Should I sell on maxed weapons for primes included kuva tent and other varieties or nah
Should I sell on maxed weapons for primes included kuva tent and other varieties or nah
No. You might get a Riven for them weapons. You can only sell them for Credits to free slots.
You’re better off farming and selling things, then buying extra slots.
Idc for riven
I do think that you can rather freely sell low MR weapons (with the exception of Duviri weapons).
In most cases you do not need more than one weapon from a family, like with Braton - you can just keep Braton Prime, other variants can be sold after ranking (however Vandal Braton is really hard to get, so I would keep it just as a Collectible Item).
However looking long term, I think you should try to keep most of MR 7+ weapons and not sell Variant weapons (with exception of MK-1, those are worthless, just Mastary fodder).
u should do what makes u happy
Idk tho
I would say that you should make sure it's not used for crafting another item, but if you don't plan on using it ever again, there's no reason to keep it.
Depends on where you’re at in the game. As you progress to steel path, you will want to have replaced your gear with primed or upgraded variants of all your most used weapons and frames. If you’re still doing your star chart though, then you do not need to worry about this quite yet. The reason you’ll want to wait is to ensure that you’ll have at least most of the resources to forma all the new gear you get, as everything will start back at Rank 0, so grinding gear to its potential is a task that you want to be ready for. Overall, yes - at some point down the line, you will want all the upgraded gear, and sell the old stuff for creds. I say it’s when you are just about to unlock steel path.
What do you think?