La documentación para este módulo puede ser creada en Módulo:Mods/data/doc
-- TODO: Add buff icons to certain conditional mods and show them in the mod infobox? -- TODO: Migrate/add mod descriptions to these tables so we autogenerate them in the main module. -- See -- -- -- -- -- -- TODO: I think the last portion of uniqueName is unique enough for indexing -- (so that no two innate upgrades share the same index key) so it is safe to use it for innate upgrades and to not expose file path to readers -- Main issue being that means we have to use the shorthand index as reference in M:Weapons/data -- which I'm not sure if it is a good design decision to do so; using the full uniqueName as index is a much clearer -- way of referencing these innate upgrade entries as it guarantees uniqueness and leaves no room for different interpretations -- Edit: Tekko and Tekko Prime share the same last portion of their uniqueName return { DefaultUpgrades = { ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnHopliteSpear/TnHopliteGunSpearInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnHopliteSpear/TnHopliteGunSpearInnateMod", Link = "Afentis", Name = "TnHopliteGunSpearInnateMod", Type = "Afentis" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnSharbola/GrnSharbolaInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnSharbola/GrnSharbolaInnateUpgrade", Link = "Slaytra", Name = "GrnSharbolaInnateUpgrade", Type = "Slaytra" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/QuillDartgun/QuillDartgunInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/QuillDartgun/QuillDartgunInnateUpgrade", Link = "Hystrix", Name = "QuillDartgunInnateUpgrade", Type = "Hystrix" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/QuillSword/QuillDualSwordsSignatureUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/QuillSword/QuillDualSwordsSignatureUpgrade", Link = "Dual Keres", Name = "QuillDualSwordsSignatureUpgrade", Type = "Dual Keres" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/Dagger/ZarimanDaggerTransform"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/Dagger/ZarimanDaggerTransform", Link = "Innodem", Name = "ZarimanDaggerTransform", Type = "Innodem" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/Dagger/EvoDaggerVoidFinisherBuff"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/Dagger/EvoDaggerVoidFinisherBuff", Link = "Innodem", Name = "EvoDaggerVoidFinisherBuff", Type = "Innodem" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Rifle/EvoRifleDamageOnHeadshots"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Rifle/EvoRifleDamageOnHeadshots", Link = "Phenmor", Name = "EvoRifleDamageOnHeadshots", Type = "Phenmor" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Rifle/EvoRifleInstantReloadChanceOnHeadshot"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Rifle/EvoRifleInstantReloadChanceOnHeadshot", Link = "Phenmor", Name = "EvoRifleInstantReloadChanceOnHeadshot", Type = "Phenmor" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Rifle/EvoRifleReloadSpeedFromEmpty"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Rifle/EvoRifleReloadSpeedFromEmpty", Link = "Phenmor", Name = "EvoRifleReloadSpeedFromEmpty", Type = "Phenmor" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Pistol/EvoPistolAmmoEfficiencyOnHeadshot"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Pistol/EvoPistolAmmoEfficiencyOnHeadshot", Link = "Laetum", Name = "EvoPistolAmmoEfficiencyOnHeadshot", Type = "Laetum" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Pistol/EvoPistolDamageOnNoCritAndNoProcHit"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Pistol/EvoPistolDamageOnNoCritAndNoProcHit", Link = "Laetum", Name = "EvoPistolDamageOnNoCritAndNoProcHit", Type = "Laetum" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Pistol/EvoPistolReloadSpeedOnHeadshot"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Pistol/EvoPistolReloadSpeedOnHeadshot", Link = "Laetum", Name = "EvoPistolReloadSpeedOnHeadshot", Type = "Laetum" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/ZarimanTonfaTransform"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/ZarimanTonfaTransform", Link = "Praedos", Name = "ZarimanTonfaTransform", Type = "Praedos" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/EvoTonfaHeavyEfficiency"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Evolutions/Melee/EvoTonfaHeavyEfficiency", Link = "Praedos", Name = "EvoTonfaHeavyEfficiency", Type = "Praedos" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/GyreRifle/GyreRifleInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/GyreRifle/GyreRifleInnateUpgrade", Link = "Alternox", Name = "GyreRifleInnateUpgrade", Type = "Alternox" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DirectorMods/HighDamageEnemyLevelAura"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "+200% Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DirectorMods/HighDamageEnemyLevelAura", Link = "Void", Name = "HighDamageEnemyLevelAura", Type = "Level Aura" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DirectorMods/HardModeLevelAura"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "+100% Resource Drop Chance\r\n+100% Mod Drop Chance", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DirectorMods/HardModeLevelAura", Link = "The Steel Path", Name = "HardModeLevelAura", Type = "Level Aura" }, ["/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DirectorMods/HardModeEnemyLevelAura"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, Description = "+100 Enemy Level\r\n+150% Enemy Health\r\n+150% Enemy Shield\r\n+150% Enemy Armor", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DirectorMods/HardModeEnemyLevelAura", Link = "The Steel Path", Name = "HardModeEnemyLevelAura", Type = "Level Aura" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeZhuge/ZhugePrimeReloadFromEmptyMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeZhuge/ZhugePrimeReloadFromEmptyMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Zhuge Prime", Name = "ZhugePrimeReloadFromEmptyMod", Type = "Zhuge Prime" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Hammer/GlassHammer/GlassHammerInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Hammer/GlassHammer/GlassHammerInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Volnus", Name = "GlassHammerInnateUpgrade", Type = "Volnus" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/SentJointedScythe/SentJointedScytheInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/SentJointedScythe/SentJointedScytheInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Venato", Name = "SentJointedScytheInnateUpgrade", Type = "Venato" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnOdaliskSmg/TnOdaliskAmmoEfficiencyMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnOdaliskSmg/TnOdaliskAmmoEfficiencyMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Velox", Name = "TnOdaliskAmmoEfficiencyMod", Type = "Velox" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnOdaliskSmg/TnOdaliskAmmoEfficiencySignatureMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnOdaliskSmg/TnOdaliskAmmoEfficiencySignatureMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Velox", Name = "TnOdaliskAmmoEfficiencySignatureMod", Type = "Velox" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnOdaliskSmg/TnOdaliskReloadFromEmptyMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnOdaliskSmg/TnOdaliskReloadFromEmptyMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Velox", Name = "TnOdaliskReloadFromEmptyMod", Type = "Velox" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/SteelMeridian/Melee/SMSydonSpecialUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/SteelMeridian/Melee/SMSydonSpecialUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Vaykor Sydon", Name = "SMSydonSpecialUpgrade", Type = "Vaykor Sydon" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Thanotech/ThanoRifle/ThanotechRifleWeaponInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Thanotech/ThanoRifle/ThanotechRifleWeaponInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Trumna", Name = "ThanotechRifleWeaponInnateMod", Type = "Trumna" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnBardRifle/TnBardRifleInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnBardRifle/TnBardRifleInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tenora", Name = "TnBardRifleInnateUpgrade", Type = "Tenora" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpIgniterPistol/CrpIgniterPistolInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpIgniterPistol/CrpIgniterPistolInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tenet Spirex", Name = "CrpIgniterPistolInnateMod", Type = "Tenet Spirex" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/CrpBriefcase2HKatana/CrpBriefcase2HKatanaInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/CrpBriefcase2HKatana/CrpBriefcase2HKatanaInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tenet Livia", Name = "CrpBriefcase2HKatanaInnateUpgrade", Type = "Tenet Livia" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpBriefcaseAkimbo/CrpBriefcaseAkimboInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpBriefcaseAkimbo/CrpBriefcaseAkimboInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tenet Diplos", Name = "CrpBriefcaseAkimboInnateMod", Type = "Tenet Diplos" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpBriefcaseLauncher/CrpBriefcaseLauncherInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpBriefcaseLauncher/CrpBriefcaseLauncherInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tenet Envoy", Name = "CrpBriefcaseLauncherInnateMod", Type = "Tenet Envoy" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/ArbitersOfHexis/Melee/AHBoltaceMobilizeMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/ArbitersOfHexis/Melee/AHBoltaceMobilizeMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Telos Boltace", Name = "AHBoltaceMobilizeMod", Type = "Telos Boltace" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeTekko/TekkoPrimeInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gauntlet/BrawlerKnuckles/BrawlerKnucklesInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tekko Prime", Name = "BrawlerKnucklesInnateUpgrade", Type = "Tekko Prime" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gauntlet/BrawlerKnuckles/BrawlerKnucklesInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gauntlet/BrawlerKnuckles/BrawlerKnucklesInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tekko", Name = "BrawlerKnucklesInnateUpgrade", Type = "Tekko" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnTwoHandedKatana/TnTwoHandedKatanaFrameInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnTwoHandedKatana/TnTwoHandedKatanaFrameInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Tatsu", Name = "TnTwoHandedKatanaFrameInnateMod", Type = "Tatsu" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/CephalonSuda/Melee/CreateSpectreOnKill"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/CephalonSuda/Melee/CreateSpectreOnKill", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Synoid Heliocor", Name = "CreateSpectreOnKill", Type = "Synoid Heliocor" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfestedRifleInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfestedRifleInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Synapse", Name = "InfestedRifleInnateUpgrade", Type = "Synapse" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/UmbraKatana/UmbraAbilityCastUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/UmbraKatana/UmbraAbilityCastUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Skiajati", Name = "UmbraAbilityCastUpgrade", Type = "Skiajati" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/Shedu/SheduInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/Shedu/SheduInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Shedu", Name = "SheduInnateUpgrade", Type = "Shedu/Bubonico" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Thanotech/ThanoPistol/ThanotechPistolWeaponInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Thanotech/ThanoPistol/ThanotechPistolWeaponInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Sepulcrum", Name = "ThanotechPistolWeaponInnateMod", Type = "Sepulcrum" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/NewLoka/Melee/NLMagistarLifeStrikeAOEMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/NewLoka/Melee/NLMagistarLifeStrikeAOEMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Sancti Magistar", Name = "NLMagistarLifeStrikeAOEMod", Type = "Sancti Magistar" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/RedVeil/Melee/RVDarkDaggerInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/RedVeil/Melee/RVDarkDaggerInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Rakta Dark Dagger", Name = "RVDarkDaggerInnateUpgrade", Type = "Rakta Dark Dagger" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnAmphisPistol/GrnAmphisPistolInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnAmphisPistol/GrnAmphisPistolInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Quatz", Name = "GrnAmphisPistolInnateUpgrade", Type = "Quatz" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Warfan/TnBrokenFrameWarfan/TnBrokenFrameWarfanInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Warfan/TnBrokenFrameWarfan/TnBrokenFrameWarfanInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Quassus", Name = "TnBrokenFrameWarfanInnateMod", Type = "Quassus" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/RevenantShotgun/RevenantShotgunInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/RevenantShotgun/RevenantShotgunInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Phantasma", Name = "RevenantShotgunInnateMod", Type = "Phantasma" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnRailjackGreatKatana/TnRailJackGreatKatanaInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnRailjackGreatKatana/TnRailJackGreatKatanaInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Pennant", Name = "TnRailJackGreatKatanaInnateUpgrade", Type = "Pennant" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnBardPistol/TnBardPistolInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnBardPistol/TnBardPistolInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Pandero", Name = "TnBardPistolInnateUpgrade", Type = "Pandero" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/GarudaCrossbow/GarudaCrossbowInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/GarudaCrossbow/GarudaCrossbowInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Nagantaka", Name = "GarudaCrossbowInnateUpgrade", Type = "Nagantaka" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/GarudaCrossbow/GarudaCrossbowInnateUpgradeTwo"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/GarudaCrossbow/GarudaCrossbowInnateUpgradeTwo", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Nagantaka", Name = "GarudaCrossbowInnateUpgradeTwo", Type = "Nagantaka" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerSawbladeGun/MiterDismemberUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerSawbladeGun/MiterDismemberUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Miter", Name = "MiterDismemberUpgrade", Type = "Miter" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnChiselKanabo/GrendelInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnChiselKanabo/GrendelInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Masseter", Name = "GrendelInnateUpgrade", Type = "Masseter" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeMagnus/PrimeMagnusInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeMagnus/PrimeMagnusInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Magnus Prime", Name = "PrimeMagnusInnateUpgrade", Type = "Magnus Prime" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/TipedoStaff/InfTipedoProcMeleeMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/TipedoStaff/InfTipedoProcMeleeMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Lesion", Name = "InfTipedoProcMeleeMod", Type = "Lesion" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Bow/Longbow/CrpBowConvertAmmoMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Bow/Longbow/CrpBowConvertAmmoMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Lenz", Name = "CrpBowConvertAmmoMod", Type = "Lenz" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/TnShieldframeArchGun/TnShieldFrameArchGunInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/TnShieldframeArchGun/TnShieldFrameArchGunInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Larkspur", Name = "TnShieldFrameArchGunInnateMod", Type = "Larkspur" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnKuvaLichRifle/GrnKuvaLichRifleInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnKuvaLichRifle/GrnKuvaLichRifleInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Kuva Chakkhurr", Name = "GrnKuvaLichRifleInnateUpgrade", Type = "Kuva Chakkhurr" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Bows/GrnBow/GrnBowInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Bows/GrnBow/GrnBowInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Kuva Bramma", Name = "GrnBowInnateMod", Type = "Kuva Bramma" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnYareliPistol/TnYareliPistolInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnYareliPistol/TnYareliPistolInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Kompressa", Name = "TnYareliPistolInnateUpgrade", Type = "Kompressa" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpSentAmlgSniper/CrpSentAmlgSniperConvertAmmoMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpSentAmlgSniper/CrpSentAmlgSniperConvertAmmoMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Komorex", Name = "CrpSentAmlgSniperConvertAmmoMod", Type = "Komorex" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnPriestPistolScope/TnPriestPistolInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnPriestPistolScope/TnPriestPistolInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Knell", Name = "TnPriestPistolInnateMod", Type = "Knell" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnPriestPistolScope/TnPriestPistolInnateModB"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnPriestPistolScope/TnPriestPistolInnateModB", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Knell", Name = "TnPriestPistolInnateModB", Type = "Knell" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnPriestPistolScope/TnPriestPistolInnateModC"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnPriestPistolScope/TnPriestPistolInnateModC", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Knell", Name = "TnPriestPistolInnateModC", Type = "Knell" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/InfWFAccompanyingSparring/InfestedKogakeUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/InfWFAccompanyingSparring/InfestedKogakeUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Hirudo", Name = "InfestedKogakeUpgrade", Type = "Hirudo" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/GlassKunai/GlassKunaiInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/GlassKunai/GlassKunaiInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Fusilai", Name = "GlassKunaiInnateUpgrade", Type = "Fusilai" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnWispRifle/TnWispRifleInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnWispRifle/TnWispRifleInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Fulmin", Name = "TnWispRifleInnateMod", Type = "Fulmin" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnWraitheSidearm/TnWraitheSidearmInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnWraitheSidearm/TnWraitheSidearmInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Epitaph", Name = "TnWraitheSidearmInnateUpgrade", Type = "Epitaph" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfVomitGun/FireRateOnHeadshotPistolMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfVomitGun/FireRateOnHeadshotPistolMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Dual Toxocyst", Name = "FireRateOnHeadshotPistolMod", Type = "Dual Toxocyst" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/PrimeCernos/CernosPrimeInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/PrimeCernos/CernosPrimeInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Cernos Prime", Name = "CernosPrimeInnateMod", Type = "Cernos Prime" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnAlchemistShotgun/TnAlchemistShotgunSignatureMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnAlchemistShotgun/TnAlchemistShotgunSignatureMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Cedo", Name = "TnAlchemistShotgunSignatureMod", Type = "Cedo" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnAlchemistShotgun/TnAlchemistShotgunInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnAlchemistShotgun/TnAlchemistShotgunInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Cedo", Name = "TnAlchemistShotgunInnateMod", Type = "Cedo" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfBeamPistol/InfBeamPistolReloadFromEmptyMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfBeamPistol/InfBeamPistolReloadFromEmptyMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Catabolyst", Name = "InfBeamPistolReloadFromEmptyMod", Type = "Catabolyst" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnJetTurbine/TnTurbineInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnJetTurbine/TnTurbineInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Athodai", Name = "TnTurbineInnateMod", Type = "Athodai" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnGlassShotgun/TnGlassShotgunInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnGlassShotgun/TnGlassShotgunInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Astilla", Name = "TnGlassShotgunInnateUpgrade", Type = "Astilla" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Hammer/CorpusHammerWeaponInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Hammer/CorpusHammerWeaponInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Arca Titron", Name = "CorpusHammerWeaponInnateMod", Type = "Arca Titron" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/SniperPistol/ScopeGunInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/SniperPistol/ScopeGunInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Arca Scisco", Name = "ScopeGunInnateMod", Type = "Arca Scisco" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SapientPistol/SapientPistolInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SapientPistol/SapientPistolInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Akarius", Name = "SapientPistolInnateUpgrade", Type = "Akarius" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SapientPistol/SapientPistoRunnerInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SapientPistol/SapientPistoRunnerInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Akarius", Name = "SapientPistoRunnerInnateUpgrade", Type = "Akarius" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/SapientPrimary/SapientPrimaryRunnerInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/SapientPrimary/SapientPrimaryRunnerInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Acceltra", Name = "SapientPrimaryRunnerInnateUpgrade", Type = "Acceltra" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/SapientPrimary/SapientPrimaryInnateUpgrade"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/SapientPrimary/SapientPrimaryInnateUpgrade", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Acceltra", Name = "SapientPrimaryInnateUpgrade", Type = "Acceltra" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnFlameSpear/GunSpearInnateMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnFlameSpear/GunSpearInnateMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = ":Category:Speargun", Name = "GunSpearInnateMod", Type = "Speargun" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterInnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, Description = "|val|% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR> Puncture Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterInnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Carcinnox", Name = "BlasterInnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Carcinnox", }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Upgrades/InnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Upgrades/InnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Lich System/Progenitor", Name = "InnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Kuva/Tenet Weapon" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/CrewShipInnateFireRateRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/CrewShipInnateFireRateRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Railjack/Armaments", Name = "CrewShipInnateFireRateRandomMod", Type = "Armament" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ShrapnelShotgunInnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, Description = "|val|% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ShrapnelShotgunInnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Laith", Name = "ShrapnelShotgunInnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Laith" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/RailJackBeamInnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, Description = "|val|% <DT_FIRE_COLOR> Heat Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/RailJackBeamInnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Photor", Name = "RailJackBeamInnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Photor" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ElectricTetherInnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, Description = "|val|% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ElectricTetherInnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Vort", Name = "ElectricTetherInnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Vort" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterShotgunInnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, Description = "|val|% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR> Cold Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterShotgunInnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Cryophon", Name = "BlasterShotgunInnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Cryophon" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/PulseLaserInnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, Description = "|val|% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR> Puncture Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/PulseLaserInnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Pulsar", Name = "PulseLaserInnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Pulsar" }, ["/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/AutoCannonInnateDamageRandomMod"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, CodexSecret = true, Description = "|val|% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR> Puncture Damage", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/AutoCannonInnateDamageRandomMod", IsDefaultUpgrade = true, Link = "Apoc", Name = "AutoCannonInnateDamageRandomMod", Type = "Apoc" } }, -- Mods de conjunto -- Conjuntos = { ["Conjunto de Aero"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hawk/HawkSetMod", Description = "Daña a los enemigos mientras planeas y pon a dormir hast 5 de ellos por 3s al aterrizar.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Aero", Name = "Conjunto de Aero", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de Amar"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Amar/AmarSetMod", Description = "Teletranspórtate a un objetivo dentro de 10 metros después de usar un ataque pesado.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Amar", Name = "Conjunto de Amar", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de Augurio"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/AugurSetMod", Description = "El 40% de la energía gastada se convierte en escudos.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Augurio", Name = "Conjunto de Augurio", NumUpgradesInSet = 6, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_ENERGY_TO_OVERSHIELD" } }, ["Conjunto de Boreal"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boreal/BorealSetMod", Description = "Reduce el daño en un 20% al estar en el aire.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Boreal", Name = "Conjunto de Boreal", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Conjunto de Carnis"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Ashen/AshenSetMod", Description = "Matar a un enemigo con ataques pesados otorga 10% de evasión e inmunidad a los efectos de estado durante 2 segundos.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Carnis", Name = "Conjunto de Carnis", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto del Gladiador"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/AugurSetMod", Description = "10% probabilidad crítica por multiplicador de combo.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto del Gladiador", Name = "Conjunto del Gladiador", NumUpgradesInSet = 6, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Conjunto del Cazador"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hunter/HunterSetMod", Description = "El compañero causa 25% de daño extra contra enemigos afectados por el estado <DT_SLASH_COLOR>.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto del Cazador", Name = "Conjunto del Cazador", NumUpgradesInSet = 6, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_IF_VICTIM_PROC_ACTIVE" } }, ["Conjunto de Jugulus"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boneblade/BonebladeSetMod", Description = "Los golpes contra el suelo generan zarcillos que azotan a los enemigos en un radio de 3 metros infligiendo 25 de daño de perforación. Tiempo de espera: 12 segundos.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Jugulus", Name = "Conjunto de Jugulus", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de Mecha"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, IncompatibilityTags = { "HELMINTH_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Mecha/MechaSetMod", Description = "El Kubrow marca a un objetivo cada 60 segundos por 3 segundos. Matar al objetivo aplica sus efectos de estado a todos los enemigos dentro de 7.5 metros.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Mecha", Name = "Conjunto de Mecha", NumUpgradesInSet = 4, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de Motus"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Raptor/RaptorSetMod", Description = "+33% de probabilidad de inmunidad a los derribos mientras estas en el aire.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Motus", Name = "Conjunto de Motus", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_INJURY_BLOCK_CHANCE" } }, ["Conjunto de Nira"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Nira/NiraSetMod", Description = "Incrementa el daño de golpes contra el suelo en un 100%.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Nira", Name = "Conjunto de Nira", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_MELEE_SLAM_DAMAGE_BONUS" } }, ["Conjunto de Protón"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Spider/SpiderSetMod", Description = "Al estar posando obtienes 17% de reducción de daño", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Protón", Name = "Conjunto de Protón", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Conjunto Sacrificial"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Sacrifice/SacrificeSetMod", Description = "Mejora todos los mods de este conjunto equipados.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto Sacrificial", Name = "Conjunto Sacrificial", NumUpgradesInSet = 2, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de Saxum"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Femur/FemurSetMod", Description = "Los enemigos suspendidos explotan al morir, haciendo que el 10% de su salud máxima sea daño de Impacto en un radio de 4 metros. Tiempo de espera: 6s", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de Saxum", Name = "Conjunto de Saxum", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de cepa"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Strain/StrainSetMod", Description = "Hace crecer hasta 2 quistes durante 6s que erupcionan cada 25s para engendrar larvas.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de cepa", Name = "Conjunto de cepa", NumUpgradesInSet = 4, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de sintetizador"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Synth/SynthSetMod", Description = "Enfundar armas primaria y secundarias recarga 5% del cargador por segundo.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de sintetizador", Name = "Conjunto de sintetizador", NumUpgradesInSet = 4, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto de tek"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Tek/TekSetMod", Description = "Marca una zona de 3 metros cada 60 segundos que inflige 50 de daño/s a los enemigos.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto de tek", Name = "Conjunto de tek", NumUpgradesInSet = 4, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto Umbral"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Umbra/UmbraSetMod", Description = "Mejora todos los mods de este conjunto equipados.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto Umbral", Name = "Conjunto Umbral", NumUpgradesInSet = 3, Type = "Conjunto" }, ["Conjunto del vigilante"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Vigilante/VigilanteSetMod", Description = "5% de probabilidad de mejorar el daño crítico para armas primarias.", Link = "Mod de conjunto#Conjunto del vigilante", Name = "Conjunto del vigilante", NumUpgradesInSet = 6, Type = "Conjunto", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DOUBLE_CRIT_CHANCE" } } }, Mods = { ["Enlace mermador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Link Augment: Reduces Armor Rating by 60% on enemies targeted by Link.", Image = "Enlace mermador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Trinity/LinkAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Enlace mermador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Enlace mermador", Icon = "Enlace mermador.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Trinity" }, ["Mutación abundante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Passive Augment: Nidus gains an additional 200 max stacks of Mutation. Undying has a 30s cooldown.", Image = "Mutación abundante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Infestation/InfestPassiveAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.5.4", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Mutación abundante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mutación abundante", Icon = "Mutación abundante.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nidus" }, ["Explosión acelerada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+60% Fire Rate\r\n+60% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Image = "Explosión acelerada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/AcceleratedBlastMod", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Explosión acelerada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Explosión acelerada", Icon = "Explosión acelerada.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Desviación acelerada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% Shield Recharge\r\n-45% Shield Recharge Delay", Image = "Desviación acelerada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelShieldRechargeRateMod", Introduced = "Vanilla", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Desviación acelerada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desviación acelerada", Icon = "Desviación acelerada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Isótopo acelerado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation\r\n+40% Fire Rate", Icon = "Isótopo acelerado.png", Image = "Isótopo acelerado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/RadiationFireratePistolMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Isótopo acelerado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Isótopo acelerado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Látigo garra acumulativo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Whipclaw Augment: Hitting 3 enemies will grant a 35% stacking Damage Bonus to subsequent Whipclaws. Bonus will decay after 10s.", Image = "Látigo garra acumulativo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Khora/KhoraCrackAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Látigo garra acumulativo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Látigo garra acumulativo", Icon = "Látigo garra acumulativo.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Khora" }, ["Cartuchos ácidos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Enemies explode on death, dealing 450 <DT_CORROSIVE_COLOR>Corrosive Damage (+45% Enemy Max Health) in a 15m radius.", Image = "Cartuchos ácidos.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/ProjectNightwatch/SobekNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.10", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Cartuchos ácidos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cartuchos ácidos", Icon = "Cartuchos ácidos.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sobek", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_DAMAGE_ENEMY_HEALTH_PCT", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_RADIUS" } }, ["Sinovia ácida"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Every 5s spit acidic tar at an enemy within 30m, blinding them for 12s and dealing 120 <DT_CORROSIVE_COLOR>Corrosive Damage.", Image = "Sinovia ácida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedPredatorSpitAcidPrecept", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sinovia ácida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sinovia ácida", Icon = "Sinovia ácida.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vizier Predasite" }, ["Adaptación"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "When Damaged: +10% Resistance to that Damage Type for 20s. Stacks up to 90%.", Image = "Adaptación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarResistanceOnDamageMod", Introduced = "23.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Adaptación", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Adaptación", Icon = "Adaptación.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Arranque versado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "+10% Mobility\r\n-25 Health", Image = "Arranque versado.png", Incompatible = { "Propulsores de aire", "Resorte calculado", "Habilidad creciente", "Rumbo de templanza" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/MoreBulletJumpLessHealthMod", Introduced = "17.8", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Arranque versado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Arranque versado", Icon = "Arranque versado.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION", "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Explosión adhesiva"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CompatibilityTags = { "PROJECTILE" }, Description = "Grenades have 100% chance to stick to surfaces.", Image = "Explosión adhesiva.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "IMPACTEXPLODE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponGrenadeStickyMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Explosión adhesiva", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Explosión adhesiva", Icon = "Explosión adhesiva.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Unique", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_GRENADE_STICKY" } }, ["Potenciador de adrenalina"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "+50% Energy\r\n-20% Health", Image = "Potenciador de adrenalina.png", Incompatible = { "Heightened Reflexes" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/MoreEnergyLessHealthMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Potenciador de adrenalina", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Potenciador de adrenalina", Icon = "Potenciador de adrenalina.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX", "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Vendaval Aegis"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Aegis Storm Augment: Balefire has an Alternate Fire during Aegis Storm. The blast deals 15% of Hildryn's Max Shield as additional damage.", Icon = "Vendaval Aegis.png", Image = "Vendaval Aegis.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/IronFrame/IronFrameEruptionAugmentCard", Introduced = "37", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Vendaval Aegis", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Vendaval Aegis", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hildryn" }, ["As en el aire"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Kill:\r\nRefresh Double Jump up to 6x while Airborne.", Image = "As en el aire.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Arbitration/JumpRefreshOnKillRifleMod", Introduced = "27.3", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "As en el aire", MaxRank = 5, Name = "As en el aire", Icon = "As en el aire.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Vínculo aéreo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Airborne kills decrease Companion Recovery timer by 3s and 9s for headshot kills. Companion creates a field of cold that increases up to 35% and 10m radius while Warframe is airborne, lasting for 3s after returning to ground.", Image = "Vínculo aéreo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/Copilot", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo aéreo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo aéreo", Icon = "Vínculo aéreo.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Prospecto aéreo"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Conclave = false, Description = "Launches a beacon at an enemy within 27m that calls down an Orbital Strike dealing 1200 <DT_EXPLOSION_COLOR>Blast Damage in a 7m radius.", Image = "Prospecto aéreo.png", Incompatible = { "Focused Prospectus", "Synergized Prospectus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetPhotonStrikePrecept", Introduced = "30.5", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Prospecto aéreo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Prospecto aéreo", Icon = "Prospecto aéreo.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Agilidad de Aero"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "100% Reload Speed while Aim Gliding", Image = "Agilidad de Aero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hawk/HawkModB", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Agilidad de Aero", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Agilidad de Aero", Icon = "Agilidad de Aero.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Conjunto de Aero", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper" }, ["Periferia de Aero"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "-50% Zoom while Aim Gliding", Image = "Periferia de Aero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hawk/HawkModC", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Periferia de Aero", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Periferia de Aero", Icon = "Periferia de Aero.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Conjunto de Aero", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Primaria", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_ZOOM" } }, ["Ventaja de Aero"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "-100% Gravity while Aim Gliding", Image = "Ventaja de Aero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hawk/HawkModA", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Ventaja de Aero", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ventaja de Aero", Icon = "Ventaja de Aero.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Conjunto de Aero", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GRAVITY" } }, ["Aerodinámico"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Squad takes 24% reduced damage while airborne and gains +6s Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration", Image = "Aerodinámico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/WarframeAuraVerticalityMod", Introduced = "25.7.6", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Aerodinámico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aerodinámico", Icon = "Aerodinámico.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE" } }, ["Amplificador de afinidad"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Affinity from kills increased\r\n+%d%% KILL XP AMOUNT", Image = "AffinityAmpMod.png", Link = "Amplificador de afinidad", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Amplificador de afinidad", Icon = "Amplificador de afinidad.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, Posquemador = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "Spectral Scream Augment: Upon deactivation, Chroma will launch an elemental projectile dealing 100 Damage for each second the ability was active, to a maximum of 500 Damage.", Image = "Posquemador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Dragon/DragonBreathAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Posquemador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Posquemador", Icon = "Posquemador.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Chroma" }, ["Postcombustión"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Core Vent Augment: <DT_EXPLOSION_COLOR>Blast Damage ignites exhaust fumes for 12s. Enemies passing through the flames take 500 <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat Damage.", Image = "Postcombustión.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Archwing/DemolitionJetPack/ExhaustTrailAugmentCard", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Postcombustión", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Postcombustión", Icon = "Postcombustión.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Elytron" }, ["Objetivo ágil"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Movement Speed when Aiming", Image = "Objetivo ágil.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/FasterMovementWhileAimingRifleMod", Introduced = "17.2", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Objetivo ágil", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Objetivo ágil", Icon = "Objetivo ágil.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_MOVEMENT_SPEED" } }, ["Derivación ágil"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Reduces damage by 12% when Airborne.\r\n+6% Evasion", Image = "Derivación ágil.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/OrokinChallenge/OrokinChallengeModAgility", Introduced = "18", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Derivación ágil", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación ágil", Icon = "Derivación ágil.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN", "AVATAR_EVADE_NPC_BULLET" } }, ["Reconocimiento aéreo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "-60% Zoom while Aim Gliding", Image = "Reconocimiento aéreo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/HigherAirAimFoVPistolMod", Introduced = "17.4", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Reconocimiento aéreo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Reconocimiento aéreo", Icon = "Reconocimiento aéreo.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_ZOOM" } }, ["Propulsores de aire"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "+100% Slide Boost when Airborne\r\n-20% Mobility", Image = "Propulsores de aire.png", Incompatible = { "Arranque versado", "Resorte calculado", "Habilidad creciente", "Rumbo de templanza" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/AirSlideBoost", Introduced = "18.4.10", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Propulsores de aire", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Propulsores de aire", Icon = "Propulsores de aire.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST" } }, ["Hora de volar"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "-20% Gravity while Falling Down", Image = "Hora de volar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBAirGravMod", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Hora de volar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hora de volar", Icon = "Hora de volar.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GRAVITY" } }, ["Municiones de estallido aéreo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Airburst Augment: Each enemy hit by Airburst increases secondary damage by 40% for 14s.", Image = "Municiones de estallido aéreo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Tengu/TenguBurstAugmentCard", Introduced = "30.2", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Municiones de estallido aéreo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Municiones de estallido aéreo", Icon = "Municiones de estallido aéreo.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Zephyr" }, ["Angustia de Amar"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+15% to Bullet Jump\r\n+15% Sprint Speed", Icon = "Angustia de Amar.png", Image = "Angustia de Amar.png", Incompatible = { "Angustia de Boreal", "Angustia de Nira" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Amar/AmarExilusMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Angustia de Amar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Angustia de Amar", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Conjunto de Amar", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, ["Desprecio de Amar"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_DAGGERS_STANCE" }, Conclave = false, Description = "+90% Melee Damage\r\n+30% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Icon = "Desprecio de Amar.png", Image = "Desprecio de Amar.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Amar/AmarMeleeMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Desprecio de Amar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desprecio de Amar", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Conjunto de Amar", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dual Daggers", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Odio de Amar"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+25% Armor\r\n+15% Ability Strength", Icon = "Odio de Amar.png", Image = "Odio de Amar.png", Incompatible = { "Odio de Boreal", "Odio de Nira" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Amar/AmarWarframeMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Odio de Amar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Odio de Amar", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Conjunto de Amar", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR", "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Taladro metálico de Argonak Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Amalgama", Description = "+3 Punch Through\r\nDamage from Daggers reduces Armor by 6.<LINE_SEPARATOR>Enemies are revealed by Punch Through.", Image = "Taladro metálico de Argonak Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Metal Auger" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Rifle/ArgonakDaggerMod", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Taladro metálico de Argonak Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Taladro metálico de Argonak Amalgama", Icon = "Taladro metálico de Argonak Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Argonak", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH", "WEAPON_MELEE_ARMOR_REDUCTION" } }, ["Difusión de cañón Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Class = "Amalgama", Description = "+110% Multishot\r\n+60% Dodge Speed", Image = "Difusión de cañón Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Difusión de cañón", "Difusión Galvanizada" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Pistol/MultishotDodgeMod", Introduced = "24.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Difusión de cañón Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Difusión de cañón Amalgama", Icon = "Difusión de cañón Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS", "AVATAR_ACROBATIC_SPEED", "AVATAR_DODGE_SPEED" } }, ["Objetivo adquirido de Daikyu Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Class = "Amalgam", Description = "+75% to Headshot Multiplier\r\n+3% Life Steal on Nikanas\r\n<LINE_SEPARATOR>60% chance to pickup used arrows.", Image = "Objetivo adquirido de Daikyu Amalgama.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Rifle/DaikyuKatanaMod", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Objetivo adquirido de Daikyu Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Objetivo adquirido de Daikyu Amalgama", Icon = "Objetivo adquirido de Daikyu Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Daikyu", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_HEADSHOT_MULTIPLIER", "WEAPON_LIFE_STEAL" } }, ["Conteo de bajas de Furax Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Amalgam", Description = "+15s Combo Duration\r\n+45% Fire Rate for Secondary Weapons\r\n<LINE_SEPARATOR>\r\nMelee kills <DT_EXPLOSION_COLOR>Blast and stagger enemies in 15m", Image = "Conteo de bajas de Furax Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Conteo de bajas" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Melee/FuraxLauncherMod", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Conteo de bajas de Furax Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Conteo de bajas de Furax Amalgama", Icon = "Conteo de bajas de Furax Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Furax", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_RADIUS", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Amalgam", Description = "+45% Magazine Capacity\r\n+100% Combo Count Chance while Blocking with a Shield", Image = "Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Cargador deformado", "Flawed Magazine Warp", "Cargador deformado Prime" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Rifle/JavlokSwordShieldMod", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama", Icon = "Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Javlok", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_GAIN_EXTRA_CHANCE" } }, ["Destructor de órganos Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Amalgam", Description = "+85% Critical Damage\r\n+60% Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed", Image = "Destructor de órganos Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Destructor de órganos", "Flawed Organ Shatter" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Melee/CritDamageChargeSpeedMod", Introduced = "24.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Destructor de órganos Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Destructor de órganos Amalgama", Icon = "Destructor de órganos Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_MELEE_HEAVY_CHARGE_SPEED" } }, ["Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Amalgam", Description = "+187% Critical Chance (x2 for Heavy Attacks)\r\n+20% Reload Speed on Shotguns\r\n<LINE_SEPARATOR>+100% Gore Chance", Image = "Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Acero verdadero", "Acero galvanizado", "Acero sacrificial", "Acero verdadero dañado" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Melee/RipkasShotgunMod", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama", Icon = "Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ripkas", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED", "WEAPON_GORE_CHANCE" } }, ["Sierra Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Amalgam", Description = "+155% Damage\r\n+25% Sprint Speed", Image = "Sierra Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Sierra", "Sierra Higasa", "Flawed Serration", "Sierra espectral" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Rifle/SerratedRushMod", Introduced = "24.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sierra Amalgama", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Sierra Amalgama", Icon = "Sierra Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT", "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, ["Bombardeo de escopeta Amalgama"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Amalgam", Description = "+85% Fire Rate\r\n+45% Revive Speed", Image = "Bombardeo de escopeta Amalgama.png", Incompatible = { "Bombardeo de escopeta", "Flawed Shotgun Barrage" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DualSource/Shotgun/ShotgunMedicMod", Introduced = "24.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Bombardeo de escopeta Amalgama", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Bombardeo de escopeta Amalgama", Icon = "Bombardeo de escopeta Amalgama.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "AVATAR_REVIVE_SPEED" } }, ["Presión Amanata"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "When Combo Multiplier reaches 8x, Heavy attacks apply a random Status Effect to enemies hit.\r\n+330% Melee Damage", Icon = "Presión Amanata.png", Image = "Presión Amanata.png", Incompatible = { "Punto de presión", "Flawed Pressure Point", "Punto de presión Prime", "Presión sacrificial" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/Naginata/ShrineMaidenNaginataAugment", Introduced = "37", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Presión Amanata", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Presión Amanata", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Amanata" }, Emboscada = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "When Ghost invisibility is broken, Shade's owner is granted +120% Weapon Damage for 3s.", Image = "Emboscada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/GhostAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Emboscada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Emboscada", Icon = "Emboscada.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Shade" }, ["Óptica de emboscada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "-50% Zoom", Image = "Óptica de emboscada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/RubicoLowZoom", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Óptica de emboscada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Óptica de emboscada", Icon = "Óptica de emboscada.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rubico", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_ZOOM" } }, ["Caja de munición"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Increases Ammo Capacity by 25% and converts Ammo Pickups into ammo for equipped weapons after 2s.", Image = "Caja de munición.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/ItemVacum", Introduced = "The Vacuum Within", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Caja de munición", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Caja de munición", Icon = "Caja de munición.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Carrier" }, ["Cadena de munición"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+100% Ammo Maximum", Image = "Cadena de munición.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleAmmoMaxMod", Introduced = "24.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cadena de munición", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cadena de munición", Icon = "Cadena de munición.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Tambor de munición"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% Ammo Maximum", Image = "Tambor de munición.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Ammo Drum" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponAmmoMaxMod", Introduced = "Vanilla", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Tambor de munición", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Tambor de munición", Icon = "AmmoDrum.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Reserva de munición"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+60% Magazine Capacity", Image = "Reserva de munición.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Ammo Stock", "Reserva de munición Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponClipMaxMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Reserva de munición", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Reserva de munición", Icon = "Reserva de munición.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Anabolic Pollination"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Release a cloud of spores that persists for 10s increasing <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin Damage by +100% for 15s.", Image = "AnabolicPollinationMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedPredatorBuffSporesPrecept", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Anabolic Pollination", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Anabolic Pollination", Icon = "AnabolicPollination.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pharaoh Predasite" }, ["Planeo anclado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Disable Zephyr's reduced airborne gravity. Increase Ability Strength by 15%.", Image = "Planeo anclado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Tengu/TenguDisablePassiveMod", Introduced = "27.3", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Planeo anclado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Planeo anclado", Icon = "Planeo anclado.png", Polarity = "Ability", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Zephyr", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH", "AVATAR_ABILITY_AUGMENT" } }, ["Ancient Fusion Core (Common)"] = { Description = "Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.", Image = "UncommonAncientFusionCore.png", Introduced = "14.0.9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ancient Fusion Core", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Ancient Fusion Core (Common)", Icon = "AncientFusionCore(Common).png", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Core", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mod" }, ["Ancient Fusion Core (Uncommon)"] = { Description = "Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.", Image = "UncommonAncientFusionCore.png", Introduced = "14.0.9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ancient Fusion Core", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Ancient Fusion Core (Uncommon)", Icon = "AncientFusionCore(Uncommon).png", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Core", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mod" }, ["Ancient Fusion Core (Rare)"] = { Description = "Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.", Image = "UncommonAncientFusionCore.png", Introduced = "14.0.9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ancient Fusion Core", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Ancient Fusion Core (Rare)", Icon = "AncientFusionCore(Rare).png", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Core", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mod" }, ["Agilidad anémica"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% Fire Rate\r\n-15% Damage", Image = "Agilidad anémica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/CorruptedFireRateDamagePistol", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Agilidad anémica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Agilidad anémica", Icon = "Agilidad anémica.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Instinto animal"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+30 Loot Radar\r\n+18 Enemy Radar", Image = "Instinto animal.png", Incompatible = { "Instinto animal Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelLootRadarEnemyRadarMod", Introduced = "16.10.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Instinto animal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Instinto animal", Icon = "Instinto animal.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_LOOT_RADAR", "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR" } }, ["Blindaje anti-aéreo"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Conclave = true, Description = "+20 <DT_EXPLOSION_COLOR>Blast Resistance\r\n-10% Mobility", Image = "Blindaje anti-aéreo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/BlastResist", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Blindaje anti-aéreo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Blindaje anti-aéreo", Icon = "Blindaje anti-aéreo.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION" } }, ["Matriz antigravedad"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Increase height of owner's jumps by +40%.", Image = "Matriz antigravedad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/AntigravDilator", Introduced = "25", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Matriz antigravedad", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Matriz antigravedad", Icon = "Matriz antigravedad.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Robótico" }, ["Granada antigravedad"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "A grenade that levitates enemies in a 6m. After 6s afflicted enemies come crashing down, causing <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact Damage equal to 80% of the damage taken while floating.", Image = "Granada antigravedad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetPrecept/MoaLiftBombPrecept", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Granada antigravedad", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Granada antigravedad", Icon = "Granada antigravedad.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "MOA" }, ["Anticipación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "Immune to Knockdown for an additional +4s after being knocked down.\r\nImmune to Stagger for an additional +4s after being Staggered.", Image = "Anticipación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/StaggerImmunityMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Anticipación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Anticipación", Icon = "Anticipación.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PROC_IMMUNITY_DURATION" } }, ["Absorción de antimateria"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Antimatter Drop Augment: Absorbs enemy bullets within 5m, increasing the power of the explosion from Nova's particle of antimatter.", Image = "Absorción de antimateria.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/AntiMatter/AntiMatterDropAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Absorción de antimateria", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Absorción de antimateria", Icon = "Absorción de antimateria.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nova" }, ["Mina de antimateria"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "Antimatter Drop Augment: Creates a fully charged stationary orb that explodes after 6s or within enemy proximity.", Image = "Mina de antimateria.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/AntiMatter/AntiMatterDropPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Mina de antimateria", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mina de antimateria", Icon = "Mina de antimateria.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nova" }, Antitoxina = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+45% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Resistencia a las toxinas", Image = "Antitoxina.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageResistancePoison", Introduced = "8", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Antitoxina", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Antitoxina", Icon = "Antitoxina.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Superpredador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "Reveals target on Minimap for +6s.", Image = "Superpredador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/MarkTargetRifleMod", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Superpredador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Superpredador", Icon = "Superpredador.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MARK_TARGET" } }, ["Bobina de arco eléctrico"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Sentinel will zap up to 7 enemies within 10m, dealing 100 <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage with a 10% Status Chance.", Image = "Bobina de arco eléctrico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/ArcTrap", Introduced = "17.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Bobina de arco eléctrico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Bobina de arco eléctrico", Icon = "Bobina de arco eléctrico.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Diriga" }, ["Experto en archcañones"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "On Headshot Kill:\r\n+50% Fire/Charge Rate +100% Reload Speed for 9s", Image = "Experto en archcañones.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingHeadshotKillAmmoEfficiencyMod", Introduced = "24.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Experto en archcañones", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Experto en archcañones", Icon = "Experto en archcañones.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_CHARGE_RATE", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Continuidad Arconte"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Archon", Description = "+55% Ability Duration\r\nAbilities that inflict a <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin status effect will also apply a <DT_CORROSIVE_COLOR>Corrosive status effect.", Image = "Continuidad Arconte.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Kahl/KahlAvatarAbilityDurationMod", Incompatible = { "Continuidad" , "Continuidad Prime", "Flawed Continuity" }, Introduced = "32.0.2", Link = "Continuidad Arconte", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Continuidad Arconte", Icon = "Continuidad Arconte.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION", "AVATAR_PROC_ABILITY_STACK" } }, ["Flujo Arconte"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Archon", Description = "+185% Energy Max\r\nEnemies killed by <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold Abilities have 10% chance to drop an Energy Orb. Cooldown: 10s", Image = "Flujo Arconte.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Kahl/KahlAvatarPowerMaxMod", Incompatible = { "Flujo" , "Flujo Prime", "Flawed Flow" }, Introduced = "32.0.2", Link = "Flujo Arconte", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Flujo Arconte", Icon = "Flujo Arconte.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX" } }, ["Intensificación Arconte"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Archon", Description = "+30% Ability Strength\r\nRestoring health with abilities grants +30% Ability Strength for 10s.", Image = "Intensificación Arconte.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Kahl/KahlAvatarAbilityStrengthMod", Incompatible = { "Intensificación" , "Intensificación Umbral" , "Flawed Intensify" ,"Intensificación de precisión" }, Introduced = "32.0.2", Link = "Intensificación Arconte", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Intensificación Arconte", Icon = "Intensificación Arconte.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Estiramiento Arconte"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Archon", Description = "+45% Ability Range\r\nAbilities that deal <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage restore +2 Energy/s over 5s.", Image = "Estiramiento Arconte.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Kahl/KahlAvatarAbilityRangeMod", Incompatible = { "Estirar", "Flawed Stretch" }, Introduced = "32.0.2", Link = "Estiramiento Arconte", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Estiramiento Arconte", Icon = "Estiramiento Arconte.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE", "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" } }, ["Vitalidad Arconte"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Archon", Description = "+100% Health\r\nStatus Effects from abilities that deal <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat Damage will be applied twice.", Image = "Vitalidad Arconte.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Kahl/KahlAvatarHealthMaxMod", Incompatible = { "Vitalidad" , "Vitalidad Umbral", "Flawed Vitality", "Parasitic Vitality" }, Introduced = "32.0.2", Link = "Vitalidad Arconte", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Vitalidad Arconte", Icon = "Vitalidad Arconte.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX", "AVATAR_PROC_ABILITY_STACK" } }, ["Azote de argén"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "POLEARMS_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Azote de argén.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPPolearmStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Azote de argén", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Azote de argén", Icon = "Azote de argén.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Polearms" }, ["Argon Plating"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+100% Armor", Image = "ArgonPlatingMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitArmourMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Argon Plating", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Argon Plating", Icon = "ArgonPlating.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Mira de argón"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+135% Critical Chance when Aiming for 9s", Image = "Mira de argón.png", Incompatible = { "Mira Galvanizada" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/CritChanceWhileAimingRifleMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Mira de argón", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mira de argón", Icon = "Mira de argón.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Acrobacia blindada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Damage Resistance during Bullet Jump\r\n-10% Mobility", Image = "Acrobacia blindada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/DamageResistanceLessMobility", Introduced = "18.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Acrobacia blindada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Acrobacia blindada", Icon = "Acrobacia blindada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION" } }, ["Agilidad blindada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+15% Sprint Speed\r\n+40% Armor", Image = "Agilidad blindada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/RunSpeedArmorMod", Introduced = "16.10.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Agilidad blindada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Agilidad blindada", Icon = "Agilidad blindada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED", "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Evasión blindada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "+40% Damage Resistance while Dodging\r\n-10% Mobility", Image = "Evasión blindada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/DamageResistanceLessSlide", Introduced = "18.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Evasión blindada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Evasión blindada", Icon = "Evasión blindada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION" } }, ["Recuperación blindada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "+50% Damage Resistance when knocked down\r\n-20% Slide", Image = "Recuperación blindada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/RagdollImmunityMod", Introduced = "18.2", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Recuperación blindada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recuperación blindada", Icon = "Recuperación blindada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION" } }, ["Mutación de flecha"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Converts Secondary ammo pickups to 50% of Ammo Pick Up.", Image = "Mutación de flecha.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponBowConvertAmmoMod", Introduced = "9.3", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Mutación de flecha", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mutación de flecha", Icon = "Mutación de flecha.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Bow", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Disparo optimizado de artillería frontal"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Forward Artillery has a +60% chance to not consume Dome Charges", Image = "Disparo optimizado de artillería frontal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/ZektiFreeSuperWeaponAmmo", Introduced = "27.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Disparo optimizado de artillería frontal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Disparo optimizado de artillería frontal", Icon = "Disparo optimizado de artillería frontal.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Modo de asalto"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Sentinel will attack the first visible enemy within 30m.", Image = "Modo de asalto.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/SentinelAttack", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Modo de asalto", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Modo de asalto", Icon = "Modo de asalto.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sentinel" }, ["Assassin Posture"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The companion will prioritize Eximus and other high-ranking enemies. +300% Overguard Damage", Icon = "AssassinPosture.png", Image = "AssassinPostureMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/BeastWeapons/Stances/BeastVIPStance", Introduced = "37", Link = "Assassin Posture", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Assassin Posture", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, Asimilar = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Absorb Augment: Nyx can move at 50% Speed while using Absorb, but the area is reduced by half.", Image = "Asimilar.png", Incompatible = { "Singularidad" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Jade/SelfBulletAttractorAugmentCard", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Asimilar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Asimilar", Icon = "Asimilar.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nyx" }, ["Autopsia astral"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Description = "Fatal strikes against an enemy also perform a Codex Scan. Scans require an equipped Codex Scanner and an available charge.", Image = "Autopsia astral.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingMeleeScanOnKillMod", Introduced = "19.8", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Autopsia astral", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Autopsia astral", Icon = "Autopsia astral.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_EXTRA_SCAN_CHANCE" } }, ["Vínculo astral"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Damage dealt by Operator or Drifter grants 120% <DT_RADIANT_COLOR>Void damage to your Companion's attacks for 10s. Companion Void damage adds +30% Amp and Energy Efficiency to Operator or Drifter for 5s.", Image = "Vínculo astral.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/VoidVinculum", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo astral", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo astral", Icon = "Vínculo astral.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Corte astral"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% de <DT_SLASH_COLOR>cortante", Image = "Corte astral.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingDualStatSlashStatusMeleeMod", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Corte astral", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Corte astral", Icon = "Corte astral.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Crepúsculo astral"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "GLAIVES_STANCE" }, Description = "Orbiting slashes and lashing strikes.", Image = "Crepúsculo astral.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/GlaiveCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "15.11", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Crepúsculo astral", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Crepúsculo astral", Icon = "Crepúsculo astral.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Glaives" }, ["Atlantis Vulcan"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "NUNCHAKU_STANCE" }, Description = "Rapid strikes, deceptive movements.", Image = "AtlantisVulcanMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/NunchakuCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "17.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Atlantis Vulcan", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Atlantis Vulcan", Icon = "AtlantisVulcan.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nunchaku" }, ["Precipitación atómica"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation\r\n+40% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Precipitación atómica.png", Image = "Precipitación atómica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/RadiationClipShotgunMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Precipitación atómica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Precipitación atómica", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Golpe de barrena"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Image = "Golpe de barrena.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponEventPunctureDamageMod", Introduced = "15.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Golpe de barrena", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Golpe de barrena", Icon = "Golpe de barrena.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Acuerdo de augurio"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+70% Shield Capacity", Image = "Acuerdo de augurio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/WarframeAugurAccordMod", Introduced = "22", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Acuerdo de augurio", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Acuerdo de augurio", Icon = "Acuerdo de augurio.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Augur Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Mensaje de augurio"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+24% Ability Duration", Image = "Mensaje de augurio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/WarframeAugurMessageMod", Introduced = "22", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Mensaje de augurio", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mensaje de augurio", Icon = "Mensaje de augurio.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Augur Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Pacto de augurio"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% de daño", Image = "Pacto de augurio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/SecondaryAugurPactMod", Introduced = "22", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Pacto de augurio", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Pacto de augurio", Icon = "Pacto de augurio.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Augur Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Alcance de augurio"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+30% Ability Range", Image = "Alcance de augurio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/WarframeAugurReachMod", Introduced = "22", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Alcance de augurio", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Alcance de augurio", Icon = "Alcance de augurio.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Augur Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE" } }, ["Secretos de augurio"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+24% Ability Strength", Image = "Secretos de augurio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/WarframeAugurSecretsMod", Introduced = "22", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Secretos de augurio", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Secretos de augurio", Icon = "Secretos de augurio.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Augur Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Buscador de augurio"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% de duración de estado", Image = "Buscador de augurio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Augur/SecondaryAugurSeekerMod", Introduced = "22", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Buscador de augurio", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Buscador de augurio", Icon = "Buscador de augurio icono.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Augur Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_TIME" } }, ["Brecha automática"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "+30% chance to auto complete Hacking", Image = "Brecha automática.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Cipher/AutoHackMod", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Brecha automática", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Brecha automática", Icon = "Brecha automática.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HACK_CHANCE" } }, ["Omni automática"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Nautilus has 100% chance to repair nearby Railjack hull damages and extinguishes fires on Railjack. Cooldown: 20s.", Image = "Omni automática.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/RepairShip", Introduced = "29.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Omni automática", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Omni automática", Icon = "Omni automática.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nautilus" }, ["Gatillo automático"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Description = "+60% Fire Rate", Image = "Gatillo automático.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleFireRateMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Gatillo automático", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Gatillo automático", Icon = "Gatillo automático.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Auxiliary Power"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+100% Energy Max", Image = "AuxiliaryPowerMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitPowerMaxMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Auxiliary Power", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Auxiliary Power", Icon = "AuxiliaryPower.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX" } }, ["Verdad vengativa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Blocking absorbs 50% of incoming damage, stored as Extra Damage for the next charge attack.\r\n+1 'Truth'", Image = "Verdad vengativa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/SilvaAegisMod", Introduced = "20.4", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Verdad vengativa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Verdad vengativa", Icon = "Verdad vengativa.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Silva & Aegis", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, Aviador = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Reduces damage by 40% when Airborne.", Image = "Aviador.png", Incompatible = { "Vuelo férreo" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageReductionInAir", Introduced = "11.9", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Aviador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aviador", Icon = "Aviador.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Jabalineros Axios"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Axios Javelin Augment: A pair of Styanax Specters spawn to throw javelins, creating vortexes on impact. Impale an enemy to increase vortex duration by 5s.", Image = "Jabalineros Axios.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Hoplite/HopliteImpaleAugmentCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Jabalineros Axios", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Jabalineros Axios", Icon = "Jabalineros Axios.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Styanax" }, ["Balanced Posture"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The companion acts freely as they see fit. Staggers enemies within 2m while moving.", Icon = "BalancedPosture.png", Image = "BalancedPostureMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/BeastWeapons/Stances/BeastNeutralStance", Introduced = "37", Link = "Balanced Posture", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Balanced Posture", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Sobrecarga de Balefire"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Balefire Augment: Fully charged direct hits restore 250 Shield to Hildryn. Impact with Nullifier Shields will destroy them and restore 750 Shield.", Image = "Sobrecarga de Balefire.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/IronFrame/IronFrameBlastAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.1", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Sobrecarga de Balefire", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sobrecarga de Balefire", Icon = "Sobrecarga de Balefire.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hildryn" }, ["Calibrar la ballesta"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+20% Range", Image = "Calibrar la ballesta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleRangeMod", Introduced = "27.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Calibrar la ballesta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Calibrar la ballesta", Icon = "Calibrar la ballesta.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Diana balística"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Ballistic Battery Augment: The shot gains a +50% Final Critical Chance bonus, based on the amount charged.", Image = "Diana balística.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Cowgirl/BallisticBatteryAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Diana balística", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Diana balística", Icon = "Diana balística.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mesa" }, ["Perdición del Corpus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Corpus", Image = "Perdición del Corpus.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición del Corpus Prime", "Flawed Bane of Corpus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFactionDamageCorpus", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Perdición del Corpus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Perdición del Corpus", Icon = "Perdición del Corpus.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Perdición de los orokin"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Orokin", Image = "Perdición de los orokin.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición de los orokin Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFactionDamageCorrupted", Introduced = "21", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Perdición de los orokin", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Perdición de los orokin", Icon = "Perdición de los orokin.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Perdición de los grineer"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Grineer", Image = "Perdición de los grineer.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición de los grineer Prime", "Flawed Bane of Grineer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFactionDamageGrineer", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Perdición de los grineer", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Perdición de los grineer", Icon = "Perdición de los grineer.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Perdición de los infestados"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Infested", Image = "Perdición de los infestados.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición de los infestados Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFactionDamageInfested", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Perdición de los infestados", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Perdición de los infestados", Icon = "Perdición de los infestados.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["La ruina de los murmullos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Murmur", Icon = "La ruina de los murmullos.png", Image = "La ruina de los murmullos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFactionDamageMurmurs", Introduced = "35", Link = "La ruina de los murmullos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "La ruina de los murmullos", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Difusión de cañón"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+120% Multishot", Image = "Difusión de cañón.png", Incompatible = { "Difusión de cañón Amalgama", "Difusión Galvanizada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponFireIterationsMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Difusión de cañón", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Difusión de cañón", Icon = "Difusión de cañón.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Batería de maniobras"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+18% to Bullet Jump\r\n+18% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration\r\n+60% <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact on Bullet Jump", Image = "Batería de maniobras.png", Incompatible = { "Movilización", "Patadón", "Paso perforante", "Giro desgarrador", "Caminante de fuego", "Resorte helado", "Carrera relámpago", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/ImpactParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Batería de maniobras", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Batería de maniobras", Icon = "Batería de maniobras.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Forja de batalla"] = { Description = "Reduce Forge Cooldown by 100s\r\nCooldown: 480s", Image = "Forja de batalla.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/CrewShipBattleCraftingAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Forja de batalla", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Forja de batalla", Icon = "Forja de batalla.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 3)" }, ["Estaciones de batalla"] = { Description = "Boost Turret Damage by 65% for 26s\r\nCooldown: 240s", Image = "BattleStationsMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/CrewShipQuadDamageAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Estaciones de batalla", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Estaciones de batalla", Icon = "Estaciones de batalla.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 2)" }, ["Linterna encantadora"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Lantern Augment: Attracted enemies take 100% more Weapon Damage.", Image = "Linterna encantadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Fairy/FairyLightAugmentCard", Introduced = "20.2", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Linterna encantadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Linterna encantadora", Icon = "Linterna encantadora.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Titania" }, ["Campanero"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Attacks knock down enemies and apply +4 <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact Status Effects", Icon = "Campanero.png", Image = "Campanero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastKnockdownWeaponMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Campanero", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Campanero", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Furia berserker"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Melee Kill:\r\n+35% Attack Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 2x.", Image = "Furia berserker.png", Incompatible = { "Furia", "Flawed Fury", "Furia Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponCritFireRateBonusMod", Introduced = "10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Furia berserker", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Furia berserker", Icon = "Furia berserker.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Bhisaj-Bal"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Restore 300 Health for every 3 Status effects.\r\n+90% Status Chance", Image = "Bhisaj-Bal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/ParisHealOnStatusMod", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Bhisaj-Bal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Bhisaj-Bal", Icon = "Bhisaj-Bal.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Paris Prime", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Municiones bióticas"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = false, Description = "On Weak Point Kill:\r\n +150 % de daño <DT_VIRAL_COLOR>viral y <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>magnético y probabilidad de estado por 15s.", Icon = "Municiones bióticas icono.png", Image = "Municiones bióticas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Nightwave/NightwaveTC2024AK47AugmentMod", Introduced = "38.0.8", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Municiones bióticas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Municiones bióticas", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ax-52", }, Mordisco = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+330% Critical Chance\r\n+220% Critical Damage", Image = "Mordisco.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD", "MOA_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowCritMod", Introduced = "14", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Mordisco", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Mordisco", Icon = "Mordisco.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Garras", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Escarcha mordaz"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Frost gains 200% Critical Chance and 200% Critical Damage against frozen enemies.", Image = "Escarcha mordaz.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Frost/FrostPassiveAugmentCard", Introduced = "31.1", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Escarcha mordaz", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Escarcha mordaz", Icon = "Escarcha mordaz.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Frost" }, ["Piraña mordaz"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_DAGGERS_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Piraña mordaz.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPDualDaggersStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Piraña mordaz", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Piraña mordaz", Icon = "Piraña mordaz.png", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dual Daggers" }, ["Pulso de interrupción"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Electro-Magnetic Pulse that damages enemies and disables them temporarily.", Image = "Pulso de interrupción.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Abilities/CrewShipEMPAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Pulso de interrupción", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Pulso de interrupción", Icon = "Pulso de interrupción.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Battle, Slot 1)" }, ["Hoja de la verdad"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+100% Melee Damage\r\n+1 'Truth'", Image = "Hoja de la verdad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/JawSwordMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Hoja de la verdad", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hoja de la verdad", Icon = "Hoja de la verdad.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Jaw Sword", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Municiones de hoja"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+120% Critical Damage when Aiming for 9s", Image = "Municiones de hoja.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/CritDamageWhileAimingRifleMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Municiones de hoja", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Municiones de hoja", Icon = "Municiones de hoja.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Escudo antiexplosivo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Overshields increased by +3000. Leap at an enemy within 10m dealing 30 <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact Damage and knocking down other enemies within 5m and resets Overshields.", Image = "Escudo antiexplosivo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetPrecept/MoaChargePrecept", Introduced = "28", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Escudo antiexplosivo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Escudo antiexplosivo", Icon = "Escudo antiexplosivo.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "MOA" }, Resplandor = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+60% Damage\r\n+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor", Image = "Resplandor.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/ResplandorMod", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Resplandor", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Resplandor", Icon = "Resplandor.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT", "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Pillaje flameante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Pillage Augment: Enemies affected by Haven will be set ablaze for 200 <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat damage and restore 50 additional <SHIELD>Shields to Hildryn.", Image = "Pillaje flameante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/IronFrame/IronFrameStripAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.3.14", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Pillaje flameante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pillaje flameante", Icon = "Pillaje flameante.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hildryn" }, ["Acero en llamas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+120% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Image = "Acero en llamas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingWeaponFireDamageMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Acero en llamas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Acero en llamas", Icon = "Acero en llamas.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Filo sangrante"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+110% Critical Damage", Image = "Filo sangrante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingMeleeCritDamageMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Filo sangrante", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Filo sangrante", Icon = "Filo sangrante.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" }, }, ["Bleeding Willow"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "POLEARMS_STANCE" }, Description = "A blend of strong and rapid strikes with leaping combos.", Image = "BleedingWillowMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/PolearmCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Bleeding Willow", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bleeding Willow", Icon = "BleedingWillow.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Polearms" }, ["Garras rebanadoras"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Seeking Talons Augment: Tap to perform a 9m AoE around Garuda. Garuda's Talons gain 100% additional Combo Count Chance when hitting targets affected by <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Bleed Status.", Image = "Garras rebanadoras.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Garuda/GarudaUnstoppableAugmentCard", Introduced = "29.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Garras rebanadoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Garras rebanadoras", Icon = "Garras rebanadoras.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garuda" }, ["Justicia ciega"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "NIKANAS_STANCE" }, Description = "Reverse grip style emphasizing slashing and impaling strikes.", Image = "Justicia ciega.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/KatanaCmbThreeMeleeTree", Introduced = "14.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Justicia ciega", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Justicia ciega", Icon = "Justicia ciega.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Nikanas" }, ["Rabia ciega"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+99% Ability Strength\r\n-55% Ability Efficiency", Image = "Rabia ciega.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/CorruptedPowerEfficiencyWarframe", Introduced = "10.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Rabia ciega", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Rabia ciega", Icon = "Rabia ciega.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH", "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Tiro a ciegas"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, CompatibilityTags = { "PROJECTILE" }, Description = "+40% Projectile Speed\r\n-4% Accuracy", Image = "Tiro a ciegas.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "AOE", "SECONDARYSHOTGUN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/HigherVelocityLessAccuratePistolMod", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Tiro a ciegas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tiro a ciegas", Icon = "Tiro a ciegas.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Drenaje cegador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Reave Augment: Reave gains +40% range and enemies are blinded by its fog for 10s.", Image = "Drenaje cegador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Revenant/RevenantAfflictionAugmentCard", Introduced = "24.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Drenaje cegador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Drenaje cegador", Icon = "Drenaje cegador.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Revenant" }, ["Sangre por munición"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Mercy refills Primary and Secondary Magazine by 100%", Image = "Sangre por munición.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionAmmoMod", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sangre por munición", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Sangre por munición", Icon = "Sangre por munición.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Sangre por energía"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "50% chance to drop an Energy Orb on Mercy", Image = "Sangre por energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionEnergyDropMod", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sangre por energía", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Sangre por energía", Icon = "Sangre por energía.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Sangre por vida"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "100% chance to drop a Health Orb on Mercy", Image = "Sangre por vida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionHealthDropMod", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sangre por vida", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Sangre por vida", Icon = "Sangre por vida.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Forja de sangre"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Bloodletting Augment: Garuda's equipped weapon is reloaded up to 100%.", Image = "Forja de sangre.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Garuda/GarudaBloodAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.1", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Forja de sangre", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Forja de sangre", Icon = "Forja de sangre.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garuda" }, ["Acometida de sangre"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+40% Critical Chance stacks with Combo Multiplier", Image = "Acometida de sangre.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/ComboCritChanceMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Acometida de sangre", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Acometida de sangre", Icon = "Acometida de sangre.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, Bloodthirst = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "100 health stolen each hit per stack of <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash.", Icon = "Bloodthirst.png", Image = "BloodthirstMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastDrainingBiteMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Bloodthirst", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bloodthirst", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, Trabuco = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% Critical Chance", Image = "Trabuco.png", Incompatible = { "Deceleración crítica" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponCritChanceMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Trabuco", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Trabuco", Icon = "Trabuco.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Conteo de bajas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+12s Combo Duration", Image = "Conteo de bajas.png", Incompatible = { "Conteo de bajas de Furax Amalgama" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/ComboDurationMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Conteo de bajas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Conteo de bajas", Icon = "Conteo de bajas.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS" } }, ["Bomb The Landin'"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Tap and Hold Grind in the air to execute a 20m Slam Shockwave.", Image = "BombTheLandin'Mod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBGrindSlamMod", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Bomb The Landin'", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bomb The Landin'", Icon = "BombTheLandin'.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, Perforar = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Image = "Perforar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponEventPunctureDamageMod", Introduced = "15.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Perforar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Perforar", Icon = "Perforar.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Angustia de Boreal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "-75% Gravity while Aim Gliding\r\n+60% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration", Icon = "Angustia de Boreal.png", Image = "Angustia de Boreal.png", Incompatible = { "Amar's Anguish", "Angustia de Nira" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boreal/BorealExilusMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Angustia de Boreal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Angustia de Boreal", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Boreal Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GRAVITY", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE" } }, ["Desprecio de Boreal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "POLEARMS_STANCE" }, Conclave = false, Description = "+90% Melee Damage\r\n60% Damage from Status Effects", Icon = "Desprecio de Boreal.png", Image = "Desprecio de Boreal.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boreal/BorealMeleeMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Desprecio de Boreal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desprecio de Boreal", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Boreal Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Polearms", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_PROC_DAMAGE" } }, ["Odio de Boreal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+65% Shield Capacity\r\n+15% Ability Efficiency", Icon = "Odio de Boreal.png", Image = "Odio de Boreal.png", Incompatible = { "Odio de Amar", "Odio de Nira" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boreal/BorealWarframeMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Odio de Boreal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Odio de Boreal", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Boreal Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX", "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Botánico"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Oxylus Sentinel will scan plants within 50m over 2s. This consumes codex scanner charges.", Image = "Botánico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/PlantScannerPrecept", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Botánico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Botánico", Icon = "Botánico.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oxylus" }, Cazarrecompensas = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "Reveals target on Minimap for +6s.", Image = "Cazarrecompensas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/MarkTargetShotgunMod", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cazarrecompensas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cazarrecompensas", Icon = "Cazarrecompensas.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MARK_TARGET" } }, ["Tormenta cerebral"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+100% Ammo Efficiency for 0.5s", Image = "Tormenta cerebral.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "AOE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/GrakataUnlimitedAmmo", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Tormenta cerebral", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta cerebral", Icon = "Tormenta cerebral.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Grakata", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_CONSUME_RATE" } }, ["Retrocargador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Image = "Retrocargador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponEventPunctureDamageMod", Introduced = "15.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Retrocargador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Retrocargador", Icon = "Retrocargador.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Breach Quanta"] = { Description = "Temporarily stall Hull Breach for 45s\r\nCooldown: 300s", Image = "BreachQuantaMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/BreachRepair", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Breach Quanta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Breach Quanta", Icon = "BreachQuanta.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 1)" }, ["Breve respiro"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Squad converts 150% of Energy spent to Shields while Overshields are inactive", Image = "Breve respiro.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/FairyQuest/FairyQuestAbilityToShieldsAuraMod", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Breve respiro", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Breve respiro", Icon = "Breve respiro.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_ENERGY_TO_SHIELD" } }, ["Pureza brillante"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+100% Melee Damage\r\n+1 'Purity'", Image = "Pureza brillante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/SkanaMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Pureza brillante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pureza brillante", Icon = "Pureza brillante.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Skana", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Ojos anchos"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "-60% Zoom while Aim Gliding", Image = "Ojos anchos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/HigherAirAimFoVShotgunMod", Introduced = "17.4", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Ojos anchos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ojos anchos", Icon = "Ojos anchos.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_ZOOM" } }, ["Brutal Tide"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SPARRING_STANCE" }, Description = "Round-house attacks and leaping fists.", Image = "BrutalTideMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/PunchKickCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Brutal Tide", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Brutal Tide", Icon = "BrutalTide.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Puños y pies" }, ["Condicionamiento bruto"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+385% Melee Damage\r\nConvert all base Physical Damage to <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact Damage", Icon = "Condicionamiento bruto.png", Image = "Condicionamiento bruto.png", Incompatible = { "Condicionamiento deshabilitante", "Condicionamiento preciso" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastBruteConditioningMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Condicionamiento bruto", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Condicionamiento bruto", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Baile de balas"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "GUNBLADE_STANCE" }, Description = "Sharpened blades dance with gunfire.", Image = "Baile de balas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/GunbladeCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Baile de balas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Baile de balas", Icon = "Baile de balas.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Gunblade" }, ["Cargador pesado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+60% Magazine Capacity\r\n-18% Reload Speed", Image = "Cargador pesado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/CorruptedMaxClipReloadSpeedShotgun", Introduced = "10.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cargador pesado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador pesado", Icon = "Cargador pesado.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Garras ardientes"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+330% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat\r\n+330% Status Chance\r\nConverts all elemental damage from these claws to <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat damage", Icon = "Garras ardientes.png", Image = "Garras ardientes.png", Incompatible = { "Garras heladas", "Garras sépticas", "Garras electrizantes" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/KubrowHeatConversionMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Garras ardientes", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Garras ardientes", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Odio ardiente"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "When Hate damages enemies inflicted with <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat Status, they become vulnerable to 120% more Status Damage.", Icon = "Odio ardiente.png", Image = "Odio ardiente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveStalkerScytheAugmentMod", Introduced = "36.1.5", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Odio ardiente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Odio ardiente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hate" }, ["Burning Wasp"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "WHIPS_STANCE" }, Description = "Chaining combos.", Image = "BurningWaspMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/WhipCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Burning Wasp", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Burning Wasp", Icon = "BurningWasp.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Whips" }, ["Masa Explosiva"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "The infested mass accumulates 200% of the damage that goes through it and deals it in 15m radius when it expires. Secondary fire will manually detonate an existing mass.", Image = "Masa Explosiva.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Arbitration/InfCrpShockSwarmRifleArbitrationMod", Introduced = "24.3", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Masa Explosiva", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Masa Explosiva", Icon = "Masa Explosiva.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mutalist Quanta" }, ["Butcher's Revelry"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "BLADESAW_STANCE" }, Description = "Stance: Rip and rend with this Assault Saw stance.", Image = "Butcher'sRevelryMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/AssaultSawMeleeTree", Introduced = "30.7", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Butcher's Revelry", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Butcher's Revelry", Icon = "Butcher'sRevelry.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Saw" }, ["Aguafiestas"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Image = "Aguafiestas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponEventSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "14.7", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Aguafiestas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aguafiestas", Icon = "Aguafiestas.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Redirección calculada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+250% Shield Capacity", Image = "Redirección calculada.png", Incompatible = { "Enlace de redirección" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelShieldMaxMod", Introduced = "7", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Redirección calculada", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Redirección calculada", Icon = "Redirección calculada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Disparo calculado"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Sentinel charges a powerful shot and fires at the first enemy within 70m.", Image = "Disparo calculado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/HeadShot", Introduced = "17.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Disparo calculado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Disparo calculado", Icon = "Disparo calculado.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Diriga" }, ["Resorte calculado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "-10% Mobility\r\n+25% Health", Image = "Resorte calculado.png", Incompatible = { "Arranque versado", "Propulsores de aire", "Habilidad creciente", "Rumbo de templanza" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/MoreHealthLessBulletJumpMod", Introduced = "17.8", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Resorte calculado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Resorte calculado", Icon = "Resorte calculado.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION", "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Victoria calculada"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n-100% Shield Recharge Delay for 10s\r\n-25% from Health Orbs", Image = "Victoria calculada.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/RestoreShieldsOnKillMod", Introduced = "16.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Victoria calculada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Victoria calculada", Icon = "Victoria calculada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE", "GAMEPLAY_PICKUP_AMOUNT" } }, ["Calma & Frenesí"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Rest & Rage Augment: Killing an affected enemy causes the effect to spread to enemies within 5m for 100% of the remaining duration.", Image = "Calma & Frenesí.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/YinYang/YinYangTargetAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.4.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Calma & Frenesí", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Calma & Frenesí", Icon = "Calma & Frenesí.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Equinox" }, Cannonade = { _IgnoreEntry = true, BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+30% Chance to Explode (Use with Caution)", Image = "CannonadeMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/ProjectileExplosionChanceMod", Link = "Cannonade", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cannonade", Icon = "Cannonade.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_EXPLOSION_CHANCE" } }, Capacitancia = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Discharge Augment: Converts 3% of Damage dealt into Shields split between Volt and Squadmates.", Image = "Capacitancia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Volt/OverloadAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.2", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Capacitancia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Capacitancia", Icon = "Capacitancia.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Volt" }, ["Caparazón de Carnis"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+55% Armor\r\n+20% Health", Image = "Caparazón de Carnis.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Ashen/AshenCarapaceMod", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Caparazón de Carnis", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Caparazón de Carnis", Icon = "Caparazón de Carnis.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Carnis Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR", "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Mandíbula de Carnis"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% de <DT_SLASH_COLOR>cortante\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Image = "Mandíbula de Carnis.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Ashen/AshenMandibleMod", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Mandíbula de Carnis", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mandíbula de Carnis", Icon = "Mandíbula de Carnis.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Carnis Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Aguijón de Carnis"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% de <DT_SLASH_COLOR>cortante\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Image = "Aguijón de Carnis.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Ashen/AshenStingerMod", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Aguijón de Carnis", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aguijón de Carnis", Icon = "Aguijón de Carnis.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Carnis Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Cortada de mantis"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_SWORDS_STANCE" }, Description = "Strong slashes and quick stabs that keeps momentum forward.", Image = "Cortada de mantis.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DualSwordCmbThreeMeleeTree", Introduced = "22", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cortada de mantis", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cortada de mantis", Icon = "Cortada de mantis.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Dual Swords" }, ["Ojo de gato"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Adarza Kavat grants 60% increased critical chance for 10s to allies within 25m every 20s.", Image = "Ojo de gato.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowCatsEyePrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ojo de gato", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ojo de gato", Icon = "Ojo de gato.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Adarza Kavat" }, ["Cataclismo continuo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Cataclysm Augment: Duration increased by 1s for each enemy killed.", Image = "Cataclismo continuo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Magician/TearInSpaceAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Cataclismo continuo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cataclismo continuo", Icon = "Cataclismo continuo.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Limbo" }, ["Enlace catalizador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Ability Cast:\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado when Aiming for 9s", Image = "Enlace catalizador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/StatusProcWhileAimingRifleMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Enlace catalizador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Enlace catalizador", Icon = "Enlace catalizador.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Escudos catalizadores"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = false, Description = "x0.20 Max Shield Capacity\r\n1.33s Full Shield Gate immunity duration", Icon = "Escudos catalizadores.png", Image = "Escudos catalizadores.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/FixedShieldAndShieldGatingDuration", Introduced = "34", Link = "Escudos catalizadores", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Escudos catalizadores", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", }, ["Corriente catódica"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = false, Description = "Cathode Grace Augment: Eliminating an enemy while Cathode Grace is active will release an additional discharge from Rotoswell with 200% Damage and extend its duration by the same amount", Icon = "Corriente catódica.png", Image = "Corriente catódica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Gyre/GyreEnergizedAugmentCard", Introduced = "32.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Corriente catódica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Corriente catódica", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gyre", }, Catapulta = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Pulverize Augment: <SECONDARY_FIRE> to launch Grendel in your aim direction. Costs 5<ENERGY>. Crouch to slow down.", Image = "Catapulta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Devourer/DevourerBowlAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.3.14", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Catapulta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Catapulta", Icon = "Catapulta.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Grendel" }, ["Cautious Shot"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "+100% chance to reduce the Stagger effect from self-imposed Radial Attacks", Image = "CautiousShotMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponResistSelfDamageMod", Introduced = "23.10", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Cautious Shot", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Cautious Shot", Icon = "CautiousShot.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_SELF_CC_REDUCTION_CHANCE" } }, ["Anochecer celestial"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "GLAIVES_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Anochecer celestial.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPGlaiveStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Anochecer celestial", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Anochecer celestial", Icon = "Anochecer celestial.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Glaives" }, ["Pisada celestial"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Celestial Twin Augment: Hold to command the twin to perform a slam attack suspending enemies in the air within 20m for 25 Energy.", Image = "Pisada celestial.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/MonkeyKing/MonkeyPokeAugmentCard", Introduced = "25.2", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Pisada celestial", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pisada celestial", Icon = "Pisada celestial.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wukong" }, ["Bendición del campeón"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Blessing Augment: Gain Primary and Secondary Critical Chance for 12s for each percent you heal on allies up to 350%.", Image = "Bendición del campeón.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Trinity/BlessingAugmentCard", Introduced = "30.9", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Bendición del campeón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bendición del campeón", Icon = "Bendición del campeón.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Trinity" }, ["Esfera de caos"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Chaos Augment: Enemies entering the Effect Range will be inflicted with Chaos. Effect Range lasts for 50% of the ability duration and shrinks over time.", Image = "Esfera de caos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Jade/ChaosAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.6", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Esfera de caos", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Esfera de caos", Icon = "Esfera de caos.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nyx" }, ["Balas cargadas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Image = "Balas cargadas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingEventElectricStatusRifleMod", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Balas cargadas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Balas cargadas", Icon = "Balas cargadas.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Cámara cargada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+40% Damage on first shot in Magazine", Image = "Cámara cargada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/SniperReloadDamageMod", Introduced = "8", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cámara cargada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cámara cargada", Icon = "Cámara cargada.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_INIT_DAMAGE_MOD" } }, ["Cartucho cargado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Image = "Cartucho cargado.png", Incompatible = { "Cartucho cargado Prime", "Flawed Charged Shell" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponElectricityDamageMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cartucho cargado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cartucho cargado", Icon = "Cartucho cargado.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, Encanto = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Smeeta Kavat has a 40% chance every 27s to bestow its owner with good fortune.", Image = "Encanto.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowLuckPrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Encanto", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Encanto", Icon = "Encanto.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Smeeta Kavat" }, ["Garras heladas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+330% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold\r\n+330% Status Chance\r\nConverts all elemental damage from these claws to <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold damage", Icon = "Garras heladas.png", Image = "Garras heladas.png", Incompatible = { "Garras ardientes", "Garras sépticas", "Garras electrizantes" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/KubrowColdConversionMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Garras heladas", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Garras heladas", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Globo refrigerante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Snow Globe Augment: Enemies that enter have a 50% chance to become frozen solid for 8s.", Image = "Globo refrigerante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Frost/IceShieldAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Globo refrigerante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Globo refrigerante", Icon = "Globo refrigerante.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Frost" }, ["Alcance helado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Image = "Alcance helado.png", Incompatible = { "Alcance helado Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponFreezeDamageMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Alcance helado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Alcance helado", Icon = "Alcance helado.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Recarga escalofriante"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío\r\n+40% Reload Speed", Image = "Recarga escalofriante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/ColdDmgReloadSpeedMod", Introduced = "Recurring Nightmares", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Recarga escalofriante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recarga escalofriante", Icon = "Recarga escalofriante.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Espada cromática"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Exalted Blade Augment: Exalted Blade's Damage Type changes depending on Excalibur's Emissive Color, and Status Chance is increased by 300%.", Image = "Espada cromática.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/SwordOfDoomAugmentCard", Introduced = "20.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Espada cromática", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Espada cromática", Icon = "Espada cromática.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Excalibur" }, ["Clashing Forest"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "STAVES_STANCE" }, Description = "Arcing strikes and focused combos.", Image = "ClashingForestMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/StaffCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Clashing Forest", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Clashing Forest", Icon = "ClashingForest.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Staves" }, ["Limpieza de corpus"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Corpus", Image = "Limpieza de corpus.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de corpus Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageCorpus", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Limpieza de corpus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Limpieza de corpus", Icon = "Limpieza de corpus.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Limpieza de orokin"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Orokin", Image = "Limpieza de orokin.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de orokin Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageCorrupted", Introduced = "21", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Limpieza de orokin", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Limpieza de orokin", Icon = "Limpieza de orokin.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Limpieza de grineer"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Grineer", Image = "Limpieza de grineer.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de grineer Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageGrineer", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Limpieza de grineer", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Limpieza de grineer", Icon = "Limpieza de grineer.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Limpieza de infestados"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Infested", Image = "Limpieza de infestados.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de infestados Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageInfested", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Limpieza de infestados", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Limpieza de infestados", Icon = "Limpieza de infestados.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Limpieza de murmullos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Murmur", Icon = "Limpieza de murmullos.png", Image = "Limpieza de murmullos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageMurmurs", Introduced = "35", Link = "Limpieza de murmullos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Limpieza de murmullos", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Torbellino cortante"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "HEAVY_BLADE_STANCE" }, Description = "Arcing cuts with spinning finish.", Image = "Torbellino cortante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/AxeCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Torbellino cortante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Torbellino cortante", Icon = "Torbellino cortante.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Heavy Blade" }, ["Transferencia de clip"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = false, Description = "On Reload: Next Magazine has Status Chance and Multishot increased by 15% per shot landed with current Magazine. Max 15 stacks.", Icon = "Transferencia de clip.png", Image = "Transferencia de clip.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Nightwave/SobekNightwaveMod", Introduced = "35.6", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Transferencia de clip", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Transferencia de clip", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sobek", }, ["Derivación mutua"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+15% Aura Strength\r\n+15% Aura Effectiveness", Image = "Derivación mutua.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/OrokinChallenge/OrokinChallengeModCollaboration", Introduced = "18", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Derivación mutua", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación mutua", Icon = "Derivación mutua.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_AURA_STRENGTH", "AVATAR_AURA_EFFECTIVENESS_ON_ME" } }, ["Recarga de bobina"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Coil Horizon Augment: Gyratory Sphere can be recalled. Enemies in its radius suffer 500 <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR> Electricity Damage and chain other enemies. Enemies pulled into detonation suffer additional discharges.", Icon = "Recarga de bobina.png", Image = "Recarga de bobina.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Gyre/GyreSphereAugmentCard", Introduced = "37", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Recarga de bobina", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recarga de bobina", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gyre" }, ["Coiling Viper"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "WHIPS_STANCE" }, Description = "Powerful arcing strikes with energetic flips.", Image = "CoilingViperMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/WhipCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Coiling Viper", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Coiling Viper", Icon = "CoilingViper.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Whips" }, ["Cold Arrival"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Dismounting deals 400 <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold Damage to enemies within 4m.", Image = "ColdArrivalMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBColdLeakMod", Introduced = "24.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cold Arrival", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cold Arrival", Icon = "ColdArrival.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, ["Choque de frío"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Cosmic Crush Augment: The black hole saps the area of heat, freezing enemies in range. Enemies near the black hole are completely frozen for 5s.", Image = "Choque de frío.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Archwing/StealthJetPack/GravInstabilityAugmentCard", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Choque de frío", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Choque de frío", Icon = "Choque de frío.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Itzal" }, ["Fuerza de colisión"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Image = "Fuerza de colisión.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponEventMeleeImpactDamageMod", Introduced = "16.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Fuerza de colisión", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fuerza de colisión", Icon = "CollisionForce.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Disciplina de combate"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "You lose 10 Health on kill\r\nSquadmates gain 20 Health on kill", Image = "Disciplina de combate.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/WarframeAuraBloodLetterMod", Introduced = "25.7.6", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Disciplina de combate", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Disciplina de combate", Icon = "Disciplina de combate.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Recarga de combate"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "If 5 pellets are head shots, increase reload speed by +120% for 3s.", Image = "Recarga de combate.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveTigrisAugmentMod", Introduced = "31.2", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Recarga de combate", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Recarga de combate", Icon = "Recarga de combate.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tigris", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Combo de furia"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Melee Kill:\r\n+100% Reload Speed\r\n+100% Magazine Capacity for 12s on Secondary Weapon", Image = "Combo de furia.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponGlaiveOnKillBuffSecondary", Introduced = "29.2.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Combo de furia", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Combo de furia", Icon = "Combo de furia.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Glaive", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED", "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Combo de asesinato"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+5s Combo Duration\r\nOn Kill with Secondary Weapon:\r\nReset Melee Combo Timer", Image = "Combo de asesinato.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponGlaiveSecondaryHeadshotKillMod", Introduced = "29.3.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Combo de asesinato", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Combo de asesinato", Icon = "Combo de asesinato.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Glaive", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS" } }, ["Combustion Beam"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CompatibilityTags = { "BEAM" }, Description = "Enemies killed explode, dealing 600 Damage shortly after death.", Image = "CombustionBeamMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponBeamExplodeOnDeath", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Combustion Beam", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Combustion Beam", Icon = "CombustionBeam.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Primaria", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_RADIUS" } }, ["Munición de combustión"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+120% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Image = "Munición de combustión.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingWeaponFireDamageMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Munición de combustión", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Munición de combustión", Icon = "Munición de combustión.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Explosión de cometa"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Image = "Explosión de cometa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingDualStatImpactStatusMod", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Explosión de cometa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Explosión de cometa", Icon = "CometBlast.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Balas cósmicas"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact", Image = "Balas cósmicas.png", Incompatible = { "Balas destripadoras", "Balas cortantes" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/DamageBiasImpactRifleMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Balas cósmicas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Balas cósmicas", Icon = "Balas cósmicas.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Explosivos ocultos"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CompatibilityTags = { "THROWN" }, Description = "+80% Chance to Explode (Use with Caution)", Image = "Explosivos ocultos.png", Incompatible = { "Disparo energizante" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/ThrowingExplosionChanceMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Explosivos ocultos", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Explosivos ocultos", Icon = "Explosivos ocultos.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Thrown", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_EXPLOSION_CHANCE" } }, ["Flecha Concentrada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Artemis Bow Augment: Fires a single arrow that has +50% Critical Chance on Headshots and explodes in a 7m radius. Removes Punch Through.", Image = "Flecha Concentrada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ranger/RangerBowAugmentCard", Introduced = "22.17.3", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Flecha Concentrada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flecha Concentrada", Icon = "Flecha Concentrada.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ivara" }, ["Munición conmocionante"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Image = "Munición conmocionante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponImpactDamageMod", Introduced = "11", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Munición conmocionante", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Munición conmocionante", Icon = "ConcussionRounds.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Sobrecarga de condición"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Description = "+80% Melee Damage per Status Type affecting the target", Image = "Sobrecarga de condición.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponDamageIfVictimProcActive", Introduced = "19.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sobrecarga de condición", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrecarga de condición", Icon = "Sobrecarga de condición.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_IF_VICTIM_PROC_ACTIVE" } }, ["Condition's Perfection"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enables Tennokai. Increases status chance by +100% on Tennokai attacks.", Icon = "Condition'sPerfection.png", Image = "Condition'sPerfectionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/EmpoweredHeavyMelee/PerfectCondition", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Condition's Perfection", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Condition's Perfection", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Hoja conductora"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Image = "Hoja conductora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingWeaponElectricityDamageMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Hoja conductora", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Hoja conductora", Icon = "Hoja conductora.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Director de orquesta"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Resonator Augment: Reactivate the ability to command Resonator to move to your aim point at 150% Speed.", Image = "Director de orquesta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Bard/BardCharmAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Director de orquesta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Director de orquesta", Icon = "Director de orquesta.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Octavia" }, ["Conic Nozzle"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+25.5% Speed", Image = "ConicNozzleMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Piloting/ZektiSpeed", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Conic Nozzle", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Conic Nozzle", Icon = "ConicNozzle.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Constitución"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Description = "+40% Faster Knockdown Recovery\r\n+28% Ability Duration", Image = "Constitución.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/ConstitutionMod", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Constitución", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Constitución", Icon = "Constitución.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_KNOCKDOWN_RECOVERY_SPEED", "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Nube de contagio"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Toxic Lash Augment: Create 5m toxic clouds, dealing 300 <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin Damage/s for 12s with every kill. Damage is twice as strong for Melee kills.", Image = "Nube de contagio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Saryn/WeaponPoisonAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Nube de contagio", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Nube de contagio", Icon = "Nube de contagio.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Saryn" }, ["Contagious Bond"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "When your Companion kills an enemy afflicted with a Status Effect, 50% of the Status Effect spreads to other enemies within 9m.", Image = "ContagiousBondMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/Proliferation", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Contagious Bond", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Contagious Bond", Icon = "ContagiousBond.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Propagación contagiosa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin", Image = "Propagación contagiosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponToxinDamageMod", Introduced = "11", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Propagación contagiosa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Propagación contagiosa", Icon = "Propagación contagiosa.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Brecha de contención"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation\r\n+30% Multishot", Icon = "Brecha de contención.png", Image = "Brecha de contención.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingEventRadiationFireIterationRifleMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Brecha de contención", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Brecha de contención", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Recubrimiento contaminado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+60% de <DT_POISON_COLOR>toxina\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Image = "Recubrimiento contaminado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingEventToxinStatusRifleMod", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Recubrimiento contaminado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recubrimiento contaminado", Icon = "Recubrimiento contaminado.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, Continuidad = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+30% Ability Duration", Image = "Continuidad.png", Incompatible = { "Continuidad Arconte" , "Continuidad Prime", "Flawed Continuity" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarAbilityDurationMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Continuidad", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Continuidad", Icon = "Continuidad.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Miseria ininterrumpida"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+100% Status Duration", Image = "Miseria ininterrumpida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponProcTimeMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Miseria ininterrumpida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Miseria ininterrumpida", Icon = "Miseria ininterrumpida.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_TIME" } }, ["Deslizamiento controlado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Disable Nezha's passive ability. Increase Ability Strength by 15%.", Image = "Deslizamiento controlado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Nezha/NezhaDisablePassiveMod", Introduced = "27.3", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Deslizamiento controlado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Deslizamiento controlado", Icon = "Deslizamiento controlado.png", Polarity = "Ability", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nezha", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH", "AVATAR_ABILITY_AUGMENT" } }, ["Convulsión"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+90% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Image = "Convulsión.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Convulsion", "Convulsión Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponElectricityDamageMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Convulsión", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Convulsión", Icon = "Convulsión.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Fuga de refrigerante"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Unleashes a 10m radial blast of <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold when multiple enemies are nearby. Add 3 stacks. 10s cooldown.", Image = "Fuga de refrigerante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/CoolantLeak", Introduced = "10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Fuga de refrigerante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fuga de refrigerante", Icon = "Fuga de refrigerante.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Robótico" }, Acordonar = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Nautilus forces enemies within 30m of the target into clusters for easier targeting. Cooldown: 15s.", Image = "Acordonar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/GatherEnemies", Introduced = "29.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Acordonar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Acordonar", Icon = "Acordonar.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nautilus" }, ["Bombardeo corrosivo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Tempest Barrage Augment: Each projectile has a 100% chance of inflicting a <DT_CORROSIVE_COLOR>Corrosive Status Effect. Tempest Barrage gains 100% Ability Strength.", Image = "Bombardeo corrosivo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pirate/CannonBarrageAugmentCard", Introduced = "19.2", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Bombardeo corrosivo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bombardeo corrosivo", Icon = "Bombardeo corrosivo.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hydroid" }, ["Proyección corrosiva"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Enemies lose -18% Armor", Image = "Proyección corrosiva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/EnemyArmorReductionAuraMod", Introduced = "8", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Proyección corrosiva", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Proyección corrosiva", Icon = "Proyección corrosiva.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Ataque corrupto"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+30 Initial Combo\r\n-50% Combo Duration", Image = "Ataque corrupto.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/DualStat/CorruptedHeavyDamageChargeSpeedMod", Introduced = "10.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ataque corrupto", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ataque corrupto", Icon = "Ataque corrupto.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_INITIAL_BONUS", "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS" } }, ["Contrapulso"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Polarize Augment: Enemy weapons are jammed and robotics are disabled for 4s when hit by Polarize.", Image = "Contrapulso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Mag/ShieldRegenAugmentCard", Introduced = "22.12", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Contrapulso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Contrapulso", Icon = "Contrapulso.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mag" }, Counterbalance = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "-60% Weapon Recoil", Image = "CounterbalanceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponRecoilReductionMod", Introduced = "30.5", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Counterbalance", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Counterbalance", Icon = "Counterbalance.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RECOIL" } }, Countermeasures = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Flares that distract enemy guided projectiles.", Image = "CountermeasuresMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Abilities/CrewShipFlaresAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Countermeasures", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Countermeasures", Icon = "Countermeasures.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Battle, Slot 1)" }, Contrapeso = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact", Image = "Contrapeso.png", Incompatible = { "Bordes aserrados", "Hoja afilada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/DamageBiasImpactMeleeMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Contrapeso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Contrapeso", Icon = "Contrapeso.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Vínculo encubierto"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Finisher and Mercy Kills grant your Companion 10s of stealth that attacks will not disrupt. Max 60s.", Image = "Vínculo encubierto.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/PredatoryResponse", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo encubierto", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo encubierto", Icon = "Vínculo encubierto.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Letalidad encubierta"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Description = "+16 Initial Combo\r\n+100% Finisher Damage", Image = "Letalidad encubierta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeStealthLethalMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Letalidad encubierta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Letalidad encubierta", Icon = "Letalidad encubierta.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_INITIAL_BONUS", "WEAPON_MELEE_FINISHER_DAMAGE" } }, ["Rumbo de choque"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Image = "Rumbo de choque.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponEventRifleImpactDamageMod", Introduced = "16.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Rumbo de choque", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rumbo de choque", Icon = "CrashCourse.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Disparo de choque"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact", Image = "Disparo de choque.png", Incompatible = { "Disparo artillero", "Disparo triturador" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/DamageBiasImpactShotgunMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Disparo de choque", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Disparo de choque", Icon = "Disparo de choque.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Destrucción aplastante"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "HAMMERS_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Destrucción aplastante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPHammerStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Destrucción aplastante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Destrucción aplastante", Icon = "Destrucción aplastante.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hammers" }, ["Madera aplastante"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "STAVES_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Madera aplastante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPStavesStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Madera aplastante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Madera aplastante", Icon = "Madera aplastante.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Staves" }, ["Diana artera"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+200% Critical Chance\r\n-20% Fire Rate", Image = "Diana artera.png", Incompatible = { "Gambito de pistola", "Gambito de pistola Prime", "Flawed Pistol Gambit" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/CorruptedCritChanceFireRatePistol", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Diana artera", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Diana artera", Icon = "Diana artera.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Terror insidioso"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Terrify Augment: Affected enemies have 60% reduced Movement Speed.", Image = "Terror insidioso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Necro/TerrorTotemAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.14", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Terror insidioso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Terror insidioso", Icon = "Terror insidioso.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nekros" }, ["Crescent Charge"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Charges an enemy within 25m dealing <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture Damage and lifting them. While lifted, enemy is flung at nearby foes dealing an additional 20% of the thrown enemy's health and adding 5 <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture Status to enemies within 5m.", Image = "CrescentChargeMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedCatbrowGoreTossPrecept", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Crescent Charge", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Crescent Charge", Icon = "CrescentCharge.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Crescent Vulpaphyla" }, ["Crescent Devolution"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Devolves into its larval form upon death, and charges at enemies dealing 100 <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture Damage. Respawns into its true form after 30s.", Image = "CrescentDevolutionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/HornedInfestedCatbrowRespawn", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Crescent Devolution", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Crescent Devolution", Icon = "CrescentDevolution.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Crescent Vulpaphyla" }, ["Derviche carmesí"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SWORDS_STANCE" }, Description = "Strong whirlwind attacks.", Image = "Derviche carmesí.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/CrimsonDervishMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Derviche carmesí", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Derviche carmesí", Icon = "Derviche carmesí.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Espadas" }, ["Crimson Fugue"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Description = "+27.5% Turret Damage per enemy destroyed, for 8s (Maximum 5 stacks)", Image = "CrimsonFugueMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanDamageOnKill", Introduced = "29.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Crimson Fugue", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Crimson Fugue", Icon = "CrimsonFugue.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Deceleración crítica"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+200% Critical Chance\r\n-20% Fire Rate", Image = "Deceleración crítica.png", Incompatible = { "Trabuco" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/CorruptedCritChanceFireRateShotgun", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Deceleración crítica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Deceleración crítica", Icon = "Deceleración crítica.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Retraso crítico"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+200% Critical Chance\r\n-20% Fire Rate (x2 for Bows)", Image = "Retraso crítico.png", Incompatible = { "Punto de impacto" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/CorruptedCritRateFireRateRifle", Introduced = "10.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Retraso crítico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Retraso crítico", Icon = "CriticalDelay.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Enfoque crítico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+60% Critical Chance and Damage when Aiming", Image = "Enfoque crítico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleCritChanceDamageAimingMod", Introduced = "24.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Enfoque crítico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Enfoque crítico", Icon = "Enfoque crítico.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Derretimiento crítico"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation\r\n+60% Critical Chance", Icon = "Derretimiento crítico.png", Image = "Derretimiento crítico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingEventRadiationCritChanceMeleeMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Derretimiento crítico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Derretimiento crítico", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Mutación crítica"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = false, Description = "Each kill increases Critical Chance and Critical Damage by 30% up to 300%. Reduce by 30% when fewer than 3 enemies are struck by the grenade explosion.", Icon = "Mutación crítica.png", Image = "Mutación crítica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveCatabolystAugmentMod", Introduced = "34", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Mutación crítica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mutación crítica", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Catabolyst", UpgradeTypes = { "SKILL_ABILITY_TACTICAL_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Precisión crítica"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Burst Fire Only: Headshots increase Critical Chance by 10% up to 500%. Missing with all shots in a burst removes up to 100% of this bonus Critical Chance.", Image = "Precisión crítica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveTiberonAugmentMod", Introduced = "31.6.4", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Precisión crítica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Precisión crítica", Icon = "Precisión crítica.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tiberon" }, ["Sobrecarga crítica"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Breach Surge Augment: Teleporting to a Reservoir costs 50% Energy and grants 10% Critical Chance to Primary Weapons per meter traveled for 9s. Maximum of 250% Critical Chance.", Image = "Sobrecarga crítica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Wisp/WispHarnessAugmentCard", Introduced = "29.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Sobrecarga crítica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sobrecarga crítica", Icon = "Sobrecarga crítica.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wisp" }, ["Crossing Snakes"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_SWORDS_STANCE" }, Description = "Multi-angle strikes and deadly thrust attacks.", Image = "CrossingSnakesMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DualSwordCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Crossing Snakes", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Crossing Snakes", Icon = "CrossingSnakes.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Dual Swords" }, ["Dispersión de multitud"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Unleashes a 10.0m radial knockdown when multiple enemies are nearby, dealing 10.0 Damage.", Image = "Dispersión de multitud.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/CrowdDispersion", Introduced = "7", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Dispersión de multitud", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Dispersión de multitud", Icon = "Dispersión de multitud.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wyrm" }, ["Velocidad de crucero"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+100% Speed when no enemies within 3000m", Image = "Velocidad de crucero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Piloting/ZektiNonCombatSpeed", Introduced = "27.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Velocidad de crucero", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Velocidad de crucero", Icon = "Velocidad de crucero.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Ruina aplastante"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "HAMMERS_STANCE" }, Description = "Aerial attacks with Crowd Control combos.", Image = "Ruina aplastante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/HammerCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ruina aplastante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ruina aplastante", Icon = "Ruina aplastante.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Hammers" }, ["Criorevestimiento"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Image = "Criorevestimiento.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingEventColdStatusMeleeMod", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Criorevestimiento", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Criorevestimiento", Icon = "Criorevestimiento.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Munición criogénica"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Image = "Munición criogénica.png", Incompatible = { "Munición criogénica Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFreezeDamageMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Munición criogénica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Munición criogénica", Icon = "Munición criogénica.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Cull the Weak"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+60% Melee Damage per Status Type affecting the target\r\nNon-Critical hits deal +240% damage", Icon = "CulltheWeak.png", Image = "CulltheWeakMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastCullTheWeakMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Cull the Weak", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cull the Weak", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Aspecto engañoso"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "RAPIER_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Aspecto engañoso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPRapierStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Aspecto engañoso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aspecto engañoso", Icon = "Aspecto engañoso.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Estoques" }, ["Derivación astuta"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+12% Slide\r\n-30% Friction\r\n+15% Ability Range", Image = "Derivación astuta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/OrokinChallenge/OrokinChallengeModCunning", Introduced = "18", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Derivación astuta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación astuta", Icon = "Derivación astuta.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION", "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE" } }, ["Curative Undertow"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Undertow Augment: Allies can stand in the pool to regain 30% Health every 1.5s. Hydroid will restore 10% Health.", Image = "CurativeUndertowMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pirate/LiquifyAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Curative Undertow", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Curative Undertow", Icon = "CurativeUndertow.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hydroid" }, ["Filo cortante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+110% Melee Damage", Image = "Filo cortante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingMeleeDamageMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Filo cortante", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Filo cortante", Icon = "Filo cortante.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Cyclone Kraken"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "MACHETES_STANCE" }, Description = "Brutal strikes with deft movement.", Image = "CycloneKrakenMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/MacheteCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "20.6", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cyclone Kraken", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cyclone Kraken", Icon = "CycloneKraken.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Machetes" }, ["Señuelo de daño"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Decoy Augment: Decoy can be cast on enemies. Enemies who attack that decoy receive 5 random Status Effects, and the reflected damage is increased by 350%.", Image = "Señuelo de daño.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Loki/DecoyAugmentTwoCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Señuelo de daño", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Señuelo de daño", Icon = "Señuelo de daño.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Loki" }, ["Damzav-Vati"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+240% <DT_VIRAL_COLOR>Viral", Image = "Damzav-Vati.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/AkbroncoViralDamageMod", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Damzav-Vati", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Damzav-Vati", Icon = "Damzav-Vati.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Akbronco Prime", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Propagación oscura"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sow Augment: Enemies killed while inflicted with Sow spread its effect in a 15m radius. Shadow's Death Harvest also inflicts Sow.", Icon = "Propagación oscura.png", Image = "Propagación oscura.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Wraith/WraithSowAugmentCard", Introduced = "36", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Propagación oscura", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Propagación oscura", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sevagoth" }, ["Tirador certero"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Squad receives +52.5% Sniper Rifle Damage", Image = "Tirador certero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerSniperDamageAuraMod", Introduced = "12", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Tirador certero", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Tirador certero", Icon = "Tirador certero.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Eficiencia letal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Reload From Empty:\r\n+120% Damage for 9s", Image = "Eficiencia letal.png", Incompatible = { "Eficiencia letal Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingDamageAfterReloadMod", Introduced = "24.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Eficiencia letal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Eficiencia letal", Icon = "Eficiencia letal.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Maniobras mortales"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Dodge, gain 400% Headshot Critical Chance for your next 2 shots.", Image = "Maniobras mortales.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Nightwave/MagnusNightwaveMod", Introduced = "27.5", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Maniobras mortales", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Maniobras mortales", Icon = "Maniobras mortales.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Magnus" }, ["Secuencia mortal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+200% Critical Chance\r\n+1 'Sequence'", Image = "Secuencia mortal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/GrinlokMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Secuencia mortal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Secuencia mortal", Icon = "Secuencia mortal.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Grinlok", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Death Blossom"] = { Description = "Turret Cooldowns removed for 25s\r\nCooldown: 300s", Image = "DeathBlossomMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/CrewShipDeathBlossomAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Death Blossom", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Death Blossom", Icon = "DeathBlossom.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 2)" }, ["Enlace engañoso"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "Decoy Augment: 50% of damage Loki takes is transferred to Decoy, and vice versa.", Image = "Enlace engañoso.png", Incompatible = { "Señuelo salvador" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Loki/DecoyPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Enlace engañoso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Enlace engañoso", Icon = "Enlace engañoso.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Loki" }, ["Decisive Judgement"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "NIKANAS_STANCE" }, Description = "Fierce, double-handed strikes.", Image = "DecisiveJudgementMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/KatanaCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13.1.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Decisive Judgement", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Decisive Judgement", Icon = "DecisiveJudgement.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Nikanas" }, ["Congelador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Image = "Congelador.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Deep Freeze" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponFreezeDamageMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Congelador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Congelador", Icon = "Congelador.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Defensive Fire"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+9% Maximum Shields per enemy killed for 10s (Maximum 10 stacks)", Image = "DefensiveFireMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Engineering/LavanMaxShieldOnKill", Introduced = "29.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Defensive Fire", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Defensive Fire", Icon = "DefensiveFire.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Ajuste de cuentas contaminado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "Reckoning Augment: Health Orbs become unusable by enemies for 10s.", Image = "Ajuste de cuentas contaminado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Paladin/ReckoningPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Ajuste de cuentas contaminado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ajuste de cuentas contaminado", Icon = "Ajuste de cuentas contaminado.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oberon" }, ["Defiled Snapdragon"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "BLADE_AND_WHIP_STANCE" }, Description = "Sudden lashes, lethal slashes.", Image = "DefiledSnapdragonMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/SwordWhipCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "17.11", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Defiled Snapdragon", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Defiled Snapdragon", Icon = "DefiledSnapdragon.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Blade And Whip" }, ["Ritmo ágil"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+10% Mobility for 4s", Image = "Ritmo ágil.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "AOE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/FasterBulletJumponHeadshotRifleMod", Introduced = "17.8", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ritmo ágil", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ritmo ágil", Icon = "Ritmo ágil.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST" } }, ["Recarga agotada"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "-60% Magazine Capacity\r\n+48% Reload Speed", Image = "Recarga agotada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/CorruptedReloadSpeedMaxClipRifle", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Recarga agotada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Recarga agotada", Icon = "Recarga agotada.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Maldición de desecación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Desiccation Augment: Killing a blinded enemy with a Finisher has a 100% chance to summon a Swarm Kavat that will spread Scarab Swarm. Maximum Swarm Kavats +2.", Image = "Maldición de desecación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Sandman/SandmanBlastAugmentCard", Introduced = "24.2.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Maldición de desecación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Maldición de desecación", Icon = "Maldición de desecación.png", Polarity = "Ability", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Inaros" }, Despojar = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Desecrate Augment: No longer consumes Energy, but consumes 10 Health per corpse instead.", Image = "Despojar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Necro/SearchTheDeadAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Despojar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Despojar", Icon = "Despojar.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nekros" }, ["Detectar vulnerabilidad"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Upon completing research on an enemy, subsequent scans will reveal their weak points.\r\nEvery 10s the sentinel will stun and inflict 600 damage to an enemy within 30m. Damage dealt affected by Sentinel Weapon Mods.", Image = "Detectar vulnerabilidad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/WeaknessScanPrecept", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Detectar vulnerabilidad", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Detectar vulnerabilidad", Icon = "Detectar vulnerabilidad.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Helios" }, ["Piel de diamante"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+45% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation Resistance", Image = "Piel de diamante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageResistanceLaser", Introduced = "8", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Piel de diamante", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Piel de diamante", Icon = "Piel de diamante.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Mérito de disciplina"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enables Tennokai. Opportunities occur every 4 melee hits instead of at random.", Icon = "Mérito de disciplina.png", Image = "Mérito de disciplina.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/EmpoweredHeavyMelee/CertainStrike", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mérito de disciplina", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mérito de disciplina", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", }, Excavar = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "The kubrow sniffs out buried objects and digs them up.\r\n+270% Success Chance", Image = "Excavar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowDigPrecept", Introduced = "14", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Excavar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Excavar", Icon = "Excavar.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sahasa Kubrow", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SUCCESS_CHANCE" } }, ["Convergencia dirigida"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "+100% Accuracy when Aiming", Image = "Convergencia dirigida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/SupraHigherAccuracyAiming", Introduced = "17.10", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Convergencia dirigida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Convergencia dirigida", Icon = "Convergencia dirigida.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Supra", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Condicionamiento deshabilitante"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+385% Melee Damage\r\nConvert all base Physical Damage to <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture Damage", Icon = "Condicionamiento deshabilitante.png", Image = "Condicionamiento deshabilitante.png", Incompatible = { "Condicionamiento bruto", "Condicionamiento preciso" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastDisablingConditioningMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Condicionamiento deshabilitante", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Condicionamiento deshabilitante", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Pureza desarmadora"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Secondary Fire mode has a 40% chance to disarm enemies.\r\n+1 'Purity'", Image = "Pureza desarmadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/PantheraMod", Introduced = "20.4", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Pureza desarmadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pureza desarmadora", Icon = "Pureza desarmadora.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Panthera", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Golpe de descarga"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "Soul Punch Augment: Depletes up to 25 Energy from the target.", Image = "Golpe de descarga.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Necro/SoulPunchPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Golpe de descarga", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Golpe de descarga", Icon = "Golpe de descarga.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nekros" }, ["Sobrecarga de asesinatos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Heavy Attack Hit:\r\n+60% Movement Speed for 15s", Image = "Sobrecarga de asesinatos.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/MoveSpeedOnChannelKillMod", Introduced = "19.2", IsExilus = true, CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sobrecarga de asesinatos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrecarga de asesinatos", Icon = "Sobrecarga de asesinatos.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_MOVEMENT_SPEED" } }, Interruptor = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Image = "Interruptor.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponImpactDamageMod", Introduced = "11", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Interruptor", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Interruptor", Icon = "Interruptor.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Retribución divina"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Divine Spears Augment: When a speared enemy suffers from a Status Effect, the Status Effect spreads to all speared enemies. Spear explosions apply 1.5x Status Damage.", Image = "Retribución divina.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Nezha/NezhaSpearAugmentTwoCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Retribución divina", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Retribución divina", Icon = "Retribución divina.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nezha" }, ["Divebomb Vortex"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Dive Bomb Augment - Enemies within 12 meters of the point of impact are dragged into it.", Image = "DivebombVortexMod.png", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Divebomb Vortex", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Divebomb Vortex", Icon = "DivebombVortex.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Zephyr" }, ["Negación diversificada"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Conclave = false, Description = "Fabricates 3 Specters that fight for 30s that each deal 85% of the Hounds damage.", Image = "Negación diversificada.png", Incompatible = { "Negación reflexiva", "Negación evasiva" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetClonePrecept", Introduced = "30.5", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Negación diversificada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Negación diversificada", Icon = "Negación diversificada.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Hojas divisoras"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_DAGGERS_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Hojas divisoras.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPDualSwordStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Hojas divisoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hojas divisoras", Icon = "Hojas divisoras.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dual Swords" }, ["Rondas vertiginosas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Shots from less than 8m stun enemies and open them to finishers.\r\n+200% Status Chance", Image = "Rondas vertiginosas.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Nightwave/BroncoNightwaveMod", Introduced = "27.5", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Rondas vertiginosas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Rondas vertiginosas", Icon = "Rondas vertiginosas.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Bronco", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Doble disparo"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "ON HIT:\r\n20% Bonus Damage on next Shot for 2s.\r\nStacks up to 20x outside of Conclave.", Image = "Doble disparo.png", Incompatible = { "Calibre hidráulico", "Escotilla suelta", "Capacidad máxima" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/MoreDamageonTripleTapRifleMod", Introduced = "17.8", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Doble disparo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Doble disparo", Icon = "Doble disparo.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Latron" }, ["Desvío de doble cañón"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "-20% Weapon Recoil and +20% Accuracy when Sliding", Image = "Desvío de doble cañón.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/MoreAccuracyLessRecoilSlidingShotgunMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Desvío de doble cañón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Desvío de doble cañón", Icon = "Desvío de doble cañón.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RECOIL", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Mordida drenadora"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Vasca Kavat inflicts 5 stacks of <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash at 150% of its melee damage and restores 10% Health to itself.", Image = "Mordida drenadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowVampireBitePrecept", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Mordida drenadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mordida drenadora", Icon = "Mordida drenadora.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vasca Kavat" }, ["Penumbra drenadora"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "+100% chance of Energy Drain explosion\r\n-60% Magazine Capacity\r\n-60% Ammo Maximum", Image = "Penumbra drenadora.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/DespairEnergyDrainAoE", Introduced = "The Index Preview", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Penumbra drenadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Penumbra drenadora", Icon = "Penumbra drenadora.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Despair", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_EXPLOSION_CHANCE", "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Abrigo del terror"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Dread Mirror Augment: Become unkillable for 8s when Dread Mirror kills a target by ripping its life force.", Image = "Abrigo del terror.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Garuda/GarudaShieldAugmentCard", Introduced = "24.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Abrigo del terror", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Abrigo del terror", Icon = "Abrigo del terror.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garuda" }, ["Vínculo del soñador"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +0.3 Energy Regen/s and +1.5 Health Regen/s", Icon = "Vínculo del soñador.png", Image = "Vínculo del soñador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerEnergyHealthRegenAuraMod", Introduced = "35.1", Link = "Vínculo del soñador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo del soñador", Polarity = "Any", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_RATE", "AVATAR_HEAL_RATE" } }, ["Dreamer's Wrath"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enables Tennokai. Increases opportunity chance by 50% and Heavy Attack critical damage by 32%.", Icon = "Dreamer'sWrath.png", Image = "Dreamer'sWrathMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/EmpoweredHeavyMelee/FocusedAttack", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Dreamer's Wrath", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Dreamer's Wrath", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_HEAVY_EMPOWERED_CHANCE", "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Contacto a la deriva"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+10s Combo Duration\r\n+40% Status Chance", Image = "Contacto a la deriva.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/DualStat/ComboTimeStatusChanceMod", Introduced = "Recurring Nightmares", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Contacto a la deriva", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Contacto a la deriva", Icon = "Contacto a la deriva.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Munición doble"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+60% Multishot", Image = "Munición doble.png", Incompatible = { "Munición doble Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleFireIterationsMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Munición doble", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Munición doble", Icon = "Munición doble.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, Dualidad = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Metamorphosis Augment: Equinox's other half breaks free for 10s, dealing 300% Damage.", Image = "Dualidad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/YinYang/YinYangSwitchAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.4.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Dualidad", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Dualidad", Icon = "Dualidad.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Equinox" }, ["Vínculo dúplex"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Companion will clone itself each time you expend 100 energy, up to 3 clones. Clones live 30s and cannot use Abilities. Their kills have a 50% chance of dropping Energy Orbs.", Image = "Vínculo dúplex.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/VoidClone", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo dúplex", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo dúplex", Icon = "Vínculo dúplex.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Aura de PEM"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Enemy Corpus lose -15% Accuracy", Image = "Aura de PEM.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/RobotPoorAimAuraMod", Introduced = "18.13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Aura de PEM", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aura de PEM", Icon = "Aura de PEM.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_NPC_HIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Ojo de águila"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Conclave = true, Description = "+40% Zoom", Image = "Ojo de águila.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponZoomFovMod", Introduced = "8", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Ojo de águila", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ojo de águila", Icon = "Ojo de águila.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_ZOOM" } }, ["Haces Eficientes"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Only consume ammo when dealing damage.\r\n+150% Status Chance", Image = "Haces Eficientes.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/Arbitration/CrpSplitLaserArbitrationMod", Introduced = "25.3", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Haces Eficientes", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Haces Eficientes", Icon = "Haces Eficientes.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Convectrix", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Efficient Transferral"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+30% Ability Duration", Image = "EfficientTransferralMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitAbilityDurationMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Efficient Transferral", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Efficient Transferral", Icon = "EfficientTransferral.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Eyectar cargador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Magazine Reloaded/s when Holstered", Image = "Eyectar cargador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "AOE", "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/PassiveReloadMod", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Eyectar cargador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Eyectar cargador", Icon = "Eyectar cargador.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AUTO_RELOAD_RATE" } }, ["Electrical Resistance"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Reduced damage from electrical attacks +%d DAMAGE RESISTANCE", Image = "Electrical Resistance.png", Link = "Electrical Resistance", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Electrical Resistance", Icon = "ElectricalResistance.png", Polarity = "None", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Cañón electrificado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+120% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Image = "Cañón electrificado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingWeaponElectricityDamageMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cañón electrificado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cañón electrificado", Icon = "Cañón electrificado.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Pulso eléctrico"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Every 5s, Sentinel will continually zap an enemy within 15m, trapping them in a stunned state.", Image = "Pulso eléctrico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/TaserStun", Introduced = "17.3", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Pulso eléctrico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Pulso eléctrico", Icon = "Pulso eléctrico.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Diriga" }, ["Escudo electromagnético"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "While blocking, redirect 50% of damage taken by allies within 12m to yourself.", Image = "Escudo electromagnético.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/ProjectNightwatch/AckBruntNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.10", IsExilus = true, CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Escudo electromagnético", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Escudo electromagnético", Icon = "Escudo electromagnético.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ack & Brunt" }, ["Tormenta de arena elemental"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Sandstorm Augment: Sandstorm gains 50% Ability Range and has a 100% chance of inflicting Status Effects based on the Damage Types and mods on the equipped Melee Weapon.", Image = "Tormenta de arena elemental.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Sandman/SandmanStormAugmentCard", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Tormenta de arena elemental", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta de arena elemental", Icon = "Tormenta de arena elemental.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Inaros" }, ["Undécima tormenta"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SWORDS_AND_SHIELD_STANCE" }, Description = "Rapid attacks using sword and shield.", Image = "Undécima tormenta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/SwordShieldCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "14", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Undécima tormenta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Undécima tormenta", Icon = "Undécima tormenta.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Sword And Shield" }, ["Postura elusiva"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The companion will avoid attacking. +50% Evasion", Icon = "Postura elusiva.png", Image = "Postura elusiva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/BeastWeapons/Stances/BeastPacifistStance", Introduced = "37", Link = "Postura elusiva", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Postura elusiva", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Retribución esquiva"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Elude Augment: Every attack Baruuk Eludes increases his Melee Attack Speed and Melee Critical Damage by 5% up to 6 stacks. Stacks last 6s.", Image = "Retribución esquiva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pacifist/PacifistDodgeAugmentCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Retribución esquiva", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Retribución esquiva", Icon = "Retribución esquiva.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Baruuk" }, ["Catalizador incrustado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Ability Cast:\r\n+90% Status Chance when Aiming for 9s", Image = "Catalizador incrustado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/StatusProcWhileAimingPistolMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Catalizador incrustado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Catalizador incrustado", Icon = "Catalizador incrustado.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Secuelas emergentes"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+50% Reload Speed for 3s", Image = "Secuelas emergentes.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "Vectis" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/FasterReloadOnKillSniperMod", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Secuelas emergentes", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Secuelas emergentes", Icon = "Secuelas emergentes.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Hojas poderosas"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Squad receives +60% de probabilidad de estado and Status Damage on Heavy Attacks, but lose 90 Shields per hit.", Image = "Hojas poderosas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/FairyQuest/FairyQuestShieldsToCritAuraMod", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Hojas poderosas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Hojas poderosas", Icon = "Hojas poderosas.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Aljaba empoderada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Quiver Augment: Dashwire grants allies 100% Critical Damage. Cloak arrow has a 100% chance to prevent Status Effects.", Image = "Aljaba empoderada.png", Incompatible = { "Poder de tres" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ranger/RangerQuiverAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.0.6", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Aljaba empoderada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aljaba empoderada", Icon = "Aljaba empoderada.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ivara" }, ["Arrullo eterno"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Lull Augment: Performing a finisher on or killing a sleeping enemy will retrigger Lull for 100% of the remaining duration. Passive: +50% Lull Duration.", Image = "Arrullo eterno.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pacifist/PacifistWaveAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.1", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Arrullo eterno", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Arrullo eterno", Icon = "Arrullo eterno.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Baruuk" }, ["Endo"] = { Description = "Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.", Name = "Endo", Icon = "Endo.png", NotUpgradable = true, Link = "Endo", Image = "Endo.png", Tradable = false, Introduced = "The Silver Grove", CodexSecret = false, }, ["Endoparasitic Vector"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Transmit an endoparasite to an enemy within 30m. Tentacles spawn from it, clinging to enemies within 10m slowing them as they move further from the parasite, and dealing 20 <DT_VIRAL_COLOR>Viral Damage/sec over 5s.", Image = "EndoparasiticVectorMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedPredatorSpitParasitePrecept", Introduced = "29", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Endoparasitic Vector", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Endoparasitic Vector", Icon = "EndoparasiticVector.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pharaoh Predasite" }, ["Derivación resistente"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+10% Energy Max\r\n+12% Parkour Velocity", Image = "Derivación resistente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/OrokinChallenge/OrokinChallengeModEndurance", Introduced = "18", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Derivación resistente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación resistente", Icon = "Derivación resistente.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST" } }, ["Tribulación perdurable"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+100% Status Chance on Lifted enemies", Image = "Tribulación perdurable.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Channel/ChannelProcTimeExtendOnHitMod", Introduced = "19.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Tribulación perdurable", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Tribulación perdurable", Icon = "Tribulación perdurable.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Ataque duradero"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+20% Additional Combo Count Chance on Lifted enemies", Image = "Ataque duradero.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Channel/ChannelStatusMod", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ataque duradero", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ataque duradero", Icon = "Ataque duradero.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Melee" }, ["Radar enemigo"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Squad receives +30 Enemy Radar", Image = "Radar enemigo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerEnemyRadarAuraMod", Introduced = "5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Radar enemigo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Radar enemigo", Icon = "Radar enemigo.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR" } }, ["Sensor enemigo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+30m Enemy Radar", Image = "Sensor enemigo.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Enemy Sense" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarEnemyRadarMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Sensor enemigo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sensor enemigo", Icon = "EnemySense.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR" } }, ["Disparo energizante"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Shoot Energy Orbs to obtain them with +110% extra effect.", Image = "Disparo energizante.png", Incompatible = { "Explosivos ocultos" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "AOE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/ShootPickUpPistolMod", Introduced = "27.3", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Disparo energizante", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Disparo energizante", Icon = "Disparo energizante.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistol (No AoE)", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PICKUP_SHOOT_BONUS" } }, ["Amplificador de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+60% Ability Range", Image = "Amplificador de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitAbilityRangeMod", Introduced = "15.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Amplificador de energía", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Amplificador de energía", Icon = "Amplificador de energía.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE" } }, ["Canal de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Converts 200% of Energy used to up to 200 Bonus Damage on next Melee Attack.", Image = "Canal de energía.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponPowerDamageMod", Introduced = "8", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Canal de energía", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Canal de energía", Icon = "Canal de energía.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_POWER_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER", "WEAPON_POWER_DAMAGE_MAX" } }, ["Conversión de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Description = "Energy orbs grant 50% more Ability Strength to your next cast.", Image = "Conversión de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/EnergyPickupGivesStrengthMod", Introduced = "18.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Conversión de energía", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Conversión de energía", Icon = "Conversión de energía.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Campo de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Energy Shell Augment: Energy Shell applies to allies within 140m.", Image = "Campo de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Archwing/StandardJetPack/FireShieldAugmentCard", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Campo de energía", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Campo de energía", Icon = "Campo de energía.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Odonata" }, ["Generador de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Dethcube drops an Energy Orb after assisting in 10 kills.", Image = "Generador de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/ItemDropOnAssist", Introduced = "23.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Generador de energía", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Generador de energía", Icon = "Generador de energía.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dethcube" }, ["Inversión de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+100% Shield Capacity", Image = "Inversión de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitShieldMaxMod", Introduced = "15.1", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Inversión de energía", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Inversión de energía", Icon = "Inversión de energía.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Nexo energético"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Warframe receives +3 Energy Regen/s", Icon = "Nexo energético.png", Image = "Nexo energético.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarEnergyRegenMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Nexo energético", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Nexo energético", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" } }, ["Sifón de energía"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Squad receives +0.6 Energy Regen/s", Image = "Sifón de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerEnergyRegenAuraMod", Introduced = "5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Sifón de energía", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sifón de energía", Icon = "Sifón de energía.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" } }, ["Transferencia de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Mend & Maim Augment: 100% of charge is conserved when switching between forms.", Image = "Transferencia de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/YinYang/YinYangBurstAugmentCard", Introduced = "22.17.3", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Transferencia de energía", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Transferencia de energía", Icon = "Transferencia de energía.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Equinox" }, ["Durabilidad mejorada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+100% Health", Image = "Durabilidad mejorada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitHealthMaxMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Durabilidad mejorada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Durabilidad mejorada", Icon = "Durabilidad mejorada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Vitalidad mejorada"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+250% Health", Image = "Vitalidad mejorada.png", Incompatible = { "Enlace de vitalidad" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelHealthMaxMod", Introduced = "7", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vitalidad mejorada", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Vitalidad mejorada", Icon = "Vitalidad mejorada.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, Enfurecida = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Hysteria Augment: Damage increased by 200%, Critical Chance increased by 200%. Hysteria lasts for 15s, and receives a matching cooldown.", Image = "Enfurecida.png", Incompatible = { "Asalto Histérico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Berserker/LastStandAugmentTwoCard", Introduced = "27.5.4", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Enfurecida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Enfurecida", Icon = "Enfurecida.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Valkyr" }, ["Ráfaga de entropía"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+20 Final Status Chance\r\n+1 'Entropy'", Image = "Ráfaga de entropía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/SupraMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Ráfaga de entropía", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ráfaga de entropía", Icon = "Ráfaga de entropía.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Supra", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Detonación entrópica"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Lethal ground attacks cause enemies to explode dealing +1000\r\n(+20% Enemy Max Health) <DT_EXPLOSION_COLOR>Blast Damage\r\nin a +10m radius.\r\n+1 'Entropy'", Image = "Detonación entrópica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/ObexMod", Introduced = "20.4", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Detonación entrópica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Detonación entrópica", Icon = "Detonación entrópica.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Obex", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_DAMAGE_ENEMY_HEALTH_PCT", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_RADIUS", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Trayectoria de entropía"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+140% Projectile Speed\r\n+1 'Entropy'", Image = "Trayectoria de entropía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/KestrelMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Trayectoria de entropía", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Trayectoria de entropía", Icon = "Trayectoria de entropía.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kestrel", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Máximo de entropía"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+20% Chance to Explode (Use with Caution)\r\n+1 'Entropy'", Image = "Máximo de entropía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/BoltoMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Máximo de entropía", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Máximo de entropía", Icon = "Máximo de entropía.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Bolto", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_EXPLOSION_CHANCE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Nube envolvente"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Cloud Walker Augment: Allies within 4m of the cloud become invisible to enemies for 14s.", Image = "Nube envolvente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/MonkeyKing/MonkeyCloudAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.7", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Nube envolvente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Nube envolvente", Icon = "Nube envolvente.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wukong" }, Equilibrio = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Health pickups give +110% Energy. Energy pickups give +110% Health.", Image = "Equilibrio.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Equilibrium", "Pinnacle Pack Equilibrium" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarPickupBonusMod", Introduced = "9.7.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Equilibrio", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Equilibrio", Icon = "Equilibrio.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PICKUP_BONUS_AMOUNT" } }, ["Inspección de equilibrio"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Conclave = false, Description = "Unleashes a series of shockwaves that knockdown enemies within 15m and deal 300 damage.", Image = "Inspección de equilibrio.png", Incompatible = { "Inspección nula", "Inspección de embargos" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetAntiMeleePrecept", Introduced = "30.5", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Inspección de equilibrio", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Inspección de equilibrio", Icon = "Inspección de equilibrio.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Plaga erosionante"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+200% Magazine Capacity\r\n+1 'Blight'", Image = "Plaga erosionante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/EmbolistMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Plaga erosionante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Plaga erosionante", Icon = "Plaga erosionante.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Embolist", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Velocidad de escape"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Worm Hole Augment: Allies that travel through wormhole gain a 50% Speed bonus for 7s.", Image = "Velocidad de escape.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/AntiMatter/WormHoleAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.2", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Velocidad de escape", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Velocidad de escape", Icon = "Velocidad de escape.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nova" }, ["Guerra eterna"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Warcry Augment: While active, Warcry's duration is increased by 2s for each Melee Kill.", Image = "Guerra eterna.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Berserker/IntimidateAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.2", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Guerra eterna", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Guerra eterna", Icon = "Guerra eterna.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Valkyr" }, ["Negación evasiva"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Conclave = false, Description = "Teleports a safe distance away and engages a displacement field gaining 75% chance to dodge enemy fire for 8s.", Image = "Negación evasiva.png", Incompatible = { "Negación reflexiva", "Negación diversificada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetEvasionPrecept", Introduced = "30.5", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Negación evasiva", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Negación evasiva", Icon = "Negación evasiva.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Protección perpetua"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Elemental Ward Augment: Allies that leave the radius will retain the effect for 100% of the remaining duration.", Image = "Protección perpetua.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Dragon/DragonLuckAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.11", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Protección perpetua", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Protección perpetua", Icon = "Protección perpetua.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Chroma" }, ["Exalted Blade"] = { Description = "Stance: Summon a sword of pure light and immense power.", Image = "ExaltedBladeStanceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DoomSwordMeleeTree", Introduced = "23", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Exalted Blade (Stance)", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Exalted Blade", Icon = "ExaltedBlade.png", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Exalted Blade" }, ["Ventaja Eximus"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Headshots on Eximus enemies increase Secondary Damage by +600% for 10 secs.", Image = "Ventaja Eximus.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveZylokAugmentMod", Introduced = "32.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ventaja Eximus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ventaja Eximus", Icon = "Ventaja Eximus.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Zylok", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Exotérmico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Inferno Augment: Enemies killed while under the effect of Inferno have a 15% chance to drop an energy orb.", Image = "Exotérmico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ember/WorldOnFireAugmentCard", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Exotérmico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Exotérmico", Icon = "Exotérmico.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ember" }, ["Expeler corpus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Corpus", Image = "Expeler corpus.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler corpus Prime", "Flawed Expel Corpus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPistolFactionDamageCorpus", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Expeler corpus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Expeler corpus", Icon = "Expeler corpus.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Expeler orokin"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Orokin", Image = "Expeler orokin.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler orokin Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPistolFactionDamageCorrupted", Introduced = "21", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Expeler orokin", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Expeler orokin", Icon = "Expeler orokin.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Expeler grineer"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Grineer", Image = "Expeler grineer.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler grineer Prime", "Flawed Expel Grineer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPistolFactionDamageGrineer", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Expeler grineer", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Expeler grineer", Icon = "Expeler grineer.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Expeler infestados"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Infested", Image = "Expeler infestados.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler infestados Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPistolFactionDamageInfested", Introduced = "9", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Expeler infestados", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Expeler infestados", Icon = "Expeler infestados.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Expulsión de los murmullos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Murmur", Icon = "Expulsión de los murmullos.png", Image = "Expulsión de los murmullos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPistolFactionDamageMurmurs", Introduced = "35", Link = "Expulsión de los murmullos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Expulsión de los murmullos", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Desaparición explosiva"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Conclave = true, Description = "Enemies killed explode, dealing 300 Damage shortly after death.", Image = "Desaparición explosiva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/ExplodeOnMeleeDeath", Introduced = "16", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Desaparición explosiva", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desaparición explosiva", Icon = "Desaparición explosiva.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_CORPSE_EXPLODE_RADIUS" } }, ["Malabarismo explosivo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Sleight of Hand Augment: Ammo and Orbs pickups are turned into proximity mines that deal 1000 Damage with a 100% Status Chance.", Image = "Malabarismo explosivo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Harlequin/ObjectChangeAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.3", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Malabarismo explosivo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Malabarismo explosivo", Icon = "Malabarismo explosivo.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mirage" }, ["Arpón Revelador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Pulling an enemy will give +300% Critical Chance for 15s.", Image = "Arpón Revelador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Arbitration/GrnHarpoonGunArbitrationMod", Introduced = "25.3", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Arpón Revelador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Arpón Revelador", Icon = "Arpón Revelador.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Harpak" }, Ampliar = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+100 Attraction Range (In Space)\r\n+3 Melee Range", Image = "Ampliar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingMeleeRangeIncMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ampliar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ampliar", Icon = "Ampliar.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_AUTOTARGET_RANGE_BONUS", "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Velocidad extrema"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+30% K-Drive Speed", Image = "Velocidad extrema.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBSpeedMod", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Velocidad extrema", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Velocidad extrema", Icon = "Velocidad extrema.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_SPEED" } }, ["Razorwing"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Image = "RazorwingMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Animations/FlightSuit/TestMeleeAttacks/FairyMeleeTree", Introduced = "29.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Razorwing", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Razorwing", Icon = "Razorwing.png", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Razorwing" }, ["A prueba de fallos"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "+50% to retry on Hacking failure", Image = "A prueba de fallos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Cipher/OnFailHackResetMod", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, Link = "A prueba de fallos", MaxRank = 0, Name = "A prueba de fallos", Icon = "A prueba de fallos.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_REHACK_CHANCE" } }, ["Fusilamiento acolmillado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+120% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Image = "Fusilamiento acolmillado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponEventSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "14.7", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Fusilamiento acolmillado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fusilamiento acolmillado", Icon = "Fusilamiento acolmillado.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, Fass = { Class = "Requiem", Description = "Roiling, moaning, this realm of ours\r\nIn madness lost shall die", Image = "FassMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Immortal/ImmortalSixMod", Introduced = "26", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Fass", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fass", Icon = "Fass.png", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Fass Canticle"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Killing enemies grants Allies in Affinity Range 40% Shield Recharge Rate and -28% Shield Recharge Delay for 15s.", Icon = "FassCanticle.png", Image = "FassCanticleMod.png", Incompatible = { "Jahu Canticle", "Khra Canticle", "Lohk Canticle" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Grimoire/FassAuraMod", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Fass Canticle", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fass Canticle", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tomo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE", "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_DELAY" } }, ["Desviación rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% Shield Recharge\r\n-45% Shield Recharge Delay", Image = "Desviación rápida.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Fast Deflection" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarShieldRechargeRateMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Desviación rápida", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desviación rápida", Icon = "Desviación rápida.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Manos rápidas"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+30% Reload Speed", Image = "Manos rápidas.png", Incompatible = { "Manos rápidas Prime", "Flawed Fast Hands" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponReloadSpeedMod", Introduced = "0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Manos rápidas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Manos rápidas", Icon = "Manos rápidas.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Aceleración fatal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+40% Projectile Speed", Image = "Aceleración fatal.png", Incompatible = { "Aceleración Galvanizada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponProjectileSpeedMod", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Aceleración fatal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aceleración fatal", Icon = "Aceleración fatal.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED" } }, ["Atracción fatal"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "Enemies within 20m will be attracted. Once they come within 6m, explode for 250 Damage.", Image = "Atracción fatal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Bait", Introduced = "10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Atracción fatal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Atracción fatal", Icon = "Atracción fatal.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Djinn" }, ["Teletransporte fatal"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Teleport Augment: Teleport will perform a Finisher on the target, dealing 200% Extra Damage. 50% of Energy cost is refunded on a kill.", Image = "Teletransporte fatal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ninja/TeleportToAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.11", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Teletransporte fatal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Teletransporte fatal", Icon = "Teletransporte fatal.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ash" }, ["Verdad fatal"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "NIKANAS_STANCE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Image = "Verdad fatal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPKatanaStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Verdad fatal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Verdad fatal", Icon = "Verdad fatal.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nikanas" }, ["Sentido del miedo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The Kavat senses the weaknesses of enemies within 25m. For 25s, its attacks deal +200% damage and stagger with a 30% chance of knockdown.", Icon = "Sentido del miedo.png", Image = "Sentido del miedo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowTremorSensePrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Sentido del miedo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sentido del miedo", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kavat" }, ["Flechas emplumadas"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CompatibilityTags = { "PROJECTILE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "+60% Projectile Speed\r\n-20% Damage", Image = "Flechas emplumadas.png", Incompatible = { "Tiro de suerte" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "MITER", "AOE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/HigherVelocityLessDamageBowMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Flechas emplumadas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flechas emplumadas", Icon = "Flechas emplumadas.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Bow", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, Ferocidad = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Kubrow attacks an enemy open to finishers with +300% crit chance. If the enemy dies during the attack, enemies within 6m have a 30% chance to be knocked down and opened to finishers.", Image = "Ferocidad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowFinisherMod", Introduced = "14", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ferocidad", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ferocidad", Icon = "Ferocidad.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Sahasa Kubrow", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_FINISHER_DAMAGE" } }, Buscar = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "13.5m Companion Gather-Link. Detects and collects items, including mods.", Image = "Buscar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/BeastUniversalVacuum", Introduced = "24", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Buscar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Buscar", Icon = "Buscar.png", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Beast" }, ["Golpe de fiebre"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "+90% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin", Image = "Golpe de fiebre.png", Incompatible = { "Golpe de fiebre Prime", "Flawed Fever Strike" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponToxinDamageMod", Introduced = "11", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Golpe de fiebre", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Golpe de fiebre", Icon = "Golpe de fiebre.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Acto final"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "On Low Health:\r\n+30% Ability Strength\r\n+30% Casting Speed for 8s", Image = "Acto final.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/IncreasedEfficiencyOnLowHealth", Introduced = "18", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Acto final", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Acto final", Icon = "Acto final.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH", "AVATAR_CASTING_SPEED" } }, ["Final Harbinger"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SWORDS_AND_SHIELD_STANCE" }, Description = "Powerful slashes and shield attacks.", Image = "FinalHarbingerMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/RegorSwordShieldMeleeTree", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Final Harbinger", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Final Harbinger", Icon = "FinalHarbinger.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sword And Shield" }, ["Disparo final"] = { BaseDrain = 10, Conclave = true, Description = "On 4 Hits within 0.05s:\r\n+100% Damage for 0.2s", Image = "Disparo final.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/HindDamageonFifthHit", Introduced = "17.10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Disparo final", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Disparo final", Icon = "Disparo final.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hind", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Toque final"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+60% Finisher Damage", Image = "Toque final.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeFinisherDamageMod", Introduced = "10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Toque final", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Toque final", Icon = "Toque final.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_FINISHER_DAMAGE" } }, ["Fire Resistance"] = { _IgnoreEntry = true, BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Damage from heat reduced +%d DAMAGE RESISTANCE", Image = "FireResistance_Rank0_cropped.png", Link = "Fire Resistance", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fire Resistance", Icon = "FireResistance.png", Polarity = "None", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Fire Suppression"] = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Extinquish 1 fire\r\nCooldown: 230s", Image = "FireSuppressionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/FireExtinguish", Introduced = "27.0", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Fire Suppression", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fire Suppression", Icon = "FireSuppression.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 1)" }, ["Frenesí de bola de fuego"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Fireball Augment: Hold to cast will grant all allies within 15m an additional 100% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat Damage to their attacks for 40s.", Image = "Frenesí de bola de fuego.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ember/FireBallAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Frenesí de bola de fuego", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Frenesí de bola de fuego", Icon = "Frenesí de bola de fuego.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ember" }, ["Encendido"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "5% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat Damage on weapon per hit. Stacks up to 100%. Resets after 5s with no hits.", Image = "Encendido.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelOverheatDamageMod", Introduced = "10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Encendido", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Encendido", Icon = "Encendido.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sentinel", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_OVERHEAT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Tormenta de fuego"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Improves the Blast Radius of weapons with Radial Attacks.\r\n+24% Blast Radius", Image = "Tormenta de fuego.png", Incompatible = { "Tormenta de fuego Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponIncreaseRadialExplosionMod", Introduced = "10", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Tormenta de fuego", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta de fuego", Icon = "Tormenta de fuego.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Caminante de fuego"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+24.2% to Bullet Jump\r\n+24.2% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration\r\n+275% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat on Bullet Jump", Image = "Caminante de fuego.png", Incompatible = { "Movilización", "Patadón", "Batería de maniobras", "Paso perforante", "Giro desgarrador", "Resorte helado", "Carrera relámpago", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/FireParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", CodexSecret = false, IsExilus = true, Link = "Caminante de fuego", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Caminante de fuego", Icon = "Caminante de fuego.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, Cortafuegos = { BaseDrain = 0, Description = "Reduces damage by 75% while hacking", Image = "Cortafuegos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Cipher/DamageReductionOnHackMod", Introduced = "30.5", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cortafuegos", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Cortafuegos", Icon = "Cortafuegos.png", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Flailing Branch"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "STAVES_STANCE" }, Description = "Lifting strikes and whirlwind combos.", Image = "FlailingBranchMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/StaffCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Flailing Branch", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flailing Branch", Icon = "FlailingBranch.png", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Staves" }, ["Disparo artillero"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Icon = "Disparo artillero.png", Image = "Disparo artillero.png", Incompatible = { "Disparo de choque", "Disparo triturador" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/DamageBiasSlashShotgunMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Disparo artillero", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Disparo artillero", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Glandula flamígera"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Glandula flamígera.png", Image = "Glandula flamígera.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/DualStat/KubrowFireEventMeleeMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Glandula flamígera", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Glandula flamígera", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Repelente de llamas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor Resistance", Icon = "Repelente de llamas.png", Image = "Repelente de llamas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageResistanceFire", Introduced = "8", Link = "Repelente de llamas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Repelente de llamas", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Flawed Ammo Drum"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+10% Ammo Maximum", Icon = "AmmoDrum.png", Image = "FlawedAmmoDrumMod.png", Incompatible = { "Tambor de munición" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponAmmoMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = true, Link = "Ammo Drum", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Ammo Drum", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Flawed Ammo Stock"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+20% de capacidad de cargador", Icon = "AmmoStock.png", Image = "FlawedAmmoStockMod.png", Incompatible = { "Reserva de munición", "Reserva de munición Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Beginner/WeaponClipMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Ammo Stock", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Ammo Stock", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Flawed Bane of Corpus"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.1 Damage to Corpus", Icon = "BaneofCorpus.png", Image = "FlawedBaneofCorpusMod.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición del Corpus", "Perdición del Corpus Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponFactionDamageCorpusBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Bane of Corpus", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Bane of Corpus", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed Bane of Grineer"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.1 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "BaneofGrineer.png", Image = "FlawedBaneofGrineerMod.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición de los grineer", "Perdición de los grineer Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponFactionDamageGrineerBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Bane of Grineer", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Bane of Grineer", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed Charged Shell"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "ChargedShell.png", Image = "FlawedChargedShellMod.png", Incompatible = { "Cartucho cargado", "Cartucho cargado Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Beginner/WeaponElectricityDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Charged Shell", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Charged Shell", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Continuity"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12% Ability Duration", Icon = "Continuity.png", Image = "FlawedContinuityMod.png", Incompatible = { "Continuidad", "Continuidad Arconte", "Continuidad Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarAbilityDurationModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Continuity", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Continuity", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Flawed Convulsion"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "Convulsion.png", Image = "FlawedConvulsionMod.png", Incompatible = { "Convulsión", "Convulsión Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponElectricityDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Convulsion", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Convulsion", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Deep Freeze"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+20% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Icon = "DeepFreeze.png", Image = "FlawedDeepFreezeMod.png", Incompatible = { "Congelador" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponFreezeDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Deep Freeze", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Deep Freeze", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Enemy Sense"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12 Enemy Radar", Icon = "EnemySense.png", Image = "FlawedEnemySenseMod.png", Incompatible = { "Sensor enemigo" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarEnemyRadarModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = true, Link = "Enemy Sense", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Enemy Sense", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR" } }, ["Flawed Equilibrium"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Health pickups give +32% Energy. Energy pickups give +32% Health.", Icon = "Equilibrium.png", Image = "FlawedEquilibriumMod.png", Incompatible = { "Equilibrium", "Pinnacle Pack Equilibrium" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarPickupBonusModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Equilibrium", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Equilibrium", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PICKUP_BONUS_AMOUNT" } }, ["Flawed Expel Corpus"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.1 Damage to Corpus", Icon = "ExpelCorpus.png", Image = "FlawedExpelCorpusMod.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler corpus", "Expeler corpus Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponPistolFactionDamageCorpusBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Expel Corpus", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Expel Corpus", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed Expel Grineer"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.1 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "ExpelGrineer.png", Image = "FlawedExpelGrineerMod.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler grineer", "Expeler grineer Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponPistolFactionDamageGrineerBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Expel Grineer", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Expel Grineer", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed Fast Deflection"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% Shield Recharge", Icon = "FastDeflection.png", Image = "FlawedFastDeflectionMod.png", Incompatible = { "Desviación rápida" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarShieldRechargeRateModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Fast Deflection", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Fast Deflection", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Flawed Fast Hands"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12% Reload Speed", Icon = "FastHands.png", Image = "FlawedFastHandsMod.png", Incompatible = { "Manos rápidas", "Manos rápidas Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponReloadSpeedModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Fast Hands", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Fast Hands", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Flawed Fever Strike"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+60% de <DT_POISON_COLOR>toxina", Icon = "FeverStrike.png", Image = "FlawedFeverStrikeMod.png", Incompatible = { "Golpe de fiebre", "Golpe de fiebre Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponToxinDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Fever Strike", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Fever Strike", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Flow"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+72% Energy Max", Icon = "Flow.png", Image = "FlawedFlowMod.png", Incompatible = { "Flujo", "Flujo Arconte", "Flujo Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarPowerMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Flow", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Flow", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX" } }, ["Flawed Fury"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+20% Attack Speed", Icon = "Fury.png", Image = "FlawedFuryMod.png", Incompatible = { "Furia berserker", "Furia", "Furia Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponFireRateModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Fury", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Fury", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Flawed Heated Charge"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "HeatedCharge.png", Image = "FlawedHeatedChargeMod.png", Incompatible = { "Carga incendiaria", "Carga incendiaria Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponFireDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Heated Charge", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Heated Charge", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Hellfire"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "Hellfire.png", Image = "FlawedHellfireMod.png", Incompatible = { "Fuego infernal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponFireDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Hellfire", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Hellfire", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Hornet Strike"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% Damage", Icon = "HornetStrike.png", Image = "FlawedHornetStrikeMod.png", Incompatible = { "Golpe de avispa" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponDamageAmountModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Hornet Strike", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Hornet Strike", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Flawed Incendiary Coat"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "IncendiaryCoat.png", Image = "FlawedIncendiaryCoatMod.png", Incompatible = { "Capa incendiaria" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Beginner/WeaponFireDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Incendiary Coat", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Incendiary Coat", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Intensify"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12% Ability Strength", Icon = "Intensify.png", Image = "FlawedIntensifyMod.png", Incompatible = { "Intensify", "Intensificación Arconte", "Intensificación Umbral", "Intensificación de precisión" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarAbilityStrengthModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Intensify", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Intensify", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Flawed Magazine Warp"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "MagazineWarp.png", Image = "FlawedMagazineWarpMod.png", Incompatible = { "Cargador deformado", "Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama", "Cargador deformado Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponClipMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Magazine Warp", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Magazine Warp", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Flawed Molten Impact"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor", Icon = "MoltenImpact.png", Image = "FlawedMoltenImpactMod.png", Incompatible = { "Impacto de magma" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponFireDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Molten Impact", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Molten Impact", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed North Wind"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío", Icon = "NorthWind.png", Image = "FlawedNorthWindMod.png", Incompatible = { "Viento del norte" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponFreezeDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "North Wind", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed North Wind", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Organ Shatter"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+60% Critical Damage", Icon = "OrganShatter.png", Image = "FlawedOrganShatterMod.png", Incompatible = { "Destructor de órganos", "Destructor de órganos Amalgama" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponCritDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Organ Shatter", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Organ Shatter", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed Pathogen Rounds"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin", Icon = "PathogenRounds.png", Image = "FlawedPathogenRoundsMod.png", Incompatible = { "Munición patógena" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponToxinDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Pathogen Rounds", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Pathogen Rounds", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Pistol Gambit"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+60% Critical Chance", Icon = "PistolGambit.png", Image = "FlawedPistolGambitMod.png", Incompatible = { "Gambito de pistola", "Gambito de pistola Prime", "Diana artera" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponCritChanceModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Pistol Gambit", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Pistol Gambit", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Flawed Point Blank"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% Damage", Icon = "PointBlank.png", Image = "FlawedPointBlankMod.png", Incompatible = { "Quemarropa", "Quemarropa Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Beginner/WeaponDamageAmountModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Point Blank", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Point Blank", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Flawed Pressure Point"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+80% Melee Damage", Icon = "PressurePoint.png", Image = "FlawedPressurePointMod.png", Incompatible = { "Punto de presión", "Punto de presión Prime", "Presión sacrificial", "Presión Amanata" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponMeleeDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Pressure Point", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Pressure Point", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed Quickdraw"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+20% Reload Speed", Icon = "Quickdraw.png", Image = "FlawedQuickdrawMod.png", Incompatible = { "Agarre rápido", "Agarre rápido Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponReloadSpeedModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Quickdraw", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Quickdraw", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Flawed Redirection"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+80% Shield Capacity", Icon = "Redirection.png", Image = "FlawedRedirectionMod.png", Incompatible = { "Redirección", "Redirección Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarShieldMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Redirection", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Redirection", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Flawed Rush"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+10% Sprint Speed", Icon = "Rush.png", Image = "FlawedRushMod.png", Incompatible = { "Carrera" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarSprintSpeedModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = true, Link = "Rush", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Rush", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, ["Flawed Serration"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% Damage", Icon = "Serration.png", Image = "FlawedSerrationMod.png", Incompatible = { "Sierra", "Sierra Higasa", "Sierra Amalgama", "Sierra espectral" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponDamageAmountModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Serration", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Serration", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Flawed Shell Compression"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12% Ammo Maximum", Icon = "ShellCompression.png", Image = "FlawedShellCompressionMod.png", Incompatible = { "Cartucho comprimido" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Beginner/WeaponAmmoMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = true, Link = "Shell Compression", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Shell Compression", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Flawed Shocking Touch"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad", Icon = "ShockingTouch.png", Image = "FlawedShockingTouchMod.png", Incompatible = { "Toque eléctrico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponElectricityDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Shocking Touch", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Shocking Touch", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Shotgun Barrage"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% Fire Rate", Icon = "ShotgunBarrage.png", Image = "FlawedShotgunBarrageMod.png", Incompatible = { "Bombardeo de escopeta", "Bombardeo de escopeta Amalgama" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Beginner/WeaponFireRateModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Shotgun Barrage", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Shotgun Barrage", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Flawed Slip Magazine"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+10% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "SlipMagazine.png", Image = "FlawedSlipMagazineMod.png", Incompatible = { "Desliz de cargador", "Desliz de cargador Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponClipMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Slip Magazine", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Slip Magazine", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Flawed Smite Grineer"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.2 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "SmiteGrineer.png", Image = "FlawedSmiteGrineerMod.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga grineer", "Castiga grineer Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageGrineerBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Smite Grineer", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Smite Grineer", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed Speed Trigger"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+20% Fire Rate (x2 for Bows)", Icon = "SpeedTrigger.png", Image = "FlawedSpeedTriggerMod.png", Incompatible = { "Gatillo veloz" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponFireRateModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Speed Trigger", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Speed Trigger", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Flawed Steel Fiber"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+32% Armor", Icon = "SteelFiber.png", Image = "FlawedSteelFiberMod.png", Incompatible = { "Fibra de acero", "Fibra Umbral" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarArmourModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Steel Fiber", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Steel Fiber", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Flawed Stormbringer"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "Stormbringer.png", Image = "FlawedStormbringerMod.png", Incompatible = { "Portador de tormentas" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Beginner/WeaponElectricityDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Stormbringer", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Stormbringer", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Flawed Streamline"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12% Ability Efficiency", Icon = "Streamline.png", Image = "FlawedStreamlineMod.png", Incompatible = { "Streamline" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarAbilityEfficiencyModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Streamline", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Streamline", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Flawed Stretch"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+20% Ability Range", Icon = "Stretch.png", Image = "FlawedStretchMod.png", Incompatible = { "Estirar", "Estiramiento Arconte" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarAbilityRangeModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Stretch", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Stretch", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE" } }, ["Flawed Tactical Pump"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+12% Reload Speed", Icon = "TacticalPump.png", Image = "FlawedTacticalPumpMod.png", Incompatible = { "Bombeo táctico", "Bombeo táctico Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Beginner/WeaponReloadSpeedModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Tactical Pump", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Tactical Pump", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Flawed Target Cracker"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+30% Critical Damage", Icon = "TargetCracker.png", Image = "FlawedTargetCrackerMod.png", Incompatible = { "Rompeobjetivos", "Rompeobjetivos Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponCritDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Target Cracker", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Target Cracker", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Flawed El saber del ladrón"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Highlights mods through the environment as well as the Minimap.\r\n+20 Loot Radar", Icon = "Thief'sWit.png", Image = "FlawedThief'sWitMod.png", Incompatible = { "El saber del ladrón" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarLootRadarModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = true, Link = "El saber del ladrón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed El saber del ladrón", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_LOOT_RADAR" } }, ["Flawed Cargador falso"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+40% Ammo Maximum", Icon = "TrickMag.png", Image = "FlawedTrickMagMod.png", Incompatible = { "Cargador falso" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Beginner/WeaponAmmoMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = true, Link = "Cargador falso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Cargador falso", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Acero verdadero dañado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+80% Critical Chance (x2 for Heavy Attacks)", Icon = "TrueSteel.png", Image = "FlawedTrueSteelMod.png", Incompatible = { "Acero verdadero", "Acero galvanizado", "Acero sacrificial", "Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponCritChanceModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Acero verdadero", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Acero verdadero dañado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Flawed Vitality"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+25% Health", Icon = "Vitality.png", Image = "FlawedVitalityMod.png", Incompatible = { "Vitalidad", "Vitalidad Arconte", "Vitalidad Umbral", "Parasitic Vitality" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Beginner/AvatarHealthMaxModBeginner", Introduced = "14", IsFlawed = true, Link = "Vitalidad", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flawed Vitality", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, Dardos = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Dardos.png", Image = "Dardos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponArmorPiercingDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Dardos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Dardos", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Experiencia fugaz"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Ability Efficiency\r\n-60% Ability Duration", Icon = "Experiencia fugaz.png", Image = "Experiencia fugaz.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/CorruptedEfficiencyDurationWarframe", Introduced = "10.3", Link = "Experiencia fugaz", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Experiencia fugaz", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY", "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, Flujo = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Energy Max", Icon = "Flujo.png", Image = "Flujo.png", Incompatible = { "Flujo Arconte", "Flujo Prime", "Flawed Flow" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarPowerMaxMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Flujo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Flujo", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX" } }, ["Flow Burn"] = { CodexSecret = false, Description = "+38% Speed and Boost Speed for 13s\r\nCooldown: 240s", Icon = "FlowBurn.png", Image = "FlowBurnMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/CrewShipAfterBurnersAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Flow Burn", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Flow Burn", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 3)" }, ["Sobrecarga de flujo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Status Chance fluctuates between +150% and +250% over 5s while the beam is fired.", Icon = "Sobrecarga de flujo.png", Image = "Sobrecarga de flujo.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/CorpusArena/FluxRifleCorpusArenaMod", Introduced = "19.5", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Sobrecarga de flujo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrecarga de flujo", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Flux Rifle" }, ["Enfoque de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Heavy Attack Efficiency\r\n+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad", Icon = "Enfoque de energía.png", Image = "Enfoque de energía.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/DualStat/FocusEnergyMod", Introduced = "9", Link = "Enfoque de energía", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Enfoque de energía", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_USAGE_EFFICIENCY", "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Enfoque de radón"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation\r\n+40% Heavy Attack Efficiency", Icon = "Enfoque de radón.png", Image = "Enfoque de radón.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/DualStat/RadiationEfficiencyMeleeMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Enfoque de radón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Enfoque de radón", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_USAGE_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Aceleración concentrada"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "When Aiming:\r\n+80% Projectile Speed", Icon = "Aceleración concentrada.png", Image = "Aceleración concentrada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/TetraFasterProjAiming", Introduced = "17.10", IsExilus = true, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Aceleración concentrada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aceleración concentrada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tetra", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED" } }, ["Defensa focalizada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+20 Parry Angle", Icon = "Defensa focalizada.png", Image = "Defensa focalizada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Channel/ChannelArmourMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", IsExilus = true, Link = "Defensa focalizada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Defensa focalizada", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PARRY_ANGLE" } }, ["Focused Prospectus"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Fires a beam of energy that deals 900 <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat Damage over 4.5s.", Icon = "FocusedProspectus.png", Image = "FocusedProspectusMod.png", Incompatible = { "Synergized Prospectus", "Aerial Prospectus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetMegaLaserPrecept", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Focused Prospectus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Focused Prospectus", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Seguimiento atravesado"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Respawn:\r\n+10 Energy", Icon = "Seguimiento atravesado.png", Image = "Seguimiento atravesado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/EnergyOnKill", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Seguimiento atravesado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Seguimiento atravesado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPAWN_ENERGY" } }, ["Acelerante fomoré"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Flak now bounces up to 4x and travels 60% faster.", Icon = "Acelerante fomoré.png", Image = "Acelerante fomoré.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/ProjectNightwatch/DrakgoonNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.1", IsExilus = true, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Acelerante fomoré", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Acelerante fomoré", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Drakgoon", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_BOUNCES", "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED", "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_ELASTICITY" } }, ["Form Up"] = { CodexSecret = false, Description = "Recall all Crew Members to the Railjack and Heal them for 75%\r\nCooldown: 240s", Icon = "FormUp.png", Image = "FormUpMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/CrewShipMassRecallAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Form Up", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Form Up", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 1)" }, ["Fortifying Fire"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "ON CRITICAL HIT: Replenish 3% of Shields", Icon = "FortifyingFire.png", Image = "FortifyingFireMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Engineering/LavanShieldOnCrit", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Fortifying Fire", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fortifying Fire", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, Fortaleza = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Chance to Resist Knockdown\r\n+100% Shield Recharge", Icon = "Fortaleza.png", Image = "Fortaleza.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/FortitudeMod", Introduced = "9", Link = "Fortaleza", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fortaleza", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_INJURY_BLOCK_CHANCE", "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Forward Artillery"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Forward Artillery Damage", Icon = "ForwardArtillery.png", Image = "ForwardArtilleryMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/ZektiSuperWeaponDamage", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Forward Artillery", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Forward Artillery", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Cuatro jinetes"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "CLAWS_STANCE_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fast strikes, powerful slams.", Icon = "Cuatro jinetes.png", Image = "Cuatro jinetes.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/ClawCmbThreeMeleeTree", Introduced = "16", Link = "Cuatro jinetes", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cuatro jinetes", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Garras" }, ["Aplastar fracturado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Crush Augment: Crush gains +50% casting speed. The armor of surviving enemies decreases by 75% and they are unable to move for 7s.", Icon = "Aplastar fracturado.png", Image = "Aplastar fracturado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Mag/CrushAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Aplastar fracturado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aplastar fracturado", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mag" }, ["Fracturing Wind"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "FIST_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fast, multi-hit strikes with powerful finishers.", Icon = "FracturingWind.png", Image = "FracturingWindMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/FistCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Fracturing Wind", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fracturing Wind", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Fists" }, ["Ímpetu frágil"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Fire Rate\r\n-15% Damage", Icon = "Ímpetu frágil.png", Image = "Ímpetu frágil.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/CorruptedFireRateDamageShotgun", Introduced = "15", Link = "Ímpetu frágil", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ímpetu frágil", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Fuerza de congelación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Freeze Augment: Hold to cast will grant all allies within 15m an additional 100% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold Damage to their attacks for 40s.", Icon = "Fuerza de congelación.png", Image = "Fuerza de congelación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Frost/IcicleAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Fuerza de congelación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fuerza de congelación", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Frost" }, ["Frenzied Posture"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The companion prefers to change its target after each attack. +80% Status Duration", Icon = "FrenziedPosture.png", Image = "FrenziedPostureMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/BeastWeapons/Stances/BeastSpreadAttacksStance", Introduced = "37", Link = "Frenzied Posture", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Frenzied Posture", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Explosión gélida"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Explosión gélida.png", Image = "Explosión gélida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/IceEventShotgunMod", Introduced = "14.5", Link = "Explosión gélida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Explosión gélida", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Frost Insulation"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Reduced damage from freeze attacks +%d DAMAGE RESISTANCE", Icon = "FrostInsulation.png", Image = "Frost_Insulation.png", Link = "Frost Insulation", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Frost Insulation", Polarity = "None", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Mandíbula congelante"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Mandíbula congelante.png", Image = "Mandíbula congelante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/DualStat/KubrowIceEventMeleeMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Mandíbula congelante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mandíbula congelante", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Congelación"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Congelación.png", Image = "Congelación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/IceEventPistolMod", Introduced = "14.5", Link = "Congelación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Congelación", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Capacidad completa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+30% Magazine Capacity\r\n-15% Reload Speed", Icon = "Capacidad completa.png", Image = "Capacidad completa.png", Incompatible = { "Cañón hidráulico", "Cargador suelto" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/LargerMagLongerReloadPistolMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Capacidad completa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Capacidad completa", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Contacto total"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Icon = "FullContact.png", Image = "Contacto total.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponEventShotgunImpactDamageMod", Introduced = "16.4", Link = "Contacto total", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Contacto total", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Fulminación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Improves the Blast Radius of weapons with Radial Attacks.\r\n+24% Blast Radius", Icon = "Fulminación.png", Image = "Fulminación.png", Incompatible = { "Fulminación Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/AmbulasEvent/SecondaryExplosionRadiusMod", Introduced = "20.4", Link = "Fulminación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fulminación", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola" }, ["Nube embudo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Tornado Augment: Creates 8 additional tornadoes. All tornadoes are 50% their original size and won't pick up enemies.", Icon = "Nube embudo.png", Image = "Nube embudo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Tengu/TornadoAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.3.3", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Nube embudo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Nube embudo", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Zephyr" }, ["Jabalina furiosa"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Radial Javelin Augment: Each enemy hit will increase Excalibur's Melee Damage by 15% for 16s.", Icon = "Jabalina furiosa.png", Image = "Jabalina furiosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/RadialJavelinAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Jabalina furiosa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Jabalina furiosa", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Excalibur" }, Furor = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+10% Attack Speed", Icon = "Furor.png", Image = "Furor.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingMeleeFireRateMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Furor", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Furor", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, Furia = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Attack Speed", Icon = "Furia.png", Image = "Furia.png", Incompatible = { "Furia Prime", "Flawed Fury", "Furia berserker" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponFireRateMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Furia", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Furia", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Reservas fusionadas"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reservoirs Augment: Adds a fourth reservoir that gives the effects of all three. Costs 200% more Energy.", Icon = "Reservas fusionadas.png", Image = "Reservas fusionadas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Wisp/WispReservoirAugmentCard", Introduced = "30.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Reservas fusionadas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reservas fusionadas", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wisp" }, ["Núcleo de fusión"] = { CodexSecret = false, Description = "Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.", Icon = "Núcleo de fusión.png", Image = "Núcleo de fusión.png", Introduced = "0", Link = "Núcleo de fusión", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Núcleo de fusión", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Core", Rarity = "Common\r\nUncommon\r\nRare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mod" }, ["Gaia's Tragedy"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "FIST_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Slow, powerful strikes.", Icon = "Gaia'sTragedy.png", Image = "Gaia'sTragedyMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/FistCmbThreeMeleeTree", Introduced = "17.5", Link = "Gaia's Tragedy", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Gaia's Tragedy", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Fists" }, ["Patada vendaval"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% of Melee Damage converted to <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact Damage on Jump Kick, knocking down nearby enemies on kill.", Icon = "Patada vendaval.png", Image = "Patada vendaval.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/WarframeMightyKickMod", Introduced = "25", IsExilus = true, Link = "Patada vendaval", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Patada vendaval", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_MELEE_DAMAGE_TO_JUMP_KICK" } }, ["Galeforce Dawn"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "HEAVY SCYTHE_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Wide slashes and heavy strikes", Icon = "GaleforceDawn.png", Image = "GaleforceDawnMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/HeavyScytheCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "31.5", Link = "Galeforce Dawn", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Galeforce Dawn", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Heavy Scythe" }, ["Aceleración Galvanizada"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+30% Projectile Speed/Beam Length\r\nOn Kill:\r\n+30% Projectile Speed/Beam Length for 10s. Stacks up to 2x.", Icon = "Aceleración Galvanizada.png", Image = "Aceleración Galvanizada.png", Incompatible = { "Aceleración fatal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponProjectileSpeedSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Aceleración Galvanizada", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Aceleración Galvanizada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED", "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Aptitud Galvanizada"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+80% Status Chance\r\nOn Kill:\r\n+40% Direct Damage per Status Type affecting the target for 20s. Stacks up to 2x.", Icon = "Aptitud Galvanizada.png", Image = "Aptitud Galvanizada.png", Incompatible = { "Aptitud de rifle" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponStatusChanceSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Aptitud Galvanizada", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Aptitud Galvanizada", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_IF_VICTIM_PROC_ACTIVE" } }, ["Cámara Galvanizada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+80% Multishot\r\nOn Kill:\r\n+30% Multishot for 20s. Stacks up to 5x.", Icon = "Cámara Galvanizada.png", Image = "Cámara Galvanizada.png", Incompatible = { "Cámara dividida", "Vuelos divididos" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFireIterationsSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Cámara Galvanizada", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Cámara Galvanizada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Punto de mira Galvanizado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+120% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s\r\nOn Headshot Kill:\r\n+40% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s. Stacks up to 5x.", Icon = "Punto de mira Galvanizado.png", Image = "Punto de mira Galvanizado.png", Incompatible = { "Mira hidráulica" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/CritChanceWhileAimingPistolSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Punto de mira Galvanizado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Punto de mira Galvanizado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Difusión Galvanizada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+110% Multishot\r\nOn Kill:\r\n+30% Multishot for 20s. Stacks up to 4x.", Icon = "Difusión Galvanizada.png", Image = "Difusión Galvanizada.png", Incompatible = { "Difusión de cañón", "Difusión de cañón Amalgama" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponFireIterationsSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Difusión Galvanizada", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Difusión Galvanizada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Elementalista galvanizado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+80% Status Damage\r\nOn Melee Kill:\r\n+30% Status Chance for 20s. Stacks up to 4x.", Icon = "Elementalista galvanizado.png", Image = "Elementalista galvanizado.png", Incompatible = { "Elementalista cuerpo a cuerpo" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponMeleeStatusChanceSPMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Elementalista galvanizado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Elementalista galvanizado", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Melee" }, ["Infierno Galvanizado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+110% Multishot\r\nOn Kill:\r\n+30% Multishot for 20s. Stacks up to 4x.", Icon = "Infierno Galvanizado.png", Image = "Infierno Galvanizado.png", Incompatible = { "Cámara infernal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponFireIterationsSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Infierno Galvanizado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Infierno Galvanizado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Reflejo galvanizado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+50% Heavy Attack Efficiency\r\nOn Melee Kill:\r\n+20 Initial Combo for 20s. Stacks up to 4x.", Icon = "Reflejo galvanizado.png", Image = "Reflejo galvanizado.png", Incompatible = { "Espiral de reflejo" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponHeavyAttackEfficiencySPMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Reflejo galvanizado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Reflejo galvanizado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Melee" }, ["Maestro Galvanizado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+80% Status Chance\r\nOn Kill:\r\n+40% Direct Damage per Status Type affecting the target for 20s. Stacks up to 2x.", Icon = "Maestro Galvanizado.png", Image = "Maestro Galvanizado.png", Incompatible = { "Maestro de la escopeta" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponStatusChanceSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Maestro Galvanizado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Maestro Galvanizado", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_IF_VICTIM_PROC_ACTIVE" } }, ["Mira Galvanizada"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+120% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s\r\nOn Headshot Kill:\r\n+40% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s. Stacks up to 5x.", Icon = "Mira Galvanizada.png", Image = "Mira Galvanizada.png", Incompatible = { "Mira de argón" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/CritChanceWhileAimingRifleSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Mira Galvanizada", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Mira Galvanizada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Disparo Galvanizado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+80% Status Chance\r\nOn Kill:\r\n+40% Direct Damage per Status Type affecting the target for 14s. Stacks up to 3x.", Icon = "Disparo Galvanizado.png", Image = "Disparo Galvanizado.png", Incompatible = { "Disparo certero" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponStatusChanceSPMod", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Disparo Galvanizado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Disparo Galvanizado", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_IF_VICTIM_PROC_ACTIVE" } }, ["Acero galvanizado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Galvanized", CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+110% Critical Chance (x2 for Heavy Attacks)\r\nOn Melee Kill:\r\n+30% Critical Damage for 20s. Stacks up to 4x.", Icon = "Acero galvanizado.png", Image = "Acero galvanizado.png", Incompatible = { "Acero verdadero", "Acero sacrificial", "Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama", "Acero verdadero dañado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponCritChanceSPMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Acero galvanizado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Acero galvanizado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Melee" }, Gastro = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Regurgitate Augment: Regurgitated enemies bounce up to 3 times, creating gas clouds that last 8s and inflict nearby enemies with <DT_GAS_COLOR> Gas Status Effect.", Icon = "Gastro.png", Image = "Gastro.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Devourer/DevourerRegurgitateAugmentCard", Introduced = "37", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Gastro", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Gastro", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Grendel" }, ["Gas con plomo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = false, Description = "On Weak Point Hit:\r\n +300 % de daño de <DT_GAS_COLOR>gas y probabilidad de estado por 6s.", Icon = "Gas con plomo icono.png", Image = "Gas con plomo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Nightwave/NightwaveLasSilencedPistolAugmentMod", Introduced = "38.0.8", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Gas con plomo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Gas con plomo", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vesper 77", }, ["Cruz géminis"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "TONFA_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "A style exhibiting sweeping slash attacks and swift jabs.", Icon = "Cruz géminis.png", Image = "Cruz géminis.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/TonfaCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "14.5", Link = "Cruz géminis", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cruz géminis", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tonfas" }, ["Fantasma (Mod)"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Cloaks owner when enemies are within 24m. The cloak is disrupted if owner attacks.", Icon = "Fantasma (Mod).png", Image = "Fantasma (Mod).png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Fantasma (Mod)", Introduced = "7", Link = "Fantasma (Mod)", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fantasma (Mod)", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Shade" }, ["Verdad dorada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+80% Fire Rate\r\n+1 'Truth'", Icon = "Verdad dorada.png", Image = "Verdad dorada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/BurstonPrimeMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Verdad dorada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Verdad dorada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Burston Prime", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Filo glacial"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Icon = "Filo glacial.png", Image = "Filo glacial.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingWeaponFreezeDamageMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Filo glacial", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Filo glacial", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Égida del gladiador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Armor", Icon = "Égida del gladiador.png", Image = "Égida del gladiador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Gladiator/WarframeGladiatorAegisMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Égida del gladiador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Égida del gladiador", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Gladiator Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Delicadeza del gladiador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Drains Energy to stop Lethal Damage with 60% Efficiency.", Icon = "Delicadeza del gladiador.png", Image = "Delicadeza del gladiador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Gladiator/WarframeGladiatorFinesseMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Delicadeza del gladiador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Delicadeza del gladiador", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Gladiator Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_POWER_TO_HEALTH_ON_DEATH" } }, ["Fuerza del gladiador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Critical Damage", Icon = "Fuerza del gladiador.png", Image = "Fuerza del gladiador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Gladiator/MeleeGladiatorMightMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Fuerza del gladiador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fuerza del gladiador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Gladiator Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Resolución del gladiador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Health", Icon = "Resolución del gladiador.png", Image = "Resolución del gladiador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Gladiator/WarframeGladiatorResolveMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Resolución del gladiador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Resolución del gladiador", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Gladiator Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Arremetida del gladiador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+6s Combo Duration", Icon = "Arremetida del gladiador.png", Image = "Arremetida del gladiador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Gladiator/MeleeGladiatorRushMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Arremetida del gladiador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Arremetida del gladiador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Gladiator Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS" } }, ["Vicio del gladiador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Attack Speed", Icon = "Vicio del gladiador.png", Image = "Vicio del gladiador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Gladiator/MeleeGladiatorViceMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Vicio del gladiador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vicio del gladiador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Gladiator Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Plaga reluciente"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Status Chance\r\n+1 'Blight'", Icon = "Plaga reluciente.png", Image = "Plaga reluciente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/DarkDaggerMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Plaga reluciente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Plaga reluciente", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dark Dagger", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Garra reluciente"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "GLAIVES_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fast arcing strikes.", Icon = "Garra reluciente.png", Image = "Garra reluciente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/GlaiveCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Garra reluciente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Garra reluciente", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Glaives" }, ["Rechinar del Payara"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_DAGGERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Lunging punctures with impaling spirals.", Icon = "Rechinar del Payara.png", Image = "Rechinar del Payara.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DualDaggerCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Rechinar del Payara", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Rechinar del Payara", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Dual Daggers" }, ["Frenesí de Gorgon"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+30% Fire Rate for 3s", Icon = "Frenesí de Gorgon.png", Image = "Frenesí de Gorgon.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/FasterRoFonKillGorgonMod", Introduced = "17.8", Link = "Frenesí de Gorgon", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Frenesí de Gorgon", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gorgon", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Goloso"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Feast Augment: Instead of Energy, consumes 200 Health on cast. Glutton grants an additional 150 Armor per enemy.", Image = "Goloso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Devourer/DevourerDevourAugmentCard", Introduced = "31.1", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Goloso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Goloso", Icon = "Goloso.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Grendel" }, ["Granum's Nemesis"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.27 Turret Damage vs Corpus", Icon = "Granum'sNemesis.png", Image = "Granum'sNemesisMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/VidarCorpusKiller", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Granum's Nemesis", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Granum's Nemesis", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Tirón codicioso"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Pull Augment: Adds 100% chance to pull pickups towards Mag.", Icon = "Tirón codicioso.png", Image = "Tirón codicioso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Mag/PullAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Tirón codicioso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tirón codicioso", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mag" }, ["Furia macabra"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SPARRING_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Lightning fast hit chains and hard-hitting combos.", Icon = "Furia macabra.png", Image = "Furia macabra.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/PunchKickCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Furia macabra", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Furia macabra", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Puños y pies" }, Grinlokeado = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+60% de precisión when Aiming", Icon = "Grinlokeado.png", Image = "Grinlokeado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/MoreAccuracyOnHitGrinlokMod", Introduced = "17.8", Link = "Grinlokeado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Grinlokeado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Grinlok", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Poder ascendente"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Status Effect with Weapon: Squad increases personal Ability Strength by 25% for 6s.", Icon = "Poder ascendente.png", Image = "Poder ascendente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/FairyQuest/FairyQuestCritToAbilityAuraMod", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", Link = "Poder ascendente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Poder ascendente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Guardián"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Boosts owner's shield by 100% when it runs out.", Icon = "Guardián.png", Image = "Guardián.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Guardian", Introduced = "7", Link = "Guardián", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Guardián", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Robótico" }, ["Armadura de guardián"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Vex Armor Augment: Chroma's Health takes 50% of damage dealt to allies within Affinity Range. Squad kills restore 5% of his Health over 3s and increases Vex Armor duration by 1s.", Image = "Armadura de guardián.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Dragon/DragonScalesAugmentTwoCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Armadura de guardián", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Armadura de guardián", Icon = "Armadura de guardián.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Chroma" }, ["Provocación del guardián"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Blocking taunts enemies within 15 meters to target you instead of allies.\r\n+30% Combo Count Chance while Blocking", Icon = "Provocación del guardián.png", Image = "Provocación del guardián.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponBlockingTauntMod", Introduced = "19.2", IsExilus = true, Link = "Provocación del guardián", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Provocación del guardián", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Melee" }, ["Efigie guiada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Effigy Augment: Cast and hold to make Effigy move to your aim point. Deals 4000 Damage/s and restores 5 Energy for each enemy in its path. Roars on arrival, stunning nearby enemies.", Icon = "Efigie guiada.png", Image = "Efigie guiada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Dragon/DragonPeltAugmentCard", Introduced = "20.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Efigie guiada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Efigie guiada", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Chroma" }, ["Ordenanza guiada"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Hit:\r\n+30% Accuracy when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Ordenanza guiada.png", Image = "Ordenanza guiada.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/AccuracyWhileAimingRifleMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", IsExilus = true, Link = "Ordenanza guiada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ordenanza guiada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Planeo de arma"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-20% Weapon Recoil and +20% Accuracy when Sliding", Icon = "Planeo de arma.png", Image = "Planeo de arma.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/MoreAccuracyLessRecoilSlidingMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Planeo de arma", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Planeo de arma", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RECOIL", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, Pistolero = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+72% Fire Rate", Icon = "Pistolero.png", Image = "Pistolero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponFireRateMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Pistolero", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Pistolero", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Salón de la malevolencia"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Hall of Mirrors Augment: The damage of your doppelgangers is increased by 5% every time you kill an enemy.", Icon = "Salón de la malevolencia.png", Image = "Salón de la malevolencia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Harlequin/IllusionAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Salón de la malevolencia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Salón de la malevolencia", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mirage" }, ["Erupción sagrada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Hallowed Ground Augment: Reactivate to deal all Remaining Damage and <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation Status. Passive: +100% Hallowed Ground Duration.", Icon = "Erupción sagrada.png", Image = "Erupción sagrada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Paladin/StairwayToHeavenAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Erupción sagrada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Erupción sagrada", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oberon" }, ["Juicio sagrado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reckoning Augment: Reckoning gains +40% range. A 3m radius around each affected enemy grants bonus armor to allies and deals 300 damage per second to enemies.", Icon = "Juicio sagrado.png", Image = "Juicio sagrado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Paladin/ReckoningAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.8", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Juicio sagrado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Juicio sagrado", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oberon" }, ["Disparo martillo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Critical Damage\r\n+80% Status Chance", Icon = "Disparo martillo.png", Image = "Disparo martillo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/HammerShotMod", Introduced = "9", Link = "Disparo martillo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Disparo martillo", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, Voltereta = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+160% Faster Knockdown Recovery", Icon = "Voltereta.png", Image = "Voltereta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarKnockdownRecoveryMod", Introduced = "7.10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Voltereta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Voltereta", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Combate duro"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Engages enemies within 10m with melee attacks, dealing 90 <DT_IMPACT_COLOR> Impact Damage. Melee attacks are enhanced by Mods equipped in the Moa's weapon.", Icon = "Combate duro.png", Image = "Combate duro.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Moa/MoaMeleeMod", Introduced = "28", Link = "Combate duro", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Combate duro", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "MOA" }, ["Reinicio completo"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Mercy Kills reduce Companion Recovery by 15s", Icon = "Reinicio completo.png", Image = "Reinicio completo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionReviveCompanionMod", Introduced = "30.5", Link = "Reinicio completo", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Reinicio completo", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Mira Harkonar"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+12s Combo Duration when Aiming", Icon = "Mira Harkonar.png", Image = "Mira Harkonar.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/ProjectNightwatch/VulkarNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.10", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Mira Harkonar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mira Harkonar", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SNIPER_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS" } }, ["Desviación apresurada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Shield Recharge\r\n-45% Shield Recharge Delay", Icon = "Desviación apresurada.png", Image = "Desviación apresurada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowShieldRechargeRateMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Desviación apresurada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desviación apresurada", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Beast", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Pasos apresurados"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Sprint Speed\r\n-20% Shield Capacity", Icon = "Pasos apresurados.png", Image = "Pasos apresurados.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/FasterSprintLessShield", Introduced = "17", Link = "Pasos apresurados", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pasos apresurados", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED", "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Hata-Satya"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Each hit increases Critical Chance by 1.2%. Resets upon reloading or holstering.", Icon = "Hata-Satya.png", Image = "Hata-Satya.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/SomaCritChanceOnHitMod", Introduced = "29", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Hata-Satya", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Hata-Satya", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Soma Prime" }, ["Ojo de halcón"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+80% Zoom", Icon = "Ojo de halcón.png", Image = "Ojo de halcón.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPistolZoomFovMod", Introduced = "8", IsExilus = true, Link = "Ojo de halcón", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ojo de halcón", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_ZOOM" } }, ["Llama sanadora"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fire Blast Augment: Each enemy hit heals Ember by 25 to 50 depending on current Immolation level.", Icon = "Llama sanadora.png", Image = "Llama sanadora.png", Incompatible = { "Llamas purificadoras" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ember/FireBlastAugmentCard", Introduced = "26", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Llama sanadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Llama sanadora", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ember" }, ["Regreso curativo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Restores 11 Health per Status Type affecting the target", Icon = "Regreso curativo.png", Image = "Regreso curativo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponHealOnHitEnemyWithProc", Introduced = "19.2", Link = "Regreso curativo", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Regreso curativo", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_HEALTH_ON_HIT_ENEMY_WITH_PROC" } }, ["Conversión de salud"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Health Orbs grant 450 Armor, stacking up to 3x. Taking damage will consume a stack after 3s.", Icon = "Conversión de salud.png", Image = "Conversión de salud.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/HealthPickupGivesArmourMod", Introduced = "18.5", Link = "Conversión de salud", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Conversión de salud", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, Buscacorazones = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Lock onto targets within 1m, but reduces blocking effectiveness.\r\n-50% Damage Block", Icon = "Buscacorazones.png", Image = "Buscacorazones.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/DaggerMeleeAutoTargetBonus", Introduced = "17.3", Link = "Buscacorazones", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Buscacorazones", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Daggers", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_AUTOTARGET_RANGE_BONUS", "WEAPON_MELEE_AUTOTARGET_SPEED_BONUS", "WEAPON_MELEE_AUTOTARGET_MAXIMUM_ANGLE", "WEAPON_PARRY_EFFECTIVENESS" } }, ["Nutrición abundante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Nourish Augment: Clear Status Effects and gain 5s of Status Immunity for each victim in Grendel's stomach.", Icon = "Nutrición abundante.png", Image = "Nutrición abundante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Devourer/DevourerConsumeAugmentCard", Introduced = "30.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Nutrición abundante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Nutrición abundante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Grendel" }, ["Carga incendiaria"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "Carga incendiaria.png", Image = "Carga incendiaria.png", Incompatible = { "Carga incendiaria Prime", "Flawed Heated Charge" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponFireDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Carga incendiaria", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Carga incendiaria", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Calibre pesado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+165% Damage\r\n-55% Accuracy", Icon = "Calibre pesado.png", Image = "Calibre pesado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/CorruptedDamageRecoilRifle", Introduced = "10.3", Link = "Calibre pesado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Calibre pesado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Impacto pesado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Create 6m seismic shockwaves from heavy landings, dealing 300 Damage and knocking foes off their feet.", Icon = "Impacto pesado.png", Image = "Impacto pesado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarFallingImpactMod", Introduced = "9", IsExilus = true, Link = "Impacto pesado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Impacto pesado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_FALL_IMPACT_RADIUS", "AVATAR_FALL_IMPACT_AMOUNT" } }, ["Trauma pesado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Icon = "HeavyTrauma.png", Image = "Trauma pesado.png", Incompatible = { "Trauma pesado Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Beginner/WeaponImpactDamageModBeginner", Introduced = "11", Link = "Trauma pesado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Trauma pesado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Ojiva pesada"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "PROJECTILE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "+100% Blast Radius\r\n-50% Projectile Speed", Icon = "Ojiva pesada.png", Image = "Ojiva pesada.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "DEPLOYABLE", "SECONDARYSHOTGUN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/BiggerRadiusSlowerVelocityPistolMod", Introduced = "18", Link = "Ojiva pesada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ojiva pesada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_EXPLOSION_RADIUS", "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED" } }, ["Reflejos intensificados"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Casting Speed\r\n-20% Ability Efficiency", Icon = "Reflejos intensificados.png", Image = "Reflejos intensificados.png", Incompatible = { "Adrenaline Boost" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/FasterCastingHigherEnergyCostMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Reflejos intensificados", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reflejos intensificados", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_CASTING_SPEED", "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Cámara infernal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% Multishot", Icon = "Cámara infernal.png", Image = "Cámara infernal.png", Incompatible = { "Infierno Galvanizado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponFireIterationsMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Cámara infernal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cámara infernal", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Fuego infernal"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "Fuego infernal.png", Image = "Fuego infernal.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Hellfire" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFireDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Fuego infernal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fuego infernal", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, Hemorrhage = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = " <DT_IMPACT_COLOR> Impact Status Effects have 35% chance to apply a <DT_SLASH_COLOR> Slash Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5)", Icon = "Hemorrhage.png", Image = "HemorrhageMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponBleedOnImpactPistolMod", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Hemorrhage", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Hemorrhage", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola" }, ["Sierra Higasa"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Alternate Fire applies a random Status Effect to enemies hit.\r\n+450% Damage", Icon = "Sierra Higasa.png", Image = "Sierra Higasa.png", Incompatible = { "Sierra", "Flawed Serration", "Sierra Amalgama", "Sierra espectral" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/Gunbrella/ShrineMaidenGunbrellaAugment", Introduced = "37", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Sierra Higasa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sierra Higasa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Higasa" }, ["High Noon"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "GUNBLADE_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Bullets spray between wicked slash attacks.", Icon = "HighNoon.png", Image = "HighNoonMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/GunbladeCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "15.5", Link = "High Noon", MaxRank = 3, Name = "High Noon", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Gunblade" }, ["Alto voltaje"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Alto voltaje.png", Image = "Alto voltaje.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/ElectEventRifleMod", Introduced = "12.4", Link = "Alto voltaje", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Alto voltaje", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Pega y corre"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Parkour Speed after a Mercy for 15s", Icon = "Pega y corre.png", Image = "Pega y corre.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionParkourSpeedMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Pega y corre", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Pega y corre", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Punta hueca"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Critical Damage\r\n-15% Damage", Icon = "Punta hueca.png", Image = "Punta hueca.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/CorruptedCritDamagePistol", Introduced = "10.3", Link = "Punta hueca", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Punta hueca", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Balas de punta hueca"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+80% Critical Damage", Icon = "Balas de punta hueca.png", Image = "Balas de punta hueca.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleCritDamageMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Balas de punta hueca", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Balas de punta hueca", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Amplificador de enfundado"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Equip:\r\nSquad gains 60% Weapon Damage for 3s", Icon = "Amplificador de enfundado.png", Image = "Amplificador de enfundado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerHolsterSpeedAuraMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Amplificador de enfundado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Amplificador de enfundado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Colmillo preciso"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DAGGERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fast strikes, many hits.", Icon = "Colmillo preciso.png", Image = "Colmillo preciso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DaggerCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Colmillo preciso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Colmillo preciso", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Daggers" }, ["Golpe de avispa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+220% Damage", Icon = "Golpe de avispa.png", Image = "Golpe de avispa.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Hornet Strike" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponDamageAmountMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Golpe de avispa", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Golpe de avispa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, Aullido = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "The kubrow cries out with a blood-curdling howl that strikes fear into 15 enemies within 24m for 16s.", Icon = "Aullido.png", Image = "Aullido.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowFearPrecept", Introduced = "14", Link = "Aullido", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aullido", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Raksa Kubrow" }, Cazar = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "The kubrow charges at a target, dragging them and dealing 120% damage to all in its path.", Icon = "Cazar.png", Image = "Cazar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowChargePrecept", Introduced = "14", Link = "Cazar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cazar", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Huras Kubrow" }, ["Adrenalina del cazador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Convert +45% of Damage on Health to Energy", Icon = "Adrenalina del cazador.png", Image = "Adrenalina del cazador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hunter/WarframeHunterAdrenalineMod", Introduced = "22.3", Link = "Adrenalina del cazador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Adrenalina del cazador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Hunter Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_POWER_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Orden del cazador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Applying a <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash Status to an enemy causes the Companion to attack them for 6s.", Icon = "Orden del cazador.png", Image = "Orden del cazador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hunter/CompanionHunterCommandMod", Introduced = "22.3", Link = "Orden del cazador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Orden del cazador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Hunter Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Beast" }, ["Municiones del cazador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% chance to apply <DT_SLASH_COLOR> on Critical", Icon = "Municiones del cazador.png", Image = "Municiones del cazador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hunter/PrimaryHunterMunitionsMod", Introduced = "22.3", Link = "Municiones del cazador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Municiones del cazador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Hunter Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Primaria", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SLASH_PROC_ON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Recuperación del cazador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Companion Lifesteal-Link", Icon = "Recuperación del cazador.png", Image = "Recuperación del cazador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hunter/CompanionHunterRecoveryMod", Introduced = "22.3", Link = "Recuperación del cazador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Recuperación del cazador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Hunter Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Beast", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_PACK_LEADER_REVERSE" } }, ["Sinergia del cazador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Primary Weapon Critical Chance added to Companion", Icon = "Sinergia del cazador.png", Image = "Sinergia del cazador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hunter/CompanionHunterSynergyMod", Introduced = "22.3", Link = "Sinergia del cazador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sinergia del cazador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Hunter Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_CRIT_LINK" } }, ["Rastreo del cazador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Status Duration", Icon = "Rastreo del cazador.png", Image = "Rastreo del cazador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Hunter/PrimaryHunterTrackMod", Introduced = "22.3", Link = "Rastreo del cazador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rastreo del cazador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Hunter Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Primaria", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_TIME" } }, ["Sierrahueso del cazador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Increase Finisher Damage by 120% against prone enemies.", Icon = "Sierrahueso del cazador.png", Image = "Sierrahueso del cazador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/ProjectNightwatch/RipkasNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.10", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Sierrahueso del cazador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sierrahueso del cazador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ripkas", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_PROC_AMOUNT" } }, Hush = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reduces the chance an enemy will hear gunfire by 100%.", Icon = "Hush.png", Image = "HushMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponNoiseReductionMod", Introduced = "10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Hush", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Hush", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_NOISE_REDUCTION" } }, ["Invisibilidad silenciosa"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Invisibility Augment: Weapon noise is reduced by 100% while invisible.", Icon = "Invisibilidad silenciosa.png", Image = "Invisibilidad silenciosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Loki/InvisibilityAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Invisibilidad silenciosa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Invisibilidad silenciosa", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Loki" }, ["Cañón hidráulico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-40% Weapon Recoil\r\n-20% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Cañón hidráulico.png", Image = "Cañón hidráulico.png", Incompatible = { "Capacidad completa", "Cargador suelto" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/LessRecoilSmallerMagPistolMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Cañón hidráulico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cañón hidráulico", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RECOIL", "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Cámara hidráulica"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-60% Weapon Recoil\r\n-10% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Cámara hidráulica.png", Image = "Cámara hidráulica.png", Incompatible = { "Capacidad cargada", "Cámara suelta" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/LessRecoilSmallerMagShotgunMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Cámara hidráulica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cámara hidráulica", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RECOIL", "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Mira hidráulica"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+135% Critical Chance when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Mira hidráulica.png", Image = "Mira hidráulica.png", Incompatible = { "Punto de mira Galvanizado" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/CritChanceWhileAimingPistolMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Mira hidráulica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mira hidráulica", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Calibre hidráulico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-60% Weapon Recoil\r\n-10% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Calibre hidráulico.png", Image = "Calibre hidráulico.png", Incompatible = { "Doble disparo", "Escotilla suelta", "Capacidad máxima", "Munición de precisión" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/LessRecoilSmallerMagRifleMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Calibre hidráulico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Calibre hidráulico", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RECOIL", "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Hyperion Thrusters"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+27.5% Flight Speed", Icon = "HyperionThrusters.png", Image = "HyperionThrustersMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitSprintSpeedMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Hyperion Thrusters", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Hyperion Thrusters", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, Hyperstrike = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+75% Turret Damage", Icon = "Hyperstrike.png", Image = "HyperstrikeMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/VidarGunnerWeaponDamage", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Hyperstrike", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Hyperstrike", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Cartucho hipotérmico"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Cartucho hipotérmico.png", Image = "Cartucho hipotérmico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingEventColdStatusRifleMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Cartucho hipotérmico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cartucho hipotérmico", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, Hysteria = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Stance: Valkyr is imbued with energy and becomes a ball of vicious rage, capable of unleashing a torrent of deadly claw attacks on unsuspecting foes.", Icon = "Hysteria.png", Image = "HysteriaStanceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/BerserkerMeleeTree", Introduced = "23", Link = "Hysteria (Stance)", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hysteria", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Valkyr Talons" }, ["Asalto Histérico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Hysteria Augment: Aim and then attack to leap onto enemies up to 50m away.", Icon = "Asalto Histérico.png", Image = "Asalto Histérico.png", Incompatible = { "Enfurecida" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Berserker/LastStandAugmentCard", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Asalto Histérico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Asalto Histérico", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Valkyr" }, ["Fijación histérica"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Hysteria Augment: While Hysteria is active, each kill restores 20% Maximum Shields.", Icon = "Fijación histérica.png", Image = "Fijación histérica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Berserker/LastStandPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Fijación histérica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fijación histérica", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Iatric Mycelium"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Release a trail of spores every 8s that heal the companion and its allies for 300 health over 5s.", Icon = "IatricMycelium.png", Image = "IatricMyceliumMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedPredatorHealingSporesPrecept", Introduced = "29", Link = "Iatric Mycelium", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Iatric Mycelium", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vizier Predasite" }, ["Resorte helado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+24.2% to Bullet Jump\r\n+24.2% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration\r\n+275% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold on Bullet Jump", Icon = "Resorte helado.png", Image = "Resorte helado.png", Incompatible = { "Movilización", "Patadón", "Batería de maniobras", "Paso perforante", "Giro desgarrador", "Caminante de fuego", "Carrera relámpago", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/IceParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Resorte helado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Resorte helado", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Tormenta de hielo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Magazine Capacity\r\n+40% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Icon = "Tormenta de hielo.png", Image = "Tormenta de hielo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/IceStormMod", Introduced = "9", Link = "Tormenta de hielo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta de hielo", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Impedancia de onda de hielo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Ice Wave Augment: Leaves a frozen trail for 12s that slows down enemies that come into contact with it.", Icon = "Impedancia de onda de hielo.png", Image = "Impedancia de onda de hielo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Frost/IceSpikeAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Impedancia de onda de hielo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Impedancia de onda de hielo", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Frost" }, ["Avalancha glacial"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Avalanche Augment: Coat allies with ice that grants Overguard and absorbs 60 Damage per enemy hit.", Icon = "Avalancha glacial.png", Image = "Avalancha glacial.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Frost/AvalancheAugmentCard", Introduced = "19.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Avalancha glacial", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Avalancha glacial", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Frost" }, ["Resplandor inmolado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Immolation Augment: Allies within Affinity range will receive 50% of Immolation's Damage Reduction.", Icon = "Resplandor inmolado.png", Image = "Resplandor inmolado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ember/FireSkinAugmentCard", Introduced = "26", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Resplandor inmolado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Resplandor inmolado", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ember" }, ["Immunity Resistance"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+50% Status Damage", Icon = "ImmunityResistance.png", Image = "ImmunityResistanceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastWeakenedImmunityMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Immunity Resistance", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Immunity Resistance", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Municiones empaladoras"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Municiones empaladoras.png", Image = "Municiones empaladoras.png", Incompatible = { "Municiones meteóricas", "Municiones rasuradoras" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/DamageBiasPuncturePistolMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Municiones empaladoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Municiones empaladoras", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Ofensiva impenetrable"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+30% Damage Block\r\n-10% Melee Damage", Icon = "Ofensiva impenetrable.png", Image = "Ofensiva impenetrable.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/BlockMoreAttackSlowerMeleeMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Ofensiva impenetrable", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ofensiva impenetrable", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PARRY_DAMAGE_BLOCKED", "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Capa incendiaria"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "Capa incendiaria.png", Image = "Capa incendiaria.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Incendiary Coat" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponFireDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Capa incendiaria", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Capa incendiaria", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Matriz indomable"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-12% Breach Chance\r\n+15% Shield Regen during Breach\r\n+30% Armor when below 36% Hull", Icon = "Matriz indomable.png", Image = "Matriz indomable.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Piloting/ZektiSiegeMatrixAura", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Matriz indomable", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Matriz indomable", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack Aura" }, ["Amortiguadores de inercia"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+4 Point Multiplier to Trick Score", Icon = "Amortiguadores de inercia.png", Image = "Amortiguadores de inercia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBPointsMultiplierMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Amortiguadores de inercia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Amortiguadores de inercia", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_SCORE_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Cargador infectado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin", Icon = "Cargador infectado.png", Image = "Cargador infectado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponToxinDamageMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Cargador infectado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador infectado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Mordida infecciosa"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "An attack that deals +200% Finisher Damage and infects the target with a Virus that grows 4 volatile pustules that react to damage and explode.", Icon = "Mordida infecciosa.png", Image = "Mordida infecciosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedPredatorInfectiousBitePrecept", Introduced = "29", Link = "Mordida infecciosa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mordida infecciosa", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Medjay Predasite" }, ["Inyección infecciosa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_POISON_COLOR>toxina\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Inyección infecciosa.png", Image = "Inyección infecciosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingEventToxinStatusMeleeMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Inyección infecciosa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Inyección infecciosa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Impedancia infestada"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enemy Infested lose -18% Speed", Icon = "Impedancia infestada.png", Image = "Impedancia infestada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/InfestationSpeedReductionAuraMod", Introduced = "8", Link = "Impedancia infestada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Impedancia infestada", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, Infiltrar = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Prowl Augment: Ivara is able to bypass laser barriers and gains 25% Movement Speed.", Icon = "Infiltrar.png", Image = "Infiltrar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ranger/RangerStealAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.14", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Infiltrar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Infiltrar", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ivara" }, Insaciable = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Ravenous Augment: Nidus has a chance for additional Mutation stacks while in the infestation. The base 60% chance increases with power strength, and multiple stacks are possible above 100%.", Icon = "Insaciable.png", Image = "Insaciable.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Infestation/InfestPodsAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.0.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Insaciable", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Insaciable", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nidus" }, Aislamiento = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío Resistance", Icon = "Aislamiento.png", Image = "Aislamiento.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageResistanceIce", Introduced = "8", Link = "Aislamiento", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aislamiento", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Intensificación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Ability Strength", Icon = "Intensificación.png", Image = "Intensificación.png", Incompatible = { "Intensificación Arconte", "Intensificación Umbral", "Flawed Intensify", "Intensificación de precisión" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarAbilityStrengthMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Intensificación", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Intensificación", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Internal Bleeding"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = " <DT_IMPACT_COLOR> Impact Status Effects have 35% chance to apply a <DT_SLASH_COLOR> Slash Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5)", Icon = "InternalBleeding.png", Image = "InternalBleedingMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponBleedOnImpactProcRifleMod", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Internal Bleeding", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Internal Bleeding", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Defensa intrépida"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Final Stand Augment: Each javelin that damages an enemy grants 60 Overguard to Styanax and 30 Overguard to his allies within Affinity Range.", Icon = "Defensa intrépida.png", Image = "Defensa intrépida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Hoplite/HopliteArmyAugmentCard", Introduced = "33.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = false, Link = "Defensa intrépida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Defensa intrépida", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Styanax" }, Intruso = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+8s to Hacking", Icon = "Intruso.png", Image = "Intruso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarTimeLimitIncreaseMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Intruso", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Intruso", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_TIME_LIMIT_INCREASE" } }, ["Intruder Stasis"] = { CodexSecret = false, Description = "Freeze all Enemy Boarding Parties for 35s\r\nCooldown: 300s", Icon = "IntruderStasis.png", Image = "IntruderStasisMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/CrewShipStasisAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Intruder Stasis", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Intruder Stasis", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 1)" }, Investigador = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Helios Sentinel will scan objects and enemies within 50m over 2s. This consumes codex scanner charges.", Icon = "Investigador.png", Image = "Investigador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/CodexScannerPrecept", Introduced = "12.5", Link = "Investigador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Investigador", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Helios" }, ["Quemadura iónica"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+45% Boost Speed", Icon = "Quemadura iónica.png", Image = "Quemadura iónica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Piloting/ZektiBoostSpeed", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Quemadura iónica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Quemadura iónica", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Infusión de ión"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Infusión de ión.png", Image = "Infusión de ión.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingEventElectricStatusMeleeMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Infusión de ión", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Infusión de ión", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Fénix de hierro"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SWORDS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fast cutting attacks with puncture finish.", Icon = "Fénix de hierro.png", Image = "Fénix de hierro.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/IronPhoenixMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Fénix de hierro", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fénix de hierro", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Espadas" }, ["Metralla de hierro"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Iron Skin Augment: Recasting Iron Skin will cause it to detonate, dealing 100% of its remaining Health as <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture Damage, and knocking down enemies.", Icon = "Metralla de hierro.png", Image = "Metralla de hierro.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Rhino/IronSkinAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Metralla de hierro", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Metralla de hierro", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rhino" }, ["Iron Vault"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Iron Jab Augment: Aiming Iron Jab at the ground launches Wukong into the air. Executing a slam attack increases range by 15m and applies 300% extra damage.", Icon = "IronVault.png", Image = "IronVaultMod.png", Introduced = "18.14", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Iron Vault", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Iron Vault", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wukong", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Embestida férrea"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Rhino Charge Augment: Each enemy hit increases Rhino's Armor Rating by 50% for 10s.", Icon = "Embestida férrea.png", Image = "Embestida férrea.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Rhino/RhinoChargeAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Embestida férrea", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Embestida férrea", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rhino" }, ["Vuelo férreo"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Disable vacuum in Razorwing. Reduced Damage by 40% while Airborne.", Icon = "Vuelo férreo.png", Image = "Vuelo férreo.png", Incompatible = { "Aviador" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Fairy/FairyDisablePassiveMod", Introduced = "27.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Vuelo férreo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Vuelo férreo", Polarity = "Ability", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Titania", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN", "AVATAR_ABILITY_AUGMENT" } }, ["Matriz blindada"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+22.5% Hull and Armor\r\n+25.5% Max Shields and Shield Regen", Icon = "Matriz blindada.png", Image = "Matriz blindada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Engineering/VidarDefensiveMatrix", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Matriz blindada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Matriz blindada", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack Aura" }, ["Desarme irradiante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Radial Disarm Augment: Enemies will be affected by <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation for 9s.", Icon = "Desarme irradiante.png", Image = "Desarme irradiante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Loki/DisarmAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Desarme irradiante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Desarme irradiante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Loki" }, ["Filo dentado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_SLASH_COLOR>cortante", Icon = "Filo dentado.png", Image = "Filo dentado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Filo dentado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Filo dentado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, Jahu = { Class = "Requiem", CodexSecret = false, Description = "Corporeal laws are unwrit\r\nAs suns and love retreat", Icon = "Jahu.png", Image = "JahuMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Immortal/ImmortalThreeMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Jahu", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Jahu", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Jahu Canticle"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Killing enemies reduces the Armor and Shields of other enemies within Affinity Range by 5%.", Icon = "JahuCanticle.png", Image = "JahuCanticleMod.png", Incompatible = { "Fass Canticle", "Khra Canticle", "Lohk Canticle" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Grimoire/JahuAuraMod", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Jahu Canticle", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Jahu Canticle", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tomo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "AVATAR_ARMOUR", "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Corriente en chorro"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Turbulence Augment: Turbulence increases Movement Speed by 40% and Projectile Speed by 100% for Zephyr and her allies.", Icon = "Corriente en chorro.png", Image = "Corriente en chorro.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Tengu/TurbulenceAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Corriente en chorro", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Corriente en chorro", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Zephyr" }, Sacudida = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Sacudida.png", Image = "Sacudida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/ElectEventPistolMod", Introduced = "12.4", Link = "Sacudida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sacudida", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Púas de Jugulus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Púas de Jugulus icono.png", Image = "Púas de Jugulus.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boneblade/BonebladeBarbsMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Púas de Jugulus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Púas de Jugulus", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Jugulus Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Caparazón de Jugulus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+55% Armor\r\n+20% Health", Icon = "Caparazón de Jugulus icono.png", Image = "Caparazón de Jugulus.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boneblade/BonebladeCarapaceMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Caparazón de Jugulus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Caparazón de Jugulus", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Jugulus Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR", "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Espinas de Jugulus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Espinas de Jugulus icono.png", Image = "Espinas de Jugulus.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Boneblade/BonebladeSpinesMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Espinas de Jugulus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Espinas de Jugulus", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Jugulus Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, Juice = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Executing tricks charges Energy: 55 Energy per 100 Trick Points.", Icon = "Juice.png", Image = "JuiceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBEnergyTricksMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Juice", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Juice", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, ["Hojas de justicia"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Melee Damage\r\n+1 'Justice'", Icon = "Hojas de justicia.png", Image = "Hojas de justicia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/DualCleaversMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Hojas de justicia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hojas de justicia", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dual Cleavers", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Gracia del kavat"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Falling is 100% less likely to result in a hard landing.", Icon = "Gracia del kavat.png", Image = "Gracia del kavat.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/WarframeCatMod", Introduced = "25", IsExilus = true, Link = "Gracia del kavat", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Gracia del kavat", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEAVY_LAND_SPEED" } }, Khra = { Class = "Requiem", CodexSecret = false, Description = "To cosmic forms from tangent planes\r\nWe end as we began", Icon = "Khra.png", Image = "KhraMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Immortal/ImmortalEightMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Khra", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Khra", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Khra Canticle"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enemies have a 12% chance to drop a Universal Orb on death.", Icon = "KhraCanticle.png", Image = "KhraCanticleMod.png", Incompatible = { "Fass Canticle", "Jahu Canticle", "Lohk Canticle" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Grimoire/KhraAuraMod", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Khra Canticle", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Khra Canticle", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tomo", }, ["Interruptor de matanza"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+50% Reload Speed for 3s", Icon = "Interruptor de matanza.png", Image = "Interruptor de matanza.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/FasterReloadOnKillShotgunMod", Introduced = "17.8", Link = "Interruptor de matanza", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Interruptor de matanza", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Golpe mortal"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% Melee Damage On Heavy Attack\r\n+60% Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed", Icon = "Golpe mortal.png", Image = "Golpe mortal.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeHeavyDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Golpe mortal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Golpe mortal", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_MELEE_HEAVY_CHARGE_SPEED" } }, ["Choque cinético"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Speed Augment: Running into an opponent increases the duration of Speed by 4s.", Icon = "Choque cinético.png", Image = "Choque cinético.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Volt/SpeedPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Choque cinético", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Choque cinético", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Volt" }, ["Kinetic Diversion"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Convert +40% of Damage on Health to Energy", Icon = "KineticDiversion.png", Image = "KineticDiversionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingDamageToEnergyMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Kinetic Diversion", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Kinetic Diversion", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_POWER_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Kinetic Friction"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Grinding builds up a charge that is released when landing the trick, dealing 400 <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage to enemies within 4m.", Icon = "KineticFriction.png", Image = "KineticFrictionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBGrindStaticMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Kinetic Friction", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Kinetic Friction", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, ["Rebote cinético"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shots now bounce up to 6x and travel 30% further.", Icon = "Rebote cinético.png", Image = "Rebote cinético.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/CorpusArena/TetraCorpusArenaMod", Introduced = "The Index Preview", IsExilus = true, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Rebote cinético", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rebote cinético", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tetra", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_BOUNCES", "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Estallido de larva"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Larva Augment: Reactivate Larva to detonate and deal 600 <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin damage in a 8m radius. This damage stacks for every enemy grabbed by the Larva.", Icon = "Estallido de larva.png", Image = "Estallido de larva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Infestation/InfestTendrilsAugmentCard", Introduced = "22.10", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Estallido de larva", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Estallido de larva", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nidus" }, ["Laser Deflection"] = { BaseDrain = -2, Description = "Laser damage deflected +%d DAMAGE RESISTANCE", Icon = "LaserDeflection.png", Image = "Laser Deflection.png", Link = "Laser Deflection", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Laser Deflection", Polarity = "None", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Mira láser"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+120% Critical Chance when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Mira láser.png", Image = "Mira láser.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/CritChanceWhileAimingShotgunMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Mira láser", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mira láser", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Azotamiento arrollado"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "WHIPS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Azotamiento arrollado.png", Image = "Azotamiento arrollado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPWhipStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Azotamiento arrollado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Azotamiento arrollado", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Whips" }, ["Último heraldo"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SWORDS_AND_SHIELD_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Último heraldo.png", Image = "Último heraldo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPSwordShieldStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Último heraldo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Último heraldo", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sword And Shield" }, ["Pacto persistente"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Covenant Augment: Headshot kills increase Critical Chance bonus duration by 3s.", Icon = "Pacto persistente.png", Image = "Pacto persistente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Priest/PriestPactAugmentCard", Introduced = "22.10", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Pacto persistente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pacto persistente", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Harrow" }, ["Pureza duradera"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Dead Aim\r\n+1 'Purity'", Icon = "Pureza duradera.png", Image = "Pureza duradera.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/VulkarMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Pureza duradera", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pureza duradera", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vulkar", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AIMED_SHOT_DAMAGE_BONUS", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Picor duradero"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+110% Status Duration", Icon = "Picor duradero.png", Image = "Picor duradero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponProcTimeMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Picor duradero", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Picor duradero", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_TIME" } }, ["Legendary Core"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods. A single Legendary Core will instantly fuse a Mod to its maximum capacity without credit cost.", Icon = "LegendaryCore.png", Image = "LegendaryCoreMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Fusers/LegendaryModFuser", Introduced = "12.2", Link = "Legendary Core", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Legendary Core", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Core", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mod" }, ["Impulso letal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Projectile Speed", Icon = "Impulso letal.png", Image = "Impulso letal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponProjectileSpeedMod", Introduced = "15", IsExilus = true, Link = "Impulso letal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Impulso letal", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED" } }, ["Torrente letal"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Fire Rate\r\n+60% Multishot", Icon = "Torrente letal.png", Image = "Torrente letal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/GrinderMod", Introduced = "9.5", Link = "Torrente letal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Torrente letal", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Al acecho"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Fire Rate when Crouching\r\n+100% Weapon Recoil", Icon = "Al acecho.png", Image = "Al acecho.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "PROJECTILE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/HigherAimedDamageMoreRecoilSniperMod", Introduced = "17.2", Link = "Al acecho", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Al acecho", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_RECOIL" } }, ["Ataque vital"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+20% Life Steal on Heavy Attack", Icon = "Ataque vital.png", Image = "Ataque vital.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Channel/ChannelVampireMod", Introduced = "13", Link = "Ataque vital", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ataque vital", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_LIFE_STEAL" } }, ["Carrera relámpago"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+24.2% to Bullet Jump\r\n+24.2% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration\r\n+275% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity on Bullet Jump", Icon = "Carrera relámpago.png", Image = "Carrera relámpago.png", Incompatible = { "Movilización", "Patadón", "Batería de maniobras", "Paso perforante", "Giro desgarrador", "Caminante de fuego", "Resorte helado", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/ElectricalParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Carrera relámpago", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Carrera relámpago", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Pararrayos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad Resistance", Icon = "Pararrayos.png", Image = "Pararrayos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageResistanceElectricity", Introduced = "8", Link = "Pararrayos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Pararrayos", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Tormento persistente"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Status Duration", Icon = "Tormento persistente.png", Image = "Tormento persistente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponProcTimeMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Tormento persistente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Tormento persistente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_TIME" } }, ["Enlace de fibra"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD", "KUBROW_MOD", "HELMINTH_MOD", "MOA_MOD", "PREDASITE_MOD", "VULPAPHYLA_MOD", "ZANUKA_MOD" }, Description = "Increase Max Armor by +125% of Warframe's Armor", Icon = "Enlace de fibra.png", Image = "Enlace de fibra.png", Incompatible = { "Fibra de metal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowLinkArmourMaxMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Enlace de fibra", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Enlace de fibra", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_ARMOUR_LINK" } }, ["Enlace de vitalidad"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD", "KUBROW_MOD", "HELMINTH_MOD", "MOA_MOD", "PREDASITE_MOD", "VULPAPHYLA_MOD", "ZANUKA_MOD" }, Description = "Increase Health by +125% of Warframe's Max Health", Icon = "Enlace de vitalidad.png", Image = "Enlace de vitalidad.png", Incompatible = { "Vitalidad mejorada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowLinkHealthMaxMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Enlace de vitalidad", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Enlace de vitalidad", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_HEALTH_LINK" } }, ["Enlace de redirección"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD", "KUBROW_MOD", "HELMINTH_MOD", "MOA_MOD", "PREDASITE_MOD", "VULPAPHYLA_MOD", "ZANUKA_MOD" }, Description = "Increase Shield by +125% of Warframe's Max Shield", Icon = "Enlace de redirección.png", Image = "Enlace de redirección.png", Incompatible = { "Redirección calculada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowLinkShieldMaxMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Enlace de redirección", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Enlace de redirección", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_SHIELD_LINK" } }, ["Conexión eléctrica"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shock enemies within 20m while Hacking", Icon = "Conexión eléctrica.png", Image = "Conexión eléctrica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Cipher/ElectrifyOnHackMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Conexión eléctrica", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Conexión eléctrica", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Capacidad cargada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+30% Magazine Capacity\r\n-15% Reload Speed", Icon = "Capacidad cargada.png", Image = "Capacidad cargada.png", Incompatible = { "Cámara hidráulica", "Cámara suelta" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/LargerMagLongerReloadShotgunMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Capacidad cargada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Capacidad cargada", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Preparar y recargar"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Magazine Reloaded/s when Holstered", Icon = "Preparar y recargar.png", Image = "Preparar y recargar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/PassiveReloadMod", Introduced = "16", IsExilus = true, Link = "Preparar y recargar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Preparar y recargar", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AUTO_RELOAD_RATE" } }, Lohk = { Class = "Requiem", CodexSecret = false, Description = "From brooding gulfs are we beheld\r\nBy that which bears no name", Icon = "Lohk.png", Image = "LohkMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Immortal/ImmortalOneMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Lohk", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Lohk", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Lohk Canticle"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Killing enemies grants Allies within Affinity Range +30% Fire Rate for 15s.", Icon = "LohkCanticle.png", Image = "LohkCanticleMod.png", Incompatible = { "Fass Canticle", "Jahu Canticle", "Khra Canticle" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Grimoire/LohkAuraMod", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Lohk Canticle", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Lohk Canticle", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tomo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Cámara suelta"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+30% Reload Speed\r\n+50% Weapon Recoil", Icon = "Cámara suelta.png", Image = "Cámara suelta.png", Incompatible = { "Cámara hidráulica", "Capacidad cargada" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/FasterReloadMoreRecoilShotgunMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Cámara suelta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cámara suelta", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED", "WEAPON_RECOIL" } }, ["Escotilla suelta"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+30% Reload Speed\r\n+50% Weapon Recoil", Icon = "Escotilla suelta.png", Image = "Escotilla suelta.png", Incompatible = { "Doble disparo", "Calibre hidráulico", "Capacidad máxima", "Munición de precisión" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/FasterReloadMoreRecoilRifleMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Escotilla suelta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Escotilla suelta", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED", "WEAPON_RECOIL" } }, ["Cargador suelto"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+50% Reload Speed\r\n+50% Weapon Recoil", Icon = "Cargador suelto.png", Image = "Cargador suelto.png", Incompatible = { "Capacidad completa", "Cañón hidráulico" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/FasterReloadMoreRecoilPistolMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Cargador suelto", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador suelto", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED", "WEAPON_RECOIL" } }, ["Detector de saqueo"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +30 Loot Radar", Icon = "Detector de saqueo.png", Image = "Detector de saqueo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerLootRadarAuraMod", Introduced = "13.4.1", Link = "Detector de saqueo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Detector de saqueo", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_LOOT_RADAR" } }, Saqueador = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Emits a pulse wave to break open Loot Crates within 22m.", Icon = "Saqueador.png", Image = "Saqueador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Looter", Introduced = "10", Link = "Saqueador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Saqueador", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Carrier" }, ["Compañero leal"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD", "KUBROW_MOD", "HELMINTH_MOD", "MOA_MOD", "PREDASITE_MOD", "VULPAPHYLA_MOD" }, Description = "When your Health falls below 35%, gain 75% Damage Reduction for 10s while your Companion becomes invincible and draws fire to itself for 10s. 60s cooldown.", Icon = "Compañero leal.png", Image = "Compañero leal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowMasterBleedoutMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Compañero leal", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Compañero leal", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_MASTER_BLEEDOUT_MODIFIER" } }, ["Merulina leal"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Merulina Augment: Yareli no longer rides Merulina. Instead, Merulina follows her and casts Sea Snare on nearby enemies. 2s cooldown.", Image = "Merulina leal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Yareli/YareliBoardAugmentTwoCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Merulina leal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Merulina leal", Icon = "Merulina leal.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Yareli" }, ["Loyal Retriever"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "13% chance to double Credit and Resource pickups", Icon = "LoyalRetriever.png", Image = "LoyalRetrieverMod.png", Incompatible = { "Prosperous Retriever", "Resourceful Retriever" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/BeastLoyalRetriever", Introduced = "37", Link = "Loyal Retriever", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Loyal Retriever", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Beast" }, ["Tiro de suerte"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "PROJECTILE" }, Conclave = true, Description = "+40% Projectile Speed\r\n-2% Accuracy", Icon = "Tiro de suerte.png", Image = "Tiro de suerte.png", Incompatible = { "Flechas emplumadas" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "MITER", "AOE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/HigherVelocityLessAccurateRifleMod", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Tiro de suerte", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tiro de suerte", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Choque Mach"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Mach Rush Augment: Impact shockwave leaves behind a vacuum that sucks in enemies within 8m.", Icon = "Choque Mach.png", Image = "Choque Mach.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Runner/RunnerRushAugmentCard", Introduced = "29.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Choque Mach", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Choque Mach", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gauss" }, ["Mad Stack"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% Velocity when falling", Icon = "MadStack.png", Image = "MadStackMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBFallVelocityMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Mad Stack", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mad Stack", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_FALL_SPEED" } }, ["Madurai Transmute Core"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Ensures transmuted mod is of Madurai polarity and eliminates credit cost.", Icon = "MaduraiTransmuteCore.png", Image = "MaduraiTransmuteCoreMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/TransmuteCores/AttackTransmuteCore", Introduced = "16", Link = "Madurai Transmute Core", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Madurai Transmute Core", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mod" }, ["Lluvia de magia"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "NUNCHAKU_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Lluvia de magia.png", Image = "Lluvia de magia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPNunchakuStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Lluvia de magia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Lluvia de magia", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nunchaku" }, ["Mag Locks"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% K-Drive Grind Magnetism", Icon = "MagLocks.png", Image = "MagLocksMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBGrindMagnetismMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Mag Locks", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mag Locks", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_MAGNETISM" } }, ["Ampliación de cargador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Ampliación de cargador.png", Image = "Ampliación de cargador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleClipMaxMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Ampliación de cargador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ampliación de cargador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Cargador deformado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Cargador deformado.png", Image = "Cargador deformado.png", Incompatible = { "Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama", "Flawed Magazine Warp", "Cargador deformado Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponClipMaxMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Cargador deformado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador deformado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Levitación magnética"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Slide\r\n-30% Friction", Icon = "Levitación magnética.png", Image = "Levitación magnética.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarSlideBoostMod", Introduced = "10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Levitación magnética", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Levitación magnética", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION" } }, ["Cámara de magma"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Cámara de magma.png", Image = "Cámara de magma.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingEventFireStatusRifleMod", Introduced = "15.8", Link = "Cámara de magma", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cámara de magma", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Capacidad magnética"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+60% <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic\r\n+40% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Capacidad magnética.png", Image = "Capacidad magnética.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Capacidad magnética", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Capacidad magnética", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Garras magnéticas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+60% <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic\r\n+40% Status Duration", Icon = "Garras magnéticas.png", Image = "Garras magnéticas.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Garras magnéticas", MaxRank = 4, Name = "Garras magnéticas", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Poder magnético"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+60% <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic\r\n+40% Critical Damage", Icon = "Poder magnético.png", Image = "Poder magnético.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/MagneticCritDamagePistolMod", Introduced = "38", CodexSecret = true, Link = "Poder magnético", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Poder magnético", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Ráfaga magnética"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic\r\n+20% Attack Speed", Icon = "Ráfaga magnética.png", Image = "Ráfaga magnética.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Interface/Cards/Images/Melee/MagneticAttackSpeedMeleeMod", Introduced = "38", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Ráfaga magnética", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ráfaga magnética", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Ametralladora magnética"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+50% <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic\r\n+40% Fire Rate", Icon = "Ametralladora magnética.png", Image = "Ametralladora magnética.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Language/Upgrades/MagneticFireRateShotgunMod", Introduced = "38", Link = "Ametralladora magnética", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ametralladora magnética", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Magnetic Strike"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "100% to apply a <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic proc when inflicting an <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact status effect", Icon = "MagneticStrike.png", Image = "MagneticStrikeMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastMagneticImpactMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Magnetic Strike", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Magnetic Strike", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Magnetic Welt"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "<DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact Status Effects have 35% chance to apply a <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5)", Icon = "MagneticWelt.png", Image = "MagneticWeltMod.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Magnetic Welt", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Magnetic Welt", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Shotgun" }, ["Núcleo magnetizado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+60% <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic\r\n+40% Critical Damage", Icon = "Núcleo magnetizado.png", Image = "Núcleo magnetizado.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Núcleo magnetizado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Núcleo magnetizado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé" }, ["Ciclo magnetizado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+60% <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic\r\n+30% Fire Rate", Icon = "Ciclo magnetizado.png", Image = "Ciclo magnetizado.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Ciclo magnetizado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ciclo magnetizado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón" }, ["Descarga magnetizada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Magnetize Augment: Recast on the target to detonate. Enemies hit have a 50% chance to be disarmed.\r\nPassive: +45% Magnetize Range.", Icon = "Descarga magnetizada.png", Image = "Descarga magnetizada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Mag/BulletAttractorAugmentCard", Introduced = "20.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Descarga magnetizada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Descarga magnetizada", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mag" }, ["Fuerza magnum"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+165% Damage\r\n-55% Accuracy", Icon = "Fuerza magnum.png", Image = "Fuerza magnum.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/CorruptedDamageRecoilPistol", Introduced = "10.3", Link = "Fuerza magnum", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Fuerza magnum", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Mutilar"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Icon = "Mutilar.png", Image = "Mutilar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponEventSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "14.7", Link = "Mutilar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mutilar", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Golpe mutilador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+150% Critical Chance for Slide Attack", Icon = "Golpe mutilador.png", Image = "Golpe mutilador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/SlideAttackCritChanceMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Golpe mutilador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Golpe mutilador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Código malicioso"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "50% chance for enemies within 15m to cower in fear for 8 seconds", Icon = "Código malicioso.png", Image = "Código malicioso.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionTerrifyMod", Introduced = "30.5", Link = "Código malicioso", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Código malicioso", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Rapaz maliciosa"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "CLAWS_STANCE_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Puncturing strikes and quick slashes.", Icon = "Rapaz maliciosa.png", Image = "Rapaz maliciosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/ClawCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13.9", Link = "Rapaz maliciosa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Rapaz maliciosa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Garras" }, ["Fuerza maligna"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_POISON_COLOR>toxina\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Fuerza maligna.png", Image = "Fuerza maligna.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/PoisonEventRifleMod", Introduced = "11.5", Link = "Fuerza maligna", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fuerza maligna", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Manifold Bond"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Companion Precept Mods apply Status Effects from Companion weapons. Killing enemies with 3 or more unique Status Effects reduces Companion Ability cooldowns by 3s.", Image = "ManifoldBondMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/CompoundingLaceration", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Manifold Bond", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Manifold Bond", Icon = "ManifoldBond.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Robótico" }, ["Mark of the Beast"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On 6 Melee Kills within 6s:\r\n+120% Status and Critical Chance for Secondary Weapon for 24s", Icon = "MarkoftheBeast.png", Image = "MarkoftheBeastMod.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponGlaiveOnSixKillsBuffSecondary", Introduced = "29.6.9", Link = "Mark of the Beast", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mark of the Beast", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Glaive", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Objetivo marcado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% Status Chance when Aiming", Icon = "Objetivo marcado.png", Image = "Objetivo marcado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleStatusChanceAimingMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Objetivo marcado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Objetivo marcado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Furia marcial"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Attack Speed\r\n-50% Energy Rate", Icon = "Furia marcial.png", Image = "Furia marcial.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/MeleeAutoTargetBonus", Introduced = "17.8", Link = "Furia marcial", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Furia marcial", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" } }, ["Martyr Symbiosis"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Drains and stores 20 Health from corpses within 25m up to 40% of their Master's Health. Sacrifices itself to heal their master if they fall below 10% Health.", Icon = "MartyrSymbiosis.png", Image = "MartyrSymbiosisMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedCatbrowVampireShieldPrecept", Introduced = "29.5", Link = "Martyr Symbiosis", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Martyr Symbiosis", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vulpaphyla" }, ["Llave maestra"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Unlock 5 lockers within 20m after Hacking", Icon = "Llave maestra.png", Image = "Llave maestra.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Cipher/OnHackLockersMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Llave maestra", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Llave maestra", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Maestro ladrón"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% chance to unlock locked lockers.", Icon = "Maestro ladrón.png", Image = "Maestro ladrón.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarChanceToLoot", Introduced = "8", IsExilus = true, Link = "Maestro ladrón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Maestro ladrón", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_LOOT_CHANCE" } }, ["Master's Edge"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enables Tennokai. Increases Tennokai damage by 60%.", Icon = "Master'sEdge.png", Image = "Master'sEdgeMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/EmpoweredHeavyMelee/HeavyAgression", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Master's Edge", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Master's Edge", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, Cercenar = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+330% Melee Damage", Icon = "Cercenar.png", Image = "Cercenar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowMeleeDamageMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Cercenar", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Cercenar", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Garras", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Capacidad máxima"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+30% Magazine Capacity\r\n-15% Reload Speed", Icon = "Capacidad máxima.png", Image = "Capacidad máxima.png", Incompatible = { "Doble disparo", "Calibre hidráulico", "Escotilla suelta", "Munición de precisión" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/LargerMagLongerReloadRifleMod", Introduced = "16.7", Link = "Capacidad máxima", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Capacidad máxima", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Ráfaga calculada"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-60% Fire Rate\r\n+30% Damage", Icon = "Ráfaga calculada.png", Image = "Ráfaga calculada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/TiberonLowRoFAiming", Introduced = "17.10", Link = "Ráfaga calculada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ráfaga calculada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tiberon", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Potenciamiento de Mecha"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad deals +150% extra Damage against a Marked Enemy", Icon = "Potenciamiento de Mecha.png", Image = "Potenciamiento de Mecha.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "HELMINTH_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Mecha/WarframeAuraMechaEmpowerMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Potenciamiento de Mecha", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Potenciamiento de Mecha", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Mecha Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_MARKED_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Sobrecarga de Mecha"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Primary Weapon Status Chance added to Companion\r\n+90% Status Duration", Icon = "Sobrecarga de Mecha.png", Image = "Sobrecarga de Mecha.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "HELMINTH_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Mecha/KubrowMechaOverdriveMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Sobrecarga de Mecha", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrecarga de Mecha", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Mecha Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kubrow Claws", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_STATUS_LINK", "WEAPON_PROC_TIME" } }, ["Pulso de Mecha"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Killing a Marked Enemy grants +60% Armor for 20s for each enemy within 30m.", Icon = "Pulso de Mecha icono.png", Image = "Pulso de Mecha.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "HELMINTH_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Mecha/WarframeMechaPulseMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Pulso de Mecha", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pulso de Mecha", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Mecha Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Recarga de Mecha"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Shield Recharge", Icon = "Recarga de Mecha.png", Image = "Recarga de Mecha.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "HELMINTH_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Mecha/KubrowMechaRechargeMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Recarga de Mecha", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Recarga de Mecha", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Mecha Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kubrow", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Botiquín de mascota"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+6 Companion Health Regen/s\r\n-15s Companion Recovery Time", Icon = "Botiquín de mascota.png", Image = "Botiquín de mascota.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Events/Index/CompanionMedipetKitMod", Introduced = "The Index Preview", Link = "Botiquín de mascota", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Botiquín de mascota", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEAL_RATE", "AVATAR_BLEEDOUT_MODIFIER" } }, ["Rayo curativo"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sentinel will occasionally heal its owner, restoring 12% Health over 4s.", Icon = "Rayo curativo.png", Image = "Rayo curativo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Events/ProjectNightwatch/SentinelHealthRegenPreceptNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.10", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Rayo curativo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rayo curativo", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Robótico" }, ["Elementalista cuerpo a cuerpo"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Damage\r\n+60% Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed", Icon = "Elementalista cuerpo a cuerpo.png", Image = "Elementalista cuerpo a cuerpo.png", Incompatible = { "Elementalista galvanizado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/MeleeStatusDamageDuoMod", Introduced = "36", Link = "Elementalista cuerpo a cuerpo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Elementalista cuerpo a cuerpo", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = , Type = "Melee" }, ["Guía de cuerpo a cuerpo"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "You lose 6s Melee Combo Duration\r\nSquadmates gain 12s Melee Combo Duration", Icon = "Guía de cuerpo a cuerpo.png", Image = "Guía de cuerpo a cuerpo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/WarframeAuraBladedRestraintMod", Introduced = "25.7.6", Link = "Guía de cuerpo a cuerpo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Guía de cuerpo a cuerpo", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Proeza cuerpo a cuerpo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Chance", Icon = "Proeza cuerpo a cuerpo.png", Image = "Proeza cuerpo a cuerpo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponStunChanceMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Proeza cuerpo a cuerpo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Proeza cuerpo a cuerpo", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Mending Shot"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shoot Health Orbs to obtain them with +110% extra effect.", Icon = "MendingShot.png", Image = "MendingShotMod.png", Incompatible = { "Trueno" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON", "AOE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Arbitration/ShootPickUpRifleMod", Introduced = "27.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mending Shot", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Mending Shot", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle (No AoE)", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PICKUP_SHOOT_BONUS" } }, ["Astillas de reparación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Splinter Storm Augment: For each target affected, Splinter Storm heals 15 Health/s.", Icon = "Astillas de reparación.png", Image = "Astillas de reparación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Glass/GlassShatterAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Astillas de reparación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Astillas de reparación", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gara" }, ["Mentor's Legacy"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enables Tennokai.", Icon = "Mentor'sLegacy.png", Image = "Mentor'sLegacyMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/EmpoweredHeavyMelee/TennokaiBaseMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Mentor's Legacy", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Mentor's Legacy", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, IsExilus = true, Type = "Melee" }, ["Tiroteo despiadado"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+45% Critical Damage\r\n+1.2 Punch Through", Icon = "Tiroteo despiadado.png", Image = "Tiroteo despiadado.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Tiroteo despiadado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Tiroteo despiadado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola" }, ["Guardián Merulina"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = false, Description = "Merulina Augment: Enemies eliminated during Sea Snares heal 20% of Merulina's health. Upon healing, gain +200% Reload Speed and Fire Rate on Secondary weapons for 20s", Icon = "Guardián Merulina.png", Image = "Guardián Merulina.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Yareli/YareliBoardAugmentCard", Introduced = "32.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Guardián Merulina", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Guardián Merulina", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Yareli", }, ["El vals de Mesa"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Peacemaker Augment: Mesa can move at 50% Speed while using Peacemaker.", Icon = "El vals de Mesa.png", Image = "El vals de Mesa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Cowgirl/GunFuPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "El vals de Mesa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "El vals de Mesa", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mesa" }, ["Escudo hipnotizante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = false, Description = "Mesmer Skin Augment: Revenant receives +50% Mesmer Skin Strength and allies within Affinity Range are granted a maximum of 5 charges.", Icon = "Escudo hipnotizante.png", Image = "Escudo hipnotizante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Revenant/RevenantSentientAugmentCard", Introduced = "32.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Escudo hipnotizante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Escudo hipnotizante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Revenant", }, ["Metal Auger"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+2.1 Punch Through", Icon = "MetalAuger.png", Image = "MetalAugerMod.png", Incompatible = { "Taladro metálico de Argonak Amalgama" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponPunctureDepthMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Metal Auger", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Metal Auger", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH" } }, ["Fibra de metal"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+250% Armor", Icon = "Fibra de metal.png", Image = "Fibra de metal.png", Incompatible = { "Enlace de fibra" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelArmourMod", Introduced = "7", Link = "Fibra de metal", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Fibra de metal", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Cargador metamórfico"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Description = "+90% Magazine Capacity\r\n+90% Ammo Maximum\r\nInflicting 20 cumulative attacks on an enemy will petrify them for 5s.", Image = "Cargador metamórfico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveGorgonAugmentMod", Introduced = "32.2", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Cargador metamórfico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador metamórfico", Icon = "Cargador metamórfico.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gorgon", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Impacto meteórico"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Icon = "Impacto meteórico.png", Image = "Impacto meteórico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingDualStatImpactStatusMeleeMod", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Impacto meteórico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Impacto meteórico", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Municiones meteóricas"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact", Icon = "Municiones meteóricas.png", Image = "Municiones meteóricas.png", Incompatible = { "Municiones empaladoras", "Municiones rasuradoras" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/DamageBiasImpactPistolMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Municiones meteóricas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Municiones meteóricas", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Puntería Meticulosa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+105% Headshot Damage\r\n-45% Bodyshot Damage", Icon = "Puntería Meticulosa.png", Image = "Puntería Meticulosa.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Arbitration/GrnSniperRifleArbitrationMod", Introduced = "25.3", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Puntería Meticulosa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Puntería Meticulosa", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vulkar", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_HEADSHOT_MULTIPLIER", "WEAPON_BODYSHOT_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Monstruo mental"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Mind Control Augment: Controlled target inflicts +1000% Damage and gains +25% Movement and Attack Speed.", Icon = "Monstruo mental.png", Image = "Monstruo mental.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Jade/MindControlAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Monstruo mental", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Monstruo mental", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nyx" }, Travesura = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Allows Smeeta Kavat to become invisible for 9s every 7s while a decoy kavat draws fire. Decoy has a 15% chance to evade damage.", Icon = "Travesura.png", Image = "Travesura.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowDistractPrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Travesura", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Travesura", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Smeeta Kavat" }, ["Movilización"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+20% to Bullet Jump\r\n+20% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration", Icon = "Movilización.png", Image = "Movilización.png", Incompatible = { "Patadón", "Batería de maniobras", "Paso perforante", "Giro desgarrador", "Caminante de fuego", "Resorte helado", "Carrera relámpago", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/ParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Movilización", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Movilización", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE" } }, ["Municiones modificadas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Municiones modificadas.png", Image = "Municiones modificadas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleStatusChanceMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Municiones modificadas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Municiones modificadas", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Conversión molecular"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Blast enemies within 10m, converting 200 Damage into Shields for the Warframe.", Icon = "Conversión molecular.png", Image = "Conversión molecular.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/ShieldVampire", Introduced = "19.10", Link = "Conversión molecular", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Conversión molecular", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Taxon" }, ["Fisión molecular"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Molecular Prime Augment: Enemies hit by Null Stars are primed. When killed, primed enemies will restore a Null Star charge and have a 100% chance of restoring two.", Icon = "Fisión molecular.png", Image = "Fisión molecular.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/AntiMatter/MolecularPrimeAugmentCard", Introduced = "24.2.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Fisión molecular", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fisión molecular", Polarity = "Ability", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nova" }, ["Impacto de magma"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "Impacto de magma.png", Image = "Impacto de magma.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Molten Impact" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponFireDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Impacto de magma", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Impacto de magma", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Pausa momentánea"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+15 Heal Rate for 10s\r\n-25% from Health Orbs", Icon = "Pausa momentánea.png", Image = "Pausa momentánea.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/RestoreHealthOnKillMod", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Pausa momentánea", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pausa momentánea", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEAL_RATE", "GAMEPLAY_PICKUP_AMOUNT" } }, ["Vínculo crucial"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Killing Eximus enemies grants 120% bonus of a random Elemental Damage to your Companion for 30s and reduces Companion Recovery by 18s.", Image = "Vínculo crucial.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/EximusHunter", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo crucial", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo crucial", Icon = "Vínculo crucial.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Transformador mórfico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+20% Ability Strength", Icon = "Transformador mórfico.png", Image = "Transformador mórfico.png", Incompatible = { "Transformador mórfico Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitAbilityStrengthMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Transformador mórfico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Transformador mórfico", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Conducta mortal"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "At Less than 50 Health: +60% Damage taken is reflected when Blocking attacks while Channeling for 8s", Icon = "Conducta mortal.png", Image = "Conducta mortal.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/ChannelingEfficiencyOnLowHealth", Introduced = "18", Link = "Conducta mortal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Conducta mortal", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PARRY_DAMAGE_REFLECTED" } }, ["Impacto de Motus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Increase range of aerial melee attacks by +2m.", Icon = "Impacto de Motus.png", Image = "Impacto de Motus.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Raptor/RaptorModC", Introduced = "25", Link = "Impacto de Motus", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Impacto de Motus", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Motus Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Melee" }, ["Ajuste de Motus"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "100% Critical and Status Chance for 4s after landing from a Double or Bullet Jump.", Icon = "Ajuste de Motus.png", Image = "Ajuste de Motus.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Raptor/RaptorModB", Introduced = "25", Link = "Ajuste de Motus", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ajuste de Motus", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Motus Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Señal de Motus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Increase Double Jump strength by +200%.", Icon = "Señal de Motus.png", Image = "Señal de Motus.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Raptor/RaptorModA", Introduced = "25", IsExilus = true, Link = "Señal de Motus", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Señal de Motus", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Motus Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Borde de la montaña"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_KATANAS_STANCE" }, Description = "Stance: Sharp movements with wide reach.", Image = "Borde de la montaña.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DualKatanaCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "33", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Borde de la montaña", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Borde de la montaña", Icon = "Borde de la montaña.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dual Nikanas" }, ["Vórtice de municiones"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Vortex that absorbs incoming fire and detonates, releasing damage.", Icon = "Vórtice de municiones.png", Image = "Vórtice de municiones.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Abilities/CrewShipAttractorAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Vórtice de municiones", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vórtice de municiones", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Battle, Slot 1)" }, ["Fogonazo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shooting Gallery Augment: After 6 kill assists by a player with Shooting Gallery, Mesa's next shot will blind enemies within 12m for 6s.", Icon = "Fogonazo.png", Image = "Fogonazo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Cowgirl/RussianRouletteAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Fogonazo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fogonazo", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mesa" }, ["Vínculo místico"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "After your Companion uses Abilities with cooldowns 5 times, you may cast a Warframe Ability without expending Energy.", Image = "Vínculo místico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/PreyDrive", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo místico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo místico", Icon = "Vínculo místico.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Nano-aplicador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Ability Cast:\r\n+90% Status Chance when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Nano-aplicador.png", Image = "Nano-aplicador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/StatusProcWhileAimingShotgunMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Nano-aplicador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Nano-aplicador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Granadas de napalm"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Grenades leave a burning patch on impact. +30 Final Status Chance", Icon = "Granadas de napalm.png", Image = "Granadas de napalm.png", Incompatible = { "Granadas de anclaje" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/GrenadeLauncherProjectileMod", Introduced = "24.3", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Granadas de napalm", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Granadas de napalm", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Penta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Naramon Transmute Core"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Ensures transmuted mod is of Naramon polarity and eliminates credit cost.", Icon = "NaramonTransmuteCore.png", Image = "NaramonTransmuteCoreMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/TransmuteCores/TacticTransmuteCore", Introduced = "16", Link = "Naramon Transmute Core", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Naramon Transmute Core", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mod" }, ["Cañón angosto"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Hit:\r\n+30% Accuracy when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Cañón angosto.png", Image = "Cañón angosto.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/AccuracyWhileAimingShotgunMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", IsExilus = true, Link = "Cañón angosto", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cañón angosto", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Intolerante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+99% Ability Duration\r\n-66% Ability Range", Icon = "Intolerante.png", Image = "Intolerante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/CorruptedDurationRangeWarframe", Introduced = "10.3", Link = "Intolerante", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Intolerante", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION", "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE" } }, ["Talento natural"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Improves Casting Speed on Warframe abilities if applicable.\r\n+50% Casting Speed", Icon = "Talento natural.png", Image = "Talento natural.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarCastingSpeedMod", Introduced = "12", Link = "Talento natural", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Talento natural", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_CASTING_SPEED" } }, ["Perforación nebular"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Perforación nebular.png", Image = "Perforación nebular.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingDualStatPunctureStatusMeleeMod", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Perforación nebular", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Perforación nebular", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Augurio Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "240% Energy spent on abilities is converted to Shields.", Icon = "Augurio Necramech.png", Image = "Augurio Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechEnergyToOvershieldsMod", Introduced = "29.6", Link = "Augurio Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Augurio Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_ENERGY_TO_OVERSHIELD" } }, ["Aviador Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reduces damage by 40% when Airborne.", Icon = "Aviador Necramech.png", Image = "Aviador Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAvatarDamageReductionInAir", Introduced = "29.6", Link = "Aviador Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aviador Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Relámpago Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+80% Slide Attack Damage", Icon = "Relámpago Necramech.png", Image = "Relámpago Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechSlideDamageMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Relámpago Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Relámpago Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Continuidad Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Ability Duration", Icon = "Continuidad Necramech.png", Image = "Continuidad Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAbilityDurationMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Continuidad Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Continuidad Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Desviación Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Shield Recharge\r\n-45% Shield Recharge Delay", Icon = "Desviación Necramech.png", Image = "Desviación Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAvatarShieldRechargeRateMod", Introduced = "29.6", Link = "Desviación Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desviación Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Derivación Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Hover Efficiency", Icon = "Derivación Necramech.png", Image = "Derivación Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechHoverEfficiencyMod", Introduced = "29.5", Link = "Derivación Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_STAMINA_COST_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Eficiencia Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Engine Efficiency", Icon = "Eficiencia Necramech.png", Image = "Eficiencia Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechBoostEfficiencyMod", Introduced = "29.5", Link = "Eficiencia Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Eficiencia Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_STAMINA_COST_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Sensor enemigo Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30 Enemy Radar", Icon = "Sensor enemigo Necramech.png", Image = "Sensor enemigo Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAvatarEnemyRadarMod", Introduced = "29.6", Link = "Sensor enemigo Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sensor enemigo Necramech", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR" } }, ["Flujo Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Energy Max", Icon = "Flujo Necramech.png", Image = "Flujo Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechPowerMaxMod", Introduced = "29.5", Link = "Flujo Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Flujo Necramech", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX" } }, ["Fricción Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Slide Efficiency", Icon = "Fricción Necramech.png", Image = "Fricción Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechSlideEfficiencyMod", Introduced = "29.5", Link = "Fricción Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fricción Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_STAMINA_COST_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Furia Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Melee Attack Speed", Icon = "Furia Necramech.png", Image = "Furia Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechMeleeSpeedMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Furia Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Furia Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Hidráulicos Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% Jump Height", Icon = "Hidráulicos Necramech.png", Image = "Hidráulicos Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechJumpHeightMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Hidráulicos Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hidráulicos Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_JUMP_HEIGHT" } }, ["Intensificación Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Ability Strength", Icon = "Intensificación Necramech.png", Image = "Intensificación Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAbilityStrengthMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Intensificación Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Intensificación Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Punto de presión Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Melee Damage", Icon = "Punto de presión Necramech.png", Image = "Punto de presión Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechMeleeDamageMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Punto de presión Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Punto de presión Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Ira Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Convert +15% of Damage on Health to Energy", Icon = "Ira Necramech.png", Image = "Ira Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAvatarDamageToEnergyMod", Introduced = "29.6", Link = "Ira Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ira Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_POWER_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Alcance Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+1 Melee Range", Icon = "Alcance Necramech.png", Image = "Alcance Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechMeleeRangeMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Alcance Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Alcance Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Reprimenda Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Electrifies enemies within 20m for 3s and dealing 300 <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage when shields are depleted.10s cooldown.", Icon = "Reprimenda Necramech.png", Image = "Reprimenda Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechReflectOnShieldBreakMod", Introduced = "29.6", Link = "Reprimenda Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reprimenda Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech" }, ["Redirección Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Shield Capacity", Icon = "Redirección Necramech.png", Image = "Redirección Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechShieldMaxMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Redirección Necramech", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Redirección Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Reabastecimiento Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+20% Engine Replenish", Icon = "Reabastecimiento Necramech.png", Image = "Reabastecimiento Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechBoostRechargeMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Reabastecimiento Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reabastecimiento Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_STAMINA_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, ["Reparación Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Restore 10% Health/s over 3s when Health drops below 20%. 15s Cooldown.", Icon = "Reparación Necramech.png", Image = "Reparación Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechRegenOnLowHealthMod", Introduced = "29.6", Link = "Reparación Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reparación Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech" }, ["Onda sísmica Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+45% Melee Slam Damage", Icon = "Onda sísmica Necramech.png", Image = "Onda sísmica Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechSlamDamageMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Onda sísmica Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Onda sísmica Necramech", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_SLAM_DAMAGE_BONUS" } }, ["Estela Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Slide", Icon = "Estela Necramech.png", Image = "Estela Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechSlideSpeedMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Estela Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Estela Necramech", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST" } }, ["Fibra de acero Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Armor", Icon = "Fibra de acero Necramech.png", Image = "Fibra de acero Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechArmourMaxMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Fibra de acero Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fibra de acero Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Optimización Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Ability Efficiency", Icon = "Optimización Necramech.png", Image = "Optimización Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAbilityEfficiencyMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Optimización Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Optimización Necramech", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Estiramiento Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+45% Ability Range", Icon = "Estiramiento Necramech.png", Image = "Estiramiento Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechAbilityRangeMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Estiramiento Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Estiramiento Necramech", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE" } }, ["Propulsores Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Engine Max", Icon = "Propulsores Necramech.png", Image = "Propulsores Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechBoostMaxMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Propulsores Necramech", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Propulsores Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_STAMINA_MAX" } }, ["Vitalidad Necramech"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Health", Icon = "Vitalidad Necramech.png", Image = "Vitalidad Necramech.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Necromech/NecromechHealthMaxMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Vitalidad Necramech", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vitalidad Necramech", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Necramech", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, Negar = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sentinel prevents Status Effects from applying to its owner once every 5s.", Icon = "Negar.png", Image = "Negar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/ProcAbsorb", Introduced = "22.20", Link = "Negar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Negar", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wyrm" }, ["Armadura de negación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Scarab Armor Augment: When Inaros takes fatal damage, he consumes Scarab Armor to heal with a brief invulnerability that ends with a deadly Slash Proc. Cooldown 30s.", Image = "Armadura de negación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Sandman/SandmanSwarmAugmentCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Armadura de negación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Armadura de negación", Icon = "Armadura de negación.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Inaros" }, ["Enjambre de negación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Scarab Swarm Augment: Scarab Armor protects Inaros from Status Effects, consuming 3% Bonus Armor for each effect resisted.", Icon = "Enjambre de negación.png", Image = "Enjambre de negación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Sandman/SandmanSwarmAugmentCard", Introduced = "20.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Enjambre de negación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Enjambre de negación", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Inaros" }, Netra = { Class = "Requiem", CodexSecret = false, Description = "Carrion hordes trill their profane\r\nAccord with eldritch plans", Icon = "Netra.png", Image = "NetraMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Immortal/ImmortalSevenMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Netra", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Netra", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Netra Invocation"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Alternate Fire increases Ability Efficiency by 4% for 20s for each enemy hit. Stacks up to 15 times.", Icon = "NetraInvocation.png", Image = "NetraInvocationMod.png", Incompatible = { "Ris Invocation", "Invocación Vome", "Invocación Xata" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Grimoire/NetraStrikeMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Netra Invocation", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Netra Invocation", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tomo", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY" } }, Neutralizar = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "The kubrow roars, causing enemies within 10m to stumble and drop their weapons.", Icon = "Neutralizar.png", Image = "Neutralizar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowDisarmPrecept", Introduced = "17", Link = "Neutralizar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Neutralizar", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Chesa Kubrow" }, ["Justicia neutralizadora"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Each Miter blade has a +90% chance to immediately destroy a Nullifier field.\r\n+1 'Justice'", Icon = "Justicia neutralizadora.png", Image = "Justicia neutralizadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/MiterMod", Introduced = "20.4", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Justicia neutralizadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Justicia neutralizadora", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Miter", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_NULLIFIER_BUBBLE_POP_CHANCE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Estrella de neutrones"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Null Star Augment: Particles deal 240 <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat Damage with guaranteed Status effect in 8m. On recast, remaining particles seek out enemies with doubled search radius.", Icon = "Estrella de neutrones.png", Image = "Estrella de neutrones.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/AntiMatter/NullStarAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Estrella de neutrones", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Estrella de neutrones", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nova" }, ["Acechador de la noche"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Reveals target on Minimap for +6s.", Icon = "Acechador de la noche.png", Image = "Acechador de la noche.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/MarkTargetPistolMod", Introduced = "16", Link = "Acechador de la noche", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Acechador de la noche", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MARK_TARGET" } }, ["Napalm de Avizores Nocturnos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Rockets disperse napalm, inflicting 30% damage over 6s across 90% of the explosion area.", Icon = "Napalm de Avizores Nocturnos.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, Image = "Napalm de Avizores Nocturnos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/ProjectNightwatch/OgrisNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.10", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Napalm de Avizores Nocturnos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Napalm de Avizores Nocturnos", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ogris", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_LINGERING_AOE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_LINGERING_AOE_DURATION", "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_LINGERING_AOE_RADIUS" } }, ["Angustia de Nira"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+15% to Bullet Jump\r\n+15% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration", Icon = "Angustia de Nira.png", Image = "Angustia de Nira.png", Incompatible = { "Amar's Anguish", "Angustia de Boreal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Nira/NiraExilusMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = true, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Angustia de Nira", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Angustia de Nira", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Nira Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE" } }, ["Desprecio de Nira"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "WHIPS_STANCE" }, Conclave = false, Description = "+90% Melee Damage\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Desprecio de Nira icono.png", Image = "Desprecio de Nira.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Nira/NiraMeleeMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Desprecio de Nira", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desprecio de Nira", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Nira Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Whips", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Odio de Nira"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+35% Health\r\n+15% Ability Duration", Icon = "Nira'sHatred.png", Image = "Nira'sHatredMod.png", Incompatible = { "Odio de Amar", "Odio de Boreal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Nira/NiraWarframeMod", Introduced = "31", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Odio de Nira", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Odio de Nira", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Nira Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX", "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Nitro Boost"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% K-Drive Boost Speed", Icon = "NitroBoost.png", Image = "NitroBoostMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBSprintSpeedMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Nitro Boost", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Nitro Boost", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, ["Salto sin corriente"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+10% Mobility\r\n0 Energy Rate", Icon = "Salto sin corriente.png", Image = "Salto sin corriente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/MoreBulletJumpLessEnergy", Introduced = "18", IsExilus = true, Link = "Salto sin corriente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Salto sin corriente", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION", "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" } }, ["Sin retorno"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Sin retorno.png", Image = "Sin retorno.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponArmorPiercingDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Sin retorno", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sin retorno", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Cadencia honorable"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "HEAVY_BLADE_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Cadencia honorable.png", Image = "Cadencia honorable.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPHeavyBladeStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Cadencia honorable", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cadencia honorable", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Heavy Blade" }, ["Viento del norte"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Icon = "Viento del norte.png", Image = "Viento del norte.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed North Wind" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponFreezeDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Viento del norte", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Viento del norte", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Inspección nula"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The Hound utilizes the same Aura and Abilities as an Eximus enemy for 60s, while stripping its Overguard by 50%.", Icon = "Inspección nula.png", Image = "Inspección nula.png", Incompatible = { "Inspección de embargos", "Inspección de equilibrio" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetStealEximusPrecept", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Inspección nula", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Inspección nula", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Odomédico"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Every 3m traversed by Wall Running regenerates +40 Health over 4s. This effect can stack up to 3x.", Icon = "Odomédico.png", Image = "Odomédico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/HealBot", Introduced = "25", Link = "Odomédico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Odomédico", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sentinel" }, ["Matriz genocida"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+15% Turret Damage while 100% Hull\r\n20% chance to Reflect 25% Damage while over 80% Shields\r\n+6% Battle Mod Efficiency", Icon = "Matriz genocida.png", Image = "Matriz genocida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/VidarOffensiveMatrix", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Matriz genocida", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Matriz genocida", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack Aura" }, ["Alcance de oportunidad"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enables Tennokai. Increases opportunity window to 4.0s and melee range by 3m for Tennokai attacks.", Icon = "Alcance de oportunidad.png", Image = "Alcance de oportunidad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/EmpoweredHeavyMelee/PerfectReach", Introduced = "35", IsExilus = true, Link = "Alcance de oportunidad", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Alcance de oportunidad", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Ordnance Cheap Shot"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Ordnance weapons have a +60% chance to not consume Munitions", Icon = "OrdnanceCheapShot.png", Image = "OrdnanceCheapShotMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanFreeOrdnanceAmmo", Introduced = "27.4", Link = "Ordnance Cheap Shot", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ordnance Cheap Shot", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Ordnance Velocity"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Ordnance Projectile Speed", Icon = "OrdnanceVelocity.png", Image = "OrdnanceVelocityMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanOrdnanceSpeed", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Ordnance Velocity", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ordnance Velocity", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Mirada mineral"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Petrify Augment: Petrified enemies are scanned into the Codex and have a 25% chance to drop additional loot when killed.", Icon = "Mirada mineral.png", Image = "Mirada mineral.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Brawler/BrawlerGazeAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.4.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Mirada mineral", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mirada mineral", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Atlas" }, ["Destructor de órganos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Critical Damage", Icon = "Destructor de órganos.png", Image = "Destructor de órganos.png", Incompatible = { "Destructor de órganos Amalgama", "Flawed Organ Shatter" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponCritDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Destructor de órganos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Destructor de órganos", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" }, }, ["Orgone Tuning Matrix"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+22.5% Forge Capacity\r\n-15% Forge Cooldown\r\n+15% Elemental Resistance\r\n+18% Turret Heat Capacity", Icon = "OrgoneTuningMatrix.png", Image = "OrgoneTuningMatrixMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Engineering/LavanEngineerMatrix", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Orgone Tuning Matrix", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Orgone Tuning Matrix", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack Aura" }, Oull = { Class = "Requiem", CodexSecret = false, Description = "Through endless faces, countless forms, a multitude unfolds.\r\n(Mimics any Requiem Mod)", Icon = "Oull.png", Image = "OullMod.gif", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Immortal/ImmortalWildcardMod", Introduced = "30.5", Link = "Oull", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Oull", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Fuera de vista"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Blind enemies within 18m on Mercy", Icon = "Fuera de vista.png", Image = "Fuera de vista.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionBlindMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Fuera de vista", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Fuera de vista", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Detectores sobrecargados"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Exposes enemies at maximum Energy Capacity within 30m.", Icon = "Detectores sobrecargados.png", Image = "Detectores sobrecargados.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/EffectOnFullEnergyMod", Introduced = "16.5", IsExilus = true, Link = "Detectores sobrecargados", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Detectores sobrecargados", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_FULL_ENERGY_EFFECT_RANGE" } }, Sobrecargado = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Respawn:\r\nConverts up to 50 Energy to Overshields at a rate of 100%.", Icon = "Sobrecargado.png", Image = "Sobrecargado.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/EnergyToOvershieldsOnSpawnMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Sobrecargado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrecargado", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENERGY_TO_OVERSHIELDS_ON_SPAWN" } }, Ampliado = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Ability Range\r\n-60% Ability Strength", Icon = "Ampliado.png", Image = "Ampliado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/CorruptedRangePowerWarframe", Introduced = "10.3", Link = "Ampliado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ampliado", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE", "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, Overloader = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+50% Maximum Ordnance Munitions", Icon = "Overloader.png", Image = "OverloaderMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanMaxOrdnanceMunitions", Introduced = "27.3", Link = "Overloader", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Overloader", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Sobrevisión"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-60% Zoom while Aim Gliding", Icon = "Sobrevisión.png", Image = "Sobrevisión.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/HigherAirAimFoVRifleMod", Introduced = "17.4", IsExilus = true, Link = "Sobrevisión", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrevisión", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_ZOOM" } }, ["Haces pacificadores"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Psychic Bolts Augment: Throw an additional 3 force bolts. Enemies struck are confused for 10s.", Icon = "Haces pacificadores.png", Image = "Haces pacificadores.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Jade/DaggerAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Haces pacificadores", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Haces pacificadores", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nyx" }, ["Líder de la manada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Heal your Companion with Melee hits. Excess healing grants Overguard.\r\n+100 Health per hit\r\n+1200 OVERGUARD MAX", Icon = "Líder de la manada.png", Image = "Líder de la manada.png", Incompatible = { "Líder de la manada Prime" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowPackLeaderMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Líder de la manada", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Líder de la manada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_PACK_LEADER" } }, ["Umbral de dolor"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+160% Faster Stagger Recovery", Icon = "Umbral de dolor.png", Image = "Umbral de dolor.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Events/AvatarStaggerRecoveryMod", Introduced = "The Index Preview", IsExilus = true, Link = "Umbral de dolor", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Umbral de dolor", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_INJURY_ANIM_RATE" } }, ["Panzer Devolution"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Devolves into its larval form upon death, and spits quills at enemies dealing 60 <DT_VIRAL_COLOR>Viral Damage each. Respawns into its true form after 30s.", Icon = "PanzerDevolution.png", Image = "PanzerDevolutionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/ArmoredInfestedCatbrowRespawn", Introduced = "29", Link = "Panzer Devolution", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Panzer Devolution", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vulpafila Panzer" }, ["Mira de paralaje"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Critical Chance", Icon = "Mira de paralaje.png", Image = "Mira de paralaje.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleCritChanceMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Mira de paralaje", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mira de paralaje", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Paralytic Spores"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Charge an enemy within 30m dealing 160 damage and releasing spores that open them to Finisher Attacks, and slows them by 50% for 10s", Icon = "ParalyticSpores.png", Image = "ParalyticSporesMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedPredatorFinisherSporesPrecept", Introduced = "29", Link = "Paralytic Spores", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Paralytic Spores", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Medjay Predasite" }, ["Parasitic Vitality"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Parasitic Link Augment: Nidus and any ally he's bound to gain 4% Max Health per Mutation during Parasitic Link.", Image = "ParasiticVitalityMod.png", Incompatible = { "Vitalidad", "Vitalidad Arconte", "Vitalidad Umbral", "Flawed Vitality" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Infestation/InfestLinkAugmentCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Parasitic Vitality", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Parasitic Vitality", Icon = "ParasiticVitality.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nidus" }, Bloquear = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+96% Counter Chance", Icon = "Bloquear.png", Image = "Bloquear.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarParryMeleeMod", Introduced = "10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Bloquear", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Bloquear", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PARRY_COUNTER_CHANCE" } }, ["Particle Ram"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Railjack Ram that deals damage to anything it touches when moving forward.", Icon = "ParticleRam.png", Image = "ParticleRamMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Abilities/CrewShipRamAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Particle Ram", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Particle Ram", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Battle, Slot 2)" }, ["Mazo particionado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Mallet Augment: Create an additional Mallet with 20% reduced range.", Icon = "Mazo particionado.png", Image = "Mazo particionado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Bard/BardMusicAugmentCard", Introduced = "23.0.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Mazo particionado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mazo particionado", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Octavia" }, ["Patadón"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration", Icon = "Patadón.png", Image = "Patadón.png", Incompatible = { "Movilización", "Batería de maniobras", "Paso perforante", "Giro desgarrador", "Caminante de fuego", "Resorte helado", "Carrera relámpago", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/SuperGlideParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Patadón", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Patadón", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE" } }, ["Camino de estatuas"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Landslide Augment: Leave a trail for 12s that petrifies enemies for 6s.", Icon = "Camino de estatuas.png", Image = "Camino de estatuas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Brawler/BrawlerPunchAugmentCard", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Camino de estatuas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Camino de estatuas", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ash" }, ["Munición patógena"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin", Icon = "Munición patógena.png", Image = "Munición patógena.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Pathogen Rounds" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponToxinDamageMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Munición patógena", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Munición patógena", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Provocación pacífica"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Pacify & Provoke Augment: Pacify converts damage done to allies into an aura that slows enemies by 40%. Provoke converts damage done to enemies into 15% extra Ability Strength.", Icon = "Provocación pacífica.png", Image = "Provocación pacífica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/YinYang/YinYangAuraAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.4.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Provocación pacífica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Provocación pacífica", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Equinox" }, ["Peculiar Audience"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Peculiar", CodexSecret = false, Description = "Killing an enemy has a 60% chance to amuse a certain Void entity.\r\nCooldown: 20s.", Icon = "PeculiarAudience.png", Image = "PeculiarAudienceMod.png", Incompatible = { "Peculiar Growth", "Peculiar Bloom" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Peculiars/EvilSpiritMod", Introduced = "31.7.1", IsExilus = true, Link = "Peculiar Audience", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Peculiar Audience", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Peculiar Bloom"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Peculiar", CodexSecret = false, Description = "Critical hits cause flowers to grow from the wounds.", Icon = "PeculiarBloom.png", Image = "PeculiarBloomMod.png", Incompatible = { "Peculiar Audience", "Peculiar Growth" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Peculiars/FlowerPowerMod", Introduced = "22.18", IsExilus = true, Link = "Peculiar Bloom", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Peculiar Bloom", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Peculiar Growth"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Class = "Peculiar", CodexSecret = false, Description = "Damaging an enemy will inflate the body part hit for 6s.", Icon = "PeculiarGrowth.png", Image = "PeculiarGrowthMod.png", Incompatible = { "Peculiar Audience", "Peculiar Bloom" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Peculiars/InflationMod", Introduced = "22.20", IsExilus = true, Link = "Peculiar Growth", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Peculiar Growth", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Perfect Balance"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+66% Chance to Resist Falls", Icon = "PerfectBalance.png", Image = "PerfectBalanceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBFallChanceReductionMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Perfect Balance", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Perfect Balance", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_FALL_RESIST_CHANCE" } }, ["Agonía perpetua"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Status Duration", Icon = "Agonía perpetua.png", Image = "Agonía perpetua.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponProcTimeMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Agonía perpetua", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Agonía perpetua", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_TIME" } }, ["Persistent Posture"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The companion will pick a target and then attack it relentlessly. +40% Impact Damage", Icon = "PersistentPosture.png", Image = "PersistentPostureMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/BeastWeapons/Stances/BeastPersistentStance", Introduced = "37", Link = "Persistent Posture", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Persistent Posture", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Resplandor del fénix"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Wreathes the Railjack in fire, increasing Turret Damage and Speed.", Icon = "Resplandor del fénix.png", Image = "Resplandor del fénix.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Abilities/CrewShipPhoenixAbilityCard", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Resplandor del fénix", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Resplandor del fénix", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Battle, Slot 3)" }, ["Renovación del fénix"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Renewal Augment: Taking fatal damage while under the effects of Renewal will instead Heal you or allies to 50% Health. This effect triggers only once for each ally every 90s.", Icon = "Renovación del fénix.png", Image = "Renovación del fénix.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Paladin/RegenerationAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.11", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Renovación del fénix", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Renovación del fénix", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oberon" }, ["Sobrecarga fotónica"] = { BaseDrain = 2, Conclave = false, Description = "+90% Critical Damage On Kill or Assist: Slain enemies have a 2% chance to drop an Energy Orb per Cold Status affecting them.", Icon = "Sobrecarga fotónica.png", Image = "Sobrecarga fotónica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Nightwave/GlaxionNightwaveMod", Introduced = "35.6", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Sobrecarga fotónica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrecarga fotónica", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Glaxion", }, ["Repetidor fotónico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Photon Strike Augment: If Photon Strike hits at least 5 enemies, the next cast will cost no Energy and fire a second strike.", Icon = "Repetidor fotónico.png", Image = "Repetidor fotónico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Trapper/MagHoleAugmentCard", Introduced = "26", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Repetidor fotónico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Repetidor fotónico", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vauban" }, ["Físico"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad gains +20% Maximum Health", Icon = "Físico.png", Image = "Físico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerHealthAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Físico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Físico", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Calibre perforador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Calibre perforador.png", Image = "Calibre perforador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponEventPunctureDamageMod", Introduced = "15.5", Link = "Calibre perforador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Calibre perforador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Furia perforadora"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DAGGERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Furia perforadora.png", Image = "Furia perforadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPDaggerStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Furia perforadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Furia perforadora", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Daggers" }, ["Golpe perforador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Golpe perforador.png", Image = "Golpe perforador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponArmorPiercingDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Golpe perforador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Golpe perforador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Navegador perforante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Navigator Augment: Each hit increases the projectile's Critical Chance by 10% up to a max of 50%. +3 Projectile Punch Through. ", Icon = "Navegador perforante.png", Image = "Navegador perforante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ranger/RangerControlAugmentCard", Introduced = "20.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Navegador perforante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Navegador perforante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ivara" }, ["Rugido perforante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Roar Augment: Roar gains +40% range. Enemies within 25m are knocked down and suffer 5 stacks of <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture Status effect.", Icon = "Rugido perforante.png", Image = "Rugido perforante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Rhino/RadialBlastAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Rugido perforante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Rugido perforante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rhino" }, ["Paso perforante"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+18% to Bullet Jump\r\n+18% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration\r\n+60% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture on Bullet Jump", Icon = "Paso perforante.png", Image = "Paso perforante.png", Incompatible = { "Movilización", "Patadón", "Batería de maniobras", "Giro desgarrador", "Caminante de fuego", "Resorte helado", "Carrera relámpago", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/PunctureParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Paso perforante", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Paso perforante", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Domo estrangulador robador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Strangledome Augment: Enemies held in Strangledome have a 65% chance of dropping additional loot.", Icon = "Domo estrangulador robador.png", Image = "Domo estrangulador robador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Khora/KhoraCageAugmentCard", Introduced = "24.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Domo estrangulador robador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Domo estrangulador robador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Khora" }, ["Enjambre robador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Tentacle Swarm Augment: Enemies held by tentacles have a 100% chance at additional drops.", Icon = "Enjambre robador.png", Image = "Enjambre robador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pirate/KrakenAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Enjambre robador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Enjambre robador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hydroid" }, ["Pinnacle Pack Equilibrium"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Health pickups give +60% Energy. Energy pickups give +60% Health.", Icon = "Equilibrium.png", Image = "PinnaclePackEquilibriumMod.png", Incompatible = { "Equilibrium", "Flawed Equilibrium" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Intermediate/AvatarPickupBonusModIntermediate", Introduced = "24.7.1", Link = "Equilibrium", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Equilibrium (Pinnacle Pack)", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PICKUP_BONUS_AMOUNT" } }, ["Agudeza de pistola"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+350% Weak Point Damage\r\n+350% Weak Point Critical Chance.\r\nMultishot cannot be modified.", Icon = "Agudeza de pistola.png", Image = "Agudeza de pistola.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Agudeza de pistola", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Agudeza de pistola", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola" }, ["Mutación de munición de pistola"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Converts Primary ammo pickups to 50% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de pistola.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de pistola.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de pistola Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPistolConvertAmmoMod", Introduced = "9.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mutación de munición de pistola", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mutación de munición de pistola", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Amplificador de pistola"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +27% Pistol Damage", Icon = "Amplificador de pistola.png", Image = "Amplificador de pistola.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerPistolDamageAuraMod", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", Link = "Amplificador de pistola", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Amplificador de pistola", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Elementalista de pistola"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Damage\r\n+60% Reload Speed", Icon = "Elementalista de pistola.png", Image = "Elementalista de pistola.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/PistolStatusDamageDuoMod", Introduced = "36", Link = "Elementalista de pistola", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Elementalista de pistola", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = , Type = "Pistola" }, ["Gambito de pistola"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% Critical Chance", Icon = "Gambito de pistola.png", Image = "Gambito de pistola.png", Incompatible = { "Gambito de pistola Prime", "Flawed Pistol Gambit", "Diana artera" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponCritChanceMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Gambito de pistola", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Gambito de pistola", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Pestilencia de pistola"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_POISON_COLOR>toxina\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Pestilencia de pistola.png", Image = "Pestilencia de pistola.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/PoisonEventPistolMod", Introduced = "11.5", Link = "Pestilencia de pistola", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pestilencia de pistola", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Carroñero de pistola"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +150% Pistol Ammo Recovery", Icon = "Carroñero de pistola.png", Image = "Carroñero de pistola.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerPistolAmmoAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Carroñero de pistola", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Carroñero de pistola", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_RETRIEVED" } }, ["Plan B"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Hit:\r\n+20% Secondary Weapon Fire Rate for 3s", Icon = "Plan B.png", Image = "Plan B.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "ATTICA", "INFCERNOS", "CRPBOW", "ZHUGE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/FasterPistolRoFOnHitBowMod", Introduced = "17.8", Link = "Plan B", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Plan B", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Bow", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Quemarropa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de daño", Icon = "Quemarropa.png", Image = "Quemarropa.png", Incompatible = { "Quemarropa Prime", "Flawed Point Blank" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponDamageAmountMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Quemarropa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Quemarropa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Punto de impacto"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+150% Critical Chance", Icon = "Punto de impacto.png", Image = "Punto de impacto.png", Incompatible = { "Retraso crítico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponCritChanceMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Punto de impacto", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Punto de impacto", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Pointed Wind"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DAGGERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Spiral strikes, lifting combos.", Icon = "PointedWind.png", Image = "PointedWindMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DaggerCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Pointed Wind", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pointed Wind", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Daggers" }, ["Picadura venenosa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% de <DT_POISON_COLOR>toxina", Icon = "Picadura venenosa.png", Image = "Picadura venenosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingWeaponToxinDamageMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Picadura venenosa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Picadura venenosa", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Cargador polar"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Icon = "Cargador polar.png", Image = "Cargador polar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingWeaponFreezeDamageMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Cargador polar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador polar", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Depósito de vida"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Well of Life Augment: On death, marked enemies will drop 4 Health Orbs with a 100% chance of dropping an Energy Orb.", Icon = "Depósito de vida.png", Image = "Depósito de vida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Trinity/WellOfLifeAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Depósito de vida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Depósito de vida", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Trinity" }, ["Pop Top"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-60% Jump Charge Time", Icon = "PopTop.png", Image = "PopTopMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBJumpChargeTimeMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Pop Top", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Pop Top", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_JUMP_CHARGE_TIME" } }, ["Poppin' Vert"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+80% K-Drive Double Jump Height", Icon = "Poppin'Vert.png", Image = "Poppin'VertMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBDoubleJumpHeightMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Poppin' Vert", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Poppin' Vert", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_DOUBLE_JUMP_HEIGHT" } }, Precipitarse = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "The Kavat pounces at an enemy, dealing 90% de daño and stunning them for a short duration.", Icon = "Precipitarse.png", Image = "Precipitarse.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowPouncePrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Precipitarse", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Precipitarse", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kavat" }, ["Donación de poder"] = { BaseDrain = -4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "You lose 30% Ability Strength\r\nSquadmates gain 30% Ability Strength", Icon = "Donación de poder.png", Image = "Donación de poder.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/AvatarAuraPowerMaxMod", Introduced = "23.10", Link = "Donación de poder", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Donación de poder", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Drenaje de energía"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "100% chance for next ability cast to gain +50% Ability Strength", Icon = "Drenaje de energía.png", Image = "Drenaje de energía.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/OnExecutionDrainPowerMod", Introduced = "30.5", Link = "Drenaje de energía", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Drenaje de energía", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Derivación poderosa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+15% Ability Strength\r\n+30% Chance to Resist Knockdown", Icon = "Derivación poderosa.png", Image = "Derivación poderosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/OrokinChallenge/OrokinChallengeModPower", Introduced = "18", IsExilus = true, Link = "Derivación poderosa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación poderosa", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH", "AVATAR_INJURY_BLOCK_CHANCE" } }, ["Lanzamiento potente"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+2 Punch Through\r\nOn Consecutive throw (Max stacks 3):\r\n+100% Throw Damage", Icon = "Lanzamiento potente.png", Image = "Lanzamiento potente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponGlaivePowerthrowMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Lanzamiento potente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Lanzamiento potente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Glaive", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Poder de tres"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Quiver Augment: Quiver fires three arrows and consumes 20 more Energy.", Icon = "Poder de tres.png", Image = "Poder de tres.png", Incompatible = { "Aljaba empoderada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ranger/RangerQuiverPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Poder de tres", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Poder de tres", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ivara" }, ["Condicionamiento preciso"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+385% Melee Damage\r\nConvert all base Physical Damage to <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash Damage", Icon = "Condicionamiento preciso.png", Image = "Condicionamiento preciso.png", Incompatible = { "Condicionamiento bruto", "Condicionamiento deshabilitante" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/BeastPrecisionConditioningMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Condicionamiento preciso", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Condicionamiento preciso", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Intensificación de precisión"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Ability Strength for your 4th Ability", Icon = "Intensificación de precisión.png", Image = "Intensificación de precisión.png", Incompatible = { "Intensificación", "Intensificación Arconte", "Intensificación Umbral", "Flawed Intensify" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarAbilityFourStrengthMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Intensificación de precisión", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Intensificación de precisión", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Munición de precisión"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+100% Accuracy\r\n+50% Projectile Speed", Icon = "Munición de precisión.png", Image = "Munición de precisión.png", Incompatible = { "Calibre hidráulico", "Escotilla suelta", "Capacidad máxima" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/TonkorAccuracySmallerMag", Introduced = "The Index Preview", Link = "Munición de precisión", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Munición de precisión", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tonkor", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_SPREAD", "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED" } }, ["Golpe de Precisión"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Hitting an enemy directly with the grenade increases Reload Speed by 150% for 5s.", Icon = "Golpe de Precisión.png", Image = "Golpe de Precisión.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Arbitration/GrnGrenadeLauncherArbitrationMod", Introduced = "27.5", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Golpe de Precisión", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Golpe de Precisión", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tonkor" }, Predator = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+50% Turret Critical Chance", Icon = "Predator.png", Image = "PredatorMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/VidarGunnerWeaponCritChance", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Predator", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Predator", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Preparación"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Maximum Energy is filled on Spawn", Icon = "Preparación.png", Image = "Preparación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarSpawnEnergyMod", Introduced = "27.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Preparación", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Preparación", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENERGY_SPAWN_PERCENT" } }, ["Punto de presión"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% Melee Damage", Icon = "Punto de presión.png", Image = "Punto de presión.png", Incompatible = { "Punto de presión Prime", "Presión sacrificial", "Presión Amanata", "Flawed Pressure Point" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Punto de presión", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Punto de presión", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Cargador presurizado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Reload:\r\n+90% Fire Rate when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Cargador presurizado.png", Image = "Cargador presurizado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/FireRateWhileAimingPistolMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Cargador presurizado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador presurizado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Presa de Dynar"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Shroud of Dynar Augment: Increase an enemy's Damage Vulnerability by 50%. Using Fang of Raksh on that enemy increases its spread radius by 150%.", Icon = "Presa de Dynar.png", Image = "Presa de Dynar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Werewolf/WerewolfShroudAugmentCard", Introduced = "37", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Presa de Dynar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Presa de Dynar", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Voruna" }, ["Primal Fury"] = { CodexSecret = false, Description = "Stance: Summon the iron staff and unleash fury.", Icon = "PrimalFury.png", Image = "PrimalFuryStanceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/MonkeyKingStaffMeleeTreeRework", Introduced = "23", Link = "Primal Fury (Stance)", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Primal Fury", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Iron Staff" }, ["Ira primitiva"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Primal Fury Augment: Killing an enemy increases Critical Chance by 15%. The increase decays by 1%/s", Icon = "Ira primitiva.png", Image = "Ira primitiva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/MonkeyKing/MonkeyStaffAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.14", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Ira primitiva", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ira primitiva", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Wukong" }, ["Agudeza primaria"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+350% Weak Point Damage\r\n+350% Weak Point Critical Chance.\r\nMultishot cannot be modified.", Icon = "Agudeza primaria.png", Image = "Agudeza primaria.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Agudeza primaria", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Agudeza primaria", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Reserva de munición Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+110% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Reserva de munición Prime.png", Image = "Reserva de munición Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Reserva de munición", "Flawed Ammo Stock" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponClipMaxModExpert", Introduced = "30.7.6", Link = "Reserva de munición Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Reserva de munición Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Instinto animal Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55 Loot Radar\r\n+33 Enemy Radar", Icon = "Instinto animal Prime.png", Image = "Instinto animal Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Instinto animal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelLootRadarEnemyRadarExpertMod", Introduced = "24.6.1", Link = "Instinto animal Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Instinto animal Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_LOOT_RADAR", "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR" } }, ["Perdición del Corpus Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Corpus", Icon = "Perdición del Corpus Prime.png", Image = "Perdición del Corpus Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Bane of Corpus", "Flawed Bane of Corpus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/PrimedWeaponFactionDamageCorpus", Introduced = "18.2.2", Link = "Perdición del Corpus Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Perdición del Corpus Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Perdición de los orokin Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Orokin", Icon = "Perdición de los orokin Prime.png", Image = "Perdición de los orokin Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición de los orokin" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/PrimedWeaponFactionDamageCorrupted", Introduced = "21.4.1", Link = "Perdición de los orokin Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Perdición de los orokin Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Perdición de los grineer Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "Perdición de los grineer Prime.png", Image = "Perdición de los grineer Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición de los grineer", "Flawed Bane of Grineer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/PrimedWeaponFactionDamageGrineer", Introduced = "18.2.2", Link = "Perdición de los grineer Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Perdición de los grineer Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Perdición de los infestados Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Infested", Icon = "Perdición de los infestados Prime.png", Image = "Perdición de los infestados Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Perdición de los infestados" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/PrimedWeaponFactionDamageInfested", Introduced = "18.2.2", Link = "Perdición de los infestados Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Perdición de los infestados Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Cámara preparada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+100% Damage on first shot in Magazine", Icon = "Cámara preparada.png", Image = "Cámara preparada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/EventSniperReloadDamageMod", Introduced = "8.3.1", Link = "Cámara preparada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cámara preparada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_INIT_DAMAGE_MOD" } }, ["Cartucho cargado Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "Cartucho cargado Prime.png", Image = "Cartucho cargado Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Cartucho cargado", "Flawed Charged Shell" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponElectricityDamageModExpert", Introduced = "23.8.2", Link = "Cartucho cargado Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Cartucho cargado Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Alcance helado Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Icon = "Alcance helado Prime.png", Image = "Alcance helado Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Alcance helado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponFreezeDamageModExpert", Introduced = "29.9.1", Link = "Alcance helado Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Alcance helado Prime", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Limpieza de corpus Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Corpus", Icon = "Limpieza de corpus Prime.png", Image = "Limpieza de corpus Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de corpus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageCorpusExpert", Introduced = "27.4.4", Link = "Limpieza de corpus Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Limpieza de corpus Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Limpieza de orokin Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Orokin", Icon = "Limpieza de orokin Prime.png", Image = "Limpieza de orokin Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de orokin" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageCorruptedExpert", Introduced = "27.4.4", Link = "Limpieza de orokin Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Limpieza de orokin Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Limpieza de grineer Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "Limpieza de grineer Prime.png", Image = "Limpieza de grineer Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de grineer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageGrineerExpert", Introduced = "27.4.4", Link = "Limpieza de grineer Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Limpieza de grineer Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Limpieza de infestados Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Infested", Icon = "Limpieza de infestados Prime.png", Image = "Limpieza de infestados Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Limpieza de infestados" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponShotgunFactionDamageInfestedExpert", Introduced = "27.4.4", Link = "Limpieza de infestados Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Limpieza de infestados Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Continuidad Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55% Ability Duration", Icon = "Continuidad Prime.png", Image = "Continuidad Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Continuidad", "Continuidad Arconte", "Flawed Continuity" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Expert/AvatarAbilityDurationModExpert", Introduced = "15.6.3", Link = "Continuidad Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Continuidad Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Convulsión Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "Convulsión Prime.png", Image = "Convulsión Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Convulsión", "Flawed Convulsion" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponFireDamageModExpert", Introduced = "35.0.6", Link = "Convulsión Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Convulsión Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Munición criogénica Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>Cold", Icon = "Munición criogénica Prime.png", Image = "Munición criogénica Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Munición criogénica" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/WeaponFreezeDamageModExpert", Introduced = "Recurring Dreams", Link = "Munición criogénica Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Munición criogénica Prime", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Eficiencia letal Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "On Reload From Empty:\r\n+220% Damage for 16.5s", Image = "Eficiencia letal Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Eficiencia letal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/PrimedArchwingDamageAfterReloadMod", Introduced = "36.0.4", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Eficiencia letal Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Eficiencia letal Prime", Icon = "Eficiencia letal Prime.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Munición doble Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+110% Multishot", Icon = "Munición doble Prime.png", Image = "Munición doble Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Munición doble" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/PrimedArchwingRifleFireIterationsMod", Introduced = "36.0.4", Link = "Munición doble Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Munición doble Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Expeler corpus Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Corpus", Icon = "Expeler corpus Prime.png", Image = "Expeler corpus Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler corpus", "Flawed Expel Corpus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponPistolFactionDamageCorpusExpert", Introduced = "23.9.1", Link = "Expeler corpus Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Expeler corpus Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Expeler orokin Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Orokin", Icon = "Expeler orokin Prime.png", Image = "Expeler orokin Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler orokin" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponPistolFactionDamageCorruptedExpert", Introduced = "23.9.1", Link = "Expeler orokin Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Expeler orokin Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Expeler grineer Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "Expeler grineer Prime.png", Image = "Expeler grineer Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler grineer", "Flawed Expel Grineer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponPistolFactionDamageGrineerExpert", Introduced = "23.9.1", Link = "Expeler grineer Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Expeler grineer Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Expeler infestados Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Infested", Icon = "Expeler infestados Prime.png", Image = "Expeler infestados Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Expeler infestados" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponPistolFactionDamageInfestedExpert", Introduced = "23.9.1", Link = "Expeler infestados Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Expeler infestados Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Manos rápidas Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55% Reload Speed", Icon = "Manos rápidas Prime.png", Image = "Manos rápidas Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Manos rápidas", "Flawed Fast Hands" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/WeaponReloadSpeedModExpert", Introduced = "15.9", Link = "Manos rápidas Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Manos rápidas Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Golpe de fiebre Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin", Icon = "Golpe de fiebre Prime.png", Image = "Golpe de fiebre Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Golpe de fiebre", "Flawed Fever Strike" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponToxinDamageModExpert", Introduced = "22", Link = "Golpe de fiebre Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Golpe de fiebre Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Tormenta de fuego Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Improves the Blast Radius of weapons with Radial Attacks.\r\n+44% Blast Radius", Icon = "Tormenta de fuego Prime.png", Image = "Tormenta de fuego Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Tormenta de fuego" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/WeaponIncreaseRadialExplosionModExpert", Introduced = "29.5.6", Link = "Tormenta de fuego Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Tormenta de fuego Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Flujo Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+185% Energy Max", Icon = "Flujo Prime.png", Image = "Flujo Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Flujo", "Flujo Arconte", "Flawed Flow" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Expert/AvatarPowerMaxModExpert", Introduced = "15.8.1", Link = "Flujo Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Flujo Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_MAX" } }, ["Fulminación Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Improves the Blast Radius of weapons with Radial Attacks.\r\n+44% Blast Radius", Icon = "Fulminación Prime.png", Image = "Fulminación Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Fulminación" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/AmbulasEvent/Expert/SecondaryExplosionRadiusModExpert", Introduced = "29.5.6", Link = "Fulminación Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Fulminación Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola" }, ["Furia Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55% Attack Speed", Icon = "Furia Prime.png", Image = "Furia Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Furia", "Flawed Fury", "Furia berserker" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponFireRateModExpert", Introduced = "Lunaro 4", Link = "Furia Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Furia Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Carga incendiaria Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% <DT_FIRE_COLOR>Heat", Icon = "Carga incendiaria Prime.png", Image = "Carga incendiaria Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Carga incendiaria", "Flawed Heated Charge" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponFireDamageModExpert", Introduced = "15.11", Link = "Carga incendiaria Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Carga incendiaria Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Trauma pesado Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact", Icon = "PrimedHeavyTrauma.png", Image = "Trauma pesado Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Trauma pesado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponImpactDamageModExpert", Introduced = "15.9", Link = "Trauma pesado Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Trauma pesado Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Cargador deformado Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Cargador deformado Prime.png", Image = "Cargador deformado Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Cargador deformado de Javlok Amalgama", "Flawed Magazine Warp", "Cargador deformado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/WeaponClipMaxModExpert", Introduced = "30.6.1", Link = "Cargador deformado Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Cargador deformado Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Transformador mórfico Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55% Ability Strength", Icon = "Transformador mórfico Prime.png", Image = "Transformador mórfico Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Transformador mórfico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Expert/ArchwingSuitAbilityStrengthModExpert", Introduced = "17.7.1", Link = "Transformador mórfico Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Transformador mórfico Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH" } }, ["Líder de la manada Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Heal your Companion with Melee hits. Excess healing grants Overguard.\r\n+183 Health per hit\r\n+2200 OVERGUARD MAX", Icon = "Líder de la manada Prime.png", Image = "Líder de la manada Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Líder de la manada" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/Expert/KubrowPackLeaderExpertMod", Introduced = "24.8.3", Link = "Líder de la manada Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Líder de la manada Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_PACK_LEADER" } }, ["Mutación de munición de pistola Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Converts Primary ammo pickups to 92% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de pistola Prime.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de pistola Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de pistola" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponPistolConvertAmmoModExpert", Introduced = "15.13", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mutación de munición de pistola Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Mutación de munición de pistola Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Gambito de pistola Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+187% Critical Chance", Icon = "Gambito de pistola Prime.png", Image = "Gambito de pistola Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Gambito de pistola", "Flawed Pistol Gambit", "Diana artera" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponCritChanceModBeginnerExpert", Introduced = "16.10", Link = "Gambito de pistola Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Gambito de pistola Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Quemarropa Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% Damage", Icon = "Quemarropa Prime.png", Image = "Quemarropa Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Quemarropa", "Flawed Point Blank" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponDamageAmountModExpert", Introduced = "15.8.1", Link = "Quemarropa Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Quemarropa Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Punto de presión Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+165% Melee Damage", Icon = "Punto de presión Prime.png", Image = "Punto de presión Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Punto de presión", "Presión sacrificial", "Presión Amanata", "Flawed Pressure Point" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponMeleeDamageModExpert", Introduced = "Lunaro", Link = "Punto de presión Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Punto de presión Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Agarre rápido Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+88% Reload Speed", Icon = "Agarre rápido Prime.png", Image = "Agarre rápido Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Agarre rápido", "Flawed Quickdraw" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponReloadSpeedModExpert", Introduced = "23.1.3", Link = "Agarre rápido Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Agarre rápido Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Destrozar Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+110% Critical Damage", Icon = "Destrozar Prime.png", Image = "Destrozar Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Destrozar" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponCritDamageModExpert", Introduced = "15.6.2", Link = "Destrozar Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Destrozar Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Alcance Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+3 Range", Icon = "Alcance Prime.png", Image = "Alcance Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Reach" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponMeleeRangeIncModExpert", Introduced = "15.13", Link = "Alcance Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Alcance Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Redirección Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+180% Shield Capacity", Icon = "Redirección Prime.png", Image = "Redirección Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Redirección", "Flawed Redirection" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarShieldMaxModExpert", Introduced = "35", Link = "Redirección Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Redirección Prime", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Regeneración Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Sentinel recovery time reduced by 35s, Revives with 10s of invulnerability.", Icon = "Regeneración Prime.png", Image = "Regeneración Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Regeneración" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/PrimedRegen", Introduced = "19.6", Link = "Regeneración Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Regeneración Prime", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sentinel" }, ["Mutación de munición de rifle Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = true, CompatibilityTags = { "ASSAULT_AMMO" }, Description = "Converts Secondary ammo pickups to 92% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de rifle Prime.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de rifle Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de rifle" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/WeaponRifleConvertAmmoModExpert", Introduced = "17.11", Link = "Mutación de munición de rifle Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Mutación de munición de rifle Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Cañón revestido de rubedo Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+187% Damage", Icon = "Cañón revestido de rubedo Prime.png", Image = "Cañón revestido de rubedo Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Cañón revestido de rubedo" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/Expert/ArchwingRifleDamageAmountModExpert", Introduced = "28.0.5", Link = "Cañón revestido de rubedo Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Cañón revestido de rubedo Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Mutación de munición de escopeta Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = true, Description = "Converts Secondary ammo pickups to 92% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de escopeta Prime.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de escopeta Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de escopeta" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponShotgunConvertAmmoModExpert", Introduced = "17.11", Link = "Mutación de munición de escopeta Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Mutación de munición de escopeta Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Despedazar Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55% Fire Rate (x2 for Bows)\r\n+2.2 Punch Through", Icon = "Despedazar Prime.png", Image = "Despedazar Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Despedazar" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/PrimedShredMod", Introduced = "21.1.1", Link = "Despedazar Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Despedazar Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH" } }, ["Desliz de cargador Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+55% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Desliz de cargador Prime.png", Image = "Desliz de cargador Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Desliz de cargador", "Flawed Slip Magazine" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/WeaponClipMaxModExpert", Introduced = "", Link = "Desliz de cargador Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Desliz de cargador Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Castiga corpus Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Corpus", Icon = "Castiga corpus Prime.png", Image = "Castiga corpus Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga corpus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageCorpusExpert", Introduced = "27.0.7", Link = "Castiga corpus Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Castiga corpus Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Castiga orokin Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Orokin", Icon = "Castiga orokin Prime.png", Image = "Castiga orokin Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga orokin" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageCorruptedExpert", Introduced = "27.0.7", Link = "Castiga orokin Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Castiga orokin Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Castiga grineer Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "Castiga grineer Prime.png", Image = "Castiga grineer Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga grineer", "Flawed Smite Grineer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageGrineerExpert", Introduced = "27.0.7", Link = "Castiga grineer Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Castiga grineer Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Castiga infestados Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "x1.55 Damage to Infested", Icon = "Castiga infestados Prime.png", Image = "Castiga infestados Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga infestados" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Expert/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageInfestedExpert", Introduced = "27.0.7", Link = "Castiga infestados Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Castiga infestados Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Mutación de munición de francotirador Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = true, CompatibilityTags = { "SNIPER_AMMO", "LAUNCHER_AMMO" }, Description = "Converts Secondary ammo pickups to 92% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de francotirador Prime.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de francotirador Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de francotirador" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Expert/WeaponSnipersConvertAmmoModExpert", Introduced = "31.1.8", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mutación de munición de francotirador Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Mutación de munición de francotirador Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Pies firmes Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+100% Chance to Resist Knockdown", Icon = "Pies firmes Prime.png", Image = "Pies firmes Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Pies firmes" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Expert/AvatarKnockdownResistanceModExpert", Introduced = "22.20.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Pies firmes Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Pies firmes Prime", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_INJURY_BLOCK_CHANCE" } }, ["Bombeo táctico Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = true, Conclave = false, Description = "+100% Reload Speed", Icon = "Bombeo táctico Prime.png", Image = "Bombeo táctico Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Bombeo táctico", "Flawed Tactical Pump" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Expert/WeaponReloadSpeedModExpert", Introduced = "30.3.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Bombeo táctico Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Bombeo táctico Prime", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Rompeobjetivos Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+110% Critical Damage", Icon = "Rompeobjetivos Prime.png", Image = "Rompeobjetivos Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Rompeobjetivos", "Flawed Target Cracker" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Expert/PrimedWeaponCritDamageMod", Introduced = "17.9", Link = "Rompeobjetivos Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Rompeobjetivos Prime", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Vigor Prime"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+75% Shield Capacity\r\n+75% Health", Icon = "Vigor Prime.png", Image = "Vigor Prime.png", Incompatible = { "Vigor" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/Expert/VigorModExpert", Introduced = "", Link = "Vigor Prime", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Vigor Prime", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Legendary", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX", "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Primo Flair"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Increase Maximum Trick Combo to 6000", Icon = "PrimoFlair.png", Image = "PrimoFlairMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBEliteTricksterMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Primo Flair", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Primo Flair", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, ["Prisma protector"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Prism Augment: Prism follows above Mirage. Duration changed to 4s.", Icon = "Prisma protector.png", Image = "Prisma protector.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Harlequin/PrismPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Prisma protector", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Prisma protector", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mirage" }, ["Muerte de trofeo"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n-100% Shield Recharge Delay for 10s\r\n-25% from Health Orbs", Icon = "Muerte de trofeo.png", Image = "Muerte de trofeo.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/RestoreShieldsOnKillMod", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Muerte de trofeo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Muerte de trofeo", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE", "GAMEPLAY_PICKUP_AMOUNT" } }, ["Probóscide"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Helminth Charger whips a proboscis out at an enemy within 30m, pulling them back and dealing 100 damage.", Icon = "Probóscide.png", Image = "Probóscide.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowGrabPrecept", Introduced = "20", Link = "Probóscide", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Probóscide", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Helminth Charger" }, ["Parálisis prolongada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Paralysis Augment: Affected enemies are pulled towards Valkyr and the stun duration is increased by 200%.", Icon = "Parálisis prolongada.png", Image = "Parálisis prolongada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Berserker/ShieldBashAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Parálisis prolongada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Parálisis prolongada", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Valkyr" }, ["Prosperous Retriever"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "18% chance to double Credit pickups", Icon = "ProsperousRetriever.png", Image = "ProsperousRetrieverMod.png", Incompatible = { "Loyal Retriever", "Resourceful Retriever" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/BeastCreditDoublingMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Prosperous Retriever", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Prosperous Retriever", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Beast" }, Proteger = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "The kubrow comes to the defense of its master, replenishing their shields by 300.", Icon = "Proteger.png", Image = "Proteger.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowShieldPrecept", Introduced = "14", Link = "Proteger", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Proteger", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Raksa Kubrow" }, ["Protective Shots"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Turret Damage when Shields are above 75%", Icon = "ProtectiveShots.png", Image = "ProtectiveShotsMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanProtectiveShots", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Protective Shots", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Protective Shots", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Protector Posture"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "The companion will prioritize attacking enemies within 15m of the Warframe. Attacks inflict +4 <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR> Puncture Procs", Icon = "ProtectorPosture.png", Image = "ProtectorPostureMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/BeastWeapons/Stances/BeastProtectorStance", Introduced = "37", Link = "Protector Posture", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Protector Posture", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Chorro de Protón"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "During a Wall Latch gain +120% Status Chance and Critical Chance.", Icon = "Chorro de Protón.png", Image = "Chorro de Protón.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Spider/SpiderModB", Introduced = "25", Link = "Chorro de Protón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Chorro de Protón", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Proton Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" } }, ["Pulso de Protón"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Wall Dashing grants +100% Bullet Jump Speed.", Icon = "Pulso de Protón icono.png", Image = "Pulso de Protón.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Spider/SpiderModA", Introduced = "25", IsExilus = true, Link = "Pulso de Protón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pulso de Protón", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Proton Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST" } }, ["Chasquido de Protón"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Hold Wall Latch for 2s to gain +100% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin Damage\r\n and +50% Status Chance for 20s.", Icon = "Chasquido de Protón.png", Image = "Chasquido de Protón.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Spider/SpiderModC", Introduced = "25", Link = "Chasquido de Protón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Chasquido de Protón", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Proton Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, Provocado = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+110% Damage during Bleedout", Icon = "Provocado.png", Image = "Provocado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarGroundFireDmgMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Provocado", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Provocado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, Aporreo = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Icon = "Aporreo.png", Image = "Aporreo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponEventPistolImpactDamageMod", Introduced = "16.4", Link = "Aporreo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aporreo", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Destello de señal"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Slash Dash Augment: Allies in the path of Slash Dash have 4 debuffs removed and 100% Shields restored.", Icon = "Destello de señal.png", Image = "Destello de señal.png", Incompatible = { "Alzamiento fugaz" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/SlashDashPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Destello de señal", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Destello de señal", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Excalibur" }, ["Llamas purificadoras"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fire Blast Augment: Allies hit by the expanding ring of fire will be granted 4s of Status Immunity.", Icon = "Llamas purificadoras.png", Image = "Llamas purificadoras.png", Incompatible = { "Llama sanadora" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ember/FireBlastPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Llamas purificadoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Llamas purificadoras", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ember" }, ["Empujar & Halar"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Metamorphosis Augment: Switching to Day-form staggers enemies within 6m and knocks them down when switching to Night-form.", Icon = "Empujar & Halar.png", Image = "Empujar & Halar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/YinYang/YinYangSwitchPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Empujar & Halar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Empujar & Halar", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Equinox" }, ["Flujo piroclástico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fire Walker Augment: Accumulate 250% of the damage Fire Walker deals, unleashing it in a trail of fire that lasts 10s.", Icon = "Flujo piroclástico.png", Image = "Flujo piroclástico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Nezha/NezhaTrailAugmentCard", Introduced = "20.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Flujo piroclástico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Flujo piroclástico", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nezha" }, ["Mano temblante"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "FIST_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Mano temblante.png", Image = "Mano temblante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPFistStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Mano temblante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mano temblante", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Fists" }, ["Taladro quásar"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Taladro quásar.png", Image = "Taladro quásar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingDualStatPunctureStatusMod", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Taladro quásar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Taladro quásar", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Carga rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-20% Shield Recharge Delay\r\n-20 Shield Capacity", Icon = "Carga rápida.png", Image = "Carga rápida.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/ReduceShieldRechargeDelayWarframe", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Carga rápida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Carga rápida", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE", "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Quick Escape"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Gain invulnerability for 5s mounting a K-drive, but will expire early upon dismounting. ", Icon = "QuickEscape.png", Image = "QuickEscapeMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBEscapePlanMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Quick Escape", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Quick Escape", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, ["Recarga rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Reload Speed", Icon = "Recarga rápida.png", Image = "Recarga rápida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleReloadSpeedMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Recarga rápida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recarga rápida", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Devolución rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-4 Bounce", Icon = "Devolución rápida.png", Image = "Devolución rápida.png", Incompatible = { "Devolución rápida volátil", "Rebote volátil", "Rebote" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponGlaiveReflectionDecreaseMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Devolución rápida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Devolución rápida", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Glaive", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_REFLECTION_MODIFIER" } }, ["Mente rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Drains Energy to stop Lethal Damage with 240% Efficiency.", Icon = "Mente rápida.png", Image = "Mente rápida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarPowerToHealthOnDeathMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Mente rápida", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mente rápida", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_POWER_TO_HEALTH_ON_DEATH" } }, ["Agarre rápido"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+48% Reload Speed", Icon = "Agarre rápido.png", Image = "Agarre rápido.png", Incompatible = { "Agarre rápido Prime", "Flawed Quickdraw" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponReloadSpeedMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Agarre rápido", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Agarre rápido", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Aceleración"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Attack Speed\r\n+20% Combo Count Chance", Icon = "Aceleración.png", Image = "Aceleración.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Channel/ChannelFireRateMod", Introduced = "13", Link = "Aceleración", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Aceleración", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_GAIN_EXTRA_CHANCE" } }, Quicklock = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-75% Ordnance Lock-On Time", Icon = "Quicklock.png", Image = "QuicklockMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanFastOrdnanceLock", Introduced = "27.4", Link = "Quicklock", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Quicklock", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Remate radiante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Radial Blind Augment: Blinded enemies take 300% more Finisher Damage.", Icon = "Remate radiante.png", Image = "Remate radiante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/RadialBlindAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.3.3", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Remate radiante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Remate radiante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Excalibur" }, ["Recarga radioactiva"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation\r\n+40% Reload Speed", Icon = "Recarga radioactiva.png", Image = "Recarga radioactiva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/RadiationReloadRifleMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Recarga radioactiva", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recarga radioactiva", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Garras de radón"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+60% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation\r\n+80% Critical Damage", Icon = "Garras de radón.png", Image = "Garras de radón.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Garras de radón", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Garras de radón", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, Ira = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Convert +40% of Damage on Health to Energy", Icon = "Ira.png", Image = "Ira.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageToEnergyMod", Introduced = "8", Link = "Ira", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ira", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_POWER_MULTIPLIER" } }, ["Raider Matrix"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+15% Archwing Speed and Damage\r\n+24% Archwing Shield and Armor\r\n+45% Captured Crewship Speed and Damage", Icon = "RaiderMatrix.png", Image = "RaiderMatrixMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Piloting/LavanHijackMatrixAura", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Raider Matrix", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Raider Matrix", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack Aura" }, ["Rail Guards"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% K-Drive Grind Speed", Icon = "RailGuards.png", Image = "RailGuardsMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBGrindSpeedMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Rail Guards", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rail Guards", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive", UpgradeTypes = { "VEHICLE_SPEED_ALT" } }, ["Ventaja de rango"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+300% damage if no enemies are within 10m.", Image = "Ventaja de rango.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveAkjagaraAugmentMod", Introduced = "31.2", CodexSecret = false, IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Ventaja de rango", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ventaja de rango", Icon = "Ventaja de rango.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Akjagara" }, ["Resiliencia súbita"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-75% Status Duration on Self", Icon = "Resiliencia súbita.png", Image = "Resiliencia súbita.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarProcTimeMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Resiliencia súbita", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Resiliencia súbita", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PROC_TIME" } }, Destrozar = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Critical Damage", Icon = "Destrozar.png", Image = "Destrozar.png", Incompatible = { "Destrozar Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponCritDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Destrozar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Destrozar", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Fantasma voraz"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "", Icon = "Fantasma voraz.png", Image = "Fantasma voraz.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/ReaperMeleeTree", Introduced = "30", Link = "Fantasma voraz", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fantasma voraz", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Shadow Claws" }, ["Municiones rasuradoras"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Icon = "Municiones rasuradoras.png", Image = "Municiones rasuradoras.png", Incompatible = { "Municiones empaladoras", "Municiones meteóricas" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/DamageBiasSlashPistolMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Municiones rasuradoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Municiones rasuradoras", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Disparo rasurador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_SLASH_COLOR>cortante", Icon = "Disparo rasurador.png", Image = "Disparo rasurador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Disparo rasurador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Disparo rasurador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Alas afiladas relámpago"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Razorwing Augment: Flight Speed increased by 25% and Fire Rate increased by 25% for 8s when using abilities. Stacks up to 4x.", Icon = "Alas afiladas relámpago.png", Image = "Alas afiladas relámpago.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Fairy/FairyFlightAugmentCard", Introduced = "22.10", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Alas afiladas relámpago", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Alas afiladas relámpago", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Titania" }, Alcance = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+1.5 Alcance", Icon = "Alcance.png", Image = "Alcance.png", Incompatible = { "Alcance Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeRangeIncMod", Introduced = "8", Link = "Alcance", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Alcance", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Tormenta reactiva"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Serene Storm Augment: Desert Wind is granted +250% Status Chance and changes its damage type to match enemy weaknesses.", Icon = "Tormenta reactiva.png", Image = "Tormenta reactiva.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pacifist/PacifistFistAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.1", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Tormenta reactiva", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta reactiva", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Baruuk" }, ["Acero preparado"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad begins the mission with +24 Initial Combo", Icon = "Acero preparado.png", Image = "Acero preparado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerMeleeStartingComboAuraMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Acero preparado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Acero preparado", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_INITIAL_BONUS" } }, ["Chakram segador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by 2x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +0.25x.", Icon = "Chakram segador.png", Image = "Chakram segador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Nezha/NezhaRingAugmentCard", Introduced = "22.17.3", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Chakram segador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Chakram segador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nezha" }, ["Espiral segadora"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SCYTHES_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Far flung attacks and multi-hit combos.", Icon = "Espiral segadora.png", Image = "Espiral segadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/ScytheCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Espiral segadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Espiral segadora", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Scythes" }, Reactivar = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Energy Orbs reduce Sentinel Recovery timer by 6s. Djinn recovers with 300 Overshields per Energy Orb collected. Djinn's max Overshields increase by 900.", Icon = "Reactivar.png", Image = "Reactivar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/RespawnSelf", Introduced = "22.20", Link = "Reactivar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Reactivar", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Djinn" }, Rebote = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+4 Bounce", Icon = "Rebote.png", Image = "Rebote.png", Incompatible = { "Rebote volátil", "Devolución rápida volátil", "Devolución rápida" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponGlaiveReflectionIncreaseMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Rebote", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Rebote", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Glaive", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_REFLECTION_MODIFIER" } }, ["Barrera recargada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Electric Shield Augment: Allies that pass through have 35% Shields restored.", Icon = "Barrera recargada.png", Image = "Barrera recargada.png", Incompatible = { "Escudo de transistores" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Volt/ShieldPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Barrera recargada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Barrera recargada", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Volt" }, Recristalizar = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Crystallize Augment: Enemies killed by crystalline growths stagger and spread the crystals to enemies within 16m.", Image = "Recristalizar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Geode/GeodeGrowthsAugmentCard", Introduced = "35.5", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Recristalizar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recristalizar", Icon = "Recristalizar.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Citrine" }, Recobrarse = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+15 Heal Rate for 10s\r\n-25% from Health Orbs", Icon = "Recobrarse.png", Image = "Recobrarse.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/RestoreHealthOnKillMod", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Recobrarse", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Recobrarse", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEAL_RATE", "GAMEPLAY_PICKUP_AMOUNT" } }, Reponerse = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+15 Heal Rate for 10s\r\n-25% from Health Orbs", Icon = "Reponerse.png", Image = "Reponerse.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/RestoreHealthOnKillMod", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Reponerse", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reponerse", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEAL_RATE", "GAMEPLAY_PICKUP_AMOUNT" } }, ["Redirección"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Shield Capacity", Icon = "Redirección.png", Image = "Redirección.png", Incompatible = { "Redirección Prime", "Flawed Redirection" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarShieldMaxMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Redirección", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Redirección", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, Reflejar = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Adarza Kavat has a 40% chance to reflect damage back to an enemy, amplifying it by 60%.", Icon = "Reflejar.png", Image = "Reflejar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowReflectPrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Reflejar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reflejar", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Adarza Kavat", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PROC_REFLECT_CHANCE", "AVATAR_PROC_REFLECT_AMPLIFICATION" } }, Reflejo = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% chance to Stagger on Block\r\n+10% chance to Stun on Block", Icon = "Reflejo.png", Image = "Reflejo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarParryReflectMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Reflejo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Reflejo", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PARRY_COUNTER_CHANCE_STAGGER", "WEAPON_PARRY_COUNTER_CHANCE_STUN" } }, ["Espiral de reflejo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Heavy Attack Efficiency", Icon = "Espiral de reflejo.png", Image = "Espiral de reflejo.png", Incompatible = { "Reflejo galvanizado" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeChargeRateMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Espiral de reflejo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Espiral de reflejo", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_USAGE_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Negación reflexiva"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Generates a shield that reflects 90% de daño taken in pulses over 10s as <DT_MAGNETIC_COLOR>Magnetic Damage in a 12m radius.", Icon = "Negación reflexiva.png", Image = "Negación reflexiva.png", Incompatible = { "Negación diversificada", "Negación evasiva" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetMagneticRepulsePrecept", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Negación reflexiva", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Negación reflexiva", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Reflejo de desenfundado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Equip:\r\n-40% Weapon Recoil and +40% Accuracy for 8s", Icon = "Reflejo de desenfundado.png", Image = "Reflejo de desenfundado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/HolsterSpeedBonusMod", Introduced = "16", IsExilus = true, Link = "Reflejo de desenfundado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Reflejo de desenfundado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola" }, ["Guardia de reflejo"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Combo Count Chance while Blocking", Icon = "Guardia de reflejo.png", Image = "Guardia de reflejo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarAutoParryMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Guardia de reflejo", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Guardia de reflejo", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_GAIN_EXTRA_CHANCE" } }, ["Regeneración"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sentinel recovery time reduced by 20s. Revives with 10s of invulnerability.", Icon = "Regeneración.png", Image = "Regeneración.png", Incompatible = { "Regeneración Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Regen", Introduced = "7", Link = "Regeneración", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Regeneración", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Sentinel" }, ["Muda regenerativa"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Molt Augment: After casting Molt, Saryn regenerates 50 Health/s for 10s.", Icon = "Muda regenerativa.png", Image = "Muda regenerativa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Saryn/ShedAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Muda regenerativa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Muda regenerativa", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Saryn" }, ["Reinforced Bond"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "If the Companion exceeds 1200 Max Shields or Overshields then your fire rate is increased 60%. Reloading restores 150 Overshields to your companion.", Image = "ReinforcedBondMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/AlacrityField", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Reinforced Bond", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Reinforced Bond", Icon = "ReinforcedBond.png", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Pisotón reforzante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Rhino Stomp Augment: Iron Skin Health is replenished by 4% for each enemy affected.", Icon = "Pisotón reforzante.png", Image = "Pisotón reforzante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Rhino/RhinoStompAugmentCard", Introduced = "19.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Pisotón reforzante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Pisotón reforzante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rhino" }, Rejuvenecimiento = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +3 Health Regen/s", Icon = "Rejuvenecimiento.png", Image = "Rejuvenecimiento.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerHealthRegenAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Rejuvenecimiento", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rejuvenecimiento", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEAL_RATE" } }, ["Asalto implacable"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+2 Energy Rate for 4s", Icon = "Asalto implacable.png", Image = "Asalto implacable.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/MeleeVictimStaminaDrain", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", Link = "Asalto implacable", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Asalto implacable", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" } }, ["Combinación implacable"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% chance to increase Melee Combo Counter when <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash Status deals damage.", Icon = "Combinación implacable.png", Image = "Combinación implacable.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeComboChanceFromDot", Introduced = "19.2", Link = "Combinación implacable", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Combinación implacable", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_CHANCE_FROM_DOT" } }, ["Rending Crane"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "HEAVY_BLADE_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Downward cuts with an impact combo.", Icon = "RendingCrane.png", Image = "RendingCraneMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/AxeCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Rending Crane", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Rending Crane", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Heavy Blade" }, ["Golpe desgarrador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash\r\n+80% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Golpe desgarrador.png", Image = "Golpe desgarrador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/DualStat/RendingStrikeMod", Introduced = "9", Link = "Golpe desgarrador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Golpe desgarrador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Giro desgarrador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+18% to Bullet Jump\r\n+18% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration\r\n+60% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash on Bullet Jump", Icon = "Giro desgarrador.png", Image = "Giro desgarrador.png", Incompatible = { "Movilización", "Patadón", "Batería de maniobras", "Paso perforante", "Caminante de fuego", "Resorte helado", "Carrera relámpago", "Vuelo tóxico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/SlashParkourTwoMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Giro desgarrador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Giro desgarrador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Viento desgarrador"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "MACHETES_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Viento desgarrador.png", Image = "Viento desgarrador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPMacheteStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Viento desgarrador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Viento desgarrador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Machetes" }, ["Dispensario de reparación"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Dispensary Augment: Hold to create a dispensary that will revive the sentinel or companion Moa of a player within 14m every 60s.", Icon = "Dispensario de reparación.png", Image = "Dispensario de reparación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Odalisk/OdaliskDispensaryAugmentCard", Introduced = "30.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Dispensario de reparación", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Dispensario de reparación", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Protea" }, ["Kit de Reparación"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+18 Companion Health Regen/s", Icon = "Kit de Reparación.png", Image = "Kit de Reparación.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelRepairKitMod", Introduced = "25", Link = "Kit de Reparación", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Kit de Reparación", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sentinel", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEAL_RATE" } }, ["Cargador de repetición"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Reload:\r\n+105% Fire Rate when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Cargador de repetición.png", Image = "Cargador de repetición.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/FireRateWhileAimingShotgunMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Cargador de repetición", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador de repetición", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Bastilla ahuyentadora"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Bastille Augment: Enemies within the Bastille have a 100% chance to be repelled every 4s. Vortex's duration is increased by 70% of its Maximum Duration for each additional Vortex thrown into it.", Icon = "Bastilla ahuyentadora.png", Image = "Bastilla ahuyentadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Trapper/LevTrapAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Bastilla ahuyentadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bastilla ahuyentadora", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Vauban" }, ["Inspección de embargos"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Emits a magnetic pulse that disarms enemies within 30m.", Icon = "Inspección de embargos.png", Image = "Inspección de embargos.png", Incompatible = { "Inspección nula", "Inspección de equilibrio" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetDisarmPulsePrecept", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Inspección de embargos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Inspección de embargos", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Resilient Focus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "+20% Damage Resistance on Stun", Icon = "ResilientFocus.png", Image = "Resilient_Focus.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageResistanceStun", Link = "Resilient Focus", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Resilient Focus", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Enfoque determinado"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Chance to Resist Staggers/Knockdowns when Aiming\r\n+50% Accuracy when Aiming", Icon = "Enfoque determinado.png", Image = "Enfoque determinado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingCCImmunityIfAimingMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Enfoque determinado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Enfoque determinado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_INJURY_BLOCK_CHANCE", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, Resonancia = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sonar Augment: Killing an enemy by shooting their weak spot will trigger another Sonar for 100% of remaining duration.", Icon = "Resonancia.png", Image = "Resonancia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Banshee/SonarAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Resonancia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Resonancia", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Banshee" }, ["Terremoto resonador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sound Quake Augment: Forgoes channeling to create a shockwave that deals 20x Damage at the epicenter, gradually weakening as it expands out.", Icon = "Terremoto resonador.png", Image = "Terremoto resonador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Banshee/EarthQuakeAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.11", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Terremoto resonador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Terremoto resonador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Banshee" }, ["Resourceful Retriever"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "18% chance to double Resource pickups", Icon = "ResourcefulRetriever.png", Image = "ResourcefulRetrieverMod.png", Incompatible = { "Loyal Retriever", "Prosperous Retriever" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/BeastResourceDoublingMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Resourceful Retriever", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Resourceful Retriever", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Beast" }, ["Vínculo restaurativo"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "Health Orbs restore 60 more health and reduce Companion Recovery by 3s.", Image = "Vínculo restaurativo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/MutualNourishment", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo restaurativo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo restaurativo", Icon = "Vínculo restaurativo.png", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, Reenfoque = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sentinel will attack first visible enemy within 30m", Icon = "Reenfoque.png", Image = "Reenfoque.png", Introduced = "19.10", Link = "Reenfoque", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Reenfoque", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Taxon", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Retribución"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Chance to deal Electrical Damage when shield struck by melee enemies.\r\n+80 <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "Retribución.png", Image = "Retribución.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarRevengeDamageMelee", Introduced = "7.10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Retribución", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Retribución", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_REVENGE_DAMAGE_CHANCE", "AVATAR_REVENGE_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, Recuperar = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Kubrow has 45% chance to scavenge additional loot from a fallen enemy or containers within 30m, every 10s.", Icon = "Recuperar.png", Image = "Recuperar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowLootPrecept", Introduced = "17", Link = "Recuperar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Recuperar", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Chesa Kubrow" }, ["Esporas reveladoras"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Spores Augment: Infected enemies within 40m will show up on the minimap. +40 Enemy Radar.", Icon = "Esporas reveladoras.png", Image = "Esporas reveladoras.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Saryn/PoisonAugmentTwoCard", Introduced = "27.5.4", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Esporas reveladoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Esporas reveladoras", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Saryn" }, Venganza = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sentinel will not attack an enemy unless that enemy has attacked the Sentinel's master within 10m.", Icon = "Venganza.png", Image = "Venganza.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Revenge", Introduced = "7", Link = "Venganza", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Venganza", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Shade" }, ["Revo Reducer"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-40.5% Omni Revolite Consumption", Icon = "RevoReducer.png", Image = "RevoReducerMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Piloting/LavanMultiToolPower", Introduced = "27.3", Link = "Revo Reducer", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Revo Reducer", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Mutación de munición de rifle"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "ASSAULT_AMMO" }, Description = "Converts Secondary ammo pickups to 50% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de rifle.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de rifle.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de rifle Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponRifleConvertAmmoMod", Introduced = "9.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mutación de munición de rifle", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mutación de munición de rifle", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Amplificador de rifle"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +27% Rifle Damage", Icon = "Amplificador de rifle.png", Image = "Amplificador de rifle.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerRifleDamageAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Amplificador de rifle", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Amplificador de rifle", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Aptitud de rifle"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Chance", Icon = "Aptitud de rifle.png", Image = "Aptitud de rifle.png", Incompatible = { "Aptitud Galvanizada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponStunChanceMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Aptitud de rifle", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aptitud de rifle", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Elementalista de rifle"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Damage\r\n+0.6 Punch Through", Icon = "Elementalista de rifle.png", Image = "Elementalista de rifle.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/RifleStatusDamageDuoMod", Introduced = "36", Link = "Elementalista de rifle", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Elementalista de rifle", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = , Type = "Rifle" }, ["Carroñero de rifle"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +150% Rifle Ammo Recovery", Icon = "Carroñero de rifle.png", Image = "Carroñero de rifle.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerRifleAmmoAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Carroñero de rifle", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Carroñero de rifle", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_RETRIEVED" } }, ["Amparo de la grieta"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Banish Augment: Allies banished to the rift will have 25% of their Maximum Health restored every second.", Icon = "Amparo de la grieta.png", Image = "Amparo de la grieta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Magician/BanishAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Amparo de la grieta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Amparo de la grieta", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Limbo" }, ["Golpe de la grieta"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Heavy attacks now step through the rift to attack enemies up to 25m away", Icon = "Golpe de la grieta.png", Image = "Golpe de la grieta.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/ProjectNightwatch/TwinBasolkNightwatchMod", Introduced = "18.10", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Golpe de la grieta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Golpe de la grieta", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Twin Basolk" }, ["Torrente dimensional"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Rift Surge Augment: Limbo deals 30% Extra Damage for each enemy affected by Rift Surge while in the rift.", Icon = "Torrente dimensional.png", Image = "Torrente dimensional.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Magician/VolatileAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Torrente dimensional", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Torrente dimensional", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Limbo" }, ["Munición escarchada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FREEZE_COLOR>frío\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Munición escarchada.png", Image = "Munición escarchada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/IceEventRifleMod", Introduced = "14.5", Link = "Munición escarchada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Munición escarchada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Salto escarchado"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Ice FX on Bullet Jump", Icon = "Salto escarchado.png", Image = "Salto escarchado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/FreezeParkourPvPMod", Introduced = "17.5", IsExilus = true, Link = "Salto escarchado", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Salto escarchado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, Ripload = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-42% Ordnance Reload Time", Icon = "Ripload.png", Image = "RiploadMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanReducedOrdnanceReload", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Ripload", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ripload", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Balas destripadoras"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Balas destripadoras.png", Image = "Balas destripadoras.png", Incompatible = { "Balas cósmicas", "Balas cortantes" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/DamageBiasPunctureRifleMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Balas destripadoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Balas destripadoras", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, Ris = { Class = "Requiem", CodexSecret = false, Description = "In luminous space blackened stars\r\nThey gaze, accuse, deny", Icon = "Ris.png", Image = "RisMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Immortal/ImmortalFiveMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Ris", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ris", NotUpgradable = true, Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon" }, ["Ris Invocation"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Alternate Fire increases Ability Duration by 4% for 20s for each enemy hit. Stacks up to 15 times.", Icon = "RisInvocation.png", Image = "RisInvocationMod.png", Incompatible = { "Netra Invocation", "Invocación Vome", "Invocación Xata" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Grimoire/RisStrikeMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Ris Invocation", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ris Invocation", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tomo", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_DURATION" } }, ["Habilidad creciente"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+10% Mobility\r\n-30 Shield Capacity", Icon = "Habilidad creciente.png", Image = "Habilidad creciente.png", Incompatible = { "Arranque versado", "Propulsores de aire", "Resorte calculado", "Rumbo de templanza" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/MoreBulletJumpLessShieldMod", Introduced = "17.8", IsExilus = true, Link = "Habilidad creciente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Habilidad creciente", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION", "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Acero naciente"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SWORDS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Acero naciente.png", Image = "Acero naciente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPSwordStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Acero naciente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Acero naciente", Polarity = "Unairu", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Espadas" }, ["Tormenta creciente"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Blade Storm Augment: Blade Storm attacks increase your Melee Counter by 4. Passive: +10s Combo Duration", Icon = "Tormenta creciente.png", Image = "Tormenta creciente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ninja/NinjaStormAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Tormenta creciente", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta creciente", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ash" }, ["Saqueo entusiasta"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Plunder Augment: Plunder gains 50% max <DT_CORROSIVE_COLOR>Corrosive Damage and Armor, and heals allies within Affinity range for 50 Health.", Icon = "Saqueo entusiasta.png", Image = "Saqueo entusiasta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pirate/LiquifyAugmentCard", Introduced = "34", Link = "Saqueo entusiasta", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Saqueo entusiasta", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hydroid" }, ["Guardia ondulante"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Dodge:\r\nBecome invulnerable for 3s and remove all Status Effects. 7s cooldown.", Icon = "Guardia ondulante.png", Image = "Guardia ondulante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarInvulnOnRollMod", Introduced = "23.10", Link = "Guardia ondulante", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Guardia ondulante", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Montón de escombros"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Passive Augment: When above 1400 Rubble, Landslide costs no Energy, deals 2x Damage, and travels 2x faster.", Icon = "Montón de escombros.png", Image = "Montón de escombros.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Brawler/BrawlerPassiveAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.5.4", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Montón de escombros", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Montón de escombros", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Atlas" }, ["Cañón revestido de rubedo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Damage", Icon = "Cañón revestido de rubedo.png", Image = "Cañón revestido de rubedo.png", Incompatible = { "Cañón revestido de rubedo Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleDamageAmountMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Cañón revestido de rubedo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cañón revestido de rubedo", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Ruinous Extension"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "BEAM" }, Description = "+8 Beam Length", Icon = "RuinousExtension.png", Image = "RuinousExtensionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponBeamDistanceMod", Introduced = "15", IsExilus = true, Link = "Ruinous Extension", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ruinous Extension", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, Retumbador = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Rumblers Augment: Atlas becomes a Rumbler with Rock Armor that grants Overguard and absorbs up to 300% of damage to Max Health.", Icon = "Retumbador.png", Image = "Retumbador.png", Incompatible = { "Retumbo titánico" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Brawler/BrawlerSummonPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "18.5", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Retumbador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Retumbador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Atlas" }, ["Tiempo de ejecución"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+75% Sprint Speed for 15s after Hacking", Icon = "Tiempo de ejecución.png", Image = "Tiempo de ejecución.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Cipher/OnHackSprintSpeedMod", Introduced = "26", Link = "Tiempo de ejecución", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Tiempo de ejecución", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, Rotura = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto", Icon = "Rotura.png", Image = "Rotura.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponImpactDamageMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Rotura", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rotura", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, Carrera = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Sprint Speed", Icon = "Carrera.png", Image = "Carrera.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Rush" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarSprintSpeedMod", Introduced = "0", IsExilus = true, Link = "Carrera", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Carrera", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, ["Municiones sabot"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Damage\r\n+3 Punch Through", Icon = "Municiones sabot.png", Image = "Municiones sabot.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRiflePunchthroughMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Municiones sabot", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Municiones sabot", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archcañón", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT", "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH" } }, Sacrificio = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sentinel incapacitates itself to revive its downed owner to 100% health and shields in 4s.\r\nSentinel Recovery timer increases by 15s.\r\n+15s CompanionRecovery Time", Icon = "Sacrificio.png", Image = "Sacrificio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/RevivePlayer", Introduced = "20.4", Link = "Sacrificio", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sacrificio", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sentinel", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_REVIVE_ASSIST" } }, ["Presión sacrificial"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+110% Melee Damage\r\nx1.3% Damage to Sentients", Icon = "Presión sacrificial.png", Image = "Presión sacrificial.png", Incompatible = { "Punto de presión", "Punto de presión Prime", "Presión Amanata", "Flawed Pressure Point" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Sacrifice/MeleeSacrificeModA", Introduced = "23", Link = "Presión sacrificial", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Presión sacrificial", Polarity = "Umbra", Rarity = "Legendary", Set = "Sacrificial Set", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Acero sacrificial"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = true, Description = "+220% Critical Chance (x2 for Heavy Attacks)\r\nx1.3 Damage to Sentients", Icon = "Acero sacrificial.png", Image = "Acero sacrificial.png", Incompatible = { "Acero verdadero", "Acero galvanizado", "Acero verdadero de Ripkas de Amalgama", "Acero verdadero dañado" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Sacrifice/MeleeSacrificeModB", Introduced = "23", Link = "Acero sacrificial", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Acero sacrificial", Polarity = "Umbra", Rarity = "Legendary", Set = "Sacrificial Set", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE", "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Protección"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Warding Halo Augment: Can now be cast on allies with 50% effectiveness.", Icon = "Protección.png", Image = "Protección.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Nezha/NezhaSashAugmentCard", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Protección", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Protección", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nezha" }, ["Intercambio protector"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Switch Teleport Augment: Switch with an enemy for 3s invulnerability. Switch with an ally to give ally 6s invulnerability. Switch also removes engative status effects on Loki and allies.", Icon = "Intercambio protector.png", Image = "Intercambio protector.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Loki/SwitchAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Intercambio protector", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Intercambio protector", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Loki" }, ["Santuario (Mod)"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Creates a shield with 1800 Health around the player when they are reviving fallen allies.", Icon = "Santuario (Mod).png", Image = "Santuario (Mod).png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Sanctuary", Introduced = "8", Link = "Santuario (Mod)", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Santuario (Mod)", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Robótico" }, ["Alcance debilitante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Pull Augment: Steals up to 25 Energy from the target.", Icon = "Alcance debilitante.png", Image = "Alcance debilitante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Mag/PullPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Alcance debilitante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Alcance debilitante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mag" }, ["Silencio violento"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Silence Augment: Finisher Damage is increased by 300% while Silence is active.", Icon = "Silencio violento.png", Image = "Silencio violento.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Banshee/SilenceAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Silencio violento", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Silencio violento", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Banshee" }, Salvajismo = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "The Kubrow rushes at 8 enemies within 10m, dealing damage and knocking them over.", Icon = "Salvajismo.png", Image = "Salvajismo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/KubrowClonedFinisherMod", Introduced = "14", Link = "Salvajismo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Salvajismo", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Sunika Kubrow", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SENTINEL_FINISHER_DAMAGE" } }, ["Señuelo salvador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Decoy Augment: If Loki takes fatal damage, Decoy absorbs the damage and swaps locations. Also increases Casting Speed of Decoy by 50%", Icon = "Señuelo salvador.png", Image = "Señuelo salvador.png", Incompatible = { "Enlace engañoso" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Loki/DecoyAugmentCard", Introduced = "19.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Señuelo salvador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Señuelo salvador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Loki" }, ["Cargador aserrado"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_SLASH_COLOR>cortante", Icon = "Cargador aserrado.png", Image = "Cargador aserrado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Cargador aserrado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador aserrado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Caparazón de Saxum"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+55% Armor\r\n+20% Health", Icon = "Caparazón de Saxum.png", Image = "Caparazón de Saxum.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Femur/FemurCarapaceMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Caparazón de Saxum", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Caparazón de Saxum", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Set = "Saxum Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR", "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" } }, ["Sinovia de Saxum"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "SaxumSpittle.png", Image = "Sinovia de Saxum.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Femur/FemurSpittleMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Sinovia de Saxum", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sinovia de Saxum", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Saxum Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Tórax de Saxum"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_IMPACT_COLOR>impacto\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "SaxumThorax.png", Image = "Tórax de Saxum.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Femur/FemurThoraxMod", Introduced = "29", Link = "Tórax de Saxum", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Tórax de Saxum", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Set = "Saxum Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Escanea formas de vida acuáticas"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reveals hotspots within 100m and applies Luminous Dye to fish within 40m.", Icon = "Escanea formas de vida acuáticas.png", Image = "Escanea formas de vida acuáticas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/LocateCreatures", Introduced = "24", Link = "Escanea formas de vida acuáticas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Escanea formas de vida acuáticas", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oxylus" }, ["Escanear materia"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reveals resource containers and mineral deposits within 60m. Automatically breaks containers and collects resources every 3s.", Icon = "Escanear materia.png", Image = "Escanear materia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/LocateResources", Introduced = "24", Link = "Escanear materia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Escanear materia", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oxylus" }, ["Huracán escarlata"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "CLAWS_STANCE_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Huracán escarlata.png", Image = "Huracán escarlata.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPClawStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Huracán escarlata", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Huracán escarlata", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Justicia dispersa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+200% Multishot\r\n+1 'Justice'", Icon = "Justicia dispersa.png", Image = "Justicia dispersa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/HekMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Justicia dispersa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Justicia dispersa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hek", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Dispersión del averno"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Dispersión del averno.png", Image = "Dispersión del averno.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/FireEventShotgunMod", Introduced = "13.8", Link = "Dispersión del averno", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Dispersión del averno", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, Husmear = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% chance for the pet to pry open a locked locker.", Icon = "Husmear.png", Image = "Husmear.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowThiefPrecept", Introduced = "14", Link = "Husmear", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Husmear", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Beast", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_LOOT_CHANCE" } }, Chamuscar = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Chamuscar.png", Image = "Chamuscar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/FireEventPistolMod", Introduced = "13.8", Link = "Chamuscar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Chamuscar", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Scourging Warheads"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "51% chance for Ordnance to ignore enemy Shields", Icon = "ScourgingWarheads.png", Image = "ScourgingWarheadsMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/LavanBypassShieldOrdnance", Introduced = "29.10", Link = "Scourging Warheads", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Scourging Warheads", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Salto ardiente"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fire FX on Bullet Jump", Icon = "Salto ardiente.png", Image = "Salto ardiente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/FireParkourPvPMod", Introduced = "17.5", IsExilus = true, Link = "Salto ardiente", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Salto ardiente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Acero abrasador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_FIRE_COLOR>calor\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Acero abrasador.png", Image = "Acero abrasador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingEventFireStatusMeleeMod", Introduced = "15.8", Link = "Acero abrasador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Acero abrasador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Viento secundario"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+50% Reload Speed for 4s", Icon = "Viento secundario.png", Image = "Viento secundario.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/HealthRegenonKillPistolMod", Introduced = "17.8", Link = "Viento secundario", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Viento secundario", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" } }, ["Section Density"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+50% Turret Critical Damage", Icon = "SectionDensity.png", Image = "SectionDensityMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/VidarGunnerWeaponCritDamage", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Section Density", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Section Density", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Sobreescritura de seguridad"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Auto-hacks consoles over 2s. 30% chance to mind control basic robotic enemies and turrets in 30m for 14s after Hacking.", Icon = "Sobreescritura de seguridad.png", Image = "Sobreescritura de seguridad.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetPrecept/MoaHackerPrecept", Introduced = "24", Link = "Sobreescritura de seguridad", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobreescritura de seguridad", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "MOA" }, Seeker = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+2.1 Punch Through", Icon = "Seeker.png", Image = "SeekerMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponPunctureDepthMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Seeker (Mod)", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Seeker", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH" } }, ["Seeker Volley"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fires a volley of homing missiles.", Icon = "SeekerVolley.png", Image = "SeekerVolleyMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Abilities/CrewShipAttackAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Seeker Volley", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Seeker Volley", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Battle, Slot 3)" }, ["Fuerza buscadora"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+2.1 Punch Through", Icon = "Fuerza buscadora.png", Image = "Fuerza buscadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponPunctureDepthMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Fuerza buscadora", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Fuerza buscadora", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH" } }, ["Furia buscadora"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+15% Reload Speed\r\n+1.2 Punch Through", Icon = "Furia buscadora.png", Image = "Furia buscadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/ReloadSpeedPunchThroughMod", Introduced = "16.10.1", Link = "Furia buscadora", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Furia buscadora", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED", "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH" } }, ["Shuriken buscador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shuriken Augment: Hits expose weaknesses on enemies, reducing their Armor by 70% for 8s.", Icon = "Shuriken buscador.png", Image = "Shuriken buscador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ninja/GlaiveAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Shuriken buscador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Shuriken buscador", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ash" }, ["Vínculo sísmico"] = { BaseDrain = 4, Description = "While a channeled Ability is active, Companion melee attacks create a 4m shockwave for 30% of their melee attack damage. Damage dealt by your Companion increases your Ability Efficiency by 3% for 12 seconds. Max 10 stacks.", Image = "Vínculo sísmico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/VoidBond/BondedExaltation", Introduced = "34", CodexSecret = false, Link = "Vínculo sísmico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vínculo sísmico", Icon = "Vínculo sísmico.png", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Palma sísmica"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "FIST_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Methodical strikes with reaching combos.", Icon = "Palma sísmica.png", Image = "Palma sísmica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/FistCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Palma sísmica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Palma sísmica", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Fists" }, ["Ola sísmica"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+200% Melee Slam Damage", Icon = "Ola sísmica.png", Image = "Ola sísmica.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeSlamDamageMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Ola sísmica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ola sísmica", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_SLAM_DAMAGE_BONUS" } }, ["Autodestrucción"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Explodes when incapacitated, dealing 600 <DT_EXPLOSION_COLOR>Blast Damage in a 18m radius and knocking down nearby enemies.", Icon = "Autodestrucción.png", Image = "Autodestrucción.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelExplosionMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Autodestrucción", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Autodestrucción", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Sentinel", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE", "AVATAR_EXPLOSION_RADIUS" } }, ["Cañoneo de semipistola"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Only compatible with Semi-Auto Trigger. Fire Rate cannot be modified.\r\n+300% Damage\r\n+1.5 Punch Through", Icon = "Cañoneo de semipistola.png", Image = "Cañoneo de semipistola.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/PistolSemiAutoFantasyMod", Introduced = "36", Link = "Cañoneo de semipistola", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cañoneo de semipistola", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = , Type = "Pistola" }, ["Cañoneo de semirifle"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Only compatible with Semi-Auto Trigger. Fire Rate cannot be modified.\r\n+240% Damage\r\n+1.5 Punch Through", Icon = "Cañoneo de semirifle.png", Image = "Cañoneo de semirifle.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/RifleSemiAutoFantasyMod", Introduced = "36", Link = "Cañoneo de semirifle", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cañoneo de semirifle", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = , Type = "Rifle" }, ["Bombardeo consciente"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Discharge from Alt-Fire now has infinite Body Punch Through but no longer explodes on contact. Each enemy hit will refill one charge, and reaching a full charge will increase the Critical Chance and Critical Damage of the next discharge by 300%.", Icon = "Bombardeo consciente.png", Image = "Bombardeo consciente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveBattacorAugmentMod", Introduced = "33.0.11", Link = "Bombardeo consciente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Bombardeo consciente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Battacor", }, ["Bisturí Consciente"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.27 Turret Damage vs Sentients", Icon = "Bisturí Consciente.png", Image = "Bisturí Consciente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Gunnery/VidarSentientKiller", Introduced = "27.3", Link = "Bisturí Consciente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Bisturí Consciente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Plexus" }, ["Sobrecarga consciente"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Each target eliminated refills 20% of Ocucor's magazine. Status Chance and Critical Chance are increased by 60% for each Tendril active.", Icon = "Sobrecarga consciente.png", Image = "Sobrecarga consciente.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/Nightwave/NightwaveOcucorAugmentMod", Introduced = "33.0.11", Link = "Sobrecarga consciente", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Sobrecarga consciente", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ocucor", }, ["Garras sépticas"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+330% <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin\r\n+330% Status Chance\r\nConverts all elemental damage from these claws to <DT_POISON_COLOR>Toxin damage", Icon = "Garras sépticas.png", Image = "Garras sépticas.png", Incompatible = { "Garras ardientes", "Garras heladas", "Garras electrizantes" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/KubrowToxicConversionMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Garras sépticas", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Garras sépticas", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Quemadura secuencial"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+20 Beam Length\r\n+1 'Sequence'", Icon = "Quemadura secuencial.png", Image = "Quemadura secuencial.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/SpectraMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Quemadura secuencial", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Quemadura secuencial", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Spectra", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Serene Storm"] = { CodexSecret = false, Description = "Stance: With his Restraint eroded, Baruuk commands the Desert Wind to deliver powerful radial strikes with his fists and feet. Each moment commanding the storm restores his Restraint.", Icon = "SereneStorm.png", Image = "SereneStormStanceMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/PacifistMeleeTree", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Serene Storm (Stance)", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Serene Storm", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = false, Transmutable = false, Type = "Desert Wind" }, ["Bordes aserrados"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Bordes aserrados.png", Image = "Bordes aserrados.png", Incompatible = { "Contrapeso", "Hoja afilada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/DamageBiasPunctureMeleeMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Bordes aserrados", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bordes aserrados", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Balas cortantes"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Icon = "Balas cortantes.png", Image = "Balas cortantes.png", Incompatible = { "Balas cósmicas", "Balas destripadoras" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/DamageBiasSlashRifleMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Balas cortantes", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Balas cortantes", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, Sierra = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+165% Damage", Icon = "Sierra.png", Image = "Sierra.png", Incompatible = { "Sierra Amalgama", "Sierra Higasa", "Flawed Serration", "Sierra espectral" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Sierra", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Sierra", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Cosecha de sombras"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SCYTHES_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Cosecha de sombras.png", Image = "Cosecha de sombras.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPScytheStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Cosecha de sombras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cosecha de sombras", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Scythes" }, ["Niebla sombría"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Reap Augment: Increase Critical Chance by 50% on enemies inflicted with Death Harvest. A new Shadow emerges from those enemies when they perish. Limit of 3 Shadows.", Icon = "Niebla sombría.png", Image = "Niebla sombría.png", Introduced = "33.6", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Wraith/WraithReapAugmentCard", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Niebla sombría", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Niebla sombría", Polarity = "Ability", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sevagoth" }, ["Hoja afilada"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Icon = "Hoja afilada.png", Image = "Hoja afilada.png", Incompatible = { "Contrapeso", "Bordes aserrados" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/DamageBiasSlashMeleeMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Hoja afilada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hoja afilada", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, ["Balas afiladas"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+75% Critical Damage when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Balas afiladas.png", Image = "Balas afiladas.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/Event/CritDamageWhileAimingPistolMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Balas afiladas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Balas afiladas", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, ["Garras afiladas"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "A vicious attack dealing 300% damage that sunders armor by 120% and rends flesh.", Icon = "Garras afiladas.png", Image = "Garras afiladas.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowShredPrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Garras afiladas", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Garras afiladas", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kavat" }, Sharpshooter = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Headshot Kill:\r\n+15 Energy", Icon = "Sharpshooter.png", Image = "SharpshooterMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/EnergyOnHeadshotRifle", Introduced = "23.10", Link = "Sharpshooter", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Sharpshooter", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sniper" }, ["Estallido destrozador"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Delivers a barrage of explosions across a large area.", Icon = "Estallido destrozador.png", Image = "Estallido destrozador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Abilities/CrewShipThumperAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Estallido destrozador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Estallido destrozador", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Battle, Slot 2)" }, ["Tormenta quebrantada"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Conclave = false, Description = "Shattered Lash Augment: When Gara breaks her Mass Vitrify ring with Shattered Lash, enemies struck by the glass suffer Splinter Storm at 100% Strength.", Icon = "Tormenta quebrantada.png", Image = "Tormenta quebrantada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Glass/GlassShankAugmentCard", Introduced = "32.2", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Tormenta quebrantada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta quebrantada", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gara", }, ["Impacto devastador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "<DT_IMPACT_COLOR>Impact damage reduces enemy armor by 6.", Icon = "Impacto devastador.png", Image = "Impacto devastador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeArmorShatterMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Impacto devastador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Impacto devastador", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_ARMOR_REDUCTION" } }, ["Justicia resquebrajadora"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Chance\r\n+1 'Justice'", Icon = "Justicia resquebrajadora.png", Image = "Justicia resquebrajadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/SobekMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Justicia resquebrajadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Justicia resquebrajadora", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sobek", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Tormenta despedazadora"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "HAMMERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Methodical strikes and high impact combos.", Icon = "Tormenta despedazadora.png", Image = "Tormenta despedazadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/HammerCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Tormenta despedazadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tormenta despedazadora", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Hammers" }, ["Cartucho comprimido"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Ammo Maximum", Icon = "Cartucho comprimido.png", Image = "Cartucho comprimido.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Shell Compression" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponAmmoMaxMod", Introduced = "0", IsExilus = true, Link = "Cartucho comprimido", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cartucho comprimido", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_MAX" } }, ["Ajetreo de proyectiles"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+50% Charge Rate", Icon = "Ajetreo de proyectiles.png", Image = "Ajetreo de proyectiles.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Rifle/ArchwingRifleChargeSpeedMod", Introduced = "17.9.2", Link = "Ajetreo de proyectiles", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Ajetreo de proyectiles", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Archcañón" }, ["Cartucho eléctrico"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Cartucho eléctrico.png", Image = "Cartucho eléctrico.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/DualStat/ElectEventShotgunMod", Introduced = "12.4", Link = "Cartucho eléctrico", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cartucho eléctrico", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, Refugio = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Creates a shield with 1800 Health around the player when they are reviving fallen allies.", Icon = "Refugio.png", Image = "Refugio.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowSanctuary", Introduced = "16.4", Link = "Refugio", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Refugio", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Beast" }, Pastor = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad's Companions receive +300 Health and +180 Armor", Icon = "Pastor.png", Image = "Pastor.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/WarframeAuraLoyalHerdMod", Introduced = "25.7.6", Link = "Pastor", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Pastor", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX", "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Cargador de escudo"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Increases Max Shields by 60% and Shield Regeneration by 60% for 10s.", Icon = "Cargador de escudo.png", Image = "Cargador de escudo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPrecepts/Events/CorpusArena/ShieldAuraPrecept", Introduced = "The Index Preview", Link = "Cargador de escudo", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cargador de escudo", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Robótico" }, ["Rotura de escudos"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enemies lose -18% Shield Capacity", Icon = "Rotura de escudos.png", Image = "Rotura de escudos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/EnemyShieldReductionAuraMod", Introduced = "8", Link = "Rotura de escudos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Rotura de escudos", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_MAX" } }, ["Sobrecarga de escudos"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Polarize Augment: Increases the time for the target's Shields to regenerate by 9s.", Icon = "Sobrecarga de escudos.png", Image = "Sobrecarga de escudos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Mag/ShieldRegenPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Sobrecarga de escudos", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sobrecarga de escudos", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mag" }, ["Shield Transference"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shield Polarize Augment - Mag gains 50% overshields from depleted enemy shields.", Icon = "ShieldTransference.png", Image = "ShieldTransferenceMod.png", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Shield Transference", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Shield Transference", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mag", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Escudo de sombras"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shadows of the Dead Augment: Each Shadow within 50m take 6% of the Damage done to Nekros in his stead.", Icon = "Escudo de sombras.png", Image = "Escudo de sombras.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Necro/CloneTheDeadAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.4", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Escudo de sombras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Escudo de sombras", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nekros" }, ["Shimmering Blight"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "POLEARMS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fast spinning attacks and staggering strikes.", Icon = "ShimmeringBlight.png", Image = "ShimmeringBlightMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/PolearmCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Shimmering Blight", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Shimmering Blight", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Polearms" }, ["Shivering Contagion"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enemies affected by Cold Status have a 100% chance to spread that status to other enemies within 6m.", Icon = "ShiveringContagion.png", Image = "ShiveringContagionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponSpreadFreezeProcsMod", Introduced = "35", Link = "Shivering Contagion", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Shivering Contagion", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Primaria", }, ["Absorber impacto"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+20% Physical Damage Resistance", Icon = "Absorber impacto.png", Image = "Absorber impacto.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarDamageResistanceKnockdown", Introduced = "9", Link = "Absorber impacto", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Absorber impacto", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DAMAGE_TAKEN" } }, ["Collar de choque"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>electricidad\r\n+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Collar de choque.png", Image = "Collar de choque.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/DualStat/KubrowElectEventMeleeMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Collar de choque", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Collar de choque", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Tropa de choque"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shock Augment: Hold to cast will grant all allies within 15m an additional 100% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage to their attacks for 40s.", Icon = "Tropa de choque.png", Image = "Tropa de choque.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Volt/ShockAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Tropa de choque", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tropa de choque", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Volt" }, ["Velocidad electrizante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Speed Augment: While moving under the effects of Speed, enemies within 3m will take 300 <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage with guaranteed Status effect.", Icon = "Velocidad electrizante.png", Image = "Velocidad electrizante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Volt/SpeedAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Velocidad electrizante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Velocidad electrizante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Volt" }, ["Garras electrizantes"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+330% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity\r\n+330% Status Chance\r\nConverts all elemental damage from these claws to <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity damage", Icon = "Garras electrizantes.png", Image = "Garras electrizantes.png", Incompatible = { "Garras ardientes", "Garras heladas", "Garras sépticas" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/Kubrow/BeastWeapon/KubrowElectricConversionMod", Introduced = "37", Link = "Garras electrizantes", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Garras electrizantes", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Garras" }, ["Toque eléctrico"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "Toque eléctrico.png", Image = "Toque eléctrico.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Shocking Touch" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponElectricityDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Toque eléctrico", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Toque eléctrico", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Accionador de onda de choque"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Blasts a shockwave knocking down those within 12m. The shockwave recharges every 10s.", Icon = "Accionador de onda de choque.png", Image = "Accionador de onda de choque.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetPrecept/MoaShockwavePrecept", Introduced = "24", Link = "Accionador de onda de choque", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Accionador de onda de choque", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "MOA" }, ["Mutación de munición de escopeta"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Converts Secondary ammo pickups to 50% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de escopeta.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de escopeta.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de escopeta Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponShotgunConvertAmmoMod", Introduced = "9.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mutación de munición de escopeta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mutación de munición de escopeta", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Amplificador de escopeta"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +18% Shotgun Damage", Icon = "Amplificador de escopeta.png", Image = "Amplificador de escopeta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerShellDamageAuraMod", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", Link = "Amplificador de escopeta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Amplificador de escopeta", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura" }, ["Bombardeo de escopeta"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Fire Rate", Icon = "Bombardeo de escopeta.png", Image = "Bombardeo de escopeta.png", Incompatible = { "Bombardeo de escopeta Amalgama", "Flawed Shotgun Barrage" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponFireRateMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Bombardeo de escopeta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Bombardeo de escopeta", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Cañoneo de semiescopeta"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Only compatible with Semi-Auto Trigger. Fire Rate cannot be modified.\r\n+240% Damage\r\n+1.5 Punch Through", Icon = "Cañoneo de semiescopeta.png", Image = "Cañoneo de semiescopeta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/ShotgunSemiAutoFantasyMod", Introduced = "36", Link = "Cañoneo de semiescopeta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cañoneo de semiescopeta", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = , Type = "Shotgun" }, ["Elementalista de escopeta"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Damage\r\n+60% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Elementalista de escopeta.png", Image = "Elementalista de escopeta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/ShotgunStatusDamageDuoMod", Introduced = "36", Link = "Elementalista de escopeta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Elementalista de escopeta", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = , Type = "Shotgun" }, ["Maestro de la escopeta"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Chance", Icon = "Maestro de la escopeta.png", Image = "Maestro de la escopeta.png", Incompatible = { "Maestro Galvanizado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponStunChanceMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Maestro de la escopeta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Maestro de la escopeta", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Carroñero de escopeta"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +150% Shotgun Ammo Recovery", Icon = "Carroñero de escopeta.png", Image = "Carroñero de escopeta.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerShellAmmoAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Carroñero de escopeta", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Carroñero de escopeta", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_RETRIEVED" } }, ["Rondas de metralla"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+200% Multishot\r\n-66% Damage", Icon = "Rondas de metralla.png", Image = "Rondas de metralla.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/MarelokMultishot", Introduced = "18.5", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Rondas de metralla", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Rondas de metralla", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Marelok", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS", "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Disparo de metralla"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Kill:\r\n+99% Critical Damage when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Disparo de metralla.png", Image = "Disparo de metralla.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/CritDamageWhileAimingShotgunMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Disparo de metralla", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Disparo de metralla", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" } }, Despedazar = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Fire Rate (x2 for Bows)\r\n+1.2 Punch Through", Icon = "Despedazar.png", Image = "Despedazar.png", Incompatible = { "Despedazar Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/DualStat/ShredMod", Introduced = "9.5", Link = "Despedazar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Despedazar", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "WEAPON_PUNCTURE_DEPTH" } }, ["Disparo triturador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "20% of Damage converted into <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Disparo triturador.png", Image = "Disparo triturador.png", Incompatible = { "Disparo de choque", "Disparo artillero" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/DamageBiasPunctureShotgunMod", Introduced = "17", Link = "Disparo triturador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Disparo triturador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_TYPE_BIAS" } }, Triturador = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% de <DT_SLASH_COLOR>cortante", Icon = "Triturador.png", Image = "Triturador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Triturador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Triturador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Bengala señalizadora"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Radial Blind Augment: Blinded enemies are marked on the Minimap for 12s.", Icon = "Bengala señalizadora.png", Image = "Bengala señalizadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/RadialBlindPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Bengala señalizadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Bengala señalizadora", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Excalibur" }, ["Silent Battery"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reduces the chance an enemy will hear gunfire by 100%.", Icon = "SilentBattery.png", Image = "SilentBatteryMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/Event/ProjectNightwatch/WeaponNoiseReductionMod", Introduced = "Lunaro", IsExilus = true, Link = "Silent Battery", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Silent Battery", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_NOISE_REDUCTION" } }, Singularidad = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Absorb Augment: Create a ring every 3s that drags in enemies at 15m/s.", Icon = "Singularidad.png", Image = "Singularidad.png", Incompatible = { "Asimilar" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Jade/SelfBulletAttractorPvPAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.4", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Singularidad", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Singularidad", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nyx" }, ["Sinister Reach"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "BEAM" }, Description = "+12 Beam Length", Icon = "SinisterReach.png", Image = "SinisterReachMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponBeamDistanceMod", Introduced = "15", IsExilus = true, Link = "Sinister Reach", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sinister Reach", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Primaria", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Sinking Talon"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_DAGGERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Strong, focused attacks with multi-hit spins.", Icon = "SinkingTalon.png", Image = "SinkingTalonMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DualDaggerCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Sinking Talon", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sinking Talon", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Dual Daggers" }, ["Disparos craneales"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Headshot:\r\n+100% Ammo Efficiency for 2s", Icon = "Disparos craneales.png", Image = "Disparos craneales.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/ViperUnlimitedAmmo", Introduced = "18.5", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Disparos craneales", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Disparos craneales", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Viper" }, ["Slay Board"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Directional Dismount:\r\nBoard is launched, dealing 400 Damage while slicing enemies.", Icon = "SlayBoard.png", Image = "SlayBoardMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBSlayBoardMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Slay Board", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Slay Board", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, ["Plumas rebanadoras"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "WARFAN_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Twirling, acrobatic slashes with a refined touch.", Icon = "Plumas rebanadoras.png", Image = "Plumas rebanadoras.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/WarfanCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "22.8", Link = "Plumas rebanadoras", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Plumas rebanadoras", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Abanicos de guerra" }, ["Desliz de cargador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Magazine Capacity", Icon = "Desliz de cargador.png", Image = "Desliz de cargador.png", Incompatible = { "Desliz de cargador Prime", "Flawed Slip Magazine" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponClipMaxMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Desliz de cargador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desliz de cargador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX" } }, ["Sly Devolution"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Devolves into its larval form upon death, increasing its Master's Evasion by 20% for 8s when they kill an enemy. Respawns into its true form after 30s.", Icon = "SlyDevolution.png", Image = "SlyDevolutionMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/VulpineInfestedCatbrowRespawn", Introduced = "29", Link = "Sly Devolution", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sly Devolution", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sly Vulpaphyla" }, ["Castiga corpus"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Corpus", Icon = "Castiga corpus.png", Image = "Castiga corpus.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga corpus Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageCorpus", Introduced = "9", Link = "Castiga corpus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Castiga corpus", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Castiga orokin"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Orokin", Icon = "Castiga orokin.png", Image = "Castiga orokin.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga orokin Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageCorrupted", Introduced = "21", Link = "Castiga orokin", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Castiga orokin", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Castiga grineer"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Grineer", Icon = "Castiga grineer.png", Image = "Castiga grineer.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga grineer Prime", "Flawed Smite Grineer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageGrineer", Introduced = "9", Link = "Castiga grineer", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Castiga grineer", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Castiga infestados"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Infested", Icon = "Castiga infestados.png", Image = "Castiga infestados.png", Incompatible = { "Castiga infestados Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageInfested", Introduced = "9", Link = "Castiga infestados", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Castiga infestados", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Castigo de murmullos"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "x1.3 Damage to Murmur", Icon = "Castigo de murmullos.png", Image = "Castigo de murmullos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponMeleeFactionDamageMurmurs", Introduced = "35", Link = "Castigo de murmullos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Castigo de murmullos", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE" } }, ["Infusión de castigo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Smite Augment: Hold to cast will grant all allies within 15m an additional 100% <DT_RADIATION_COLOR>Radiation Damage to their attacks for 40s.", Icon = "Infusión de castigo.png", Image = "Infusión de castigo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Paladin/SmiteAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Infusión de castigo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Infusión de castigo", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Oberon" }, ["Sombra de humo"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Smoke Screen Augment: Conceals allies within 15m for 8s and grants 150% Critical Chance while invisible.", Icon = "Sombra de humo.png", Image = "Sombra de humo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ninja/SmokeScreenAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Sombra de humo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sombra de humo", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Ash" }, ["Disparo instantáneo"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Movement Speed when Aiming", Icon = "Disparo instantáneo.png", Image = "Disparo instantáneo.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/FasterMovementWhileAimingShotgunlMod", Introduced = "17.2", IsExilus = true, Link = "Disparo instantáneo", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Disparo instantáneo", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_MOVEMENT_SPEED" } }, ["Mutación de munición de francotirador"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, CompatibilityTags = { "SNIPER_AMMO", "LAUNCHER_AMMO" }, Description = "Converts Secondary ammo pickups to 50% of Ammo Pick Up.", Icon = "Mutación de munición de francotirador.png", Image = "Mutación de munición de francotirador.png", Incompatible = { "Mutación de munición de francotirador Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponSnipersConvertAmmoMod", Introduced = "9.3", IsExilus = true, Link = "Mutación de munición de francotirador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Mutación de munición de francotirador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Sniper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CONVERT_AMMO" } }, ["Carroñero de francotirador"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +150% Sniper Rifle Ammo Recovery", Icon = "Carroñero de francotirador.png", Image = "Carroñero de francotirador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerSniperAmmoAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Carroñero de francotirador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Carroñero de francotirador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_RETRIEVED" } }, ["Golpe elevado"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+50% Fire Rate when Airborne", Icon = "Golpe elevado.png", Image = "Golpe elevado.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "DAIKYU", "ATTICA", "ZHUGE" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/FasterChargeInAirBowMod", Introduced = "18", Link = "Golpe elevado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Golpe elevado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Bow", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Manos suaves"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On Equip:\r\n-40% Weapon Recoil and +40% Accuracy for 8s", Icon = "Manos suaves.png", Image = "Manos suaves.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Shotgun/HolsterSpeedBonusMod", Introduced = "16", IsExilus = true, Link = "Manos suaves", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Manos suaves", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Shotgun" }, ["Sonic Boost"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Every 10s, boosting will release a shockwave, stunning enemies in 4m.", Icon = "SonicBoost.png", Image = "SonicBoostMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Hoverboard/HBSonicBoomMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Sonic Boost", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sonic Boost", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "K-Drive" }, ["Fractura sónica"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sonic Boom Augment: Enemy Armor is reduced by 70%.", Icon = "Fractura sónica.png", Image = "Fractura sónica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Banshee/PushAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Fractura sónica", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fractura sónica", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Banshee" }, ["Superviviente espiritual"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Soul Punch Augment: Use on a downed ally to revive them with 30% Health.", Icon = "Superviviente espiritual.png", Image = "Superviviente espiritual.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Necro/SoulPunchAugmentCard", Introduced = "15", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Superviviente espiritual", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Superviviente espiritual", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Nekros" }, ["Sovereign Outcast"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "TONFA_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "An outlandish style with sweeping attacks.", Icon = "SovereignOutcast.png", Image = "SovereignOutcastMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/TonfaCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "19.7", Link = "Sovereign Outcast", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sovereign Outcast", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tonfas" }, ["Piezas de repuesto"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Companion marks a target every 15s for 15s. The target becomes 200% more likely to drop an item when killed.", Icon = "Piezas de repuesto.png", Image = "Piezas de repuesto.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sentinel/SentinelDropChanceMod", Introduced = "10", Link = "Piezas de repuesto", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Piezas de repuesto", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Robótico" }, ["Sierra espectral"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "+330% Damage while Invisible", Icon = "Sierra espectral.png", Image = "Sierra espectral.png", Incompatible = { "Sierra Amalgama", "Sierra Higasa", "Flawed Serration", "Sierra" }, --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/", Introduced = "38", Link = "Sierra espectral", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Sierra espectral", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Espíritu espectral"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Grave Spirit Augment: Immediately assume Spectral Form. 100% chance for weapons and abilities to apply Doom. Kills outside of Spectral Form decrease its cooldown by 1s.", Icon = "Espíritu espectral.png", Image = "Espíritu espectral.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Dagath/DagathApparitionAugmentCard", Introduced = "36", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Espíritu espectral", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Espíritu espectral", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dagath" }, ["Sifón espectral"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Spectrorage Augment: Enemies that die within Spectrorage have a 50% chance to drop an Energy Orb.", Icon = "Sifón espectral.png", Image = "Sifón espectral.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Glass/GlassFragmentAugmentCard", Introduced = "24.2.7", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Sifón espectral", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Sifón espectral", Polarity = "Ability", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Gara" }, ["Derivación rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+12% Sprint Speed\r\n+15% Casting Speed", Icon = "Derivación rápida.png", Image = "Derivación rápida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/OrokinChallenge/OrokinChallengeModSpeed", Introduced = "18", IsExilus = true, Link = "Derivación rápida", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación rápida", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED", "AVATAR_CASTING_SPEED" } }, ["Gatillo veloz"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Fire Rate (x2 for Bows)", Icon = "Gatillo veloz.png", Image = "Gatillo veloz.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Speed Trigger" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFireRateMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Gatillo veloz", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Gatillo veloz", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Cosecha de encantamientos"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Spellbind Augment: Hitting at least 4 enemies with Spellbind grants Titania 50<ENERGY>. The next cast has +40% Ability Range.", Icon = "Cosecha de encantamientos.png", Image = "Cosecha de encantamientos.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Fairy/FairyDustAugmentCard", Introduced = "27.3.14", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Cosecha de encantamientos", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cosecha de encantamientos", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Titania" }, ["Spinning Needle"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_DAGGERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Swift stabs, twisting slashes.", Icon = "SpinningNeedle.png", Image = "SpinningNeedleMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DualDaggerCmbThreeMeleeTree", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Spinning Needle", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Spinning Needle", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Dual Daggers" }, ["Cámara dividida"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Multishot", Icon = "Cámara dividida.png", Image = "Cámara dividida.png", Incompatible = { "Vuelos divididos", "Cámara Galvanizada" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponFireIterationsMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Cámara dividida", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cámara dividida", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS" } }, ["Vuelos divididos"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Hit:\r\n+100% Multishot\r\n-180% Accuracy for 2s.\r\nStacks up to 4x.\r\n(Non-AOE Bows)", Icon = "Vuelos divididos.png", Image = "Vuelos divididos.png", Incompatible = { "Cámara dividida", "Cámara Galvanizada" }, IncompatibilityTags = { "CRPBOW", "CROSSBOW", "GRNBOW", "POWER_WEAPON", "INFBOW", "OMICRUS" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/BowMultiShotOnHitMod", Introduced = "25.8.2", Link = "Vuelos divididos", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Vuelos divididos", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Bow", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_ITERATIONS", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Golpe podrido"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Damage\r\n-20% Attack Speed", Icon = "Golpe podrido.png", Image = "Golpe podrido.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/DualStat/CorruptedDamageSpeedMod", Introduced = "10.3", Link = "Golpe podrido", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Golpe podrido", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE", "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Hoja con resorte"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Status Effect: +1 Range for 24s. Stacks up to 2 times.", Icon = "Hoja con resorte.png", Image = "Hoja con resorte.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/MeleeRangeOnProcMod", Introduced = "22", Link = "Hoja con resorte", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Hoja con resorte", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Punta con resorte cargado"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Increase damage by +40%\r\nif the target is over 15m away.", Icon = "Punta con resorte cargado.png", Image = "Punta con resorte cargado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/DaikyuMoreDamageOverDistanceMod", Introduced = "17", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Punta con resorte cargado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Punta con resorte cargado", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Daikyu", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_OVER_DISTANCE" } }, ["Cámara con resorte"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Reload:\r\n+75% Fire Rate when Aiming for 9s", Icon = "Cámara con resorte.png", Image = "Cámara con resorte.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/Event/FireRateWhileAimingRifleMod", Introduced = "18.4.1", Link = "Cámara con resorte", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Cámara con resorte", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Assault Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Potenciador de carrera"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +15% Sprint Speed", Icon = "Potenciador de carrera.png", Image = "Potenciador de carrera.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerSprintAuraMod", Introduced = "12", Link = "Potenciador de carrera", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Potenciador de carrera", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, ["Vista vivaz"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+20% Movement Speed when Aiming", Icon = "Vista vivaz.png", Image = "Vista vivaz.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/FasterMovementWhileAimingPistolMod", Introduced = "17.2", IsExilus = true, Link = "Vista vivaz", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Vista vivaz", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_MOVEMENT_SPEED" } }, ["Squad Renew"] = { CodexSecret = false, Description = "Heal all Railjack squad members by 75%.\r\nCooldown: 300s", Icon = "SquadRenew.png", Image = "SquadRenewMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Railjack/Tactical/CrewShipRenewAbilityCard", Introduced = "27.0", Link = "Squad Renew", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Squad Renew", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Railjack (Tactical, Slot 3)" }, Estabilizador = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-60% Weapon Recoil", Icon = "Estabilizador.png", Image = "Estabilizador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponRecoilReductionMod", Introduced = "10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Estabilizador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Estabilizador", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle" }, ["Escudo tambaleante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Shatter Shield Augment: Reflected bullets have a chance to stagger enemies. The base 50% chance increases with power strength.", Icon = "Escudo tambaleante.png", Image = "Escudo tambaleante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Cowgirl/RicochetArmourAugmentCard", Introduced = "16.8", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Escudo tambaleante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Escudo tambaleante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Mesa" }, Acechar = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "The kubrow cloaks itself and its master to stalk down its prey when they are within 24m.", Icon = "Acechar.png", Image = "Acechar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/KubrowPetPrecepts/KubrowCloakPrecept", Introduced = "14", Link = "Acechar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Acechar", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Huras Kubrow" }, ["Stalking Fan"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SCYTHES_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Lunging spirals and shattering combos.", Icon = "StalkingFan.png", Image = "StalkingFanMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/ScytheCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Stalking Fan", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Stalking Fan", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Scythes" }, ["Postura sólida"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Blocking reduces damage taken from enemy abilities by 60%.", Icon = "Postura sólida.png", Image = "Postura sólida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/AbilityDamageBlockMod", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Postura sólida", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Postura sólida", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_POWER_DAMAGE_BLOCK" } }, ["Permanece unido"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +25% Armor", Icon = "Permanece unido.png", Image = "Permanece unido.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/FairyQuest/FairyQuestThornsAuraMod", Introduced = "The Silver Grove", Link = "Permanece unido", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Permanece unido", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Separación estelar"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "TONFA_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Fighting form devised for Conclave.", Icon = "Separación estelar.png", Image = "Separación estelar.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Stances/PvPTonfaStanceOne", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Separación estelar", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Separación estelar", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Tonfas" }, ["Campo de estasis"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Creates a stasis field for 30s. While inside the field, all enemy projectiles move 90% slower and deal 60% less Damage.", Icon = "Campo de estasis.png", Image = "Campo de estasis.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetPrecept/MoaStasisFieldPrecept", Introduced = "24", Link = "Campo de estasis", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Campo de estasis", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "MOA" }, ["Presteza estática"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "+50% Projectile Speed\r\n-50% Blast Radius", Icon = "Presteza estática.png", Image = "Presteza estática.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SECONDARYSHOTGUN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/StaticorFasterProjLessAoE", Introduced = "18.5", Link = "Presteza estática", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Presteza estática", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Staticor", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROJECTILE_SPEED", "WEAPON_EXPLOSION_RADIUS" } }, ["Descarga estática"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Heavy Attacks electrify nearby enemies for <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage equal to 80% of weapon damage.", Icon = "Descarga estática.png", Image = "Descarga estática.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "POWER_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/Event/CorpusArena/ProvaCorpusArenaMod", Introduced = "The Index Preview", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Descarga estática", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Descarga estática", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Prova" }, ["Manos firmes"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "-60% Weapon Recoil", Icon = "Manos firmes.png", Image = "Manos firmes.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponRecoilReductionMod", Introduced = "10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Manos firmes", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Manos firmes", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola" }, ["Derivación sigilosa"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+18 Enemy Radar\r\n+12% Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration", Icon = "Derivación sigilosa.png", Image = "Derivación sigilosa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/OrokinChallenge/OrokinChallengeModStealth", Introduced = "18", IsExilus = true, Link = "Derivación sigilosa", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Derivación sigilosa", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR", "AVATAR_PARKOUR_GLIDE" } }, ["Carga de acero"] = { BaseDrain = -4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +60% Melee Damage", Icon = "Carga de acero.png", Image = "Carga de acero.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/PlayerMeleeAuraMod", Introduced = "5", Link = "Carga de acero", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Carga de acero", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_DAMAGE" } }, ["Fibra de acero"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Armor", Icon = "Fibra de acero.png", Image = "Fibra de acero.png", Incompatible = { "Fibra Umbral", "Flawed Steel Fiber" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarArmourMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Fibra de acero", MaxRank = 10, Name = "Fibra de acero", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" } }, ["Stinging Thorn"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DAGGERS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Vigorous slashes with forceful stabs.", Icon = "StingingThorn.png", Image = "StingingThornMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DaggerCmbThreeMeleeTree", Introduced = "22", Link = "Stinging Thorn", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Stinging Thorn", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Daggers" }, ["Verdad aguijoneadora"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40 Magazine Capacity\r\n+1 'Truth'", Icon = "Verdad aguijoneadora.png", Image = "Verdad aguijoneadora.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/ViperMod", Introduced = "15", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Verdad aguijoneadora", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Verdad aguijoneadora", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Viper", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Plaga acumulada"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+200% Magazine Capacity\r\n+1 'Blight'", Icon = "Plaga acumulada.png", Image = "Plaga acumulada.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Syndicate/KunaiMod", Introduced = "20.4", IsWeaponAugment = true, Link = "Plaga acumulada", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Plaga acumulada", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kunai", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CLIP_MAX", "WEAPON_SYNDICATE_POWER" } }, ["Portador de tormentas"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity", Icon = "Portador de tormentas.png", Image = "Portador de tormentas.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Stormbringer" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponElectricityDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Portador de tormentas", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Portador de tormentas", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Rifle", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Deslizamiento ametrallante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "-20% Weapon Recoil and +20% Accuracy when Sliding", Icon = "Deslizamiento ametrallante.png", Image = "Deslizamiento ametrallante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Pistol/MoreAccuracyLessRecoilSlidingPistolMod", Introduced = "17", IsExilus = true, Link = "Deslizamiento ametrallante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Deslizamiento ametrallante", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RECOIL", "WEAPON_SPREAD" } }, ["Consumo de cepa"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Dead Maggots within 10m are consumed, increasing Max Health by 4% and increasing Health Regen by 2/sec for 45sec.", Icon = "Consumo de cepa icono.png", Image = "Consumo de cepa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Strain/WarframeStrainConsumeMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Consumo de cepa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Consumo de cepa", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Strain Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe" }, ["Erupción de cepa"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Maggots explode on death, dealing 4% of an enemy's current Health as <DT_CORROSIVE_COLOR>Corrosive Damage to any enemy within 8m.", Icon = "Erupción de cepa.png", Image = "Erupción de cepa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Strain/HelminthStrainEruptionMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Erupción de cepa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Erupción de cepa", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Strain Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Helminth Charger" }, ["Fiebre de cepa"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Helminth Charger gains +40% Damage per Cyst.", Icon = "Fiebre de cepa.png", Image = "Fiebre de cepa.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Strain/HelminthStrainFeverMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Fiebre de cepa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fiebre de cepa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Strain Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Helminth Charger", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" } }, ["Infección de cepa"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Melee Attacks gain +20% Critical Damage per Cyst.", Icon = "Infección de cepa.png", Image = "Infección de cepa.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_WEAPON", "HOUND_WEAPON" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Strain/MeleeStrainInfectionMod", Introduced = "24.2", Link = "Infección de cepa", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Infección de cepa", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Strain Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Melee" }, Aerodinamizar = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Ability Efficiency", Icon = "Aerodinamizar.png", Image = "Aerodinamizar.png", Incompatible = { "Flawed Streamline" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarAbilityEfficiencyMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Aerodinamizar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Aerodinamizar", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_EFFICIENCY" } }, ["Forma aerodinámica"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+30% Slide\r\n-30% Friction", Icon = "Forma aerodinámica.png", Image = "Forma aerodinámica.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/DualStat/HolsterSpeedSlideBoostMod", Introduced = "Recurring Nightmares", IsExilus = true, Link = "Forma aerodinámica", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Forma aerodinámica", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION" } }, Estirar = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+45% Ability Range", Icon = "Estirar.png", Image = "Estirar.png", Incompatible = { "Estiramiento Arconte", "Flawed Stretch" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarAbilityRangeMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Estirar", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Estirar", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ABILITY_RANGE" } }, Delantero = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Carrier will attack the first visible enemy within 10m", Icon = "Delantero.png", Image = "Delantero.png", Introduced = "10", Link = "Delantero", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Delantero", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Carrier", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Velocidad impresionante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+40% Reload Speed\r\n+30% Status Chance", Icon = "Velocidad impresionante.png", Image = "Velocidad impresionante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/DualStat/StunningSpeedMod", Introduced = "9", Link = "Velocidad impresionante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Velocidad impresionante", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED", "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Impacto súbito"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% de probabilidad de estado", Icon = "Impacto súbito.png", Image = "Impacto súbito.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Melee/ArchwingMeleeStatusChanceMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Impacto súbito", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Impacto súbito", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archmelé", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Justicia súbita"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "On 2 Hits within 0.2s:\r\n+30% Fire Rate for 2s", Icon = "Justicia súbita.png", Image = "Justicia súbita.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Rifle/SybarisIncreaseRoFonHit", Introduced = "17.10", Link = "Justicia súbita", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Justicia súbita", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sybaris", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Ira del invocador"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +75% Companion and Summon Damage", Icon = "Ira del invocador.png", Image = "Ira del invocador.png", --InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/FairyQuest/FairyQuestCritToAbilityAuraMod", Introduced = "38", Link = "Ira del invocador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ira del invocador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, --Transmutable = true, Type = "Aura" }, ["Golpe rompedor"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% <DT_PUNCTURE_COLOR>Puncture", Icon = "Golpe rompedor.png", Image = "Golpe rompedor.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Melee/WeaponArmorPiercingDamageMod", Introduced = "0", Link = "Golpe rompedor", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Golpe rompedor", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Serpenteo rompedor"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "MACHETES_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Steady chopping strikes with focused damage.", Icon = "Serpenteo rompedor.png", Image = "Serpenteo rompedor.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/MacheteCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Serpenteo rompedor", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Serpenteo rompedor", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Machetes" }, ["Superior Defenses"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+100% Shield Recharge\r\n-50% Shield Recharge Delay", Icon = "SuperiorDefenses.png", Image = "SuperiorDefensesMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Archwing/Suit/ArchwingSuitShieldRechargeRateMod", Introduced = "15", Link = "Superior Defenses", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Superior Defenses", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Archwing", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SHIELD_RECHARGE_RATE" } }, Suppress = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Reduces the chance an enemy will hear gunfire by 100%.", Icon = "Suppress.png", Image = "SuppressMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponNoiseReductionMod", Introduced = "10", IsExilus = true, Link = "Suppress", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Suppress", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_NOISE_REDUCTION" } }, ["Pies firmes"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+60% Chance to Resist Knockdown", Icon = "Pies firmes.png", Image = "Pies firmes.png", Incompatible = { "Pies firmes Prime" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarKnockdownResistanceMod", Introduced = "9", IsExilus = true, Link = "Pies firmes", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Pies firmes", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_INJURY_BLOCK_CHANCE" } }, ["Disparo certero"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+90% Status Chance", Icon = "Disparo certero.png", Image = "Disparo certero.png", Incompatible = { "Disparo Galvanizado" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/WeaponStunChanceMod", Introduced = "11", Link = "Disparo certero", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Disparo certero", Polarity = "Vazarin", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" } }, ["Hojas crecientes"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Aquablades Augment: Activate Aquablades while in use or during cooldown to hurl a single blade. Thrown blades gain 10% damage when any Aquablade hits an enemy. No cost to throw while riding Merulina.", Image = "Hojas crecientes.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Yareli/YareliDisksAugmentCard", Introduced = "31.1", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Hojas crecientes", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Hojas crecientes", Icon = "Hojas crecientes.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Yareli" }, ["Alzamiento fugaz"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Slash Dash Augment: Each enemy hit during Slash Dash further increases your Melee Counter by 8.", Icon = "Alzamiento fugaz.png", Image = "Alzamiento fugaz.png", Incompatible = { "Destello de señal" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/SlashDashAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Alzamiento fugaz", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Alzamiento fugaz", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Excalibur" }, ["Desviadores excedentes"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "Gain +6 energy, upon replenishing shields completely after they have been deactivated.", Icon = "Desviadores excedentes.png", Image = "Desviadores excedentes.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SANDMAN" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Warframe/EnergyOnFullShieldRegenMod", Introduced = "16.5", Link = "Desviadores excedentes", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Desviadores excedentes", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Warframe", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ENERGY_ON_FULL_SHIELD_REGEN" } }, ["Instinto de supervivencia"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "On Bullet Jump:\r\nEnemies lose sight of you for 1.5s. 5s cooldown.", Icon = "Instinto de supervivencia.png", Image = "Instinto de supervivencia.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePrecepts/InfestedCatbrowEvasionBuffPrecept", Introduced = "29", Link = "Instinto de supervivencia", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Instinto de supervivencia", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Sly Vulpaphyla" }, ["Barrido dentado"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+120% <DT_SLASH_COLOR>Slash", Icon = "Barrido dentado.png", Image = "Barrido dentado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Shotgun/WeaponEventSlashDamageMod", Introduced = "14.7", Link = "Barrido dentado", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Barrido dentado", Polarity = "Naramon", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Escopeta", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PERCENT_BASE_DAMAGE_ADDED" } }, ["Mordedura rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 6, Description = "Ophidian Bite Augment: Reduce Ability Cooldowns by 4s when at least 4 enemies are hit. Ophidian Bite is granted 30% additional Ability Range.", Image = "Mordedura rápida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Alchemist/AlchemistSerpentAugmentCard", Introduced = "30.9", CodexSecret = false, IsAbilityAugment = true, Link = "Mordedura rápida", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Mordedura rápida", Icon = "Mordedura rápida.png", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Lavos" }, ["Muerte rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Sentinel will attack the first visible enemy within 30m.", Icon = "Muerte rápida.png", Image = "Muerte rápida.png", Introduced = "8", Link = "Muerte rápida", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Muerte rápida", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Dethcube", _IgnoreEntry = true }, ["Misericordia rápida"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Speed of Mercy Kills increased by 50%", Icon = "Misericordia rápida.png", Image = "Misericordia rápida.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/DataSpike/Assassin/SwiftExecuteMod", Introduced = "30.5", Link = "Misericordia rápida", MaxRank = 0, Name = "Misericordia rápida", Polarity = "Universal", Rarity = "Common", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Parazon", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" } }, ["Ímpetu rápido"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Squad receives +30% Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed and +6s Melee Combo Duration", Icon = "Ímpetu rápido.png", Image = "Ímpetu rápido.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Aura/WarframeAuraWickedStrikesMod", Introduced = "25.7.6", Link = "Ímpetu rápido", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Ímpetu rápido", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Aura", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_MELEE_HEAVY_CHARGE_SPEED", "WEAPON_MELEE_COMBO_DURATION_BONUS" } }, ["Cuerda balanceante"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Rip Line Augment: After using Rip Line, the next 4 Rip Lines will have no Energy cost while Airborne.\r\n+20% Parkour Velocity", Icon = "Cuerda balanceante.png", Image = "Cuerda balanceante.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Berserker/GrappleAugmentCard", Introduced = "15.6", IsAbilityAugment = true, IsExilus = true, Link = "Cuerda balanceante", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Cuerda balanceante", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Valkyr" }, ["Rasguño"] = { BaseDrain = 2, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Strikes 4 additional enemies and increases Attack Range by 2m.", Icon = "Rasguño.png", Image = "Rasguño.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowSwipePrecept", Introduced = "Specters of the Rail", Link = "Rasguño", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Rasguño", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Kavat Claws", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_TARGET_AMOUNT", "WEAPON_RANGE" } }, ["Tigre arremolinado"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "DUAL_SWORDS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Fanning, multi-hit strikes.", Icon = "Tigre arremolinado.png", Image = "Tigre arremolinado.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/DualSwordCmbOneMeleeTree", Introduced = "13", Link = "Tigre arremolinado", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Tigre arremolinado", Polarity = "Zenurik", Rarity = "Uncommon", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Dual Swords" }, ["Swooping Falcon"] = { BaseDrain = -2, CompatibilityTags = { "SWORDS_STANCE" }, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Quick slashes with spinning lunges.", Icon = "SwoopingFalcon.png", Image = "SwoopingFalconMod.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/MeleeTrees/SwordCmbTwoMeleeTree", Introduced = "22", Link = "Swooping Falcon", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Swooping Falcon", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = true, Type = "Espadas" }, ["Espada solitaria"] = { BaseDrain = 10, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = true, Description = "With Melee Equipped:\r\n+10% Mobility\r\n+30% Sprint Speed", Icon = "Espada solitaria.png", Image = "Espada solitaria.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/PvPMods/Melee/IncreasedMobilityEquipped", Introduced = "18", Link = "Espada solitaria", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Espada solitaria", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Cuerpo a cuerpo", UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_PARKOUR_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_BOOST", "AVATAR_SLIDE_FRICTION", "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" } }, ["Synergized Prospectus"] = { BaseDrain = 0, CodexSecret = false, Conclave = false, Description = "Fires a spark that seeks out the nearest enemy in 30m, dealing 300 <DT_ELECTRICITY_COLOR>Electricity Damage in a 10m radius. The spark ricochets up to 7x, seeking out the nearest enemy in 30m.", Icon = "SynergizedProspectus.png", Image = "SynergizedProspectusMod.png", Incompatible = { "Focused Prospectus", "Aerial Prospectus" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetPrecepts/ZanukaPetTeslaShotPrecept", Introduced = "30.5", IsExilus = false, IsFlawed = false, Link = "Synergized Prospectus", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Synergized Prospectus", Polarity = "Penjaga", Rarity = "Rare", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Hound" }, ["Carga de sintetizador"] = { BaseDrain = 6, CodexSecret = false, Description = "+200% Bonus Damage on final shot. Requires Magazine 6 or higher.", Icon = "Carga de sintetizador.png", Image = "Carga de sintetizador.png", IncompatibilityTags = { "SINGLESHOT", "POWER_WEAPON", "SENTINEL_MOD" }, InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Synth/PistolSynthChargeMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Carga de sintetizador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Carga de sintetizador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Synth Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Pistola", UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_LAST_DAMAGE_MOD" } }, ["Deconstrucción de sintetizador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Enemies injured by the Companions have 25% chance to drop a Health Orb when killed.", Icon = "Deconstrucción de sintetizador.png", Image = "Deconstrucción de sintetizador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Synth/SentinelSynthDeconstructMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Deconstrucción de sintetizador", MaxRank = 5, Name = "Deconstrucción de sintetizador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Synth Set", Tradable = true, Transmutable = false, Type = "Compañero" }, ["Fibra de sintetizador"] = { BaseDrain = 4, CodexSecret = false, Description = "Health Orbs increase Armor for Companions by 100% for 12s.", Icon = "Fibra de sintetizador.png", Image = "Fibra de sintetizador.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Sets/Synth/SentinelSynthFibersMod", Introduced = "24", Link = "Fibra de sintetizador", MaxRank = 3, Name = "Fibra de sintetizador", Polarity = "Madurai", Rarity = "Rare", Set = "Synth Set", Tradable = t