With Exodia Force not working, I don't really see a way for a Hammer Zaw with Melee Influence being better than an Arca Titron with its forced electricity procs on slam, or a Jat Kittag with its augment dealing HP%-based damage in an aoe around dying enemies, unless I'm missing something.
Gonna need a second monkey frame
Thats why the Dexterity arcanes are good for that scenario though, as they passively increase your combo duration by 7.5s each (at max rank only).
Kullervo's signature shotgun, the Rauta, also passively gives Kullervo 7 seconds of combo duration for his melee.
Makes for +22 seconds on weapons you don't even need to touch inside a mission.
I generally prefer using Naramon and bringing alternative energy sources though.
Don't quite know what exactly it wants you to do, but the wiki says "Perform 20 Finisher Attacks with only a Melee Weapon equipped."
If its ground finisher kills, there is plenty of stuff that knocks enemies down that you can use, like even just a jump slide kick. You could use Zephyr's Airburst or Vauban's Vortex to gather ragdolled enemies.
If its just finishers and not even kills, you could probably spam finishers on a knocked down high level Nox or something.
If its regular finishers, not ground finishers, you could either stealth or simply bring Ash to a low level mission and use his 4. Those count as finisher kills, but only if the initial hit kills them, not the bleed proc.
You could also bring something like Valkyr's disable, Excalibur's Blind, Inaros' pocket sand or many, many other things to disable enemies and stealth finish them.
I do wonder, are there any rules in place for pointless and obvious AI messages?
Thanks, chatgpt.
If aiming is an issue, melee weapons will always work.
And it just so happens that you get Broken War, a really good melee weapon, relatively early in the story. The Duviri melee weapons are also available at MR0. While not the best, they are definitely far better than the average melee at that level.
Then there are the guns that need no aim or effort, like Ignis (Wraith).
You can also carry them through Lich hunts at a very, very low mastery rank, for them to obtain a strong and easy weapon like Kuva Nukor.
Although I'd probably recommend letting them progress through the weapons naturally and making them find what they like. There are almost no low rank guns that are worth keeping. With the exceptions being weapons that they can give an incarnon to later.
As for warframes, Inaros is very easy to make more than sufficiently tanky for beginners. There are plenty of better tanky frames, but most of them need more mod investment.
Rhino and Nezha are also pretty good for beginners, due to being pretty tanky at the beginning with their abilities, and they are pretty easy to get.
I really don't like it. Its either way too good (for example with toxic lash) or damn near useless in 'normal' usage (against armored enemies), no inbetween.
Did DE add something on accident that nearly instakills defense targets again
I think up until the 75/80 thing, armor is still the same, so you can expect Steel Path enemies to run around with capped armor, unless its one of those extremely lightly armored enemies like butchers.
From what I've seen, at like lvl 120, HP is at about 3x as much as before.
I get the intention of making slash less important, but its kinda dumb that frames that relied on armor strip have to deal like 3x more damage now, while braindead aoe spam has never had it easier to kill enemies, lol.
I guess it only makes killing the remaining enemies to start the next round slightly more annoying.
The person was probably just incorrectly repeating what they heard when someone was complaining about slowing enemies in defense missions.
This sounds like the single dumbest idea I've heard this month, and I've heard about the proposed armor nerf.
Been a long while since i thought about railjack weaponry
I think Zetki Photor was good against the corpus shields due to punchthrough, and Zetki Talyn is just a solid really easy choice due to being hitscan.
But I think they are balanced enough to all be viable as long as you get MkIIIs (and most likely Zetki), and you mainly just spam Seeker Volley for small enemies anyway.
4 copies of Toxic Lash
If the video image wouldn't vaguely look like warframe fan or concept art, i'd assume its just useless spam unrelated to warframe.
Kind of an aimless schizo rant either way.
Kinda funny how Hydroid went from damn near useless to really good with those corrosive shenanigans alone.
Helminth system https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Helminth
Do the story quests, level up entrati standing, buy the segment from Son
You'll also need to feed a fully built Voruna into Helminth to be able to place Lycath's hunt onto other frames.
The horses are strong because they
-have a base damage of 30k viral
-hit every enemy several times
-if the enemy is affected by Doom it also strips 35% armor per hit, easily fully stripping armor of every enemy hit
-you can easily proc viral for free
-doom can further amplify the damage caused by the 4
Resulting single doom+cavalry cast being able to wipe pretty much every (normal) enemy in front of you.
Its really strange just how much that ability has going for it, when so many other frames have 4th abilities that feel like they are only there for flavour, especially when it comes to damage.
The horses are ridiculously strong, and her other abilities work really well with her melee weapon. Very good frame.
Probably straight from the game files