My lazy answer is to experiment with Incarnon weapons. My favourite all-round usage weapon is the Tenet Arca Plasmor, and lately I've been pairing Hildryn/Zephyr with the Tenet Envoy.
Regarding "is X a good Frame", it's probably easier to list exceptions against the consensus that there's no such thing (as a bad one), and even then you'll find that to be a highly debatable subject with situational viability still adding value to some of the more niche-orientated picks. With FROST.. my claim would be that whilst he's a decent beginner option, for your trouble's worth there will be better alternatives, such as Citrine, Nekros, Rhino, Nezha, Wukong, Nova and Koumei.
Coffee cake for yours truly, please and thanks!
It reads more like you're probably asking for a skin, rather than a frame here - but even then I can see the likes of Kullervo going whole punk in a possible idea for a deluxe.
Caliban required a rework from the moment of his conception, and Hildryn was practically locked out of her fourth ability from her introduction until very recently, when DE finally thought the better of their decisions and allowed all her abilities to be simultaneously accessible in the way they should initially have worked. That something is 'new' isn't reason enough to guarantee optimisation, so your logic in lambasting someone for scrutinising a frame based upon the recency of its addition is badly flawed. Also, the reason you see OP introducing the two specific options in their post could be explained by the fact those are the frames they're currently most familiar with - and there's nothing in the post that confirms or discounts the possibility that there are frames which require more attention than the one OP is asking about. In any case, it's possible to give some meaningful input BOTH on the choices provided (imo, Yareli doesn't require a rework of any kind, and Chroma could benefit from a minor revision on his 4's lack of mobility) WHILE ALSO discussing the options you personally believe are more relevant to this topic (which in my case should include Oberon (improve energy economy, buff his healing ability, rework his passive), Banshee & Vauban (improve, or add options in their kits to grant them survivability), and Equinox (possible review on how to streamline her abilities - she's always felt clunky to use for me.))
Whilst I'd second any opinion that advises to explore the wealth of variety on offer in that gamemode, I don't think you can do too much wrong with any non-Sigma MK3 hitscan combined with two gunner-assigned crewmates.
Fuck me, that is enviable. Imagine being theoretically capable of clearing all the weekly Netracells in less than half an hour! Many congratulations there, Tenno!
Oof, das a LOTTA words. Too bad I ain't reading any of that.
Perhaps you should rephrase your question. "Do you do X or Y? A.Yes B.NO" makes no sense when the question itself doesn't clarify which option the subsequent answer is meant to specify.
You mean to tell me that I'm the one making 'silly comments'.. in a thread whose OP is about being kicked from the game's chatroom for making drug references? Wherein some vague notion of making delayed responses supposedly equates to being 'asshurt'? And all this coming from a person who unironically uses the word 'cringe' as an adjective?
Yeah.. I doubt that anyone will be accusing you of self-awareness anytime soon Gaikki, and I know I certainly won't be.
I'll let my profile picture express my first choice in answering your question, but aside from that I really love most of the male deluxe skins - including the aforementioned Rev Mephisto and Styanax Tonatiuh skins; Frost Harka, Excalibur Zato, Oberon Feyarch, Volt Electrolyst, Harrow Reliquary, Hydroid Rakkam, Ash Koga & Nidus Phryke. It's not an exhaustive list of my male favourites, because the boys are just really decked out when it comes to alt skin options. As for the ladies, the new Ember Heirloom skin is something Ember mains have been screaming for for years, so it's nice to finally see them adequately gratified. Hildryn, because she's big, she's buff, and she's unabashedly proud of it - her deluxe is also pretty decent. Mesa and Gara's Prime designs have always been solid favourites for me, especially when paired with their respective noble animations. Gyre is a 'graceful' kind of hot, and I think it's possible to argue that Khora was deliberately meant to be this through her playstyle, what with the cages, and the bondage and the whips.. BUT anywho, that's my 2cents!
I saw a thread, read someone's post about a dead horse topic, and simply reacted with my own opinion. So between @Pneuma333 's commendable arithmetic abilities and @Gaikki 's ridiculous self-conceit in assuming that my messages can only be validated if they choose to read them (notwithstanding the innate hypocrisy that comes with avoiding messages on the basis of how lengthy they are when quite a few of your compositions are nearly twice as long), I'm getting a distinct vibe that mine isn't the most popular take around, though ostensibly (and unsurprisingly) not so much in any form of a meaningful counterpoint. For interest's sake however, the sentence directly preceding this one is approximately eighty words long, because counting words instead of reading them is apparently a thing these days.
@621Actual: A sprog is an "Informal (UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand)-based singular noun in reference to a child", which in this case is the cute Operator edgeboi that you've every reason to be proud of. :p
I can smell the Last Airbender's Zuko vibes emanating from your sprog.
@MasterofWeird yeah, so.. it turns out that people normally write enough to form 'whole paragraphs' when they feel they have a bit more to say about a subject than the inane and semi-coherent half-sentences you seem to only be capable of. Sometimes, they write enough to fill whole pages - books, even! Astonishing, isn't it? But why that's remarkable enough to be amusing to you at least justifies the reason for your username choice because I'd have to assume the more appropriate 'Redundant_ImbecileLOLOLOL' must've been unavailable. If you really believe you can criticise me for composing enough to form paragraphs while the grand sum of your participation is a two-worded affirmation of someone else's opinion, then I think I'm entitled to tell you to go fuck right off.
Limbo isn't the problem at all. The actual problem here is a combination of the mistakes often made by people who're learning to use him, along with the disproportionate perception they generate among those who are tilted by bad experiences with a Limbo player concocting the idea that there's anything intrinsically bad with the frame or the players that main him - and IMO neither case is necessarily true. Most of the time, if you take a minute or two to tell someone where they're going wrong, they'll acknowledge the feedback and use that advice to improve the way they interact with that frame. Immediately writing people off because they happen to be using an unpopular frame long before you find out what they can do with that frame seems rather short-sighted and knee-jerky to me.
This isn't even about optimisation; it's simply about baseline competency. Limbo is the kind of frame whom if misused could easily disrupt a mission so it makes sense why some players would develop an issue with the associative bias relating to frames like him if the bulk of their past experience suggests that "presence of frame X = guaranteed bad time." 'Optimisation' is a different discussion entirely, because now you'll be talking about mastering skill ceiling, and although there are many threads on this wiki as well as on Reddit AND the Forum which allude to the fact that there's a significant subsection of the community that is naturally dedicated towards that aspect of the game, it's obviously not as essential as understanding the fundamental mechanics enough to surmount the skill floor (i.e minimum competency) requirement, because doing so is ultimately what makes the game playable at the most basic level.
Whilst MR level in itself is completely non-indicative, lower MR players are generally more receptive to input than higher MR players in cases when mistakes are being made, so I usually try to highlight if a player is misusing a frame depending on the mission type (i.e. accidentally/unintentionally bringing Slowva to a compact defence node like Hydron or Helene) if it's a low-MR player - and if that doesn't work/it's someone I think is probably going to be far too arrogant to realise their mistake, I simply abort and reset the mission. In their defence though, most of the Limbo mains I've come across are remarkably skilled with their choice, and Limbo's poor reputation stems from the relatively few instances that occur with someone who either doesn't spend too much time on that frame, or has just started out with him. He does have the highest skill floor of almost any warframe in the game so mistakes will happen in the process of learning his toolkit, because people have to start from somewhere before they understand how they can make the most of what he can do.
lobter frame, the original mum.. and for many nostalgiacs, still the best mum.
congratulations! i kept my first because i had somehow grown attached to her, and she isn't even the 'flirtatious' personality type.