Última edición, 02-10-2024 por Sekram
Vitrificación masiva Crea un anillo expansivo de vidrio derretido que lentamente cristaliza a los enemigos que entran. Cuando termina la expansión, el anillo se endurece para bloquear el fuego enemigo. El anillo absorbe fuerza extra de la salud y escudos de los enemigos cristalizados. Usa Látigo quebrado para destruir el anillo y enviar volando hacia afuera fragmentos de vidrio afiliado.
Fuerza:20% / 30% / 40% / 50% (damage multiplier) 1,125 / 1,375 / 1,625 / 2,225 (ring segment base Salud) ? / ? / ? / 350 (segment explosion damage) 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (shatter explosion damage) | |
Duración:3 s (expansion time) 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 s (effect duration) | |||
Rango:2 m (ring initial radius) 8 / 8.75 / 10.25 / 11 m (ring max radius) 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 m (segment explosion range) ? / ? / ? / 15 m (shatter explosion range) | |||
Misc:3 m (ring initial height) 12 m (ring max height) 3 s (crystallization time) 12 (ring segments) 50% (absorbed damage) |
- Gara coats herself in a shell of hardened glass, becoming immobile, invulnerable to damage, and immune to Efectos de estado as she unleashes a radial ring of molten glass that expands outward and downward. Ring expansion occurs over 3 seconds, initially draining 3 energy per second which ramps up to 5 energy per second over the course of expansion. The molten glass ring's initial horizontal radius from Gara is 2 meters, which expands up to a maximum horizontal radius of 8 / 8.75 / 10.25 / 11 meters. The molten glass ring's initial height is 3 meters high, which expands downward up to a maximum height of 12 meters.
- Initial horizontal radius is affected por el rango de habilidad, while initial and maximum ring heights are not.
- Maximum horizontal radius is affected by both rango de habilidad y duración de habilidad.
- Expansion time is affected by duración de habilidad.
- Activation energy cost is affected por la eficiencia de habilidad only, while initial and final energy drain per second are affected by both eficiencia de habilidad y duración de habilidad.
- Molten glass bypasses all entities, obstacles, and terrain as it expands.
- When the molten glass ring is created, its base is aligned with Gara's feet to ensure that the initial ring height is about Warframe height.
- Ring height expands downward much faster than ring horizontal radius, reaching full height before expansion time completes.
- Mass Vitrify's glass undergoes two distinct phases with diverse effects on Gara, allies, and enemies:
- Enemies that contact the molten glass are crystallized over 3 seconds, slowing in movement and attack speed until completely solidified in place for 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 seconds. Crystallized enemies receive 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% more damage from weapons and abilities. Each enemy crystallized contributes extra salud to the barrier formation phase, based on a portion of their maximum escudos y salud.
- Damage multiplier is affected por la fuerza de habilidad, while crystallize converted Salud is affected by both fuerza de habilidad y Armadura mods such as Fibra de acero equipped on Gara.
- Damage multiplier is applied once the enemy is completely crystallized.
- Effect duration is affected by duración de habilidad, while crystallization time is not.
- Damage multiplier is affected por la fuerza de habilidad, while crystallize converted Salud is affected by both fuerza de habilidad y Armadura mods such as Fibra de acero equipped on Gara.
- Existing Efectos de estado on crystallized enemies remain active and cannot expire until said enemies are killed or unfrozen.
- Crystallized enemies cannot receive new Efectos de estado while frozen.
- If Gara or allies are affected by a Radiación proc, allies may also be vitrified. This includes Incursión Defense Operatives, Sindicato Operatives, and Desertores Kavor in addition to fellow Tenno.
- On death, crystallized enemies shatter into glass with visual and sound effects.
- Barrier segment base health and segment explosion damage are affected by fuerza de habilidad, while crystallize converted health is affected by both fuerza de habilidad y Armadura mods such as Fibra de acero equipped on Gara.
- Barrier segment health uses the following expression: Modified Health = [Base health + (5 x Gara's Base Armadura x Base Armadura Bonus)] * (1 + fuerza de habilidad).
- With a maxed Fibra de acero and Intensificación a wall segment would have [2225 + (5 x 125 x 1.1)] x (1 + 0.3) = 3,783 Health before accounting for converted health from crystallized enemies (values resulting from intermediate calculations are rounded down to the nearest whole number).
- Segment explosion range is affected por el rango de habilidad.
- The number of wall segments and armor-to-health conversion multiplier are not affected by mods.
- During the crystallization phase, the number of total crystallize converted health is displayed beside the escudo and health indicators on the HUD, as a buff icon with the number of converted health below the icon.
- The number of intact glass barrier segments is shown on the ability icon while at least 1 segment exists.
- Ally players, allied AI, ally weapon fire, and Warframe abilities can pass through unhindered.
- Some allies such as Grineer Hacked Drones y Incursión Defense Operatives cannot pass through.
- Players can perform vertical and horizontal Wall Dash maneuvers when in contact with the glass barrier.
- Most enemies are blocked by the glass barrier from moving and attacking through it, including Nuves Kuva. However, most bosses and the Eidolon Terralista can pass through unhindered.
- Area of effect attacks (i.e., MOAs onda de choque y Bombarderos) and weapons with innate Atravesar (i.e. Tusk Grineer units) can hit through the glass barrier.
- Mass Vitrify's molten glass ring and hardened glass barrier synergize with Gara's other abilities when used in tandem:
- If Gara strikes her own Mass Vitrify glass barrier with Látigo quebrado's glass longsword, the barrier is shattered and destroyed in an explosion of glass fragments that inflicts Látigo quebrado's damage and 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 Calor damage to all enemies within ? / ? / ? / 15 meters from the barrier's exterior surface.
- Explosion damage is affected por la fuerza de habilidad.
- Explosion damage is not affected by equipped melee mods, while Látigo quebrado's thrust or sweep damage is affected by equipped melee mods including:
- Base damage (e.g., Carga de acero), elemental damage, and physical damage mods, as well as melee Mod agrietado containing the aforementioned damage types.
- Mods affecting Perforación damage and Cortante damage will only affect their corresponding physical damage type for Látigo quebrado's thrust or sweep.
- As Látigo quebrado's damage is not comprised of Impacto damage, physical damage mods that affect Impacto have no effect on Látigo quebrado and Mass Vitrify.
- Mass Vitrify's total damage uses the following expression when accounting for fuerza de habilidad: Total Damage = [[[Látigo quebrado]] Base Damage × (1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + fuerza de habilidad)] + [Mass Vitrify Explosion Damage × (1 + fuerza de habilidad)]. As an example, with a maxed Carga de acero, Punto de presión, y Intensificación, a rank-3 Mass Vitrify will have (800 × 2.8 × 1.3) = 2,912 Perforación or Cortante} damage + (800 × 1.3) = 1,040 Calor damage = 3,952 total damage before resistances.
- Látigo quebrado is not affected by the equipped melee weapon's stats or other melee mods including critical chance and damage mods (e.g., Destructor de órganos, Acero verdadero), probabilidad de estado mods (e.g., Contacto a la deriva), melee range mods (e.g., Alcance), faction-specific mods (e.g., Castiga Grineer), Aumento de arma (e.g., Hojas de justicia), class-specific mods (e.g., Letalidad encubierta), or stat-modifying skins (e.g., diseño Manticore de Scindo).
- Base damage (e.g., Carga de acero), elemental damage, and physical damage mods, as well as melee Mod agrietado containing the aforementioned damage types.
- Explosion is radial and not dependent on the direction Gara strikes Mass Vitrify with Látigo quebrado.
- Enemies within the barrier's interior area are not affected by the explosion damage.
- Shatter explosion range is affected por el rango de habilidad.
- The physical damage type absorbed by Tormenta de astillas from Mass Vitrify ( Perforación or Cortante) is determined by Látigo quebrado's thrust or sweep used to destroy the glass barrier.
- Explosion damage from Mass Vitrify is affected por la fuerza de habilidad, while the percentage absorbed is not affected and is capped at 50%.
- Absorbed damage is also affected by equipped melee mods including:
- Base damage (e.g., Carga de acero), elemental damage, and physical damage mods.
- As Mass Vitrify's explosion damage is not comprised of Impacto damage, physical damage mods that affect Impacto have no effect on absorbed damage for Tormenta de astillas.
- Absorbed damage is calculated after additional damage from mods.
- Absorbed damage can stack from repeated Mass Vitrify explosions inside Tormenta de astillas's radius.
- Tormenta de astillass on Gara herself and allies can absorb damage from Mass Vitrify's explosion, while storms on affected enemies do not.
- Initial casting animation and release animation are affected by casting speed, from mods such as Talento natural and Derivación rápida.
- Can be cast while in midair.
- Can be recast while active to expand molten glass and create a new barrier. Only 1 barrier may remain active per player.
- When the barrier duration expires, the glass barrier shatters harmlessly into fragments that float away upward.
- Molten glass, hardened glass, and crystal tint color and particle effects energy color are affected by Gara's chosen Warframe energy color.
- As with most abilities, if a Tripulante Anulador bubble touches the glass, it will end the ability prematurely if casting, and instantly shatter it without dealing any damage to surrounding enemies if already hardened. However, enemies hardened with glass will only harden prematurely if the nullifier touches them.
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