Primed, Umbra, Amalgam, Galvanized, and Archon
Which is best
Primed, Umbra, Amalgam, Galvanized, and Archon
Which is best
What's a good replacement
No i mean the best variation
What the best to worse version of the dmg mod like u have serration then prime but then like 6 others
What proof it's obvious im not wasting my time to change it every single mission there are multiple factions doing increase to only one is pointless
What can I use as a replacement
Idk tho
Idc for riven
Should I sell on maxed weapons for primes included kuva tent and other varieties or nah
Do I need to make every conceivable combination for mr or is it just the first part
U should be ashamed of yourself
I banned for dising clem lol worth it
No do u have the 2023 cus it still has 4days
Ima touch em
Pretty good
Do they still lose levels
Still better than syndicated bs