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El Rapidez del Vacío (por defecto: Ctrl + Espacio ) es la capacidad de desplazamiento predeterminada del operador.
Cruzando entre el plano material y el plano del vacío, es un potente movimiento que lanza el operador hacia la dirección en la que apunta a 3.5 metros de distancia, derribará a cualquier objetivo en su camino.
Rapidez del Vacío cuesta 25 puntos de energía para activarse.
Cada enemigo impactado restaurará 10 puntos a la energía del vacío del operador.
Allies hit by Void Dash are granted immunity from damage for 2s / 3s / 4s / 5s and healed 25% / 35% / 45% / 60% over 5s.
50,000 to unlock
80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000 1 / 3 / 5 / 7
Works on allied Warframes, Operadores, Companions, NPC allies including Eidolon Lures, Venari y summoned ally units.
Dashing through your own Warframe will heal it. Making it valuable when using with Ira mod. The invincibility will not be granted after returning to it though.
Works exceptionally well with Inaros, since it heals a percentage of life.
Dashing through defense or mobile defense objective will grant them invincibility, but healing effect will work only if the object has started regenerating after not taking damage for a while. Extractors on excavation missions will be granted with both healing and invincibility effects, but the invincibility effect won't be shown on the UI due to a bug.
Cryopods in the Void and Derelict defense missions cannot be affected by Protective Dash, which might be a bug.
Can perform Remates on enemies affected by Executing Dash over and over again.
Community notes
Rapidez súbita
Crea una onda mientras embiste, aumentando el daño en un 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% y el área de efecto alrededor del operador en 2m / 4m / 6m / 8m / 10m / 12m.