Hey patch, you can look out for me and zeronotice, should be in your friends list, we usually on around 10-11 pm GMT, 5-6 eastern I think. And if you are on earlier, you can look out for animal, he's still around and fully up to date to help you catch up
When I get a riven, I check if I have used that weapon with a riven, cycle it for some interesting stats for the weapon, make a whole build around the riven, see if I like it, if not, see if any friends want it, then see if I can sell it, if not, throw it in the transmute pile
Just my personal preference, but for me, hands down broken war better than war.
Main reasons for this are:
war has majority impact damage Vs broken wars majority slash
Broken war has a significantly higher crit chance
Broken war currently has a slightly higher riven disposition
And finally, my preferred heavy blade stance mod used to be tempo royale, but I didn't like it's changes back in the stance reworks.
Ultimately it comes down to you, and what you like about a weapon, but as said above, it's possible to farm the parts to have both weapons, so if that's why your asking, get farming to have both options available to you
Also, I may be wrong on this, but in order to get incarnon torid, you need the Torid incarnon adapter, which you get from steel path circuit, so not sure you should be waiting to do steel path until you get incarnon torid
Your duration is much lower than I would personally like, nourish buffs are affected by duration, and also his roller ball ability will drain energy once you have run out of enemies in his gut, so extra duration should mean it drains energy at a slower rate
Why wait that long?
Don't forget to check stance mods for melee weapons as many of the different combos on different stances can inflict forced status procs
All three work in my browser, but it might just be that I have used it before
You can use what ever companion you like, they just get downed for a little while, so makes no real difference.
You might want to look at how you mod them for survival now though, specifically at the new bond mods that allow you to reduce that length of time they are downed for.
For example, one of the bond mods reduces that cool down period by 3 seconds every time you kill an enemy with 3 status procs. I make a lot of use of status procs for steel path to maximize effects of galvanized mods, so almost all enemies I kill usually have 3 status procs from somewhere when I kill them.
How many mods do I need to devote to survivability if my companion is just gonna get back up within a few seconds?
Here's a novel use for a sentinel.
Try Helios with vicious bond on deconstructor.
Don't worry about damage, this is all about armour strip, so mod deconstructor with shattered impact, attack speed, corrosive and the mod that reduces bounces (can't rember the name)
Oh, and use the general attack precept, not the one specifically for Helios
Watch as your Helios picks a target, then rapidly spams deconstructor glaives at it, quickly striping armour, the second it does, kill the enemy to spread the armour strip nearby
Andrew, I just wanted to say, I highly agree, rivens can effectively give two or three mods in one, and that gives us huge flexibility into what we can actually do with other mods that would often be overlooked in place of "mandatory" mods
As Yasir riot said, it very much depends on the weapon as to what stats I like on a riven, but one thing I am leaning towards is having an element instead of main damage.
With the rise of things like galvanized mods and weapon arcanes, I find having an element on a riven instead of main damage means I have more build flexibility when modding, and thanks to weapon arcanes and condition overload style effects, en extra element will often provide more overall damage than just extra base damage
If it's a grineer or infested mission, limbo is a viable option for excavation, provided you can deal with eximus units fast
New prime every 3 months
Also, can't wait for acceltra prime!
Give kuva zarr to an on call crewman instead, will absolutely wreck anything, and definitely not affected by ammo limitations
Been playing regularly since about 2014/15?
Looking at the actual amount of hours I've played scares me!
I find there is always something to do, but I have set myself some challenges to keep going, like trying out every weapon with a riven to see how strong you can make it, or finding faults/bugs or strange interactions that have strange effects, like drakgoon with ridiculous amounts of multishot and the formorian accelerant mod in the hands of mirage causing huge lag spikes for anyone nearby.
But mostly I just get on and play to hang out with friends and chill.
Friends make this game for me
Pro tip, work to get those all those mods up to maximum rank, the longer they are not ranked, the more problems it gonna cause you further down the line.
You will make loads of builds with those lesser ranked mods, and when you increase their ranks later, loads of your builds are not gonna have the capacity to equip them, so you will find them suddenly unequipped in the majority of your builds when you do finally rank them up, forcing you to go back and reforma loads of your arsenal or finding most of your gear is underpowered in the worst way (a complete nightmare)
Another tip for resource farming is endless fissure missions (provided they are where your resources drop!)
Each time you open a relic in an endless fissure mission, you will gain a 25% booster of a particular type.
I think it's affinity, credits, drop chance and resource.
The 5 relic opened gives a free relic of that tier, then it goes back to affinity (so giving 50% this rotation)
If you find a low level endless fissure mission on a planet with the resource you need, stay as long as possible to keep those boosters stacking up
Simple answer is the dark sector survival on Uranus.
Dark sectors give a resource bonus, so you'll get more from each drop. Add to that because infested missions are more populated with enemies, you'll get more chances for the drops to happen.
You will probably need help to get there if you haven't opened the star chart that much, so ask your clan members if you can get a taxi to the dark sector survival on Uranus to farm polymer bundles, and with a little luck they will bring a "farming frame" capable of enhancing the chances of resources dropping.
Btw, in future, you can find out best methods to farm materials by simply typing the material into the wiki search bar, and looking through the notes, it will be much faster than asking here