Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 08-11-2020 por JARVIII

"Conocido y misterioso. Esta cosa me ha perseguido a lo largo de mi vida, en vigilia y durmiendo, desde que hice ese maldito trato. Un parásito en el núcleo de mi ciudad. Drena mi riqueza, mi poder, mis reactores... y mi dignidad.

Esto no quedará así. Veré esa horrenda cosa destruida.

Seré libre."

El Ropalolulista es un gigantesco jefe Consciente con forma de pájaro capaz volador. Se puede encontrar en la Ciudad de gas Corpus remasterizado en su propio nodo de Asesinato en Júpiter, lo que requiere que los jugadores hayan completado el Prólogo de quimera para combatirlo. Fue enviado por los Conscientes para asegurarse de que Alad V no cruzara su "sociedad", para su disgusto.

Después de derrotar al Ropalolulista, el jugador recibirá planos de componentes Warframe Wisp Wisp y un mod Amalgama de cinco posibles.



A pesar de la declaración de Digital Extremes de que el Consciente es un Eidolon volador, ningún material del juego se refiere a él como tal, dejando su clasificación desconocida.

La máscara de Revenant

Aunque quizás no sea el mismo Ropalolulista, se puede ver una silueta espectral de la misma raza Consciente emergiendo brevemente del lago Gara Toht en las llanuras de Eidolon. Nakak explica que un warframe servía como Guardián para mantener a raya al Eidolon sellado, hasta que un día trató tontamente de hacer contacto con el Consciente. Al darse cuenta de que el Consciente lo estaba usando como un medio para liberarse, el Guardián se arrojó al lago. El tiempo empleado como "ancla" para el Consciente infundiría al Guardián con sus energías sobrenaturales, transformándolo en el Revenant icono Revenant.

Se desconoce si se trata del mismo Ropalolulista o de uno diferente al encontrado en Júpiter.

El acuerdo Joviano

Después de que los Conscientes engañaron a Alad V para que formara una asociación involuntaria, el Ropalolulista fue estacionado en la Ciudad de gas Corpus en Júpiter, amenazando con destruir su ciudad si no obedecía para crear Amalgamas para los Conscientes Durante la batalla con el Ropalolulista, Natah lo llama su "otra carne" y le dice al Tenno que su sacrificio dejará lugar para que los Amalgamas vivan. Mientras tanto, Alad V anima activamente e incluso expresa gratitud a los Tenno mientras luchan.


Fuera de su nodo de asesinato, el Ropalolulista se puede ver ocasionalmente al aire libre, causando destrucción a la ciudad y dejando escombros a su paso antes de volar. El Ropalolulista no puede ser atacado durante este estado.

Durante la misión de asesinato, el Ropalolulista es capaz de volar. Cuando está conectado a tierra, puede caminar sobre sus "alas" en forma de cuchillas. Utiliza una variedad de proyectiles basados en energía e incluso puede agarrar al Tenno con sus garras.

  • Láseres: mientras está suspendido, el Ropalolulista puede disparar láseres delgados de ambas garras después de un breve retraso, lo que inflige un daño SentientFactionIcon b Tau masivo, suficiente para matar al jugador en la mayoría de los casos.
  • Anulando grito: Cuando un tipo de habilidad de movilidad tales como la Rapidez del Vacío del operador o el Chakram en llamas simbolo Chakram en llamas de Nezha icono Nezha se usa, los gritos del Ropalolulista liberan un pulso que desactiva temporalmente la transferencia, y anula todos las habilidades del warframe (a excepción de las habilidades desplegadas como el Agujero de gusano simbolo Agujero de gusano de Nova icono Nova) y evita temporalmente el uso de las habilidades durante ~3 segundos.
  • Corriente eléctrica: Al intentar escalar cualquiera de las tirolinas que conducen a las torres de condensadores, el Ropalolulista se teletransportará a la torre y ocasionalmente creará un rayo eléctrico en forma de escalera entre dos tirolinas que viajarán hacia el jugador. Si los tenno entran en contacto con la corriente eléctrica, se tambalearán y caerán de la tirolina.
  • Láser gigante: Cuando un Tenno está en la plataforma junto a las torres de condensadores, el Ropalolyst unirá la punta de sus alas y disparará un láser continuo y masivo que inflige un gran daño continuo de SentientFactionIcon b Tau.
  • Buscando misiles: Después de estar conectado a tierra por primera vez, el Ropalolulista dispara una serie de proyectiles con una ligera habilidad de búsqueda hacia el Tenno.
  • Agarrar: Mientras está en tierra, el Ropalolulista agarra al Tenno con sus garras, inhabilitando todos sus movimientos y habilidades mientras lo sostienen. El Tenno perderá salud gradualmente mientras esté bajo el control del Ropalolulista hasta que lo suelte. Pueden escapar temporalmente del agarre entrando en el modo Operador.


Fase 1

The Ropalolyst engages the Tenno while hovering in the air. There are three capacitor towers surrounding the main platform. Approach one of the towers, taking care to avoid the Electric Stream, and wait until the Ropalolyst fires its Giant Laser, luring it to hit the tower and supercharging it.

The Tenno must deplete the Ropalolyst's Escudos using VoidTearIcon b Vacío damage via Operador's Rayo del Vacío. Once its Escudos are depleted, the Tenno can approach the Ropalolyst using their Warframe, giving the option to board it. While boarded, the Tenno can steer the Ropalolyst and ram it into the supercharged tower, knocking it back onto the main platform and grounding it. If the Tenno takes too long to steer it, they will automatically be knocked off and the Ropalolyst will regenerate its Escudos.

Fase 2

Grounded, the Ropalolyst will stomp around using its blade-like wings and use its Seeking Missiles and Grab and is reinforced by a small group of Amalgamas. The two Ropalolyst Synovia on its hind legs become vulnerable, destroying one of them will temporarily stun it, allowing it to be vulnerable to the Terren Charger, a massive laser that is activated by a terminal on the main platform. If the Tenno take too long to activate the laser, any destroyed Synovia will fully regenerate.

Fase 3

Once injured by the Terren Charger, the Ropalolyst will resume flight. Simply repeat the above steps two more times until it dies. On the third grounding, Battalistas y Conculistas will appear instead of Amalgamas, and the Ropalolyst's entire body becomes vulnerable to damage.

Activating the Terren Charger for the third and final time will obliterate the Ropalolyst, causing the main platform to collapse. The Tenno lands on part of the destroyed wreckage ready for extraction, as the Ropalolyst's corpse remains on the main platform while engulfed in flames.


  • Fase 1: Maneuver toward one of the capacitor towers, lure Giant Laser onto the tower, deplete Ropalolyst's Escudos with Operador Rayo del Vacío, mount Ropalolyst using Warframe, and steer Ropalolyst onto the supercharged tower.
  • Fase 2: Destroy Synovia with gunfire, activate Terren Charger terminal.
  • Fase 3: Repeat above two more times until it is defeated. On the final grounding, its entire body is vulnerable.


  • It was first introduced in Devstream 100, under the name Fly-dolon, and was supposed to be encountered on Las llanuras de Eidolon.
    • For this reason, many people believe that the Ropalolyst should be considered an Eidolon. However there are a couple of clues, such as the appearance of multiple Ropalolysts in La nueva guerra trailer, the lack of the "Eidolon" name while it is fought, and the lack of spectral characteristics, which might indicate that it is incorrect.
    • Interestingly, the battle against the Ropalolyst is somewhat similar to that against an Eidolon, as players have to use their Operador's Rayo del Vacío to deplete its Escudo first, before they can harm its two Synovia weak points with conventional weapons.
  • Despite Nakak claiming Revenant's power would be needed to combat the spectral Ropalolyst that appears during the La máscara de Revenant, the Warframe has no bearing on the actual Ropalolyst fight.
  • Ropalo is Ancient Greek for "bludgeon". This may refer to the Ropalolyst's blunt limbs.
    • It could however also refer to Ropalidia, a genus of paper wasps, or Rhopalocera, which refer to butterflies, both alluding to the Sentient's ability to fly.
  • Along with the planet Alad V Mutalítico y Golem Jordas on Eris, the Ropalolyst is among the only four bosses to share a planet, while not containing a shared node (in the case of Capitán Vor y el Teniente Lech Kril). The Ropalolyst shares Jupiter with Alad V, accessible to any player who has reached his node and completed the Chimera Prologue quest.
  • The Ropalolyst is the first Sentient boss occupying its own node.
  • The head of the Ropalolyst bears a striking resemblance to Harrow's helmets.

Historial de actualizaciones

Revisión 25.3.2
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst fight breaking if the player flies it into the underside of the center platform. You will now be forcibly dismounted off the bucking bronco.

Revisión 25.1.1

  • Fixed a Host migration during the ground stage causing the weak links to be indestructible when fight the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixed Host/Clients becoming stuck with a black screen after falling off of level during the Ropalolyst fight.

Actualización 25.1

  • Fixes towards cases of the Ropalolyst not firing its beam.

Revisión 25.0.8

  • Fixed the Ropalolyst walking around in circles after landing due to being affected by Magus Lockdown! HUGE appreciation to all the Tenno who provided detailed repro steps, and shoutout to hix3r for a top tier post + many Partners for attempting to reproduce!
  • Fixed cases of Operator falling into a teleport volume twice before being placed safely in the middle platform during the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst turning itself upside down for no advantageable reason at all.
  • Fixed tower collision volumes not being disabled for Clients in the Ropalolyst fight.

Revisión 25.0.7

  • Fixes towards the Ropalolyst walking around in circles after landing.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst going invisible if it nullifies while holding an Operator.
  • Fixed the ‘friendly through wall’ FX being applied to the Ropalolyst, making it difficult to see when attempting to shoot at it.

Revisión 25.0.6

  • Further fixes towards the Ropalolyst getting stuck in its blocking animation.
  • Fixed Clients being left behind in the Ropalolyst fighting area as everyone else is teleported to the extraction tile after defeating the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixes towards the Ropalolyst walking around in circles after landing.

Revisión 25.0.5

  • Further fixes towards your Warframe teleporting to last Operator position when falling out of the map during the Ropalolyst fight which resulted in a constant fade-in/fade-out black screen. We are working on an additional fix that we aim to ship tomorrow.

Revisión 25.0.4

  • You can now access Chat while being held by the Ropalolyst. Whether you want to say 'IT GOT ME, IT GOT ME' is up to you.
  • Further fixes towards infinite falling in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed inability to fight the Ropalolyst if you Operator Void Dashed right after initiating the elevator, which placed you back in the elevator with the Rolalolyst outside flapping around in its lonesome.
  • Fixed being stuck in a fade-in/fade-out black screen when Transferring to Operator when your Warframe enters a teleport volume (falling off the edge) in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed getting grabbed by the Ropalolyst while in Operator mode or if the Ropalolyst dies while holding you resulting in a forced stand still state.
  • Fixed Inaros’ Devour FX persisting on the Ropalolyst if cast by a Spectrolyst.
  • Fixed Ropalolyst being shy and hidden sometimes, as players travelled towards the final showdown room.

Revisión 25.0.3

  • Fixed players getting stuck in an infinite falling loop during the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed cases of the Ropalolyst being unable to fly.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst continuing to navigate towards towers it has already been...deceived by.
  • Fixed random foot popping animations on the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixed ability to infinitely spawn Amalgamas during the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed digital Lotus transmissions playing for Clients in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed some FX lingering for Clients, and others not being visible.
  • Fixed Ropalolyst whooshing sounds not playing when ‘riding the bull’.
  • Fixed a script error when falling off a platform in the Ropalolyst fight.

Revisión 25.0.2

  • Made adjustments to the ziplines and platforms in the end area of the Ropalolyst fight.

Revisión 25.0.1

  • Ropalolyst will now attempt to kick you off if you choose to ‘ride the bull’ for more than 30 seconds.
  • Fixed inability to proceed in the Ropalolyst boss fight if the Client player has died.
  • Fixed capacitor tower replication issues for Clients in the Ropalolyst boss right room.
  • Fixes towards Ropalolyst getting stuck in the top of the capacitor towers.
  • Fixed certain Transmissions playing back to back instead of spaced out when playing the Ropalolyst Boss node when a Client joined a mission.

Actualización 25

  • Introducido.