82 Votes in Poll
Either Viral + Slash or Viral + Heat, but the last one is more common for the Pew-pewey thingies, rather than melee.
I understood, Thanks :)
Weapons with high enough slash can go for pure slash.
Instead of the two elementals for viral you'd add the (primed) faction mod and a mod of your choice (probably critical damage or attack speed).
Against that faction, it would be about as good as a Viral build, but if you get the Viral procs from other sources, like Panzer Vulpaphyla, it becomes a lot stronger.
Viral+Heat is usually for weapons that don't proc slash reliably.
I'm with the game's starting companion XD
Corrosive/Viral/Heat builds are also generally stronger than most Viral/Slash builds purely because of the heat mod bonus and the fact that the heat proc's actual unreduced damage is equal to 15% more of the initial hit than the slash proc's damage is, but the weapons that can use that well have to be high in status and have either viral or corrosive damage at base, such as Scourge/Prime, Synapse, and Phage.
So that's not going to help much here. I just wanted to share the word of corro/viral/heat somewhat, I guess.
Y'all can hate me, but I actually really like the war, and enjoy the fact that it's mostly Impact damage, but I was never a "Just make the D.O.T. do a lotta damage" kinda guy, I like slapping things really hard instead of hitting em once and running till they bleed out.
Well, in the beginning War very cool, in the end the sword is very beautiful (my opinion), appearances are deceiving, I don't want to say it's bad, because I've never used it, and also in Warframe it depends a lot on personal taste, I don't want to say it's bad , but theoretically it makes no sense for War to be worse than Broken War, after all, the "full" version is expected to be better than the "broken"
I'm going to test some builds to see which one works best for my style of play, but I'll probably go viral and slash
I mean, look at it this way, A broken beer bottle does a lot more damage than a not broken one. Slash (Broken) Impact (Full)
Make it for the MR but broken war is a better weapon
What do you think?