Wiki Warframe Español

Actualización 2025


Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 22-09-2020 por JARVIII

Averigua donde está el enemigo con este rifle estilo revolver de larga distancia.

La Rubico es un rifle de estilo revólver lanzado en la Actualización 18.0 una buena probabilidad y multiplicador crítico a cambio de sacrificar ''estado''.

Requisitos de fabricación
Paquete de polímero
Cristal de argón
Tiempo: 12 hrs
Acelerar: 35 Platinum
Precio del MarketIcon: 225 Platinum Precio del Blueprint2: 20,000 Créditos


Este arma inflige principalmente daño de Impacto n Impacto.


  • High damage.
    • High Impacto n Impacto damage, effective against shields.
  • Alta probabilidad crítica.
  • Highest critical damage among sniper rifles.
  • Good ammo economy.
  • Zooming in increases critical damage by +35% at 5x zoom or +50% at 12x zoom (stacks additively with critical damage mods like Sentido vital).
  • Has the smallest shot combo requirement of all sniper rifles.


  • Long reload time.
  • Low status chance.
  • Small magazine size.
  • Low Perforación n Perforación and Cortante n Cortante damage make it less effective against Armadura y Carne respectively.
  • Inaccurate beyond short range when fired unzoomed.
  • Very short shot combo reset time.

Configuraciones para el arma[]

  • Revisa una configuración del arma para ver como los jugadores modifican esta arma.
  • Revisa guías para la configuración del arma para guías sobre cómo usar esta arma de forma efectiva.
  • Para más ayuda general con armas, navega por guía para armas.


  • The Rubico has the highest critical damage multiplier of any sniper rifle, with a base multiplier of 3x.
    • On the other hand, it has a dismal status chance of 5%, being the lowest for all the sniper rifles. This is compared to the 20-30% of the other sniper rifles, a considerable difference.
  • It closely resembles the Grineer Vulkar in terms of damage type distribution and other stats; the main difference being the Rubico has higher critical stats, while having lower status, base damage, and magazine.
  • The Rubico requires only a single shot to activate its Shot Combo Counter, giving it an immediate 1.5x total damage multiplier on the first shot, and a 2.0x total damage multiplier after its third shot, giving it the ability to quickly ramp up its damage with a single magazine. On the other hand, it has a shot reset counter that lasts only 2.5 seconds, thus reloading will always reset its shot combo counter if there are no reload mods present.
    • With Mira Harkonar, it's possible to maintain the Rubico's combo through reloads, provided there is a target to hit within the allotted time.


  • Due to its high critical chance and damage multiplier, it is recommended to use Punto de impacto (bringing the weapon's critical chance up to 62.5%) as well as Sentido vital, which increases its critical damage multiplier to 6.6x. Disparo martillo and Municiones de hoja can increase this even further; up to 8.4x and 12.0x respectively. Scoping in also boosts its critical damage by up to +50% at maximum zoom level.


  • Rubico is a clay made from crushed basalt that is used to build tennis courts, with its green color being similar to the color of this weapon.


  • It seems as though there is a chance for a bullet to not hit its mark, even when scoped in.

Historial de actualizaciones[]

*Actualización 22.12
  • La tasa de fuego aumentó de 1.5 a 2.67
  • Zoom de primer nivel reducido de 5x a 3.5x
  • Zoom de segundo nivel reducido de 12x a 6x

Actualización 18.0

  • Introducido.