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- Yazu 17:00 01/10/2022


Wiki Warframe

Les Astuces des Ecrans de Chargement s'affichent en haut à gauche de l'écran de chargement, avant le début d'une mission. Ces astuces sont récoltés à partir d'un sujet du forum, nommé Tenno Knowledge Bank (Banque des Connaissances Tennos). Ils furent implémentés lors de l'Update 16.5, remplaçant ainsi les entrées du Codex.

Le nom du Conseiller Tenno est déterminé par les deux premières lettres du nom du contributeur. Par exemple, un contributeur nommé "Bob" sera le Conseiller BO.

Liste des Astuces

Argon Crystals decay after you acquire them, so plan what you want to build before they disappear!

(Le Cristal d'Argon se détruit lentement lorsque vous le possédé, alors planifiez comment vous voulez l'utiliser avant qu'il ne disparaisse !)

– Conseiller Tenno 12

Bows and Thrown weapons have an arc in their trajectory, making them ideal for enemies ducking behind crates!

– Conseiller Tenno XY

When Using the Penta, aim high! Triggering grenades as they drop can score you headshots!

– Conseiller Tenno CO

Your weapons have three loadout options (A, B and C)! Use them to maximize and swap your strategies against the different enemy factions.

– Conseiller Tenno SA

If an Ancient is preparing to grab you, block! You will only suffer a minor hold.

– Conseiller Tenno LU

Looking for Resource Caches in Orokin Sabotage Missions? Listen for their distinctive high-pitched chime!

– Conseiller Tenno HO

Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage combines Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. and Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage to reduce an enemy's max shield by 75% for a brief period of time!

– Conseiller Tenno LL

Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage deals extra damage to armored enemies and reduces enemy damage over time!

– Conseiller Tenno LL

Check out the Training section of the Codex! You'll find important game mechanics and tips to improve combat.

– Conseiller Tenno HO

Grineer Prosecutors are powerful melee specialists that roam the planet Ceres. Although nearly invulnerable to Physical Damage, they are highly vulnerable to the primary Elemental Damage Types Fire, Ice, Electric and Toxin!

– Conseiller Tenno EX

Your Kubrow can be revived any number of times! But remember, if the Bleedout Timer runs out it will no longer be able to assist you in the mission.

– Conseiller Tenno DO

Unlocking as many missions as possible increases your ability to participate in new Alerts!

– Conseiller Tenno XS

Can't beat a mission solo? Find a squad in the Recruiting Channel or switch your Matchmaking to Public for help!

– Conseiller Tenno SA

You can trade twice per day at Mastery Rank 2. One additional trade is acquired for every increase in Mastery Rank. Need more trades? Rank up your Mastery.

– Conseiller Tenno XE

A chaque fois que vous contrôlez la totalité des 4 points dans les missions d'Interception, vous gagnez 500 points d'Affinité. Considérez la possibilité de laisser l'ennemi capturer un point pour gagner ce coup de pouce un peu plus souvent !

– Conseiller Tenno DU

Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage combines Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. and Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage to reduce an enemy's maximum health by 50%!

– Conseiller Tenno LL

Remember that enemies can still hear the sound of your guns when invisible, and will shoot based on the sound's location

– Conseiller Tenno CO

If an Excavator is close to death, give it an extra power core! Power cores will instantly restore its shields, allowing it to make that last push when under heavy fire!

– Conseiller Tenno ST

Critical headshots do vastly more damage than critical bodyshots!

– Conseiller Tenno CO

Rhino's Iron Skin ability not only acts like extra health, it also protects you from knockdowns, Slash procs, and Toxin Damage!

– Conseiller Tenno CP

Tired of being surrounded by enemies? Wyrm's Crowd Dispersion stuns nearby enemies for an easy escape!

– Conseiller Tenno LU

When the lights start flickering, tell your team. There is safety in numbers!

– Conseiller Tenno IM

Oxium Ospreys have a 100% Oxium drop-rate when destroyed. But remember! If they self-destruct nothing will be dropped.

– Conseiller Tenno DU

Throw down and activate Castanas under Nyx's Absorb ability to add extra damage!

– Conseiller Tenno PA

Sahasa Kubrows equipped with the Dig mod can help you find Energy, Health, and Ammo, making them great companions during difficult missions!

– Conseiller Tenno AR

Faites attention en tirant avec des armes explosives ! Les dégâts Modèle:Explosifs peuvent vous blesser et dans certaines cas, vous mettre à terre.

– Conseiller Tenno LE

Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage combines Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. and Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage to confuse enemies into attacking each other!

– Conseiller Tenno LL

Remember to bring gear with you on missions. Shield, Health, and Ammo Restores can be lifesavers when you find yourself in over your head.

– Conseiller Tenno IN

Check for MOA spawn locations on Corpus maps. Hacking their Cabinets can deploy a friendly one!

– Conseiller Tenno BE

Nekros' Desecrate ability gives you more chances to find loot and blueprint drops. Use Power Efficiency Mods to lower the energy cost so you can Desecrate more often!

– Conseiller Tenno SI

Want Fieldron, Mutagen, or Detonite Injectors? Wait for an Invasion reward to receive a fully crafted component!

– Conseiller Tenno VE

Need more mod space on your Warframe or Weapon? Upgrade it with an Orokin Reactor or Catalyst to double its mod capacity!

– Conseiller Tenno VO

You can revive other players Kubrows!

– Conseiller Tenno DO

Sliding down slopes and hallways will help you regain and reserve Stamina!

– Conseiller Tenno RY

Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage can shock multiple targets, stunning them in their tracks!

– Conseiller Tenno LL

Always running out of ammo? Ammo Mutation mods convert dropped ammo from enemies into the ammo you need.

– Conseiller Tenno FA

Les projectiles qui se déplacent lentement peuvent être très dangereux, essayez de les tier ou de les faire dévier !

– Conseiller Tenno RA

The Codex Scanner can see enemies through walls. Use it to get an edge in Stealth Missions!

– Conseiller Tenno HO

The Raksa Kubrow's Protect mod will replenish both you and your Kubrow's shields when under attack.

– Conseiller Tenno CO

Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage combines Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. and Erreur de script : la fonction « Proc » n’existe pas. Damage to knockdown enemies!

– Conseiller Tenno LL

1% of Power equals 1 second of Excavator operating time. Only use Power Cells when needed to avoid overcharging the drill in Excavation Missions!

– Conseiller Tenno FI

The distance you travel using Excalibur's Slash Dash, Hydroid's Tidal Surge, Rhino's Charge, and Zephyr's Tail Wind is determined by Power Duration.

– Conseiller Tenno IM

Est-ce qu'un camarade Tenno possède un mod que vous voudriez avoir ? Pensez à échangerr avec lui à un Comptoir d'Echange, dans un Dojo de Clan.

– Conseiller Tenno CO

Mark useful and rare Resources with your Waypoint command. Your teammates will thank you!

– Conseiller Tenno DO

Have you tried using Volt's Speed ability with Valkyr's Warcry? Melee and movement speed will skyrocket when both abilities are in effect.

– Conseiller Tenno JA

Djinn's Fatal Attraction mod will temporarily draw fire to Djinn instead of you. Watch out though, it might not be able to take the hits!

– Conseiller Tenno CO

Avoid shooting cracked windows on Corpus ships! If broken, they cause decompression and lock down the entire ship.

– Conseiller Tenno GH

Certain targets should receive priority over others. Kill Heavy Gunners or Ancients before you kill Lancers or Chargers.

– Conseiller Tenno 01

Les dégâts de Modèle:Gel ralentiront les ennemis et leurs attaques pendant une courte durée !

– Conseiller Tenno LL

Got a Death Mark? Team up with others with the same type of mark to boost the chances of your assassin appearing!

– Conseiller Tenno VO

Loki's Switch Teleport ability can also be used on allies! If you see a downed teammate, Switch Teleport them to the rest of the Squad for a swift revival!

– Conseiller Tenno EA

Don't start a new engagement without reloading. Reload after each kill, battle or whenever you are on the move!

– Conseiller Tenno XY

Running low on credits? Be sure to crack open all the lockers and storage containers placed around the map. You might be surprised what else you find!

– Conseiller Tenno SA

Large capsules on Survival missions restore 30% Life Support. Be sure to communicate with your team before using them so that they don't go to waste !

– Conseiller Tenno IM

Aim where you want to go and melee attack mid-air to extend your travel distance!

– Conseiller Tenno LL

Scanning an unalerted enemy with your Codex Scanner will yield 2 Codex Scans.

– Conseiller Tenno CH

All Nightmare Alerts, separate from the regular Nightmare Mode, are 'no shields" missions. Plan accordingly!

– Conseiller Tenno DJ

Restez à une portée de 50 mètres de vos coéquipiers et des objectifs pour un partage d'Affinité maximal !

– Conseiller Tenno KA

Vous pouvez ramper pour aller vous couvrir pendant le saignement ! Allez à un endroit où votre équipe pourra vous réanimer en sécurité.

– Conseiller Tenno HO

You get 4 Revives a day for each Warframe you own. If you run out of Revives, simply switch your Warframe!

– Conseiller Tenno TA

Upgrade your Warframe with the Loot Detector mod before Archwing missions to help locate scattered mods!

– Conseiller Tenno KE

Grineer Heavy Gunners and Corpus Techs have weapons that mist wind up. Stay on the move and weave around obstacles to keep their damage output low!

– Conseiller Tenno XY

Notice a teammate reviving someone? Help them out! Multiple Tenno can revive at the same time for a speedy recovery.

– Conseiller Tenno XY

Void Traps favor Prime Warframes and will give Energy when approached!

– Conseiller Tenno RA

Performing a Channeling melee attack while wall running or doing a directional melee attack will increase the distance of your attack. This is also a great mobility tool!

– Conseiller Tenno CR
