What’s heavier, a kilogram of steele or a kilogram of fewthas?
Ok to be serious, I have two friends that are in the early game. I got one that is just vibing and vaping up a storm and another that has a MR30 account with a MR4 alt that is lazy to not want to do early game with his MR4 account.
For the actual new player, how do I help him without just doing everything for him? I want him to be happy and vibing while also having something to do.
As for the lazy ass person, he states that he has a connection with DE and has the potential to get my old account unbanned. He’s already given me some inform on the ban that makes me feel way better and worse in a way (long story short; I got hacked). Should I keep leveling his account despite the real risk of a ban so that I could get my Sai.Kisaragi account back or should I tell him to do it himself, since he claims he does level cap but can’t even be bothered to rank up enough to do Saturn?
There is more context on why he has two accounts but for privacy’s sake, I’ll just leave it at “he wants two accounts”.