Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 06-11-2020 por JARVIII

Cuando un jugador o enemigo recibe daño a su salud o escudo, ese daño puede ser mitigado por fuentes de reducción de daño (también llamado resistencia al daño). En otras palabras, los jugadores pueden causar menos daño que el valor del Arsenal indicado debido a la armadura; mods de tipo de daño de diferentes clases de salud, armadura y escudo; y/u otras fuentes de reducción de daños.

Tenga en cuenta que en el juego y en el wiki, a veces Habilidades y descripciones de Mod mencionan la reducción de daño cuando quieren decir el tipo de daño modificador y viceversa. Esta distinción es necesaria para diferenciar entre combinaciones multiplicativas y aditivas de reducción de daño.

Cómo afecta la reducción de daño al daño[]

Artículo principal: Damage#Damage_Calculation

When a player is dealt damage it is reduced by a scalar, calculated from the amount damage reduction (DR) active (from Mods, Warframe abilities, etc.). The general calculation takes a form of:

For example, if a Grineer Lancer normally deals 100 IPS damage (50

Impact b Impact, 25

Puncture b Puncture, and 25

Slash b Slash) against a player and that damage is dealt to the player's escudos (classified as Tenno Shield), which have an innate 25% DR, the amount of damage the player receives will be:

(50 + 25 + 25) × (1 - 25%) = 75

If that damage is dealt to the player's health (classified as Tenno Flesh with no modifiers), with 100 armor (classified as Tenno Armor with no modifiers) and Gara icono Gara's {{Ability}} Splinter Storm not found active (70% pure damage reduction), the amount of damage the player receives will then be:

(50 + 25 + 25) × (1 - 70%) × 300/(100 + 300) = 22,5

Damage type modifiers (DM, not to be confused with damage reduction, DR) also play a role in damage calculations. Although the Tenno are neutral to all damage types as of Actualización 27.2, mods such as Mod TT 20pxToxin Resistance or ability effects like {{Mod}} "Aviator" no encontrado add damage modifiers to a player's health y escudos against either one type of damage specifically (

Toxin b Toxin), or all types at once. The generalized formula from above can be modified to account for these as such:

For example, if the previous damage from above is dealt to a player's health, with 100 armor, Splinter Storm, {{Mod}} "Aerodynamic" no encontrado, and Aviator, the amount of damage the player receives will then be:

(50 + 25 + 25) × (1 - 24% - 40%) × (1 - 70%) × 300/(100 + 300) = 8,1

In the case of armored enemies (who's health and armor have innate damage modifiers), the modified damage dealt is calculated as:

Where HM is the damage type modifier of the Health, AM is is the damage type modifier of the Armor, PR is a pure damage reduction (e.g. Ancient Healer aura), and AR is the amount of armor.

For example, if the 100 pure

Slash b Slash damage is dealt to a Heavy Gunner with 500 Ferrite Armor (-15% DM to Slash) and 300 Cloned Flesh (+25% DM to Slash), the amount of damage it receives will be:

100 × (1 + 25%) × (1 + -15%) × 300/(300 + 500[1 - -15%]) = 36,428571428571

*Notice that in this case, the two damage modifiers, HM and AM, do not add together as in the formula before. This is because the damage modifier for armor is applied separately from the one for health.

Types of Damage Reduction[]

Type Applies to Stacking behavior
Armor Health only
  • DR from armor is multiplicative with other types
Pure Damage Reduction escudos and Health
  • DR is multiplicative with all forms of damage reduction
Damage Type Modifier Where Applicable*
  • DR from damage type modifier is additive within the same type (90% cap)
  • DR is multiplicative with other types
Mod TT 20pxQuick Thinking + Mod TT 20pxGladiator Finesse Energy at 2 Health
  • DR is multiplicative with other types

*Modifiers granted by mods or effects (E.g. Mod TT 20pxToxin Resistance) are applied to both health and escudos, while modifiers that are innate to a escudo or health type only apply to the damage that escudo or health. E.g.

Slash b Slash damage dealt to the neutral escudos of an enemy that has a +25% modifier to slash on its health will not take increased damage to its escudos. The exception to this are damage modifiers on armor, which do apply to health as well but not to escudos.


Artículo principal: Armor


Pure Damage Reduction[]

Any source of damage reduction, aside from armor, will decrease damage done to health and escudos. Sources of damage reduction (including armor) stack multiplicatively with each other.

This form of damage reduction is usually temporary or conditional, unlike armor, so it must be reapplied to receive less damage to health y escudos.

Sources of damage redirection can essentially be treated as damage reduction.

Sources of Pure Damage Reduction[]



Desolate Hands

Serene Storm


Pacify & Provoke

Splinter Storm

Shatter Shield

Eclipse(H) Eclipse(S)
(PRESIONA) Reduce temporalmente el daño que Mirage recibe de los enemigos.
(MANTÉN) Aumenta temporalmente el daño de las armas de Mirage.
AbilityStrengthBuffFuerza:25 / 40 / 60 / 75 % (reducción de daño)
115 / 125 / 150 / 200 % (aumento de daño)
AbilityDurationBuffDuración:10 / 13 / 18 / 20 s
Misc:90% (límite de reducción de daño)

  • Mirage consume OrbeEnergía 25 de energía para adaptarse a las condiciones de iluminación por 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 segundos.
    • PRESIONAR la tecla de habilidad activa Eclipse Lunar, bañando a Mirage en sombras para ganar 25% / 40% / 60% / 75% de Reducción de Daño y reducir la presición de los enemigos.
      • La reducción de daño está limitada al 90%.
    • MANTENER la tecla de habilidad activa Eclipse Solar, bañando a Mirage en luz para ganar 115% / 125% / 150% / 200% de daño de armas.
      • El aumento de daño aplica un bonus multiplicativo que es calculado luego del valor del daño total del arma. P. ej., con un Mod TT 20pxIntensificación a rango máximo y un arma que inflinja 250 de daño total, un Eclipse de rango-3 incrementará el daño total del arma a un máximo de 250 × (1 + 2 × [1 + Mod TT 20px0.3]) = 900.
      • El aumento de daño afecta tanto al daño inicial como al daño por efecto de estado. A diferencia del daño de facción, el cual aplica dos veces a los efectos de estado, el de Eclipse se aplica una vez.
  • Tiene una demora de lanzamiento de 1 segundo, afectado por modificadores de velocidad de lanzamiento.
  • Puede ser relanzada mientras está activa para refrescar la duración.
  • Los Compañeros y Hologramas de Salón de espejos simbolo Salón de espejos normalmente no reciben el aumento de daño de Eclipse, pero lo recibiran en caso de usar el aumento Mod TT 20pxEclipse total.
  • Aplica a las siguientes habilidades:
  • Sinergia de Habilidad: Eclipse provee beneficios a Prisma(S) Prisma:
    • Eclipse Lunar (presionar) reduce a la mitad el costo de energía por segundo de Prisma, aplicado luego de los modificadores de Eficiencia de habilidad y Duración de habilidad.
    • Eclipse Solar (mantener) incrementa el daño de Prisma en un 100%.
  • Subsumir Mirage al Helminto ofrece Eclipse y sus aumentos para ser usados por otros Warframes.

Eclipse total
Artículo principal: Eclipse total

Eclipse total es un mod de aumento de warframe para para Mirage icono Mirage que hace aplica el efecto de Eclipse(S) Eclipse a todos los aliados que se encuentren cerca.

Maximización is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link to learn how to build it.

Warding Halo

Parasitic Link

Null Star





Damage Type Modifiers[]

Damage type modifiers are a unique classification of damage reduction that is usually specific to only one type of damage. Damage modifiers stack additively with each other and multiplicatively with other sources of damage reduction. As such, damage type modifiers gained from mods is capped at 90%.

Sources of Damage Type Modifiers[]

Quick Thinking and Gladiator Finesse[]

Mod TT 20pxQuick Thinking and Mod TT 20pxGladiator Finesse are mods that convert a percentage of lethal damage taken into energy drain when the player reaches 2 health. At above 100% efficiency, additional lethal damage taken will be reduced. With both mods at maxed rank equipped, your Warframe's energy pool will be 300% efficient in absorbing damage, reducing incoming damage by 66.67%.

To calculate the multiplier on incoming damage:

To calculate damage reduction provided by these mods:

Quick Thinking
Rank Efficiency Additional damage reduction Multiplier on incoming damage
0 40% -150% 2.5x
1 80% -25% 1.25x
2 120% 16.667% 0.833x
3 160% 37.5% 0.625x
4 200% 50% 0.5x
5 240% 58.333% 0.41667x

Gladiator Finesse
Rank Efficiency Additional damage reduction Multiplier on incoming damage
0 10% -900% 10x
1 20% -400% 5x
2 30% -233.33% 3.33x
3 40% -150% 2.5x
4 50% -100% 2x
5 60% -66.67% 1.667x

Special Enemies[]

Certain enemies possess unique damage reduction calculations separate from armor or sources of pure damage reduction. Usually, this unique damage reduction scales based on the weapon's average damage per second (DPS), sometimes excluding Critical Hits. The game calculates DPS typically as:

Where damage, critical multiplier, fire rate, and multishot is calculated after mods and buffs are applied (e.g. Octavia icono Octavia's {{Ability}} Amp not found or Volt icono Volt's Mod TT 20pxShock Trooper for damage, Mod TT 20pxSharpened Bullets for critical multiplier, Valkyr icono Valkyr's {{Ability}} Warcry not found or GaussIcon272 Gauss' {{Ability}} Redline not found for fire rate, and {{Mod}} "Split Flights" no encontrado for multishot).

Note that weapons with the auto-spool trigger type, like the Gorgon Gorgon or Kohm Kohm, will deal less damage per shot as their fire rate ramps up to their maximum value.

In most cases, this scaling DR stacks multiplicatively with DR provided by the enemy's armor.

To calculate damage reduction based on DPS:


Artículo principal: Condrix


Artículo principal: Eidolon Teralyst

Deimos Jugulus[]

Artículo principal: Deimos Jugulus#Damage Resistance

Deimos Jugulus

Demolishers / Demolysts[]

Artículo principal: Demolisher#Damage Resistance


Juggernaut (Behemoth)[]

Artículo principal: Juggernaut#Damage Resistance

Lephantis / Hemocyte[]

Artículo principal: Lephantis#Damage Resistance

Leaping Thrasher[]

Artículo principal: Leaping Thrasher#Damage Resistance

Leaping Thrasher


Artículo principal: Nox#Damage Resistance

Sentients / Shadow Stalker[]

Most Sentient enemies (and Shadow Stalker) have a damage adaptation mechanic that allows them to have damage type modifiers as well as damage reductions toward particular damage types. A Conculyst is an example of an enemy with this mechanic.

Artículo principal: Conculyst#Damage Adaptation


Tusk Thumpers[]

Artículo principal: Tusk Thumper

Tusk Thumper


Artículo principal: Treasurer



Historial de actualizaciones[]

Revisión 25.7.8
  • Airborne resistance from Mods is now capped at 90% to prevent stacking past 100% in some cases.
Warframe Español

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