Constantly dodging while trying to go down gets pretty aggravating, plus an inability to sprint or aim-to-fly.
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While using the official Warframe website to make a Sporcle quiz, I discovered a lot of warframe ability icons have strange code names for the abilities. Most are normal (NameAbility - FrostFreeze, QorvexChyrinkaPillar, MagPull, etc.) But a lot either have a codename for the frame (TenguTailWing, PriestCondemn, RunnerMachRush) or the ability (ProteaBFG, GarudaBoneZone, GrendelBellyBowling)- and some, for both (WraithDontFearTheReaper, BrokenFrameSelfDestruct, GlassShank.) And then there's Excalibur, with his own oddities... anyways, I thought maybe this could be useful for the wiki! All information comes from
And here's my google doc with my findings.
Please remove the background image as it makes pages unreadable
Shouldn't the logos be updated now that the wiki is "official"?
I ask because for the longest time, both Solaris United and Vox Solaris syndicate pages are using what I believe to be fan made recreations.
SU has a slightly bitten off piece and VS central pillar gets fatter at the end.
What if you could join someone you referred to warframe in the tutorial, but it makes it so the intro involves the tenno being woken up by other tenno. I think a not insignificant amount of people get people into the game like this, I did it myself, not long ago. Generally there is little consideration for wanting to play with friends in a lot of quests.
Hi guys,
I make this thread beacause i love atlas and i thought about a new rework that could really work and be playable.
How is boring farm until 1000+ rubble to spam 1 and hope to remain up or use petrify and kill them?
This is my rework for me, not too boring/slow/weak/powerfull.
Just normal but really good and fun with the right mods.
Passive : For every Rumble collected + 1 armor (max 1000)
First Ability : Rockstomp - Like Nidus/Frost ability, Atlas stomp the terrain and at the end, i big rock elevate and hit enemies, for every enemy hitted you gain 1 Rubble. ( the stomp is not linear but like a cone) Target hitted gain a debuff and lose % armor based on Power Strenght.
Second Ability : Tectonics (same as now) for every enemy hitted + 1 rumble
Third Ability : Rumblers - Summon %(1 for every 50% Power Strenght) Rumblers that attack enemies and every %sec pertrify near enemies in 10m radius. They lose health with time like 4th ability of nekros.
A Warframe mod would be they doesn't lose health but now they have a duration.
Fourth Ability : Finally the super good one... Punch Rock - Exilus Weapon like Valkyr/Wukong/Excalibur. Atlas punch covered by rocks and go only Melee Mode with the Exilus Weapon, in this mode drain energy but gain +100% melee attack, + 20% speed attack, + 50% armor and gain a buff like adaption but at 50% of strenght(base, scale with power strenght).(Petrified enemies take 100% dmg)
I think this four ability together will have a good sinergy like Nidus and Hydroid.
What do you think?
Do you think Atlas need a rework?
Parry has changed in such a way that is not reflected in the description although someone has tried to reflect that by saying what it does now in the beginning, they have failed to have the later part of the description to reflect on those changes, of course I am no expert on this so maybe it still has function of the previous version of the mod but by the wording this seems unlikely
As the title says,
We all ideally run with Friends or Clan / Alliance, and also quite likely use a mic when we do.
But, it is not always possible, especially with time limitations, work and life, meaning we all almost certainly run with randoms. When it works well, it’s great and many of us met friends originally in random squads. As a rule though Randoms don’t use mic so communication can be sketchy.
A few days ago, i was running SP Circuit with a random squad. After a decent run, my squad decided to exit, nothing wrong with what they did, they didn’t ditch last second. I went to join them, but inadvertently hit two buttons at the same time, leaving me all alone on a Defence Mission with enemy level in their thousands.
Staying alive no problem, killing quite well, but i was swamped and second wave, the target got destroyed. Mission failed, lost everything. When I genuinely intended to exit with my squad.
With so much at stake deep into any endless mission on Warframe, if you are left alone, especially potentially last second, it would be the nice if the game would give you the option again with a warning and ask you again if you really want to exit.
Mine was a genuine mistake on my part, but I’m sure others have done the same or been abandoned at the very last second. A fail safe would be nice.
Since DE is mostly making incarnons for older/unused weapons, how about they make one for the Stug? Worst weapon in the game, but it could be cool, like it goes automatically into the incarnon form.. or it has a different form of triggering?
Was wondering : How about using the Narmer console hijack for Void, Derelict and Lua ? Would be nice to give Orokin related mission (I won't say corrupted since they're not very active on Lua) even more identity than copying Corpus hijack, and since a certain Orokin character (avoiding spoiler) has been very active about the creation of Narmer, wouldn't be that much off topic.
Of course, the orange color would be turned into a golden color to dissociate the Namer version from the Orokin version.
Also, it would only concern a few mission out of all in the game, so even if the Narmer hijack isn't the most popular, it's not that much of a big deal, yes ? Now maybe it would need some adjustement on Rescue Lua since it's already hard for a lot of folks with the one hijack we know (don't tell me about the Spy, the hassle guys might experience is from the path, there's no console to hijack on the way, so it wouldn't harden it much more).
Can we not get an option to comment on wiki mobile pages without having to switch to Desktop Mode? Here it is, October, TWENTY TWENTY THREE, where mobile is the most-used networking platform...
Or, am I blindly missing something?
1: Sentient Necramechs
What if after so long of fighting Sentients, Father eventually gets an idea to send you after Sentient parts to upgrade or ever build a whole new mech? It'd probably give resistances to Sentient and Eidolon damage as well as something like damage increase and ability improvement.
2: Find primes in Orokin places
Isolation vaults, dragon key vaults, derelicts, etc. I'd say maybe a Maroo given mission, that after enough game progression, you can get sent on a mission by Maroo to find Prime parts along side the usually Ayatan hunts. Obviously, it'd need to be specific. So something like tiered missions with listed possible rewards, level of enemies will increase per tier, just like usual bounties. But, the prime part is a third stage reward, and is guaranteed to drop after the third stage. The first two stages could be anything related to the Orokin like argon crystals, Orokin cells, credits, relics, etc.
3: Sentient Lich
We have Kuva Lichs, Sister of Parvos, so why not a Sentient equivalent? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how this would go, like where to activate a Lich, how to get requiem murmurs, what the fighting will look like and all the other stuff.
Would it be possible to expand the Corpus quotes here on the wiki to include the quotes from the other Corpus regiments like the Terra, Juno and the Railjack Corpus as I have been wanting to see those added for a while. They all sound interesting but I have zero clue what they are saying.
Why players from pc, xbox, ps4, etc platform They can play together, but they can't add them to friends, it's not a matter of leaving it out of sight.
Почему игроки с платформы с pc xbox ps4 и т д могут играть вместе, а в друзья добавить не могут, исправьте это, не дело такое оставлять
157 Votes in Poll
What if Warframe added a new mode to the conclave called battle royale?
It could be a new thing that could keep tenno interested.
Every tenno would have 750 health and shields. It could be taken place in the free roam maps where there is loot everywhere.
Every tenno could start with a furis. Also, tenno with the same mr will be paired. For example, you are mr or mastery rank 9 so you can play with tenno that are mr 9. You get to use weapons that are you mr or less so that is why you are paired with tenno that are your mr level. Also abilities are not allowed.And no Prime weapons.Also no mi ods.
Should loadout drop be in the game? I mean all mods would be removed.
I came back to Warframe after some years without logging in. So you can imagine a bunch of good content to be explored… and quests. Even being used to the “find it by your own” or non-official “check wiki” warframe’s way of presenting things, I got initially kinda lost on what to do/ what first/ how to activate. So why DE just didn't make a tree of all quests in the codex just like operator schools instead of this stupid Jurassic menu..??!
What if warframe had a team deathmatch in conclave maybe?
But you and 9 other tenno can play as grineer or corpus so a 10v10.
You also use weapons that grineer or corpus use.
You could get special credits that you can use to upgrade or change which grineer or corpus you play as. And there are 10 rounds after round 10 the team with the most kills wins!
Also what if at round 10 you fight and after use your special credits to upgrade a boss. With enough credits, you can change the boss. Then they both fight all of the tenno control different parts. The one with the most kills controls the boss like moves it.
Also sometimes infested raid the thing so you could play as infested or grineer or corpus like infested vs corpus or infested vs grineer
Just a small point, the necramech's mausolon tracer dont aligne with where i actully shoot