Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 15-08-2018 por JARVIII
Voracidad VoracidadIcono
Unos glotones gusanos atacan a enemigos cercanos, devorándolos hasta ser alcanzados por Virulencia, explotando con infestación. Los gusanos se benefician de la mutación y cada enemigo consumido se añade al total de acumulaciones de mutación.

Mutation Stacks Cost: 3

AbilityStrengthBuffFuerza:100 / 110 / 125 / 150 (maggot rupture)
10 / 13 / 16 / 20 (health regen per sec)
AbilityDurationBuffDuración:25 / 30 / 35 / 40 s
AbilityRangeBuffRango:4 m (explosion radius)
Misc:8 m (ability diameter)

  • Nidus converts three Mutation stacks into ravenous Infestation, which spreads outward from Nidus and across the surrounding landscape to create spawning grounds with a diameter of 8 meters, lingering for 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 seconds. Nidus and his allies will gain 10 / 13 / 16 / 20 health regen per second when inside the spawning grounds.
    • Health regen per second is affected by fuerza de habilidades.
    • Diameter is not affected by Ability Range.
    • Duration is affected by Duración de habilidades.
    • Ravenous health regeneration is visible to players as a buff icon indicating the health regen rate, beside the shield and health indicators on the HUD.
    • Health regeneration affects ally Warframes, ability-summoned units, Compañeros, Specters, Rescue hostages, Sindicato operatives, Sortie defense operatives, and Invasion allied faction units.
    • Health regen buff area is an invisible cylinder, allowing eligible targets to retain the buff within at most 8 meters above the spawning grounds.
  • Infested cysts catly form on the spawning grounds, hatching up to 9 Maggots that seek out nearby enemies to feast upon. Once enemies are detected, Maggots frenzy with increased movement speed and leap toward their prey to latch onto them. While attached to an enemy, each Maggot will continuously stun its target and inflict ? base Toxina n Toxina damage amplified by the number of Mutation stacks accumulated, per second until the target dies or Maggot expires.
    • Number of active Maggots is not affected by fuerza de habilidades.
    • Multiple Maggots can attach to the same enemy target at one time.
  • When detonated by Virulence, when their hosts die, when killed, or when Ravenous duration expires, Maggots explode to deal 100 / 110 / 125 / 150 base Explosión n Explosión damage amplified by the number of Mutation stacks accumulated, to all enemies within a 4 meter radius.
    • Explosion base damage is affected by fuerza de habilidades.
    • Explosion radius is affected by Ability Range.
    • Enemies hit by Maggot explosions contribute to the Mutation gauge. Hit scoring varies depending on the below factors:
      • Each enemy caught in a Maggot explosion counts as 1 hit per enemy.
      • When a maggot host is killed by other sources and maggot bites, the host itself is not an eligible target and will not count towards Mutation.
      • When a maggot host is hit or killed by Virulence, the host itself is an eligible target and will count as 2 hits, one from Virulence and the other from the explosion of a single Maggot that was attached.
      • If multiple Maggots were attached to the same host, each Maggot explosion will score 1 hit on the host.
    • Maggot explosion total damage uses the following expression when accounting for fuerza de habilidades and Mutation stacks: Amplified Damage = Base Damage × (1 + fuerza de habilidades) × (1 + Number of Stacks After Cost)
      • With a maxed Intensificar, 15% fuerza de habilidades rank bonus, and 97 stacks after casting Ravenous, rank-3 Ravenous' maggot explosion total damage will be increased to 150 × (1 + 15% + 30%) × (1 + 97) = 21,266 Explosión n Explosión damage (decimals are rounded down to the nearest whole number during calculations).
      • Due to the total damage calculation accounting for Mutation stacks after the cost of Ravenous, it is not possible to reach amplified damage results above 97 Mutation stacks.
    • Maggot explosion total damage is calculated and predetermined when Ravenous is cast. Total damage will not be recalculated if any changes in fuerza de habilidades and Mutation stacks occur while Ravenous is active.
    • Recasting Ravenous by creating a new instance will recalculate total damage, while recasting to refresh the current instance's duration will not recalculate total damage (see below for recasting details).
  • Maggots and spawning grounds possess unique properties as independent entities from Nidus:

  • Maggots possess base health of 1000, AI level, and draw enemy aggro.
  • When Maggots cannot attach to enemies, they will instead bite or seek other enemies to latch onto.
  • Maggot lifespan is tied to the duration of the ability, during which they will actively seek out enemies or wander in or away from the spawning grounds.
  • Maggots will automatically explode for damage when killed, when Ravenous duration expires, when their hosts die or when detonated by Virulence.
  • On death, Maggots respawn from cysts throughout the duration of Ravenous, up to the maximum number of active Maggots.
  • Maggots will not attach to small enemies such as Brood Mother's Maggots and Kuva Jesters.
  • Maggot uses a custom model to differentiate from the Brood Mother's Maggots. Maggots belonging to Nidus are affected by his chosen Warframe abilities color.

  • Spawning grounds is created at the location where Nidus initiates the casting animation.
  • Spawning grounds' infestation does not expand up or down high terrain elevations, but do flow up and down stairs and ramps.
  • Within the spawning grounds, various unique models will spawn for visual representation only. Players and AI can path through them unhindered.
    • Textures on the ground are blended with an infestation mesh.
    • Three infested nests erupt on the outskirts of the infestation positioned in triangular vertices. Nests glow, pulsate and emit spore particles, which are affected by the chosen energy color.
      • Nests also serve to maintain the Infestation. If a Nullifier Crewman's null sphere comes in contact with a nest, it will dissipate; when all three infested nests are dissipated, Ravenous will expire automatically.
    • Numerous patches of infested flora resembling tall grass encompass the ground, rustling when brushed past by players and AI while glowing in the chosen energy color.
    • Several infested branches sprout from the infestation to attach to nearby walls and objects in vertical and diagonal axis. Branches glow in the chosen energy color.

  • Can be recast while active.
    • Only one instance can be active at a time.
    • Recasting Ravenous while inside the older instance will refresh duration without relocating the spawning grounds.
    • Recasting Ravenous away from an active spawning ground creates a new instance at the new location while removing the older instance.

  • Maximización es una forma de especialización: los mods pueden combinarse para dar como resultado valores que varían entre los límites superiores enumerados aquí. Haga clic en cualquier enlace maximizado para aprender cómo construirlo.


    See Also
