How much do these rivens go for. I’d guess not much.
How much do these rivens go for. I’d guess not much.
nope they quite bad
Nope isnt really an accurate answer to a question asking how much.
The convectrix I would advise just scrapping or try to find someone bulk buying junk rivens.
You may be able to get like 30 plat for the bo riven if someone wants it for the prime.
Edit: Bad internet double post
That 13% battery though. Living life on the edge eh?
I have a no riven and 2 really good convectrix rivens. I've been asking 15p each for months with no takers. My advice would be to transmute or scrap for endo, unless you get someone who actually buys junk rivens and doesn't pick and choose.
I have a riven for Torid. Everyone... get out.
BO is 5p