I wrote this almost a month ago and am looking to add more to it. Before I do so, I would like some feedback on what I wrote, and potential room for improvement.
I wrote this almost a month ago and am looking to add more to it. Before I do so, I would like some feedback on what I wrote, and potential room for improvement.
What if warframe had a team deathmatch in conclave maybe?
But you and 9 other tenno can play as grineer or corpus so a 10v10.
You also use weapons that grineer or corpus use.
You could get special credits that you can use to upgrade or change which grineer or corpus you play as. And there are 10 rounds after round 10 the team with the most kills wins!
Also what if at round 10 you fight and after use your special credits to upgrade a boss. With enough credits, you can change the boss. Then they both fight all of the tenno control different parts. The one with the most kills controls the boss like moves it.
Also sometimes infested raid the thing so you could play as infested or grineer or corpus like infested vs corpus or infested vs grineer
Please give me tips on killing them (fast)
87 Votes in Poll
102 Votes in Poll
I didn't want a modular infested pet. Whatever those thing are, I kinda, couldn't care less. Honestly I would have prefered the Dragonfly K-drive or the Centipede. The Centipede is awesome in my book
Forward finishers do not seem to work on any infested, would like to know if i'm crazy or if this is a notable bug, back finishers still work on these dudes.
WHAT!?!?!?!?!??! he was hard before BUT HARDER?!?!??!?!?!?!
My goal is to get an infested pet, and i know how, but before i knew how i didn't know Nidus can open the infested door in the ship.. so, here is the bug part, when i was playing Warframe only like a week or 2, i got back after almost every mission to the doors just to see if one opens, i know now the middle door is for the operator after i finished Second Dream but before that (i still use Excalibur btw because i have no other warframe yet) the infested door opened once when i looked through the back of the ship, i heard ordis saying he wants to clean that mess but it is of use for me so i thought like what does an Excalibur need infested crap for except for the weapons i carry?? so i looked around, seen a giant fish below the floor if it even is a fish, then i sat in the chair and Ordo (how Maroo calls him lol) said something like Operator no! have you lost you mind!? and when i got out the chair he said nothing, and i was like well... that happened, so i got out the room, checked if it opened again and this time it didn't open, so i thought like it was a one time thing i can do, then i got curious and looked it up on youtube and noticed Ordis was supposed to say something after i got out the chair, but he didn't because again i was Excalibur, looking further into the video i got to know that 7 days after sitting in the chair i would be able to breed an infested pet using a thing that grown in my neck and a Kubrow egg, which didn't happen because again, I WAS EXCALIBUR... so my quesion is, if i will ever get a nidus warframe, will i be able to sit in the chair again? or did i completely blown my chance of getting an infested pet by my curiosity and that bug??
I think they need to have a bigger selection of Grineer type Infested.
Butcher ~ Would be like a Leaper but does some heavy attacks, a tad slower.
Scorpion ~ Grappling skills with possibly two swords (regular sword and an infested arm/bone/metal arm (slight chance of both arms being the same thing.)
Shield Lancer ~ Walking tank with some good melee swings, super slow.
Balista ~ Fires up to 3 shots in concession that could deal Toxic or Viral damage/proc. High damage to shield.
Commander ~ Support/Offensive unit that summons about 2-4 small - medium-sized Infested (crawlers, chargers, and mechs) every so often and retain the power to swap places with a Warframe.
Drahk Master ~ Could spawn a pair of extremely fast Drahk (Infested looking of course and when I say fast I mean like 1.5 times the speed of a Charger.)
Roller ~ Could produce Infested creep (for about 1-2s) that slows down a player or if that sounds a little op maybe have Seeker Infested that spawns 1 or 2 Latchers that, on latch, either slow the player down, cast viral for about 2s, explode into toxic for about 2.5s.
Maniac ~ (This is where it gets super crazy) About as rare as a regular one (unless it's a Nightmare mission (with Infested ofc.)) The Maniac's speed would be twice as much (it has to be faster than an Infested Drahk though), it would still have its teleportation skills but when it teleports it leaves behind viral and toxic clouds, it's attack speed would be doubled (lol this is out of hand, but for real, boost it's attack speed a bit), you gotta make the players fear encountering one... or three. :3
Knowing what we do about the 3 main opposing factions (Grineer, Corpus, Infested), who do you think would come to dominate the Origin System if the Tenno were to suddenly vanish? I mean there are other factions, like the Corrupted and "Wild" and the Sentients, but the Corrupted never leave the towers, Kubrows and sandskates are not developing interstellar travel any time soon (at least, I think), and we simply don't know enough about the Sentients at this time to discenr their potential.
My personal guess is the Infested, as they seem to multiply far faster than the other factions, and with Alad V's mutalist strain, virtually everything can become Infested.
So, the infested, mutated corpus/ grineer, zombies if you may say. The Infested move from planets to planets, invading colonies, infecting factions and etc... But, that aside, it's a little illogical how the Infested are like right now.
We often see infested Invasions on Grineer ships, that means most of the infested are infested grineer. But no, we see mostly INFESTED CORPUS as in Leapers, Runners, Crawlers, Mutalist Moas and Ospreys, etc... The only infested grineer are the Chargers but why are they ALL in a dog-like form? And why were there so many corpus on board a Grineer ship!!?
So, I have an idea, probably thought out by many other people.
1) INFESTED GRINEER, that means Infested Grineer Leaper, Runner, Crawler, etc... and Charger
For Infested Invasions on Grineer related tilesets ( Asteroid, Galleon, Settlement, Shipyard, etc...)
2) INFESTED CORPUS, same old infested units, but only infested Corpus
For infested Invasions on Corpus related tilesets ( Corpus Ship, Gas City, etc...)
I made a little concept of a humanoid-looking Infested grineer right here, A Grineer version Leaper/Runner:
This is not exactly majorly necessary, but it makes wayyyy more sense.
But I don't know, basing on one of the upcoming bosses, the J3-Golem, The infested possibly are able to mobile around the system, infesting colonies and ships, the J3-Golem could be the transportation, lauching infested pods onto ships and colonies, dropping off infested units, like the Zerg from Starcraft. Probably, that is it, but we still need more infested variations, that's all I'm saying.
So, if you like the idea, leave a reply/comment down below to support this idea on here and on the forum: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/449455-redesign-the-infested-concept-art-of-grineer-leaperrunner/#entry4999138
Leave your thoughts/ opinions however you like, It's up to you guys to make this concept works!
What the fuck are these ass holes doing? Bungie needs to sue these dicks! basicly these ass holes ripped off the Flood from the Halo Universe! What the Fuck? Bungie or 343 Industries need to really sue these ass holes for rippen off the Flood!
In another game by Digital Extremes-Dark Sector(which is essentially a back story of the infested and tenno)there is a chemical called Enferon which the infested are allergic to. Enferon causes disorientation and death to infested that come in contact with it. Perhaps they should add enferon weapons in the bio-lab?
In this discussion, I will be calling to question the connection to the T-virus with the Infestation, and more broadly, the connection between Dark Sector and Warframe. Please note that I will be looking for actual in game quotes naming the infestation as the T-virus, or direct dev statements saying "infestation IS Technocyte".
After countless hours playing Warframe, I cannot recall an instance where the name "Technocyte" being use to describe the Infestation, in fact, of all instances where it links both together is in speculated theories here on the wiki. It is said to be referred to in game and quoted by the Lotus, yet I have not found these quotes or references. It has been assumed that because of the taunts used by infested bosses, namely "We are your flesh", is proof that the the T-virus is the Infestation, however this of course is assuming that, because of Dark Sector lore, that the Tenno are exactly the same as Hayden, however, there is no evidence that we are, or that the Tenno are in fact infested.
So in short what I am asking, is for direct quotes, in game, or clear statements from the devs, that both the T-virus and the Infestation are linked.
Is the Damage 2.0 table on the infested correct? Some sites claim that puncture does -50% or -25% damage against infested, but there's no damage penalty listed for it in the table.
Is the Damage 2.0 table on infested correct? Some sites claim that puncture does -50% or -25% damage against infested, but there's no damage penalty listed for it in the table.