Im looking for a frame that buffs's damage output, and helps make teammates immortal without requiring too much investment.
Im looking for a frame that buffs's damage output, and helps make teammates immortal without requiring too much investment.
Well, there's no" one size fits all". Trinity makes everyone literally unable to die while giving unlimited energy, octavia makes everyone invisible while giving them CRAZY damage buffs, harrow gives unlimited energy and free red crits... there's plenty of options and I only gave 3
Most warframes offer some form of team support - either in form of defence, healing, buffs, utility or CC.
As you have mentioned damage buff and increased durability to be required, here's my propositions:
Dante (most OP of picks, very overtuned and will prob stay that way forever, Team wide overguard, status vulnerability, damage buffs, AoE nuke potential),
Citrine (Damage reduction, very strong control and priming),
Wisp (strong buffs, damage multiplying and two sources of on demand self invisibility),
Trinity (high durability, effectively team is immortal if correctly played, energy support, will be minorly reworked next month to be more smooth)
Styanax (CC, armor strip and strong defencive and energy support)
Rhino (Durable tank but lacks defencive support, one of the strongest damage buff in game that is also team wide)
Harrow (Sharpshooter with support, great abuser of shield healing, immunity, damage buffs and energy generation but requires specific playstyle)
Hildryn (Shield tank, armor strip, extremely high durability combined with ability to affect allies with potent shields too, new augment makes her AoE Titania)
Jade (Damage buffing, Ability power buffing or Shield heal based on Aura-like ability, easy to build thanks to two Aura mod slots, healing, damage vulnerability, strong CC with armor strip, 4th makes her AoE Titania)
Protea (Universality queen, shield gating abuser - can affect allies, ammo and orb generation, very high ability damage that can scale almost infinitely, zone control, self death protection)
Octavia (completely destroys enemy AI, team wide damage buffs and invisibility, extremely high damage that scales infinitely, one of the more busted warframes but unpopular due to extreme manual spamminess)
Oberon, Wisp, Citrine to add to this. I think it's more about playstyle and what problem you are trying to solve
What do you think?