I don’t think I should have this in the hub
Volt bc universal abilities era very helpful
I don’t think I should have this in the hub
Try the two incarnon melees from the zariman
You auto block when you have a primery and/or secondery equipt in you arsenal
117 Votes in Poll
You can replace berserker with Gladiator Vice,
The attachspeed will be a little slower (30%) but it give a 10% critical change
Alr, thx
I was wondering if I can change the appearance of my converted kuva lich.
(Not the elemant or the Weapon, just the Color of my liches armor)
Also, can I change the weapon of my converted lich?
I have been trying to get Death blossom for my railjack, the wiki said it drops from the exo taktis and the elite exo taktis.
Does anyone know the best nob to farm them?
Maybe yea, thx for the help
I have been searching to find a zekte talent mk3 but I can't find it anywhere on the internet etc...
Does someone know where I can find it?
[Spoiler] After completing a story quest (i forgot the name, srry) isn't the Lotus with us anymore, then would be a good time for the stalker to come
I think that's a good idee, it also makes sense bc stalker always knows where you are and it would be weird if he only spawns during a mission
I think hunhow wins then
93 Votes in Poll
160 Votes in Poll
Railjack, exterminate, archwing nobes
109 Votes in Poll
Try to make your own kit gun, I really recommend it