Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 18-09-2019 por JARVIII

The Orokin Language, or Tenno Language, is largely based upon English but apparently also contains extra characters for certain phonemes including diphthongs ("io") and digraphs ("th" and "sh"). Consonants are diagonally slanted and are written left to right, while vowels and accents are written above. Some vowels and numbers resemble familiar Polaridad symbols. There is also a thematic undertone to the letter construction reminiscent of Bushido calligraphy, the straight segments suggest power sword strokes and the arcs suggest fencing flourishes where each letter represents a lesson in movement. Although there are no live excerpts of the Orokin Language to demonstrate how it is spoken, the Lotus, Ordis, Tenno, Stalker and the Velo Rojo presumably understand and can speak Orokin.

There is frequent variation in both the direction of writing as well as the vertical orientation, this variation may likely be an artifact of texture placement or simply the mirroring of textures commonly used in the video game industry.



Official cipher.


Official examples of deciphered script.

Officially referred to as the "Tennobet," the alphabet is a featural alphabet with a pattern between the shape of the letter and the sound represented, making it similar in that respect to the Korean alphabet as well as the Elvish script used by J.R.R. Tolkien. In this type of alphabet, characters become more complex as they build off of the characters of related sounds. Orokin letters are built upon a stem structure using the "M" character as the most basic form, and a set of modifiers are attached to the stem to change it into a different letter.

Pairs of sounds that differ from one another in only one way will typically have only one difference between the characters, such as "T" and "TH" (both produced right behind the teeth, but one is produced with a short burst of air while the other is produced with prolonged friction). As a result, "TH" resembles "T" with the simple addition of a small vertical stroke in the middle of the stem. Other pairs that differ from one another in the same way are P/F, B/V, D/DH, and K/KH. Note that this pattern changes for the S/SH, Z/ZH, M/N, and H/L pairs, where the same dash does not indicate adding friction but instead indicates that the sound is produced with the tongue moved further back into the mouth. The only pair distinguished by a vertical dash that does not follow either pattern is J/CH, which are different only in whether or not they feature use of the vocal cords.

Most of the other sound pairs that are differentiated only through the use of vocal cords share a similar general shape. These include T/D, TH/DH, S/Z, SH/ZH, and K/G. The pairs that seem to defy this pattern are P/B and F/V, suggesting that this connection is not as consistent. However, it can be noted that "K", "G", "KH", and "NG", which are all produced in the throat, also all feature a similar shape. This leaves the only consonant character without any phonetic matches to be the one representing "R". Also, the "W" and "Y" sounds are not included among consonants, but are instead considered to be variants of "OO" and "EE" respectively, and are therefore listed among the vowels.

Vowels are smaller than consonants and placed above the consonants as though they are diacritics or accent marks. In this way the alphabet is similar to the Arabic alphabet.

Each vowel is written based on its sound rather than how it is written in English. However, it can be noted that the sounds which are commonly associated with English letters E and I feature vertical lines, while those associated with the English letter A seem to favor diagonal lines, and those associated with English letters O and U feature more pronounced curves.

Other interesting visual similarities between characters that are not necessarily part of the featural patterns:

  • "H" is simply an "M" but only half as long.
  • "T" is an "M" with an "R" added at the left end.
  • "Z" is a "D" using the right end of the lower loop of a "D" with an "R" tacked onto the left end.
  • "P" is a "Z" with the right upper bar (which makes up the "M") removed.
  • "B" is a "D" with a single hook added to the end of the "lower loop."

Weapon Resemblance[]

There are several weapons that take on the look and design of several Tennobet letters, it is yet unknown as to whether or not their design resemblance has any significant value to the lore behind the weapon.

These include but are not limited to:

Known Deciphered Scripts[]

Mysterious Loading Screen
The Script

"[V o ih d] [L ih n k] [S eh v eh r eh d]

[R ee s aw n] [f aw r eh ih g n] [k a r aye r] [d eh t eh k t eh d].
[AW r ih g ih n] [uh n k n ow n].
[S uh s p eh k sh u m] [t r a k ih ng] [s ih g n a l].

[R eh ih n ih t ee a t ih ng] [d ih p o l a r] [k aw n eh k sh uh m] [aw n] [n aw v eh l] [k a r aye r].
[B ih o] [ih n] [s t a n d b aye] [f aw r] [ch eh k] [a n d] [s ee n k].

 [M aw sh uh m] [k aw m p eh n s a sh uh m] [k aw m p l eh t eh].
 [S eh l eh n ih k] [l eh n s ih ng] [l aw k eh d].
 [S aw m a t ih k] [k aw n t r o l] [eh s t a b l ih sh eh d].
 [M a r g oo l ih s] [ih m p l a n t a sh uh m] [ih n t a k t].
 [EH v m] [s t a t uh s] [n aw m ih n a l].
 [OO o r] [p l a t f aw r m] [aw ae t ih ng] [s ee n k].

[IH n ih t ee a l ih z ih ng] [s ee n a p t ih k] [aw v eh r l ae]
[G oo d] [n ih g h t], [s oo ee t] [a n j ih l]."


Void Link Severed

Reason: foreign carrier detected. Origin: unknown. Suspection: tracking signal.
Reinitiating dipolar connection on novel carrier. Bio in standby for check and sync.

 Motion compensation complete.
 Selenic lensing locked.
 Somatic control established.
Margulis implantation intact.
 EVM status nominal.
 War platform awaiting sync.

Initializing synaptic overlay... Good night, sweet angel.

Lotus Symbol

Lotus symbol

"[OO o r f r ae m]" → Warframe

Excalibur's Helmet

Excalibur's helmet

"[148-H] [T eh n o] [H ae d eh n] [2100N] [S eh r ee a l] [148-H]"
148-H Tenno Hayden 2100N Serial 148-H

Excalibur's Shoulder

Excalibur's shoulder

"[H ae d eh n] [T eh n o]" → Hayden Tenno

Velo Rojo Symbol

Velo Rojo symbol

"[. N eh t oo ih r k .]" → ".Netwirk." → .Network.

Rhino's Back Armor Piece

Rhino's back armor piece

"[. D ih n j ih r .]" → ".Dinger." → .Danger.

Volt's Chest Piece

Volt's chest piece

"[. D ih n j ih r .]" → ".Dinger." → .Danger.

Hydroid's Front Shoulders

Hydroid's front shoulders

"[T r aye b]" → Tribe

Hydroid's Shoulder Blades

Hydroid's shoulder blades

"[EH v o l oo sh uh m]" → Evolution

Trinity's Helmet

Trinity's helmet script

"[148-H] [T eh n o] [M aw d eh l] [2100N] [S eh r ee a l] [148-H]"
148-H Tenno Model 2100N Serial 148-H

Loki's Thigh

Loki's thigh

"[148-H] [T eh n o] [M aw d eh l] [2100N] [S eh r ee a l] [148-H]"
148-H Tenno Model 2100N Serial 148-H

Vacío Orokin Room

Vacío Orokin room script

"[H ae d eh n] [T eh n o]" → Hayden Tenno

Vacío Orokin Hallway

Vacío Orokin hallway script

"[EH v o l oo sh uh m]" → Evolution

Nekros' Shoulder

Nekros' Shoulder script

"[EH v o l oo sh uh m]" → Evolution

Founder T-shirt

Founder T-shirt script

"[EH v o l oo sh uh m]" → Evolution

Dojo Observatory Console

Dojo Observatory console

"[IH n f aw r m a sh uh m]" → Information

Dojo Research Lab Consoles

Dojo Research Lab consoles

"[K aw n t r o l]" → Control

Grineer Research Lab Door

Grineer Research Lab door

"[R eh s ee r ch] [G r ih n ee r]" → Research Grineer

Corpus Research Lab Door

Corpus Research Lab door

"[R eh s ee r ch] [K aw r p uh s]" → Research Corpus

Infested Research Lab Door

Infested Research Lab door

"[R eh s ee r ch] [IH n f eh s t eh d]" → Research Infested

Tenno Research Lab Door

Tenno Research Lab door

"[R eh s ee r ch] [T eh n o]" → Research Tenno

Great Hall Door

Great Hall door

"[G r ee t] [H a l]" → Great Hall

Dojo Observatory Door

Dojo Observatory door

"[AW b s eh r v a t aw r aye]" → Observatory

Dojo Barracks Door

Dojo Barracks door

"[B a r a k s]" → Barracks

Dojo Garden Door

Dojo Garden door

"[G a r d eh n]" → Garden

Dojo Elevator Door

Dojo elevator door

"[EH l eh v a t aw r]" → Elevator

Dueling Room Door

Dueling room door

"[D uh eh l ih ng]" → Dueling

Trophy Room Door

Trophy room door

"[T r aw p h aye] [R oo m]" → Trophy Room

Nikana Sheath

Nikana Nikana sheath

"[K uh t]" → Cut

Orthos Prime Blade

Orthos Prime Orthos Prime blade

"[R ee kh] [AW v eh r] [G r zh p]"
Reach Over Grasp

Orthos Prime Other Blade

Orthos Prime other blade

"[TH uh h] [L aw n j ih s t] [A r m] [IH s] [TH uh h] [L aw]"
The Longest Arm is the Law

Magnus Barrel

Magnus Magnus barrel

"[A n s oo eh r] [OO ih th] [S oo p eh r ih aw r] [F aw r k]"
Answer With Superior Force

Latron Barrel

Latron Latron barrel

"[EE oo h] [AW r] [TH uh h] [H aw p] [A n d] [F oo t oo r]"
You Are The Hope And Future

Latron Butt & Original Prime Access Banner

Latron Latron butt and the original Acceso Prime banner

"[S eh k r eh t]" → Secret

Strun Stock

Strun Strun stock

"[. D ih n j ih r .]" → ".Dinger." → .Danger.

Boar Stock & Drum

Boar Boar stock

"[. D ih n j ih r .]" → ".Dinger." → .Danger.

Boar Boar drum

"[EH v o l oo sh uh m]" → Evolution

Tigris Stock

Tigris Tigris stock

"[T r aye b]" → Tribe

Brillante control mental

Flashing near Control mental led enemies

"[AW b eh aye]" → Obey

Izvara Syandana

Izvara syandana

"[F l ih g h t]" → Flight

U18 Patch Notes

Update 18 patch notes

"[EH m b r ae k] [TH uh h] [OO o ee s] [AW f] [O l d]"
Embrace The Ways Of Old

TennoCon Syandana

TennoCon syandana

"[OO n aye t eh d] [OO] [R aye s]"
United We Rise

Relay Message

Message on the Relay

"[IH n f aw r m a sh uh m]" → Information

Guide of the Lotus Shoulder Armor

Guide of the Lotus shoulder armor (Mantle of the Lotus)

"[G uh aye d]" → Guide

La guerra interna Site Background

La guerra interna site background writing

"[OO h a t] [IH s] [D aw n] [OO t] [AW f] [L aw v] [A l oo o ee s] [T ae k eh s] [P l ae k] [B eh ee aw n d] [G oo d] [A n d] [EH v ih l]"
What Is Done Out Of Love Always Takes Place Beyond Good And Evil

  • Note that the background writing is repeatedly written. Either at left or right.
Devstream 90 Teaser

Devstream 90 poster

"[B eh h o l d] [TH uh h] [TH ih r t aye] [TH ih r d] [H eh] [IH s] [K aw m ih ng]"
Behold The Thirty Third He Is Coming

Chains of Harrow Blood Messages
"[K a s t] [O uh t]" → Cast Out

"[H eh] [S uh f f eh r s]" → He Suffers

"[B l a n d eh d]" → Blanded (Blinded)

"[R eh j eh k t eh d]" → Rejected


External links[]
