The /d/ is just a small part of the actual wiki. The wiki is a huge store of knowledge easily accessible and can answer any question you may have. It includes information on where items are dropped, how mechanics work, what things are, stats of items, and much more.
Please don't overlook the actual wiki for "human interaction" on a discussion board, it gets old for us and creates a bad habit for you. As the quote goes, "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." The wiki is there for you to help you along through warframe's "complicated" systems.
As far as using the discussion boards for discussing then absolutely. If you are not sure what is acceptable to post then refer to the guidelines, found and under settings for mobile.
A good number of us hang out here a lot and may seem like salty asses but once you hang around and show us your not a dick then your get along just fine.
There are a few things not in the guidelines that are "customary" here.
-Restrain from asking about when an update comes out, we dont know as we are not directly affiliated with digital extremes. Refer to, for more information.
-Dont ask about excalibur prime, that usually leads to an instant deletion and some salt. Refer to for a thorough explanation.
-Upvoting your post is also frowned upon and explained in this post
-Bragging about your mastery rank or using that as an excuse or reason behind doing something is another bad idea. Mastery rank doesnt really mean anything, anyone can get to mr 20+ in no time by spamming hydron or akkad and not knowing the game.
-Refering to a deleted posts will result in your post being deleted. Reffering to someone by name in a post that is against will usually result in a deletion as well.
As "discussions" suggests we love to discuss warframe, however do keep in mind that many people here have discussed almost everything you think of on multiple occasions so you may not get as many responses as you expect.