can't believe I'm stuck on "pick a display name"
any suggestions
can't believe I'm stuck on "pick a display name"
any suggestions
I have decided upon wet carpet..
heard that there's so much in this game the first 60 hours of gameplay is [like] the tutorial
lore sounded pretty cool, taking any suggestions & gameplay tips
-For the main story, you should play by your own instead of looking in public matches.
-On that same topic, you should try finding someone that is more advanced into the game that could (and wants to) help you in your experience. It's very helpful when you get lost and don't know what to do. Because yes, there will be parts of the game that can be very confusing or dense.
-Join a clan. Maybe there you can find this player that will help you as well. To find a clan, you could look in the recruitment chat. There are a lot of them looking for new members.
-The community is very chill most of the time, so don't be afraid to ask for help! Be careful tho, you may stumble with spoilers
More gameplay/farming related tips:
-Don't max mods. That's very expensive for new players.
-Do the mastery tests. By doing them you will unlock a lot of stuff.
Always practice before doing the real tests.
-When you're a bit more advanced in the star chart, and have unlocked Maroo's bazar, try to learn about Relics, prime parts, trading and Platinum. I don't certainly know when you can do all of this, but it is very helpful to know.
-Try to gather as much endo as possible. You can get them by converting the mods into them. It is more valuable than credits, and you will need a lot later.
-Play Duviri Paradox.
I got one thing to tell yoi and that is do whatever you find funny. Don't ask what you should get next, because you'll get all of it at some point anyways. Don't take this game seriously and ask "wHat tO dO tO GeT mAxImuM mCnUgGeT"- you'll burn out quickly. Treat this game like a casual game, and you'll be fine.
What do you think?