Un Tenno semble opérer ici. -Ordis |
"Dreamers, I was wrong. Kenga's grey-vein was just the beginning. White lung, parasitic liver, clone rot, even bone spurs. Turns out this kid, Arlo, is a healer. So many questions... an idea like that is like a flare dropped in vol-gas. Now the sick and curious are flocking the Rails to see this 'Emissary of Eris'." | ||
Arlo est un mystérieux personnage introduit dans les Ondes Nocturnes: Série 2 - L'Émissaire. Connu sous le nom d'"Émissaire d'Eris", Arlo est un survivant de l'Infestation doté d'une capacité de guérison inhabituelle.
Arlo est un jeune garçon muet qui a survécu à l'Infestation et que l'on croyait mort trois ans avant sa découverte par Kenga sur la désolante planète infestée Eris. Il a la capacité de guérir les autres d'une variété apparemment infinie de maladies par son toucher et a ainsi gagné un groupe d'adeptes fidèles qui sont dévoués à répandre son message de guérison. Kenga a rejoint la cause d'Arlo en tant qu'orateur et bras droit, rassemblant les Zélotes pour une assemblée où Arlo "brisera son silence".
Pendant l'assemblée, Kenga rit aux dépens des dévots, comme un fou maniaque, alors qu'Arlo ouvre la bouche, révélant un spectacle troublant: une masse de vrilles pointues et noires ressemblant à des langues infestées.
Nora Night conclut la série avec l'idée qu'"Arlo" est probablement une souche évoluée de l'Infestation, utilisée comme un leurre sous l'apparence d'une guérison qui était en fait un virus qui assimilerait secrètement le "guéri" à l'Infesté. Le Kenga "guéri" avait toujours fait partie de l'esprit de ruche des Infestés, et travaillait à amasser plus de victimes pour la cause d'Arlo, construisant une armée pour les Infestés qui allaient attaquer tout le Système Origine via les Épaves, mais faisant des Warframes et des Tennos la cible principale des Zélotes d'Arlo en raison de leur immunité à l'Infestation. Pendant ce temps, peut-être à cause des actions d'Arlo et de Kenga, une masse infestée sur Eris commence à s'agiter.
Entrées des Ondes Nocturnes[]
L'Émissaire Introduction[]
- "Dreamers, you know 'bout the Infestation, right? Spreads like a month-old salad with genocidal intent. Swallows everything it touches... makin' monsters from meat, or metal, or both. Well, these days it's mostly contained. Spores as old as stone. Derelicts drifting in forgotten orbits. So it was with old Kenga. Somehow exposed and promptly cast out. Woke up on a blessed cage-drop down to Eris. But, should some sad soul catch the grey-vein, well... every culture has its plague dogma. But maybe there's something more to this 'Infestation', something we all missed. Turns out... Kenga didn't find Void in that hell-nest, no. He found a survivor! Little boy. Arlo. Died three years ago, yet there he was. Lost his voice but gained his life... and somehow... saved old Kenga with the slightest touch of his slender hand."
- With SFX
L'Émissaire Second Diorama[]
- "My mother was a cynical woman. Smart as she was cruel. Nora, she said, no disease spreads faster or further than the ones in our head. She was talkin' about ideas. Mine was that old Kenga and his wonder boy would've been splayed out in some bio-trader's lab by now. Or blood-studies for the Grineer command. Dreamers, I was wrong. Kenga's grey-vein was just the beginning. White lung, parasitic liver, clone rot, even bone spurs. Turns out this kid, Arlo, is a healer. So many questions... an idea like that is like a flare dropped in vol-gas. Now the sick and curious are flocking the Rails to see this 'Emissary of Eris'. And who speaks for Arlo the mute? Why old Kenga, of course. No more the outcast, it is he who is spreading the word of Arlo's gift. Even you, Dreamers, may soon hear it."
- With SFX
L'Émissaire Troisième Diorama[]
- "Whether you're 'bad news first', or 'bad news last', tonight I got you covered 'cuz bad news is all we got. This Emissary's word is spreading fast. A hot fever. Some are going to extremes to prove their devotion. Trying the spores for themselves. And they're finding it too. Some lunatic spikers jacked the Solar-Nav and flagged the Derelict zones for all to see. Old haulers and new hopefuls out there are proving just how smart most people aren't. Yet Kenga's ranks are growing. Arming themselves for the safety and security of our Emissary. Setting the stage for a great assembly to come. Buzz is... buzz is... Arlo will break his silence. 'Til then, Dreamers, check under the bed. A fresh brood is sprouting up along the Rails. And it seems they have the scent of those blessed by the Emissary's touch..."
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L'Émissaire Quatrième Diorama[]
- "Y'all did see this coming, right, Dreamers? Surely did... but not like this. A grand gathering before the Emissary and his speaker. Standing room only. Bodies pressed to bodies, a great, overheated mass breathing as one. Waiting for their beloved healer-mute to speak. Kenga hushed the crowd. He shed his mask and... there he was. Laughing at them. Sick as the day he was banished. More. His retribution was at hand, born of a virus spreading further and faster than spore and space ever could have. Arlo. And in that stunned silence, Arlo himself made a sound! Not a word, but a stifled gag. A swollen choke, as he opened his mouth. And there it was. Pointed. Black. A tongue... but not. Snaking and bulging and splitting him apart. I looked away then. I had to. But that sound stays with me. Not the sound of human terror, bad as it was, but what came after. The grinding wet, the rattling flutter... the congregation converted in the truest sense. I... Dreamers, you all got your work cut out for you. Though this 'movement' has lost its head, the body still lingers."
- With SFX
L'Émissaire Cinquième Diorama[]
- "It's a bad cycle, Dreamers. Arlo's devoted had a party, and you're on cleanup detail. Derelicts are threatening every settlement from Mercury to Eris, and my sources say you're uniquely qualified to contain them. Meanwhile, I've been thinking. Not about Kenga, but about what he actually found down there. Arlo, whatever he was. Some kind of lure? An evolution to bait us in? Is there more to this Infestation than fangs and acid? I know what my mother would say. The people saw what they wanted, heard what they had hoped... and human nature did the rest. Still, I'm hearing rumors. The mass on Eris is in turmoil, and nobody, but nobody wants to check it out. It's seething. And if it's not thinking about this whole ordeal, baby, it's feeling it. This is Nora Night, saying for now... Dreamers... so long and hold on! And listen... Should you happen upon some vacant-eyed little kid someday... whatever you do, don't take 'em home."
- With SFX
- Arlo ressemble au peuple de Solaris, en particulier sa tête qui est attachée à son corps par des articulations mécaniques et ses jambes qui portent des marques similaires à celles des Orphelins des Conduits.
- Arlo possède des yeux brillants, semblables à ceux de Neewa. Ils ont tous les deux des liens avec l'Infestation.
- L'infestation d'Arlo pourrait être une référence à John Carpenter's "The Thing", dans lequel The Thing assimile d'autres formes de vie et commence à les imiter pour créer un faux sentiment de sécurité, avant d'infecter la prochaine victime.
Voir aussi[]
Historique des Correctifs[]
- Introduit.