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Latrox Une est un scientifique esseulé du Corpus déployé sur Deimos, engagé par les Entrati pour collecter des échantillons Infestés.
Latrox Une peut apparaître dans les Mises à Prix du Puy de Cambion, où le Tenno doit l'aider à collecter des échantillons infestés tout en le protégeant. Après avoir collecté suffisamment d'échantillons et les lui avoir livrés, Latrox Une demande une protection supplémentaire pendant qu'il télécharge les données. Il est accompagné d'un Osprey Protecteur, et doivent survivre pour compléter la mission.
- Introduction
- "Hello? Anyone? This is Corpus representive Latrox Une. I'm lost, cornered by Infested, and my locator is... well, it's been eaten. I am in the direst need of assistance... Help!"
Extract Samples[]
- "You must locate me. I was near a Purifier before I got chased off, I remember that much. Perhaps look around there? Try to pick up my trail?"
Hive Extermination[]
- "Oh! Oh! Ah. Those pack of monstrosities that were chasing me gave up around there. I'm sure they've all crawled off by now, should be perfectly safe..."
- "Well, if I'd had you around, I never would have gotten into this mess. Keep looking, Tenno, I think you're close."
- "Perhaps if you bait out the Prime Infested in the area - and kill it - you might then retrieve me! You can do that, right?"
- Bonus completed
- "You exterminated both the alpha specimen AND its mother? Most impressive! And unlikely. But impressive! Is the next step, by any chance, saving me?"
- "I... err... I think you maybe stumbled on some sort of nest, there's a LOT more infested showing up out there. Guard yourself, Tenno"
- Bonus completed
- "They... they barely breached your perimeter! You're almost to me, don't stop now!"
Protect the Corpus Scientist[]
- Introduction
- "There you are! Oh, a sight for sore eyes. Look at you! Magnificent!"
- "What a relief! I was expecting to get my head bitten off at any moment. While you're here, can you help me collect some samples? Just a few, and then we're gone, I swear."
- "One last favor. Please watch my back while I collect the last of my samples. I can't go back empty handed after all of this."
- "Tenno! You're close by! Can I... err beg a moment of your time?"
- "Oh, I say. Hello there. Look, hate to bother, but I need to collect samples, and, frankly, I'm in a bit over my head. Orienteering. Organ landscapes. Monsters. Mainly the monsters."
- Grabbing samples
- "Lovely. Think we can get a few more?"
- All samples collected
- "That's more than enough. I'm in your debt, my gargantuan metal friend."
- Delivering samples to Latrox
- "Here we go. Processing... Oh, I hate it here. Hate it. I would give anything to get off this forsaken rock."
- All samples uploaded w/ bonus completed
- "And that, my friend, is a clean sweep. All samples uploaded. I'm going to lie down."
Historique des Correctifs[]
Corpus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||