Can someone please explain why I'm unable to place a stance mood on the Sun&Moon double sword?
Can someone please explain why I'm unable to place a stance mood on the Sun&Moon double sword?
I have gram prime and i recently got tempo royale after a while of grinding just for it to have the stance combos of gram prime im confused? The combos are the same when i take off tempo royale and when i have it on TL:DR tempo royale combos not there
I enjoy the scythe stances, no matter how much you guys "Hate" 'em. I quite enjoy "Stalking Fan" the most.
I updated Update 24.4 because someone accidently wrote "Wise river" instead of "wise Razor" ok i'll see you soon
On combo pages for stances, it shows an up arrow, can anyone tell me what that is on a ps4 controller?
154 Votes in Poll
Gleaming Talon has a 2% chance of dropping from certain ospreys. Seriously, some mods need to be more common
Which one has the biggest forced slash procs of all melee stance types?
69 Votes in Poll
I was doing some testing with the jat kittag and fragor prime, and noticed some intriguing facts.
A. The combo multipliers on Crushing Ruin are wrong. I was smacking a rampart with an maxed out and unranked hammer. I used a rampart because it utilizes object health, which has no resistances, crits, or combo multiplier differences. It's direct damage only. I'll use the unranked test as the example. using an unmodded Fragor Prime, For the Shattering Village combo, I hit the rampart and the first two attacks did 130 damage as expected. The third attack (baseball bat swing) did 351 damage and always did an impact proc. The next three spining attacks did 220 damage and the final three spins did 192 damage. I don't know the formula for how damage multipliers work on combos, but what I found didn't match the wiki's description at all. I suugest someone with a more knowledge on this to please fix it.
The next test I did, I used my maxed out jat kittag. The first two attacks did the expected 801 damage, which matched the total damage of my build (pressure point, fever strike, and shocking touch being the only damage mods I had on there).. The third attack (baseball bat swing) did 1830 damage (again with a guaranteed impact proc), then the following three spins did 1146 damage each and the final three spins did 1074 damage each with the aoe damage being 50.
B. I did the same testing with the other two combos and they too show multipiers. With the unmodded fragor prime doing the Raging Whirlwind combo, the first attack did 130 damage as expected, then the overhead chop did 220 damage with an impact proc. The next to whirling up strikes did 220 damage and the final downward slam did 351 damage. With my maxed gear, it did 801 on first attack, 1146 and impact proc on second attack (overhead chop), 1146 on two upward whirling strikes, and 1830 on the final slam.
With Winding Temper, it was hard for me to get numbers from the strikes with only testing being the unmodded fragor prime. The first two attacks did 130 as expected, then the two sliding spins did 220 damage each. The two jump spins did 351 damage each and the final down stroke did 351 damage. This is another combo that the wiki has as no mulitiplier.
This shows that there's more to crushing ruin than what the wiki says. I suggest someone take a look at it. I am not good enough with the numbers and coding to change it myself, so if someone is willing to help me, it'd be appreciated.
What I would like someone to help me fix:
Shattered Village: Impact Proc on 3rd button press, damage multipliers on 3rd, 4th, and 5th button presses
Raging Whirlwind: Impact proc on second button press, damage multipliers on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th buttone presses
Winding Temper: Damage multipliers on 3rd and 4th button press.
DE staff. Huge fan of Dual Swords here much like many others. We need a REVERSE GRIP DUAL SWORD SWORD STANCE ASAP. swirling tiger is nice and powerful but a reverse grip stance with two swords would make anyone jitter all over their screen! IN ADDITION WE NEED A CHAIN WHIP WITH A BLADE ATTACHED OR DUAL WHIPS. OTHER TENNO SPREAD THE WORD ON THIS IF YOU AGREE. WE NEED DIGITAL EXTREME TO SEE THIS!!
A lone tenno
like halfswording in one stance
or ephasizing use of sheathe as a club along with the sword itself yknow cutting, slicing, etc in the other stance
ALSO IDLE ANIMATIONS FOR STANCES LIKE DIFFERENT WAYS TO HOLD THE MELEE WEAPON (yknow instead of holding the tonbo like a broom backwards- you place the bladeless end on the ground like a cane or rather than just standing with the obex- you have a boxers pose or simply holding the the sword backwards rather than the conventional way)
Many stances have combos that require you to press 'back' in order to perform the combo.
Now I've seen on many stance pages the tip that you can hold 'back' in order to perfom these combos easily. However, this is a PC only tip because if you hold 'back' on a Console your warframe will turn around and not perform the combo.
The only way I have found to perform these combos is to literally hit 'back' right as you hit the attack button for the part of the combo that needs to be modified. However, even if your timing is correct your warframe faces you to do the attack.
So, has anyone found a way to actually perform these combos consistently and easily, without turning around, ON CONSOLES.
Stances affected: Crimson Dervish, Grim Fury, Stalking Fan, Gleaming Talon, Tempo Royale, Shattering Storm, Crushing Ruin