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The Gradivus Dilemma was an Evento that was held from Thursday, October 24 2013 @ 06:00 A.M. GMT through Wednesday, October 30 2013 @ 4:00 P.M. GMT. The event was focused on special Exterminio missions in locations on Mars that the Grineer and Corpus were competing for control of. Tenno chose to assist a faction of their choice in defeating the other, with special rewards having been offered by each faction for helping them achieve victory.
Warframe News: The Gradivus Dilemma
Battle Pay
Both sides offered payment for supporting them in a particular contested location on Mars. Selecting a conflict location presented a choice of sides and their respective battle pay. Your battle pay was only given after the location conflict is resolved regardless of which side ultimately won the location. You will need to commit to a single side to earn this Battle Pay by completing 5 missions to prove your support. If you switch sides, you will erode your rating with the opposition and could receive neither reward till you increased one side to five again. Battle Pay was sent to your inbox after the local conflict ends.
Missions Affected and Battle Rewards
Marte Battle:
Resolved Conflicts
Gradivus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Spear - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Quirinus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Ultor - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
Martialis - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
Augustus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Olympus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Silvanus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Vallis - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
- Grineer - 150.000
- Corpus - Vauban Helmet Blueprint
Arval - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Alator - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Quirinus - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
Ara - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
Hellas - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Ares - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Olympus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
- Grineer - Vanguard Rhino Helmet Blueprint
- Corpus - Thrak Rhino Helmet Blueprint
Arcadia - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
The following 4 crossed-out nodes were "manually altered by a user," and therefore will not contribute to the end-result of the event.
Read more at the official forum post by DERebecca.
(Battle Pay was still awarded to participants of these nodes)
Spear - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Tharsis - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
Martialis - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
Grineer - Rifle de flujo InvestigaciónCorpus - Ignis Investigación
Augustus - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
The following missions are back to normal and do count towards the event
Ultor - (Plantilla:Corpus Text victory)
Arval - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Quirinus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
- Grineer - Coil Mag Helmet Blueprint
- Corpus - Gauss Mag Helmet Blueprint
Silvanus - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Alator - (Plantilla:Grineer Text victory)
Overall Battle Results
Nodes Controlled | Numbers of Nodes |
Plantilla:Grineer Text | 11 |
Plantilla:Corpus Text | 6 |
Battles | Numbers of Battles |
Plantilla:Grineer Text Victories | 17 |
Plantilla:Corpus Text Victories | 5 |
Total Battles | 22 |
Commented out map as it is currently inaccurate
As of Revisión 10.5.6, Spear, Martialis, Tharsis and Augustus no longer count toward controlled nodes as a result of outside manipulation (cheating) of the event results.
End of Event Rewards (Short)
You will only receive the following rewards after the event has ended. The faction that controls the most nodes (i.e. at least 7 out of 13 nodes - as 4 aren't counted, see above) is considered the victor of the conflict.
Tier 1
- Requirements
- Complete at least 5 missions total.
- Reward determined by which faction you supported (more missions for that faction than against).
- Rewards
- Rewards given out regardless of the victor
- Corpus Event Badge (If you supported Plantilla:Corpus Text)
- Grineer Event Badge (If you supported Plantilla:Grineer Text)
Tier 2
- Requirements
- Complete at least 25 missions total.
- Reward determined by the victor of the event (regardless of whether you had more missions completed for one faction or the other).
- Rewards
- Prova Vándalo (If Plantilla:Corpus Text win)
- Machete Fantasma (If Plantilla:Grineer Text win)
Tier 3
- Requirements
- Complete at least 100 missions total.
- Reward determined by which faction you completed more missions for than the other and the victor of the event.
- Example: Completing 50 missions for the Grineer and 51 missions for the Corpus would earn you a Brakk blueprint (upon Grineer victory) or a pre-installed catalyst, weapon slotted Detron (upon Corpus victory).[1]
- Rewards
The rewards are determined by the faction that wins the war and which faction you have done most missions for.
- IF Plantilla:Corpus Text win
- IF Plantilla:Grineer Text win
End Of the Event Rewards (Long)
When both sides have exhausted themselves in this conflict you will be rewarded based on two factors: your participation and if you supported the winning side. The winning side will be determined by the dominance of the faction, for example: When the event ends, if the Grineer only succeeded in conquering 6 missions, they will still lose due to Corpus still holding 7 missions.
- Tier One Rewards
Complete 5 missions, regardless of the victor.
- IF you supported Corpus (more missions on their side than against) an elegant Corpus-branded event badge to show off your support for the enigmatic Corpus.
- IF you supported Grineer (more missions on their side than against) a proud Grineer-branded event badge to show off your support of the mighty Grineer.
Tier Two Rewards Complete 25 missions of any side, with the reward determined by the victor.
- IF the Corpus win: A deadly Vandal edition of the PROVA. Stun your friends in style. This weapon is super-charged and comes with a weapon slot!
- IF the Grineer win: A Wraith edition MACHETE starving for blood. This weapon is super-charged and comes with a weapon slot!
- Tier Three Rewards
Complete 100 missions, with the reward determined by two factors: the victorious side AND if you supported them (you did more missions for them, than against them).
Leaderboard position is based on the sum total of which faction your Clan is supporting.
- The top three Clans in each tier will receive a Faction-specific trophy in Gold, Silver and Bronze form based on their position on the leaderboards for which faction they support.
- Your clan's score requires a commitment: each member's faction rating will erode the clan's opposing faction's rating. If one member does 100 Corpus missions and another does 100 Grineer missions, they will cancel each other out and your standing will be zero with both. Coordinate.....
Dialogues During Missions
When Supporting Plantilla:Grineer Text (Missions)
- General Sargas Ruk's Speech
Speech 1: Rraahudd Tenno! Now we fight together! Now we crush the greedy milk from their skulls. The Corpus will pay for their crimes with their useless lives. Archivo:SargasSpeech1.ogg
Speech 2: You shoot well. You cut well. You serve me well, Tenno. Archivo:SargasSpeech2.ogg
Speech 3: Tenno, of course you side with us. Of course the Grineer are your best option. We share your joy in Corpus death. Archivo:SargasSpeech3.ogg
- Alad V's Taunt
Taunt 1: So, the betrayers are fighting for the dogs now? Why am I not surprised? The sooner my Proyecto Zanuka is completed, the better. The system must be ridden of your hypocrisy. Archivo:AladVTaunt1.ogg
Taunt 2: What's that test tube dog giving you to fight for him? Whatever it is, I'll double it! Archivo:AladVTaunt2.ogg
Taunt 3: Why, Tenno, what an intriguing Warframe you have. I look forward to adding it to my inventory. Archivo:AladVTaunt3.ogg
Taunt 4: Do you really think you're saving your comrades by supporting the dogs? What do you think happens if you allow Sargas to win? Do you think you'll be safe when you're all his slaves? Archivo:AladVTaunt4.ogg
- Lotus' Intro
Intro 1: Make sure the Grineer win this battle, leave no Corpus functioning. Archivo:LotusIntroGrin3.ogg
Intro 2: You have chosen to support the Grineer in this fight. Eliminate all Corpus. Archivo:LotusIntroGrin2.ogg
Intro 3: You are fighting alongside the Grineer in this mission. Destroy all Corpus. Archivo:LotusIntroGrin1.ogg
When Supporting Plantilla:Corpus Text (Missions)
- Alad V's Speech
Speech 1: Tenno, you know, we may not always see eye to eye... well, you don't have eyes, but I'm pleased to see we've found common ground in our fight with these Grineer dogs. Archivo:AladVSpeech1.ogg
Speech 2: Hmm, yes, you've made the smart choice, Tenno. When the dogs fall, there will be profit for all of us. Archivo:AladVSpeech2.ogg
Speech 3: You and I are not so different, Tenno. We both know those dogs need to be put down, yes... I sense we are at the beginning of a beautiful new partnership. Archivo:AladVSpeech3.ogg
Speech 4: Tenno, this was the only rational choice. And please don't worry about your friends. I have grand plans for them. Archivo:AladVSpeech4.ogg
Speech 5: So, we agree. The Grineer are too powerful, too arrogant. They must be put in their place. I'm glad you won't let our... differences get in the way of our... common interests... yes. Archivo:AladVSpeech5.ogg
Speech 6: Nobody wants to be a slave. You understand that. These dogs aren't our masters. We won't follow their orders any longer! Archivo:AladVSpeech6.ogg
- General Sargas Ruk's Taunt
Taunt 1: Rraaahudd Tenno! So willing to sacrifice your own. So willing to help these greedy worms. So willing to die for worthless cause. Archivo:SargasTaunt1.ogg
Taunt 2: Aattenthoun Tenno: It's not too late to change sides. Not too late to reject the Corpus lies. Not too late to save your kind. Archivo:SargasTaunt2.ogg
Taunt 3: Tenno, Alad will betray you. Alad will defile your kind. Alad will bleed from his selfish eyes as I crush him with your metal corpse. Archivo:SargasTaunt3.ogg
- Lotus' Intro
Intro 1: You are fighting with the Corpus in this battle. No Grineer can be left alive. Archivo:LotusIntroCorp1.ogg
Intro 2: The situation forces you to help the Corpus in this mission. Kill all Grineer. Archivo:LotusIntroCorp2.ogg
Intro 3: Your sense of duty compels you to help the Corpus today. Destroy all Grineer forces. Archivo:LotusIntroCorp3.ogg
Codex Entries
Gravidus Dilema:
Gravidus Decided:
Dialogue on the forums
Sargas Ruk and Alad V have created accounts on the Warframe forums. They only seem to insult each other and get their threads locked but they are indeed account controlled by the developers that may reveal parts of the lore.
Alad V:
A Chance To Make it Right: Thread
Sargas Ruk:
Alad V The Coward & Grineer Dominance: Thread
Alad V: Sargas, your helmet will fetch a fair price although I fear it is riddled with fleas. My pet is also hungry for a new toy, and your Rollers are a perfect choice. Be wise with your words, Ruk.
Sargas Ruk: HA!HA!HA! My Rollers can take out not only your 'pet', but your pathetic MOA army. We are bred for victory, while you exist to be defeated and crushed by the Grineer!
Alad V: I will display Trophies made from melted Rollers when we're done with you. Your army is barely worth my time, it will cost more to kill you than you're worth.
Sargas Ruk: Oh Alad, I couldn't hear you over the thousands of MOAs that just met their doom by brute Grineer Force. Crushed. Scrapped. Cutting costs by manufacturing with paper? HA!
Alad V: I could use some scrap metal for the floors of my Gas City; at least it would come cheap. You're stumbling on thin glass Ruk, take your cowardly men back to your pile of sand.
Sargas Ruk: The cowardly man is the one who buys his armies, not breeds them. I've crushed more skulls with my bare hands than Credits in your bank, and your skull is next.
Alad V: You under estimate my Credits in the bank then. As you know, my Gas City is growing bigger than your little planets of sand. I will obtain the Tenno cryopods and you will not stop me. Any attempt will end in your little army begging for my mercy. I'm surprised you can communicate beyond Grunting honestly.
Sargas Ruk: HA! You should be surprised I can do anything but LAUGH at your weakness. Grineer dominance will thrive, all will be subject to the rule of force, pain, and bow to the Grineer! No amount of Credits in the world can save you from a Grineer Soldier!
Alad V: Grunt and foam at the mouth all you want, this will end with you taking a dirt nap like the dog you are.
Sargas Ruk: THIS MEANS WAR, ALAD! Good luck talking without a lower jaw!
- Players can be benefited with protection by the sided faction they preferred against Stalker attacks, which happen much more often during this event.
- Preferred enemies in these missions will have a tendency to spawn erratically in large groups, as if taking your allies to a crowd vs. crowd a major factor in the rest of the event.
- Since Grineer currently have a sizable lead on the Corpus (as of 10/25/13), it is expected that people were more likely to join the already winning Grineer rather than the currently losing Corpus in order to get the best reward.
- Spear, Martialis, Augustus and Tharsis no longer count as of Revisión 10.5.6 as a result of outside manipulation of the event results. After the battles on the mentioned nodes didn't progress in any way, DE suspected a bug/glitch in the event and investigated. They discovered the 'bug' was in fact caused by manipulation from a player, and removed the nodes from the results. It is currently unknown if the player(s) responsible for the 'hacking' have been found/banned. It is interesting to note that of the four nodes, three had been decided as Corpus victories.
- The event is named after the first mission affected, Gradivus, the mission separating Tierra and Marte.
- Previously, there was a bug (most noticeably from siding with the Corpus on Ultor and receiving the Vauban Helmet blueprint) where the thumbnail icon for the reward would not be shown, instead showing a placeholder 512x512 icon. This has since been patched as of Revisión 10.5.3.
- It used to be possible to receive battle pay from both sides as long as you have the minimum 5/5 complete for each (e.g. do 10 missions for the Corpus then 5 missions for the Grineer, thereby gaining both rewards). This has since been patched.
- Strangely, if sided with the Grineer, players can still hear them taunting out "Tenno" in battle despite that the Grineer are fighting against the Corpus.
- Out of all the Invasion missions, Spear took the longest to resolve.
- The battles that took place on Infested missions completely removed them from that mission, replaced by the winning faction that fought there. This made Mars the first Grineer/Corpus-controlled planet. This may change in the future however.
- War was the only area in Mars that was not included to the Dilemma, though this might have been necessary, as El Sargento Nef Anyo is located in this mission and rewards Mag components.
- On October 28th, Martialis was chosen again for invasion, and full Investigación of the Ignis or Rifle de flujo was available. Choosing the winning side of the battle meant completely unlocking them for your clan (if you were in one).
- Las caídas de recursos en las áreas disputadas se cambiaron inexplicablemente a la tabla de caídas en el Vacío (Placas de aleación, Galio, Rubedo y Módulos de control).
- Throughout the event is only when General Sargas Ruk is seen on mission start-ups without his power cores attached on his armor.
Event Leaderboards
- Source for leaderboards.