Codex: A phantom that can take many forms. Illusia’s strength comes from her opponents, and by becoming her opponent. Sow seed of doubt by creating chaos on the battlefield.
Heath: 200
Sheilds: 320
Armor: 75
Energy: 200
Sprint Speed: 1.3
Passive: Virtue Signal allows Illusia’s body to change into an enemy depending on Tileset, preventing her from alerting any enemies nearby. This effect is broken after attacking and has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
1st Ability: Dichotomy
While Lucid Dream is active, Illusia sings a song causing enemies within range to follow her with increased enemy movement speed. While Lucid Dream is not active, this song deals Radiation damage over time with a 25% chance radiation status for each hit. (Is Channeled)
2nd Ability: Equivocation
Illusia casts a wave that makes enemies look like Illusia, making them high priority targets to other enemies. When these enemies are killed, they explode applying Equivocation on the affected enemies and a guaranteed radiation status. (Cooldown after use)
3rd Ability: Appeal to Authority.
Enemies affected with radiation status heal Illusia shields with a percentage of the damage they deal to other enemies for a duration. Grants overguard if the enemy damaged is affected by Equivocation.
4th Ability: Packaged Deal [Helminth]
Enemies affected with radiation status link to the nearest enemy and apply 25% of damage taken to its linked partner. No enemy can be link to more than 3 other enemies. [As Helminth, applied damage is reduced to 15%.]
Please let me know what you think!