = {
    	Image = "Haven3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rift Haven",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Frappe Dimensionnelle"] = {
    	Image = "Frappe_Dimensionnelle.png",
    	Introduced = "18.10.0",
    	Name = "Frappe Dimensionnelle",
        NameEN = "Rift Strike",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Rift Torrent"] = {
    	Image = "Rift_Torrent_3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rift Torrent",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Cartouches Givrées"] = {
    	Image = "Cartouches_Givrées.png",
    	Name = "Cartouches Givrées",
        NameEN = "Rime Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rime Vault"] = {
    	Image = "RimeVaultMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rime Vault",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Ripper Rounds"] = {
    	Image = "RipperRounds.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ripper Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rising Skill"] = {
    	Image = "RisingSkill.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rising Skill",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Acier Montant"] = {
    	Image = "Acier_Montant.jpg",
    	Introduced = "Spectres du Rail",
    	Name = "Acier Montant",
        NameEN = "Rising Steel",
    	Polarity = "Ward",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rising Storm"] = {
    	Image = "RisingStormMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rising Storm",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Roulade Parade"] = {
    	Image = "Roulade_Parade.jpg",
    	Name = "Roulade Parade",
        NameEN = "Rolling Guard",
    	Polariy = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rubedo-Lined Barrel"] = {
    	Image = "RubedoLinedBarrel.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rubedo-Lined Barrel",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Prolongement Ruineux"] = {
    	Image = "Prolongement_Ruineux.jpg",
    	Name = "Prolongement Ruineux",
        NameEN = "Ruinous Extension",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Rumbled"] = {
    	Image = "Rumbled.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rumbled",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Rupture"] = {
    	Image = "RuptureModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rupture",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Rush"] = {
    	Image = "RushModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Rush",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Sabot Rounds"] = {
    	Image = "SabotRoundsMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sabot Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Sacrificial Pressure"] = {
    	Image = "SacrificialPressure.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sacrificial Pressure",
    	Polarity = "Umbra",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
	["Acier Sacrificiel"] = {
    	Image = "Acier_Sacrificiel.jpg",
    	Name = "Acier Sacrificiel",
        NameEN = "Sacrificial Steel",
    	Polarity = "Umbra",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_MELEE"},
	["Sacrifice"] = {
    	Image = "Sacrifice.jpg",
    	Name = "Sacrifice",
        NameEN = "Sacrifice",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Sauvegarde"] = {
    	Image = "Sauvegarde.png",
    	Name = "Sauvegarde",
        NameEN = "Safeguard",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Safeguard Switch"] = {
    	Image = "SafeguardSwitch3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Safeguard Switch",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sanctuaire"] = {
    	Image = "Sanctuaire-0.jpg",
    	Link = "Sanctuaire",
    	Name = "Sanctuaire",
        NameEN = "Sanctuary",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Sapping Reach"] = {
    	Image = "SappingReach.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sapping Reach",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Savage Silence"] = {
    	Image = "SavageSilence3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Savage Silence",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Savagery"] = {
    	Image = "SavageryModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Savagery",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Leurre Protecteur"] = {
    	Image = "Leurre_Protecteur.png",
    	Name = "Leurre Protecteur",
        NameEN = "Savior Decoy",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sawtooth Clip"] = {
    	Image = "SawtoothClipModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sawtooth Clip",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Scan Aquatic Lifeforms"] = {
    	Image = "ScanAquaticLifeforms.jpg",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Scan Matter"] = {
    	Image = "ScanMatter.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Scan Matter",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tornade Écarlate"] = {
    	Image = "Tornade_Écarlate.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Tornade Écarlate",
        NameEN = "Scarlet Hurricane",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Justice Écartée"] = {
    	Image = "Justice_Écartée.png",
    	Name = "Justice Écartée",
        NameEN = "Scattered Justice",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Scattering Inferno"] = {
    	Image = "ScatteringInfernoModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Scattering Inferno",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Scavenge"] = {
    	Image = "ScavengeMod.png‎",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Scavenge",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Scorch"] = {
    	Image = "ScorchModU145.png",
    	Link = "Scorch (Mod)",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Scorch",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Searing Leap"] = {
    	Image = "SearingLeapMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Searing Leap",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Searing Steel"] = {
    	Image = "SearingSteel.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Searing Steel",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Secondary Wind"] = {
    	Image = "SecondaryWind.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Secondary Wind",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Security Override"] = {
    	Image = "SecurityOverrideMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Security Override",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Seeker"] = {
    	Image = "SeekerModU145.png",
    	Link = "Seeker (Mod)",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Seeker",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Seeking Force"] = {
    	Image = "SeekingForceModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Seeking Force",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Seeking Fury"] = {
    	Image = "SeekingFury2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Seeking Fury",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Seeking Shuriken"] = {
    	Image = "SeekingShuriken3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Seeking Shuriken",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Paume Sismique"] = {
    	Image = "PaumeSismique.png",
    	Name = "Paume Sismique",
        NameEN = "Seismic Palm",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Seismic Wave"] = {
    	Image = "SeismicWaveMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Seismic Wave",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Autodestruction"] = {
    	Image = "SelfDestructModU145.png",
    	Name = "Autodestruction",
        NameEN = "Self Destruct",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Sense Danger"] = {
    	Image = "SenseDangerMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sense Danger",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Séquence Brûlante"] = {
    	Image = "Séquence_Brûlante.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Séquence Brûlante",
        NameEN = "Sequence Burn",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Tempête Reposante"] = {
    	Image = "Tempête_Reposante.jpg",
    	Link = "Tempête Reposante (Posture)",
    	Name = "Tempête Reposante",
        NameEN = "Serene Storm (Stance)",
    	Polarity = "Aucune",
    	Rarity = "N/A",
	["Serrated Edges"] = {
    	Image = "Serratededges.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Serrated Edges",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Serrated Rounds"] = {
    	Image = "Serratedr.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Serrated Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Dentelure"] = {
    	Image = "Dentelure.png",
    	Name = "Dentelure",
        NameEN = "Serration",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Faucheuse d'Ombre"] = {
    	Image = "Faucheuse_d%27Ombre.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Faucheuse d'Ombre",
        NameEN = "Shadow Harvest",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sharpened Blade"] = {
    	Image = "Sharpenedblade.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sharpened Blade",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Munitions Aiguisées"] = {
    	Image = "Munitions_Aiguisées.png",
    	Name = "Munitions Aiguisées",
        NameEN = "Sharpened Bullets",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_SEC"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sharpened Claws"] = {
    	Image = "Sharpened Claws 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sharpened Claws",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Tireur Qualifié"] = {
    	Image = "Tireur_Qualifié.png",
    	Name = "Tireur Qualifié",
        NameEN = "Sharpshooter",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shattering Impact"] = {
    	Image = "ShatteringImpactMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shattering Impact",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = true,
	["Justice Accablante"] = {
    	Image = "Justice_Accablante.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Justice Accablante",
        NameEN = "Shattering Justice",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Tempête Fracassante"] = {
    	Image = "Mod-Tempête_Fracassante.png",
    	Name = "Tempête Fracassante",
        NameEN = "Shattering Storm",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Shell Compression"] = {
    	Image = "ShellCompressionModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shell Compression",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Shell Rush"] = {
    	Image = "ShellRush.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shell Rush",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Shell Shock"] = {
    	Image = "ShellShockModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shell Shock",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Abri"] = {
    	Image = "Abri.png",
    	Name = "Abri",
        NameEN = "Shelter",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Chargeur de Bouclier"] = {
    	Image = "ShieldChargerMod.png",
    	Name = "Chargeur de Bouclier",
        NameEN = "Shield Charger",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shield Disruption"] = {
    	Image = "ShieldDisruptionNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shield Disruption",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shield of Shadows"] = {
    	Image = "ShieldOfShadows2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shield of Shadows",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shield Overload"] = {
    	Image = "ShieldOverload.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shield Overload",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shield Transference"] = {
    	Image = "ShieldTransference2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shield Transference",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau Chatoyant"] = {
    	Image = "Fléau_Chatoyant.png",
    	Name = "Fléau Chatoyant",
        NameEN = "Shimmering Blight",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Shock Absorbers"] = {
    	Image = "ShockAbsorbersModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shock Absorbers",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Shock Collar"] = {
    	Image = "ShockCollarMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shock Collar",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shock Trooper"] = {
    	Image = "ShockTrooperMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shock Trooper",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shocking Speed"] = {
    	Image = "ShockingSpeed2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shocking Speed",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shocking Touch"] = {
    	Image = "ShockingTouchModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shocking Touch",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Shockwave Actuators"] = {
    	Image = "ShockwaveActuatorsMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shockwave Actuators",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shotgun Ammo Mutation"] = {
    	Image = "ShotgunAmmoMutationModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shotgun Ammo Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Shotgun Amp"] = {
    	Image = "ShotgunAmpMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shotgun Amp",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shotgun Savvy"] = {
    	Image = "ShotgunSavvyModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shotgun Savvy",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Shotgun Scavenger"] = {
    	Image = "ShotgunScavengerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shotgun Scavenger",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Shotgun Spazz"] = {
    	Image = "ShotgunSpazzModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shotgun Spazz",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Munitions à Éclats"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Munitions à Éclats",
        NameEN = "Shrapnel Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Tir de Shrapnel"] = {
    	Image = "TirDeShrapnel.jpg",
    	Name = "Tir de Shrapnel",
        NameEN = "Shrapnel Shot",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_POMPE"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shred"] = {
    	Image = "ShredNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shred",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Shred Shot"] = {
    	Image = "Sshot.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shred Shot",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Shredder"] = {
    	Image = "ShredderModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Shredder",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Signal Flare"] = {
    	Image = "SignalFlare.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Signal Flare",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Silent Battery"] = {
    	Image = "SilentBatteryMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Silent Battery",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Singularity"] = {
    	Image = "Singularity.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Singularity",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sinister Reach"] = {
    	Image = "SinisterReach.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sinister Reach",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Serres Acérées"] = {
    	Image = "Serres_Acérées.jpg",
    	Name = "Serres Acérées",
        NameEN = "Sinking Talon",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Tirs Crâniens"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Tirs Crâniens",
        NameEN = "Skull Shots",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	    WeaponAugment = true,
	["Slay Board"] = {
    	Image = "SlayBoard.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Slay Board",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Plumes Tranchantes"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Plumes Tranchantes",
        NameEN = "Slicing Feathers",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Chargeur Glissant"] = {
    	Image = "Chargeur_Glissant.png",
    	Name = "Chargeur Glissant",
        NameEN = "Slip Magazine",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Smite Corpus"] = {
    	Image = "SmiteCorpusModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Smite Corpus",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Smite Corrupted"] = {
    	Image = "SmiteCorruptedMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Smite Corrupted",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Smite Grineer"] = {
    	Image = "SmiteGrineerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Smite Grineer",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Smite Infested"] = {
    	Image = "SmiteInfestedModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Smite Infested",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Smite Infusion"] = {
    	Image = "SmiteInfusionMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Smite Infusion",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Smoke Shadow"] = {
    	Image = "SmokeShadowMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Smoke Shadow",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Snap Shot"] = {
    	Image = "SnapShot.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Snap Shot",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sniper Ammo Mutation"] = {
    	Image = "SniperAmmoMutationModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sniper Ammo Mutation",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Sniper Scavenger"] = {
    	Image = "SniperScavengerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sniper Scavenger",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Soaring Strike"] = {
    	Image = "SoaringStrikeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Soaring Strike",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Soft Hands"] = {
    	Image = "SoftHands.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Soft Hands",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sonic Boost"] = {
    	Image = "SonicBoost.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sonic Boost",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sonic Fracture"] = {
    	Image = "SonicFractureMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sonic Fracture",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Soul Survivor"] = {
    	Image = "SoulSurvivor3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Soul Survivor",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Souverain Proscrit"] = {
    	Image = "Souverain_Proscrit.jpg",
    	Introduced = "19.7.0",
    	Name = "Souverain Proscrit",
        NameEN = "Sovereign Outcast",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Spare Parts"] = {
    	Image = "SparePartsModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Spare Parts",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Spectrosiphon"] = {
    	Image = "SpectrosiphonMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Spectrosiphon",
    	Polarity = "Ability",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Speed Drift"] = {
    	Image = "SpeedDriftMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Speed Drift",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Speed Holster"] = {
    	Image = "SpeedHolsterMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Speed Holster",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Speed Trigger"] = {
    	Image = "SpeedTriggerNew.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Speed Trigger",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Aiguille Tourbillonnante"] = {
    	Image = "Aiguille_Tourbillonnante.png",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante",
        NameEN = "Spinning Needle",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Split Chamber"] = {
    	Image = "SplitChamberModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Split Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Spoiled Strike"] = {
    	Image = "SpoiledStrikeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Spoiled Strike",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Spring-Loaded Blade"] = {
    	Image = "Spring-LoadedBladeMod.png ",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Spring-Loaded Blade",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Pointe de Flèche à Ressort"] = {
    	Image = "Pointe_de_Flèche_à_Ressort.jpg",
    	Name = "Pointe de Flèche à Ressort",
        NameEN = "Spring-Loaded Broadhead",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Spring-Loaded Chamber"] = {
    	Image = "Spring-LoadedChamberMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Spring-Loaded Chamber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sprint Boost"] = {
    	Image = "SprintBoostMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sprint Boost",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Spry Sights"] = {
    	Image = "SprySights.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Spry Sights",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Stabilizer"] = {
    	Image = "StabilizerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stabilizer",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Staggering Shield"] = {
    	Image = "StaggeringShield2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Staggering Shield",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Stalk"] = {
    	Image = "Stalk 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stalk",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Éventail Harcelant"] = {
    	Image = "Eventail_Harcelant.png",
    	Name = "Éventail Harcelant",
        NameEN = "Stalking Fan",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Stand Ground"] = {
    	Image = "Standground.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stand Ground",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Stand United"] = {
    	Image = "StandUnitedMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stand United",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Dichotomie Stellaire"] = {
    	Image = "Dichotomie_Stellaire.png",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Dichotomie Stellaire",
        NameEN = "Star Divide",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Stasis Field"] = {
    	Image = "StasisFieldMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stasis Field",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Alacrité Statique"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Alacrité Statique",
        NameEN = "Static Alacrity",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Décharge Statique"] = {
	    Introduced = "TIP",
    	Image = "Décharge_Statique.png",
    	Name = "Décharge Statique",
        NameEN = "Static Discharge",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Steady Hands"] = {
    	Image = "SteadyHandsModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Steady Hands",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Stealth Drift"] = {
    	Image = "Stealth_Driftv3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stealth Drift",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Steel Charge"] = {
    	Image = "SteelChargeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Steel Charge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Steel Fiber"] = {
    	Image = "SteelFiberModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Steel Fiber",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Épine Cinglante"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Épine Cinglante",
        NameEN = "Stinging Thorn",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Vérité Piquante"] = {
    	Image = "Vérité_piquante.png",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Vérité Piquante",
        NameEN = "Stinging Truth",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Fléau Accumulé"] = {
    	Image = "Fléau_Accumulé.png",
    	Introduced = "20.4.0",
    	Name = "Fléau Accumulé",
        NameEN = "Stockpiled Blight",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Stormbringer"] = {
    	Image = "StormbringerModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stormbringer",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Strafing Slide"] = {
    	Image = "StrafingSlide.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Strafing Slide",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Strain Consume"] = {
    	Image = "StrainConsumeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Strain Consume",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Strain Eruption"] = {
    	Image = "StrainEruptionMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Strain Eruption",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Strain Fever"] = {
    	Image = "StrainFeverMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Strain Fever",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Infection Souche"] = {
    	Image = "Infection de Souche.jpg",
    	Name = "Infection Souche",
        NameEN = "Strain Infection",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Set = "Souche",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_MELEE"},
	["Streamline"] = {
    	Image = "StreamlineModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Streamline",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Streamlined Form"] = {
    	Image = "StreamlinedFormMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Streamlined Form",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Stretch"] = {
    	Image = "StretchModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stretch",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Striker"] = {
    	Image = "Striker 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Striker",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Stunning Speed"] = {
    	Image = "StunningSpeedModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Stunning Speed",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Sudden Impact"] = {
    	Image = "SuddenImpact.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sudden Impact",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Justice Soudaine"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Justice Soudaine",
        NameEN = "Sudden Justice",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Sundering Strike"] = {
    	Image = "SunderingStrikeModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sundering Strike",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Tresse Scindante"] = {
    	Image = "Mod-Tresse_Scindante.png",
    	Introduced = "13.0.0",
    	Name = "Tresse Scindante",
        NameEN = "Sundering Weave",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
	["Superior Defenses"] = {
    	Image = "SuperiorDefenses.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Superior Defenses",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Suppress"] = {
    	Image = "SuppressModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Suppress",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Sure Footed"] = {
    	Image = "SureFootedModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sure Footed",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Sure Shot"] = {
    	Image = "SureShotModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sure Shot",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Surging Dash"] = {
    	Image = "SurgingDash3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Surging Dash",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Surplus Diverters"] = {
    	Image = "SurplusDiverters.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Surplus Diverters",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Sweeping Serration"] = {
    	Image = "SweepingSerrationModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sweeping Serration",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Attaque de faucon"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Attaque de faucon",
        NameEN = "Swooping Falcon",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Mort Brusque"] = {
    	Image = "Swift Deth 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "Mort Brusque",
        NameEN = "Swift Deth",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Swing Line"] = {
    	Image = "SwingLine3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Swing Line",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Swipe"] = {
    	Image = "SwipeMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Swipe",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Tigre Tourbillonnant"] = {
    	Image = "Tigre_Tourbillonant.jpg",
    	Name = "Tigre Tourbillonnant",
        NameEN = "Swirling Tiger",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
        Stance = true,
	["Sword Alone"] = {
    	Image = "SwordAlone.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Sword Alone",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Synth Charge"] = {
    	Image = "SynthCharge.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Synth Charge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Synth Deconstruct"] = {
    	Image = "SynthDeconstruct.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Synth Deconstruct",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Synth Fiber"] = {
    	Image = "SynthFiber.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Synth Fiber",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Synth Reflex"] = {
    	Image = "SynthReflex.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Synth Reflex",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["System Reroute"] = {
    	Image = "SystemReroute.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "System Reroute",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Tactical Pump"] = {
    	Image = "TacticalPumpModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tactical Pump",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Tactical Reload"] = {
    	Image = "TacticalReload.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tactical Reload",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tactical Retreat"] = {
    	Image = "TacticalRetreat.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tactical Retreat",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Chargeur Contaminé"] = {
    	Image = "Chargeur_Contaminé.png",
    	Name = "Chargeur Contaminé",
        NameEN = "Tainted Clip",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hydre Entachée"] = {
    	Image = "Hydre_Entachée.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Hydre Entachée",
        NameEN = "Tainted Hydra",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tainted Mag"] = {
    	Image = "TaintedMagModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tainted Mag",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tainted Shell"] = {
    	Image = "TaintedShellModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tainted Shell",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Target Acquired"] = {
    	Image = "TargetAcquiredMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Target Acquired",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Craque-Cibles"] = {
	    Family = "Craque-Cibles",
    	Image = "Craque-Cibles.png",
    	Name = "Craque-Cibles",
        NameEN = "Target Cracker",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_SEC"},
	["Target Fixation"] = {
    	Image = "TargetFixationMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Target Fixation",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Targeting Receptor"] = {
    	Image = "Targeting Receptor 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Targeting Receptor",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Targeting Subsystem"] = {
    	Image = "TargetingSubsystemMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Targeting Subsystem",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tear Gas"] = {
    	Image = "TearGas.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tear Gas",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tectonic Fracture"] = {
    	Image = "TectonicFracture2.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tectonic Fracture",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Virulence Grouillante"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Virulence Grouillante",
        NameEN = "Teeming Virulence",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Assaut Tek"] = {
    	Image = "Assaut_Tek.jpg",
    	Name = "Assaut Tek",
        NameEN = "Tek Assault",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Garantie Tek"] = {
    	Image = "Garantie_Tek.jpg",
    	Name = "Garantie Tek",
        NameEN = "Tek Collateral",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_WARFRAME"},
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tek Enhance"] = {
    	Image = "TekEnhance.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tek Enhance",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Gravité Tek"] = {
    	Image = "TekGravity.png",
    	Name = "Gravité Tek",
        NameEN = "Tek Gravity",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Lame Tempérée"] = {
    	Image = "Lame_Tempérée.png",
    	Name = "Lame Tempérée",
        NameEN = "Tempered Blade",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_ARCHMELEE"},
	["Tempered Bound"] = {
    	Image = "TemperedBound.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tempered Bound",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tempo Royal"] = {
    	Image = "Tempo_Royal.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.16.0",
    	Name = "Tempo Royal",
        NameEN = "Tempo Royale",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = true,
	["Vitesse Terminale"] = {
    	Image = "VitesseTerminale.png",
    	Name = "Vitesse Terminale",
        NameEN = "Terminal Velocity",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Agression Territoriale"] = {
    	Image = "TerritorialAggressionMod.png",
    	Name = "Agression Territoriale",
        NameEN = "Territorial Aggression",
    	Polarity = "Penjaga",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Tesla Link"] = {
    	Image = "TeslaLink3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tesla Link",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Grenades Liantes"] = {
    	Image = "Grenades_Liantes.png",
    	Introduced = "19.5.0",
    	Name = "Grenades Liantes",
        NameEN = "Tether Grenades",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Cartouches Thermagnétiques"] = {
	    Introduced = "SotR",
    	Image = "Cartouches_Thermagnétiques.png",
    	Name = "Cartouches Thermagnétiques",
        NameEN = "Thermagnetic Shells",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Thermite Rounds"] = {
    	Image = "ThermiteRoundsModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Thermite Rounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Astuce du Voleur"] = {
    	Image = "ThiefsWitModU145.png",
    	Name = "Astuce du Voleur",
        NameEN = "Thief's Wit",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Thrash Landing"] = {
    	Image = "ThrashLanding.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Thrash Landing",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Thumper"] = {
    	Image = "Thumper 19.6.3.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Thumper",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Thunderbolt"] = {
    	Image = "ThunderboltModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Thunderbolt",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["DynaMiter"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "DynaMiter",
        NameEN = "Thundermiter",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Marée Immunisante"] = {
    	Image = "Marée_Immunisante.png",
    	Name = "Marée Immunisante",
        NameEN = "Tidal Impunity",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Titanic Rumbler"] = {
    	Image = "TitanicRumblerMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Titanic Rumbler",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Total Eclipse"] = {
    	Image = "TotalEclipseMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Total Eclipse",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Toxic Barrage"] = {
    	Image = "ToxicBarrageModU145.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Toxic Barrage",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau Toxique"] = {
    	Image = "Fléau_Toxique.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Fléau Toxique",
        NameEN = "Toxic Blight",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Toxic Flight"] = {
    	Image = "ToxicFlightMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Toxic Flight",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Séquence Toxique"] = {
    	Image = "Séquence Toxique.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Séquence Toxique",
        NameEN = "Toxic Sequence",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Résistance aux Toxines"] = {
    	Image = "Résistance aux Toxines.png",
    	Name = "Résistance aux Toxines",
        NameEN = "Toxin Resistance",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tractor Beam"] = {
    	Image = "TractorBeamMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Tractor Beam",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Trainée Brûlante"] = {
    	Image = "MISSING.png",
    	Name = "Trainée Brûlante",
        NameEN = "Trail Blazer",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Piétine"] = {
    	Image = "Piétine.jpg",
    	Name = "Piétine",
        NameEN = "Trample",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Fente Tranquille"] = {
    	Image = "Fente Tranquille.png",
    	Name = "Fente Tranquille",
        NameEN = "Tranquil Cleave",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Courage Passager"] = {
    	Image = "Courage Passager.png",
    	Name = "Courage Passager",
        NameEN = "Transient Fortitude",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Bouclier Transistor"] = {
    	Image = "Bouclier Transistor.png",
    	Name = "Bouclier Transistor",
        NameEN = "Transistor Shield",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Chargeur Trafiqué"] = {
    	Image = "Chargeur Trafiqué.png",
    	Name = "Chargeur Trafiqué",
        NameEN = "Trick Mag",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Triple Coup"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Triple Coup",
        NameEN = "Triple Tap",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Véritable Punition"] = {
    	Image = "VeritablePunition.png",
    	Name = "Véritable Punition",
        NameEN = "True Punishment",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Acier Véritable"] = {
    	Image = "Acier Véritable.png",
    	Name = "Acier Véritable",
        NameEN = "True Steel",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITCHANCE_MELEE"},
	["Flèche Virevoltante"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Flèche Virevoltante",
        NameEN = "Twirling Spire",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Twitch"] = {
    	Image = "Twitch.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Twitch",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fibre d'Umbra"] = {
    	Image = "Fibre d'Umbra.jpg",
    	Name = "Fibre d'Umbra",
        NameEN = "Umbral Fiber",
    	Polarity = "Umbra",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
	["Intensité Umbra"] = {
    	Image = "Intensité Umbra.jpg",
    	Name = "Intensité Umbra",
        NameEN = "Umbral Intensify",
    	Polarity = "Umbra",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
	["Vitalité Umbra"] = {
    	Image = "Vitalité Umbra.jpg",
    	Name = "Vitalité Umbra",
        NameEN = "Umbral Vitality",
    	Polarity = "Umbra",
    	Rarity = "Légendaire",
	["Volonté de Survie"] = {
    	Image = "Volonté de Survie.png",
    	Name = "Volonté de Survie",
        NameEN = "Undying Will",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Déchaînement"] = {
    	Image = "Déchaînement.png",
    	Name = "Déchaînement",
        NameEN = "Unleashed",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Aspirateur"] = {
    	Image = "Aspirateur.png",
    	Name = "Aspirateur",
        NameEN = "Vacuum",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Vampire Insatiable"] = {
    	Image = "Vampire Insatiable.png",
    	Name = "Vampire Insatiable",
        NameEN = "Vampire Leech",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vanquished Prey"] = {
    	Image = "VanquishedPreyMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Vanquished Prey",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vaporisation"] = {
    	Image = "Vaporisation.png",
    	Name = "Vaporisation",
        NameEN = "Vaporize",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Coeur de Transmutation Vazarin"] = {
    	Image = "CoeurdeTransmutationVazarin.png",
    	Name = "Coeur de Transmutation Vazarin",
        NameEN = "Vazarin Transmute Core",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Garde du Corps Venari"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Garde du Corps Venari",
       	 NameEN = "Venari Bodyguard",
    	Polarity = "Ability",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Hoverdrive Venerdo"] = {
    	Image = "MISSING.png",
    	Name = "Hoverdrive Venerdo",
        NameEN = "Venerdo Hoverdrive",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Esprit Vengeur"] = {
    	Image = "Esprit Vengeur.png",
    	Introduced = "18.0.0",
    	Name = "Esprit Vengeur",
        NameEN = "Vengeful Revenant",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Dose de Venin"] = {
    	Image = "Dose de Venin.png",
    	Name = "Dose de Venin",
        NameEN = "Venom Dose",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Dents Venimeuses"] = {
    	Image = "Dents Venimeuses.png",
    	Name = "Dents Venimeuses",
        NameEN = "Venom Teeth",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Chargeur Venimeux"] = {
    	Image = "Chargeur Venimeux.png",
    	Name = "Chargeur Venimeux",
        NameEN = "Venomous Clip",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
	["Venomous Rise"] = {
    	Image = "VenomousRiseMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Venomous Rise",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Tempête Vermillon"] = {
    	Image = "Tempête Vermillon.jpg",
    	Name = "Tempête Vermillon",
        NameEN = "Vermillion Storm",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vengeance Épineuse"] = {
    	Image = "Vengeance Épineuse.jpg",
    	Name = "Vengeance Épineuse",
        NameEN = "Vexing Retaliation",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Approche Vicieuse"] = {
    	Image = "Approche Vicieuse.jpg",
    	Introduced = "SotR",
    	Name = "Approche Vicieuse",
        NameEN = "Vicious Approach",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	PvP = true,
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Stance = true,
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Gel Vicieux"] = {
    	Image = "Gel Vicieux.png",
    	Name = "Gel Vicieux",
        NameEN = "Vicious Frost",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Dispersion Vicieuse"] = {
    	Image = "Dispersion Vicieuse.png",
    	Name = "Dispersion Vicieuse",
        NameEN = "Vicious Spread",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Armement du Vigile"] = {
    	Image = "Armements_du_Vigile.jpg",
    	Name = "Armement du Vigile",
        NameEN = "Vigilante Armaments",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Set = "Vigile",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ferveur du Vigile"] = {
    	Image = "Ferveur du Vigile.jpg",
    	Name = "Ferveur du Vigile",
        NameEN = "Vigilante Fervor",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Set = "Vigile",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Offense du Vigile"] = {
    	Image = "Offense du Vigile.jpg",
    	Name = "Offense du Vigile",
        NameEN = "Vigilante Offense",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Set = "Vigile",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Poursuite du Vigile"] = {
    	Image = "Poursuite du Vigile.jpg",
    	Name = "Poursuite du Vigile",
        NameEN = "Vigilante Pursuit",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Set = "Vigile",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vigueur du Vigile"] = {
    	Image = "Vigueur_du_Vigile.jpg",
    	Name = "Vigueur du Vigile",
        NameEN = "Vigilante Vigor",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Set = "Vigile",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Ressources du Vigile"] = {
    	Image = "Ressources_du_Vigile.jpg",
    	Name = "Ressources du Vigile",
        NameEN = "Vigilante Supplies",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Set = "Vigile",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vigueur"] = {
    	Image = "Vigueur.png",
    	Name = "Vigueur",
        NameEN = "Vigor",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Échange Vigoureux"] = {
    	Image = "Échange_Vigoureux.jpg",
    	Name = "Échange Vigoureux",
       	 NameEN = "Vigorous Swap",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Infâme Accélération"] = {
    	Image = "Infâme Accélération.png",
    	Name = "Infâme Accélération",
        NameEN = "Vile Acceleration",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Infâme Précision"] = {
    	Image = "Infâme Précision.png",
    	Name = "Infâme Précision",
        NameEN = "Vile Precision",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Fléau Virulent"] = {
    	Image = "Fléau Virulent.png",
    	Name = "Fléau Virulent",
        NameEN = "Virulent Scourge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Perception Vitale"] = {
    	Image = "Perception Vitale.png",
    	Name = "Perception Vitale",
        NameEN = "Vital Sense",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Traits = {"+%CRITMULT_FUSIL"},
	["Vital Systems Bypass"] = {
    	Image = "Vitalsystemsbypass.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Vital Systems Bypass",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Vitalité"] = {
    	Image = "Vitalité.png",
    	Name = "Vitalité",
        NameEN = "Vitality",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Fil Volcanique"] = {
    	Image = "Fil Volcanique.png",
    	Name = "Fil Volcanique",
       NameEN = "Volcanic Edge",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Séquence Électrifiée"] = {
    	Image = "Séquence_Électrifiée.jpg",
    	Introduced = "20.4.0",
    	Name = "Séquence Électrifiée",
        NameEN = "Voltage Sequence",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Voltaic Lance"] = {
    	Image = "VoltaicLanceMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Voltaic Lance",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Coup Voltaïque"] = {
    	Image = "Coup Voltaïque.png",
    	Name = "Coup Voltaïque",
        NameEN = "Voltaic Strike",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Blitz Vulcain"] = {
    	Image = "Blitz Vulcain.png",
    	Introduced = "18.10.0",
    	Name = "Blitz Vulcain",
        NameEN = "Vulcan Blitz",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Masque Vulpin"] = {
    	Image = "Masque Vulpin.png",
    	Name = "Masque Vulpain",
        NameEN = "Vulpine Mask",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Ward Recovery"] = {
    	Image = "WardRecovery.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Ward Recovery",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Encensoir Protecteur"] = {
    	Image = "WardingThuribleMod.png",
    	Name = "Encensoir Protecteur",
        NameEN = "Warding Thurible",
    	Polarity = "Zenurik",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Manteau Chaud"] = {
    	Image = "Manteau Chaud.png",
    	Name = "Manteau Chaud",
       NameEN = "Warm Coat",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Guerrier"] = {
    	Image = "Guerrier.png",
    	Name = "Guerrier",
        NameEN = "Warrior",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
	["Blessures Suintantes"] = {
    	Image = "Blessures Suintantes.png",
    	Name = "Blessures Suintantes",
        NameEN = "Weeping Wounds",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Inhabituel",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Whiplash Mine"] = {
    	Image = "WhiplashMineMod.png",
    	Name = "",
        NameEN = "Whiplash Mine",
    	Polarity = "Sentinel",
    	Rarity = "Commun",
    	Transmutable = false,
	["Tourbillon"] = {
    	Image = "TourbillonU14.png",
    	Name = "Tourbillon",
        NameEN = "Whirlwind",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Frénésie Sauvage"] = {
    	Image = "Frénésie Sauvage.png",
    	Name = "Frénésie Sauvage",
        NameEN = "Wild Frenzy",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Traînée de Poudre"] = {
    	Image = "Traînée de Poudre.png",
    	Name = "Traînée de Poudre",
        NameEN = "Wildfire",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Vents Purs"] = {
    	Image = "Vents Purs.jpg",
    	Introduced = "15.0.0",
    	Name = "Vents Purs",
        NameEN = "Winds of Purity",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Transmutable = false,
    	WeaponAugment = true,
	["Rasoir Lucide"] = {
    	Image = "",
    	Name = "Rasoir Lucide",
        NameEN = "Wise Razor",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
    	Stance = true,
	["Zodiaque Déchirant"] = {
    	Image = "Zodiaque Déchirant.png",
    	Name = "Zodiaque Déchirant",
        NameEN = "Zodiac Shred",
    	Polarity = "Naramon",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Discipline de Combat"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Discipline de Combat",
        NameEN = "Combat Discipline",
    	Polarity = nil,
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Aérodynamique"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Aérodynamique",
        NameEN = "Aerodynamic",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Dresseur"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Dresseur",
        NameEN = "Shepherd",
    	Polarity = "Vazarin",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Assistance en Mêlée"] = {
    	Image = "Assistance_en_Mêlée.png",
    	Name = "Assistance en Mêlée",
        NameEN = "Melee Guidance",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",
	["Élan Rapide"] = {
    	Image = nil,
    	Name = "Élan Rapide",
        NameEN = "Melee Guidance",
    	Polarity = "Madurai",
    	Rarity = "Rare",

["Postures"] = {
    {Name = "Phénix de Fer", Class = "Épée", },
    {Name = "Derviche Cramoisi", Class = "Épée", },
    {Name = "Esprit Vengeur", Class = "Épée", },
    {Name = "Attaque de faucon", Class = "Épée", },
    {Name = "Serpents Croisés", Class = "Doubles Épées", },
    {Name = "Tigre Tourbillonnant", Class = "Doubles Épées", },
    {Name = "Taillade de Mante", Class = "Doubles Épées", },
    {Name = "Fente Tranquille", Class = "Nikana", },
    {Name = "Jugement Décisif", Class = "Nikana", },
    {Name = "Justice Aveugle", Class = "Nikana", },
    {Name = "Vent Tranchant", Class = "Dague", },
    {Name = "Crocs Autoguidés", Class = "Dague", },
    {Name = "Épine Cinglante", Class = "Dague", },
    {Name = "Grincement du Payara", Class = "Doubles Dagues", },
    {Name = "Serres Acérées", Class = "Doubles Dagues", },
    {Name = "Aiguille Tourbillonnante", Class = "Doubles Dagues", },
    {Name = "Tresse Scindante", Class = "Machette", },
    {Name = "Kraken Cyclonique", Class = "Machette", },
    {Name = "Paume Sismique", Class = "Poings", },
    {Name = "Vent Fracturant", Class = "Poings", },
    {Name = "Tragédie de Gaïa", Class = "Poings", },
    {Name = "Fureur Sombre", Class = "Mains et Pieds", },
    {Name = "Marée Brutale", Class = "Mains et Pieds", },
    {Name = "Serre Étincelante", Class = "Glaive", },
    {Name = "Crépuscule Astral", Class = "Glaive", },
    {Name = "Affrontement de la Forêt", Class = "Bâton", },
    {Name = "Branche Battante", Class = "Bâton", },
    {Name = "Fléau Chatoyant", Class = "Arme d'Hast", },
    {Name = "Saule Saignant", Class = "Arme d'Hast", },
    {Name = "Flèche Virevoltante", Class = "Arme d'Hast", },
    {Name = "Guêpe Brûlante", Class = "Fouet", Polarity = "D", },
    {Name = "Étreinte de la Vipère", Class = "Fouet", },
    {Name = "Fauchage Tournoyant", Class = "Faux", },
    {Name = "Éventail Harcelant", Class = "Faux", },
    {Name = "Entaille Tornade", Class = "Lame Lourde", },
    {Name = "Grue Déchirante", Class = "Lame Lourde", },
    {Name = "Tempo Royal", Class = "Lame Lourde", },
    {Name = "Tempête Fracassante", Class = "Marteau", },
    {Name = "Ruine Dévastatrice", Class = "Marteau", },
    {Name = "Quatre Cavaliers", Class = "Griffes", },
    {Name = "Rapace Malicieux", Class = "Griffes", },
    {Name = "Tempête Vermillon", Class = "Griffes", },
    {Name = "Onzième Tempête", Class = "Épée et Bouclier", },
    {Name = "Dernier Présage", Class = "Épée et Bouclier", },
    {Name = "Croisement des Gémeaux", Class = "Tonfa", },
    {Name = "Souverain Proscrit", Class = "Tonfa", },
    {Name = "Haut Zénith", Class = "Pistolame", },
    {Name = "Valse de Balles", Class = "Pistolame", },
    {Name = "Vulcain d'Atlantis", Class = "Nunchaku", },
    {Name = "Ire Souillée de Dragon", Class = "Lame-Fouet", },
    {Name = "Masque Vulpin", Class = "Rapière", },
    {Name = "Plumes Tranchantes", Class = "Éventail de Guerre", },
    {Name = "Rasoir Lucide", Class = "Nikana à Deux Mains", },
    {Name = "Vérité Fatidique", Class = "Nikana", },
    {Name = "Acier Montant", Class = "Épée", },
    {Name = "Lames Scindantes", Class = "Doubles Épées", },
    {Name = "Dernier Héraut", Class = "Épée et Bouclier", },
    {Name = "Rondin Écrasant", Class = "Bâton", },
    {Name = "Fléau d'Argent", Class = "Arme d'Hast", },
    {Name = "Furie Perforante", Class = "Dague", },
    {Name = "Piranha Mordant", Class = "Doubles Dagues", },
    {Name = "Vent Violent", Class = "Machette", },
    {Name = "Pluie Mafique", Class = "Nunchaku", },
    {Name = "Aspect Rusé", Class = "Rapière", },
    {Name = "Cadence Noble", Class = "Lame Lourde", },
    {Name = "Ravage Tonitruant", Class = "Marteau", },
    {Name = "Faucheuse d'Ombre", Class = "Faux", },
    {Name = "Main Traumatique", Class = "Poings", },
    {Name = "Approche Vicieuse", Class = "Mains et Pieds", },
    {Name = "Crépuscule Céleste", Class = "Glaive", },
    {Name = "Volute Fustigeante", Class = "Fouet", },
    {Name = "Tornade Écarlate", Class = "Griffes", },
    {Name = "Dichotomie Stellaire", Class = "Tonfa", },
    {Name = "Hydre Entachée", Class = "Lame-Fouet", },
    {Name = "Lame Exaltée", Class = "Arme Exaltée", Weapon = "Lame Exaltée", },
    {Name = "Hystérie", Class = "Arme Exaltée", Weapon = "Serres Valkyr", },
    {Name = "Fureur Primale", Class = "Arme Exaltée", Weapon = "Bâton de Fer", },
    {Name = "Tempête Reposante", Class = "Arme Exaltée", Weapon = "Vents du Désert", },

["Augments"] = {
    {Name = "Lames Justicières", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Doubles Hachoirs", "Doubles Hachoirs Prisma"}},
    {Name = "Justice Accablante", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Sobek"}},
    {Name = "Justice Écartée", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Hek"}},
    {Name = "Justice Neutralisante", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Méridien d'Acier", Weapons = {"Miter"}},
    {Name = "Lames de la Vérité", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Épée Jaw"}},
    {Name = "Vérité Dorée", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Burston Prime"}},
    {Name = "Vérité Piquante", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Viper", "Viper Wraith"}},
    {Name = "Vérité Vengeresse", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Arbitres d'Hexis", Weapons = {"Silva & Aegis", "Silva & Aegis Prime"}},
    {Name = "Rafale Entropique", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Céphalon Suda", Weapons = {"Supra", "Supra Vandal"}},
    {Name = "Vol Entropique", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Céphalon Suda", Weapons = {"Kestrel"}},    
    {Name = "Pointe Entropique", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Céphalon Suda", Weapons = {"Bolto"}},
    {Name = "Détonation Entropique", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Céphalon Suda", Weapons = {"Obex", "Obex Prisma"}},
    {Name = "Séquence Meurtrière", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Grinlok", "Grinlok Prisma"}},
    {Name = "Séquence Brûlante", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Spectra", "Spectra Vandal"}},
    {Name = "Séquence Toxique", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Acrid"}},
    {Name = "Séquence Électrifiée", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "La Séquence Perrin", Weapons = {"Lanka"}},
    {Name = "Fléau Érodant", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Embolist"}},
    {Name = "Fléau Brillant", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Dague Sombre", "Dague Sombre Rakta"}},
    {Name = "Fléau Toxique", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Mire"}},
    {Name = "Fléau Accumulé", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Voile Rouge", Weapons = {"Kunai", "MK1-Kunai"}},
    {Name = "Pureté Lumineuse", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Skana", "Skana Prisma", "Skana Prime"}},
    {Name = "Pureté Éternelle", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Vulkar", "Vulkar Wraith"}},
    {Name = "Vents Purs", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Furis", "MK1-Furis"}},
    {Name = "Pureté Désarmante", Category = "Syndicat", Source = "Nouveau Loka", Weapons = {"Panthera"}},
    {Name = "Grenades Liantes", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Penta", "Penta Secura"}},
    {Name = "Surcharge de Flux", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Fusil à Flux"}},
    {Name = "Cartouches Thermagnétiques", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Detron", "Detron Mara"}},
    {Name = "Décharge Statique", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Prova", "Prova Vandal"}},
    {Name = "Ricochet Kinétique", Category = "Arène", Source = "L'Index", Weapons = {"Tetra", "Tetra Prisma"}},    
    {Name = "Bouclier Électromagnétique", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ack & Brunt"}},
    {Name = "Blitz Vulcain", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Jat Kittag"}},
    {Name = "Cartouches Acides", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Sobek"}},
    {Name = "Frappe Dimensionnelle", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Basolk Jumeaux"}},
    {Name = "Napalm du Nightwatch", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ogris"}},
    {Name = "Poudre Fomorienne", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Drakgoon", "Drakgoon Kuva"}},
    {Name = "Scie à Os", Category = "Arène", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ripkas"}},
    --Ondes Nocturnes
    {Name = "Masse Éclatante", Category = "Ondes Nocturnes", Source = "Acte 1", Weapons = {"Quanta Mutaliste"}},
    {Name = "Grenades au Napalm", Category = "Ondes Nocturnes", Source = "Acte 1", Weapons = {"Penta", "Penta Secura"}},
    {Name = "Frénésie Sauvage", Category = "Ondes Nocturnes", Source = "Acte 1", Weapons = {"Grakata", "Grakata Prisma"}},
    {Name = "Rayons Efficaces", Category = "Ondes Nocturnes", Source = "Acte 2", Weapons = {"Convectrix"}},
    {Name = "Harpon Inquisiteur", Category = "Ondes Nocturnes", Source = "Acte 2", Weapons = {"Harpak"}},
    {Name = "Visée Méticuleuse", Category = "Ondes Nocturnes", Source = "Acte 2", Weapons = {"Vulkar", "Vulkar Wraith"}},
    {Name = "Acier Véritable Ripkas Amalgame", Category = "Amalgame", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Ripkas"}},
    {Name = "Cible Acquise Daikyu Amalgame", Category = "Amalgame", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Daikyu"}},
    {Name = "Décompte des Morts Furax Amalgame", Category = "Amalgame", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Furax", "MK1-Furax", "Furax Wraith"}},
    {Name = "Mutation de Chargeur Javlok Amalgame", Category = "Amalgame", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Javlok"}},
    {Name = "Pointe Métallique Argonak Amalgame", Category = "Amalgame", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Argonak"}},
    {Name = "Viseur d'Embuscade", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Rubico"}},
    {Name = "Tempête Cérébrale", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Grakata"}},
    {Name = "Convergence Maîtrisée", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Supra"}},
    {Name = "Double Coup", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Latron"}},
    {Name = "Morosité Épuisante", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Despair"}},
    {Name = "Coup Final", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Hind"}},
    {Name = "Accélération Convergente", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Tetra"}},
    {Name = "Frénésie de Gorgone", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Gorgon"}},
    {Name = "Grinloké", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Grinlok"}},
    {Name = "Rafale Contrôlée", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Tiberon"}},
    {Name = "Munitions de Précision", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Tonkor"}},
    {Name = "Munitions à Éclats", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Marelok"}},
    {Name = "Tirs Crâniens", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Viper"}},
    {Name = "Pointe de Flèche à Ressort", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Daikyu"}},
    {Name = "Alacrité Statique", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Staticor"}},
    {Name = "Justice Soudaine", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Sybaris"}},
    {Name = "DynaMiter", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Miter"}},
    {Name = "Triple Coup", Category = "Conclave", Source = "Conclave", Weapons = {"Burston"}},

return ModData