Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 13-09-2020 por JARVIII

Serpientes cruzadas es un mod de guardia para espadas dobles. Los portadores de esta postura atacan a los enemigos con golpes mortales.

Puede equiparse en:

✓ Marca las armas que tienen la misma polaridad que la guardia


Nombre del combo Combinación de teclas
East to West EEEE
Northern Coil* EE  Hold EEE
Lacerating Leap* EUparrow +EE150%Imp.
Twin Fang* EE  Pause E2XE2XESlashImp.
Northern Coil Mantener E , soltar
Trimming Flowers Slide + E
Red Soil In Air + E
Weightless Steel Wall Dash + E
Mirrored Spike Enemigo derribado + E400%2X
Normal    All Targets   Slam/Ragdoll   Proc
  • PS4:     E  = Combops4circle   RMB  = R2
  • XBOX:  E  = B    RMB  = RTrigger

Combo Name Tecla Combination
East to West Default Melee AttackDefault Melee AttackDefault Melee AttackDefault Melee Attack
Northern Coil* Default Melee AttackDefault Melee AttackChargeDefault Melee AttackSlam
Lacerating Leap* Default Melee AttackUp+Default Melee AttackProc 150%
Twin Fang* Default Melee AttackDefault Melee AttackPauseDefault Melee Attack2xDefault Melee Attack2xProc  
Northern Coil Charge2x300%

Trimming Flowers Deslizarse + 360° Attack

Red Soil Saltando + Slam

Weightless Steel Parkour + Default Melee Attack

Mirrored Spike Enemigo Derribado + Proc 2x400%
360° Attack 360° Attack  Slam Slam Attack  Proc Proc

 Ataques cuerpo a cuerpo

Default Melee Attack   Cuerpo a cuerpo  
Block   Bloquear  
Up   Dirección (Up)  
Charge Hold  
Pause   Pausa  

 Multipliers and Hits

Default Melee Attack200%   Attack does double damage  
Default Melee Attack2x   Attack hits twice  

 Exclusive Procs

Knockdown b    Derribo  
Finisher b    Remate en suelo  


  • The last crossing slash in Lacerating Leap deals 100% bonus damage.
  • When using this stance with the Espadas de calor dobles, the last hit in the Northern Coil combo will release a circle of flames and inflict Calor n Calor status on nearby enemies.
  • Lacerating Leap can be executed simply by first holding forward Uparrow , then pressing the melee key in succession. In other words, this combo can easily be triggered by simply doing melee attacks while walking.
  • The last move of Lacerating Leap is a heavy stagger that has a 100% chance of inflicting Impacto n Impacto proc, and is capable of stunning bosses.
  • The last hit of Twin Fang has a 100% chance of inflicting both Cortante n Cortante and Impacto n Impacto proc.
  • If the melee key is held just as the first jumping attack of Twin Fang is executed (the attack after the pause), the combo will perform Northern Coil's side slash upon landing. If the melee key is pressed again immediately upon the slash occurring, the rest of Northern Coil can be executed from that point onward.  


  • When performing Northern Coil, you can tell when you've successfully initiated the combo when holding down the third keypress gives you two strikes instead of just one.

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