For the first time in Warframe history, Forma investment is challenging, depending on what you want to do, especially when it comes to Railjack.
Usually we Forma over a Vazarin polarity without second thought, only to slap oddles of Madurais and occasionally Naramons to max out DPS, lest we have a desire Primed mod or Riven with Vazarin polarity.
Would you recommend to continue focusing on DPS with the usual Madurais and Naramons and forsake the Vazarins, which seems to focus on Piloting? And why?
Oh yes, if you haven't already, Aura Forma works on the Plexus Aura slot, so go for it!
If i insert a forma on the paracesis will it give me more mastry points or it just will be level 32??
92 Votes in Poll
I have been creating Forma the past week and have got some Forma to use. My question is, when assigning polarity slots, are they Warframe and specific weapon bound? Or are the polarities universal across all Warframe/weapons?
For example if I assigned a polarity sign to a slot on my Warframe “A” would the same slot on Warframe “B” have the polarity I assigned?
I would just mess around by experimentation but I have limited Forma.
Thanks in advance.
Sarpa requires 1 x Akstiletto = 1 forma
Aksomati Requires 1 x Akstiletto = 1 forma
Also Twin Kohmak is missing in the list.
Twin Kohmak Requires 2 x Kohmak + 1 Forma = 3 Forma in total.
I didnt check all of the weapons list yet. Feel free to add in any of them you come by.
I just found a Forma (no BP) in T1 Capture, sadly I have no proof.
I'm a newbie and got my first forma. But I'm unsure at how I'll use it.
Can I forma both "polarized" and "neutral" slots ? (so I would first polarized neutral ones)
Can I forma every slot available twice if I wanted to ? (so mistakes can be fixed later)
Forma Not Just For Polarization But Also Will Add/Unlock Extra Level & a Miniscule Amount of Buffs
1. As the game continues , more and more weapon are being release as a way for DE to make money to pay the bills and what not . They need a nother way to earn money beside releasing new weapon and hoping players buys them with Plat , i am not against this as new weapon will unlock new style of plays.
2. But Old weapons are keep getting forgotten/stored/sell away since they would always be less powerfull or favorite to players as they keep looking forward for a better weapons.
3. Instead of finding the best/strong weapon to suits you , why not make your own favorite weapon into somethng strong that could take down raid levels mobs?
4. I would like to suggest Forma to not just polarized a mod slot , but each forma would :
1. Gives 1 or more level beyond level 30
2. Each Forma would give a certain % buff ( something small like 2%~5%) to weapon base stats ( if the weapon is have 100 base damage , after forma would be around 102~105)
3. Each Time the weapon is Forma'd , the Level will drop back to 0 and Player have to Level them back up to 30 + number of forma used as they would like how we polarize our weapon nowadays
5. I know that some weapon might become too OP even with this slightest buff so the Dev Team might need to test/check/balace some weapons so that none will benefit too much from a single forma
6. With This , Players will have the choice of using what ever weapon type they like and "RAISE" it slowly over the course of time and make it a personal weapon .
7. And not to mention that DE would get a lot of Income from players since everyone would be purchasing a lot of Affinity Boosters.. i mean ... NONESTOP AFFINITY BOOSTERS .. thats a lot of dough rolling in on daily basis ..
8. Imagine seeing someone bringing a MK1-Braton into raids , and shredding everything to pieces .. ahh the statisfaction of seeing that ... offcourse the braton would need 30+ Forma or more to make it a monster , but what else can u do nowadays? waiting update on new weapon , level it then wait update again ..
9.This idea would also give things to do after u virtually complete almost everything warframe has to offer..... YES , IM TALKING ABOUT YOU ALL MASTERY LEVEL 20+ PLAYERS xD
If not, I'm doomed: it's hard to find a damn blueprint of these.
Don't know what happened but when I used a second forma on my latron prime I didn't get any new polarities and just reset my weapon lvl!