What the best to worse version of the dmg mod like u have serration then prime but then like 6 others
What the best to worse version of the dmg mod like u have serration then prime but then like 6 others
The best base damage mod is Maul, followed by Hornet Strike. The worst (basic) base damage mods are Point Blank and Cutting Edge, though Point Blank is significantly outclassed (in terms of how bad it is) by Vicious Spread, though that isn't one of the basic ones.
Heavy Caliber, Magnum Force, and Spoiled Strike are also pretty bad, but their mod capacities are usually around what you'd expect for their damage.
Rubedo-Lined Barrel is also pretty bad, but its Primed version has the third highest base damage of all the non-Cannonade base damage mods (Maul has 330%, Hornet Strike has 220%, and Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel has 187%).
Pressure Point kind of sucks, but Primed Pressure Point is in the same position as Primed Point Blank: 14 mod capacity for 165% damage, exactly on par with Serration (which is the standard by which all other damage mods should be judged).
Blaze, Sabot Rounds, and Augur Pact are all in kind of the same position, though Augur Pact is the worst of the three. All three of them have no specific downsides, but added Heat damage and punch through are both relevant to the weapon, while the Augur set bonus is not. Additionally, Augur Pact has to compete with Hornet Strike and the absurd set of arcanes pistols have access to, so it comes up short, while Blaze is great to use when you don't have Primed Point Blank yet, and Sabot Rounds is the only punch through mod for Archguns, and the mod with the most punch through out of all non-riven mods.
Semi-Rifle Cannonade, Semi-Shotgun Cannonade, and Semi-Pistol Cannonade are all useful in some contexts, but they have to be specifically built around in order to work, and only work on a very specific subset of all of the weapon categories.
Boreal's Contempt is even more specific than the Cannonade mods, but status damage is very strong, so this one's high-ish on the list.
I will not discuss Condition Overload or the GunCO mods (galvanized status mods).
Vigorous Swap and Holster Amp are both...choices, as are Rifle Amp, Shotgun Amp, Pistol Amp, Steel Charge, and Dead Eye.
Anyway, I'm sure you can get my opinion on the topic from all above. Remember, most damage mods are outcompeted by arcanes on the same weapon, though that is not true of melee weapons or archguns/archmelees.
No i mean the best variation
What do you think?