Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 26-09-2020 por JARVIII

Look, you were the second wave, kid.
The Necramechs were Void-shielded, Sentient-pulse immune... as bright as a bag of hammers and just as dependable.

Not like you.

Los Necramech son máquinas de guerra Entrati que se encuentran en las ruinas de Deriva Cambion (Deimos). Son máquinas de guerra bípedas fuertemente blindadas construidas durante The Old War como predecesoras de los warframes, aunque eran mucho menos inteligentes. Los Tenno son capaces de acceder a estas reliquias de la The Old War usando su Transferencia y pueden desplegarlos en los recorridos libres.


Los Necramech pueden ser manejados por un Operador (que requiere la finalización de La guerra interna) vía Transferencia, ya sea que se encuentren inactivos en los campos de Deriva Cambion durante Fass o sean propiedad del jugador. Un Operador solo necesita iniciar la Transferencia (por defecto 5 ) cuando está cerca de un Necramech inactivo operativo para abordarlos. Los restos destruidos de Necramech para la Transferencia se pueden identificar por un aura azul que emana de ellos. Estos Necramechs solo tendrán estadísticas base de rango 0 sin mods, aunque tendrán todas sus habilidades en el rango máximo y usarán un Mausolon Mausolon como arma por defecto. Recorrido libre

Spawn Locations in the Cambion Drift [view map]
Ubicaciones de restos de Necramech en Deriva Cambion
Ver lista de Ubicaciones
Ubicaciones de restos de Necramech

Fuente: aqui

As Enemy

Hostile Necramechs can be found in Bóveda de aislamiento Contratos which have a chance to drop Necramech mods, parts, and Centelleante after being destroyed.

Fighting against

Enemy Necramechs are invulnerable on their entire body, except for their shoulders, skull-like face-plate, and the glowing blue Vacío scar on its back. The arms can be shot off with enough damage to deprive its Mausolon Mausolon and melee, but will regenerate them if not defeated in a timely manner.

These Necramechs have the same abilities as when they're operated by a player but aren't limited by energy. Additionally, they project a short-range nullification field around themselves which cancels out Warframe and Operator abilities. Should the Necramech activate Storm Shroud it can be disabled by using Rapidez del Vacío, similarly to dealing with Guardiánes Kuva.

Interaction with Looting Abilities

As Vehicles

Necramechs can be operated by an Operador via Estallido del Vacío, whether they are found inactive in the fields of the Deriva Cambion or owned by the player. An Operator only needs to initiate transference (default 5 ) when near an operational inactive Necramech in order to board them. Necramech wreckage eligible for transference can be identified by a blue aura emanating from them.

Spawn Locations (Ver el mapa)


Players can craft their own Necramechs through the Necraloide Sindicato , which offers the necessary parts. Player-owned Necramechs have customizable livery and can be equipped with various Necramech-exclusive Mods to enhance their abilities. In addition, player-owned Necramechs are able to wield any Archcañón equipped with a Gravimag to use as their primary weapon. A Necramech Summon Gear is automatically given to the player upon building their first Necramech, which allows players to summon the Necramech for use on any open-world Recorrido libre (i.e. the Las llanuras de Eidolon, the Los valles del Orbe and the Deriva Cambion).

Patch History

Revisión 29.0.5
  • Damaged Necramech parts and Weapon Parts are now tradable!
  • Fixed Necramech drops falling through the floor when dropped.
  • Fixed Summoning Necramechs losing affinity gained in previous Necramechs.
  • Potential permanent fix to Void Dash being disabled by Vault Mechs, more work will be needed on this, but we have made some progress here.
  • Fixed Ally Necramechs not always spawning during Vome Cycle.
  • Fixed Ally Necramechs interfering with Operator Void Dashing and Transference.

Revisión 29.0.4

  • Player-usable Necramechs that you can Transference into on the Deriva Cambion no longer drop rewards.
    • Transferring into a Necramech and then standing around waiting for it to die to drop rewards is far from the intentions of the Necramech system. We understand this is a frustrating oversight. Additionally, this was often bugged that only 1 person got the drop at all. Enemy Necramechs in the Bóveda de aislamientos will still drop rewards, and now they’ll drop more of them (Scintillant).
  • Fixed an issue with the truly ‘dead’ Mechs not looking deader-than-dead, meaning no Transference allowed.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when in a Necramech when someone disconnects.
  • Fixed issues with proper attachment/detachment of enemy Necramech arms for Clients. In some cases Clients saw Necramechs dying with both arms attached when in fact they were shoot off and weakspot exposed.
  • Fixed enemies not targeting the Operator after dying in a Necramech.
  • Fixed inability to shot for the entire hover duration when in a Necramech.

Revisión 29.0.3

  • Fixed numerous script errors when encountering an enemy Necramech.
  • Added invulnerability period when Transferring into Necramechs found out in Deriva Cambion.
  • Fixed a script error when using the Necramechs’ Guard Mode ability.
  • Fixed a script error that occurred when a Necramech died.

Revisión 29.0.2

  • Reduced the Necramech Storm Shroud ability damage immunity from 1 to .8. This ability now functions similar to Iron Skin.
  • Increased the Necramech Reach Mod base Melee Range from +0.17 to +0.25.
  • Fixed a crash when Transferring into a Necramech out on the Deriva Cambion.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if you were in a Necramech after a Host migration.
  • Fixed a crash when fighting a Necramech in the Isolation Bounty.
  • Fixed Necramech’s not picking up things like Energy and Mods.
  • More fixes towards dying in a Necramech resulting in your Operator being invisible and invincible.
  • Fixed all squadmates getting the UI tips for the Necramech’s Necraweb ability when one player is using it.

Revisión 29.0.1

  • Reduced overall sounds of the Necramech, including very loud death sounds.
  • Fixed dying in a Necramech resulting in your Operator being invisible and invincible.
  • Fixed missing temporary invulnerability when Transferring into a Necramech.
  • Fixed Necramech Fury and Necramech Pressure Point Mods not functioning for either Host or Client.

Actualización 29

  • Introduced.

