Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
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Línea 30: Línea 30:
*Virulence will cast toward the targeted location regardless of Nidus' orientation.
*Virulence will cast toward the targeted location regardless of Nidus' orientation.
*Cannot be cast while in the air.
*Cannot be cast while in the air.
*Cannot be recast until the fungal growth's maximum length is reached or until it cannot spawn any further due to obstruction. Therefore, [[Talento natural]] and [[Derivación rápida]] only affect the speed of Nidus' stomping animation.
*Cannot be recast until the fungal growth's maximum length is reached or until it cannot spawn any further due to obstruction. Therefore, [[Talento natural]] and [[Speed Drift]] only affect the speed of Nidus' stomping animation.
*Fungal growth's infestation does not spawn up or down high terrain elevations, but do flow up and down stairs and ramps.
*Fungal growth's infestation does not spawn up or down high terrain elevations, but do flow up and down stairs and ramps.
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