Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 23-09-2020 por JARVIII
Operación: La Deuda de la Sombra

The Stalker has found others as twisted as himself. He calls them his Acolytes and he's sent them after ME?!

SHHH. I have to be very quiet, they cloak, they could be hiding anywhere… listening to this.

I'm calling in my favor. Break into Corpus and Grineer installations and steal their security data. With enough data, I can determine their cloaking patterns and turn the tables on

—A message from Alad V

Operation: Shadow Debt was an event released with Revisión 18.4.1 on PC, and Revisión 18.5.6 on consoles. Calling in his favor from El segundo sueño, Alad V requested the Tenno's aid in hunting down the Stalker's newly minted Acólitos.

For PC, this event lasted between January 26 to February 3, 2016. For consoles, this event lasted between April 14 to April 22, 2016.


What You'll Need To Do

Tracking Down the Acolytes

  • In order to track down the Acolytes, players will first be tasked in acquiring security data from Grineer and Corpus systems so that Alad V can pinpoint their locations.
    • The first two missions are Espionaje missions set on Mercurio and Venus respectively. Players must successfully break into at least two data vaults for a successful mission.
    • The last two missions are Defensa móvil missions set on Tierra and Júpiter respectively. They are otherwise identical to regular Mobile Defense missions.
  • Once all the security data has been collected, the Acólitos will be detected for the community to locate and hunt down. There are six Acolytes in total.
    • An Acolyte will be located on a given planet and players must locate the mission node where he or she is found. Once the Acolyte's mission node is located, their location is announced in the Operations tab in the Mission selection screen.
    • To hunt down an Acolyte, players must selected the mission node and explore the map. The Acolyte can spawn in any location of the map, ranging from dead-end rooms to the mission path. The Acolyte will announce his or her presence to the player in a manner similar to the Stalker and will spawn shortly afterward.
    • Once the Acolyte spawns, players must damage the Acolyte until it leaves, whereupon it drops a mod.
    • All Acolytes have a global health bar that is reduced by community effort with no given time limit. Once the health bar reaches 0%, the Acolyte is killed. Be warned however; the Acolytes will move to different mission nodes and even planets to evade their hunters, so be vigilant.

Defending Alad V

  • Once the five Acolytes have been defeated, Alad V send a message to the player's inbox, remarking that there is still one Acolyte remaining – Miseria. You will then be tasked to complete a defense mission on Europa with Alad V as the defense objective against 10 waves of Shadow Corpus enemies, with Shadow copies of Manía and Tormento scattered amongst their ranks.
  • Once the final wave is complete, Misery will spawn and players must defeat him to complete the mission. Misery will occasionally spawn Void Shades that link to Misery similarly to Escudo de sombras, reducing the damage to Misery as long as they are linked to him.
    • Misery is guaranteed to spawn additional Void Shades when his health drops below 66% and 33%, the latter case also spawning Shadow copies of Angustia and Violencia.
  • Once Misery is defeated, the player will get a random assortment of mods from the pool of all the Acolytes. The mission can be replayed to gain additional mods but they will have to endure the full length of the mission each time.


  • After defending Alad V from Misery, the player then has the option to do a more challenging version of the mission, which requires to player to defeat waves of Acolytes and Corpus troops. At least 15 waves are required to get the Scorn Lacera Skin.
  • It is identical to the normal defense mission, except Misery will spawn in every 5 waves, the players will have their shields reduced by 50% and their energy reserves will be capped at 50.

What You Need To Know

  • This Operation will last until 5 Acolytes have been killed by the community, plus the three days that the 6th will be available.
  • While it's not required to have encountered any of the first 5 Acolytes before facing the last Acolyte, it is encouraged to hunt them down for Mod collecting and helping out the community goal.

Los Acólitos

<gallery widths="175" perrow="3" hideaddbutton="true" position="center" captionalign="center" spacing="small" bordercolor="transparent"> Angustia.png|link=Angustia|Angustia
Agile and ferocious
Defeated Malicia.png|link=Malicia|Malicia
Disciplined and accurate
Defeated Manía.png|link=Manía|Manía
Elusive and deadly
Defeated Miseria.png|link=Miseria|Miseria
Zealous and patient
Defeated Tormento.png|link=Tormento|Tormento
Arrogant and calculating

Fast and vicious


Collect 4 Cloaking Data Force Acolytes to flee 10 times Defeat Final Challenger Clear 15 Waves against Final Challenger
Vulkar Fantasma
  • Scorn Lacera Skin

Acolyte Drops

Ver lista de Acolyte Drop
Name Rarity Type Description Dropped By
Acometida de sangre
Acometida de sangre
Uncommon Melee Increases Critical chance as the Melee Combo Multiplier increases. Tormento
Conteo de bajas
Conteo de bajas
Common Melee Extends the duration of the Melee Combo Multiplier. Angustia
Heridas supurantes Uncommon Melee Increases Status chance as the Melee Combo Multiplier increases. Manía
Golpe mutilador Rare Melee Increases the chance of a Critical Hit on slide attacks. Violencia
Mira hidráulica Common Pistol Increases Critical chance while aiming for a brief time upon a headshot. Tormento
Mira de argón Rare Rifle Increases Critical chance while aiming for a brief time upon a headshot. Tormento
Mira láser Uncommon Shotgun Increases Critical chance while aiming for a brief time upon a headshot. Tormento
Balas afiladas Uncommon Pistol Increases Critical damage while aiming for a brief time upon a kill. Violencia
Municiones de hoja Uncommon Rifle Increases Critical damage while aiming for a brief time upon a kill. Violencia
Disparo de metralla Common Shotgun Increases Critical damage while aiming for a brief time upon a kill. Violencia
Cargador presurizado Rare Pistol Increases Fire Rate while aiming for a brief time upon reloading. Angustia
Cámara con resorte Uncommon Assault Rifle Increases Fire Rate while aiming for a brief time upon reloading. Angustia
Cargador de repetición Uncommon Shotgun Increases Fire Rate while aiming for a brief time upon reloading. Angustia
Catalizador incrustado Uncommon Pistol Increases Status chance while aiming for a brief time after casting an ability. Manía
Enlace catalizador Common Rifle Increases Status chance while aiming for a brief time after casting an ability. Manía
Nano-aplicador Rare Shotgun Increases Status chance while aiming for a brief time after casting an ability. Manía
Cañón angosto Rare Shotgun Temporarily increases accuracy while aiming after hitting an enemy. Malicia
Defensa focalizada Common Melee Increases armor while channeling with a melee weapon. Malicia
Ordenanza guiada Uncommon Assault Rifle Temporarily increases accuracy while aiming after hitting an enemy. Malicia
Subsistema de puntería Uncommon Pistol Temporarily increases accuracy while aiming after hitting an enemy. Malicia

Trofeo de clan

All participating Clans will receive an event trophy for their attempts on the Endurance final challenger mission. The following table lays out which Trophy your clan will earn depending on the Sum of all participating Members best Wave.

Nivel de clan Trofeo de terracota Trofeo de bronce Trofeo de plata Trofeo de oro
Clan Fantasma Fantasma 25 Oleadas 50 Oleadas 75 Oleadas 100 Oleadas
Clan Sombra Sombra 75 Oleadas 150 Oleadas 225 Oleadas 300 Oleadas
Clan Tormenta Tormenta 250 Oleadas 500 Oleadas 750 Oleadas 1000 Oleadas
Clan Montaña Montaña 750 Oleadas 1500 Oleadas 2250 Oleadas 3000 Oleadas
Clan Luna Luna 2500 Oleadas 5000 Oleadas 7500 Oleadas 10000 Oleadas


  • Each Acolyte will hide on a random mission node. Tenno must fan out and scout all mission nodes in search of the Acolyte. Once an Acolyte is found, all Tenno will be alerted of its presence within the Acolytes tab of the World State Window.
    • The Acolyte will remain on that node until a set amount of damage (currently 50,000 total) has been dealt to it (cumulative from all Tenno contributing).
    • Once the Acolyte has taken its beating, it will find a new node to hide in and the Tenno must search for it once again.
    • Acolytes can be found on any Modo Pesadilla y Invasión missions on the node, but not Syndicate Alerts.
  • On mission nodes where they can be found, the Acolyte is hidden within a random room on the map. Upon entering the room the Acolyte is hidden in, the screen will flicker, similarly to other invaders (Stalker, Zanuka, etc.).
    • This means that the Acolyte may be hidden in dead end rooms, or conveniently along the main path of the mission. Acolytes can also spawn in the map's starting room.
  • The Operation-only Espionaje nodes on Mercurio and Venus can reward items not usually found in normal missions, such as Transmutation Cores.


  • The Acolytes are not immune to Warframe abilities. Use whatever means possible to take them down. Beware, however, that Violencia can cancel Warframe abilities in the same manner as the Stalker, including Focus abilities.
    • Crowd Control abilities, such as Rhino's RhinoPisotón or Nova's Impregnación molecular can be effective at stopping the Acolyte in its tracks. Using certain augments such as Frost's Globo refrigerante will also be able to completely freeze them if it successfully procs.
    • Damaging abilities, such at Banshee's Sonar or Nova's Gota de antimateria can do massive amounts of damage to the Acolyte.
      • Note that you can only do a limited amount of damage to the Acolyte within any given mission.
    • Status Effects will not lock down the Acolytes. Therefore, abilities such as Ember's Acelerante will not stagger the Acolyte (damage will still be increased).


  • Prior to Revisión 18.4.6, the date on Alad V's inbox message was January 18, 2016, which marked the event's intended release goal prior to development delays.
  • The event was originally developed under the name "Project Sinister".
  • Although Tormento had already been defeated by January 26, she was officially revived following the changes to Acolyte drops in Revisión 18.4.3. This resulted in four Acolytes active simultaneously, and lasted until Angustia was defeated on January 28.