Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 22-09-2020 por JARVIII

Un extraño objeto de belleza, esta espada para el archwing ha sido revestida con cristal prismático y bautizada en la energía del vacío.

The Prisma Veritux is the Veritux sword for the Archwing with enhanced stats and a unique Prisma skin.


This weapon deals primarily Cortante n Cortante damage.


  • High base damage.
  • Has D polarity.


  • Possesses delay between combo looping, hindering attack speed.


Configuraciones para el arma[]

  • Revisa una configuración del arma para ver como los jugadores modifican esta arma.
  • Revisa guías para la configuración del arma para guías sobre cómo usar esta arma de forma efectiva.
  • Para más ayuda general con armas, navega por guía para armas.


  • The Prisma Veritux can be purchased from the Void Trader Baro Ki'Teer for 150.000 Créditos y 550‍Ducados . Note however that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance, and may not have this item available at every time.
  • As a Special Weapon, the Prisma Veritux can be traded between players, however only unranked weapons without Forma and Catalizador Orokins are eligible.


  • The Prisma Veritux was visible as an entry in a player's Profile under Equipment before it was released.
  • As a Prisma weapon, the Prisma Veritux has a modified attack sound from the normal Veritux.

Véase también[]
