Hi I recently got a tigres riven mod with these states
Multi shot 94%
Damage 135%
Slash 102%
Is it a god roll or not
How much is it worth am on ps4 BTW
Any build suggestions with it ?
And thanks
Hi I recently got a tigres riven mod with these states
Multi shot 94%
Damage 135%
Slash 102%
Is it a god roll or not
How much is it worth am on ps4 BTW
Any build suggestions with it ?
And thanks
God roll? Pretty sure that is the term players use to try to increase the value of their rivens.
Maybe I should start selling demon rolls in trade chat to start a new hype.
Oh and your riven isn't that good. The slash doesn't even help shit unless your fighting flesh enemies.... Slash is really weak against ferrite/alloy armor and doesn't do much against shields. So u only end up increasing the amount of slash procs...
That's as good as it can get, without a negative stat.
Maybe it's a saint roll, not a god roll. But then again, who gets to say whether it's a god roll or not?
The Tigris family of shotguns, with 10%-15% crit chanc and 11%-17% stat chance, it's highly debatable which stats to focus.
But one thing for sure, this roll nailed two of the most desire stat (DMG+multi) and a very applicable start (slash). I'll be very content with it, as is. But since you are selling it on PS4 platform, my condolences.
@Shamry this is what you can potentially build... You'll notice that it's not built for crit.
The Chilling Reload obviously for reducing reload time.
Faction mod to multiply the proc damage from slash and heat. If not desired, switch in for critical damage mods instead. Even with a low crit chance, you make you with sheet number of pellets from multishot.
Viral+Heat for lazy build, if you're not keen on switching the build often, but would like a general build to run most missions. (Then again, I am recommending faction mod... Oops)
Silent Battery in Exilus slot for giggles. Serious giggles.
Run a sentinel with Vigilante mods to pump to the crits. It's a crapshoot, but it's really with some giggles.
Its worth around 300 maybe
Well thanks guys I got a 600p offer but decided to decline I actually love the weapon and got a 80k damage build with 28 multishot , thanks Andrew and the others 🙏🏼
@Shamry here's a gimmicky build, see if you like it, with Nova, for massive damage output.
Build her for strength, to your preference, and use her Antimatter Drop ability. Pump your Tigris shots into the slow floating ball of destruction before it reaches your target, or the floor near your target. Your shots increase damage of Antimatter Drop, multiplier through strength stats, and Tigris pumps a serious number of pellets before it detonates on contact.
It's an old strategy against Ambulas. But, it is still a gimmicky build, as you need to get used to Nova's play style... And how lumbering the Antimatter Drop floating ball behaves.
What a freaking legend !! I did that and I kill anybody in a blink of eye , currently I don't have primed point blank , when I get that the stats will pump significantly , looking forward to it , tyy
Antimatter drop only has a cap of 25k damage absorbed, which is relatively easy to do even with weaker weapons, so Primed Point Blank won't really help that combo. You'll know the cap is reached when the orb changes colour and can't be slowed by aiming at it anymore.
The absorbed damage gets multiplied by 8x, so the explosion deals 200k radiation at its strongest, 400k if you count primed enemies, although it can headshot and be buffed by Roar
Strength sadly (or thankfully if you want to speed Nova) doesn't increase that multiplier, only the base and contact damage, which are pitifuly weak anyway.
I'd say +slash isn't that good as +slash will only ever increase the likelihood that a slash proc would happen and not the dmg of the proc. I'd say replace that slash for tox or cold so it's half of a viral proc and free up a mod slot.
No such thing as "a god roll". That's necessarily relatives of both the weapon and the stats that you are trying to increase yourself. Tbo i think I'd rather muti-shot, status chance, and maybe heat, toxin or punch through so i can use it with Mag. At the end of the day, it all about how you play.
What do you think?