Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español

La documentación para este módulo puede ser creada en Módulo:Void/data/doc

--Actualizar cambiando:
--  Rare-Raro
--  Uncommon-Poco común
--  Common-Común

--See disclaimer in Template:VoidLock.
--Feel free to use the Talk page for any issues.
--'IsVaulted = 1' denotes relics that have been Vaulted, duh.
--Replace it with 'IsBaro = 1' for relics being brought by our favourite Void merchant.

--Última actualización: 27 de octubre, 2020 Actualización 29.3 (Acceso Prime de Nezha Prime)

local VoidData = {
["Relics"] = {
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "A1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "A2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "A3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "MAG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ANKYROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ANKYROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SCINDO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "OBERON", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "B8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "C1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BAND", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "C2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "C3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "C4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "C5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "C6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "D1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "CHAIN", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "D2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "D3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "CHAIN", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "D4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "CHAIN", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZAKTI", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "F1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SCINDO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "F2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "STARS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "G1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LATRON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FROST", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REAPER", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EMBER", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GLAIVE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "G2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LATRON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FROST", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GLAIVE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "G3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "OCTAVIA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GUANDAO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "H1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "H2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "I1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANDERO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KARYST", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "K1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "HARNESS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BUCKLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "K2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "K3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "K4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BUCKLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "K5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "L1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BOOT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "L2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "M1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "M2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "M3",
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "M4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "M5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "M6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "M7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BOOT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "N1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "N2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BAND", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "N3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "N4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "N5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "N6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "N7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "OCTAVIA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLIN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIDUS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "O1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "O2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "WINGS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "P1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "P2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "P3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "P4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
        { Tier = "Lith", Name = "P5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GUANDAO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLÍN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BAND", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "COLLAR BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BAND", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S9", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "GUARD", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "S10", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "T1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "T2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "T3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "T4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZAKTI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KARYST", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "T5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TENORA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HEAD", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "V8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ASH", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "W1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "W2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "Z1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Lith", Name = "Z2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "A1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "A2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "B1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "B2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "B3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "B4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "B5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KARYST", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIDUS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLNUS", Part = "HEAD", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GUANDAO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "C1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "NOVA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SCINDO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "C2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "C3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "C4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "C5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "C6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BAZA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "D1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "D2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "D3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "D4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "D5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "D6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "IVARA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "OCTAVIA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "E1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BO", Part = "ORNAMENT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "LATRON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EMBER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "E2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "E3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "E4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BAZA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "E5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "F1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "F2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LATRON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "SICARUS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REAPER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FROST", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "F3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EMBER", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REAPER", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GLAIVE", Part = "DISC", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FROST", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "G1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "G2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GUANDAO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "H1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "I1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "K1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "K2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "K3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KARYST", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "L1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "M1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ANKYROS", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "M2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "M3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SCINDO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N9", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "N10", 
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                  {Item = "PANGOLÍN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "O1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "O2",
        Drops = { {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "O3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "WINGS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "O4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "P1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "P2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BAZA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "P3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KARYST", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLÍN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "P4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "R1",
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "R2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "R3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "NOVA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "S9", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "T1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "T2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "T3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "T4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TENORA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "V1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "V2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "VASTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "V3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BAND", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "V4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "V5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "V6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "W1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "Z1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "Z2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Meso", Name = "Z3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "A1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "A2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "A3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "A4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "B1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "B2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "B3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BOAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "B4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "B5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "B6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "B7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TENORA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "C1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "D1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "MAG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "D2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "E1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FROST", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REAPER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EMBER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "E2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZAKTI", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "F1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EMBER", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SICARUS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SICARUS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FROST", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "G1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BOOT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "G2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "G3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "H1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HEAD", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "H2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "I1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "I2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "K1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "K2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "L1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "M1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "M2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "M3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "STARS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "COLLAR BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N9", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BOAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"},
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N10", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "ORNAMENT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N11", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N12", 
        Drops = { {Item = "SOMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BAND", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N13", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PANGOLÍN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N14", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N15", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "N16", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANDERO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIDUS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "O1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKLEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "WINGS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsBaro = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "P1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLÍN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "P2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "GUANDAO", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANDERO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "R1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ANKYROS", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "R2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "R3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BAZA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "CHAIN", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "R4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "CHAIN", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "SOMA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LATRON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EMBER", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REAPER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GLAIVE", Part = "DISC", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FROST", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SICARUS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BUCKLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "GUARD", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "GUARD", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S9", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "GUARD", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S10", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S11", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S12", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S13", 
        Drops = { {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "S14", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KARYST", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLÍN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "T1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "T2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DETHCUBE", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "T3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "NYX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
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        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "V8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LOKI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "HARNESS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "Z1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "Z2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "Z3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "Z4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "Z5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "Z6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "ORNAMENT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Neo", Name = "Z7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OCTAVIA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "AKLEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKLEX", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsBaro = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BOOT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"},
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                  {Item = "AKVASTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKVASTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsBaro = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "ORNAMENT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A9", 
        Drops = { {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A10", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A11", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A12", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BOOT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A13", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLIN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "A14", 
        Drops = { {Item = "VOLNUS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZAKTI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIDUS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KARYST", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "B1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BUCKLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "B2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HEAD", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "B3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ATLAS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "B4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KARYST", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "C1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "C2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "C3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "C4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "C5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "ORNAMENT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "C6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KARYST", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLIN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "IVARA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANDERO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "D1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "D2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "E1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LATRON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FROST", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GLAIVE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EMBER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "E2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "G1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "COLLAR BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "G2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "ORNAMENT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "G3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "G4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANGOLÍN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "H1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HEAD", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "H2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "OBERON", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "H3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "H4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "MESA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "H5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKBOLTO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "CEREBRUM", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},   
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "K1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "HARNESS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "BUCKLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "K2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"},
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "K3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BANSHEE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "K4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "K5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "L1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LATRON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "REAPER", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GLAIVE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "L2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "L3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "L4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BO", Part = "ORNAMENT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "L5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "KRONEN", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "M1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MESA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "N1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "WINGS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "N2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "CARAPACE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ASH", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "N3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "N4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "UPPER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FRAGOR", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HYDROID", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "N5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "N6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "HILT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "O1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "EUPHONA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "O2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "HELIOS", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "O3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "O4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OBERON", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "O5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEZHA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "OCTAVIA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "P1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NINKONDI", Part = "CHAIN", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "P2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TIBERON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "P3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "PYRANA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "R1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ANKYROS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "R2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "DESTREZA", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "R3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FANG", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZEPHYR", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKJAGARA", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "REDEEMER", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "S1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKBRONCO", Part = "LINK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SCINDO", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "S2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LATRON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LOKI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WYRM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EMBER", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SICARUS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "S3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BOLTOR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "STARS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RHINO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ANKYROS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NYX", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SCINDO", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "S4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BOAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "DAKRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "S5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "GRIP", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "NIKANA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "S6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NEKROS", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SYBARIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "S7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NOVA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAVASA", Part = "COLLAR BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SOMA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "T1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "HARNESS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "AKSTILETTO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "T2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BOOT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MIRAGE", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "T3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BURSTON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LIMBO", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "T4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CORINTH", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "EQUINOX", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIPEDO", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "T5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "CHROMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "RUBICO", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GRAM", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TITANIA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "T6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PARIS", Part = "STRING", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZAKTI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TENORA", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CARRIER", Part = "SYSTEMS", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VAUBAN", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "HIKOU", Part = "POUCH", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "MAG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BOAR", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V3", 
        Drops = { {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VASTO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ORTHOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V4", 
        Drops = { {Item = "PARIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "TRINITY", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "HARNESS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "CERNOS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VECTIS", Part = "STOCK", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V5", 
        Drops = { {Item = "VENKA", Part = "BLADES", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KAMAS DOBLES", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "TIGRIS", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V6", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BALLISTICA", Part = "LOWER LIMB", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRATON", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FANG", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "GALATINE", Part = "HANDLE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V7", 
        Drops = { {Item = "LEX", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "NAMI SKYLA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "KOGAKE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "SILVA & AEGIS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V8", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "LEX", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "CHASSIS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ODONATA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VOLT", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsBaro = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "V9", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SARYN", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "SPIRA", Part = "BLADE", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VALKYR", Part = "SYSTEMS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "VENKA", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "W1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "AKSOMATI", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "STRADAVAR", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 1},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "W2", 
        Drops = { {Item = "BAZA", Part = "RECEIVER", Rarity = "Común"}, 
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                  {Item = "TEKKO", Part = "GAUNTLET", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BRONCO", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "INAROS", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0},
    { Tier = "Axi", Name = "Z1", 
        Drops = { {Item = "FORMA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "PANTHERA", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "WUKONG", Part = "NEUROPTICS BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Común"}, 
                  {Item = "BAZA", Part = "BARREL", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZHUGE", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Poco común"}, 
                  {Item = "ZAKTI", Part = "BLUEPRINT", Rarity = "Raro"}},
        IsVaulted = 0}
return VoidData