Wiki Warframe Español

Actualización 2025


Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 31-12-2024 por JARVIII
Antecesor de
Honda del Vacío desde la Actualización 31.5

El Rapidez del Vacío (por defecto: Ctrl  + Espacio ) es la capacidad de desplazamiento predeterminada del operador.

  • Cruzando entre el plano material y el plano del vacío, es un potente movimiento que lanza el operador hacia la dirección en la que apunta a 3.5 metros de distancia, derribará a cualquier objetivo en su camino.
    • Rapidez del Vacío cuesta 25 puntos de energía para activarse.
    • Cada enemigo impactado restaurará 10 puntos a la energía del vacío del operador.
  • También puede desarmar a un guardián Kuva de su Kesheg.

Focus Enhancements[]

Void Dash may be enhanced or altered by the following Enfoque powers:


Blazing DashERROR: No such focus Blazing Dash found
ERROR: No such focus Blazing Dash found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Blazing Dash found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Blazing Dash found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Blazing Dash found

Meteoric DashERROR: No such focus Meteoric Dash found
ERROR: No such focus Meteoric Dash found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Meteoric Dash found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Meteoric Dash found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Meteoric Dash found

  • Meteoric Dash deals VoidTearIcon b Vacío damage.
  • Can deal damage against an Eidolon's shield.
Community notes  


Rapidez protectora
Allies hit by Void Dash are granted immunity from damage for 2s / 3s / 4s / 5s and healed 25% / 35% / 45% / 60% over 5s.
FocusLensFocus b50,000 to unlock

FocusLensFocus b80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000
FocusPool 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

  • Works on allied Warframes, Operadores, Companions, NPC allies including Eidolon Lures, Venari y summoned ally units.
  • Dashing through your own Warframe will heal it. Making it valuable when using with Ira mod. The invincibility will not be granted after returning to it though.
    • Works exceptionally well with Inaros, since it heals a percentage of life.
  • Dashing through defense or mobile defense objective will grant them invincibility, but healing effect will work only if the object has started regenerating after not taking damage for a while. Extractors on excavation missions will be granted with both healing and invincibility effects, but the invincibility effect won't be shown on the UI due to a bug.
    • Cryopods in the Void and Derelict defense missions cannot be affected by Protective Dash, which might be a bug.
Community notes  
Sonic DashERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found
ERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found

  • Stunned enemies are vulnerable to finisher attacks for the duration of the stun.
  • Does not (seem to) proc protective dash with the new AoE.
Community notes  


Embestida ejecutora
FocusNodeRing b
Embestida ejecutora
Rapidez del Vacío ya no empuja a los enemigos, ahora los deja abiertos a remates y aumenta el daño de remate en un15% / 20% / 25% / 35%.
FocusLensFocus b50,000 to unlock

FocusLensFocus b80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000
FocusPool 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Community notes  
Rapidez súbita
FocusNodeRing b
Rapidez súbita
Crea una onda mientras embiste, aumentando el daño en un 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% y el área de efecto alrededor del operador en 2m / 4m / 6m / 8m / 10m / 12m.
FocusLensFocus b50,000 to unlock

FocusLensFocus b80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000 / 226,969 / 306,274
FocusPool 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11

  • Stacks with Executing Dash by increasing the area of effect of Void Dash.
Community notes  
Carrera enérgica
FocusNodeHex b
Carrera enérgicaPassive, Way-Bound
Aumenta la velocidad de Rapidez del Vacío en un20% / 40% / 60% / 80% / 100% / 120% / 120%.
FocusLensFocus b50,000 to unlock

FocusLensFocus b80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000 / 226,969 / 306,274 / 1,000,000 + 1x Brilliant Eidolon Shard
FocusPool 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 11

  • Increase operator speed while dashing, improving distance traveled. Animation speed remain unaffected.
  • Increase amount of force applied to targets hit on Dash, easily throwing enemies a hundred meters away when fully leveled.
Community notes  


Sundering DashERROR: No such focus Sundering Dash found
ERROR: No such focus Sundering Dash found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Sundering Dash found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Sundering Dash found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Sundering Dash found

  • Multiple Sundering Dashes can be stacked with diminishing returns.
  • Does not work on Eidolons.
Community notes  
Crippling DashERROR: No such focus Crippling Dash found
ERROR: No such focus Crippling Dash found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Crippling Dash found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Crippling Dash found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Crippling Dash found

