Hello wiki, my old friend
I've come to search your pages once again
Because a question in warframe, puzzling
Left its seeds while I was, farming
And the question, that was planted in my brain... still remains
Within the pages of this wiki
In restless Plains I flew alone
Narrow streets of Cetus' tents
'Neath the halo of a broken Lua
I turned my syandana to the cold and damp
When my nueroptics were stabbed by the flash of a Teralyst's light
That split the night
And touched the pages, of the wiki
Ten thousand Grineer maybe more
MOA's were talking without speaking
Banshee quaking without hearing
Octavia writing songs, that Tenno never shared
No one dared
Disturb the pages, of the wiki
"Tenno Skoom," said I, "You do not know
Infestation from Nidus grows"
Read this wiki that it might teach you
Wiki knows that this might reach you"
But my words, like silent gunshots fell
And echoed, in the caves, of Eidolon
And the Grineer bowed and prayed
To the Worm Queen they made
And the Braids flashed out its warning
In the Kuva that it was forming
And the Queen said, "The Wiki will give you the answers that you seek!"
If only they would use it, my little sweet.