Looks like I am saying this again, does anybody have an extra astral twilight mod that they dont need? I will gladly take one if you do not need it. My platform is XBOX.
Edit: I just got it so this post is useless now
Looks like I am saying this again, does anybody have an extra astral twilight mod that they dont need? I will gladly take one if you do not need it. My platform is XBOX.
Edit: I just got it so this post is useless now
If I convert a sis/lich with an ephemera into an ally, and then trade them in the Crimson branch of my dojo, do I lose the ephemera? Or both get the accessory?
Anyone want to trade Crushing Ruin stance mod for some of my prime parts/ayatan statues?
I just recently converted my sister and it is a 57% Tenet Diplos. I'm thinking if selling it to get some Plat. I have never sold liches before so I don't really know where good pricing for it can be? Any tips?
Hi so I was wondering if anyone of you guys have astral twilight.
I wanna use for my cerata.
I am willing to trade A melee riven mod its for Skiajati
Also platform is Xbox
59 Votes in Poll
Never sold a riven mod before and was going to try comparing prices online first before trying to sell and I couldn’t find this particular riven in my search for some reason, so now I’m stumped
I want to trade the Redeemer blueprint but it doesn't show up in the trade menu
Inspired by a previous post: What are the best/most degenerate Warframe trades you’ve ever been a part of? Where you actively know you are ripping someone off but still go through with the trade.
Conversely, what are the most generous/wholesome trades you’ve been a part of?
Most degenerate: I’ve gotten a ton of rare parts buying prime junk for cheap, but I once got a full Mag P set buying junk from two different sellers. I also sold a Loki P Systems for 270p last week right before he was announced as a free twitch drop.
Most generous: when I started Warframe, a guy gave me primed continuity for free so that I could help his squad better for LoR. Now I usually give away my duplicate mods if anyone needs them. I’ve also given lots of prime parts or variant parts to friends. Also my clan doesn’t have ignis wraith BP, but clans in my alliance do so they give it away for free like most normal people.
So my brother tried out warframe to see if he likes the game, but he doesnt. He got about 350 plat for free and wants to give them to me as he doesnt want to play the game himself. But when we tried to trade it, it said that you cant trade free platinum. Is there any way that we could send/trade the platinum otherwise?
Want to buy nikana prime, i’m on xbox. Have been looking to buy this one for so long but no one is selling when i’m online. Sooo if ur selling for like 100-140 i’ll buy it. 😇
Pls let me know, thanks.
I don't mean veiled ones
Anyone got an ignis wraith they can give my name is shockwave54623 msg me if you got one and is willing to give for free obviously.