Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 06-11-2020 por JARVIII

Los Mods Agrietados son mods especiales para armas primarias, armas secundarias , armas cuerpo a cuerpo, armas archcañón y armas de centinelas.

Riven Mods son completamente únicos; no hay dos iguales, incluso si tienen los mismos atributos, ya que sus números serán diferentes.


Los Mods agrietados son únicos entre otros mods en una variedad de formas:

  • Requiere que el jugador complete el desafío declarado para revelar su asignación de armas y sus atributos.
  • Llevan dos o tres estadísticas diferentes.
  • Puede llevar una estadística negativa, cuyos efectos pueden ser paralizantes, pero aumenta enormemente la potencia de otras estadísticas.
  • Puede tener cualquiera de las polaridades de Madurai, Naramon o Vazarin , independientemente de sus atributos.
  • Tienen su propio requisito de rango de maestría independiente del arma, que va de 8 a 16.
  • Puede hacer que sus atributos se vuelvan a enrollar con el uso de Kuva.
  • Se asignan a un solo arma por Mod agrietado, comparado con Mods de aumento de arma.
  • No se puede equipar junto con otro Mod agrietado.

Los costes de actualización y los impuestos de crédito comercial de los Mods agrietados son equivalentes a los de los mods raros.

Los jugadores comienzan con 15 ranuras para Mods agrietados, que se pueden aumentar comprando 3 ranuras a la vez por 60 Platinum , hasta un máximo de 120 ranuras (coste total de 2.100 Platinum ). Recibir un Mod agrietado mientras está en el límite actual bloqueará el acceso a más incursiones, y el jugador tendrá la opción de comprar espacios, cambiar un Mod agrietado o disolver un mod de su selección.


Se otorga un solo Mod agrietado a los jugadores al completar la misión La guerra interna. Se pueden adquirir Mods agrietados adicionales en:

Tipo de arma Probabilidad de caída
Cuerpo a cuerpo 8.14%
Pistola 7.61%
Rifle 6.79%
Kitgun 2%
Zaw 2%
Escopeta 1.36%

Un mod velado.


Cuando un jugador recibe un Mod Agrietado, lo normal es que las estadísticas del mod estén ocultas para los jugadores, en un estado de nombre Velado. Para desbloquear el tipo y efecto del mod, los jugadores deben completar un desafío que figura en el mod, por ejemplo, matar a una x cantidad de enemigos sin ser afectado por un efecto de estado. Para que el desafío se cumpla, el Agrietado debe estar equipada en el arma que el jugador tenga equipada en la misión. Los Mods Agrietados que no se hayan desbloqueado no consumirán capacidad de mod cuando estén equipados con un arma, pero no otorgará ventajas al arma. Si bien los mods de Riven deben estar equipados en el arma a la que está asignado (ej. Mod Agrietado de Pistola solo puede ser equipada en secundarias), es posible completar el desafío usando algún arma de la categoría o habilidades de los Warframe.

Si el jugador completa el desafío, El tipo de Mod Agrietado y sus estados serán revelados después de salir de la misión, independientemente de si la misión se completó con éxito, se anuló o falló.

La dificultad del desafío depende del nivel de maestría del mod; ej. un agrietado de Rango 8 va a tener un desafío más fácil que uno de Rango 12.

Ver lista de Riven Challenges
Challenge Notes
Kill [50-70] enemies.
Kill [15-20] enemies with headshots.
  • One of the modifiers may include having to do so whilst aim-gliding. The ground vents on Jupiter will help to prolong aim glide time. Zephyr is highly recommended, but it is possible to do without her.
  • Additional modifiers may include not being disrupted, having to do so whilst sliding, and having to do so while undetected. Ivara's Merodear can aid in scoring headshots undetected, as well as raising their damage.
Kill [10-16] enemies while sliding.
  • Additional modifiers include not being detected, being invisible, without taking damage, failing a mission, or even raising the alarms.
Get the killing blow on [2-12] Sentients.
  • When your Centinela o Operador makes the last hit, it will not count towards the challenge.
  • Additional modifiers include having to equip a Llave de Dragón, killing the Sentients while invisible, while sliding, while alone, without dying/getting downed, without an ally getting downed, without getting afflicted by a efecto de estado, doing it in 1 day, and taking no damage.
Find [2-4] Alijos.
  • There is currently a bugged modifier of having to not raise the alarms, as completing the Sabotaje objective will raise an alarm. Aborting the mission after finding a cache will still count towards the challenge however.
  • Additional modifiers include having an active pet, not dying/getting downed, or not taking damage.
Synthesize a Simaris target without using traps or abilities while having a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped.
  • The Hobbled Dragon Key only affects running and sprinting speed, and does not affect sliding or parkour. Nezha's passive allows him to slide faster than he would move while running.
  • Simaris targets are vulnerable to knockdown effects, including ground slams.
  • Activating Merodear de Ivara before the target spawns (such as at the start of the mission) and keeping it active until you reach the target to scan them does not fail the challenge.
  • Additional modifiers include not taking damage, not using any abilities, as well as being alone.
Get [10-20] kills in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor.
  • Weapons that deal area-of-effect damage (i.e. Tonkor, Penta, Ignis etc.) are ideal for completing this challenge.
  • Can be completed by activating using Ember's Mundo en llamas ability and constantly kicking up the same wall in a Supervivencia mission.
  • An additional modifier may include having to be invisible during the kills. Ivara or Loki are recommended for this modifier.
  • A second available modifier may involve not raising alarms. Silent weapons or equipping silencing mods (f.e. Silenciar) on weapons is useful for this challenge. Alternatively, it is possible to complete this challenge on missions where enemies are already alert, e.g. Excavación.
Find [12-16] Medallones de sindicatos.
  • Any Sindicato medallion counts towards the challenge's progress.
  • Additional modifier includes having an active pet present, not having an ally downed and not triggering an alarm.
Sustain a 3x melee combo multiplier for 30 seconds.
  • Additional modifier includes having either a Centinela, Kubrow or Kavat for the duration.
  • Equipping Conteo de bajas and/or Contacto a la deriva on a melee weapon, or using Wukong can assist in sustaining the combo counter for longer to more easily complete the challenge. Alternatively, using Venka Prime may also make the challenge easier, especially in tandem with the above suggestions.
  • Combos also stack on Synthesis targets, making it effective to target them as they have a lot of health.
Complete a Supervivencia mission with level 30 or higher enemies without killing anyone.
  • This challenge can be completed by using Ivara's Merodear ability to grab Life Support off enemies. However, this is still reliant on chance as not every enemy will drop Life Support.
  • Opening Lockers and smashing containers will also sometimes drop Life Support capsules.
  • The chances of lockers opening be further increased by equipping Maestro ladrón on your Warframe.
  • Allies killing enemies will also fail this challenge.
  • Additional modifiers include having to equip a Llave de Dragón and/or without using Consumibles de energía.
  • Only five minutes are required to complete the challenge.
Complete an extermination mission with level 30 or higher enemies without being detected.
  • Additional modifiers include not taking damage, being alone, and having to equip a Llave de Dragón.
  • This challenge can be completed by waiting around the mission start location while your teammates do the killing, as it tracks only whether you have been detected.
  • You will be informed if you are detected and fail the challenge via pop-up.
Complete a defense mission with level 30 or higher enemies without the defense objective taking any damage.
  • The challenge will only be completed if the player was in the mission from the very beginning. Joining a mission in progress and doing the challenge successfully will not complete it.
  • Frost built for Globo de nieve, Volt built for Escudo eléctrico's Duration, Banshee built for Terremoto de sonido, or an Ember using Mundo en llamas on Infestados defenses is highly recommended but not required to complete this.
  • Additional modifiers include being alone, not using any team consumables, and having a Llave de Dragón equipped.
  • Only five waves are needed to complete the challenge.
Complete a solo interception mission with level 30 or higher enemies with a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped.
  • The only modifier known is not dying/becoming downed.
  • Fast or crowd-control based frames may help in keeping all points secured. Ivara, Titania, Hydroid, and even Rhino are good at keeping the enemies off the points.
  • Only one round of interception is required to complete the challenge.
  • It is possible to start the mission with two or more allies, but they must leave before the message is 100% decoded.
Kill [15-40] enemies with finishers.
  • Frames specializing in stealth and/or melee finishers while in open combat like Excalibur, Hydroid, Ivara, Equinox, Inaros, and Zephyr will allow for easier completion. Finisher opportunities from blocking attacks and the Meridiano de Acero's Justicia proc may also apply as well.
  • Additional modifiers include not getting afflicted by a efecto de estado, not taking damage, killing a great number (30-100) enemies with finishers within a single day, and not raising any alarms.
Get 3 headshot kills in a single aim glide.
  • Modifiers may include having a Llave de Dragón equipped.
  • Frames that can prevent enemy movement without killing enemies such as Ivara, Vauban and Equinox can help a lot. A good strategy is to bring a friend to immobilize enemies while the person with the Riven Mod equipped brings Zephyr to get the head shots.
  • Equipping the Patadón mod or any other mods that boost aim glide duration can also help by extending the time available to perform the challenge.
  • Limbo trivializes this with his second ability, Estasis. Simply banish the required amount of enemies, freeze time using Stasis, "headshot" each enemy, and aimglide while disabling Stasis. Example video can be found here
  • The Zenurik Void Pulse attack can also be used to immobilize enemies regardless of the chosen Warframe.
  • Scourge bullet attractor field makes headshots noticeably easier to land if the throw doesn't kill the targets (do not equip any damage mod for this purpose).


Unlike other mods, a Riven mod has randomized values for their various stats, i.e. two of the same Riven Mod can have different numbers for their effects, along with a random polaridad y Rango de maestría requirement. Each Riven mod can have from two up to four stats associated with it: two or three beneficial effects, and possibly one counterbalancing negative effect similar in concept to mod corrupto. Both of these aspects mean that Riven mods are unpredictable, but at the same time their randomized positive effects have the potential to feature significantly higher values than standard mods. It is possible to receive a Riven mod that has high positive stats without any drawbacks, though the opposite is also possible.

Riven mods have unique, systematic names, consisting of a prefix, a core and suffix, following "Prefix-CoreSuffix" or just "CoreSuffix" (as in Latron Deci-puratron, or Karak Satitox). Prefixes and cores draw from the same name pool. There are 30 unique, randomisable stats and therefore 30 prefixes/cores and 30 suffixes (6 of them are melee exclusive stats). It should be noted that negative effects are not represented by the name. The prefix and suffix cannot be of the same stat, (such as Braton Visiata), and it is possible to get stats for weapons who cannot take advantage of them (such as Seer Critatis).

The 30 positive stats are:

Efecto Prefix/Core Suffix
Ammo Maximum Ampi Bin
Damage vs. Corpus Manti Tron
Damage vs. Grineer Argi Con
Damage vs. Infestados Pura Ada
Frío n Frío Damage Geli Do
Canalización Damage* Tori Bo
Canalización Efficiency* Uti Tia
Combo Duration* Tempi Nem
Probabilidad crítica Crita Cron
Probabilidad crítica on Ataque circular* Pleci Nent
Multiplicador crítico Acri Tis
Base Damage / Melee Damage Visi Ata
Eléctrico n Eléctrico Damage Vexi Tio
Calor n Calor Damage Igni Pha
Remate Damage* Exi Cta
Cadencia de fuego / velocidad de ataque* Croni Dra
Flight Speed Conci Nak
Impacto n Impacto Damage Magna Ton
Magazine Capacity Arma Tin
Multidisparo Sati Can
Toxin b Toxina Damage Toxi Tox
Atravesar Lexi Nok
Perforación n Perforación Damage Insi Cak
Velocidad de recarga Feva Tak
Range* Locti Tor
Cortante n Cortante Damage Sci Sus
Probabilidad de estado Hexa Dex
Duración de estado Deci Des
Retroceso Zeti Mag
Zoom Hera Lis

*Melee exclusive stats.


The randomized stats for Riven mods are affected by a variable known as Disposition, a modifier that collates the usage popularity of a given weapon across the entire player base, and then adjusts the resulting random stats to better fit that weapon. There are three different ranks of Disposition that can be assigned:

  • Disposition5 or Disposition4: This Disposition is assigned to infrequently used or unpopular weapons, which will result in Riven mods for said weapon receiving more powerful potential stats.
  • Disposition3: Weapons that see average usage within the player base, resulting in equally average ranges of Riven mod stats.
  • Disposition2 or Disposition1: Assigned to popular weapons that see frequent usage, this Disposition creates Riven mods with more restrained stats.

Disposition is shared between all variants of a single weapon, e.g. the Braton will share the same disposition with its Vándalo, Prime and MK1 variants, regardless of the usage stats of each individual variant.

A weapon's Disposition can be seen in the Arsenal under the Upgrade tab.

Below is a list of weapons by Disposition:

Ver lista de Weapon Disposition

Riven Mods/AllWeapons

Riven Mods/Primaries

Riven Mods/SentinelWeapons

Cycling (Re-Rolling)[]

Another unique aspect of a Riven mod's stats is their ability to Cycle (re-roll) the mod stats via the Cycle function in the Mods segment in the Orbitador by spending Kuva, a resource found through Sifón Kuva objectives on planets the Fortaleza Kuva is in close proximity with. Cycling a Riven mod will randomly reroll the mod's stats, which can result in either better or worse stats or effects for the mod, though this will not change the weapon that the mod is assigned to first. Both the stats themselves and the percentages for the stats are changed when cycling a Riven mod, though the mod's polarity and Rango de maestría requirement will not.

After cycling a mod, both the old version of the mod and the new version is displayed, and players can choose whether to accept the new stats, or revert to the old version. Regardless of the player's choice, the Kuva spent in cycling the mod will not be refunded.

The minimum cost for Cycling a Riven mod is 900 Kuva for the first cycle, with increasing costs on subsequent cycles of the same mod. Cycle cost is capped at 3500 Kuva.

Ver lista de Cycle Cost
Wiki - average Kuva: 550-700 625
Cycle Cost Cumulative ~Runs ~Cumu. Runs
1 900 900 1.4 1.4
2 1000 1900 1.6 3.0
3 1200 3100 1.9 5.0
4 1400 4500 2.2 7.2
5 1700 6200 2.7 9.9
6 2000 8200 3.2 13.1
7 2350 10550 3.8 16.9
8 2750 13300 4.4 21.3
9 3150 16450 5.1 26.4
10 3500 19950 5.8 32.2

Putting ranks into a Riven mod and then re-rolling does not reset any ranks previously put into the mod, i.e. a rank 4 Riven mod that is cycled will retain its rank 4 status.

Players can see whether a mod has been cycled by a circular arrow icon at the bottom right of the Riven Mod, which will also display a number indicating how many times the mod has been cycled.


Unusual for mods, Riven mods are Rango de maestría locked, with different mods requiring players to be of a certain Mastery Rank to be able to use them. Each type of Riven Mod is exclusive to a particular individual weapon or its variation, and a weapon can only have one Riven mod equipped at any time (though players can have multiple Riven mods for a given weapon in their inventories). Due to real-life server constraints, a player is limited to 15 Riven mods in their inventory at a given time. The player can purchase additional Riven mod slots from the Mercado at 60 Platinum for a set of 3 slots, allowing up to 90 Riven mods at any given time.


  • Due to their random nature, Riven Mods are not saved in a player's Códice.
  • It is possible to complete multiple Riven Mod challenges within a single mission, assuming the player qualifies for them simultaneously. Due to the single Riven Mod per weapon limit, they also must be of different weapon categories.
  • While it is possible to equip a veiled Riven Mod onto sentinel weapons, the challenge will not appear for the player (possible bug).
  • Typing [Riven Mod] in the in-game chat and selecting the mod will let other players in the same chat channel see its bonuses.
  • Base (unranked) Endo value of Riven Mods is affected by the mastery rank requirement, weapon type, and number of cycles.
  • Riven Mods can be used on variants of a particular weapon, including MK1, Prime, Vándalo, Fantasma, Dex, PrismaMara, and Sindicato variants.
  • If a Riven Mod includes two elemental damage bonuses, the second element listed is applied first. This means that any other elemental damage mod installed to the left of the Riven Mod will interact with the second element as opposed to the first element. Placing an elemental damage mod to the right of said Riven Mod instead will not affect the Riven Mod's combined damage for this reason.
  • Since Riven Mods are weapon specific they naturally do not apply their values to Warframe ability weapons such as Mesa's Regulators, Ivara's Arco de Artemisa o Titania's Alas afiladas weapon Dex Pixia.
  • As of Revisión 19.10.1 Artax Riven Mods are no longer obtainable from Incursiones. Between the introduction and the removal were only 5 days and therefore the chance of getting an Artax Riven within this period was very tiny. Hence the amount of Artax Rivens in the game is now extremely limited.
  • Currently, the lowest Mastery Rank requirement to equip a Riven mod is 8, and the highest is 16. Making the players who have Mastery Rank above or equal to 16 able to equip any Riven mods regardless its Mastery Rank requirement. This also means Mastery Rank 16 is the point where a player can use any and all equipment in the game at the moment.


  • Riven mods feature a dynamic image, which constantly shifts between the images of the bonuses. For example, a Riven Rifle mod that affects Critical chance and Critical damage (positively or negatively) will shift between Punto de impacto's image and Sentido vital's image.
  • Riven is the past participle of the Middle English verb Rive, which means "to violently tear apart".
  • Taking into account the existence of 24 possible positive effects, the possibility of one negative effect, and that elemental damage and Atravesar cannot be negative stats, also the fact that effects don't fall into the same category nor does order matter: there are 5,083 possible Riven Mod stat combinations that have two positive effects and one or zero negative effects, and 35,673 possible Riven Mod stat combinations that have three positive effects and one or zero negative effects, making a total of 40,756 different combinations for a single Riven.
  • The base Endo gain from dissolving an unranked Riven Mod is equal to 223 + 100 × (MasteryRank − 10). So, the base value for a MR13 mod would be 223 + 100 × (13 − 10) = 523.
    • The value increases each time the mod is re-rolled.[1]

For more examples of Riven mods, see here



Historial de actualizaciones[]

Actualización 21.6
  • Riven Slot capacity limit has increased from 60 to 90.

Actualización 21.0

  • Added melee rivens

Revisión 19.5.6

  • Fixed (for real this time) negative Status Duration from Rivens resulting in infinite status.

Revisión 19.5.5

  • Fixed a crash with certain weapons caused by Rivens with worse than -100% multidisparo.
  • Fixed Corrosive efecto de estados being cancelled due to -100% status duration.
  • Fixed -100% velocidad de recarga making weapons reload instantly.
  • Fixed another case of negative Ammo Capacity Rivens leading to infinite Ammo.
  • Fixed a few problems that would occur from using a Riven with Fire-Rate worse than -100%.

Revisión 19.5.4

  • Fixed Secondary Riven Mod Fusion cost being lower than intended.
  • Fixed negative Status Duration from Rivens resulting in infinite status.
  • Fixed negative Ammo Capacity Rivens leading to infinite Ammo.
  • Fixed negative Damage Rivens healing enemies. Also fixes negative Crit Multiplier doing the same.
  • Fixed efecto de estados visually (i.e Corrosive green electricity-like substance) lasting forever as a result of having 0% Status Duration.

Actualización 19.4

  • Kuva Cycle cost now capped at 3500.

Revisión 19.3.2

  • For those of you who have reached the max Riven Capacity, you can now increase your Riven Capacity by purchasing additional Slots. Visit the Mercado to get a bundle of three slots for 60 Platinum. The maximum capacity is still capped at 60 Riven Slots total for technical reasons.
  • Cycle will now prompt you to choose on next login if you crash while choosing.
  • A player cannot be traded a Riven if they are already at max capacity.
  • Cycling can now be done repeatedly without the need to close & open again.
  • Fixed bug when trying to dissolve a Veiled Riven Mod.
  • Fixed getting locked in Riven reveal screen when pressing esc/back too early.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an auto-ban for selling a Riven.
  • Rivens will now show the reveal screen on next login if you crash before returning to your Landing Craft.

Revisión 19.0.6

  • Riven Disposition (Faint, Neutral, and Strong) has been added. Riven Disposition stats on Rifles will be visible if there's at least one equitable Riven Mod for said Rifle.
  • Existing Rivens have been automatically rebalanced to fit this Riven Disposition
  • When Cycling a Riven with Kuva, you can now choose to "Accept" or "Decline" a Cycle result using the arrow and Confirm button presented.
  • You will only have to Unveil a Riven Mod one time: on first discovery. Cycling no longer Veils Riven Mods.
  • Adjusted Endo return when dissolving Riven mods:
    • +100 Endo for every Mastery Rank requirement above the minimum of 8
    • +200 Endo for every Cycle performed on the Mod
  • Chat Linked Riven Mods now contain correct challenge progress/requirement info, as well as Cycles.
  • Kuva Cycling costs have been reduced significantly.
    • Before: 900 - 1000 - 1300 - 1800 - 2500 - 3400 - 4500 - 5800 - 7300 - 9000 - Continues each Cycle, no cap.
    • After: 900 - 1000 - 1200 - 1400 - 1700 - 2000 - 2350 - 2750 - 3200 - 3600 - Continues each Cycle, no cap.
  • Tweaked the Cycling diorama to include Samodeus and updated Riven Mod Cycle and transition sounds!


  • Fixed Veiled Riven Mods unequipping themselves due to not meeting the Mastery Rank requirement.

Actualización 19.0

  • Introduced.
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